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Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan

2023, Vol. 14, No.3, 322-335

p-ISSN: 2087-1708; e-ISSN: 2597-9035

Loneliness in College Students: How is the Role of Adjustment and Social Support?

Kesepian pada Mahasiswa di Kampus: Bagaimana Peran Penyesuaian dan Dukungan Sosial?

Asiyah Khoirun Nisa1, Sri Lestari*1

Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia


Article History Loneliness is one of the problems experienced by students because of the
Submitted: lack of social support and not being matched by the ability to adapt to the
April 23th, 2023 social environment. The purpose of this study was to empirically test the
Final Revised: role of adjustment and social support together in loneliness. Two hundred
students aged 18-25 in Solo Raya participated in this survey. There were
October 30th, 2021 200 students in the sample, which was determined using the G*Power
Accepted: sample size determination criteria. The incidental sampling technique was
October 30th, 2021 used in this study so that anyone who happened to meet the researcher and
was considered suitable as a data source was involved as a sample. In this
Keywords: study, out of a total of 200 respondents, only 193 respondents met the
Adjustment, criteria to continue. The participants get through incidental sampling
college student, techniques. The instruments used were the loneliness scale, self-
loneliness, adjustment scale, and social support scales. Data were analyzed using
social support, multiple linear regression. The results show that adjustment and social
young adult support together affect loneliness. Partially self-adjustment and social
support have an equal effect on loneliness in college students. The results
Kata kunci: of this study imply that the availability of social support from the
Dewasa awal, immediate environment can help students overcome loneliness among
dukungan sosial,
mahasiswa, A B S T R A K
penyesuaian diri
Kesepian menjadi salah satu problem yang dialami mahasiswa karena
minimnya dukungan sosial dan tidak diimbangi dengan kemampuan untuk
menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk
menguji secara empiris peran penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial secara
This is an open access article bersama-sama terhadap kesepian. Survei dilakukan kepada 200 mahasiswa
under the CC-BY-SA license usia 18-25 tahun di Solo Raya yang direkrut melalui teknik sampling
incidental. Sampel berjumlah 200 siswa yang ditentukan menggunakan
Copyright © 2022 by Author, kriteria penentuan ukuran sampel G*Power. Teknik sampling insidental
Published by Universitas Negeri
Surabaya digunakan dalam penelitian ini, sehingga siapapun yang kebetulan bertemu
dengan peneliti dan dianggap cocok sebagai sumber data diikutsertakan
sebagai sampel. Pada penelitian ini, dari total 200 responden, hanya 193
responden yang memenuhi kriteria untuk melanjutkan. Instrumen yang
digunakan meliputi skala kesepian, skala penyesuaian diri, dan skala
dukungan sosial. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu regresi linear
berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyesuaian diri dan dukungan
sosial secara bersama-sama berperan signifikan terhadap kesepian. Secara
parsial penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial memiliki pengaruh yang setara
terhadap kesepian pada mahasiswa. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini adalah
ketersediaan dukungan sosial dari lingkungan terdekat dapat membantu
mahasiswa untuk mengatasi kesepian pada mahasiswa.

Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed to Sri Lestari.via e-mail:

Nisa & Lestari: Loneliness in college students how is the role.…(322-335)

Loneliness negatively affects the obtained by the individual does not match
physical and mental health of individuals the expectations of the surroundings, and
such as weakened cognitive function, c) depression loneliness, the loneliness that
increased risk of dementia, and risk of occurs as a result of a particular problem or
coronary heart disease (Boss, Kang, & disorder, such as feelings of guilt,
Branson., 2015; Donovan et al., 2017; worthlessness, sadness, and lack of
Holwerda et al., 2014; Valtorta et al., enthusiasm.
2016). Loneliness can also lead to stress, Several studies have attempted to
depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and explore the causes of loneliness when
an increased risk of death (Hawkley & social relationships do not meet
Cacioppo, 2010; Killgore et al., 2020; Lim, expectations. The results of the study
Holt-Lunstad, & Badcock, 2020; Tabue found several factors, including
Teguo et al., 2016). Not only that, personality differences such as introverted
loneliness also causes financial losses due and extroverted personalities, differences
to sickness absence and caring for in social skills such as empathy,
someone who is ill due to loneliness, differences in demographics such as age,
reduced productivity due to decreased differences in resources such as time and
well-being, and increased turnover money, and physical mobility (British Red
(Michaelson, Jeffrey, & Abdallah, 2017). Cross and Co-Op, 2016; Office for
Increased financial expenditure also occurs National Statistics, 2018; Pinquart &
as a result of increased healthcare Sorensen, 2001). Other studies found that
utilization due to loneliness (Fulton & cultural differences can also be a factor in
Jupp, 2015). increasing loneliness, whereas in
Loneliness is a subjective feeling individualist cultures, feelings of
felt by an individual due to the absence of loneliness will be higher (Barreto et al.,
a close relationship (Russell, 1996). 2021).
Courtin and Knapp (2017) Loneliness occurs in certain age
define loneliness as a subjective groups and is influenced by developmental
unpleasant feeling that stems from a gap tasks. When the person does not perform
between the facts about the quality of tasks that are in accordance with their
social interactions and relationships and development and normative age, the
what individuals expect. Lonely person will tend to experience loneliness
individuals are less able to form (Franssen et al., 2020). Unfortunately, the
friendships because they form phenomenon of loneliness is mostly
interpersonal relationships with negative studied among the elderly. The survey
expectations and lack social skills. proved that Generation Z, or individuals
Individuals see the social world as a more aged 18-22 years old, have the highest
threatening place, expect more negative average loneliness rate than the baby
social interactions, and recall more boomer generation (Renken, 2020).
negative social information (Lichne et al., Similarly, the results of a survey conducted
2018; Peltzer & Pengpid, 2019). Cacioppo by Making Caring Common found that 950
and Cacioppo (2018) added that one of the respondents felt lonely, and 61% were
visible symptoms of loneliness is people between the ages of 18-25 with
individuals who feel sad, which then high levels of loneliness (Walsh, 2021).
increases symptoms of depression. Peltzer and Pengpid (2019) explained that
According to Russell (1996), the aspects of the prevalence of loneliness in Indonesia is
loneliness include a) personality, which highest among people aged 15-24 years,
means the loneliness felt by individuals followed by those aged 70-74 years.
can be caused by their personality; b) Young adults and the elderly are more
social desirability, which is a result of vulnerable to loneliness. Graphically, the
different expectations when the social life level of loneliness in both groups will form
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan, Vol. 14, No.3, 2023

a U-shape, indicating that the levels of success (Bek, 2017). The risk of loneliness
loneliness increase when individuals are in in university students also tends to increase
early adulthood and older age. when students are from minority groups
Early adulthood is considered a (Madsen et al., 2016), being in an
vulnerable age because at this age they environment with no one else from a
experience a transitional phase from similar background to them (Visser & El
adolescence to adulthood and they are Fakiri, 2016), and students who have bad
considered capable of making their own experiences in the past such as experiences
choices (Batara & Kristianingsih, 2020). of discrimination due to ethnic status or
Santrock (2012) stated that early adulthood disability (Peltzer & Pengpid, 2019; Visser
is a period of transition that is identical to & El Fakiri, 2016).
experimentation and exploration, which The lack of an individual's ability to
starts when entering the age of 18-25 years establish interpersonal relationships can
old. During this transitional period, lead to feelings of isolation, which then
individuals also experience the emerging leads to loneliness. As described by
adulthood phase, which, according to Fauziyyah and Ampuni (2018), a lack of
Arnett (2018), is the stage for individuals social skills is associated with high levels
to become more independent and explore of loneliness. Through good self-
the various possibilities in their lives adjustment skills, individuals will be
before finally committing. The adaptive to their environment and will
developmental tasks at this age often lead continue to develop their potential in a
to psychological distress and poor mental healthy way to change their environment
health (Choo & Marszalek, 2019). (Kimhy et al., 2012). A study by Afifah
One of the normative tasks for (2015) and Resmadewi (2018) shows that
individuals emerging adults aged 18-25 self-adjustment is negatively correlated
years is the obligation to pursue education with loneliness felt by university students.
in college. Individuals who have become Haber and Runyon (1984) explained
students will experience various changes self-adjustment as a continuum process
in their life experiences, such as the regarding an individual's ability to deal
pressure to achieve their educational goals with changing situations so that
in college, start a career life, develop individuals feel in tune with their
friendships with new people, and be environment and can get relief and fulfill
willing to separate from their closest their needs. Haber and Runyon (1984)
relatives when they have to leave home to divided the aspects of self-adjustment into
pursue their education (Diehl et al., 2018; five, which are: a) accurate perception of
Franssen et al., 2020). However, on the reality, b) ability to cope with stress and
other hand, students are also expected to be anxiety, c) a positive self-image, d) ability
more independent and not depend on to express feelings, and e) good
friends or family. interpersonal relations.
These changes and contradictory Many factors can influence self-
expectations often lead individuals to adjustment. Maimunah (2020) stated that,
loneliness (Qualter et al., 2015). Lee and psychologically, self-efficacy factors
Goldstein (2016) added that during this affect self-adjustment. Motivation also
period, individuals experience changes in affects self-adjustment (Iflah & Listyasari,
the quantity and quality of their social 2013; Oetomo et al., 2017). Other internal
relationships. Therefore, individuals tend factors that affect self-adjustment are
to feel more lonely when they are unable to intellectual ability or intelligence (Oetomo
establish or maintain contact with their et al., 2017; Sari & Jamain, 2019) which
peers (Matthews et al., 2016). Loneliness spiritual intelligence has a more significant
experienced by students can interfere with influence (Prima & Indrawati, 2018),
their learning process and academic openness and self-confidence, as well as
Nisa & Lestari: Loneliness in college students how is the role.…(322-335)

self-control (Agbaria, 2020; Fitrianti & support is a form of support obtained from
Cahyono, 2021; Oetomo et al., 2017). three sources: family, friends and
External factors that influence self- significant others. Social support is a form
adjustment include social support, such as of self-acceptance from individuals or
peer support and friendship factors groups to other individuals, which gives
(Agbaria, 2020; Maimunah, 2020; Oetomo the effect that the person is loved, cared
et al., 2017). Other than supporting factors, for, appreciated and supported (Sarafino,
some barriers that can reduce self- 1994). The aspects of social support,
adjustment include academic anxiety, according to Zimet et al. (1988), are: a)
physical barriers and psychological family support, which is the support that
barriers (Oetomo et al., 2017). individuals get from their families, such as
Individuals who live together have a in making a decision; b) support that
75% lower chance of feeling lonely than comes from friends, and c) support from
individuals who live alone (Bu, Steptoe, & significant others, it is the support that
Fancourt, 2020; Li & Wang, 2020). The individuals get from people who matter to
social support that individuals perceive them so that they feel comfortable and
from those around them can help protect valued.
against loneliness. As stated by Lee and There are several factors, according
Goldstein (2016), a lack of social support, to Stanley (2006), that can affect social
such as support from friends or partners, is support, including physical needs,
associated with greater loneliness. psychological needs and social needs.
Individuals need more social support Myers (2012) states that four factors
because individuals still have a greater influence social support: a) empathy, b)
sense of dependence on relationships with social norms and values that guide
their peers (Choo & Marszalek, 2019). individuals in behaving and performing
Individuals with high levels of obligations, c) social or reciprocal
social support have an 89% chance of not exchanges of love, treatment, and
experiencing loneliness, and high social information that make interpersonal
support can reduce loneliness levels relationships satisfying and fulfilling, and
compared to individuals with low social d) sociology explains that individuals
support (Bu et al., 2020; Labrague, De los provide help to others who are still related
Santos, & Falguera, 2021; Peltzer & to them rather than helping strangers. This
Pengpid, 2019). Similar to previous is considered more beneficial and saves
research conducted on university students, time and energy. Individuals will help
it was found that social support is others because they expect reciprocity.
negatively related to perceived loneliness This study aims to obtain empirical
(Nurayni & Supradewi, 2017). Other evidence of the role of self-adjustment and
studies conducted on early adults aged 18- social support on loneliness in university
40 years reported that increasing social students. In previous studies, loneliness
support received by individuals will reduce was associated with coping ability, social
loneliness (Batara & Kristianingsih, 2020). support, and individual resilience
The availability of consistent social (Labrague et al., 2021). In their research,
support can improve self-control, anger Nurayni and Supradewi (2017) stated that
management, and strong social bonds, social support and a sense of belonging are
which can contribute to prosocial behavior related to loneliness. Loneliness is also
and minimize mental health problems such associated with age, gender, ethnicity,
as loneliness and criminal behavior (Kort‐ education level, income, occupation,
Butler, 2017). Examining the protective mental health, living status, place of
variables will make it easier to reduce the residence, number of friends, interactions,
loneliness experienced by individuals. and social support (Bu et al., 2020; Li &
Zimet et al, (1988) state that social Wang, 2020). Afifah (2015) and
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan, Vol. 14, No.3, 2023

Resmadewi (2018) added that self- process. Validity was tested through an
adjustment is related to loneliness. Based assessment by the rater to determine
on the explanation above, it is known that whether items represented the indicators on
there are many factors that influence each variable. The results from the rater test
loneliness. Social support is one of the were then processed using Aiken's formula
protective factors often associated with V=∑s/[n(c-1)] through the Microsoft Excel
loneliness. However, there are still few program to determine the value of content
sources that state the role of self- validity. The limit for determining an item
adjustment in loneliness. Furthermore, few is considered to have good validity if the
studies on loneliness use self-adjustment validity coefficient value obtained is more
and social support as predictors. The than 0.7 (Azwar, 2019). Reliability was
hypotheses proposed include a central tested using the SPSS 20 for Windows
hypothesis, which is that self-adjustment program, and then the results were seen
and social support together play a role in through Cronbach's alpha value. If the
loneliness, as well as two minor Cronbach's alpha value> 0.60 is obtained,
hypotheses, which are that self-adjustment it can be said that the instrument is reliable
plays a role in loneliness and social support (Sujarweni, 2014).
plays a role in loneliness. Loneliness was measured using the
UCLA Loneliness Scale Version 3, which
Method was previously adapted and translated from
English into Indonesian by Paramitha
This research is a quantitative (2018). This scale consisted of 11 favorable
correlational type with three variables: self- items and nine unfavorable items and was
adjustment, social support, and loneliness. arranged based on aspects of loneliness,
according to Russell (1996). The validity
Sample coefficient value is between 0.75 - 0.83, so
the scale is valid. The Cronbach's alpha
The population in this study were
value obtained is 0.884, so the scale is
students aged 18-25 years at universities in
the Solo Raya area, which included the
Self-adjustment was measured using
regency of Surakarta, Boyolali, Sukoharjo,
Humairah's scale (2018), which refers to
Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen, and
Haber and Runyon's (1984) aspects of self-
Klaten. There were 200 students in the
adjustment. This scale consists of 26
sample, which was determined using the
favorable items and 24 unfavorable items.
G*Power sample size determination
The validity value moves between 0.67 -
criteria. The incidental sampling technique
0.83, and there is 1 item with a validity
was used in this study so that anyone who
coefficient value of less than 0.7, so it is
happened to meet the researcher and was
declared invalid and leaves 49 valid items.
considered suitable as a data source was
The Cronbach's alpha value on this scale is
involved as a sample (Sugiyono, 2019). In
0.895, so the scale is reliable.
this study, out of a total of 200 respondents,
Social support was measured with the
only 193 respondents met the criteria to
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived
continue with the data analysis.
Social Support (MSPSS), which was
developed by Zimet et al (1988) and
Data Collection
translated by Juniastira (2018). This scale
Data collection was conducted using a has 12 favorable items arranged according
questionnaire in the format of a Google to aspects of social support Zimet et al
form and distributed online and offline. (1988). The validity of the social support
The instrument used has been adjusted and scale moves between 0.75-0.83, so it is
passed the validity and reliability test declared valid, and Cronbach's alpha value
is 0.856, so it is declared reliable.
Nisa & Lestari: Loneliness in college students how is the role.…(322-335)

Data Analysis

After collecting the data, an

assumption test was carried out, which
included a normality test, linearity test,
multicollinearity test and
heteroscedasticity test. Furthermore,
hypotheses were tested using multiple
regression analysis techniques.

Through statistical analysis, the results Figure 1. Scatterplots
were listed in the Table. 1.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Then, the data was tested using
multiple linear regression analysis. The
Variable Empirical Hypothetical stepwise method shows that Model 1 has an
R Square value of 0.427, indicating that the
Self- 138,85 15,55 117,5 23,5
social support variable can explain 42.7%
Social 45,18 7,975 36 8 of the loneliness variable. Model 2
support obtained an R Square value of 0.568,
Loneliness 49,10 9,228 50 10 indicating that 56.8% of loneliness
variables can be explained by the variables
The empirical average of self- of self-adjustment and social support
adjustment was 117.5, and the social simultaneously. Therefore, it can also be
support was 45.18. These results were more known that the magnitude of the effect of
than their respective hypothetical averages. the self-adjustment variable on loneliness if
Loneliness obtained an empiric average of self-adjustment was added as a predictor
49.10 and showed lower results than the showed 14.1%, and another 43.2% can be
hypothetic average. Self-adjustment data influenced by other variables (Table 2).
and student social support were in the high From the ANOVA test results (Table
tendency category, while student loneliness 2), it is known that F-table was 3.04 and F-
was in the low tendency category. statistics in Model 2 was 124.874 with sig.
The normality test obtained sig. 0.478 0.00 (p<0.05). It means that F-statistics >
(p>0.05), so the data is normally F-table and it can be concluded that the
distributed. The results of the linearity test variables of self-adjustment and social
of each independent variable obtained sig. support can predict loneliness
0.00 (p<0.05). It means the dependent simultaneously. In other words, the
variable had a linear relationship with the variables of self-adjustment and social
dependent variable. The results of the support simultaneously contributed to the
multicollinearity test showed a VIF value loneliness.
of 1.323<10 and a tolerance value of 0.756 Table 2. Coefficients of Regression Analysis
> 0.1, so it was stated that there was no
Ty Variab B β T Si Zer
multicollinearity in the data. The results of
pe le g o-
scatterplots showed that the data do not ord
show symptoms of heteroscedasticity, as er
evidenced by the distribution of data points 1 Consta 109, 26,2 0,
evenly in the area around the zero and did nt 246 69 00
not have a specific pattern, as shown in 2 Self- - - - 0, -
Figure 1. adjust 0,25 0,4 7,87 00 0,6
ment 8 32 6 49
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan, Vol. 14, No.3, 2023

Social - - - 0, - Another important task was to take

suppor 0,50 0,4 8,02 00 0,6 education in college. As stated by Arnett
t 9 40 4 53 (2018), the characteristic of individuals in
R= 0,754; R2= 0,568; F= 124,874; p= 0,00 this phase was to explore more. By
(p<0,05) attending the lectures, individuals can try
various possibilities that open up
In addition, a t-test was carried out to opportunities in the future, primarily
determine the role of each independent related to their careers.
variable partially towards the dependent Individuals were no longer seen as
variable. The t-test results can be seen in teenagers at this time because they could
Table 2 of the t-table value obtained at already decide things independently. Based
1.972. Based on Table 2, it is known that on the results of this research, 98 (50.7%)
the self-adjustment variable has a t-count of respondents came from students living in
-7.876 with a significance of 0.00 (p<0.05) boarding houses. Individuals who live
and β= -0.432, which means that t-count > alone will have time to make decisions in
t-table, so self-adjustment plays a negative life, develop their ability to achieve goals
and significant role in loneliness. In the and have opportunities to try and explore
social support variable, t-statistics new things and have privacy (Santrock,
calculated at -8.024 with a significance of 2012). However, the difference of
0.00 (p<0.05) and β= -0.440, it said that t-- respondents who still lived with their
statistics > t-table showed a negative and parents is not much different, with the
significant role between social support and number of 88 respondents (45,6%). It did
loneliness. Therefore, the regression not mean those who still lived with their
equation obtained Y = 109.246 – 0.258 X1 parents were immature. However, at this
– 0.509 X2. time, individuals tend to experience
The contribution of each predictor or financial instability, so they are still
independent variable on the dependent dependent on their parents in residence
variable was obtained from the effective (Arini, 2021).
contribution formula, namely β × zero- The individual's inability to perform
order × 100%. Therefore, the effective these developmental tasks can lead to
contribution of self-adjustment was loneliness (Franssen et al., 2020).
obtained by 28.03% and 28.73% by social Loneliness is a subjective feeling that
support. The result of summing the individuals feel because of no closeness in
effective contribution of each independent relationships, so a close relationship is not
variable is suitable with the result of R achieved (Courtin & Knapp, 2017; Russell,
square or the contribution obtained by the 1996). The ability to establish social
two independent variables simultaneously. relationships by having good self-
adjustment and several other social factors,
Discussion such as social support, can be protective
factors to reduce the level of loneliness the
Respondents in this study had an age
students feel. However, Bu et al (2020)
range of 18-25 years old. Most respondents
research shows that students tend to be at
came from female respondents, with 154
risk for experiencing high levels of
respondents (79.8%) as the total. The total
of male respondents was 39 respondents
Through the results of the F test, it can
be concluded that the significant
At this age, developmental tasks were
hypothesis in this study was accepted. It
about being able to live independently,
showed that self-adjustment and social
such as living apart from parents, building
support simultaneously contributed to
a career, and establishing deep
loneliness. In line with Resmadewi's
relationships with friends and partners.
research (2018), which showed high self-
Nisa & Lestari: Loneliness in college students how is the role.…(322-335)

adjustment will affect low loneliness and weaknesses, they will have a harmonious
vice versa, as well as Batara and relationship with their environment. Good
Kristianingsih's research (2020), which interpersonal relationships show that
also found that the higher the social individuals have good self-adjustment
support, the lower the level of loneliness skills. In this study, most respondents
and vice versa. stated that they meet and gather with
The effective contribution of the self- friends (34.1%) and almost every day, they
adjustment and social support variables gather or talk with family (52.3%).
simultaneously amounted to R2 = 0.568 or Individuals who can adjust themselves can
56.8%, and the rest of it can be influenced achieve social relationships with a certain
by other variables such as coping ability, degree of intimacy appropriately and fulfill
resilience, and mental health. Through their developmental tasks of establishing
these results, it is also known that the social relationships (Arnett, 2018; Haber &
influence of the self-adjustment and social Runyon, 1984). Respondents in this study
support variables simultaneously is greater also expressed pleasure in spending time
than the influence of the variables. with family and friends.
Therefore, reducing loneliness is more Social support contributed negatively
effective by increasing self-adjustment and and significantly to the loneliness. It means
social support simultaneously than that the higher the social support an
increasing the variables partially. individual feels, the lower the level of
Partially, self-adjustment played a loneliness, and the lower the perceived
negative and significant role in loneliness, social support, the greater the loneliness. It
so the first minor hypothesis was accepted. means that the second minor hypothesis
It showed that higher self-adjustment will was accepted. Peplau and Perlman (1984)
reduce the level of loneliness in students stated that cognitive factors became one of
and vice versa. When self-adjustment is the factors of loneliness, where individuals
low, it will increase loneliness. Loneliness felt they had no control over their social
is related to the difference between environment. Therefore, social support can
expectations about the quality of social help to reduce those feelings. According to
interactions and relationships that do not Sarafino (2006), one kind of support was
match reality. Therefore, the importance of the emotional support that gave comfort,
good self-adjustment skills is one of the consideration, and love. In this study, most
factors that can reduce loneliness. By individuals stated that the source of the
having good self-adjustment, individuals social support they obtained came from
can balance their potential, feelings, and parents and friends. It was in line with the
behavior and develop them to match their concept of social support from Zimet et al
environment (Kimhy et al., 2012). (1988) related to sources of social support
According to Russell (1996), one of such as family, friends and significant
the aspects of loneliness is trait or others.
personality. It had a more stable pattern of The majority of respondents in this
loneliness feelings that sometimes changed study were students who lived in boarding
depending on conditions. Lonely houses (50.7%). Lee and Goldstein's
individuals are seen as persons who have research (2016) found that individuals who
negative characteristics, such as low self- had sources of support at home, such as
adjustment ability. Individuals with good family, tended to feel lonely when they had
self-adjustment should have a perspective to separate from their family, even though
on themselves that was not based on the the goal was to study. In this situation,
others labels and how others behave support from friends will help to minimize
towards themselves (Haber & Runyon, the loneliness experienced by the
1984). Buchori (2002) added that when individual. Qualter et al (2015) stated that a
individuals accept their strengths and lack of support from friends or partners was
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan, Vol. 14, No.3, 2023

associated with increased loneliness. In this hobbies, doing activities outside, playing
study, most respondents had close friends, social media, and meeting other people or
around 3-4 people (36.2%). Bu et al (2020) friends.
stated that having close friends could be
one of the protective factors against Conclusion
loneliness because students were still
looking for their identity, so friends had an This research shows a significant role
important role in socializing and carrying between self-adjustment and social support
out activities (Franssen et al., 2020; Tso & on loneliness among university students in
Park, 2020). Dagnew and Dagne (2019) Solo Raya, so it can be concluded that the
added that individuals who did not have significant hypothesis is accepted. The
romantic status tended to be lonelier. same goes for each variable's minor
Although the majority of respondents in hypothesis, which also shows a negative
this study were single (77.2%), respondents and significant role, so the two minor
stated that they often received social hypotheses are also accepted. The effective
support from friends and parents. contribution of self-adjustment and social
The level of student loneliness is in the support variables is 56.8%, and other
low category, so it is said that the students variables can influence the rest. This result
in this study do not meet the aspects of is higher than the effective contribution of
loneliness according to Russell (1996), each variable partially. In addition, it is
which include personality, social known that the level of loneliness among
desirability, and depression. It happens students in Solo Raya is low, with a high
because individuals do activities that aim to level of self-adjustment and social support.
reduce loneliness. In this study, 46.8% of When students feel lonely, various
respondents who feel lonely answered that activities are carried out to reduce this
they will do hobbies that they like, such as loneliness, such as doing favorite activities
reading, cooking, watching movies, and or hobbies, playing social media, going out
others; 21.8% of respondents chose to play to find some atmosphere and meeting with
social media; 10.45% of respondents chose friends. However, on the other hand, some
to stay at home; 9.5% of respondents said individuals also choose to stay at home and
that they will do activities outside. Only cry.
6.36% of respondents said that they will
meet friends or other people, and 5% of Recommendation
respondents chose to cry when they feel
lonely. Students are expected to be more
Individuals' several activities when active in activities, especially group
they feel lonely clarify the results of activities, such as student activity units that
previous research. Vaarala, Määttä, and align with their interests. Students can also
Uusiautti (2013) explained that individuals participate in volunteer activities to make
can carry out concrete or tangible activities friends and their spare time more joyous.
such as going outside or doing hobbies, Institutions are expected to provide
seeking social support, and regulating services such as counseling centers that can
emotions and cognition to overcome be reached for students who do not have a
loneliness. Some studies considered that place to share or feel unsupported by their
playing social media will not be able to surrounding environment. The service can
fulfill the needs related to closeness, but at be called peer counseling, so students feel
least individuals can share their feelings of more comfortable because the counselors
loneliness (Lampraki et al., 2022; Vaarala are their peers. For future research, these
et al., 2013). Some activities carried out by results can be used as a source of reference
respondents as alternative coping to in conducting research by paying attention
overcome loneliness, such as doing to the limitations that have been described
Nisa & Lestari: Loneliness in college students how is the role.…(322-335)

previously, such as paying more attention 97

and expanding the range of respondents Bek, H. (2017). Understanding the effect of
who are in each area of Solo Raya loneliness on academic participation
regencies, and pay attention to the balance and success among international
of respondents in terms of gender in order university students. Journal of
to compare loneliness in men and women. Education and Practice, 8(14), 46–50.
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