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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella who lived with her stepmother

and two stepsisters. Cinderella had to work hard while the others slept well into the
day. It was Cinderella who had to wake up each morning when it was still dark and
cold to start the fire. It was Cinderella who cooked the meals. It was Cinderella who
kept the fire going. The poor girl could not stay clean, from all the ashes and cinders
by the fire. One day, big news came to town. It was time for the Prince to find a bride.
The King and Queen were going to have a ball! All of the young ladies in the land
were invited to come to the ball. They would wear their most beautiful gown and fix
their hair extra nice. Maybe the prince would like them! At Cinderella’s house, she
now had extra work to do. She had to sew two brand-new gowns for her step-sisters.
Soon the time came for the stepmother and step-sisters to leave for the big party.

A fine carriage came to the door. The stepmother and step-sisters hopped inside. And
they were off. Cinderella said aloud, “I wish I could go to the ball, too!” Then
suddenly, a fairy godmother appeared and offered to help Cinderella attend the ball.

The Fairy Godmother waved her wand again, and a beautiful coach appeared. It was
made of gold and silver, and it sparkled in the moonlight. Six white horses pulled the
coach. They had long, flowing manes and tails. They wore golden harnesses. A
coachman sat on the driver’s seat. He wore a powdered wig and a red coat. A footman
stood behind the coach. He wore a powdered wig and a blue coat. He opened the door
for Cinderella. Cinderella arrived at the ball. Everyone stopped and stared. She was so
beautiful! The Prince saw her and walked over. They danced and danced. They talked
and talked. They laughed and laughed. Cinderella was having the time of her life.
Suddenly, the clock began to strike twelve. Cinderella remembered what the Fairy
Godmother had said. She ran out of the ballroom. She ran down the stairs. She ran out
of the palace. She ran and ran until she came to the coach. She jumped inside. The
coach raced away. Cinderella was so happy. She had danced with the Prince! She had
talked with the Prince! She had laughed with the Prince! She had had the time of her

The next day, the Prince went to Cinderella’s house. He wanted to see her again. But
the stepmother and step-sisters said, “No, she is not here.” The Prince did not know
what to do. Then he saw the glass slipper. “Whose slipper is this?” he asked. “It is
mine,” said one step-sister. “It is mine,” said the other. “May I try it on?” asked the
Prince. “Of course,” said the stepmother. The Prince tried the slipper on the first step-
sister. It was too small. He tried the slipper on the second step-sister. It was too big.
“May I try it on?” asked Cinderella. “You?” said the stepmother. “Who said YOU
could try it on?” “Please,” said the Prince. Cinderella tried on the slipper. It fit
perfectly! Finally the prince met her bride And they lived happily ever after.

I hope you enjoyed the story!

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