Study Notes (3)

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Ethical Issues: Journalists must live up to the highest standards of integrity -

truth, fairness, sincerity and avoiding conflicts of interest.Factual accuracy

entails checking and double-checking facts. Fairness involves working diligently to
get all sides of a story.All sources, particularly secondary sources, should be
carefully vetted.An ethical question journalists often confront is how much of a
person's private life should be revealed in an article. Ensure that opinion is
clearly distinguished from fact. Editorial Ethics: Examine the motives of
contributors and those offering to contribute.Make it clear when material has been
provided by others. Attribution is essential. Be temperate in language, especially
in headlines. Ensure that the material used in coverage has a clear editorial
purpose. Reflect the needs, concerns and issues affecting the target audience -
people and culture.Avoid the gratuitous use of graphic/violent material.Media
Management - Features of Proactive Journalism: Observe, Analyze, Context, Learn,
Reflect.The superdesk is the newsroom’s central command-and-control where all news
decisions are made. The basic story weighting model categorizes three story types:
S1 = Highly Important; S2 = Reasonably Important; S3 = Valuable But Not
Important.Resources in the newsroom are applied to a greater or lesser extent,
based on the story's weighting.

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