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Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020


Authorisation for Issue

Amendment Record
Amendment Summary
Distribution List

Paragraph Page

1 Introduction 1

2 Training 1

3 Equipment 1

4 Protective Clothing 2

5 Work Planning 2

August 2001 Issue 1 i/ii

Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020

Authorisation for Issue

Issue Authority
Name: John Watson

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: Operations Delivery Team Leader, GFU


Technical Authority
Name: Dave Watson

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: Topsides Technical Expert Team Leader,

Performance Improvement Team, GFU

August 2001 Issue 1 iii/iv

Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020

Amendment Record

For Audit Use

Amendment Incorporated By
Name Signature Date Signature Date


August 2001 Issue 1 v/vi

Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020

Amendment Summary

Issue No Date Description

Issue 1 August 2001 First issue.

August 2001 Issue 1 vii/viii

Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020

Distribution List

Holders of Controlled Hard Copy

Copy Copyholder Location

01 To be advised

Virtual Copyholders

Copy Copyholder

01 Document Issue Authority (John Watson)

02 Document Technical Authority (Dave Watson)

August 2001 Issue 1 ix/x

Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020


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August 2001 Issue 1 xi/xii

Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020

1 Introduction
This document is issued as an aide-memoire to help in the planning of work that is to be
carried out using Rope Access Technicians. A variety of work can be performed using
this technique and attention must be paid to the competence of the trade skill employed
in addition to that of the individual in the role of Rope Access Technician.
A copy of the specialist contractor’s operating procedure/instruction should be available
for review at the site.

2 Training
Prior to carrying out work, a check should be made to ensure that personnel engaged in

these operations are competent. On completion of training as a Rope Access Technician

from an approved organisation, it is usual for candidates to be issued with an Industrial
Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) certificate. Many rope access training providers
then issue their successful candidates with an identity card to confirm their competence.
Training certification is valid for 3 years at which point, refresher training is required.

3 Equipment
An approved supplier should provide all equipment that is supplied for the purpose of
carrying out rope access work.
(1) Ropes should come with a Record of Rope Use Form which should be updated at
the worksite by the team leader. This should include information about how the
rope was used and any damage to the rope, stating where the damage is located.
(2) Ropes shall be examined daily prior to use.
(3) Ropes will be withdrawn when damaged and be suitably labelled to prevent use.
(4) During normal operations ropes should be used for a maximum of 150 hours.
The team leader may declare ropes fit for use beyond this time in exceptional
(5) All items of equipment to be used shall be secured to prevent the possibility of
dropped objects.

August 2001 Issue 1 1

UKCS-SOP-020 Rope Access Guidance Manual

4 Protective Clothing
Suitable and sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn when
carrying out rope access work.
• Overalls should be close-fitting to avoid snagging
• Approved lifevest/jacket should be worn when working over water (together with
Thermal Offshore Worksuit (TOWS))
• Helmets must be worn at all times

5 Work Planning

All rope access work will take place under the control of the BP Permit to Work
procedures. A suitable and sufficient task-based risk assessment shall be carried out
prior to work commencing.
Worksite assessment shall include consideration of the following:
• Safe approach
- Establish a barriered-off exclusion zone
- Safe approach to work area/pitch head
- Awareness of other activities in the area; omni-directional
- Awarneness of extreme heat sources, eg exhaust stacks
- Awarneness of hot surfaces that may damage ropes
- Edge preparations
- Belay anchors
- Angle loading
- Rope protection
- Type of rope (static/dynamic)
- Overboard outfalls
- Weather/seastate/splash zone
- Local rescue provision
• Access methods
- Ascending
- Descending
- Traversing
- Rope transfers

2 August 2001 Issue 1

Rope Access Guidance Manual UKCS-SOP-020

• Rescue
- Rescue retrieval systems
- Mid-rope situation from above
- Mid-rope situation from below
- Administration of first aid on the rope
- Local rescue provision
A wind speed of 25 knots is the normal operating limit for rope access work in exposed
locations. Other factors including wind chill, gusting wind and ambient temperature
should be taken into account.

August 2001 Issue 1 3/4

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