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Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High

Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Proposed chainage: BRIDGE 1

a) Area description:

b) Nalla: Nala

c) Strata type SOIL

e) Design Proposal:
Span arrangement 2 X 20.0
Outer carriageway width 12.0 m
Type of structure RCC GIRDER

f) Geotech:

g) Hydrology:
HFL 459.19 m
Design Discharge 454.40 cumec
Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Design discharge

1 Discharge By Emperical method = 158.8 Cumecs

Percentage of Reduction = 0%
(Due to Attenuation or Flood routng)

Effective discharge by Emperical = 158.8 Cumecs

2 Discharge by Rational/SUH Method = 302.93 Cumecs

Percentage of Reduction = 0.00

(Due to Attenuation or Flood routng)

Effective discharge by Rational / SUH = 302.93 Cumecs

3 Discharge by Area velocity Method

Discharge near Bridge Crossing = 662.26 Cumecs

Average Discharge By Av Method = 666.79 Cumecs

Discharge to be considered by AV Method = 666.79 Cumecs

(Max of Average or Discharge at Crossing)

Design Discharge

Maximum Discharge of Above Methods = 666.79 Cumecs

Second Highest Discharge = 302.93 Cumecs

50% increase in Second Highest dischage = 454.40 Cumecs

Hence Design discharge = 454.40 Cumecs

Design Discharge = 454.402 Cumecs

Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Abstract of Hydraulic Particulars

* Discharge using Emperical formulae

* Discharge using A - V method
* Design Discharge
* Modified HFL
* Linear Water way and Afflux

Catchment area 16.96 sq. km

Proposed span arrangement 2 X 20.0 m (RCC GIRDER)
Design Discharge 454.4 Cumecs
Design Velocity 4.56 m/s
LBL 454.205 m
HFL 459.185 m
Afflux 0.22 m
Vertical Clearance 1.20 m
Soffit Level 460.605 m
Existing FRL 410.309 m
Proposed FRL 462.328 m
Ground Level for abutments (A1) 459.059 m
Ground Level for abutments (A2) 458.525 m
Foundation level of (ABUTMENT) 449.550 m
Foundation level of (PIER) 445.169 m
Foundation level for Retaining wall 449.550 m
Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Bed Slope / Longitudinal Slope of River/ stream

S. No. length LBL
1 0 456.530
2 40.00 456.378
3 80.00 456.226
4 120.00 456.074
5 160.00 455.922
6 200.00 455.597
7 240.00 455.445
8 280.00 455.220
9 320.00 455.067
10 360.00 454.852
11 400.00 454.700
12 440.00 454.449
13 500.00 454.205
14 540.00 454.053
15 580.00 453.901
16 620.00 453.749
17 660.00 453.597
18 700.00 453.445
19 740.00 453.246
20 780.00 452.921
21 820.00 452.769
22 860.00 452.554
23 900.00 452.402
24 940.00 452.187
25 980.00 452.035
26 1000.00 451.770

Bed slope = 0.00476 - ve sign indicate Down Ward Slope

Bed level

Chainage in m y = -0.0046x + 456.57

Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Flood Estimation

Catchment area, A = 16.96 sq. km

I Emperical formula

Dicken's formula Ref.- IRC SP 13- 2004

Discharge, Q = C x A(3/4) - 4.2
Constant, C = 19
Discharge, Q = 158.77 Cumecs

` Rational formula
Q = 0.028*A*P*Ic*f
Catchment Area = 1696 hectares
L = Distance from critical point to bridge in Km. = 8.63 Km.
H= Fall in level from the critical point to the bridge = 100 m
Time of concentration, tc= 1.94 hrs. (eq. 4.9 of SP 13)
Co-efficient of runoff, P = 0.60 (Table. 4.1 of SP 13)
Spread fraction, f = 1.00 (Fig. 4.2 of SP 13)
Max. Daily Rainfall, F = 30.00 cm/day As Per Isopluvial Maps

1 hr rain fall intensity 15.63 cm/hr.

Conveyance Factor, l = 0.01143
Discharge, Q = 302.9 Cumecs
Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Flood Estimation by Area-Velocity Method Cross section at 500.00 m U/S

IRC SP 13-2014(Table 3.12)
H.F.L = 460.899 m L.B.L = 456.530 m
Bed slope So = 0.00476 Spread length = 40.00 m
Rugosity coefficient, n= 0.0350 IRC SP 13-2014 ( Table 5.1 )

S.No. H.F.L Length (m) Bed Level D.O.F A.D.O.F Distance Area W.P
1 460.899 20.0 458.655 2.244 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 460.899 16.0 458.051 2.848 2.546 4.000 10.186 4.045
3 460.899 12.0 457.275 3.624 3.236 4.000 12.946 4.075
4 460.899 8.0 456.782 4.117 3.871 4.000 15.483 4.030
5 460.899 4.0 456.662 4.237 4.177 4.000 16.709 4.002
6 460.899 0.0 456.530 4.369 4.303 4.000 17.214 4.002
7 460.899 4.0 456.655 4.244 4.307 4.000 17.228 4.002
8 460.899 8.0 456.745 4.154 4.199 4.000 16.798 4.001
9 460.899 12.0 457.384 3.515 3.835 4.000 15.340 4.051
10 460.899 16.0 458.355 2.544 3.030 4.000 12.119 4.116
11 460.899 20.0 459.051 1.848 2.196 4.000 8.785 4.060
Total (Cross sectional Area, A) = 142.805 sq. m
Wetted Perimeter, R in m = 40.384
Hydraulic Radius, R=A/P= 3.536 m H.F.L. - High Flood Level
Velocity, V = 1 
 R
2 1

Ref:-(IRC SP-13.2014

 V 2

n  

= 3.536^(2/3) x (0.00476^0.5)/0.035) D.O.F. - Depth Of Flow

= 4.58 m/sec A.D.O.F.- Average Depth Of Flow
Discharge, Q = A*V W.P. - Wetted Perimeter
= 142.805 x 4.5752 = 653.361 cumecs L.B.L. - Lowest Bed Level

462.000 HFL
Bed Level

20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0
Series1 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899 460.899
Series2 458.655 458.051 457.275 456.782 456.662 456.530 456.655 456.745 457.384 458.355 459.051

Chainage in m
Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Flood Estimation by Area-Velocity Method Cross section at Site of crossing

H.F.L = 459.185 m L.B.L = 454.205 m

Bed slope So = 0.00480 Spread length = 40.00 m

Rugosity coefficient, n= 0.0350 IRC SP 13-2014 ( Table 5.1 )

S.No. H.F.L Length (m) Bed Level D.O.F A.D.O.F Distance Area W.P
1 459.185 20.0 459.059 0.126 0.126 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 459.185 16.0 457.059 2.126 1.126 4.000 4.504 4.472
3 459.185 12.0 455.330 3.855 2.991 4.000 11.962 4.358
4 459.185 8.0 454.457 4.728 4.291 4.000 17.166 4.094
5 459.185 4.0 454.370 4.815 4.771 4.000 19.086 4.001
6 459.185 0.0 454.205 4.980 4.898 4.000 19.590 4.003
7 459.185 4.0 454.330 4.855 4.918 4.000 19.670 4.002
8 459.185 8.0 454.456 4.729 4.792 4.000 19.168 4.002
9 459.185 12.0 455.726 3.459 4.094 4.000 16.376 4.197
10 459.185 16.0 456.785 2.400 2.930 4.000 11.718 4.138
11 459.185 20.0 458.525 0.660 1.530 4.000 6.120 4.362

455.846 Total (Cross sectional Area, A) = 145.360 sq. m

3.339354545 Wetted Perimeter, R in m = 41.629
Hydraulic Radius, R=A/P= 3.492 m H.F.L. - High Flood Level
Velocity, V = 1  2 1
 Ref:-(IRC SP-13.2014
 R 3
 V 2 
n  
 
= 3.4918^(2/3) x (0.0048^0.5)/0.035) D.O.F. - Depth Of Flow
= 4.56 m/sec A.D.O.F.- Average Depth Of Flow
W.P. - Wetted Perimeter
Discharge, Q = A*V L.B.L. - Lowest Bed Level
= 145.36 x 4.556 = 662.3 cumecs

Bed Level

20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0
Series1 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185 459.185
Series2 459.059 457.059 455.330 454.457 454.370 454.205 454.330 454.456 455.726 456.785 458.525

Chainage in m
Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

Flood Estimation by Area-Velocity Method Cross section at 500.00 m D/S

IRC SP 13-2014(Table 3.12)
H.F.L = 457.498 m L.B.L = 459.204 m
Bed slope So = 0.0048 Spread length = 40.000 m
Rugosity coefficient, n= 0.035 IRC SP 13-2014 ( Table 5.1 )

S.No. H.F.L Length (m) Bed Level D.O.F A.D.O.F Distance Area W.P
1 457.498 20.0 459.204 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000
2 457.498 16.0 456.219 1.279 0.639 4.000 2.56 4.199
3 457.498 12.0 453.867 3.631 2.455 4.000 9.82 4.640
4 457.498 8.0 452.542 4.956 4.293 4.000 17.17 4.214
5 457.498 4.0 452.021 5.477 5.216 4.000 20.86 4.034
6 457.498 0.0 451.770 5.728 5.602 4.000 22.41 4.008
7 457.498 4.0 451.895 5.603 5.665 4.000 22.66 4.002
8 457.498 8.0 452.222 5.276 5.439 4.000 21.76 4.013
9 457.498 12.0 453.291 4.207 4.741 4.000 18.96 4.140
10 457.498 16.0 456.291 1.207 2.707 4.000 10.83 5.000
11 457.498 20.0 457.624 0.000 0.603 4.000 2.41 4.178
Total (Cross sectional Area, A) = 149.442 sq. m
Wetted Perimeter, R in m = 42.429
Hydraulic Radius, R=A/P= 3.522 m H.F.L. - High Flood Level
Velocity, V = 1  2 1
 Ref:-(IRC SP-13.2014
 R 3
 V 2 
n  
 

= 3.5222^(2/3) x (0.0048^0.5)/0.035) D.O.F. - Depth Of Flow

= 4.58 m/sec A.D.O.F.- Average Depth Of Flow
W.P. - Wetted Perimeter
Discharge, Q = A*V L.B.L. - Lowest Bed Level
= 149.442 x 4.582 = 685 cumecs


Bed Level




20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0
Series1 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498 457.498
Series2 459.204 456.219 453.867 452.542 452.021 451.770 451.895 452.222 453.291 456.291 457.624

Chainage in m
Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

1 Afflux Calculations

By Molesworth formula (IRC:5-2015 CL. No.106.6.2)

  Au  
 V 2

Afflux =  0.015      1
17.89   Ae  

Afflux = ((4.556^2)/17.89)+0.015)x(((145.36/133.57)^2)-1)

Velocity, V = 4.56 m/sec

Unobstructed area, Au = 145.36 m2
Effective vent area, Ae = 133.57 m2
Afflux = 0.22 m

2 Linear Water Way:

Discharge by Empericle 158.769 m3/s
Discharge by Area velocity
(a) At U/s Side- 653.361 m3/s
(b) At Bridge Side- 662.3 m3/s
(c) At D/s Side- 684.7 m3/s
Design discharge (Q) = 454.402 m3/s
Velocity of river (V) = 4.556 m/s
HFL = 459.185 m
Lowest Bed level = 454.205 m
Mean Depth of water (H) = 3.339 m
Afflux = 0.22 m
Velocity of approach = Q /( H  V ) 4.274 m/s
Head due to velocity of approach = 0.931 m
Total head = 1.151 m
Velocity through vent = 4.753 m/s
Required Linear water way = = 454.4/(4.6 x (3.3+0.22)
28.021 m

Proposed vent way 40.0 m

Silt Factor "f" = 2.42 (IRC:78-2014 CL. No.703.2.2.1)
Linear Water Way = = 4.8*454.4^0.5
95.9252 m
(IRC:5-2015 CL. No.106.5.1)
3. Fixing of Soffit Level
Vertical clearance (Vc) required = 1.20 m (As per Cl. No. 106.8.2 of IRC: - 5-2015)
required Soffit Level 460.605 m

BOD of existing bridge

Hence, provided Sofiit Level 460.605 m

4. Fixing of Formation Level of Bridge

Provided Span arrangement 2 X 20.0 m
Provided Soffit Level = 460.605 m
Depth of GIRDER = 1.3 m
Depth of slab = 0.22 m
Wearing coat = 0.065 m
Difference in Level due to cross slope from=FRL to Lowest
Minimum Formation Level to be Adopted = 462.328 m
Provided Formation Level = 462.328 m
Project: Hydraulic Calculation of High Level Bridge AT (BRIDGE 01)

1 Scour Depth:

Design discharge 454.4 m /s
Design discharge for foundation 454.4 m /s
Clear ventway 40.00 m
HFL 459.185 m
LBL 454.205 m

dsm = 1.34 (Db2 / Ksf)^1/3 IRC 78 - 2014

where, Db = the discharge in cumecs per metre width. cl.703.2
Ksf = silt factor
Db = 14.77 cumecs/m 30% increase discharge
IRC 78 - 2014
cl.No. 703.1.1
Ksf = 2.42 Silt factor Ksf as per
dsm = 1.34 x (14.768^2 / 2.42)^(1/3) = 6.008 m below HFL
As per IRC 78:2014 Clause no.

Max. depth of scour for Piers = 2 x dsm = 12.016 m IRC 78 - 2014

Below HFL cl. No.703.3.1.1
Max. depth of scour for Abutment = 1.27 x dsm = 7.630 m IRC 78 - 2014
Below HFL of IRC 78 - 2014
Scour Level for Piers = 447.169 m cl. No.703.3.1.1

Scour level for Abutments = 451.550 m

FRL to Foundation Height = 10.78 m

Foundation Level for Piers = ( 447.169 - 2 ) IRC 78-2014
= 445.169 m cl.No.705.2.1
Foundation Level for Piers = ( 451.55 - 2 ) IRC 78-2014
= 449.550 m cl.No.705.2.1

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