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An operator is a special symbol that tells the compiler to perform a specific

mathematical or logical operation
from one or more operands ,where the operands may be an expression ..

1.Basic arthmetic operators
2.Assignment operators
3.increment or decrement operators
4.Logical operators
5.Relational operators(comparision operators)
6.Bitwise operators
7.ternary operators.. --> if statement


+ , - , * , / , %
Assignment operators:--
it is used in java to assign values
= , += , -=, *= , /=, %=

= -> simple assignment operators

Assign th values from right side operands to left side operands

+= -> Add And assignment operators.

it adds right side operands to the left side operands and assign the
result to left side

-= -> Subtract And assignment operators

it subtract right side operands with the left side operands and assign the
result to left side

*= -> Muliplication assignment operators.

it multiply right side operands withthe left side operands and assign the
result to left side

/= -> Divide And assignment operators

it divide left side operands with the right side operands and assign the
result to left side

%= -> Modulus And assignment opertors

it takes modulus using two operators and assign the resukt to the left
side operands

++ increment (increases value of the one operands by 1)

-- decrement (decreases value of the one operands by 1)

postFix (a++, a--) eg: a+1 = 1 / a-1 = 1

prefix (++a,--a) eg: 1+a=1 / 1-a = 1

It is used to check whether the conditions is true or false

&& , || ,!=

Logical And (&&) :-

if all the conditions is true , it will result true

if any one condition is false it results false

true && true = true

True&& false = false
False && true = false
False && false = False

Logical OR (||):-
if anyone conditions is true , it will result true
if all condition is false it results false

true ||true = true

True || false = true
False ||true = true
False ||false = False

Logial NOT(!):-
if the two conditions is false it results true., remains false

to check the relations between two operands

== , != , > , < , >= , <=

== -> return true if both side are equal

!= -> return true if left side is is not equals to right

> -> return true if left side is greater than right

< -> return true if left side is lesser than right

>= return true if left side is greater or equal to right

<= return true if left side is lesser or equal to right


(Binary Numbers 0, 1) (Decimal 0 to 9)

used to perform the operation on individual bits

<< left shift

>> right shift
>>>insigned right shift
| OR
^ Bitwise exclusive OR (EXOR)
~ bitwise complement (Bitwise Not)
like as conditonal operators..

syntax--> (condition ) ? "{true}" : "{false}"


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