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Subject Name : Object Oriented Software Engineering Department : IT/CSE
Subject Code : CCS356 Year : III
Date : 22.04.2024 Semester : VI
Time : 08.15 am –11.15 am Max.Mark : 100
Batch : 2021 - 2025 Duration : 03:00Hrs
Assessment : Model Examination B.E/B.Tech : B.Tech
Regulation : R -2021 Month/Year : APRIL/2024
Students will be able
C310. ComparevariousSoftwareDevelopmentLifecycleModels
C310. Evaluateprojectmanagementapproachesaswellascostandscheduleestimation strategies.
C310. Performformalanalysisonspecifications.
C310. UseUMLdiagramsforanalysisanddesign.
C310. Architectanddesignusingarchitecturalstylesanddesignpatterns,andtestthesystem
Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT): 1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying 4. Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating

Answer all the Questions

Part A – (10×2 = 20 Marks)
01. How does product differ from process? BT1 C310.1 1,2,3
List the fields that for the basis for AI? C310.1
02. BT2 1,2,3
Propose four nonfunctional requirements in the development of software C310.2
03. system.
BT6 1,2,3
Recall the components of a Software Requirements Specification C310.2
04. document.
BT1 1,3
Interpret how FURPS model aid in organizing and prioritizing software C310.3
05. requirements?
BT2 2,3
Recommend any four principles of good design to develop a modular C310.3
06. component for a software system.
BT5 1,2,3
07. Justify the need of extensive planning in software testing. BT5 C310.4 1,3,
08. Compare validation and verification in the context of software testing. BT4 C310.4 1,2,3,4
09. List the characteristics of effective project manager? BT1 C310.5 1,2,4
10. Analyze the significance of deployment pipeline in DevOps. BT4 C310.5 1,2

Part B – (5×13 = 65 Marks) BT Outcomes Marks

Answer All the Questions CO PO
11.a Explain in detail about Extreme Programming in Software BT5 C310.1 1,2,3 13
11.b Elucidate the key features of the Software process models with BT6 C310.1 1,2,3 13
suitable examples.
12.a Explain in detail about Finite state Machines in Software BT4 C310.2 1,2,3 13
development process
12.b Elaborate data flow Diagram in Software Requiirement BT6 C310.2 1,2,3 13

13.a Elaborate on architectural styles in software engineering and BT4 C310.3 1,2,3 13
their impact on system structure? Provide a detailed
explanation of any one specific architectural style with
relevant diagram.
13.b Explain the significance of coupling and cohesion in software BT6 C310.3 1,2,3 13
development. How do these principles influence the design and
structure of a software system?

14.a Discuss the different types of black box testing strategies with BT5 C310.4 1,2,3 13
suitable examples.

14.b What is integration testing? Discuss about the types of integration BT5 C310.4 1,2,3 13
techniques with suitable example.

15.a Infer how “the people” factor contributes towards the success of the BT2 C310.5 1,2,3 8
(i) software project.

(ii) Compare Agile and DevOps. BT2 C310.5 1,2,3 4

15.b Generalize on the concept of project metrics BT6 C310.5 1,2,3 13
Part C – (1×15 = 15 Marks)
16.a Design a code segment for computing the roots of a quadratic BT6 C315.4 1,2,3, 15
equation. List out the test cases using equivalence partitioning and 5
find the cyclomatic complexity.

16.b Generalize on forward and reverse engineering process in detail. BT4 C315.2 1,2,3 15

Prepared By Verified By Approved By

Subject Faculty Dept. Exam Cell In-Charge HOD

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