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Components of the Local Planning Structure (2)

o Political component
o Technical component
2. Political Component of the Local Planning Structure (4)
o Local Sanggunian
o Local Development Council
o Congressman’s Representative
o Civil Society Organizations
3. Technical Component of the Local Planning Structure (6)
o Local Planning and Development Office
o LGU Department Heads
o Local Special Bodies
o LDC Sectoral/Functional Committees
o NGA Office Chiefs in the localityPrivate Sector Representatives
4. Primary Functions LDC (5)
o Formulate development plans and policies;
o Formulate public investment programs;
o Appraise and prioritize programs and projects;
o Formulate investment incentives;
o Coordinate, monitor and evaluate implementation of development
programs and projects.
5. Primary Functions Barangay Development Councils (3)
o Mobilize people’s participation in local development functions
o Prepare barangay development plans
o Monitor and evaluate implementation of national or local programs
and projects
6. Primary Functions Executive Committee (3)
o Represent the LDC when it is not in session
o Ensure that the LDC decisions are faithfully carried out and act on
matters needing immediate attention by the LDC
o Formulate plans, policies and programs based on principles and
priorities laid out by LDC
7. Primary Functions Secretariat (4)
o Provide technical support to the LDC
o Document proceedings
o Prepare reports
o Other support functions as may be necessary
8. 5 Sectoral or Functional Committees
o Social
o Economic
o Infrastructure
o Environment and Natural Resources
o Institutional
9. Composition of City/Municipal Development Councils
o Mayor
o Punong Baranggay
o The chairman of the committee on appropriations of the
sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan
o congressman or his representative
o representatives of NGOs operating in the area, who shall constitute
not less than one-fourth (1 /4) of the members of the fully organized
10. Composition of Provincial Development Councils
o Governor
o Mayors
o The chairman of the committee on appropriations of the
sangguniang panglalawigan,
o congressman or his representative
o representatives of NGOs operating in the area, who shall constitute
not less than one-fourth (1 /4) of the members of the fully organized
11. Composition of Baranggay Development Councils
o Punong Baranggay
o Members of the Sangguniang Baranggay
o Congressman representative
o representatives of NGOs operating in the area, who shall constitute
not less than one-fourth (1 /4) of the members of the fully organized
12. NGOs shall choose from among themselves their
representatives to the LDCs, within how many days from the
organization of the LDC?

sixty (60) days

13. Frequency of meetings of the LDC

The LDCs shall meet at least once every six (6) months or as often as may

14. Who accredits the NGOs in the LDC

The sanggunian concerned shall accredit NGOs.

15. 2 Plans required by theLGU code

o comprehensive land use plan (CLUP)
o comprehensivedevelopment plan (CDP)
16. Implementation instruments of the ELA
o Legislative Support Measures
17. Two meanings of comprehensive
o “multi-sectoral”
o “encompassing the entire territorial limit”
18. Three domains within the LGU territory
o Public Domain
o Private Domain
o Ancestral Domain
o (PPA)
19. Covered by Public Domain
o Untitled A&D
o Timberlands
o Mineral Lands
o National Parks
o Municipal Waters
20. Basic Contents of the CLUP3
o Four policy area
o Desired urban form
o Land use policy framework
o Zoning Ordinance
21. Components of the CDP (7)
o Social development plan
o Economic development plan
o Infrastructure and land use development plan
o Environmental management plan
o Institutional development plan
o Cross-Sectoral Concerns
o Plan Outputs
22. This plan focuses on strengthening the capability of the local
government bureaucracy as well as elected officials to manage
effectively planned growth and change in their territorial jurisdiction

Institutional development plan

23. This plan consolidates the environmental implications of all

development proposals within the municipality and provides
mitigating and preventive measures for their anticipated impacts.

Environmental management plan

24. Some development issues can be confined within the

conceptual boundaries of a particular sector. Issues of this nature
are better handled by specific sectors.Other issues however, are
common to two or more sectors

Cross-Sectoral Concerns
25. CDP Plan Outputs
o Sectoral programs and projects.
o New local legislation.
26. The principal instrument for implementing the CDP

local development investment program (LDIP)

27. is a short-term plan covering normally a one-year period more

popularly known as AnnualInvestment Program, AIP

local development investment program (LDIP)

28. Two major components of the LDIP

o The final list of priority projects
o The programming of financial resources to fund the implementation
of priority projects.
29. Tools to capitalize on development
o special assessments
o full cost recovery through user charges
o idle lands tax
o property reassessment and taxation
30. Tools to penalize development
o environmental impact fees and penalties
o land conversion taxes and charges
31. Tools to facilitate investments
o long-term debt for public infrastructure including non-revenue
generating facilities
o short-term loans
o build-operate-transfer schemes
32. Should have as its basic minimum content the five
development sectors, namely, population and social services, the
local economy, bio-physical base, the existing infrastructure
support, and the institutional capability of the LGU

Ecological Profile

33. Dependent age

0-14, 65 and above

34. School age groups

o 3-6, preschool;
o 7-12, elementary;
o 13-16, secondary
35. Age of labor force


36. Reproductive age


37. Sex composition is indicated by the sex ratio, how do you

compute for sex ratio

Number of Males over Number of Females multiplied by 100

38. Age distribution is usuallydepicted in a table that groups the

population into clusters of how many years interval?

5-year intervals.

39. where large numbers are in the younger ages, the population
is said to be


40. Where a smaller number are in the younger age, the

population is said to be


41. where roughly equal numbers of people are found in all age
groups with slight tapering off in the older ages, the population is
said to be


42. One concept used to explain the implications of population

growth rate is thetime required for the population size to double
itself, given a fixed growth rate.

Doubling Time

43. The doubling time is less than 69years if the growth rate is
greater than_____
1.0 percent

*Doubling time (dt) = 0.69/r

44. Combined population of urban barangays over Total municipal

population multiplied by 100

Level of urbanization (urbanity) in percent

45. Population growth rate(urban) – population growth rate (rural)

Tempo of urbanization in percentage points

46. Total urban population over Total area of urban barangays

Urban density

47. The Philippine (NSO) definition of an urban area that has been
adopted since 1970 in terms of density

In their entirety, all cities and municipalities having a population density of

at least 1,000 persons per square kilometer.

Poblaciones or central districts of municipalities or cities which have

apopulation density of at least 500 persons per square kilometer.

48. Even without the required population density Poblaciones or

central districts may still be classified as urban if they have the

*NSO 1970

Street pattern, i.e. network of streets in either parallel or right-


At least six establishments such as commercial, manufacturing,recreation

and/or personal services;

At least three of the following:

o town hall, church or chapel with religious services at least once

o public plaza, park or cemetery;
o market place or building where trading activities are carried on
atleast once a week;
o a public building like school, hospital, puericulture and health
centeror library.
49. Baranggays who also meet the requirements for urban
Poblaciones or central districts may be classified as urban if they
meet these 2 conditions

*NSO 1970
o At least 1,000 inhabitants
o The occupation of inhabitants is predominantly nonagricultural.
50. What are the 4 industries listed in PSIC as Primary Sector

Agriculture, livestock, fishery and forestry

51. What are the industries listed in PSIC as Secondary Sector

o Mining and quarrying
o Manufacturing
o Electricity, gas and water
o Construction
52. What are the industries listed in PSIC as Tertiary Sector
o Wholesale and retail trade
o Transportation, storage and communication
o Finance, insurance, real estate and business
o services
o Community, social and personal services
53. A simple measure of an area’s specialization

location quotient

54. If the L.Q. is greater than 1.0,

the town is more specialized than the province as a whole in that type of
economic activity

55. If the L.Q. is less than 1.0,

the town is less specialized in that activity or sector than the province as
a whole.

56. If the L.Q. is equal to 1.0

the activity is equally important in both the town and the province.
57. An activity or industry that provides input materials and
services to, say, agriculture, e.g. farm implements, fertilizers,
pesticides,certified seeds is linked in a __________ manner.


58. An activity that uses the output of a particular activity, say,

sugar milling, e.g. candies, softdrinks, confectionery, is linked in a
_________ manner.


59. Where two or more firms produce components of a final

output,e.g. parts of a car. It is linked in a _______ manner


60. Where two or more firms produce complete products that are
complementary in use, e.g. furniture shops each specializing in one
type of furniture like chairs, tables, cabinets, etc. It is linked in a
_______ manner


61. Where a service cuts across different types of firms, services, insurance, messengerial or forwarding
services. It is linked in a _______ manner


62. Where services to the employees or managerial staff are

provided by firms or households, e.g. housing, recreation, food


63. When the inflow is greaterthan the outflow, there is net

storage; when the outflow is equal to or greaterthan the inflow no
storage is possible.


Money Flow Theory

Money Flow Theory

64. According to David Harvey’s theory of circuits of capital, the

three forms of capital have varying return periods
o Manufacturing
o Commercial
o Financial
65. the process of putting two or more thematic maps on top of
each other to determine areas of convergence of certain features
of land contributing to the suitability of the area to a particular
purpose and conversely, to eliminate or screen out areas that are
not suitable for that purpose

Map overlay or sieve analysis

66. Assessment and evaluation of existing systems in relation to

the intended population to be served. Evaluation criteria includes
the following
o Appropriateness
o Adequacy
o Accessibility
o Level of Utility
67. The simplest definition of the planning process "The process
of determining goals and designing the means by which these goals
may be achieved" is attributed to

Robert Young

68. goal formulation is “hingepin on which the rational planning

process turns” is quoted from?

George Chadwick

69. More specific desirable state than value. It derives motivation

from both internal (value) and external (stimuli) sources. It is the
end toward which design or action tends.


70. It is definite about the point to be reached or target to be

achieved given the constraints of resources and time.

71. are rules of action which are not necessarily explicitly stated
or consciously reflected upon but which are very noticeable when

Norms and standards

72. Sources of Development Goals (5)

o The Universal Concept of Public Interest
o The General Welfare Goals
o Regional Physical Framework Plans
o National Policies
o Local Communities
73. Approaches to Goal Formulation (2)
o Goals Technically Derived
o Participatory Goal Formulation
74. When a deficit situation exists the following measures to
augment supply may be considered preferably in the same order of

*Supply Management Strategies

o Infilling
o Densification
o Urban renewal/redevelopment
o Reclamation
o Agricultural land conversion
75. Putting to use in-lying vacant or idle lands within the built-

Assessing how much land can be added to the supply requires the
conduct of a vacant land survey


76. Increasing density of buildings per land surface area as

indicated by the floor-area ratio (FAR), and/or increasing the
occupancy rate of existing multi-storey structures.


77. Conversion of slums and blighted areas fromone-storey

makeshift dwellings to permanent medium-rise walk-up
apartmentseasily increases residential density.

Urban renewal/redevelopment
78. Producing new urban land by filling or draining portions of a
lake shore, seashore, and similar waterfront areas, provided the
resulting alternation of natural ecosystems will not result in serious
ecological imbalance, is a supply-augmentation scheme worth


79. (3) Demand Management Strategies

o Improved rural services
o Opening alternative growth centers
o Relocation or resettlement
80. This pattern is similar to the native settlements prior to the
coming of the Spanish colonizers – very small clusters of huts in
widely scattered barangays.

*Urban Form

Dispersed Sheet

81. The Spaniards reduced the number of small scattered

settlements into fewer bu tlarger pueblos or towns.Later some
barrios grew into large settlements that rivaled the old poblacion in
population size and complexity of services.

Galaxy of settlements

82. The Spaniards reduced the number of small scattered

settlements into fewer bu tlarger pueblos or towns.Later some
barrios grew into large settlements that rivaled the old poblacion in
population size and complexity of services.

Galaxy of settlements

Some towns accommodate their urban growth in the poblacion

because of physical and policy constraints to expanding side wise
or horizontally.Ex. Sampaloc and Lucbanin Quezon province.

*Urban Form

The Core City

83. When more radial roads were built traversing the town center
urban growth tended to follow along the roads thus preventing the
town center from becoming very large. Ex. Koronadal City or
Tacurong City.

*Urban Form

Urban Star

84. When there are constraints to urban expansion at the center

settlements tend to go around like a ring. A good example is La
Trinidad, Benguet.

*Urban Form

The ring

85. An improvement on the COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS is the

Planning Balance Sheet developed by

Nathaniel Lichfied.

86. The Goal-Achievement Matrix (GAM), was designed by

Morris Hill

87. It is the nerve center of the social and political life of the
town. It is the place where the most important functions are located
and from where city/municipal-level services are provided. The town
center also performs a symbolic function. It embodies the
distinctive image of the town with which residents identify
themselves. This unique image also enables non-residents and
visitors to recognize the town and not mistake it for any other town.

Town Center

88. There are at least four focal points of the town center, these
o the city/municipal hall and related buildings for government
o the parish church or churches or mosque
o the central business district (CBD)
o the central park or town plaza.
89. Of these four focal points of the town center, which is the only
one that cannot be influenced by the local government, but efforts
should be exerted to ensure that it continues to be an integral part
of the town center.

the religious center

90. Three types of circulation sub-systems that must be planned

o thru traffic
o linkages between the town center and the barrios
o internal circulation in the town center.
91. Three streams of activities that make up the LDIP process

1) Producing a ranked list of programs and projects

2) Determining available future funds for investment

3) Matching the fund requirements with projected funds available

and deciding on financing options should the funds available be
o Producing a ranked list of programs and projects
o Determining available future funds for investment
o Matching the fund requirements with projected funds available and
deciding on financing options should the funds available be
92. A continuous process of data collection and analysis to check
whether a project is running according to plan and to make
adjustments if required. It is an evaluative study directed to the
short term.


93. A systematic process of collecting and analyzing

information about activities and results of a project in order to
determine the project’s relevance and/or to make decisions to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a project.


94. Project deliverables arising from the activities carried out

with the use of project inputs or resources.
Project Output

95. Results and long-term impacts arising from the utilization of

project outputs.

Project outcome

96. A state of change over a reference point (baseline or time

period) arising from the production and utilization of project
outputs. Project impacts may be short term (as project
outcomes/effects) or long term (when related to the achievement of
project goals).

Project impact

97. state of change arising from the implementation of aplan

(program/project) or on account of actions taken by agents outside
thecontrol or influence of the planning system, or both.

Development impact

98. It is the “legislative act of delineating areas or districtswithin

the territorial jurisdictions of cities and municipalities that may be
put to specificuses and their regulation, subject to the limitations
imposed by law or competentauthority”


99. The instrument used by the State to regulate the use of land
withinthe LGU territory; and the manner in which the State shall
regulate land use is to“prescribe reasonable limits and restraints”
on the way landowners use their property.

Zoning Ordinance

100. Contents of the Eco-profile

o Population and Social Services
o The Local Economy
o The Physical and Spatial Base
o Environment and Natural Resources

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