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UPHC Quality Score Card

Dressing Room New Born &

& Emergency General Clinic Maternity Health Child Health

50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0

Immunization Family Planning

UPHC Score
50.0 50.0

Communicable Non
Disease Communicable
50.0 50.0

Outreach Pharmacy Laboratory Administration

50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0


Service Provision Patient Rights Inputs Support Services

50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0%


Clinical Services Infection Control Quality Management Outcome

50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0%

Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services 50%
Standard A2 The facility provides RMNCHA Services 50%
Standard A3 The Facility provides Diagnostic Services, Para-clinical & support services.
Standard A4 The facility provide services as mandated in National Health Programmes, state scheme and local requirement.
Standard A5 The facility provides services as per local needs / State specific health programmes as per guidelines
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms
Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load
Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.
Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.
Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to
provide safe & secure environment to staff & users 50%
Standard D2 Facility has defined procedure for storage, Inventory Management & dispensing of drugs in pharmacy
Standard D3 Facility has defined & established procedure for Community Participation for providing assured services
Standard D4 Facility has defined procedure for Governance & work Management
Standard D5 Facility has procedure for collecting & Reporting of the health facility related information
Standard E1 The facility has defined procedures for registration and consultation of patients.
Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
Standard E 3 Facility has defined & implemented procedures for Drug administration and standard treatment guideline as mandated
by Government 50%
Standard E4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for Diagnostic Services
Standard E5 The facility has establish procedure for Maternal health care as per guideline
Standard E6 Facility has established procedure for care of New born & Child as per guideline
Standard E7 Facility has establish procedure for Family Planning as per Govt guideline
Standard E8 Facility provides Adolescent reproductive & sexual health services as per guideline
Standard E9 Facility provides National Health Programmes as per operational/clinical guidelines of the Government
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepsis
Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Standard F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection &sterilization of equipment & instrument
Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical & hazardous
waste 50%
Standard G.1 Facility has established quality Assurance Program as per state/National guidelines
Standard G.2 Facility has established system for Patients and employees satisfaction
Standard G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .
Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Standard H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 1
Checklist for General Clinic
Reference No. Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Assessment Means of Verification Remarks
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services
Availability of Consultation
services for common illnesses
The facility provides Common Cold, Fever, Diarrhoea,
ME A1.1 treatment of common Respiratory tract infections,
ailments Bronchial Asthma, conjunctivitis,
foreign body in conjunctival sac,
1 RR/SI etc.
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha,
The facility provides Homeopathy, Naturopathy as
ME A1.3 Functional & dedicated
AYUSH Services per State Guidelines
AYUSH clinic 1 RR/SI
OPD Services are available for It may be 12 noon to 8 PM/ it
Services are available for at least 8 Hours in a day may be morning & evening
ME A1.4 the time period as OPD. Give full compliance if
mandated evening OPD is there
Standard A2 The facility provides RMNCHA Services
The facility provides
ME A2.5 Adolescent health Availability of Adolescent At least for 2 hours on fixed day
Services friendly Clinic 1 RR/SI in week

Standard A5 The facility provides services as per local needs / State specific health programmes as per guidelines
Facility provides services
as per local needs/ state Availability of OPD services
ME A5.2 specific health for diseases, specifically
programmes as per prevalent locally
Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
Patient is informed about the
Information about the diagnosis & Treatment Plan
treatment is shared with
ME B1.7 patients or attendants
and consent is taken
wherever required
A copy of OPD Slip/
Prescription containing
Diagnosis & treatment plan,
is given to patient
1 RR
Method of Administration
/taking of the medicines is
informed to patient/ their
relative as per prescription

Access to facility is
ME B1.8 provided without any There is no overcrowding in
physical barrier general Clinic 1 OB

Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable

Services are provided in Availability of female staff /

ME B2.1 manner that are sensitive attendant, if a male doctor
to gender examines a female patients
Availability of Breast Feeding
1 OB
Adequate visual privacy is Availability of screen/
ME B2.2 provided at every point of curtains Check examination area & also
care 1 OB door & window
One Patient is seen at a time
in the clinic
1 OB
One clinic is not shared by
two doctors at a time
1 OB
Patient records are kept in Check Patient records e.g.OPD
Confidentiality of safe custody in General Clinic register , OPD slips are kept in
patients' records and safe custody and are not
ME B2.3 accessible to unauthorized
clinical information is
maintained patients
Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
Check for BPL patients, Daily
The facility provide free of wagers, homeless, slum
cost treatment to Below dwellers & migratory
ME B3.2 poverty line patients Population etc. are not
without administrative charged for any services
Area of Concern - C Inputs

Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms

Departments have Clinics have adequate space 1 Adequate Space in Clinics (120
ME C1.1 adequate space as per for consultation and sq ft)
patient load examination
Amenities for Patients & Availability of waiting area 1
ME C1.2 Staff are available as per
load OB
Availability of seating 1
Availability of Fans, Warmers 1
facilities as per need
Availability of clean drinking 1
water facilities
Availability of clean & 1
functional toilets
Departments have layout There is functional 1
ME C1.3 and demarcated areas as registration counter, which is
per functions manned during OPD hours
Dedicated Clinics for OPD 1
Consultation and counselling
Dedicated examination area 1
is provided for each clinic
Dedicated Clinic for AYUSH 1
General clinic does not have 1 Switch Boards all other electrical
The facility ensures safety temporary connections and installations are intact &secure
ME C1.5
of electrical installations loosely hanging wires
Physical condition of Floor of General Clinic is non 1
ME C1.6 buildings are safe for slippery and even
providing patient care OB

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current
case load
The facility has adequate Availability of Doctors for 1 One MO and one Ayush doctor
ME C2.1 medical officers as per consultation during OPD for a minimum of six hours per
service provision and hours day and for six days in a week
work load SI/RR
The Staff has been
imparted necessary Check training is provided for
trainings/skill set to AFHS (to MO & staff nurse),
ME C2.4
enable them to meet Standard treatment guideline &
their roles & Training of MO, Staff nurse, prescription writing (to medical
responsibilities ANM 1 RR officer)
The Staff is skilled and Check competency of the
ME C2.5 competent as per job staff to use OPD equipment
like BP apparatus, etc. Check the staff competency for
description 1 SI trouble shooting measures

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.
Availability of functional 1 BP apparatus, Thermometer,
Equipment & Instruments Weighing machine, Torch,
Availability of equipment at OPD clinic Stethoscope, measuring tape,
& instruments for Snellen's chart, X-ray view box,
ME C4.1
examination & monitoring Tongue Depressor, Otoscope,
of patients Height chart etc.
Availability of furniture at 1 Doctors Chair, Patient Stool,
Availability of patient clinics Examination Table, Attendant
furniture and fixtures as Chair, Table, Footstep, cupboard
ME C4.5
per load and service
Area of Concern - D Support Services

Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment &
infrastructure to provide safe & secure environment to staff & users
Floors, walls, roof , sinks 1 All area are clean with no
Patient care areas are patient care and corridors dirt,grease,littering and cobwebs
ME D1.3
clean and hygienic are Clean
Surface of furniture and 1
fixtures are clean
Toilets are clean with 1
functional flush and running
Fixtures and Patient Furniture 1
Facility infrastructure is are intact and maintained in
ME D1.4
adequately maintained OPD
Facility has policy of No condemned/Junk material 1
in the OPD Check for availability of
ME D1.5 removal of condemned condemnation policy & its
junk material OB adherence

Standard D4 Facility has defined procedure for Governance & work Management

The facility has a defined Check cycle time to issue

ME D4.8 protocol for the issue of Check Medical Certificate are medical certificate, check
medical certificates issued as per defined criteria 1 RR/SI/PI records & also denial policy
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
Standard E1 The facility has defined procedures for registration and consultation of patients.

The facility has Unique identification

ME E1.1 established procedure for number is given to each
registration of patients patient during process of
registration 1 RR/SI
Patient demographic details Check for that patient
are recorded in OPD demographics like Name, age,
registration records Sex, Address etc.
There is procedure for Patient is called by
systematic calling of patients Doctor/attendant as per his/her
The facility has an one by one turn on the basis of “first come
ME E1.2 established procedure for first examine” basis.
OPD consultation
1 OB
Every patient is offered a seat No patient is consulted in
and is examined as per standing position
clinical condition
1 OB
Clinical staff is not engaged in
administrative work during
OPD hrs
1 OB

Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of
There is established
procedure for initial Patient History is taken and 1
ME E2.1 recorded
assessment & RR/SI
Reassessment of patients Physical Examination is done 1
and recorded
Provisional Diagnosis is 1
The facility provides There is a system of referring 1 Check for practice, availability of
appropriate referral patient from OPD to higher referral slip, is there any
linkages for transfer to centre for specialist information about the specialist
ME E2.2 consultation doctors and there timings and
other/higher facilities to
assure the continuity of day available
care. RR/SI
There is system of follow up 1
Facility ensures follow up of the patients referred to
ME E2.3
of patients higher facilities
Clinical records are Prescription & treatment plan 1
ME E2.7
updated for care provided is documented RR/SI
Check OPD slip, Prescription
is updated for follow up visits RR/SI
The facility ensures that
standardised forms and 1
ME E2.8 formats are used for all Check availability of OPD slip, OPD Register, Lab
purposes including standardize forms & Register RR/OB requisition form, referral slip
Records are labelled and 1
The facility ensures safe RR/OB
and adequate storage and Adequate facility for storage 1
ME E2.9 of records
retrieval of medical OB
Standard E 3 Facility has defined & implemented procedures for Drug administration and standard treatment guideline as
mandated by Government

Check every Medical

Medication orders are advice and procedure is
ME E3.1 written legibly and accompanied with date,
adequately time and signature
1 RR/OB OPD slip
Check prescription are
written legibly &
comprehendible by the
clinical staff 1 RR/OB
The facility ensures that Check for OPD slip if drugs
ME E3.4 drugs are prescribed in are prescribed under generic
generic name only name only
Check for Doctors are Ask the cases in which doctor
There is procedure of sensitized for rational use of prescribe the antibiotics.
ME E3.5
rational use of drugs drugs especially antibiotics
Drugs are prescribed Check for that relevant
ME E3.6 according to Standard Standard treatment guideline
Treatment Guidelines are available at point of use
Check staff is aware of the
drug regime and doses as per
Check OPD ticket that drugs
are prescribed as per STG

Standard E8 Facility provides Adolescent reproductive & sexual health services as per guideline
Counselling and provision of Check for the availability of
emergency & reversible Emergency Contraceptive pills
Facility provides contraceptive (Levonorgesterol), Oral
ME E8.1 Contraceptive Pills, Condoms
Promotive ARSH Services
and IUD
Counselling on abuse &
dependence on alcohol, drug,
smoking & tobacco etc.
Counselling services for Check the availability of sanitary
Menstrual hygiene pad
Information and advice on Advice on topic related to
sexual and reproductive Growth and development,
health related issues puberty, sexuality concern,
myths & misconception,
pregnancy, safe sex,
contraception, unsafe abortion,
menstrual disorders, anaemia,
sexual abuse, RTI/STI's etc.

Referral Services for early MVA procedure for pregnancy
and safe termination of up to 8 week Post abortion
pregnancy and management counselling
of post abortion complication

IEC for Nutrition, Sexual

reproductive health, Mental
Availability of IEC material for Health, Gender based violence,
AFHC 1 OB NCD & Substance abuse
Facility provides Services for Tetanus TT at 10 and 16 year
ME E8.2
Preventive ARSH Services immunization 1 RR/SI
Services for Prophylaxis Haemoglobin estimation, weekly
against Nutritional Anaemia IFA tablet, and treatment for
& Nutrition Counselling worm infestation
Treatment of Common Privacy and Confidentiality,
RTI/STI's Treatment compliance, Partner
Facility Provides Curative Management, Follow up visit
ME E8.3
ARSH Services and referral
Treatment and counselling Symptomatic treatment ,
for Menstrual disorders counselling
Treatment and counselling
for sexual concern for male
and female adolescents
Management of sexual abuse ECP, Prophylaxis against STI, PEP
amongst Girls for HIV and Counselling
Management of
malnourishment cases
Facility Provides Referral Referral Linkages to ICTC and
Services for ARSH 1 RR/SI
Referral services of Antenatal Nutritional Counselling,
natal check up for pregnant Contraceptive counselling,
adolescent Couple counselling ANC check-
Ensuring institutional delivery
Area of Concern - F Infection Control

Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepsis

Hand washing facilities Availability of hand washing Check for availability of wash
ME F1.1 are provided at point of Facility at the Point of Use basin near the point of use
use 1 OB/RR
Availability of running Water Ask to Open the tap. Ask Staff
water supply is regular
1 OB
Availability of antiseptic soap Check for availability/ Ask staff if
with soap dish/ liquid the supply is adequate and
antiseptic with dispenser. uninterrupted
1 OB
Display of Hand washing Prominently displayed above the
Instruction at Point of Use hand washing facility ,
preferably in Local language &
1 OB
Availability of Alcohol based Check for availability/ Ask staff
Hand rub for regular supply.
1 OB
Staff is trained and adhere Ask the staff about moment of
Staff adheres to standard
ME F1.2 to standard hand washing hand washing & Steps of hand
hand washing practices
practices 1 OB/SI washing to demonstrate

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Facility ensures adequate
personal protection Disposable gloves are
ME F2.1 available at point of use
equipment as per 1 OB
requirements Availability of Masks 1 OB
Staff adheres to standard No reuse of disposable
ME F2.2 personal protection gloves, Masks, caps and
practices aprons. 1 OB/SI

Standard F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection &sterilization of equipment & instrument

The facility ensures Decontamination of 1 Ask staff about how they

standard practices and Procedure surfaces decontaminate the procedure
materials for surface like Examination table
ME F3.1 (Wiping with .5% Chlorine
decontamination and
cleaning of instruments solution
and procedures areas SI
Proper Decontamination of 1
instruments after use Ask staff how they
decontaminate the instruments
like Stethoscope, Examination

Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &
hazardous waste
The facility ensures Availability of colour coded
segregation of Bio bins at point of waste
ME F4.1
Medical Waste as per generation
guidelines 1 OB Bins are covered
Availability of colour coded
bags Check Yellow bag is non
1 OB chlorinated
Segregation of different
category of waste as per
1 OB
Display of work instructions
for segregation and handling
of Biomedical waste
1 OB Pictorial & in local language
There is no mixing of
infectious and general waste
1 OB

Area of Concern - G Quality Management

Standard G.1 Facility has established quality Assurance Program as per state/National guidelines
The facility has
established internal Internal Assessment of the
ME G1.5 General Clinic is done at
quality assurance
programme periodic interval 1 SI/RR

Standard G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key
processes .
Standard Operating
procedures are prepared ,
ME G3.1 distributed and Updated SOP are available at
implemented for all key point of use 1 RR
SOP adequately cover all
relevant processes of the
department 1 RR
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes

Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators

Facility measures
ME H1.1 Productivity Indicators on
monthly basis OPD Per day 1 RR
ARSH OPD per month 1 RR
AYUSH OPD per month 1 RR
Facility measures
ME H1.2 efficiency Indicators on
monthly basis OPD per doctor 1 RR
Percentage of follow up
patients 1 RR
Facility measures Clinical
ME H1.3 Care & Safety Indicators
on monthly basis Consultation time in OPD 1 RR
Percentage of OPD cases
treated with Antibiotic 1 RR
Facility measures Service
ME H1.4 Quality Indicators on Waiting time for Consultation
monthly basis at OPD 1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to
ME H2.2 improve indicators from Trends analysis of Indicators
its current performance is done at Periodic Intervals 1 RR

General Clinic Score

Card 50
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality 50.0
H Manangement
Outcome 50.0

obtained Score Maximum Score Percentage

A 5 10 50.0
B 11 22 50.0
C 17 34 50.0
D 6 12 50.0
E 37 74 50.0
F 16 32 50.0
G 3 6 50.0
H 9 18 50.0
Total 104 208 50.0
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 2
Checklist for Maternity Health
Reference No. Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Means of Verification Remarks
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services

Services are available for the Though Fix day for providing
ME A1.4 ANC services, client will be
time period as mandated
ANC & PNC services are available entertained if she visits any
during OPD timing 1 RR/SI day during OPD hrs
Standard A2 The facility provides RMNCHA Services
Availability of Functional ANC Clinic ANC services are provided
through dedicated setup.
Check records for ANC being
regularly conducted at facility
The facility provides Maternal through fix day or all days
ME A2.2 approach
health Services

Early registration & Minimum 4 ANC

1 RR/SI Check ANC register /MCP card

Provision of Tetanus Toxoid and IFA

Nutritional & Health Counselling

Identification and management of
High Risk and Danger signs during

1 RR/SI Check ANC records

Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
Timings and days of the ANC clinic is Day and timing of fix day
displayed services like
The facility displays the services ANC,Immunization etc. (as
ME B1.2
and entitlements available applicable)
1 OB
Entitlements under JSSK, JSY or any
state specific scheme

1 OB
Important information like no. of
Ambulances & nearby facilities are

1 OB
Availability of Booklets / Leaflets/
brochures in the waiting area for
Health education and information
about early registration, diet & rest
during pregnancy, recognizing signs
of labour, recognizing danger signs
Patients & visitors are sensitized
during pregnancy & family planning
and educated through
ME B1.4 etc.
appropriate IEC / BCC

IEC corner. Check safe

motherhood booklet is given
1 OB to every pregnant women
Antenatal mothers are informed of Interview the Antenatal
confirmation of pregnancy and mother about the
Information about the frequency of visits and danger signs communications, received by
treatment is shared with during pregnancy have been them.
ME B1.7 patients or attendants and communicated to them Co-relate with the notes
consent is taken wherever recorded on the card.

1 PI
Mother & Child protection card is
provided to all clients

1 RR
Method of Administration /taking of
the IFA & Calcium supplement etc. is
informed to patient/ their relative by
doctor/ ANM


Access to facility is provided

ME B1.8
without any physical barrier
There is no overcrowding in ANC clinic 1 OB
Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Availability of female staff /
attendant, if a male doctor examines
a female patients
Services are provided in manner
ME B2.1
that are sensitive to gender

Dedicated Female OPD for ANC cases

Specially for ANC clients
Adequate visual privacy is
ME B2.2
provided at every point of care Availability of screens /curtains in
Examination area 1 OB
Patient records are kept in safe Check Patient records e.g..ANC
custody in ANC clinic register, HIV positive reports
Confidentiality of patients' etc. are kept in safe custody
ME B2.3 records and clinical information and are not accessible to
is maintained unauthorized patients

Confidentiality of HIV cases are

maintained in ANC clinic 1 OB/SI
Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
The facility provides cashless OPD Consultation/ ANC Check up is 1 SI/RR Check for there is no
services to all patients including provided free of cost consultation fee/ registration
ME B3.1 pregnant women, mothers and fee for JSSK beneficiaries
sick children as per prevalent
government schemes
The facility ensures that the 1
ME B3.3 drugs prescribed are available in Check patient party has not spend on
the pharmacy purchasing drugs from outside PI
Facility ensure investigation 1
ME B3.4 prescribed are available at the Check patient party has not spend on
Laboratory purchasing consumables from outside PI
Area of Concern - C Inputs
Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms
Clinics have adequate space for
Departments have adequate consultation and examination
ME C1.1
space as per patient load
Availability of Fans/ Warmers as per
Amenities for Patients & Staff need
ME C1.2
are available as per load
1 OB
Availability of clean drinking water
May be shared common with
1 OB General clinic
Availability of clean & functional Dry toilet with running water,
toilets May be shared with General
1 OB
Dedicated Clinics for ANC
Departments have layout and
Consultation and counselling
ME C1.3 demarcated areas as per
Dedicated examination area is
provided in ANC clinic
ANC clinic does not have temporary Switch Boards all other
The facility ensures safety of connections and loosely hanging electrical installations are
ME C1.5
electrical installations wires intact &secure
1 OB
Physical condition of buildings Floor of ANC clinic is non slippery and
ME C1.6 are safe for providing patient even
care 1 OB

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate Availability of Doctors for

ME C2.1 medical officers as per service consultation during OPD hours
provision and work load 1 RR/SI/PI
The facility has adequate Availability of Staff nurse/ANM at
ME C2.2 nursing staff/Paramedics as per ANC clinic
service provision and work load 1 RR/SI
The Staff has been imparted Training of Doctor for IMNCI
necessary trainings/skill set to
ME C2.4
enable them to meet their roles
& responsibilities 1 RR
Training of staff nurse for SBA 1 RR
The Staff is skilled and Check competency of the staff to use SI
ME C2.5 competent as per job OPD equipment like BP apparatus,
description etc.
Check the competency of ANM/Staff SI Calculation of EDD and High
nurse for conducting ANC as per risk pregnancy

Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.
Availability of Drugs for ANC services 1 SI/RR/OB IFA Tablets, Calcium
The facility has availability of Supplement, Albendazole 400
ME C3.1
adequate drugs at point of use mg & Inj Tetanus Toxoid

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.
Availability of Instruments and 1 OB Stethoscope, BP Apparatus,
Equipment for ANC Check up weighing Scale, Inch Tape,
Availability of equipment & Facility for measuring height,
ME C4.1 instruments for examination & Foetoscope, Thermometer etc.
monitoring of patients

Availability of furniture at clinics 1 OB Doctors /Staff nurse/ ANM

Chair, Patient Stool,
Availability of patient furniture Examination Table, Attendant
ME C4.5 and fixtures as per load and Chair, Table, Footstep,
service provision cupboard

Area of Concern - D Support Services

Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to
provide safe & secure environment to staff & users

The facility ensures comfortable Temperature control and ventilation

ME D1.2 environment for patients and in ANC clinic
service providers 1 OB
Patient care areas are clean and Floors, walls, roof , sinks, patient care
ME D1.3 and corridors are Clean
hygienic 1 OB
Surface of furniture and fixtures are
1 OB
Facility infrastructure is Fixtures and Patient Furniture are
ME D1.4 intact and maintained in OPD
adequately maintained 1 OB
Facility has policy of removal of No condemned/Junk material in the
condemned junk material 1 OB
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
The facility provides appropriate There is a system of referring patient
referral linkages for transfer to from ANC clink to higher centre for
ME E2.2
other/higher facilities to assure specialist consultation
the continuity of care. 1 SI/RR
There is system of follow up of the
Facility ensures follow up of patients referred to higher facilities
ME E2.3

Standard E5 The facility has establish procedure for Maternal health care as per guideline
Facility provides and updates Check Mother & Child
“Mother and Child Protection Protection cards have been
There is an established Card” provided for each pregnant
ME E5.1 procedure for Registration and women at time of 1st
follow up of pregnant women. registration/ First ANC
1 RR
Facility ensures early registration Check ANC records for
of ANC ensuring that majority of ANC
registration is taking place
within 12th week of Pregnancy
in ANC register
Records are maintained for ANC Records of each ANC check-up
registered pregnant women is maintained are maintained
in ANC register
Clinical information of ANC is kept Check, if there is a system of
with ANC clinic keeping copy of ANC
information like LMP, EDD, Lab
Investigation Findings ,
Examination findings etc. with
Staff has knowledge of calculating Check with staff the expected
expected pregnancies in the area pregnancies in her area / How
to calculate it.(Birth Rate X
Population/1000 Add 10% as
correction factor (Still Birth)
Tracking of Missed and left out ANC Check with ANM how she
tracks missed out ANC. Use of
MCTS by generating work plan
and follow-up with ASHA,
AWW etc.
Check if there is practice of
recording Mobile no. of
clients/next to kin for follow

All pregnant women get ANC check- Ask staff about schedule of 4
up as per recommended schedule ANC Visits
(1st - < 12 Weeks
2nd - < 26 weeks
3rd - < 34 weeks
4th >34 to term)
Check ANC register whether all
4 ANC covered for most of the
women (sample cases)

At least one ANC visit is attended by Preferably 3rd Visit (28-34
Medical Officer Weeks)
There is an established At ANC clinic, Pregnancy is confirmed Check for ANC record that
procedure for History taking, by performing urine test pregnancy has been confirmed
ME E5.2 Physical examination, and by using Pregnancy test Kit
counselling of each antenatal (Nischay Kit)
woman, visiting the facility. 1 RR/SI
Last menstrual period (LMP) is Check how staff confirms EDD
recorded and Expected date of & LMP, (EDD = Date of LMP+9
Delivery (EDD) is calculated on first Months+7 Days) How she
visit estimates if Pregnant women
is unable to recall first day of
last menstrual cycle
('Quickening', Fundal
Height) .Check ANC records
that it has been written

Comprehensive Obstetric History is
recorded History of Pervious
pregnancies including
complications and procedures
done, if any, is taken
History of Current or past systemic History of current or past
illnesses is taken & recorded systemic illness like
Hypertension, Diabetes,
Tuberculosis, Rheumatic Heart
Disease, Rh Incompatibility,
malaria, etc. is taken

History of Drug intake or allergies & Allergies to drugs, any
intake of Habit forming and Harmful treatment taken for infertility.
substances like Tobacco, Alcohol,
Passive smoking
Physical Examination of Pregnant Pulse, Respiratory Rate , Pallor,
Women is done on every ANC visit Oedema
Weight measurement is measured on Check any 3 ANC records/ MCP
every ANC Visit Card randomly to see that
weight has been measured
and recorded at every ANC
Blood pressure is measured on every Check any 3 ANC records/ MCP
ANC Visit Card randomly to see that
Blood Pressure has been
measured and recorded at
every ANC visit
Abdominal Examination is done as Measurement of Fundal
per protocol Height (ask staff how she
correspond fundal high with
Gestational Age)
Palpation for Foetal lie and
Presentation Check for
findings recorded in
MCPcard/ANC Records

Auscultation for foetal heart sound
Breast examination is done Observation and Correction of
Flat or Inverted Nipples
Palpation for any Lumps or
Haemoglobin test is done on every Check randomly any 3 MCP
ANC visit card/ ANC record for
The facility ensures of drugs & Haemoglobin test is done at
ME E5.3 diagnostics are prescribed as per every ANC visit and values are
protocol recorded
1 RR
Urine test for Sugar and Protein is on Check randomly any 3 MCP
every ANC visit card/ ANC record for Urine for
Sugar & Protein is done on
every ANC visit and findings
are recorded
1 RR
Blood Grouping and RH Typing is Check randomly any 3 MCP
done for every pregnant woman card/ ANC record for
confirming that blood grouping
has been done
1 RR
Test for HIV is done at least once in Check the ANC records
ANC period
1 RR
Test for Syphilis is done at least once Check the ANC records
in ANC period through VDRL/RPR/RDK
1 RR
Screening for Malaria is done as per In Non-endemic area for all
clinical protocol clinically suspected cases
In malaria endemic area all
pregnant women
1 RR
Testing of PW for Gestational Testing for GDM twice during
Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) as per ANC, 1st testing during first
protocols antenatal contact, 2nd testing
24-28 weeks even if 1st testing
is negative. There should be
4week gap between 2 test & if
she present beyond 28 weeks
-1 test

1 RR
Tetanus Toxoid (2 Dosages/ Booster) Check randomly any 3 ANC
have been during ANC visits records for confirming that TT1
(at the time of registration)
and TT2 (one month after TT1)
has been given to Primi
gravida & Booster dose for
women getting pregnant
within three years of previous

1 RR
A single dose of 400mg IP of
Albendazole is given after 1st
trimester of pregnancy
Albendazole is to be taken only
once during the 2nd trimester
of pregnancy. The second dose
is needed only in case the
1 RR helminthic load is > 40%.
Staff can recognize the cases, which Anaemia, Bad obstetric
would need referral to Higher history, CPD, PIH, APH,
Centre(FRU) Medical Disorder complicating
There is an established pregnancy, Malpresentation,
procedure for identification of foetal distress, PROM,
ME E5.4 obstructed labour, rupture
High risk pregnancy and
appropriate & Timely referral. uterus, & Rh negative

Staff is competent to identify Hypertension & Pre Eclampsia
Hypertension / Pregnancy Induced (Hypertension - Two
Hypertension consecutive reading taken four
hours apart shows Systolic BP
>140 mmHg and/or Diastolic
BP > 90 mmHg

Staff is competent to identify Pre- Pre - Eclampsia- High BP with
Eclampsia Urine Albumin (+2)
Imminent eclampsia -BP
>140/90 with positive albumin
2++, severe headache, Blurring
of vision, epigastria pain &
oliguria in Urine

Staff is competent to identify high risk Identification and referral of
cases based on Abdominal cases with
examination Cephalo-pelvicpresentation,
Malrpesentation, medical
disorder complicating
pregnancy, IUFD, amniotic
fluid abnormalities.

Staff is competent to classify anaemia >11 gm% -Absence of
There is an established according to Haemoglobin Level Anaemia,10 to 11 gm% mild,
ME E5.5 procedure for identification and 7-10 gm% Moderate Anaemia
management of anaemia <7 gm% Severe Anaemia
Staff is aware of prophylactic & Prophylactic - one IFA tablet
Therapeutic dose of IFA per day for six months during
ANC &PNC. Therapeutic dose-
double the dose in case of
Line listing of pregnant women with Check the records whether
moderate and sever anaemia Line-listing of severely
anaemic women are
maintained at the UPHC
Improvement in haemoglobin label is Check the staff for
continuously monitored and recorded intervention & track the
improvement in Haemoglobin
level of anaemic woman in
subsequent ANC visit.
Counselling of pregnant women Pregnant women is counselled for Registration, Identification of
ME E5.6 is done as per standard protocol Planning and preparation for Birth institution as per clinical
and gestational age condition
Pregnant women is counselled A bloody, sticky discharge
Recognizing sign of labour (Show) and regular painful
uterine contractions
Pregnant women is counselled contact number of the
Identify and arrange for referral ambulance is communicated
transport arrangement of alternate
vehicle if ambulance not
available on time
Pregnant women is counselled Swelling (oedema), bleeding
recognizing danger signs during even spoting, blurred vision,
pregnancy headache, pain abdomen,
vomiting, pyrexia, watery &
foul smelling discharge &
Yellow urine
Pregnant women is counselled Diet & Increase Dietary Intake
Rest Diet rich in proteins, iron,
vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium
and other essential
Pregnant women is counselled breast Initiate breastfeeding
feeding especially colostrum feeding
within an hour of birth.
Do not give any pre-lacteal
feeds. (Sugar, water, Honey)
Ensure good attachment of the
baby to the breast.
Exclusively breastfeed the
baby for six months.
Breastfeed the baby whenever
he/she demands milk. Follow
the practice of rooming in.

Pregnant women is counselled for
Family planning Different Options available
IUCD, vasectomy, long acting
injectable, etc.

Danger signs :Excessive PV
bleeding, breathing difficulty,
convulsion, severe headache,
There is a established abdominal pain, foul smelling
ME E5.7 procedures for Postnatal visits & lochia, urine dribbling, perineal
counselling of Mother and Child pain, painful & redness of
Check Mother is educated & breast
counselled about danger signs during
puerperium 1 PI/SI
Poor sucking/feeding,
abnormal cry,lethergy, failure
to pass stool or urine, not
feeding at all, purulent eye or
chord discharge, yellow
discoloration of eye,
Check Mother is educated & convulsions, fever or feel cold
counselled about danger signs of
baby 1 PI/SI
About importance of keeping
baby warm, proper positioning
of baby to avoid suffocation,
immunization, hand washing &
personal hygiene &
appropriate care of cord

Check Mother is counselled/

Educated during postnatal visit 1 PI/SI
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepsis
Hand washing facilities are Availability of hand washing Facility at Check for availability of wash
ME F1.1 the Point of Use basin near the point of use
provided at point of use 1 OB
Availability of running Water Ask to Open the tap. Ask Staff
water supply is regular
1 OB
Availability of antiseptic soap with Check for availability/ Ask staff
soap dish/ liquid antiseptic with if the supply is adequate and
dispenser. uninterrupted
1 OB
Display of Hand washing Instruction Prominently displayed above
at Point of Use the hand washing facility ,
preferably in Local language
1 OB
Staff is trained and adhere to Staff is adhere to standard hand
ME F1.2
standard hand washing practices washing practices 1 OB/SI

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Facility ensures adequate Disposable gloves are available at the
ME F2.1 personal protection equipment point of use
as per requirements 1 OB
Staff adheres to standard No reuse of disposable gloves, Masks,
ME F2.2 caps and aprons.
personal protection practices 1 OB/SI

Standard F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection & sterilization of equipment & instrument
Decontamination of Procedure 1 SI Ask staff about how they
The facility ensures standard surfaces decontaminate the procedure
practices and materials for surface like Examination table
ME F3.1 decontamination and cleaning (Wiping with .5% Chlorine
of instruments and procedures solution

Proper Decontamination of 1 SI
instruments after use
Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste

The facility ensures segregation Availability of colour coded bins at

ME F4.1 of Bio Medical Waste as per point of waste generation
guidelines 1 OB Bins are covered
Availability of colour coded bags
Check Yellow bag is non
1 OB chlorinated
Segregation of different category of
waste as per guidelines
1 OB
Display of work instructions for
segregation and handling of
Biomedical waste
1 OB Pictorial & in local language
The facility ensures Availability of functional needle See if it has been used or just
ME F4.2 management of sharps as per cutters lying idle
guidelines 1 OB
Availability of puncture proof box Should be available nears the
point of generation like
nursing station and injection
1 OB
Disinfection of sharp before disposal Disinfection of syringes is not
done in open buckets
1 OB
Staff is aware of contact time for
disinfection of sharps
1 SI
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
Standard G.1 Facility has established quality Assurance Program as per state/National guidelines

The facility has established Internal Assessment of the Maternity

ME G1.5 internal quality assurance Health services is done at periodic
programme interval 1 SI/RR

Standard G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .
Standard Operating procedures
are prepared , distributed and
ME G3.1 Updated SOP are available at point of
implemented for all key
processes use 1 RR
SOP adequately cover all relevant
processes of the department 1 RR
Availability of protocols for ANC
check-up 1 RR
ME G3.2 Staff is trained as per SOPs Staff is trained for ANC check-up 1 RR/SI
Work instructions are displayed Work Instruction for Abdominal
ME G3.3
at Point of work Examination 1 OB
Work Instruction for Counselling 1 OB
Work instruction for identification of
high risk pregnancy 1 OB
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Facility measures Productivity
ME H1.1
Indicators on monthly basis No. of ANC conducted per month 1 RR
No. of moderate & severely anaemic
cases line listed 1 RR
Facility measures efficiency
ME H1.2
Indicators on monthly basis Percentage of missed out ANC 1 RR
Percentage of Anaemia cases treated
successfully at PHC
1 RR
Facility measures Clinical Care &
ME H1.3 Safety Indicators on monthly Percentage of high risk pregnancies
basis detected during ANC 1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve
ME H2.2 indicators from its current Trends analysis of Indicators is done
performance at Periodic Intervals 1 RR

Maternity Health Score

Health Score 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0

Obtained Marks Maximum Marks Percentage

A 6 12 50
B 16 32 50
C 17 34 50
D 5 10 50
E 48 96 50
F 17 34 50
G 8 16 50
H 6 12 50
Total 123 246 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 3
Checklist for New Born & Child Health
Complia Assessment
Reference No. Measurable Element Checkpoint Means of Verification Remarks
nce Method
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services

The facility provides treatment

ME A1.1
of common ailments
Availability of OPD care for common
illness of new born, infant & children 1 RR/SI
OPD Services are available for at
least 8 Hours in a day
Services are available for the
ME A1.4
time period as mandated

Standard A2 The facility provides RMNCHA Services

Identification, primary management
The facility provides New-born and prompt referral of sick new-
ME A2.3 borns
health Services
Routine & Emergency care of Treatment of Diarrhoea ,
The facility provides Child health anaemic Children Pneumonia, anaemia etc.
ME A2.4
Routine & Emergency care of
Routine & Emergency care of
Diarrhoeal disease
Management of Malnutrition cases
Identification and referral of Severe
Acute Malnutrition cases with
complication to NRC

Management of fever & seizures
cases among children

Primary Management & referral of
paediatric RTA cases

Primary Management & referral of
child abuse cases or cases of violence

Counselling on breast-feeding Exclusive for 6 months and
adequate complementary
feeding from 6 months of age
while continuing breastfeeding

Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible

The facility has uniform and

ME B1.1
user-friendly signage system
Directional signage to breast feeding
corner is available 1
Entitlement under the JSSK & RBSK is
The facility displays the services displayed.
ME B1.2
and entitlements available
1 OB
Important Contact details like no. of
Ambulances & nearby facilities are

1 OB
Availability of Booklets / Leaflets/ IEC corner
brochures in the waiting area for
Health education and information
about ensuring warmth,exculisive
breast feeding, proper positioning &
attachment for imitating &
maintaining breast
feeding ,providing skin, chord & eye
Patients & visitors are sensitized care to baby, prompting hand
and educated through washing etc.
ME B1.4
appropriate IEC / BCC

1 OB
Mother of new born is informed
Information about the about the new born's condition &
treatment is shared with Treatment Plan
ME B1.7 patients or attendants and
consent is taken wherever
1 PI
A copy of OPD Slip/ Prescription
containing Diagnosis & treatment
plan, is given to mother

1 RR
Method of Administration /taking of
the medicines is informed to
mother/ Patients relative as per

Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Availability of Breast Feeding Corner

Services are provided in manner Check privacy of mother is

ME B2.1
that are sensitive to gender ensured in bread feeding
corner, check availability of
1 OB curtains, screens etc.
Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable

The facility ensures that the

ME B3.3 drugs prescribed are available in Check patient party has not spend
the pharmacy on purchasing drugs from outside 1 PI
Facility ensure investigation Check patient party has not spend
ME B3.4 prescribed are available at the on prescribed diagnostics from
Laboratory outside 1 PI
Area of Concern - C Inputs

Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms

Clinics have adequate space for

consultation and examination
Departments have adequate
ME C1.1
space as per patient load
General clinic does not have 1 Switch Boards all other
The facility ensures safety of temporary connections and loosely electrical installations are
ME C1.5 hanging wires intact &secure
electrical installations
Physical condition of buildings Floor of Clinic is non slippery and 1
ME C1.6 are safe for providing patient even
care OB

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load
The facility has adequate Availability of Doctors for
ME C2.1 medical officers as per service consultation during OPD hours
provision and work load 1 RR/PI
Training of Doctor for IMNCI /FIMNCI
The Staff has been imparted
necessary trainings/skill set to
ME C2.4
enable them to meet their roles
& responsibilities
1 RR
Training of staff nurse/ ANM

1 RR
Training on BLS/CPR
The Staff is skilled and
ME C2.5 competent as per job
description Staff is skilled for identify &
managing complication 1 SI

Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.
The facility has availability of Availability of oral drugs 1 SI/RR/OB ORS, Ciplox, paediatric tablets,
adequate drugs at the point of syrup, amoxycillin tablet,
use Doxycyclin & Syrup Zn tablets,
Chloroquine tablets,
Paracetamol, Metrindazol,
ME C3.1 Albendazol, bronchodilator, inj
Gentamicin, inj
Dexamethasone,Syrup IFA etc.

Availability of Emergency Drugs 1 SI/RR/OB Adrenaline,

Sodium bicarbonate,

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.

Availability of equipment & OB

Thermometer, Stethoscope,
ME C4.1 instruments for examination & Availability of functional equipment weighing scale, infantometer,
monitoring of patients for Examination & monitoring 1 Stadiometer
Availability of equipment & Availability of resuscitation OB
instruments for treatment equipment
procedures, being undertaken in Otoscope, tongue depressor,
the facility view box, ambu bag(0-10 years
ME C4.2 and >10 years)
0-1 face mask,250 ml bag and
mask, 0,1 blade(straight)for
largyngoscpe, ET tube
Area of Concern - D Support Services

Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure
to provide safe & secure environment to staff & users
The facility ensures comfortable Temperature control and ventilation
environment for patients and in OPD
service providers

Check for Optimal

temperature and ventilation is
ME D1.2 maintained in clinics for
comfort of staff & Patients .
Check for availability of heaters
in winters in rooms where
neonates and sick children are
examined. In case of new-
1 OB/SI borns avoid free draught of air.
Floors, walls, roof , sinks, patient
Patient care areas are clean and care and corridors are Clean
ME D1.3
1 OB
Surface of furniture and fixtures are
1 OB
Fixtures and Patient Furniture are
Facility infrastructure is intact and maintained in OPD
ME D1.4
adequately maintained
1 OB
Facility has policy of removal of No condemned/Junk material in the
condemned junk material 1 OB
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
The facility provides appropriate Patient referred with referral slip
ME E2.2 referral linkages for transfer to
other/higher facilities to assure
the continuity of care. 1 RR/SI
Availability of referral linkages to
higher centres. Check contact details of higher
1 RR/SI centre
Advance communication is done
with higher centre 1 RR/SI

Referral out register is maintained 1 RR/SI

Facility ensures follow up of Facility ensure the follow up of Check any register is
ME E2.3
patients referred patients 1 RR/SI maintained

Standard E6 Facility has established procedure for care of New born & Child as per guideline
Triage, Assessment & Primary management of emergency 1 RR/SI Check for adherence to clinical
Management of new-borns signs newborns protocols . The management of
having emergency signs are emergency signs consist of –
done as per guidelines Resuscitation
-Management of Hypoglycemia
-Management of Hypothermia
-Management of shock
ME E 6.2

Stablization & referral of sick new 1

born & those with very low birth
weight is done as per referral criteria

1 Check for adherence to clinical
protocols .Check facility of
Management of children nebulization, oxygen & mask
presenting with fever, cough/
ME E6.3
breathlessness is done as per
Primary management of children
with fever, cough & breathlessness RR/SI
Management of children with 1
Screening of children coming to
ME E6.4 severe Acute Malnutrition is OPDs using weight for height and/or
done as per guidelines MUAC RR/SI

Check staff is aware of procedure for

complimentary feeding & feeding
during illness
Management of children Management & Referral of Severe 1 Check for the dosage and
presenting diarrhoea is done per Dehydration as per clinical protocol logarithm
guidelines 100ml/kg of ringer
lactate/Normal saline
Infants 30ml/kg -1hour +
70ml/perkg 5hr
ME E6.5 for Child -30ml/kg-30min. + 70
ml/kg 2 1/2 hrs
ORS 5ml/kg/hr

Management of Moderate 1 ORS treatment at clinic for 4
Dehydration as per clinical protocol hrs
ask staff how to determine the
volume of ORS given as per
age and weight
Treatment of diarrheal with no 1 Give fluids, zinc supplements
dehydration and food and advise to
continue ORS at home
• Advise mother when to
return immediately.·
• Follow up in 5 days if not

Treatment of Persistent Diarrheal as 1 Single Dose-Vit A
per clinical protocol Zinc Sulphate 20 mg daily for
14 Days
Follow up in 5 days &feeding of

Treatment of Dysentery as per 1
Availability of ORT corner 1 With ORS, Mixing Utensils and
instructions displayed on how
to use. Check for records to
ensure that ORT is maintained

Staff aware & Practice ETAT 1 Staff is skilled for basic life
support for young, infant &

Screening & Referral of children

ME E6.6 as per guidelines of Rastriya Bal
Swasth Karkarm birth defects, deficiency,
Early screening & referral of children childhood diseases,
coming to OPD with any of 4 Ds developmental delays &
under RBSK SI/RR disabilities (Birth to 18 yrs)
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepsis
Availability of hand washing Facility Check for availability of wash
at Point of Use basin near the point of use
Hand washing facilities are
ME F1.1
provided at point of use
1 OB
Availability of running Water Ask to Open the tap. Ask Staff
water supply is regular
1 OB
Availability of antiseptic soap with Check for availability/ Ask staff
soap dish/ liquid antiseptic with if the supply is adequate and
dispenser. uninterrupted

1 OB
Display of Hand washing Instruction Prominently displayed above
at Point of Use the hand washing facility ,
preferably in Local language

1 OB

Staff is trained and adhere to Staff is adhere to standard hand

ME F1.2
standard hand washing practices washing practices
1 OB/SI Ask to demonstrate

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Disposable gloves are available at
Facility ensures adequate point of use
ME F2.1 personal protection equipment
as per requirements
1 OB
No reuse of disposable gloves,
Masks, caps and aprons.
Staff adheres to standard
ME F2.2
personal protection practices


Standard F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection & sterilization of equipment & instrument
The facility ensures standard Decontamination of Procedure 1 Ask staff about how they
practices and materials for surfaces decontaminate the procedure
decontamination and cleaning of surface like Examination table
instruments and procedures (Wiping with .5% Chlorine
areas solution
ME F3.1

Proper Decontamination of 1
instruments after use


Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical & hazardous
Availability of colour coded bins at Bins are covered
The facility ensures segregation
point of waste generation
ME F4.1 of Bio Medical Waste as per
1 OB
Availability of colour coded bags

Check Yellow bag is non

1 OB chlorinated
Segregation of different category of
waste as per guidelines

1 OB
Display of work instructions for
segregation and handling of
Biomedical waste

1 OB Pictorial & in local language

Area of Concern - G Quality Management
Standard G.1 Facility has established quality Assurance Program as per state/National guidelines

The facility has established Internal Assessment of the New Born

ME G1.5 internal quality assurance & child Health services is done at
programme periodic interval 1 RR

Standard G3 Facility has established, documented & implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .

Standard Operating procedures

are prepared , distributed and
ME G3.1
implemented for all key
processes Updated SOP are available at point
of use 1 RR

SOP adequately cover all relevant

processes of the department 1 RR

Treatment guideline for New born &

child health 1 RR

ME G3.2 Staff is trained as per SOPs

Staff is trained to identify sign of
dehydration 1 RR/SI

Staff is trained to identify sign of

malnourishment 1 RR/SI

Staff is trained to identify danger

sign of New born 1 RR/SI

Work instructions are displayed

ME G3.3
at Point of work Display of method for preparation of

Display of protocols for New born

assessment for Malnourishment 1 OB

Display of protocols for identification

of danger sign 1 OB
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators

Facility measures Productivity

ME H1.1 No. of children attended the OPD per
Indicators on monthly basis
month 1 RR

Percentage of new-born stabilized &

referred for treatment for higher
facility 1 RR

Percentage of children with Acute

malnutrition referred to NRCs 1 RR
Percentage of children treated with
anaemia 1 RR

Facility measures efficiency

ME H1.2
Indicators on monthly basis
Percentage of new born/children
followed up after referral 1 RR
Percentage of children with
Facility measures Clinical Care & diarrhoea treated with ORS and Zn
ME H1.3 Safety Indicators on monthly
1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve
ME H2.2 indicators from its current Trends analysis of Indicators is done
performance at Periodic Intervals 1 RR

New Born &Child Health

New Born Card
&child Health 50.0
ScoreArea of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0

Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Percentage

A 12 24 50
B 10 20 50
C 12 24 50
D 5 10 50
E 18 36 50
F 13 26 50
G 10 20 50
H 7 14 50
Total 87 174 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 4
Checklist for Immunization
Reference No. Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Assessment Means of Verification Remarks
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services

Services are available for the time

ME A1.4
period as mandated Though Fix day for providing ANC
services, client will be
Immunization services are available during entertained if visits any day
OPD timing 1 RR/SI during OPD hrs

Standard A4 The facility provide services as mandated in National Health Programmes

Functional Immunization Clinic Fix day immunization

The facility provides services
ME A4.11 under Universal Immunization
Programme (UIP) as per guidelines
Immunization of Newborn (Zero Dose) Zero Dose -OPV, HBV & BCG

Immunization of Infants OPV 123, DPT 123, /Pentavalent
Hepatitis 123, Measles 1& 2

Immunization of Children DPT Booster, OPV Booster, JE ,
DT booster, TT

Vitamin A 1st dose at 9 month with
measles, 2nd to 9th dose 16
month with DPT/OPV booseter,
then 1 dose every 6th month up
to age of 5 yrs'

Immunization of Pregnant Women TT1 & 2
TT Booster

Microplanning, supervision &
storage of vaccines &
Management & logistic support for transportation
Facility provides services as per immunization program 1 RR/SI
ME A5.2 local needs/ state specific health
programmes as per guidelines Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
Timings and days of the ANC clinic s are Day and timing of fix day services
displayed like ANC,Immunization etc. (as
The facility displays the services applicable)
ME B1.2
and entitlements available

1 OB
IEC material for immunization
services are displayed

Patients & visitors are sensitized

ME B1.4 and educated through appropriate IEC material regarding benefits of
IEC / BCC approaches Immunization, service under
immunization program &
Immunization schedule are
displayed prominently at
1 OB Immunization Clinic
Guardian /Mother of baby is informed Interview the mother about the
Information about the treatment about their next visit communication received,
is shared with patients or Co-relate with the notes
ME B1.7 recorded on the card.
attendants and consent is taken
wherever required
1 PI
Mother & Child protection (MCP) card is
provided to all clients
1 RR
Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Services are provided in manner Availability of Breast Feeding Corner
ME B2.1
that are sensitive to gender 1 OB
Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
The facility provides cashless
services to all patients including
ME B3.1 pregnant women, mothers and Immunization services are provided free of
sick children as per prevalent cost 1 PI
The schemes
facility ensures that the drugs
ME B3.3 prescribed are available in the Check patient party has not spend on
pharmacy purchasing Consumbles from outside 1 PI
Area of Concern - C Inputs
Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms

Departments have adequate Demarcated area for Immunization clinic

ME C1.1 with adequate space for carrying out
space as per patient load
immunization activities 1 OB/SI
Amenities for Patients & Staff are Availability of Fans /Warmers facilities as
ME C1.2 per need
available as per load 1 OB
Availability of clean drinking water
facilities May be shared common with
1 OB General clinic
Immunization area does not have Switch Boards and all other
The facility ensures safety of temporary connections and loosely electrical installations are intact
ME C1.5
electrical installations hanging wires &secure
1 OB
Physical condition of buildings are Floor of immunization clinic is non
ME C1.6 slippery and even
safe for providing patient care 1 OB

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate nursing

ME C2.2 staff/Paramedics as per service
provision and work load Availability of Staff nurse /ANM 1 SI/RR
The Staff has been imparted Training of MO on immunization &AEFI
ME C2.4 necessary trainings/skill set to
enable them to meet their roles &
responsibilities 1 RR
Training of Staff nurse/ANM & LHV on
immunization & AEFI
1 RR
Training of Cold chain handlers on Training of designated cold chain
immunization handler (ANM, Clerk or
Pharmacist )
1 RR
Training on safe injection practices 1

Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.
Availability of Vaccines at Immunization OPV, BCG, Hepatitis B, DPT,
The facility has availability of Clinic Measles, Vit A/Pentavalent,
ME C3.1
adequate drugs at point of use Paracetamol
Emergency Drug Tray is maintained at Drugs for managing anaphylactic
Immunization Room reaction - Inj Adrenaline (clearly
labelled), Inj Hydrocortisone ,
Injection Chlorpheniramine,
IV Fluid (LR, 0.9% IVSodium
chloride),IV Set, Airway, tongue
depressor, ET tube, Ambu bag &
oxygen, BP apperatus with child
cuff & sethoscope

The Facility has availability of Availability of disposables in
ME C3.2 adequate consumables at point of immunization clinics
use 1 RR/SI/OB AD Syringes

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.

Availability of equipment for Availability of Vaccine carrier with ice

ME C4.4
storage packs 1 SI/OB
Area of Concern - D Support Services

Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to provide safe &
secure environment to staff & users
Temperature control and ventilation in

Check for Optimal temperature

The facility ensures comfortable and ventilation is maintained in
ME D1.2 environment for patients and clinics for comfort of staff &
service providers Patients . Check for availability of
heaters in winters in rooms
where neonates and sick children
are examined. In case of
newborns avoid free draught of
1 OB/SI air.
Patient care areas are clean and Floors, walls, roof , sinks patient care and
ME D1.3 corridors are Clean
hygienic 1 OB
Surface of furniture and fixtures are clean
1 OB
Facility has policy of removal of No condemned/Junk material in the OPD
ME D1.5
condemned junk material 1 OB

Standard D2 Facility has defined procedure for storage, Inventory Management & dispensing of drugs in pharmacy
The facility has established Expenditure and left over records of
ME D2.4 procedure for inventory vaccines is maintained at immunization
management techniques clinic

Standard D5 Facility has procedure for collecting & Reporting of the health facility related information
Staff Know AEFI cases to be reported Death , Anaphylaxis, Toxic Shock
The facility provides monitoring immediately to MO/ District Immunization Syndrome, Hospitalization ,
and reporting services under Officer Disablity etc.
ME D5.11
Universal Immunization
Programme, as per guidelines
Formats for First Information Report &
Preliminery Investigation Report are
available at the faclity
Staff is awrae of Cycle time for reporting 24 hrs for FIR
FIR/PIR 7 Days for PIR
Routine Monthly reporting is done to Check for the records
District Immunization Officer
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
Standard E9 Facility provides National Health Programmes as per operational/clinical guidelines of the Government
The facility provides services Availability of diluents for Reconstitution Match no. of dilutants With no.
ME E9.11 under Universal Immunization of measles vaccine of measles
Programme as per guidelines 1 OB/RR
Recommended temperature of diluents is Check diluents are kept under
ensured before reconstitution cold chain at least 24 hours
before reconstitution
Diluents are kept in vaccine
carrier only at immunization
clinic but should not be in direct
contact of ice pack

Reconstituted vaccines are not used after Check when the vaccine vials
recommended time opened, reconstituted and valid
for use. Should not be used
beyond 4 hours after
Time of opening/ Reconstitution is Check on vial
recorded on the vial
Staff is aware of the shelf life of Vit A once 6-8 weeks. Check for if date of
it is opened and ensures it is not given opening has been marked on the
after shelf life bottle.
Staff checks VVM level before using Ask staff how to check VVM level
vaccines and how to identify discard
point. 4 stages - use up to 3
Staff is aware of how check freeze damage Ask staff to demonstrate how to
for T-Series vaccines conduct Shake test for DPT, DT
and TT
1 SI
Discarded vaccines are kept separately Check for expired, frozen or with
VVM beyond the discard point
vaccine stored separately

1 OB
Check for DPT, DT, Hepatitis B, and TT vials
are Kept in basket in upper section of ILR
1 OB
Availability of separate box for open &
reused vaccines
1 OB
Check for injection site is not cleaned with cleaning the injection site with a
sprit before administering vaccine dose spirit swab before vaccination is
not advisable as live components
of the vaccine are killed if they
come in contact with spirit

1 OB
AD syringes are available as per Check for 0.1 ml AD syringe for
requirement BCG and 0.5 ml syringe for
others are available
Vaccine recipient is asked to stay for half
an hour after vaccination to observer any
adverse effect following immunization

Antipyretic drugs are available 1 OB/SI
Mother & child protection card is available
& updated
Counselling on adverse events and follow
up visits done
Staff has knowledge & skills to recognize
minor and serious adverse events (AEFI)
Staff knows what to do in case of Immediate report to MO
Check mother & child protection card is Check MCP card is filled &
provided to each client updated, also check information
like record of weight, every child
development sign etc are filled

Area of Concern - F Infection Control
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepesis

Hand washing facilities are Availability of hand washing Facility at Check for availability of wash
ME F1.1 Point of Use basin near the point of use
provided at point of use 1 OB
Availability of running Water Ask to Open the tap. Ask Staff if
water supply is regular
1 OB
Availability of antiseptic soap with soap Check for availability/ Ask staff if
dish/ liquid antiseptic with dispenser. the supply is adequate and
1 OB
Staff is trained and adhere to Staff is adhere to standard hand washing
ME F1.2
standard hand washing practices practices 1 OB/SI
Facility ensures standard practices Availability of Antiseptic Solutions at
ME F1.3 immunization clinic
for maintaining asepsis 1 OB
Proper cleaning of injection site with Before immunization
antiseptic is done
1 OB

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Facility ensures adequate personal Disposable gloves are available at point of
ME F2.1 protection equipment as per use
requirements 1 OB
Staff adheres to standard No reuse of disposable gloves, Masks, caps
ME F2.2 and aprons.
personal protection practices 1 OB/SI

Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste

The facility ensures segregation of Availability of colour coded bins at point of

ME F4.1 Bio Medical Waste as per waste generation
guidelines 1 OB Bins are covered
Availability of colour coded bags
Check Yellow bag is non
1 OB chlorinated
Segregation of different category of waste
as per guidelines
1 OB
There is no mixing of infectious and
general waste
1 OB
The facility ensures management Availability of functional needle cutters See if it has been used or just
ME F4.2 lying idle
of sharps as per guidelines 1 OB
Availability of puncture proof box Should be available nears the
point of generation like nursing
station and injection room

1 OB
Disinfection of sharp before disposal Disinfection of syringes is not
done in open buckets
1 OB
Staff is aware of contact time for
disinfection of sharps
1 SI
Availability of post exposure prophylaxis Ask if available. Where it is
stored and who is in charge of
Staff knows what to do in condition of Staff knows what to do in case of
needle stick injury shape injury. Whom to report.
See if any reporting has been
1 SI
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
Standard G.1 Facility has established quality Assurane Program as per state/National guidelines
The facility has established
ME G1.5 internal quality assurance Internal Assessment of immunization clinic
programme is done at periodic interval 1 RR/SI

Standard G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .
Standard Operating procedures
ME G3.1 are prepared , distributed and
implemented for all key processes Updated SOP are available at point of use 1 RR
SOP adequately cover all relvant processes
of the department 1 RR
Work instructions are displayed at Display of instruction for storage of
ME G3.3
Point of work vaccine in ice box 1 OB
Display of protocols for identification of
sign of AEFI 1 OB
Display of protocol for shake test 1 OB
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators

ME H1.1 Facility measures Productivity

Indicators on monthly basis No. of children immunized per month 1 RR
ME H1.2 Facility measures efficiency
Indicators on monthly basis Drop out rate for DPT vaccination 1 RR
Facility measures Clinical Care &
ME H1.3
Safety Indicators on monthly basis Percentage of AEFI cases reported 1 RR
No. of needle stick injuries reported 1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve
ME H2.2 indicators from its current Trends analysis of Indicatrors is done at
performance Periodic Intervals 1 RR

Immunization Health Score

Health Score 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0

Obtained Score Maximum Score Percentage

A 8 16 50
B 7 14 50
C 13 26 50
D 9 18 50
E 19 38 50
F 12 24 50
G 6 12 50
H 5 10 50
79 158 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 5

Checklist for Family Planning

Reference No. Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Assessment Means of Verification Remarks
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services

Services are available for the

ME A1.4
time period as mandated Family Planning services are available
during OPD timing 1 RR/SI
Standard A2 The facility provides RMNCHA Services
Provision of family Counseling 1 For Family Planning, Abortion &
The facility provides services Infertility
ME A2.1 Reproductive health
Provision of Contraceptives 1 Condoms, Oral Pills, Progesterone
Only pill (POP), Emergency
Availability of Interval IUD Services 1 Insertion , Follow up, Management
of Failure and Complication
Referral & Follow-up services 1 For Permanent Methods of Family
Planning, Abortion & Infertility
Safe Abortion Services 1 Primary Management of
spontaneous cases of abortion.
MTP using Manual Vacuum
Aspiration (MVA) technique
Medical Method of abortion up to
7 weeks

Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
The facility displays the
ME B1.2 services and entitlements List of Family Planning services
available available at facility are displayed 1 OB
Patients & visitors are
sensitized and educated
ME B1.4 IEC material regarding benefits of Flip Chart, Models, specimens and
through appropriate IEC /
BCC approaches family planning is displayed 1 OB Samples of contraceptives
Education Material for counseling are
available 1 OB
Information about the
treatment is shared with Check couselling staff inform client
ME B1.7 patients or attendants and Informed Choice of client is ensured about all available options of
consent is taken wherever during couselling for contraception 1 PI family planning .
Verbal Consent is taken before IUD
Insertion 1 SI/PI
Written consent is taken before
abortion procedures 1 SI/RR As per MTP Act on Form F
Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable

Services are provided in

ME B2.1 manner that are sensitive to No stress, pressure , coercion or
gender Check reproductive rights of female incentives are being used to divert
clients are ensured 1 SI/PI/RR client towards any specific option
Adequate visual privacy is
ME B2.2 provided at every point of Availability of screens/Curtains at IUD
care insertion area 1 OB
Privacy is maintained during individual
The facility ensures the counseling of client 1 OB/SI
ME B2.4 behaviors of staff is dignified Confidentiality of records is
and respectful, while maintained 1 RR/SI Specially in cases of abortion
the cultural
preferences of patients and
ME B2.5 attendants are taken into Behavior of staff is empathetic and
consideration while courteous to clients 1 PI
delivering services
Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
The facility provides cashless
services to all patients
ME B3.1 including pregnant women, Check no expenditure occurred during
mothers and sick children as availing family planning or abortion
per prevalent government services 1 PI
Area of Concern - C Inputs
Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms
Departments have layout
ME C1.3 and demarcated areas as Demarcated room for IUD insertion
per functions services 1 OB/SI

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The Staff has been imparted

necessary trainings/skill set Competency based training on
ME C2.4 IUCD for service providers (5 days
to enable them to meet
their roles & responsibilities Training on IUD insertion 1 RR training)

Training on family planning couselling 1 RR

Training on MVA / Medical Abortion 1 RR

The Staff is skilled and
ME C2.5 competent as per job Ask about steps for insertion and
description Staff is skilled for IUD insertion 1 SI removal asepsis

Ask about different component of

Staff is skilled for Family Planning general and method related
Counseling 1 SI couselling

Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.
The facility has availability of
ME C3.1 adequate drugs at point of
use Availability of Oral Contraceptive Pills 1 SI/RR/OB At least one month stock
Availability of Emergency
Contraceptive Pills 1 SI/RR/OB At least one month stock
Availability of drugs for Medical
Method of abortion 1 SI/RR/OB Mifepristone & Misoprostol
The Facility has availability
ME C3.2 of adequate consumables at
point of use Availability of IUD Devices 1 SI/RR/OB
Availability condoms 1 SI/RR/OB
Availability of antiseptic solution 1 SI/RR/OB

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.

Availability of equipment &

instruments for treatment
ME C4.2
procedures, being
undertaken in the facility Stainless steel tray with cover
Kidney tray, Bowl, Sim's or Cusco's
speculum, anterior vaginal wall
retrarctor, Sponge holding forcep,
Volsellum forceps, Utrine sound,
Availability of Instruments of IUD Mayo Scissors, Long Artery straight
insertion and removal 1 OB/SI forcep

MVA Aspirator, cannula of

required size, Strainer for tissues,
Blunt and Sharp Curette, Sim's/or
Cusco's Speculum , Allis forcep,
Availability of Instruments for MVA 1 OB/SI Bowl for antiseptic solution

Availability of equipment for Availability of almirah / Cupbord for

ME C4.4 storing contraceptives , consumables
and records 1 OB/SI

Availability of patient
ME C4.5 furniture and fixtures as per
load and service provision Examination/ Procedure table with
Availability for furniture for IUD washable surface , Steps for table,
insertion 1 OB/SI Light source

Availability of functional
equipment and instruments
ME C4.6
for support & outreach Plastic Bucket/tub for
services Instruments for decontamination and decontamination, Boiler /
sterilization 1 OB/SI Autoclave
Area of Concern - D Support Services

Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to
provide safe & secure environment to staff & users
The facility ensures
ME D1.2 comfortable environment
for patients and service Procedures and counselling area are
providers well ventilated and comfortable 1 OB

Patient care areas are clean Check for there is no dirt, dust,
ME D1.3
and hygienic stains , cobwebs etc in the IUD
insertion room and counselling
Procedure area are clean and hygienic 1 OB area
The facility provides
ME D1.7 adequate illumination level Illumination in IUD section area
at patient care areas adequate for condition procedures 1 OB

Standard D2 Facility has defined procedure for storage, Inventory Management & dispensing of drugs in pharmacy
The facility has established
ME D2.1 procedures for estimation, Monthly consumption of
indenting and procurement Contraceptives is calculated and
of drugs and consumables indented accordingly 1 RR/SI

The facility ensures proper

ME D2.2 storage of drugs and Contraceptives are stored at stored
consumables away from moisture, sources of heat
and direct sunlight at secured place 1 OB
The facility has established
ME D2.4 procedure for inventory No stock out of Contraceptives and
management techniques other consumables 1 RR/SI

Standard D4 Facility has defined procedure for Governance & work Management
The facility ensures its
ME D4.7 processes are in compliance Compliance to MTP Act for abortion
with statutory and legal Procedures 1 RR/SI
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records

There is established
procedure for initial
ME E2.1
assessment & Reassessment
of patients History taking, physical
Assessment of Client is done 1 RR/SI examination

The facility ensures that

standardized forms and
ME E2.8
formats are used for all IUCD insertion register, removal
purposes including registers register , IUD follow up register ,
Availability of Records for Family Counselling register, abortion
Planning services and abortion 1 RR/SI records as per MTP act

Standard E7 Facility has establish procedure for Family Planning as per Govt guideline

Ask staff about the GATHER

Family planning counselling approach
Staff is aware on general principles of G- Greet
ME E7.1 services provided as per
counselling A- Ask
T- Tell
H- Help
E- Explain
1 SI R - return
The client is given full information The importance of timely initiation
about optimal pregnancy spacing and of an FP method after
its benefits Key Messages - Recommended
interval before attempting next
pregnancy (24 Month)
Recommended Interval before
attempting next pregnancy after
abortion -6 Month
Recommended minimum age to
conceive - 19 years

1 SI
The client is informed additional
benefits of using condoms, such as
prevention of sexually transmitted
infections (STIs) & HIV

Staff is aware of case selecting criteria 49-22 years of age
for family planning Married
Youngest child is at least one year
Spouse has not opted for
1 SI

Facility provides spacing 1. If women exclusively breastfeed

ME E7.2 method of family planning her baby including night feeds
as per guideline 2. less than six month after
Staff is aware of eligibility criteria for 3. Women's' menses is not
Lactation Amenorrhea method 1 SI returned

Benefits- Promotes breastfeeding,

effective immediately, no medicine
Staff is aware of benefits and or side effect.
limitation of Lectation Amenorrhea Limitation- All three criteria to be
Method 1 Si met for effectiveness.
Pills are given only to those who meet Contraindication of COC in
the Medical Eligibility Criteria Breastfeeding mothers within
6week and Hypertension

The client is given full information
about the risks, advantages, and
possible side effects before OCPs are
prescribed for her.
Staff has knowledge to counsel if a
dose of the contraceptive is missed
1 SI
Staff is aware of indication and within 72 hours, second dose 12
method of administration of ECP house after first dose
1 SI

The facility provides IUCD Ask staff about Method, Eligibility

ME E7.3 service for family planning criteria, Limitation, Side Effect and
as per guidelines contradictions for OCP method for
IUCD are prescribed as per guidelines 1 RR/SI Spacing
IUD insertion is done as per standard No touch technique, Speculum and
protocol bimanual examination, sounding of
uterus and placement

Client is informed about the adverse Cramping, vaginal discharge,
effect that can happen and their heavier menstruation, checking of
remedy IUD
Follow up services are provided as per Beneficiary are advised about
protocols indications for removal of IUD
Facility for removal of IUD are
1 SI

Facility provide counselling Following should be explained to

services for Medial women in simple language
ME E7.4
Termination of Pregnancy as 1. Range of available options of
per guideline MTP procedures based on
gestation age
2. Likely risk associated with the
3. Care after procedures
4. Immediate risk of pregnancy if
Pre Procedure counselling is provided not taking contraception
as per guidelines 1 SI 5. When to return for follow up
Facility provide abortion MVA procedures are done as per
ME E7.5 services for 1st trimester as guidelines
per guideline 1 SI/RR
Medical termination of pregnancy
done as per guidelines
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepsis

Hand washing facilities are Availability of Hand washing facility

ME F1.1
provided at point of use near IUCD insertion area 1 OB
Staff is trained and adhere
ME F1.2 to standard hand washing Staff washes hand before and after the Ask about steps and 5 moments of
practices procedures 1 OB hand washing
Facility ensures standard
ME F1.3 practices for maintaining Application of water based
asepsis antiseptic two or more times to the
cervix and vagina before beginning
Use of antiseptic before IUCD insertion 1 SI the procedure of IUCD insertion
Use of aseptic/no touch technique
during IUCD insertion 1 SI

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.

Staff adheres to standard

ME F2.2 personal protection
practices Use of clean or sterile gloves for
procedures 1 SI/OB Check for Disposable gloves

Standard F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection &sterilization of equipment & instrument

The facility ensures standard

practices and materials for
ME F3.1 decontamination and
cleaning of instruments and
procedures areas

Procedure surfaces are wiped with

0.5% solution after every procedure 1 SI/OB

All instruments are fully immersed

in open position in a plastic
Decontamination of Instruments after container filled with 0.5 Chlorine
use 1 SI solution for 10%

Cleaning of Instruments with water

and detergent after decontamination 1 SI

The facility ensures standard

practices and materials for Boiling for 20 Mins
ME F3.2 disinfection and sterilization or
of instruments and Soaking in 2% glutaraldehyde
equipment High level disinfection/ Sterilization of or .1% solution for 20 Mins
instruments with appropriate method or Sterlization in autoclave at
as per availability 1 SI 15lb/sq inch pressure for 20 mins

Up to 1 week with tight fitted

Sterilized instruments are stored as If lid is open than use with in 24
per specification 1 SI hours

Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste

The facility ensures Availability of color coded bins at point

ME F4.1 segregation of Bio Medical of waste generation
Waste as per guidelines 1 OB Bins are covered
Segregation of different category of
waste as per guidelines
1 OB
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
Standard G.2 Facility has established system for Patients and employees satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction surveys Client feedback is taken after

ME G2.1 are conducted at periodic counselling , IUCD and abortion
intervals services 1 SI/RR

Standard G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .
procedures are prepared ,
ME G3.1 distributed and Availability of SOP for family planning
implemented for all key and abortion services 1 RR
ME G3.2 Staff is trained as per SOPs Display of protocols for family planning
counseling 1 OB
Work instructions are Display of Protocols for abortion
ME G3.3
displayed at Point of work services 1 OB
Display of protocols of IUCD insertion
and removal 1 OB
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Facility measures
ME H1.1 Productivity Indicators on
monthly basis IUCD inserted per 1000 eligible female 1 RR
No. of abortion conducted per Month 1 RR
No. of Clients provided Emergency
Contraceptive Pills 1 RR

Facility measures efficiency

ME H1.2
Indicators on monthly basis Percentage of client accepted limiting
method out of total counseled 1 RR
Percentage of client returned for
follow up 1 RR
Facility measures Clinical
ME H1.3 Care & Safety Indicators on
monthly basis IUCD complication rate 1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavors to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to
ME H2.2 improve indicators from its Trends analysis of Indicators is done at
current performance Periodic Intervals 1 RR

Family Planning Health

Score Card
Planning 50.0
Health Score
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality 50.0
H Manangement
Outcome 50.0

Obtained Score Maximum Score Percentage

A 6 12 50
B 12 24 50
C 17 34 50
D 7 14 50
E 19 38 50
F 12 24 50
G 5 10 50
H 7 14 50
Total 85 170 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 6

Checklist For Communicable Diseases

Reference Assessment
Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Means of Verification Remarks
No. Method
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services
OPD Services are available for at least 8
Services are available for the time period as Hours in a day
ME A1.4
A4 The facility provide services as mandated in National Health Programmes
Case detection & Early diagnosis of Microscopy/ Rapid diagnostic
The facility provides services under National malaria case kit
ME A4.1 Vector Borne Disease Control Programme as
per guidelines
Management & Chemoprophylaxis of
Malarial Cases 1 RR/SI
Referral of malaria cases Cerebral Malaria, Septecemia

Distribution of treated
mosquito net, indoor residual
spray & larval control Method
Preventive Activites for Malaria control 1 RR/SI etc.
Diagnosis & treatment for local prevalent Lymphatic Filariasis,
vector born Disease Dengue,
Japanese Encephalitis,
Kala Azar (Leishmania osis)
The facility provides services under Revised Case detection & Early diagnosis of TB
ME A4.2 National TB Control Programme as per
guidelines 1 RR/SI
Availability / Linkage to microscopic
centre 1 RR/SI
Availability of functional DOT Centre

Include Management of
Common complication & side
Treatment & Management of tuberculosis 1 RR/SI effects of treatment
Linkage for chest X ray & culture
sensitivity of Mycobacterium bacilli for
diagnosis of TB
Early detection of leprosy & its Community empowerment &
complications mobilization of self referral,
The facility provides services under National capacity building
ME A4.3 Leprosy Eradication Programme as per

Early referral of disabled cases Identification of cases having
disability their early referral &
follow up at village level

Diagnosis & treatment All reported and referred cases
examined following standard
procedure, diagnosed based on
cardinal signs and treated with
MDT & Management of Nerve

Referral Services for complicated laprosy Difficult to diagnosis cases,lepra
cases reaction difficult to
manage,Complicated ulcer,Eye
problem,cases of reconstructive
surgeries,person needs
customized footwear.

Early detection of HIV Screening of Antenatal
mothers, high risk behaviour
cases and cases referred by
The facility provides services under National field worker
ME A4.4
AIDS Control Programme as per guidelines

Referral linkage with ICTC for
confirmation of HIV status
Condom Promotion & distribution among
high risk groups

Counselling & guide patient with HIV/AIDS
for receiving ART
Support to patients receiving ART for their

Linkage with Microscopic centre for HIV
TB coordination
The facility Provides services under Integrated Weekly reporting of epidemic prone
ME A4.9 Disease Surveillance Programme as per diseases
Guidelines 1 RR/SI
Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
B1 The service provided at facility are accessible

Availability &display of IEC material Availability of information

for RNTCP about facts of TB, do's &
donot's, sure cure of TB,
adverse effects of having
Patients & visitors are sensitized and educated incomplete treatment.
ME B1.4
through appropriate IEC / BCC approaches

1 OB
Availability &display of IEC material Posters for Treated Mosquito
for NVBDCP nets, Signs of maleria fever,
preventing Stagnant Water,
Preventing Maleria in

1 OB
IEC activities to enhance awareness & 1 Provision of basic information
preventive measures about STI ,HIV/AIDS on modes of transmission and
& PPCT prevention of HIV/AIDS for
promoting behavioural change
and reducing vulnerability.

Patient is informed about the diagnosis &
Treatment Plan
Information about the treatment is shared
ME B1.7 with patients or attendants and consent is OPD Slip/ Prescription
taken wherever required containing Diagnosis &
treatment plan/ Treatment card
1 RR/PI for TB patient
Method of Administration /taking of the
medicines is informed to patient/
relative / DOT provider as per
B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Patient records are kept in safe custody Check Patient records e.g. OPD
register, DOT register, HIV
postive reports etc. are kept in
Confidentiality of patients' records and clinical safe custody and are not
ME B2.3
information is maintained accessible to unauthorized
Privacy & Confidentiality of patients
having HIV, Leprosy etc 1 SI/OB
Area of Concern - C Inputs
C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate medical officers as Availability of Doctors for consultation
ME C2.1 during OPD hours
per service provision and work load 1 RR/PI
Availability of Multiple Health
worker( MPW)/ Community mobiliser/
The facility has adequate support staff / Health Public Health Manger as per guideline
ME C2.3
Workers as per service provision and workload
The Staff has been imparted necessary Training of Medical officer for RNTCP Module 1-4, TB-HIV module
ME C2.4 trainings/skill set to enable them to meet their
roles & responsibilities 1 RR
Training for MPW module under Senior treatment supervisor
RNTCP module, TB Health visitor
module & MPW /Health
assistant module training as
1 RR
Training of Aganwadi workers/ DOT provider module on TB,
ANM/Community volunteer under DOT provider module on TB-HIV
1 RR
Re-training is conducted as per
retraining schedules of RNTCP 1 RR
Training on NACP 1 RR
Training on leprosy 1 RR
C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.

The facility has availability of adequate drugs

ME C3.1 Category I & Category II. Check
at point of use
Availability of Anti tuberculor drugs under the availability of Stock & their
RNTCP 1 OB/RR/SI Storage as per guideline
sulphate,Sulfadoxine +
Availability of drugs under NVBDCP 1 OB/RR/SI
Availability of Drugs for National Leprosy Availability of MDT &
Eradication Program Prednisolone
Area of Concern - D Support Services
D5 Facility has procedure for collecting & Reporting of the health facility related information
Reporting is done on Form 01 (MF 2) For reporting of blood smear.
Reporting format contain
information about patient’s
name, age, sex and slum, etc. A
code number is given to each
patient in terms of blood smear
number for identification of
The facility provides monitoring and reporting each fever case screened, for
ME D5.1 services under National Vector Borne Disease tracing out to provide radical
Control Programme as per guidelines treatment and also for follow

1 RR
Reporting is done on Form 02 (MF 4) Monthly reporting of malaria
program of PHC , it provides
details of the worker wise blood
smears received and their
1 RR
Reporting is done on Form 03 (MF 5) Monthly epidemiological report
of malaria program of PHC, it
provides species wise details of
the positive cases and radical
treatment provided

1 RR
Reporting is done on Form 08 (MF 16) For reporting drug distribution
centre, fever treatment depots
& malaria clinics

1 RR
The facility provides services monitoring and Availability of Quarterly reports on New
ME D5.2 reporting services under Revised National TB and retreatment cases of TB
Control Programme, as per guidelines 1 RR
Availability of Quarterly report on sputum
conversion of New and retreatment cases
registered 4-6 month earlier

1 RR
Availability of Quarterly report on result
of treatment of TB patient registered 13-
15 month earlier
1 RR
Availability of Monthly report on Program
Management, Logistics and Microscopy by
Peripheral Health Institutions

1 RR
Monthly report on programme
management, logistics and microscopy
filled at all healthcare facilities & sent to
CMO/DTO/ concerned TU within defined
1 RR
Reporting is done on MLF -04 under NLEP Monthly progress report from
The facility provides monitoring and reporting PHC to District regarding
ME D5.3 services under National Leprosy Eradication different DPMR activities
Programme as per guidelines
1 RR
Details of referral from various facilities HIV-TB collaborative activities
including line listing of cases
The facility provides services under National referred from ICTC to RNTCP
ME D5.4
AIDS Control Programme, as per guidelines
1 RR
Monthly HIV-TB report 1 RR
Check form P is filled for information 1 Form for presumptive
required surveillance reporting
Form P contain information
Name of reporting unit, state,
district, Block,Name of officer
The facility provide monitoring and reporting incharge along with signature,
ME D5.9 service for Integrated Disease Surveillance IDSP reporting week, No.of
Programme, as per guidelines cases under each disease and

Reporting format (Form P) are sent to 1 Form P will be filled in duplicate
DSU as per guidelines (two copies), Surveillance
officer may place carbon paper
in between 2 sheets, One copy
(blue ) is retained by MO and
other (Yellow) will be sent to

Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
Availability of Form / Format for testing Mycobacteriology
and Diagnosis of TB under RNTCP culture/sensitivity test form
Laboratory form for sputum
The facility ensures that standardised forms tuberculosis treatment Card
ME E2.8 and formats are used for all purposes including referral treatment form
registers transfer form

Availability of Records for RNTCP TB laboratory monthly abstract
Referral/Treatment Register
TB Register

1 RR
Availability of records for National Leprosy Disability register (P1/S1),
Eradication Program Record of lepra
reactions/Neuritis cases (form
1 RR
E9 Facility provides National Health Programmes as per operational/clinical guidelines of the Government
Treatment for confirmed P. Vivax Malaria P.vivax cases should be treated
is done as per protocols with chloroquine for three days
and Primaquine for
14 days. Primaquine is used to
prevent relapse but is
Facility provides service under National Vector contraindicated in pregnant
ME E9.1 Borne Disease Control Program as per women, infants and individuals
guidelines with G6PD deficiency.

Patient on malaria treatment (specially on Patients should be instructed to
Primaquine) are provided with report back in case of
information about when to report back haematuria or high colored
urine / cyanosis or blue
coloration of lips and
Primaquine should be stopped

Treatment for Confirmed P. falciparum is P. falciparum cases are treated
done as per protocols with ACT (Artesunate
Pyrimethamine 1 day) This is
accompanied by single dose of
Pramaquine preferably day 2).
However, there is resistance to
partner drug SP in NE, it is
recommended to use
ARTEMETHER( 20 mg) -
AL) as per age specific dose
schedule for the treatment of pf
cases in NE (contraindicated in
1st trimester of pregnancy & for
children weighting <5 years)

Treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum Pregnant women with
Malaria in pregnancy is done as per uncomplicated Falciparum
protocols should be treated 1st trimester:
Quinine, 2nd &3rd trimester:
Treatment of mixed infection is done as Mixed infections with P.
per protocols falciparum should be treated as
falciparum malaria. However,
antirelapse treatment with
primaquine can be given for 14
days, if indicated.

Algorithm for treatment & diagnosis of Check for availability of
malaria is available with treating physician Alogrithm
Identification of drug resistance /failure
cases especially falciparum is done as per
Treatment of falciparum failure cases is Falciparum malaria should be
done as per protocols given alternative ACT or quinine
with Doxycycline. Doxycycline is
contraindicated in pregnancy,
lactation and in children up to 8

Staff is trained to identify severe cases of Severe malaria have one or
malaria especially severe manifestation of more of following features:
P falciparum impaired
generalized convulsions, Renal
failure (Serum Creatinine >3
mg/dl), Jaundice (Serum
Bilirubin >3 mg/dl), Severe
anaemia (Hb <5 g/dl),
Pulmonary oedema,
Hypoglycaemia (Plasma Glucose
<40 mg/dl), Circulatory
collapse/shock, DIC,
a (>5% parasitized RBCs ),
Haemoglobinuria etc.

Different coloured blister packs of ACT+SP e.g: Pink for 0-1 year, yellow for
is available for different age group 1-5 yrs, green for 5-8 yrs, Red
especially for field staff for 9-14 yrs & white for 1 5&
above. For NE: pack colour and
regimen vary by body weight &
age group, Yellow: weight for
5to 14 kg and age for> 5 month
to <3 years, green: weight 15 to
24 kg age >3 to 8yrs, Red :
weight 25-34 kg, age 9 to 14
yrs, white:weight > 34 kg,and
age >14 yrs

Category wise treatment regimen is Category I- New sputum smear-
given to patient positive
Seriously ill** new sputum
Seriously ill** new extra-
pulmonary- 2H3R3Z3E3+
4H3R3, Category II- Sputum
smear-positive Relapse
Sputum smear-positive Failure
Facility provides services under Revised Sputum smear-positive
ME E9.2 Treatment After Default
National TB Control Program as per guidelines
Others***- 2H3R3Z3E3S3 +
1H3R3Z3E3 +

Patient wise box are colour coded as Red - Category I, Blue -
per category Category -II,
Prior to start of treatment patient Address of the patient is
identity card & and treatment card is verified by Peripheral Health
prepared worker before start of the
treatment Within 1 week of
Medical officer also discuss about near Easily accessible and acceptable
by DOT centre with the patient by patient, Place identified for
DOT (DOT centre) & name and
designation of DOT provider is
written in patient treatment

DOT directory is maintained &updated DOT directory For identify
at healthcare facility level suitable DOT provider & DOT
Duplicate treatment card is issued to Original card is maintained at
DOT provider/community DOT healthcare centre where
provider if DOT provider is situtated treatment has started
outside the healthcare centre

Medical officer issue Patient wise box Check for the stock to be
(PWB) for entire duration for maintained
treatment to Peripheral Health
worker/DOT provider
Original treatment card is updated at Fortnightly Basis
regular intervals by PHW 1 SI/RR
All the doses of intensive phase is Under supervision of DOT
taken as per guideline provider/Community DOT
provider if any dose is missed
patient must be contacted
within 1 day and dose is
administrated on following day

In continuous phase doses is taken as First dose in taken under
per guideline supervision of DOT
provider/Community DOT
provider and for subsequent
doses for week is self
administrated. Empty blisters
are contacted within next
scheduled visit

Check What action taken by DOT Reported to next level
provider if they fail to retrieve such supervisor (PHW/MO- PHI/STS/
patient MO-TB)
Check What action is taken if patient Arrange visit of MO- PHI to
misses DOT on 2 occasion in Intensive patient home for counselling of
phase the patient.
Side effects of anti TB treatment is
identified by DOT provider and
reported to MO

Discontinuation of
Protocols for treatment for TB during Streptomycin
pregnancy and Post natal Period is Chemoprophylaxis of baby in
adhered 1 SI/RR case of smear positive mother
Follow up of smear examination for First follow up sputum
New smear positive patient is done as examination is done at the end
per guidelines of 2 months of intensive phase.
Follow up sputum examination
is done at the end of 2 month
of continution phase and finally
at the end of treatment.

Follow up smear examination for re - First follow up sputum
treatment patients as per guidelines examination is done at the end
of 3 months of intensive phase.
Follow up sputum examination
is done at the end of 2 month
of continution phase and finally
at the end of treatment.

Follow up smear examination for smear Two smears are examined
negative patients as per guidelines during the follow-up visit at the
end of 2 months of the
intensive phase and again at
the end of treatment
Management of paediatric
tuberculosis as per guidelines 1 SI/RR
Management of Extra pulmonary Diagnostic algorithm for TB
tuberculosis as per guidelines lymphadenitis
Management of patient with HIV
infection and TB 1 SI/RR
History taking as per guidelines Includes duration of lesion,
duration of disability if any,
Facility provides service under National family history/ contact history
ME E9.3 &previous treatment
Leprosy Eradication Program as per guidelines

Examination of skin as per guidelines Include information No. of
patches, colour of patch,
morphology of patch, nodule,
infiltration, test for loss of
sensation in patch
Physical Examination as per guidelines Dryness of hands & feet,
swelling & redness of patches
and joints, Wasting of muscle,
visible deformity in hand, feet,
eye,Redness on palm or sole,
callous, Blister, ulcer,High
stepping gait or any change in
gait,Appearance of new lesions
or expansion of existing
lesion,Absence of blink in the
eyes,Redness and watering in
the eyes

Examination of eye as per guidelines Look for any redness of the
eye,Note “watering from the
eye” from history and
observation,Observe for blink –
Present or Absent, Look for lid
gap or inability to close one or
both eyes (Lagophthalmos)
and check for normal strength
of eye closure,Check the visual
acuity of each eye separately,
using a Snellen’s chart.

Management of disability grade I as per If the duration of disability
guidelines grade 1 i.e. anaesthesia along
the course of trunk nerve is
recent (< 6 months), a course of
Prednisolone is to be started to
treat neuritis.

Standard adult treatment regimen for MB Rifampicin: 600mg once in
leprosy is followed month, Clofazimine: 300mg
once in month & 50mg every
day, Dapsone: 100 mg (for 12
Standard adult treatment regimen for PB Rifampicin: 600 mg once in
leprosy is followed month, Dapsone; 100 mg daily
(for 6 month)
Standard children (10-14yrs) treatment MB: Rifampicin:450mg once in
regimen for MB leprosy is followed month,Clofazimine: 150mg
once in month,50 mg daily,
Dapsone: 50 mg daily
(12month). PB: Rifampicin:
450 mg once in month,
Dapsone; 50 mg daily (for 6

Staff is aware of adverse reactions to MDT Like Red urine, anaemia, brown
and their management discoloration of skin, gastro
intestinal upset. Management
reassurance, given iron and folic
acid, counselling & give drug
with food

Staff is aware of leprosy reaction and their 2 types of reaction: Type 1-
treatment Reversal reaction, Type 2-
Erthyma Nodosum
Referral out of Patient as per guideline Referral of cases where lepra
reaction is difficult to
manage,complicated ulcer, eye
problem,reconstruction surgery
cases, persons needing gradeII
foot wear,follow up of RCS

Referral in of the patient as per guidelines Referral of the cases having
reaction, disability, neuritis and
Facility provides service under National AIDS Pre Test Counselling is done as per
ME E9.4 protocols
Control program as per guidelines 1 SI/PI By MO/ Staff Nurse/ANM
Staff is aware of early diagnosis & referral
of HIV suspected cases
Rapid Kit test done for
suspected cases & if case found
1 SI/RR positive, referred to ICTC
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepesis
Availability of hand washing Facility at Check for availability of wash
Hand washing facilities are provided at point of Point of Use basin near the point of use
ME F1.1
1 OB
Availability of running Water Ask to Open the tap. Ask Staff
water supply is regular
1 OB
Availability of antiseptic soap with soap Check for availability/ Ask staff
dish/ liquid antiseptic with dispenser. if the supply is adequate and

1 OB
Display of Hand washing Instruction at Prominently displayed above
Point of Use the hand washing facility ,
preferably in Local language

1 OB
Staff is trained and adhere to standard hand Staff is adheres to standard hand washing
ME F1.2
washing practices practices 1 OB/SI
F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Facility ensures adequate personal protection Disposable gloves are available at point of
ME F2.1 use
equipment as per requirements 1 OB
Staff adheres to standard personal protection No reuse of disposable gloves, Masks,
ME F2.2 caps and aprons.
practices 1 OB/SI
F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection &sterilization of equipment & instrument
Decontamination of Procedure surfaces 1 Ask staff about how they
decontaminate the procedure
The facility ensures standard practices and surface like Examination table
ME F3.1 materials for decontamination and cleaning of (Wiping with .5% Chlorine
instruments and procedures areas solution

Proper Decontamination of instruments 1
after use Ask staff how they
decontaminate the instruments
like Stethoscope, Examination


F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste

The facility ensures segregation of Bio Medical Availability of colour coded bins at point
ME F4.1 of waste generation
Waste as per guidelines 1 OB Bins are covered
Availability of colour coded bags
Check Yellow bag is non
1 OB chlorinated
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
G.1 Facility has established quality Assurane Program as per state/National guidelines
The facility has established external assurance Internal Assessment of the General Clinic
ME G1.6
programmes is done at periodic interval 1 RR/SI
G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .

Standard Operating procedures are prepared ,

ME G3.1 distributed and implemented for all key
processes Updated SOP are available at point of use 1 RR
SOP adequatly cover all relevant
processes of the department 1 RR
Work instructions are displayed at Point of Clincal protocol for DOT are available/
ME G3.3
work displayed 1 OB/RR
Clincal Protocol for MDT are available/
displayed 1 OB/RR
Clinical Protocol for treatment of Malaria
are available/ displayed 1 OB/RR
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Facility measures Productivity Indicators on No. of New Registered cases per 1000
ME H1.1 population under RNTCP
monthly basis 1 RR
No. of New Registered cases per 1000
population under NVBDCP
1 RR
No. of New Registered cases per 1000
population under NLEP
1 RR
Facility measures efficiency Indicators on Failure rate including Death & defaults
ME H1.2 under RNTCP
monthly basis 1 RR
Facility measures Clinical Care & Safety Percentage of suspected TB cases are
ME H1.3 referred to HIV
Indicators on monthly basis 1 RR
Multidrug treatment completion rate
under NLEP
1 RR
Proporation of TB patient on DOTs
completing their treatment
1 RR
H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks
The facility strives to improve indicators from Trends analysis of Indicators is done at
ME H2.2
its current performance Periodic Intervals 1 RR

Communicable Disease Score

Communicable Card
Disease Score 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0

Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Percentage

A 22 44 50
B 7 14 50
C 11 22 50
D 14 28 50
E 47 94 50
F 11 22 50
G 6 12 50
H 8 16 50
126 252 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 7
Checklist for Non Communicable Diseases
Reference Assessment
Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Means of Verification Remarks
No. Method
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services
Services are available for the time OPD Services are available for at least 8
ME A1.4 Hours in a day
period as mandated 1 RR/SI
A4 The facility provide services as mandated in National Health Programmes
Medical treatment for prevention Conjunctivitis, Night blindness, Stye
&control of common Eye diseases etc
The facility provides services under
National Programme for prevention
ME A4.5
and control of Blindness as per

Survey for prevalence of various eye Nutrition education (prevent vit A
diseases & Health Education for deficiency), Water & sanitation
prevention of various eye diseases education (Trachoma Control)
Maternal & child health education
(Reduce retinopathy of prematurity),
Health education (Prevention of eye
trauma, hypertension & diabetic

Referral service for Screening and Availabilityof refraction services at
correction of refractive errors PHC /outreach (Schools)
Referral services for diagnosis &
treatment of cataract cases
Early identification & treatment of Anxiety Neurosis, Mild depression
The facility provides services under common mental disorders in OPD
ME A4.6 Mental Health Programme as per
Referral of difficult cases to U CHC/ DH Maniac cases, schizophernia & cases
required hospital
Geriatric clinic on fixed day for Every week, Display fixed day & time
Conducting a routine health assessment
The facility provides services under & treatment
ME A4.7 National Programme for the health
care of the elderly as per guidelines
Sensitization on promotional, preventive
and rehabilitative aspects of geriatrics
Health Promotion Services to modify Promotion of Healthy Dietary Habits.
The facility provides services under individual, group and community Increase physical activity.
National Programme for Prevention behaviour Avoidance of tobacco and alcohol.
ME A4.8 and control of Cancer, Diabetes, Stress Management.
Cardiovascular diseases & Stroke
(NPCDCS) as per guidelines
Early detection, management and
referral of Diabetes Mellitus
Early detection, management and
referral of Hypertension
Early detection & Primary management
and referral of Cardiovascular diseases
and Stroke
Identification and referral, follow up of
under treatment patient
Early identification & Referral of cases of
The facility provide services under hearing impairment
ME A4.10 National health Programme for
Promotion of quitting of tobacco in the Health education and IEC activities
community. regarding harmful effects of tobacco
The facility provides services under use and passive smoke.
ME A4.13 National Tobacco Control Programme
as per guidelines

Counselling service on tobacco cessation
to all
smokers/tobacco users.
Diagnosis & referal of common dental
The facility provides services under
ME A4.14
National Oral Health Care Program
Promotion of oral hygiene through
counselling & IEC

Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
Availability & display of IEC material Diabetic retinopathy, cataract,
under National blindness control glucoma, refractive error, trochoma,
Patients & visitors are sensitized and program is available prevention from corneal blindness.
ME B1.4 educated through appropriate IEC / Also IEC material for eye donation
BCC approaches
1 OB
Availability of IEC kit for mental health Poster with 10 feature of mental
program disorder & flip chart for use of health
1 OB
Availability of IEC material for National For prevention & early detection of
Deafness Control Program hearing impairment & deafness

1 OB

Availablity of IEC for National program IEC for Promotion of healthy life style,
for prevention & control of cancer, healthy dietery habits, Stress
diabetis, cardiovascular diseases & amanagement, Avoidance of
stroke 1 OB substance abuse.
Patient is informed about the diagnosis
Information about the treatment is & Treatment Plan
ME B1.7 shared with patients or attendants and OPD Slip/ Prescription containing
consent is taken wherever required Diagnosis & treatment plan/
1 RR/PI Treatment card for TB patient
Method of Administration /taking of the
medicines is informed to patient/
relative as per prescription

Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Patient records are kept in safe custody Check Patient records e.g. OPD
register are kept in safe custody and
Confidentiality of patients' records and are not accessible to unauthorized
ME B2.3 patients
clinical information is maintained

Area of Concern - C Inputs
Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load
Orientation & refresher training of
Medical Officers of community
The Staff has been imparted necessary ophthalmology & Prevention of
ME C2.4 trainings/skill set to enable them to Blindness
meet their roles & responsibilities
Training of Medical officer under
National Blindness Control Program 1 RR
Training of MO for mental health Training for doctors for early
program identification, diagnosis and
management of common mental
1 RR
Training of Health Worker for Mental 2 days training each year for health
health Program workers (All paramedical staff, ANM/
Nursing staff, Health educator )

1 RR
Training of Medical Officer for National Sensitization about program, Creating
Deafness Control Program of awareness regarding preventable
diseases of ear, reorientation in early
diagnosis & treatment of common ear

1 RR
Training of nurse/ ANM/ AWW Sensitization about program&
supervisors at PHC on National Deafness awareness regarding ear & hearing
Control Program care,enable them to identify deafness
at early stage & motivate them for
awareness generation at community

1 RR
Training of MO on National Program for At least 1 MO is trained
Health care of elderly
1 RR
Training of Paramedics staff for National At least 2 nurses are trained
Program for Health care of elderly
1 RR
Training under NPCDCS 1
Training under National Tabacco control
1 RR
Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.
Availability of functional Equipment BP apparatus, Weighing machine,
& Instruments Stethoscope, height chart, Snellen's
Availability of equipment & chart.
ME C4.1 instruments for examination &
monitoring of patients
Availability of diagnostic instruments at Slides,
clinics / consultation rooms for PAP Lancet,
smear Or VIA (visual inspection with Cusco Spaculum
Availability of equipment & Acetic Acid) Spatula
ME C4.3 instruments for diagnostic procedures Fixer (spray)
being undertaken in the facility Marker pen
Light Source

Availablity of Glucometer 1 RR/SI/OB
Area of Concern - D Support Services
D5 Facility has procedure for collecting & Reporting of the health facility related information

The facility provides monitoring and

reporting services under National
ME D5.5
Programme for control of Blindness as
per guidelines Facility monitor & submit the report
under NBCP 1 RR

The facility provides monitoring and

ME D5.6 reporting services under Mental
Health Programme, as per guideline Facility monitor & submit the report
under MHP 1 RR
Reporting is done on form 2 for NPHCE Forms contains information on
availability of equipments, supporting
The facility provides monitoring and devices, no. of staff trained, services
reporting services under National provided, no. of cases referred etc
ME D5.7
Programme for the health care of the
elderly as per guidelines
1 RR

The facility provide monitoring and

reporting service for prevention and
ME D5.8 control of Cancer, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease and stroke as
per guidelines
Facility monitor & submit the report
under NPCDCS 1 RR
The facility provide services under
National Programme for prevention
ME D5.10 Facility monitor & submit the report
and control of deafness, as per
guidelines under National Programme for
prevention and control of deafness 1 RR

The facility provides monitoring and

reporting services under National
ME D5.12
Iodine deficiency Programme, as per
guidelines Facility monitor & submit the report
under Iodine deficiency Program 1 RR
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
There is a system of referring patient 1 Check for practice, availability of
from OPD to U- CHC/ higher centre for referral slip, is there any information
specialist consultation under all NCD about the specialist doctors and there
The facility provides appropriate program timings and day available
referral linkages for transfer to
ME E2.2
other/higher facilities to assure the
continuity of care.

There is system of follow up of the 1
ME E2.3 Facility ensures follow up of patients patients refered to higher facilities
Standard E9 Facility provides National Health Programmes as per operational/clinical guidelines of the Government

The facility provides services under

ME E9.5 National Programme for control of Availability of protocols for screening &
Blindness as per guidelines treatment for common eye disease of
children / adult 1 SI/RR Conjunctivits, night blindness, stye
Elementary diagnosis & Referral of
Mental disorders as per guidelines
Facility provides service under Mental
ME E9.6
Health Program as per guidelines
Availablity of Protocol for treatment of
Anxiety Neurosis, Mild depression

Epidemiological surveillance of mental
disorders as per guideline

Health assessment for elderly person
based on simple clinical examination
relating to vision, joints, hearing, chest,
Facility provides service under BP and simple
ME E9.7 National programme for the health investigations including blood sugar, etc.
care of the elderly as per guidelines is done

A simple questionnaire will be filled up
during the first visit of each Elderly as
per guideline and record updated and
Risk assessment & diagnosis of diabetics Staff is aware of high risk condition of
Facility provides service under is done as per guideline diabetic & certeria for diagnosis of
National Programme for Prevention type II diabetics mellitus
ME E9.8 and Control of cancer, diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases & stroke
(NPCDCS) as per guidelines
Medical Management of diabetes is
done as per guideline 1 SI/RR
Diagnosis of hypertension is done as per Stage 1 hypertension: Systolic
protocol 140/159, diastolic 90/99. Stage 2
hypertension: Sysolic: 160 or higher
Diastolic 100 or higher. Based on at
least 2 or more properly measured BP
reading in sitting position.


Medical Management of hypertension

is done as per guideline 1 SI/RR
Risk assessment for cardio vascular
disease is done as per guideline

Check for awarness of behavioural &

psychological risk factor & how
medical officer calculate 10 year risk
for fatal & non fatal cardio vascular
event using WHO / ISH risk
1 SI/RR predication chart
Screen women of the age group 30-69
years for early detection of cervix
cancer and breast cancer.
Counselling is provided for life style
modification as per guideline
Check for awarness regarding
modification in diet, physical activity,
weight control, tabacco cessation &
1 SI/RR aviodness alcohol intake
Screening of chronic supportive otitis
Facility provide services under media (CSOM) Safe type/ unsafe type as
ME E9.10 National program for prevention and per standard treatment guideline
control of deafness
Primary Management & referral of
chronic supportive otitis media (CSOM)
as per guideline
Linkages with tobacco cessation facility Check for doctor aware of nearest
tobacco cessation facility Check how
The facility provides services under many patients are referred to
ME E9.13 National Tobacco Control Programme cessation centre
as per guidelines
Doctor/ Staff are skilled for tobacco Ask about 5 As and 5 Rs (Ask, advice,
cessation counselling assess, assist & arrange) (relevance,
risk, reward, roadblock & repetition)

1 SI
Facility has been declared tobacco free Restriction on use of tobacco product
zone by staff or visitors
1 OB
Check for any specific community level
activity is done for generating awareness
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepesis
Availability of hand washing Facility at Check for availability of wash basin,
Point of Use running water & antiseptic soap near
Hand washing facilities are provided at the point of use
ME F1.1
point of use
1 OB
Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste
Availability of colour coded bins at point
of waste generation
The facility ensures segregation of Bio
ME F4.1
Medical Waste as per guidelines
1 OB Bins are covered
Availability of colour coded bags
1 OB Check Yellow bag is non chlorinated
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
G.1 Facility has established quality Assurane Program as per state/National guidelines

The facility has established internal

ME G1.5
quality assurance programme Internal Assessment of the Non
Communicable disease is done at
periodic interval 1 RR/SI
G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .

Standard Operating procedures are

ME G3.1 prepared , distributed and
implemented for all key processes
Updated SOP are available at point of
use 1 RR
SOP adequatly cover all relvant
processes of the department 1 RR

Work instructions are displayed at

ME G3.3
Point of work Clinical protocol for diagnosis &
management of diabetic 1 OB/RR
Clinical protocol for diagnosis &
management of hypertension 1 OB/RR

Clinical protocol for diagnosis &

management of cardio vascular diaeases 1 OB/RR

Clinical protocol for screening of cancer 1 OB/RR

Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Facility measures Productivity No. of patient attended OPD for any of
ME H1.1
Indicators on monthly basis NCD 1 RR
Diabetic patient OPD per month 1 RR

No. of elderly patient attended the OPD 1 RR

Facility measures efficiency Indicators

ME H1.2
on monthly basis Percentage of cases referred to higher
facility for NCD 1 RR
No. of diabetic cases identifed 1 RR
No. of Hypertensive cases identifed 1 RR
No. of Cancer cases identifed 1 RR
H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve

ME H2.2 indicators from its current
performance Trends analysis of Indicators is done at
Periodic Intervals 1 RR

NCD Score Card

NCD Score
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0

Obtained Marks Maximum Marks Percentage

A 19 38 50
B 7 14 50
C 12 24 50
D 6 12 50
E 21 42 50
F 3 6 50
G 7 14 50
H 8 16 50
Total 83 166 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 8
Checklist for Dressing Room & Emergency
Reference Assessment
Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Means of Verification Remarks
No. Method
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services
Primary Management of wounds & Incision & drainage, Stitching
First Aid Dressing
The facility provides Accident
ME A1.2
& Emergency Services


Primary Management of trauma & Splints, compression bandage,

bone injuries 1 RR/SI Cervical Collar
Emergency Management of Life Stabilization/ Primary
threatening conditions Management of Medical
conditions like Shock, Ischemic
Heart Disease, CVA, Dyspnoea,
Unconscious patients, Status
Epilepticus, Management of
severe dehydration, respiratory

First Aid and Referral of Burn and
Injury cases 1 RR/SI
Primary Management & stabilization Lavage, Antidotes, Anti-snake
of Poisoning / Snake Bite cases venom/ Anti scorpion venom
Primary treatment for Dog Bite cases Anti Rabies Vaccines
Emergency Services are functional At least for 8 hrs
during OPD hrs
Services are available for the
ME A1.4
time period as mandated

Standard A3 The Facility provides Diagnostic Services, Para-clinical & support services.
Availability of Medico legal Services, Check for Medico Legal cases
The facility provides medico as per state's guidelines (MLC) are recorded at facility
ME A3.3 legal and administartive
Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible

Information about the

treatment is shared with
ME B1.7 patients or attendants and
consent is taken wherever Patient is informed about treatment Ask the patient what they have
required plan &Consent is taken for all invasive been commuicated about
procedure / where ever applicable 1 RR/PI treatment plan

Access to facility is provided

ME B1.8
without any physical barrier There is no overcrowding in the
dressing room cum Emergency 1 OB
Availability of wheel chair or strecher
for easy access 1 OB

Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable

Adequate visual privacy is

ME B2.2 provided at every point of
care Availability of screen & curtains in
Dressing room 1 OB
Area of Concern - C Inputs
Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms
Dressing cum emergency room have
adequate space
Departments have adequate
ME C1.1 Space for couch, a table for
space as per patient load
keeping dressing drums & a
1 OB drug trolley
Availability of Fans & Warmers as per
Amenities for Patients & Staff need
ME C1.2
are available as per load
1 OB
Availability of drinking water facilities
May be shared common with
1 OB General clinic
Availability of functional toilets Dry toilet with running water,
May be shared with General
1 OB
Switch Boards all other
electrical installations are intact
The facility ensures safety of
ME C1.5
electrical installations
Dressing cum emergency room does
not have temporary connections &
loose hanging wires 1 OB
Floor of dressing room is non slippery
Physical condition of and even
ME C1.6 buildings are safe for
providing patient care
1 OB

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate

nursing staff/Paramedics as
ME C2.2
per service provision and
work load
Availability of at least one staff in Staff Nurse/ ANM/ dressor etc
dressing cum Emergency room 1 OB/RR check duty roster

The Staff has been imparted

necessary trainings/skill set
ME C2.4
to enable them to meet their Primary Management &
roles & responsibilities stablization of life treatening
Training of staff for handling conditions like snake poisoning,
Emergencies 1 RR dog bite, IHD CVA etc.
Training of staff for basic life support
(BLS) 1 RR Ask staff to demonstrate CPR

The Staff is skilled and

ME C2.5 competent as per job
Check staff competancy for BLS 1 SI

Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.

The facility has availability of

ME C3.1 adequate drugs at point of
Availablity of antiseptics for dressing 1 OB/RR

Availability of injectables 1 OB/RR TT & Painkiller etc

Emergency Drug Tray is maintained

Drugs for managing

anaphylactic reaction - Inj
Adrenalin, Inj Hydrocortisone
Sodium Succinate, Injection
IV Fluid,
Nitroglycerin spray,
Inj. Dopamine
Inj Magsulf
Availability of disposables in Examination gloves, Syringes,
dressing room/ Injection room and Dressing material, suture
The Facility has availability of clinics material,venflons -IV sets
ME C3.2 adequate consumables at appropriate for newborn,
point of use children & Adult
Availability of splints for bone
injury cases

Splints, cervical collar,

1 OB/RR/SI compression bandage

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.

Availability of equipment &

ME C4.1 instruments for examination
& monitoring of patients
BP apperatus, Stethoscope,
Availability of functional equipment thermometer, torch &
for Examination & monitoring 1 OB/SI disposable tongue depressor

Availability of equipment &

instruments for treatment
ME C4.2 Chittel's forcep, Artery Forceps,
procedures, being
undertaken in the facility Blade, Normal Forcep, Tooth
Forcep, Needle Holder, Splints,
Availability of Dressing Instruments in Suture Material, Dressing
Dressing Room/ Injection Room 1 OB/SI Drums
Airway, Ambu's bag, Oxygen
Cylinder with key, Nebulizer,
Suction Machine, bag & mask
(adult size & paediateric sizes),
Availability of functional Instruments
for Resuscitation 1 OB/SI
Availability of equipment for
storage for drugs
Availability of equipment for
ME C4.4
Drug/ instrumental/ dressing
1 OB/SI trolley, cupboard
Availability of Fixtures Spot light, electrical fixtures
Availability of patient
ME C4.5 furniture and fixtures as per
load and service provision
Availability of furniture at clinics Dressing Table,Footstep,
Area of Concern - D Support Services

Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to
provide safe & secure environment to staff & users

Floors, walls, roof , sinks patient care All area are clean with no
Patient care areas are clean and corridors are Clean dirt,grease,littering and
ME D1.3
and hygienic cobwebs
1 OB
Surface of furniture and fixtures are
1 OB
Trolley & cupboard etc are painted &
Facility infrastructure is in intact condition
ME D1.4
adequately maintained Cupboard/ trolley are not
1 OB rusted, chipped or broken

Standard D2 Facility has defined procedure for storage, Inventory Management & dispensing of drugs in pharmacy

The facility ensures proper

ME D2.2 storage of drugs and
consumables Drugs/ Injectables are stored in
container/tray & are labelled 1 OB
Expiry dates' are maintained at
The facility ensures emergency drug tray
ME D2.3 management of expiry and
near expiry drugs
No expiry drug found at dressing/
Injection Room
1 OB
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services

Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
The facility provides
appropriate referral linkages
ME E2.2 for transfer to other/higher
facilities to assure the
continuity of care.
Referral Out register is
Patient's are referred with referral slip 1 RR/SI maintained
Availability of referral linkages to Availablity of contact no. of
higher centres. higher facility
Advance communication is done with
higher centre 1 RR/SI

Referral out register is maintained 1 RR/SI

Facility ensures follow up of

ME E2.3
Facility ensure the follow up of
referred patients 1 RR/SI
There is process of sorting the As care provider how they
Facility has establish patients in case of mass casualty triage patient- immediate,
ME E2.4 procedure for Triage & delayed, expectant, minimal,
diaster Management dead
Emergency protocols are available at See for protocols of head
Emergency protocols are point of use injury, snake bite, poisoning,
ME E2.5
defined and implemented drawing etc.
There is procedure for CPR Ask for Demonstration on BLS
(basic life support)
There is procedure for informing Check for Police Information
police Register , Ask method for
informing police
There is procedure for preservation of Aspirations, Blood samples and
samples of MLC cases Viscera
Emergency has criteria for defining Criteria is defined based on
medico legal cases cases and when to do MLC like
all the cases not attended by
the doctor/ criteria may vary
from state to state

Check for how ambulances are called
and patients are shifted
The facility ensures adequate
ME E2.6 and timely availability of
ambulances services

All unstable patients are transferred
(as decided by the Doctor), with one
paramedical staff

The Patient’s rights are respected
during transport.
1 SI
Transfer register is maintained to
record the detail of the referred
1 RR
Ambulance services are registered to
dedicated no.
Patient Complaint, Examination,
treatment given or Procedure
Clinical records are updated performed is recorded
ME E2.7
for care provided

1 RR/SI 108/102/ any other

The facility ensures that

standardised forms and
ME E2.8
formats are used for all Emergency register, referral
purposes including registers register, referral slip, dressing
Check availablity of standardize forms room regster, Injection room
& Register 1 RR/OB register
Records are labelled and indexed 1 RR/OB
Adequate facility for storage of
The facility ensures safe and
ME E2.9 adequate storage and
retrieval of medical records

1 OB

Standard E 3 Facility has defined & implemented procedures for Drug administration and standard treatment guideline as mandated by Govt.

Check every Medical advice and

Medication orders are procedure is accompanied with
ME E3.1 written legibly and date, time and signature
1 RR OPD slip
Check prescription are written legibly
& comprehendible by the clinical staff
1 RR
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepesis
Availability of hand washing Facility at Check for availability of wash
Point of Use basin near the point of use
Hand washing facilities are
ME F1.1
provided at point of use
1 OB
Availability of running Water Ask to Open the tap. Ask Staff
water supply is regular
1 OB
Availability of antiseptic soap with Check for availability/ Ask staff
soap dish/ liquid antiseptic with if the supply is adequate and
dispenser. uninterrupted
1 OB
Display of Hand washing Instruction at Prominently displayed above
Point of Use the hand washing facility ,
preferably in Local language

1 OB

Staff is trained and adhere to

Staff adhere to standard hand
ME F1.2 standard hand washing
washing practices
Availability of Antiseptic Solutions at
Dressings room, Injection Room
Facility ensures standard
ME F1.3 practices for maintaining
Proper cleaning of procedure site like before giving IM/IV
with antisepic is done injection, drawing blood,
putting Intravenous and urinary

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Disposable gloves are available at
Facility ensures adequate point of use
personal protection
ME F2.1
equipment as per
1 OB
No reuse of disposable gloves, Masks,
caps and aprons.
Staff adheres to standard
ME F2.2
personal protection practices


Standard F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection &sterilization of equipment & instrument
Decontamination of Procedure 1 SI Ask staff about how they
surfaces decontaminate the procedure
The facility ensures standard surface like dressing table,
practices and materials for Stretcher/Trolleys etc.
ME F3.1 decontamination and (Wiping with 0.5% Chlorine
cleaning of instruments and solution
procedures areas
Proper Decontamination of 1 SI
instruments after use Ask staff how they
decontaminate the instruments
like Stethoscope, Dressing

Contact time for decontamination is 1 SI/OB 10 minutes

Cleaning of instruments after 1 SI Cleaning is done with detergent
decontamination and running water after

Staff is trained for Blood spill 1 SI/OB

The facility ensures standard High level Disinfection of 1 SI/RR Ask staff about method and
practices and materials for instruments/equipment is done as time required for boiling
ME F3.2 disinfection and sterilization per protocol in dressing room
of instruments and

Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste

Availability of colour coded bins at

point of waste generation
The facility ensures
ME F4.1 segregation of Bio Medical
Waste as per guidelines
1 OB
Availability of colour coded bags
Check Yellow bag is non
1 OB chlorinated
Segregation of different category of
waste as per guidelines
1 OB
Display of work instructions for
segregation and handling of
Biomedical waste
1 OB Local Language & Pictorial
There is no mixing of infectious and
general waste
1 OB
Availability of functional needle See if it has been used or just
The facility ensures cutters lying idle
ME F4.2 management of sharps as per
1 OB
Availability of puncture proof box Should be available nears the
point of generation like nursing
station and injection room

1 OB
Disinfection of sharp before disposal Disinfection of syringes is not
done in open buckets
1 OB
Staff is aware of contact time for SI
disinfection of sharps
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
G.1 Facility has established quality Assurance Program as per state/National guidelines

The facility has established Internal Assessment of the Dressing

ME G1.5 internal quality assurance cum Emergency room is done at
programme periodic interval 1 SI/RR

Standard G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .

Standard Operating
procedures are prepared ,
ME G3.1
distributed and implemented
for all key processes
Updated SOP are available at point of
use 1 RR

SOP adequatly cover all relvant

processes of the department 1 RR
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Facility measures
ME H1.1 Productivity Indicators on
monthly basis No. of Emergency cases attended per
month 1 RR

Minor procedure conducted per

month 1 RR

No.of Anti Rabies Vaccines

administred per month 1 RR

Facility measures Clinical

ME H1.3 Care & Safety Indicators on
monthly basis
No. of injection abcess reported per
month 1 RR
Percentage of Emergency cases
referred out 1 RR

Facility measures Service

ME H1.4 Quality Indicators on
monthly basis Proporation of patient referred
through free referral transport 1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve

ME H2.2 indicators from its current
Trends analysis of Indicators is done
at Periodic Intervals 1 RR

Dressing Room &

Emergency Score Card
Room & 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality 50.0
H Manangement
Outcome 50.0

Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Percentage

A 8 16 50
B 4 8 50
C 21 42 50
D 6 12 50
E 22 44 50
F 24 48 50
G 3 6 50
H 8 16 50
96 192 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 9
Checklist for Pharmacy
Reference Assessment
Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Means of Verification Remarks
No. Method
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services
Dispensary services are available during
OPD hours
Services are available for the time
ME A1.4
period as mandated
A3 The Facility provides Diagnostic Services, Para-clinical & support services.
Availability of Drug Dispensing counter 1 For both Allopathic & Alternate
The facility provides Pharmacy
ME A3.1
Generic Drug Store 1 Functional Jan ayushdhalya in
premises or equivalent
Cold chain management services 1 Functional refrigerator(s), cool
box available
A4 The facility provide services as mandated in National Health Programmes
Availability of Drugs under NVBDCP 1 Chloroquine, Primaquine, ACT
(Artemisinin Combination
The facility provides services Therapy)
under National Vector Borne
ME A4.1
Disease Control Programme as
per guidelines

Availability of Drugs under RNTBCP 1 CAT I & CAT II

The facility provides services

ME A4.2 under Revised National TB Control
Programme as per guidelines


The facility provides services

under Universal Immunization
ME A4.11
Programme (UIP) as per
guidelines BCG, DPT, OPV, Hepatitis B,
Availability of Vaccines As per National Measles, TT, Japanese
Immunization Schedule RR/SI encephalitis (in select districts)
Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
List of Drugs available displayed & updated 1
daily at Pharmacy

The facility displays the services Updated daily is too stringent

ME B1.2
and entitlements available and also sometimes list may also
be very long for it to be displayed
and change daily. In fact some
facilities write and circulate list
OB of drug not available
Method of Administration /taking of the
medicines is informed to patient/ their
Information about the treatment relative by pharmacist as per doctors
is shared with patients or prescription in OPD Pharmacy
ME B1.7
attendants and consent is taken
wherever required
B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Availability of separate Queue for Male and 1 Check whether there are
Services are provided in manner female at dispensing counter separate queues
ME B2.1
that are sensitive to gender
B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
Free drugs and consumables for provided
to mothers & Children
The facility provides cashless
services to all patients including
ME B3.1 pregnant women, mothers and
sick children as per prevalent Check Pregnant women, Mother
government schemes and Childrens upto 5 years are
prescribed and dispensed all
1 PI drugs and consumables
Check patient has not spent on purchasing
drugs & consumbles those are included in
The facility ensures that the drugs essential medicine list
ME B3.3 prescribed are available in the
pharmacy Check for availability of the
Essential Medicines
1 PI List/Formulary
Area of Concern - C Inputs
C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms

Departments have adequate

ME C1.1
space as per patient load
Availability of adequate space for Drug
store and Dispensing counter 1 OB/SI

Amenities for Patients & Staff are

ME C1.2 Provision of shaded area in front of Drug
available as per load
Dispensing Counter 1 OB

The facility ensures fire safety

ME C1.7 measures including fire fighting Check for trash (empty cartons)
equipment stored in the store; flammables
are stored separately; no
smoking zone; and availability
Pharmacy has plan for safe storage and of fire extinguishers and
handling of potentially flammable materials. 1 OB extinguisher is not time barred

C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate nursing

ME C2.2 staff/Paramedics as per service
provision and work load
Availability of one Pharmacist at Drug Check whether the pharmacy is
dispensing counter during OPD timings 1 SI/RR manned during OPD hours

The Staff has been imparted

necessary trainings/skill set to
ME C2.4
enable them to meet their roles &
Training on Invantory Mangement and Drug
Storage 1 RR/SI

The Staff is skilled and competent

ME C2.5 Pharmacist is skilled for good dispensing
as per job description
practices and inventory management
technique 1 SI Competence Testing
Pharmacist is skilled for Cold Chain
Mangement 1 SI Competence Testing
C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.
Availability of Analgesics/ Antipyretics
The facility has availability of
ME C3.1
adequate drugs at point of use
1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antiallergics and Drugs used in Anaphylaxis

1 OB/RR As per state Drug List

Antidotes and other substances used in
1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Anticonvulsants/ Antiepileptics

1 OB/RR As per state Drug List

Antihelmenthics 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antibacterial (Beta Lactam) 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antibacterial (Others)) 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antifungal 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antianaemia 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Plasma Substitutes 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antianginal medicines 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antihypertensive medicines 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Anti infective & Antifungal (Topical) 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Antiinfalmatory & Others (Topical) 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Gastrointestinal Medicines (Antacids &
1 OB/RR As per state Drug List

Gastrointestinal Medicines (Antispasmodic

& Laxatives)
1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Medicines used in diarrhorea 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Hormones 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Medicines used in Diabetes mellitus 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Immunologicals 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Opthalmic Preperations 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Oxytocics 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Medicines acting on the respiratory tract
1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
IV Fluids 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
Vitamin & Minerals 1 OB/RR As per state Drug List
C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.
Availability of ILR & Deep freezer for cold
Availability of equipment for chain
ME C4.4
1 OB
Availability of racks for Storage of drugs
Check for medicines are not
1 OB stored on the floor
Area of Concern - D Support Services
Standard The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to provide safe
D1 & secure environment to staff & users

The facility has system for

ME D1.1
maintenance of critical Equipment
Cold Storage equipments are under AMC Check for AMC for ILR, deep
and temperature log book 1 RR/SI freezer

The facility ensures comfortable Check drugs are stored at

ME D1.2 environment for patients and optimum temprature. AC
service providers preferably, if not provision
adequate ventilation . Medicines
Temprature control at Pharmacy & medical are not stored in corridor or
store 1 RR exposed to sunlight

Patient care areas are clean and Check for dirt, stains, Dust on
ME D1.3 wall , floors and
Drug Storage area and Pharmacy Counter fixtures.Scattered loose
are clean 1 OB medicines, empty boxes etc

Facility has policy of removal of

ME D1.5
condemned junk material No junk, condemed, unused articles in the
pharmacy 1 OB

The facility ensures adequate

ME D1.10 Check for record of duration of
power backup
Power backup arrangement for cold chain power outage and duration of
equipments 1 SI/OB back -up available.
D2 Facility has defined procedure for storage, Inventory Management & dispensing of drugs in pharmacy
UPHC has process to consolidate and 1
The facility has established calculate the consumption of all drugs and
procedures for estimation, consumables
ME D2.1
indenting and procurement of
drugs and consumables
Forecasting of drugs and consumables is 1
done scientifically based on consumption Check for stock-outs and
wastage (expiry, damaged
medicines), if any are adjusted
RR/SI while forecasting
Facility has a established procedures for 1
local purchase of drugs in emergency
UPHC has system for timely placing 1
requisition to district drug store

There is specified place to store medicines 1
in Pharmacy
The facility ensures proper Drugs are stored according to
ME D2.2
storage of drugs and consumables therapeutic
category/alphabetically or
OB according to their dosage form
All the shelves/racks containing medicines 1
are labelled in pharmacy and drug store

Product of similar name and different 1
strength are stored separately Facility has a list of drugs with
similar names and different
strength and are stored
OB separately & labelled
Heavy items are stored at lower 1
Fragile items are not stored at the edges of 1
the shelves.
Sound alike and look alike medicines (LASA) 1 Facility has a list of LASA and are
are stored separately in patient care area stored separately in patient care
and pharmacy area and pharmacy

Drugs and consumables are stored away 1
from water and sources of heat, Drugs are not stored in the
direct sunlight etc. corridor or outside toilets/damp
OB places
Drugs are not stored directly on the floor 1
and adjacent to wall especially walls directly
facing sun light
The facility ensures management Facility has a procedure in place to avoid
ME D2.3 expiry of medicines and identifies near
of expiry and near expiry drugs
expiry drugs OB/RR/SI
There is a earmarked area for keeping 1
expiry drugs distant from regular drugs to
avoid mixing
There is a established process for disposal 1
fo expiry drugs
Staff is aware of the process and
Check for last condemnation
SI/RR procedure undertaken
There is system about transfer of surplus / 1
near expiry drugs to other nearby facility /
district stores
Check for initiation of transfer
process done with adequate
remaining shelf life (preferably at
SI/RR least 3 months in advance)
Physical verification of inventory is done 1
The facility has established Has periodicity of physical
ME D2.4 procedure for inventory verification defined
management techniques (quaterly/biannually/annually).
Check when last physical
RR/SI verification done
Facility uses bin card system and updated 1
each time stock is handled
Bin cards are kept for each item
in the stock room and physical
count of remainind stock done.
Check for last posting on the bin
OB card.
First expiry first out system is established 1
for drugs
Stores has defined minimum and reorder 1
level defined
Check for minimum and reorder
level defined for vital drug as per
RR/SI their consumption pattern
Drugs are categorized in Vital, Essential and 1
Desirable Check for list of VED
RR/SI categorization
Check vaccines & diluents are placed in 1 (Top to bottom) : Hep B, DPT, DT,
specified shelf/compartment inside the TT, BCG, Measles, OPV. Vaccines
There is process for storage of storage unit and are clearly labeled. are not stored in door. Check
vaccines and other drugs, food/drinking water not stored in
ME D2.5
requiring controlled temperature the vaccine refrigerator
& storage environment
Work instruction for storage of vaccines are 1
displayed at point of use
ILR and deep freezer have functional 1
temperature monitoring devices
There is system in place to maintain 1 Temp. of ILR: Min +2 degree C to
temperature chart of ILR 8 degree C in case of power
failure min temp. +10 degree C .
Daily temperature log are
maintained. Corrective action of
any temperature excursion

There is system in place to maintain 1 Temp. of Deep freezer cabinet is
temperature chart of deep freezers maintained between -15 degree
C to -25 degree C.Daily
temperature log are maintained.
Corrective action of any
temperature excursion taken.

Check thermometer in ILR is in hanging 1
ILR and deep freezer has functional alarm 1
Conditioning of ice packs is done prior to 1 Check if staff is aware of how to
transport condition ice pack (water beads
on the surface of ice pack and
sound of water is heard on
shaking it)
Staff is aware of Hold over time of cold 1
storage equipments

Hold over time depends on

Factors - the amount of vaccine
being stored in the refrigerator,
the external temperatures and
the refrigerator will affect the
duration of time vaccines within
the refrigerator will be kept
within +2 °C to +8 °C.Do not
allow the vaccine to remain in a
non-functioning unit for an
SI extended period of time.
The facility has established Drugs are arranged in demarcated boxes 1
ME D2.6
procedure for dispensing of drugs /containers /trays OB
Drug boxes/containers are legibly labeled 1 Label is firmly attached to
container with Generic name and
strength of drug is written

Pharmacist check drugs name, strength, 1 Check if pharmacists dispenses
dosage form and route of adminstration to identified patients
before dispensing
Drugs are dispensed in Envelops 1 OB
List of look alike and sound alike drugs is 1
displayed at dispensing counter
Drugs are given for no. of days as 1
Drugs are not directly dispensed from drug 1
storage area
Repeat drugs are given only after approval 1
from medical officer Medicines are dispensed to only
authorized patients registered
SI/RR/OB for the day
Strip cutting is not done 1

Dispensing register is updated in real time 1

Check Patients having knowledge about 1 Pharmacist providing
correct use of medicines. information about correct use of
medicines to the patients- at
least purpose, no. of tablets,
frequency and duration of

Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
The facility ensures that
standardised forms and formats
ME E2.8 Stock Registers, Indent Registers,
are used for all purposes including
registers Records at Pharmacy are maintained 1 RR Expiry drug register etc.

E3 Facility has defined & implemented procedures for Drug administration and standard treatment guideline as mandated by Govt.

Patient is counselled for self drug

ME E3.3 Patient is explained about drug dosages by
pharmacist at dispensing counter 1 PI/SI
The facility ensures that drugs are
ME E3.4
prescribed in generic name only Drugs are purchased in generic name only 1 RR
Facility has a copy of essential drug list as
per state norms 1 RR/SI
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste
The facility ensures transportation
ME F4.3 and disposal of waste as per
Expired Drugs and discarded vaccines are
disposed as per guidelines 1 OB
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
G.1 Facility has established quality Assurane Program as per state/National guidelines

The facility has established

ME G1.5 internal quality assurance
Physical verifcation of the inventory by
Pharmacist at periodic interval 1 RR/SI

The facility has established

ME G1.6
external assurance programmes
Periodic and random sampling of drugs for
monitoring and quality control 1 RR/SI

The facility conducts the periodic

ME G1.7
prescription/ medical audits
Pharmacy I/C coordinate prescription audit 1 RR/SI
G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .

Standard Operating procedures

ME G3.1 are prepared , distributed and Updated SOPs for Pharmacy and cold chain
implemented for all key processes management is available at point of use 1 RR/SI
SOPs adequately covers all relevant process
of department 1 RR/SI
Work instructions are displayed at Work instructions for Storage of drugs
ME G3.3
Point of work available 1 OB
Work sinstruction for Operating ILR and
Deep Freezers 1 OB
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators

Facility measures Productivity

ME H1.1
Indicators on monthly basis
Percentage of drugs available against EDL 1 RR

Facility measures efficiency

ME H1.2
Indicators on monthly basis
No. of stock out drugs 1 RR

Percentage of drugs expired during month 1 RR

Facility measures Clinical Care &

ME H1.3
Safety Indicators on monthly basis
Antibiotic prescription rate 1 RR
H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve

ME H2.2 indicators from its current
performance Trends analysis of Indicators is done at
Periodic Intervals 1 RR

Pharmacy Score Card

Score 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0
Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Percentage
A 7 14 50
B 5 10 50
C 34 68 50
D 46 92 50
E 4 8 50
F 1 2 50
G 7 14 50
H 5 10 50
109 218 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 10
Checklist for Laboratory
Reference Assessment
Measurable Element Checkpoint Compliance Means of Verification Remarks
No. Method
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services
All lab services are available
during OPD hrs

Services are available for the time In-house or linkage with an

ME A1.4 out-sourced laboratory for
period as mandated
availability of reports for
clinical care and/or
meeting obligations under the
1 RR/SI National Health Programme
A2 The facility provides RMNCHA Services
Availability of Laboratory test VDRL /RPR
The facility provides Maternal health
ME A2.2
Availability of Essential tests Pregnancy Test, Haemoglobin,
for ANC Blood Group, HIV Testing ,
Blood Sugar, HBsAG , Urine for
Sugar & Protein, VDRL


A3 The Facility provides Diagnostic Services, Para-clinical & support services.

Routine Urine , Blood Sugar

The facility provides diagnostic
ME A3.2
services Availability of clinical
Pathology 1 RR/SI
Availability of Routine Haemoglobin, Platelets
Hemetology Tests Counts,RBC, WBC, Bleeding
time ,Clotting Time & Hepatitis
B/ Australian antigen

Blood Grouping & Rh Typing 1 RR/SI
Availability of Serology Tests Rapid diagnositic kit for PF
(Rapid) Malaria, HIV/AIDS
RPR/VDRL for Syphilis

Availability of Microscopy
Tests Blood Smear for Malaria
Wet Mount and Gram Staining
for RTI/STI. AFB (Sputum) for

A4 The facility provide services as mandated in National Health Programmes

The facility provides services under

ME A4.1 National Vector Borne Disease
Control Programme as per guidelines
Tests for Diagnosis of maleria 1 RR/SI Blood Smear

The facility provides services under

ME A4.2 Revised National TB Control
Programme as per guidelines Availability /Linkage of
Designated Microscoy Center

The facility provides services under

ME A4.4 National AIDS Control Programme as
per guidelines
Test for Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS 1 RR/SI Through Rapid blood Test
The facility provides services under
National Programme for Prevention
ME A4.8 and control of Cancer, Diabetes,
Cardiovascular diseases & Stroke
(NPCDCS) as per guidelines Blood /Urine sugar through
Availability of test for diabetes 1 RR/SI disposable kits
Availability of Water Quality 1 Rapid test kit for faecal
Tests contamination of water
Estimation of chlorine level of
The facility Provides services under water using ortho-
ME A4.9 Integrated Disease Surveillance toluidine reagent
Programme as per Guidelines

A5 The facility provides services as per local needs / State specific health programmes as per guidelines

Facility provides services as per local

ME A5.2 needs/ state specific health Laboratory provides specific
programmes as per guidelines test for local health
problems/ diseases e.g.
Dengue, swine flu etc. 1 RR/SI
Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
List of available services in
The facility displays the services and laboratory is displayed with
ME B1.2
entitlements available user charges & free
entitlement 1 OB
Timing for collection of Within 24 hrs. Check the
sample and delivery of reports provision of RDT if Pf
are displayed predominant area result is not
available with in 24 hrs.
1 OB
Pre test counselling is given
Information about the treatment is before HIV testing
shared with patients or attendants
ME B1.7
and consent is taken wherever
Consent is taken for HIV
Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable
Laboratory has system to Lab registers & Copy of report
Confidentiality of patients' records ensure the confidentiality of are kept at secured place
ME B2.3
and clinical information is maintained the reports generated
Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
Availability of free diagnostic
tests for mother & infant
The facility provides cashless services
to all patients including pregnant
ME B3.1
women, mothers and sick children as
per prevalent government schemes

Diagnostic tests are free for
BPL patients
The facility provide free of cost
treatment to Below poverty line
ME B3.2
patients without administrative

Facility ensure investigation

ME B3.4 prescribed are available at the
Laboratory Check patient party have not
spent on diagnostics from
outside 1 PI/SI
Area of Concern - C Inputs
Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms
Laboratory space is adequate Adequate area for sample
for carrying out activities collection, waiting, performing
test, keeping equipment and
storage of drugs and records
Departments have adequate space
ME C1.1
as per patient load

Demarcated sample collection
Departments have layout and area
ME C1.3
demarcated areas as per functions
Demarcated testing area

Demarcated washing and
waste disposal area

Unidirectional flow of services 1 OB/SI
Laboratory does not have
The facility ensures safety of temporary connections and
ME C1.5
electrical installations loosely hanging wires
1 OB

Check adequate no. of 5 Amp

Adequate electrical socket & 15 amp sockets are
provided for safe and smooth provided. No extension cord is
operation of lab equipments 1 OB used.
Physical condition of buildings are Work benches are chemical
ME C1.6 resistant
safe for providing patient care 1 OB
The facility ensures fire safety Laboratory has functional fire
ME C1.7 measures including fire fighting extinguisher
Check for Date of expiry &
equipment 1 OB competancy of staff to operate

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate medical Availability of one lab

ME C2.1 officers as per service provision and technician
work load 1 OB/SI
The Staff has been imparted Training on Diagnostic
necessary trainings/skill set to enable Equipment
ME C2.4
them to meet their roles &
responsibilities 1 RR
Training on use of rapid kits

1 RR Including NACP
Training of Lab technician on
LT module &EQA module

1 RR
Induction training of LT under

1 RR
Training for Internal &
External Quality Assurance in

1 RR

Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.

The Facility has availability of 1 Gram’s iodine, Crystal Violet

ME C3.2 adequate consumables at point of stain, Safranine stain, JSB
use stains
Availability of Stains SI/RR/OB

Cyan meth - haemoglobin/HCl

for Hb estimation, ABO & Rh
Availability of reagents SI/RR/OB antibodies
Acetone-Ethanol, Immersion
Availability of Processing Buffer water, decolourising
chemicals SI/RR/OB Solution
1 Uristix for urine albumin and
sugar analysis, PH strip, RPR
test kits for syphilis, Whole
Blood Finger Prick HIV Rapid
Test Kit
Availability of Rapid diagnostic
1 Smear Glass microslide
Lancet/ pricking needle
Reflux Condenser
Test tubes
Glass rods
Glass slides Cover slips,
Western green, capillary tube

Availability of glassware SI/RR/OB

1 H2S Strip test kits/H2S media
for faecal contaminant of
drinking water,Test kits for
estimation of residual chlorine
in drinking water using
orthotoludine reagent/

Consumbles for water testing SI/RR/OB

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.
Haemoglobino meter,
Differential blood cell
Availability of equipment & counter /Naubers's chamber,
instruments for diagnostic Sahli's Haemoglobinometer,
ME C4.3
procedures being undertaken in the Centrifuge
Instruments for Haematology 1 SI/OB
Instruments for Bio chemistry 1 SI/OB Colorimeter
Simple/Compound Miroscope
for Malaria & Bi-noccular
Microscope for RNTCP, Tally
counter, Ph balance, Eletronic
Instrument for Microscopy 1 SI/OB
Availability of Glucometer 1 SI/OB
Availability of equipment for
ME C4.4 Availability of equipment for storage storage of sample and
reagents 1 SI/OB Refrigrator
Area of Concern - D Support Services
Standard The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to
D1 provide safe & secure environment to staff & users
There is system of timely Ask for the procedure of
corrective break down repair, Check if some
maintenance of the equipment is lying idle since
The facility has system for equipments long time due to maintenance
ME D1.1
maintenance of critical Equipment

Adequate ventilation in
The facility ensures comfortable Laboratory
ME D1.2 environment for patients and service
1 OB
Floors, walls, roof , sinks in All area are clean with no
patient care area are Clean dirt,grease,littering and
Patient care areas are clean and cobwebs
ME D1.3

1 OB
Surface of furniture i.e work
benches are clean

1 OB
Fixtures and Furniture i.e
Work Benches are intact and
Facility infrastructure is adequately maintained
ME D1.4

1 OB
No condemned/Junk material
in the Laboratory
Facility has policy of removal of
ME D1.5
condemned junk material
1 OB
The facility provides adequate
ME D1.7 illumination level at patient care
areas Adequate illumination at work
station 1 OB
Adequate illumination at
Collection area 1 OB/Si
D2 Facility has defined procedure for storage, Inventory Management & dispensing of drugs in pharmacy
The facility has established
procedures for estimation, indenting There is established system of
ME D2.1 timely indenting of
and procurement of drugs and
consumables consumables and reagents 1 RR
Reagents are labelled Reagents label contain name,
appropriately concentration, date of
The facility ensures proper storage of preparation/opening, date of
ME D2.2 expiry, storage conditions and
drugs and consumables
The facility ensures management of
ME D2.3
expiry and near expiry drugs No expired reagent found 1 OB
Records for expiry and near
expiry reagent are maintained 1 RR
The facility has established Expenditure & stock register
ME D2.4 procedure for inventory of consumbles are available at
management techniques laboratory
1 RR
D5 Facility has procedure for collecting & Reporting of the health facility related information
Check form L is filled for Form for Laboratory
information required surveillance reporting
Form L contain information for
Name of Lab, state, district,
block, Name & signature of
officer incharge along with
information about no, of
The facility provide monitoring and samples tested and no. of
reporting service for Integrated sample found positive. Format
ME D5.9 also include line listing of
Disease Surveillance Programme, as
per guidelines positive cases except malaria
cases along with age &sex

1 RR
Reporting format (Form L) are Form L will be filled in
sent to District Surveillance duplicate (Blue & Yellow), PHC
Unit (DSU) as per guidelines retain blue copy while Yellow
will be sent to DSU
1 RR
Check form W is filled for Form for Water Quality
information required as per monitoring
format Form W contain information
on source of water sample,no.
of sample tested from that
source and their results

1 RR
Reporting format (Form W) Form W is filled in duplicate
are sent to District (in colour Yellow & Blue) and
surveillance unit (DSU) as per blue is retained by facility
guidelines while yellow is sent to DSU

1 RR
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records

Laboratory has referral linkage

for tests not available at the
The facility provides appropriate facility
referral linkages for transfer to
ME E2.2
other/higher facilities to assure the
continuity of care.

Standard Formats available Printed formats for requisition
and reporting are available
The facility ensures that standardised
ME E2.8 forms and formats are used for all
purposes including registers

1 RR
Lab records are labelled and
1 RR
Records are maintained at Test registers, IQAS/EQAS
laboratory Registers, Expenditure
registers, Accession list etc.
1 RR
The facility ensures safe and Laboratory has adequate
ME E2.9 adequate storage and retrieval of facility for storage of records
medical records 1 OB/SI

Standard E4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for Diagnostic Services
Requisition of all laboratory Request form contain
test is done in request form information: Name and
identification number of
patient, name of authorized
requester, type of primary
sample, examination
There are established procedures for requested, date and time of
ME E4.1 primary sample collection and
Pre-testing Activities
date and time of receipt of
sample by laboratory,

Instructions for collection and Instructions are given to
handling of primary sample ASHA/ANM/MPW for
are communicated to those collection of samples
responsible for collection (Peripheral smear, sputum,
water sample)
Laboratory has system in Check how slides/test
place to label the primary tubes/vials are marked
sample (Permanent Glass Marker is
Laboratory has system to
trace the primary sample from
requisition form
Laboratory has system in Transportation of sample
place to monitor the includes: Time frame,
transportation of the sample temperature and carrier
to higher centre specified for transportation
Testing procedure are readily
There are established procedures for available at work station and
ME E4.2
testing Activities staff is aware of it
1 OB
Laboratory has Biological
reference interval for its
examination of various results
Laboratory has identified Immediate notification for
critical intervals for the test in values is done to physician
consultation with Physician
There are established procedures for Laboratory has format for
ME E4.3 reporting of results
Post-testing Activities 1 RR
Laboratory has system to
provide the reports within
defined time intervals
Laboratory has defined
retention period and disposal
of used sample
Laboratory has system to
retain the copies of reported
result and could be promptly
retrieved when required
There are established procedures for Medical Practioner fills
ME E4.4 laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis standardized laboratory
as per prevalent guidelines form for sputum
examination 1 RR
Laboratory staff follow Two sample will be collected:
guideline for collecting Early morning-Spot
sputum for smear microscopy
Laboratory staff/ health Explains steps of collecting
worker provide guidence to sputum
patient for sputum
collection 1 RR/SI
Laboratory staff is aware of Ziel Neelsen /(1% Carbol
methodology for smear fuchsion, 25% Sulphuric Acid,
preparation & staining 0.1% Methylene blue). If
slides Laboratory is not designated
DMC, give full compliance

Staff is aware of how to If Laboratory is not designated
examine and interpretation DMC, give full compliance
sputum smear
Instruction for Ziel Neelsen If Laboratory is not designated
Staining procedure DMC, give full compliance
&interpretation chart are
displayed at working station
Staff is aware of method of
prepartion of blood flims

Select 2 0r 3 finger,site of
puncture is site of ball of
finger, hold the slide by its
edges, the size of blood drop is
There are established procedures for controlled better if finger
ME E4.5 laboratory diagnosis of Malaria as touches the slide,touch the
per prevalent guidelines drop of blood with clean slide,
take 3 drops for thick smear,
touch the another new drop of
blood with edge of clean
slide,spread the blood with
corner of another slide to
make circle, bring edge of slide
carryingsecod drop of blood to
surface of first slide, wait till
blood spread whole edge,
holding it an angle of 45 0 push
1 SI/RR it forward
Staining & examination of
blood films is done as per
protocols 1 SI/RR

Staff is aware of methodolgy For thick smear staff is aware

for estimation of parasite of parasite per microlitre &
density 1 SI/RR pluse sytsem
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
Standard F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepesis
Availability of hand washing Check for availability of wash
Hand washing facilities are provided Facility at Point of Use basin near the point of use
ME F1.1
at point of use
1 OB
Availability of running Water Ask to Open the tap. Ask Staff
water supply is regular
1 OB
Availability of antiseptic soap Check for availability/ Ask staff
with soap dish/ liquid if the supply is adequate and
antiseptic with dispenser. uninterrupted

1 OB
Display of Hand washing Prominently displayed above
Instruction at Point of Use the hand washing facility ,
preferably in Local language

1 OB
Staff is trained and adhere to Staff is adhere to standard
ME F1.2
standard hand washing practices hand washing practices 1 OB/SI
Staff aware of when to hand
Proper cleaning of procedure like before drawing blood, and
site with antisepsis collection of specimen
Facility ensures standard practices
ME F1.3
for maintaining asepsis

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Disposable gloves are
available at point of use
Facility ensures adequate personal
ME F2.1 protection equipment as per
1 OB
Availability of lab aprons/coats 1 OB
No reuse of disposable gloves
Staff adheres to standard personal and Masks.
ME F2.2
protection practices
No mouth pipetting is done in
the laboratory Check for availablity of Micro
1 OB/SI pipette

Standard F3 Facility has standard procedure for disinfection &sterilization of equipment & instrument

Decontamination of operating 1 Ask staff about how they

& Procedure surfaces decontaminate work benches
(Wiping with .5% Chlorine
The facility ensures standard solution)
practices and materials for
ME F3.1
decontamination and cleaning of
instruments and procedures areas

Proper Decontamination of 1 Decontamination of
instruments after use instruments and reusable of
glassware are done after
procedure in 1% chlorine
solution/ any other
appropriate method
Contact time for 1 10 minutes
decontamination is adequate
Cleaning of instruments after 1 Cleaning is done with
decontamination detergent and running water
after decontamination

Staff is trained for Blood spill 1
The facility ensures standard Disinfection of reusable 1 Disinfection by hot air oven at
ME F3.2 practices and materials for glassware 160 degree Celcius for 1 hour
disinfection and sterilization of
instruments and equipment SI

Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous
Availability of colour coded
bins at point of waste
The facility ensures segregation of
ME F4.1
Bio Medical Waste as per guidelines

1 OB Bins are covered

Availability of colour coded
bags Check Yellow bag is non
1 OB chlorinated
Segregation of different
category of waste as per
1 OB
Display of work instructions
for segregation and handling
of Biomedical waste
1 OB Pictorial & in local language
There is no mixing of
infectious and general waste
1 OB
Availability of functional
needle cutters
1 OB
Availability of puncture proof See if it has been used or just
box lying idle
The facility ensures management of
ME F4.2
sharps as per guidelines
1 OB
Disinfection of sharp before Should be available near the
disposal point of generation
1 OB
Staff is aware of contact time Disinfection of syringes is not
for disinfection of sharps done in open buckets
1 SI
Disinfection of liquid waste
The facility ensures transportation before disposal
ME F4.3 and disposal of waste as per
Disposal of sputum Remove the lid from sputum
container with specimen & cup, put sputum cup, left over
wooden stick as per specimen, wooden stick in foot
guideline operated plastic bucket/bin
with 5% phenol/phenolic
compound diluted to 5%

Staff is aware of contact 12 hours
time for immersion of
sputum cups in disinfectant
solution 1 SI
Disposal of slides are done Put slides in puncture proof
as per guideline container
1 SI
Staff is aware of contact With use of 5%
time for immersion of slides phenol/phenolic compound
in disinfectant solution (40%) diluted to 5% contact
time for slides are 30 min
1 SI
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
G.1 Facility has established quality Assurane Program as per state/National guidelines
Internal Assessment of
The facility has established internal Laboratory is done at periodic
ME G1.5
quality assurance programme Interval
There is a system for Internal
quality Control in the lab
Control charts are prepared
and outliers are identified.
There is a system for Internal
quality assurance in the lab
under RNTCP
There is a system for Internal
quality assurance in the lab
under NVBDCP
Corrective action is taken on
the identified outliers
Cross Validation of Lab tests
The facility has established external are done for Haematolgy and
ME G1.6
assurance programmes records are maintained
Cross Validation of Lab tests
are done for biochemistry and
records are maintained
Cross Validation of Lab tests
under RNTCP and records are
Cross Validation of Lab tests
under NVBDCP and records
are maintained
Corrective actions are taken
on abnormal values
G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .
Standard Operating procedures are
ME G3.1 prepared , distributed and Updated SOP are available at
implemented for all key processes point of use 1 SI/RR
SOP adequatly cover all
relvant processes of the

For Malaria: QA malaria

microscopy,prepartion of
blood smear, staining &
eexamination of blood smear,
reporting and documentation
of data,cross checking of
routine slides
forEQA,Prearation of QA panel
slide for EQAS. For TB: smear
prepartion,Z-N staining
procedure, SPutum smear
interpetation, Classiifcation of
1 SI/RR tuberculosis cases

Work instructions are displayed at Work instructions /test

ME G3.3 algorithm for different test are
Point of work
displayed 1 OB Blood grouping, Malaria, etc
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Facility measures Productivity
ME H1.1
Indicators on monthly basis No. of Test done per 1000 OPD 1 RR
No. of Hb done per ANC per
No. of AFB examined per 1 RR
Month 1 RR
No. of blood smear examined
per 1000 population for
Malaria 1 RR
No. of HIV test done per 1000

Facility measures efficiency

ME H1.2
Indicators on monthly basis
No. of stock out of reagents &
Kits 1 RR

Facility measures Clinical Care &

ME H1.3
Safety Indicators on monthly basis
No. of HB reported less than
7gm % 1 RR

No. of rapid diagnostic kits

discarded because of
unsatisfactory result 1 RR
Monthly blood examination
rate 1 RR

Facility measures Service Quality

ME H1.4 Waiting time for sample
Indicators on monthly basis
collection 1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavours to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve

ME H2.2 indicators from its current
performance Trends analysis of Indicators is
done at Periodic Intervals 1 RR

Laboartory Score Card

Score 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0

Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Percentage

A 14 28 50
B 8 16 50
C 26 52 50
D 17 34 50
E 26 52 50
F 31 62 50
G 14 28 50
H 11 22 50
Total 147 294 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 11
Checklist for Outreach
Reference Checkpoint Assessment
Measurable Element Compliance Means of Verification Remarks
No. Method
Area of Concern - A Service Provision
A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services
Availablity of routine & special outreach

The facility provides treatment

ME A1.1 Check during session
of common ailments
provision for Primary
Management and referral of
Common Cold, Fever,
1 RR/SI Diarrhoea, injuries etc
Routine & special outreach sesions are
conducted at defined intervals

Services are available for the At least one routine outreach

ME A1.4 session in area each month &
time period as mandated
At least one special outreach
session every week in slum
area /vulnerable population
1 RR/SI by designated ANM
A2 The facility provides RMNCHA Services
Counseling for family planning during
The facility provides outreach session / Home Visit
ME A2.1
Reproductive health Services
Distribution of OCP & Condoms 1 RR/SI
Antenatal care services
The facility provides Maternal Registration, Antenatal Check
ME A2.2 up, Identification of danger
health Services
sign during the outreach
1 RR/SI sessions
Counseling & Behavior Promotions
for breast feeding, family
planning, Personal hygiene
1 RR/SI etc
ME A2.3 The facility provides New-born Immunization sessions
health Services 1 RR/SI
Postnatal Visit and counseling for
Newborn Care
Community based newborn screening by
ASHA during home visit
The facility provides Child Distribution of ORS, Zinc and Pediatrics
ME A2.4 Ciplox
health Services 1 RR/SI
Anganwadi center based screening of
Children from 6 weeks to 6 years Check MCP card is filled for
1 RR/SI Growth monitoring of child
The facility provides Adolescent Organization of Adolescent Health Day
ME A2.5
health Services 1 RR/SI At least once in a quarter
A3 The Facility provides Diagnostic Services, Para-clinical & support services.
Availability of Point of Care Diagnostic
Services Pregnancy test, Hemoglobin,
The facility provides diagnostic
ME A3.2 Urine Albumin, Malaria Slides,
glucose strips & Blood
1 RR/SI Pressure
A4 The facility provide services as mandated in National Health Programmes
The facility provides services Counseling for practices of Vector
under National Vector Borne Control and Protection
ME A4.1
Disease Control Programme as
per guidelines 1 RR/SI
Preparation of PS for Malaria and testing
by Rapid Diagnostic Kits
The facility provides services 1 RR/SI
under Revised National TB Outreach services for screening and
ME A4.2 referral of Symptomatic cases
Control Programme as per 1 RR/SI
guidelines Follow up of confirmed cases for
ensuring adherence to DOT
The facility provides services 1 RR/SI
under National Leprosy Referral and follow up services for
ME A4.3
Eradication Programme as per leprosy cases 1 RR/SI
The facility provides services Referral and guidance for HIV testing and
ME A4.4 under National AIDS Control availing ART
Programme as per guidelines 1 RR/SI
Follow up of confirmed cases for
adherence to ART
Condom promotion and distribution of
condoms in high risk group
The facility provides services Detection of cases of impaired vision and
ME A4.5 under National Programme for referral
prevention and control of
Blindness as per guidelines 1 RR/SI
The facility provides services Identification and referral of common
ME A4.6 under Mental Health mental illness
Programme as per guidelines 1 RR/SI
The facility provides services Counseling of elderly persons and their
under National Programme for family members for healthy ageing
ME A4.7
the health care of the elderly as
per guidelines
The facility provides services 1 RR/SI
under National Programme for Screening, referral, follow up of under
Prevention and control of treatment patients for Non
ME A4.8 Cancer, Diabetes, communicable diseases
Cardiovascular diseases &
Stroke (NPCDCS) as per 1 RR/SI
guidelines Screening, referral & follow up of
diabetic cases
BP measurement, screening, referral and
follow up of hypertensive & cardiac
The facility Provides services Surveillance about abnormal increase in
ME A4.9 under Integrated Disease case of diarrohea, fever etc
Surveillance Programme as per
Guidelines 1 RR/SI
Immediate reporting of new
cluster/outbreak based on syndromic
The facility provide services Detection and referral of cases of
ME A4.10 under National health hearing impairment
The for deafness
facility provides services 1 RR/SI
under Universal Immunization Immunization services at Outreach
ME A4.11 sessions as per National Schedule
Programme (UIP) as per 1 RR/SI
The facility provides services
guidelines Testing of salt for presence of Iodine
ME A4.12 under National Iodine
deficiency Programme as per through salt testing kits 1 RR/SI
The facility provides services Motivation for quitting and referral to
ME A4.13 under National Tobacco Control tobacco cassation centre
Programme as per guidelines 1 RR/SI
The facility provides services Health education on oral health and
ME A4.14 under National Oral Health Hygiene
Care Program 1 RR/SI
A5 The facility provides services as per local needs / State specific health programmes as per guidelines
Mapping of vulnerable section has been
carried out in all areas served by UPHC
Mapping includes rag pickers,
The facility maps its vulnerable destitute, beggars, street
ME A5.1 population enabling micro- children, construction
planning for outreach services workers, coolies, rickshaw
pullers, sex workers, street
vendors and other such
1 RR/SI migratory population
Facility keep records of Vulnerable
population in there area
Check for if facility has a list
of vulnerable population and
whether information is
available with ANM and ASHA
1 RR/SI of their respective area
Facility prepares micro plan for covering
the vulnerable population
Check if micro plans has been
made in consultation with
respective ANM and ASHA to
reach out vulnerable and
1 RR/SI migratory population
Facility monitors adherence to the micro
Check if there is system of
periodic review by UPHC for
ensuring that outreach
sessions has been carried out
1 RR/SI according to micro plan
Facility updates the list of vulnerable
population on regular interval
Check if there is system of
updating the pockets of
Migratory population at
periodic interval. At least
1 RR/SI once in a quarter
Facility provides services as per Specific out reach services are provided
ME A5.2 local needs/ state specific according to the local health problems
health programmes as per
guidelines 1 RR/SI
Out reach services are provided for state
specific health programs
Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
Services provided at outreach sessions
The facility displays the services are displayed at relevant areas of served
ME B1.2
and entitlements available population by UPHC
IEC material is displayed / distributed
during the outreach session
Check if there is provision of
Patients & visitors are Posters, Pamphlets etc to be
sensitized and educated used during outreach sessions
ME B1.4
through appropriate IEC / BCC . Check innovative method
approaches like Use of Audio- Visual
medium, Street Plays , group
activities during the out reach
1 RR/SI sessions
Information is available in bi- All IEC material is available in local
ME B1.5 lingual signage and is easy to language
understand 1 RR/SI
There is system of receiving grievances if
services are not being provided during
The facility has defined and outreach sessions Ask beneficiary are aware of
ME B1.6 established grievance redressal compliant readdressal
system in place mechanism/ any dedicated
help line no. for complaint
1 RR/SI handling
Check location of outreach session &
Access to facility is provided also ensure its assessibility to target Outreach sessions are
ME B1.8 organized in proximity to the
without any physical barrier population
1 RR/SI/OB population targeted
B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable

Services are provided in Availability of a female attendant if male

ME B2.1 manner that are sensitive to doctor/Health worker examining the
gender female beneficary
Adequate visual privacy is Examination and counseling area is
ME B2.2 provided with curtains
provided at every point of care 1 RR/SI
The facility ensures the Check of staff behavior is dignified and
behaviors of staff is dignified courteous to the patients
ME B2.4
and respectful, while delivering
the services 1 PI/SI
B3 The service provided at facility are affordable
The facility provides cashless All outreach services are provided free of
services to all patients including cost to Pregnant Women, Mothers and
ME B3.1 pregnant women, mothers and Children's up to five year
sick children as per prevalent
government schemes 1 RR/SI
Area of Concern - C Inputs
C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate Availability of ANMs as per population

ME C2.2 nursing staff/Paramedics as per Availability of one ANM per
service provision and work load 1 RR/SI 10000-12000 population
The facility has adequate Availability of Community
ME C2.3 support staff / Health Workers worker/ASHA/Link worker as per
as per service provision and population One worker for 1000-2500
workload 1 RR/SI slum/vulnerable population
The Staff has been imparted Induction training of ANM for Outreach
necessary trainings/skill set to services A training of 3 to 6 weeks for
ME C2.4 providing outreach services in
enable them to meet their roles
& responsibilities 1 RR/SI urban areas
Training of ASHA and ANMs on
counseling Training on counseling for
RTI, PPTCT, ANC, nutrition
1 RR/SI and spacing between births
Training of ASHA on community
mobilization and various aspectsof 4 week of induction training
public health followed by 15 days of
1 RR/SI refresher training
The Staff is skilled and ANM is skilled of ANC Checkup &
ME C2.5 competent as per job counselling
description 1 RR/SI
ANM is skilled preparing micro plan for
ANM is skilled for diagnostic services
Using rapid diagnostic Kits ,
Hemoglobin, Urine albumin
1 RR/SI by strip Method
ASHA is skilled for home based new born
care & counselling
ASHA skilled for preparing Malaria Slides
C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.
The facility has availability of Availability of Drugs for Outreach
ME C3.1
adequate drugs at point of use Sessions 1 RR/SI IFA, OCP, Cotimoxazole
Availability of vaccines for immunization
1 RR/SI As per Immunization schedule
Availability of Antipyretic in ASHA Kits
Tab. Paracetamol, Tab.
1 RR/SI Dicyclomine
Availability of Contraceptives in ASHA
Condoms and Oral
Contraceptive Pills,
1 RR/SI Emergency Contraceptive Pills
Availability of Topical (locally Applied)
drugs Tetracycline ointment ,
Povidine Iodine ointment
1 RR/SI Tube, G.V. Paint, Sprit
Availability of Antibiotics ins ASHA Kits
cotrimoxazole syrup,
Pediatric cotrimoxazole
1 RR/SI tablets,
Availability of Nutritional Supplement
Zinc tablets, Tab. Iron Folic
1 RR/SI acid,ORS Packets
The Facility has availability of Availability of Diagnostic Kits in ASHA Kits nischay kit,rapid diagnostic
ME C3.2 adequate consumables at point kit,Slides for Malaria &
of use 1 RR/SI Lancets
Availability of Dressing Material 1 RR/SI Sterilized Cotton Bandages
Availabilty of Sanitary Napkins 1 RR/SI
C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.

Availability of equipment & Availability of functional Measuring

BP Apparatus, thermometer,
ME C4.1 instruments for examination & equipments Weighing scale, measuring
monitoring of patients 1 RR/SI tape, Stethoscope
Area of Concern - D Support Services
D2 Facility has defined procedure for storage, Inventory Management & dispensing of drugs in pharmacy

The facility has established There is a system of periodic Condoms, NISCHAY Kit,
ME D2.4 procedure for inventory replenishment of drugs and consumable Sanitary pads & drugs etc
management techniques sin ASHA Kits
There is process for storage of
vaccines and other drugs, Drugs are kept at dry and cool place
ME D2.5 requiring controlled away from sun light
temperature & storage 1 RR/SI
D3 Facility has defined & established procedure for Community Participation for providing assured services
The facility has established UPHC monitors the activities assigned to 1 Check for the records that
ME D3.3 procedure for supporting and ASHAs ASHAs attends Monthly
monitoring activities of Review meetings
community health work -ASHA RR/SI
Incentives and TA/DA to ASHAs are paid 1 Check for there Is no backlog
on time
UPHC supports in skill development of 1 Check for timely trainings
ASHAs have been provided to
ASHAs, MO orient ASHA at
monthly review meeting
There is system of taking feedback from 1
ASHAs to improve the services
The facility has established Mahila Arogya Samiti has been formed in
ME D3.4 procedure for supporting and all the slums served by UPHC
monitoring activities of Mahila
Arogya Samiti 1 RR/SI
Accounts have been opened for MAS
MAS meets every month 1 RR/SI
Data base regarding functional MAS is
available at UPHC
D5 Facility has procedure for collecting & Reporting of the health facility related information
The facility provide monitoring Reporting on Form S under IDSP
ME D5.9 and reporting service for
Integrated Disease Surveillance
Programme, as per guidelines 1 RR/SI
The facility provides monitoring Reporting under Universal immunization
and reporting services under program by ANM
ME D5.11
Universal Immunization
Programme, as per guidelines 1 RR/SI
Facility Reports data for Reporting for MCTS
ME D5.14 Mother and Child Tracking
System as per Guidelines 1 RR/SI
Facility Reports data for HMIS Reporting for HMIS
ME D5.15
System as per Guidelines 1 RR/SI
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services
E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records
The facility provides
appropriate referral linkages ANM/ASHA has defined format for
ME E2.2 for transfer to other/higher referring patients to UPHC
facilities to assure the 1 RR/SI
continuity of care.
ASHA/ANM is aware of where to refer
the patient based on presenting
condition of patients
Records of referred patients are
maintained by ASHA/ANM
Wherever required ASHA provides escort
services to patients during referral
Referral for Institutional
1 RR/SI Delivery escorted by ASHA
Facility ensures follow up of Follow up of referred patients by ASHA &
patients 1 RR/SI
ANM & ASHA prepare micro plan for
home visits for follow up of discharged
The facility ensures safe and ANM has been provided with provision
ME E2.9 adequate storage and retrieval of safe keeping of records at UPHC
of medical records 1 RR/SI

Standard E
3 Facility has defined & implemented procedures for Drug administration and standard treatment guideline as mandated by Govt.

Patient is counseled for self ANM/ASHA explain patients about

ME E3.3 dosage and timings
drug medication 1 RR/SI
There is system of montoring so that
There is procedure of rational drugs are not irrationally prescribed by
ME E3.5
use of drugs ASHA/ANM
Drugs are prescribed according Treatment guidelines for use of drugs
ME E3.6 to Standard Treatment are provided to ASHA & ANM
Guidelines 1 RR/SI
E4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for Diagnostic Services

There are established Use of Rapid Diagnostic Kits as per

ME E4.2
procedures for testing Activities protocols 1 RR/SI
HB testing is done as per protocols 1 RR/SI
There are established
procedures for laboratory Preparation of Malaria Slides as per
ME E4.5 protocols
diagnosis of Malaria as per 1 RR/SI
prevalent guidelines
E5 The facility has establish procedure for Maternal health care as per guideline
Early registration of Pregnant women 1 Check ANC records for
is ensured by the ANM ensuring that majority of ANC
There is an established registration is taking place
ME E5.1 procedure for Registration and within 12th week of
follow up of pregnant women. Pregnancy in ANC register
Mother and Child Protection Card is 1 Check Mother & Child
provided and updated Protection cards have been
provided for each pregnant
women at time for
registration/ First ANC
Records are maintained for ANC 1 Records of each ANC check-
registered pregnant women up is maintained are
maintained in ANC register by
the ANM of respective area

Clinical information of ANC is kept with 1 Check, if there is a system of
ANC clinic keeping copy of ANC
information like LMP, EDD,
Lab Investigation Findings ,
Examination findings etc. with
Staff has knowledge of calculating 1 Check with ANM the
expected pregnancies in the area expected pregnancies in her
area / How to calculate it.
(Birth Rate X Population/1000
Add 10% as correction factor
(Still Birth)

Tracking of Missed and left out ANC 1 Check with ANM how she
tracks missed out ANC. Use of
MCTS by generating work
plan and follow-up with
ASHA, AWW etc.
Check if there is practice of
recording Mobile no. of
clients/next to kin for follow

ASHA ensure At least one ANC visit is 1 Preferably 3rd Visit (28-34
attended by Medical Officer Weeks)
Comprehensive Obstetric History is 1
There is an established recorded History of Pervious
procedure for History taking, pregnancies including
ME E5.2 Physical examination, and complications and procedures
counseling of each antenatal done, if any, is taken
woman, visiting the facility.
Physical Examination of Pregnant 1 Pulse, Respiratory Rate ,
Women is done on every ANC visit Pallor, Oedema
Blood Pressure and weight is measured 1 Check any 3 ANC records/
on every ANC visit MCP Card randomly to see
that BP and weight has been
measured and recorded at
every ANC visit
Hemoglobin and Urine test is done on 1 Check randomly any 3 MCP
every ANC visit card/ ANC record for
The facility ensures of drugs & Hemoglobin test is done at
ME E5.3 diagnostics are prescribed as every ANC visit and values are
per protocol recorded
Staff can recognize the cases, which 1 Anaemia, Bad obstetric
would need referral to Higher history, CPD, PIH, APH,
Centre(FRU) Medical Disorder
There is an established complicating pregnancy,
procedure for identification of Malpresentation, fetal
ME E5.4 distress, PROM, obstructed
High risk pregnancy and
appropriate & Timely referral. labor, rupture uterus, & Rh

Staff is competent to identify 1
Hypertension / Pregnancy Induced Hypertension - Two
Hypertension consecutive reading taken
four hours apart shows
Systolic BP >140 mmHg
and/or Diastolic BP > 90

Staff is competent to identify Pre- 1 Pre - Eclampsia- High BP with
Eclampisa Urine Albumin (+2)
Imminent eclampsia -BP
>140/90 with positive
albumin 2++, severe
headache, Blurring of vision,
epigastria pain & oligouria

Staff is competent to classify anaemia 1 >11 gm% -Absence of
according to Haemoglobin Level Anaemia,10 to 11 gm% mild,
There is an established 7-10 gm% Moderate Anaemia
ME E5.5 procedure for identification <7 gm% Severe Anaemia
and management of anaemia
Staff is aware of prophylactic & 1 Prophylactic - one IFA tablet
Therapeutic dose of IFA per day for at least 100 days
starting from first trimester
Therapeutic - 2 IFA tablet per
day for three months
Line listing of pregnant women with 1 Check the records
moderate and severe anaemia
Counseling is provided during the ANC 1 Counseling regarding birth
check-up as per protocol preparedness, identification
Counseling of pregnant women of danger signs, nutrition,
ME E5.6 is done as per standard breast feeding and family
protocol and gestational age planning
Postpartum home visits are ensured by 1
There is a established ASHA / ANM
procedures for Postnatal visits
ME E5.7 Check the records ANM/ASHA
& counseling of Mother and
Child visits home on 3rd, 7th and
RR/SI 42nd day after delivery
History Taking and Examination is done 1
during the postnatal visits
Counseling is done during the home visits 1

Ask ANM/ ASHA regarding

components of counseling
Pregnant women is counseled
for Postpartum care ,
Hygiene, Nutrition,
Contraception, Breastfeeding,
Registration of Birth and
PI/SI Identification of danger signs
E6 Facility has established procedure for care of New born & Child as per guideline
Post natal visit & counseling for ASHA/ ANM maintains the list of New-
ME E 6.1 New born care is provided as born in their area
per guideline 1 RR/SI Check the records
6 Home visits are provided by ASHA
On 3rd, 7th , 14th, 21st , 28th
and 42nd Day. Check records
that for identified new-born
visits have been timely made
Home visit form is filled by ASHA
Check Home visit form for
examination of Mother and
New Born has been updated
1 RR/SI by ASHA during the visit
ASHA is skilled for Identifying danger
Triage, Assessment & signs and referral for Newborn
Weight <1.8 kg
Management of new-born Temperature > 99 degree
ME E 6.2
having emergency signs are Yellowness in eyes/Skin
done as per guidelines persistent for more than 14
1 RR/SI day after birth.
ASHA is skilled for home based
management of Hypothermia
If temperature is <97F then
advice the mother to keep
the baby warm through
increasing room temperature
and providing skin to skin
1 RR/SI contact
Management of children ORS therapy is provided as per
ME E 6.5 presenting diarrhoea is done guidelines during Outreach Sessions
per guidelines 1 RR/SI
Screening & Referral of children Identification for birth defects during Check ASHA is skilled for
ME E 6.6 as per guidelines of Rastriya Bal home visits by ASHA recognizing birth defects and
Swasth Karkarm 1 RR/SI referral
E7 Facility has establish procedure for Family Planning as per Govt guideline

Facility provides spacing Staff is aware of eligibility, Limitation and

ME E7.2 method of family planning as Benefits of Lactation Amenorrhea
per guideline Method (LAM)
Staff is aware of eligibility, Limitation,
Method and Benefits of OCP
E8 Facility provides Adolescent reproductive &sexual health services as per guideline
Facility provides Promotive Counseling and group sessions during
ME E8.1 adolescent health days
ARSH Services 1 RR/SI Check for IEC activites
Facility provides Preventive Distribution of Sanitary Napkin and
ME E8.2 counseling of Menstrual Hygiene
ARSH Services 1 RR/SI
Facility Provides Referral Referral linkages to adolescent friendly
ME E8.4 health clinic
Services for ARSH 1 RR/SI
E9 Facility provides National Health Programmes as per operational/clinical guidelines of the Government
Facility provides service under
National Vector Borne Disease Distribution of Chloroquine in endemic
ME E9.1 area
Control Program as per 1 RR/SI
guidelines ASHA/ ANM are aware for monitoring of
Facility provides services under
ME E9.2 Revised National TB Control TB Patients and adherence to DOT
Program as per guidelines treatment
What action is taken by DOT provider Reported to next level
(ASHA/ANM) if they fail to retrieve such supervisor (PHW/MO-
patient PHI/STS/ MO-TB)
What action is taken if patient misses Arrange visit of MO- PHI to
DOT on 2 occasion in Intensive phase patient home for counseling
of the patient.
Side effects of anti TB treatment is
identified by DOT provider and reported
to MO
Facility provide service for Staff skilled to fill form S
ME E9.9 Integrated disease surveillance
program 1 RR/SI
The facility provides services ASHA prepares due list of immunization
ME E9.11 under Universal Immunization for her respective area
Programme as per guidelines 1 RR/SI
ANM/ASHA is aware of how to calculate
the no. of Beneficiaries (pregnant
women & Infants for every vaccination)

Micro plan for respective area of ANM
has been adequately prepared
Tracking of missed out children done by
Area of Concern - F Infection Control
F1 Facility has defined & implemented procedure for ensuring Hand hygiene practices & asepsis
Staff is trained and adhere to Availability of Hand Sanitizer for
ME F1.2 standard hand washing outreach session and home visits
practices 1 RR/SI
Facility ensures standard Check ASHA is aware of 6 steps of hand
ME F1.3 practices for maintaining wash
asepsis 1 RR/SI
Check ASHA is aware of when to hand
F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.
Facility ensures adequate Availability of personal protective
ME F2.1 personal protection equipment equipment for out reach sessions
as per requirements 1 RR/SI Gloves & Mask

F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous waste

The facility ensures segregation Segregation of Biomedical waste during

ME F4.1 of Bio Medical Waste as per the outreach session
guidelines 1 RR/SI
The facility ensures Sharps are collected in Puncture proof
ME F4.2 management of sharps as per box during outrace sessions
guidelines 1 RR/SI
The facility ensures There is system of collecting Biomedical
ME F4.3 transportation and disposal of waste from Outreach session site to
waste as per guidelines UPHC
Area of Concern - G Quality Management
G.1 Facility has established quality Assurance Program as per state/National guidelines

The facility has a quality team ASHA and ANM are represented in
ME G1.1 Quality Team
in place 1 RR/SI
The facility has defined quality ASHA and ANM are aware of Quality
ME G1.2 policy and it has been Policy of the UPHC
disseminated 1 RR/SI
Quality objectives have been Specific Quality Objectives are set for
ME G1.3 defined, and the objectives are Outreach services
reviewed and monitored
periodically 1 RR/SI
Quality of outreach services are
The facility reviews quality of reviewed during Monthly quality team
ME G1.4
its services at periodic intervals meeting
The facility has established Internal Assessment Conducted for
ME G1.5 internal quality assurance Outreach services
programme 1 RR/SI
G.2 Facility has established system for Patients and employees satisfaction
Patient Satisfaction surveys are Feed back is taken during outreach
ME G2.1
conducted at periodic intervals services 1 RR/SI
Employee satisfaction Surveys Employee Satisfaction survey includes
ME G2.2 are conducted at periodic ASHA and ANM serving under UPHC area
intervals 1 RR/SI
G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .
Standard Operating procedures
are prepared , distributed and SOPs for Outreach services have been
ME G3.1 prepared
implemented for all key 1 RR/SI
processes SOPs includes all Key processes
regarding out reach services
Outreach staff has been trained on SOPS
ME G3.2 Staff is trained as per SOPs
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes
H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators
Facility measures Productivity No. of special outreach session
ME H1.1 conducted per month
Indicators on monthly basis 1 RR
No. of MAS meeting conducted per
1 RR
Facility measures efficiency No. of outreach session conducted per
Indicators on monthly basis 1 RR
No. of home visit conducted by ASHA
1 RR
No. of home visit conducted by ANM
1 RR
H2 Facility endeavors to improve its performance to meet bench marks
The facility strives to improve Trends analysis of Indicators is done at
ME H2.2 indicators from its current Periodic Intervals
performance 1 RR
Outreach Score Card
Score 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality 50.0
H Manangement
Outcome 50.0

Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Percentage

A 41 82 50
B 9 18 50
C 21 42 50
D 14 28 50
E 56 112 50
F 7 14 50
G 10 20 50
H 6 12 50
Total 164 328 50
National Quality Assurance Standards for U - PHC 12
Checklist for General Admin
Reference No. Measurable Elements Assessment
Checkpoints Compliance Methods Means of Verification Remarks

Area of Concern - A Service Provision

Standard A1 Facility provides Promotive, preventive and curative services

The facility provides Accident &

ME A1.2
Emergency Services Availability of linkage to
ambulance services 1 RR/SI

Services are available for the time

ME A1.4
period as mandated UPHC is functional for time as
mandated 1 RR/SI

Provision of OPD and Lab

UPHC is functional in evening services in evening hours
hours 1 RR/SI for working population

Standard A3 The Facility provides Diagnostic Services, Para-clinical & support services.

The facility provides medico legal Registration for Medico Legal

ME A3.3
and administrative services Cases 1 RR/SI

Issuing of Medical Certificates 1 RR/SI

Information regarding Birth and
Death to Registrar 1 RR/SI

Monitoring and supervision of

ASHA and ANM working in area
served by UPHC 1 RR/SI
The facility provides support Availability of Housekeeping
ME A3.4
services services 1 RR/SI

Availability of Laundry Services 1 RR/SI

Standard A5 The facility provides services as per local needs / State specific health programmes as per guidelines

Facility provides services as per

ME A5.2 local needs/ state specific health Availability of services as per
programmes as per guidelines state scheme/Program 1 RR/SI
Area of Concern B - Patients' Rights
Standard B1 The service provided at facility are accessible
Direction to UPHC is displayed 1
The facility has uniform and user- from the Access road
ME B1.1 friendly signage system
Name of the facility 1 With facility of
prominently displayed at illumination in night
front of hospital building
All functional areas identified 1 Clinics, Injection Room,
by their respective signage Pharmacy, MO I/C Office
Facility lay out with Directions to 1
different departments displayed
All signage are in uniform color 1
& user friendly
The facility displays the services List of available services are 1 At enterance of UPHC
ME B1.2 predominatly displayed
and entitlements available
Entitlement under different 1
schemes are displayed
Important numbers like MO 1
I/C, ANM, Ambulance , Nearest
FRU, toll free no. etc are
Names and Contact no. of ASHA 1
and ANM serving different areas
are displayed

General clinic
Days and Timings of Specific Immunization clinic, ANC
services are displayed OB Clinic, Specialty clinic etc
List of available drugs are
displayed at drug dispensing Should be updated as per
counter OB current stock
The facility has established citizen Citizen Charter is prominently 1 Preferably near entrance
ME B1.3 displayed or OPD area
charter OB
Citizen Charter Includes the 1
Cycle time for Critical Processes
Citizen Charter includes Rights & 1
Responsibilities of Patients
Patients & visitors are sensitized 1
ME B1.4 and educated through
appropriate IEC / BCC approaches Availability of IEC corner OB
Information is available in bi- Signage and information are 1
ME B1.5 lingual signage and easy to provided in bilingual language
understand OB
Availability of complaint box and 1
display of process for grievance
The facility has defined and re addressal and whom to
ME B1.6 established grievance redressal contact is displayed
system in place
There is defined frequency of 1
collecting complaints from
complaint box
Records of patient complaints 1
suggestion are maintained
There is system of periodic 1
review of patient complaints
There is evidence of action 1
taken on complaints
There is provision of providing 1
Information about the treatment copy of medical records
is shared with patients or available with facility of patients
ME B1.7
attendants and consent is taken / Next to Kin if requested
wherever required
Access to facility is provided Availability of Ramp at the 1
ME B1.8 entrance of UPHC Building
without any physical barrier OB
Handrails are provided with the 1
ramp & Stairs
Approach road to hospital is 1
accessible without congestion or
Internal Pathways and corridors 1
of the facility are without any
obstruction / Protruding Object

Availability of at least one 1
Disable friendly toilet
Availability of Wheel chair and 1
stretcher for easy Access

Standard B2 The service provided at facility are acceptable

Services are provided in manner Availability of separate male and
ME B2.1
that are sensitive to gender female toilets 1 OB
Availability of Change/rest room
for ASHA and ANM 1 OB
The facility ensures the behaviors Behavior of staff is empathetic
ME B2.4 of staff is dignified and respectful, and courteous to patients and
while delivering the services visitors
1 PI
Check for special precaution is HIV, Leprosy , Abortion,
Religious and cultural preferences taken for maintaining privacy & domestic Violence,
of patients and attendants are confidentiality of cases having Adolescence pregnancy
ME B2.5
taken into consideration while social stigma
delivering services

Standard B3 The service provided at facility are affordable

The facility provide free of cost
treatment to Below poverty line UPHC has policy to provide all
ME B3.2 services free of cost to Below
patients without administrative
hassles Poverty Line patients 1 PI

UPHC ensures that services are Photocopies of BPL card,

provided without complex AADHAR Card etc should
administrative procedures to not be mandatory for
those who cant afford services 1 SI/RR/PI availing services
Area of Concern - C Inputs

Standard C1 The facility has adequate & Safe infrastructure for delivery of assured services and meets the prevalent norms

Adequate space as per services

available & Workload As per OPD Load and
Departments have adequate
ME C1.1 services available.
space as per patient load
Minimum 2000 sq ft
1 OB/SI covered area
Amenities for Patients & Staff are Availability of Demarcated
ME C1.2
available as per load parking area 1 OB
Availability of Dedicated Toilets
for Staff
1 OB
Availability of Staff Duty room
1 OB

Availability of lockers for ANM 1 OB/SI

Availability of Drinking water
facility 1 OB/SI
Availability of Fans/ Coolers in
Waiting area 1 OB/SI
Availability of seating facility in
waiting area 1 OB/SI
Departments have layout and
ME C1.3 demarcated areas as per
functions Dedicated OPD room 1 OB/SI
Dedicated Room for
Examination/IUCD Insertion 1 OB/SI
Dedicated Dressing room /
Injection room 1 OB/SI

Dedicated room for conducting

ANC and Immunization 1 OB/SI

Dedicated room for Laboratory 1 OB/SI

Dedicated room for General
stores 1 OB/SI

Dedicated Pharmacy with

demarcated dispensing counter 1 OB/SI
The facility has infrastructure for Availability of Telephone Preferably at least one
ME C1.4 intramural and extramural connection functional landline
communication connection
Availability of internet Wired or wireless
1 OB/ SI

Availability of Mobile
connections for ANMs serving
the PUHC area 1 OB/ SI
The facility ensures safety of No temporary connections and
ME C1.5 loosely hanging wires
electrical installations 1 OB
UPHC has mechanism for
periodical check / test of all
electrical installation
Danger sign is displayed at High
voltage electrical installation
1 OB
All electrical panels are covered
and has restricted access
Power audit of facility has been
Physical condition of buildings are UPHC premises has intact
ME C1.6 boundary wall
safe for providing patient care 1 OB
Hospital has functional gate at
the entrance
1 OB
All the windows in PHCs are
secured with grills & wire mesh
1 OB
No Major Crack/ defect UPHC
Building 1 OB

Floors are non slippery and even 1 OB

The facility ensures fire safety Fire exit signs are displayed at
ME C1.7 measures including fire fighting critical areas
equipment 1 OB
There is system to track the
expiry dates and periodic
refilling of the extinguishers
Periodic Training is provided for
using fire extinguishers
Staff is skilled to operate fire
Periodic mock drills for fire
safety are organized at the

Standard C2 The facility has adequate qualified and trained staff, required for providing the assured services to the current case load

The facility has adequate medical

ME C2.1 officers as per service provision Availability of regular Medical
and work load Officer 1 SI/RR At least one
Availability of part time medical
officer 1 SI/RR At least one
The facility has adequate nursing
ME C2.2 staff/Paramedics as per service
provision and work load Availability of Staff Nurses 1 SI/RR At least 3

As per population
1 ANM per 10000-25000
Availability of ANMs 1 SI/RR Population

Availability of Lab Technician 1 SI/RR At least 1

Availability of Lady Health
Visitor (LHV) 1 SI/RR at Least 1
The facility has adequate support
ME C2.3 staff / Health Workers as per Availability of Public Health
service provision and workload Manager/ Community Mobilize 1 SI/RR At least 1

Availability of secretarial Staff 1 SI/RR Av least 2

Availability of support Staff 1 SI/RR at least 1
The Staff has been imparted Training of staff on infection
necessary trainings/skill set to control
ME C2.4 enable them to meet their roles &
responsibilities 1 RR/SI
Training of staff on Bio Medical
Waste Management
Training on Basic Life Support
Training of Data Entry operator HMIS/MCTS /other
information system as
Training of Staff on quality
assurance and internal

Standard C3 The facility provides drugs and consumables required for assured services.

The Facility has availability of

ME C3.2 adequate consumables at point of Availability of Stationary items
use as per requirement 1 SI/RR

Standard C4 The facility has equipment & instruments required for assured list of services.

Availability of patient furniture

ME C4.5 and fixtures as per load and
service provision Availability of office furniture 1 OB/SI
Availability of functional 1 Buckets for mopping,
ME C4.6 equipment and instruments for Mops, Brooms etc.
support & outreach services Equipment for Cleaning OB/SI
Availability of computer for 1
HMIS and MCTS reporting

Area of Concern - D Support Services

Standard D1 The facility has established facility management programme for maintenance & upkeep of equipment & infrastructure to
provide safe & secure environment to staff & users

UPHC ensures that all 1 ILR, deep freezer , Lab

equipments are covered under equipments etc.
The facility has system for AMC including preventive
ME D1.1
maintenance of critical Equipment maintenance
Records of equipments 1
maintenance are available with
Patient care areas are clean and PHC has a system for safe 1
ME D1.3 disposal of general waste
hygienic OB/RR/SI
Schedule for cleaning is defined 1
and implemented
Housekeeping checklist used for 1
monitoring cleaning activities
No dirt/Grease/Stains in 1
circulation area and pathways
No dirt/Grease/Stains/Garbage 1
in toilets
No foul smell/accumulated 1
water in Toilets
Toilets have running water and 1
functional cisterns
Use of detergent disinfectant 1
solution / Hospital grade Phenyl
for cleaning purpose

Use of Unidirectional method 1
and outward mopping
Use of separate mops for 1
cleaning of general areas and
procedure surfaces
Check for there is no seepage , 1
Facility infrastructure is Cracks, chipping of plaster
ME D1.4 adequately maintained
UPHC has system for periodic 1
maintenance of Building
There is no clogged/over flowing 1
drain in facility
No condemned/Junk material in 1
Facility has policy of removal of the corridors, storage ,
ME D1.5 condemned junk material administrative area
Periodic removal of junk 1
material done at the UPHC
There is designated place to 1
keep junk/condemned material
Facility maintains both the Interior of Patient care areas are 1
ME D1.6 internal and open area of the plastered & painted
facility. OB
UPHC Building is 1
painted/whitewashed in
uniform color
No unwanted/outdated posters 1
on hospital boundary and
building walls
No stray animals observed in the 1
Green area /Park/ Open spaces 1
are well maintained
No water logging in UPHC 1
No unauthorized occupation / 1
encroachment in UPHC
The facility provides adequate 1
ME D1.7 illumination level at patient care Adequate illumination in
areas circulation area OB/SI
Adequate illumination in patient
care and procedure areas OB/SI
The facility provides Clean and 1
ME D1.8 adequate linen as per Check linen provided at clinics
requirement and procedure area is clean OB
There is defined schedule for 1
change of linen
UPHC has in-house /Outsourced 1
arrangement of washing the
Availability of 24x7 running and 1 Check for source of water
potable water (near by water body,
The facility has adequate ground water, municipal
arrangement for storage and supply etc.) Check for the
ME D1.9
supply of potable water in all measure taken to ensure
functional areas availability of water in
areas having water
OB/SI scarcity
UPHC has adequate water 1
storage facility as per
All water tanks are kept tightly 1
Periodic cleaning of water tanks 1
carried out
PHC periodically tests the 1
quality of water from the source
(municipal supply, bore well etc)
for bacterial and chemical
Chlorination of water is done as 1
per requirement
RO/ Filters are available for 1
potable drinking water
Availability of Generator/UPS for 1
The facility ensures adequate Power Backup
ME D1.10 power backup
Use of energy efficient bulbs for 1 LED or CFL

Standard D3 Facility has defined & established procedure for Community Participation for providing assured services

The facility has established RKS is registered under societies

ME D3.1 procedures for management of registration act
activities of Rogi Kalyan Samiti 1 RR/SI
RKS meeting are held at
prescribed interval
Minutes of meeting are
Participation of community
bodies is ensured
RKS generates its own resources
from donation/leasing of space
The facility has established Community based
ME D3.2 procedures for community based monitoring/social audits are
monitoring of its services done at periodic intervals

Standard D4 Facility has defined procedure for Governance & work Management
There is system to track and
The facility ensures the proper ensure that funds are received
ME D4.1 utilization of fund provided to it on time
Funds/Grants provided are
utilized in specific time limit
There is no backlog in payment
to beneficiaries as per their
entitlement under different
Salaries and compensation are
provided to contractual staff on
Facility provides utilization
certificate for funds on time
Check for that Contract
document has provision for
There is established system for deduction of payment if quality
ME D4.2 contract management for out- of services is not good
sourced services
Payment to the outsourced
services are made on time
Facility has defined criteria for
assessment of quality of
outsourced services
Regular monitoring and
evaluation of staff is done
against defined criteria
Actions are taken against non
compliance / deviation from
contractual obligations
The facility has established job Job description of Medical
ME D4.3
description as per Govt guidelines officer is defined 1 RR/SI

Medical officer is aware of

his/her role and responsibility 1 RR/SI
Job Description Staff Nurse is
defined 1 RR/SI

Staff Nurses are aware of

his/her role and responsibility 1 RR/SI

Job Description LHV is defined 1 RR/SI

LHV are aware of her role and
responsibility 1 RR/SI
Job Description ANMs is defined 1 RR/SI
ANMs are aware of his/her role
and responsibility 1 RR/SI
Job Description Laboratory
Technician is defined 1 RR/SI

Laboratory Technician is aware

of his/her role and responsibility 1 RR/SI

Job Description support and

administrative staff is defined 1 RR/SI

Administrative and Support staff

is aware of his/her role and
responsibility 1 RR/SI

Job Description ASHA is defined 1 RR/SI

ASHA is aware of her role and
responsibility 1 RR/SI
The facility has a established Duty roster of all staff is
ME D4.4 procedure for duty roster and prepared, updated and
deputation of staff communicated
Field visit plan of Medical
Officer is prepared
Field visit plan of ANM is
Field visit plan of LHV is

There is system of monitoring

and review of adherence to
Field Visit Plan 1 RR/SI
The facility ensures the adherence All clinical and support staff
ME D4.5 to dress code as mandated by the adhere to their respective dress
department code
1 OB

I Cards and Name plates have

been provided to all the staff 1 OB/SI
Dress and I cards have been
provided to ASHAs 1 OB/SI
Availability of authorization for
The facility has requisite licenses handling Bio Medical waste
ME D4.6 and certificates, as required for from pollution control board
operation of a health facility
1 RR
Availability of NOC for Fire
1 RR
Availability of Licensee under
Clinical Establishment Act
1 RR
The facility ensures its processes No Smoking sign is displayed at
ME D4.7 are in compliance with statutory the prominent places in UPHC
and legal requirement 1 OB
Staff is aware of requirements of
medico legal cases
Any positive report of notifiable
disease is intimated to
designated authorities

The facility has a defined protocol
ME D4.8 for the issue of medical Defined formats for issuing
certificates Medical Certificate is available 1 SI/RR

A copy of issued Medical

Certificate is kept for records 1 RR

Register is maintained for

keeping details of Medical
Certificate issued 1 RR
Identification marks and
Patients address is mentioned in
medical certificate 1 RR/SI
Medical Certificate are issued on
the day of request 1 RR

Standard D5 Facility has procedure for collecting & Reporting of the health facility related information

Facility reports data regarding 1 Check for all antenatal &

Facility Reports data for Mother Antenatal, Delivery and delivery cases registered
ME D5.14 and Child Tracking System as per Postnatal care for availed at UPHC are entered in
Guidelines services MCTS
Facility reports data about child 1 Check all child
immunization in MCTS immunization cases are
RR/SI entered in MCTS
Facility utilizes MCTS data for 1 Ask staff how they utilize
action planning data for action planning
Facility utilizes MCTS data for 1 Check for MCTS is used for
tracing of missed out missed out
immunization and ANC cases immunization/ANC cases

Facility Reports data for HMIS HMIS data is reported on 1
ME D5.15 monthly basis
System as per Guidelines RR/SI
All data elements of HMIS are 1 Check HMIS report for
reported filling up of all data
RR/SI elements
Area of Concern - E Clinical Services

Standard E2 Facility has defined procedure for primary management and continuity of care with appropriate maintenance of records

UPHC maintains list of higher

The facility provides appropriate centers where patient can be
referral linkages for transfer to referred with their contact
ME E2.2
other/higher facilities to assure
the continuity of care. no.
UPHC ensures the patients
are referred to public
healthcare facilities
UPHC has designated and secure
The facility ensures safe and place to keep Records including
ME E2.9 adequate storage and retrieval of Patient Records
medical records
A person is designated for safe
keeping and retrieval of records
UPHC has policy for retention
period for different kinds of
UPHC has policy for safe
disposal of records

Area of Concern - F Infection Control

Standard F2 Facility ensures availability of Personal Protective equipment & follows standard precautions.

Facility ensures adequate Immunization of Staff is done

ME F2.1 personal protection equipment
as per requirements 1 SI/RR T.T, Hep-B etc.
Staff adheres to standard Medical Check-up staff is done
ME F2.2 at periodic Intervals
personal protection practices 1 SI/RR

Standard F4 Facility has defined & establish procedure for segregation, collection, treatment & disposal of Bio medical &hazardous
Facility as arrangement for 1
The facility ensures transportation disposal of infectious waste
ME F4.3 and disposal of waste as per through common treatment
guidelines Facility
Demarcated area for secure 1
storage of BMW before disposal
Check for any sign of burning of 1
waste in UPHC premises
Log book /Record of waste 1
generated is maintained
Display of Bio Hazard sign at the 1
point of storage and generation
Mutilation of Plastic waste 1
before disposal
Waste is not stored for more
than 48 hours in the facility RR/SI

Area of Concern - G Quality Management

Standard G.1 Facility has established quality Assurance Program as per state/National guidelines

The facility has a quality team in Quality Team has been

ME G1.1 established at the UPHC
place 1 RR/SI
There is designated person for
co coordinating overall quality
assurance program at the facility

Team members are delegated
their respective roles &
1 SI
Quality policy are defined and Displayed prominently at
The facility has defined quality displayed in local language critical places in a way
ME G1.2 policy and it has been that staff and Visitors can
disseminated read it easily
Staff is aware of the Quality
1 SI
Quality objectives have been Quality objectives are defined
ME G1.3 defined, and the objectives are for the UPHC
reviewed and monitored 1 RR/SI
Quality Objectives covers all Maternal Health, National
critical to quality areas Health Program, Patient
Satisfaction ,
Immunization etc.
Quality objectives are SMART Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Repeatable &
Time bound
There is system for monitoring
of performance toward quality
Quality team meets monthly
The facility reviews quality of its and review the quality activities
ME G1.4
services at periodic intervals
Minutes of meeting are
Results for internal /External
assessment are discussed in the
UPHC performance and Quality
indicators are reviewed in
Progress on time bound action
plan is reviewed
Quality team review that all the
services mentioned in RMNCHA
are delivered as per guideline

Quality team review that all the
services mentioned in National
Health Program are delivered as
per guideline
Resolution of the meeting are
effectively communicated to
Quality team report regularly to
DQAC about Key Performance
Indicators and Quality Scores

The facility has established There is a system of Daily round
ME G1.5 internal quality assurance by MO of all department of
programme UPHC
Assessment visit is done by
The facility has established District Quality assurance Unit
ME G1.6
external assurance programmes Periodically
The facility conducts the periodic UPHC Periodicalyl conducts
ME G1.7 Medical/Prescription Audit
prescription/ medical audits 1 SI/RR
Criteria for Prescription Audit
has been defined 1 SI/RR

Analysis of data collected from

prescription audit is done and
disseminated 1 SI/RR
The facility ensures that non Non Compliance/ Gaps found in
ME G1.8 compliances are enumerated and the internal Assessment are
recorded adequately recorded
Over all and departmental
Quality scores are generated
Action plan is made on gaps Action plan prepared the Non
ME G1.9 found in the assessment/audit Compliance and gaps found in
process assessment
Corrective and Preventive actions Corrective and preventive
ME G1.10 are taken to address the issues action taken as per action plan
observed in the assessment and
audit 1 SI/RR

Standard G.2 Facility has established system for Patients and employees satisfaction
There is person designated to co 1
Patient Satisfaction surveys are ordinate satisfaction survey
ME G2.1
conducted at periodic intervals
Patient feedback form are 1
available in local language
Adequate sample size is taken to 1 At least 30 per Month
conduct patient satisfection
There is procedure to conduct 1 Employees also include
employee satisfaction survey at outreach workers; ASHA,
periodic intervals ANM, LHV,community
mobiliser etc

There is procedure for 1

Employee satisfaction Surveys are compilation of patient feedback
ME G2.2
conducted at periodic intervals forms

Patient feedback is analyzed on 1 Overall department

monthly basis wise/attribute wise score
are calculated

Root cause analysis is done for 1

low performing attributes

Results of Patient satisfaction 1

survey are recorded and
disseminated to concerned staff

There is procedure for analysis 1

of Employee satisfaction survey
There is procedure for root 1
cause analysis of Employee
satisfaction survey

There is procedure for 1

preparing Action plan for
Facility prepares the action plans improving patient satisfaction
ME G2.3
for the areas of low satisfaction

There is procedure to take 1

corrective and preventive action

There is procedure for preparing 1

action plan for improving
employee satisfaction

Standard G3 Facility has established ,documented &implemented standard operating procedure system for its all key processes .

Standard Operating procedures Current version of SOP are

ME G3.1 are prepared , distributed and available with process owner
implemented for all key processes 1 SI/RR
SOP covers all key processes
ME G3.2 Staff is trained as per SOPs support and administrative
processes adequately
Work instructions are displayed at Check Staff is a aware of
ME G3.3 relevant part of SOPs
Point of work 1 SI/RR
The facility uses methods and Work instruction/clinical
ME G3.4 protocols are displayed
tools for Quality Improvement 1 OB
Area of Concern - H: Outcomes

Standard H1 The facility measures its productivity, efficiency, clinical care & service Quality indicators

Facility measures Productivity

ME H1.1
Indicators on monthly basis No. of follow up cases 1 RR
Proportion of Vulnerable patient
attended 1 RR
Facility measures Clinical Care & No. of Needle Stick Injury
ME H1.3
Safety Indicators on monthly basis reported every month 1 RR
Facility measures Service Quality Patient Satisfection Score for
ME H1.4
Indicators on monthly basis OPD 1 RR
Registration to drug time
(Average) 1 RR
Followup rate 1 RR

Standard H2 Facility endeavors to improve its performance to meet bench marks

The facility strives to improve
ME H2.2 indicators from its current Facility collate and analyse the
performance Indicators 1 RR
Trend Analysis is done
periodically 1 RR
Low poerforming indicators are
identified 1 RR

Corrective action is taken to

improve low prfoming indicators 1 RR

General Admin Score

Score 50.0
Area of Concern wise Score
A Service Provision 50.0
B Patient Rights 50.0
C Inputs 50.0
D Support Services 50.0
E Clinical Services 50.0
F Infection Control 50.0
G Quality Manangement 50.0
H Outcome 50.0

Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Percentage

A 10 20 50
B 34 68 50
C 51 102 50
D 94 188 50
E 6 12 50
F 9 18 50
G 44 88 50
H 10 20 50
Total 258 516 50

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