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Hi! How are you?

I´m fine, thanks. And?
I´m not very well. And you?

What is your name?

My name is…

Where are you from?

I am from…

How old are you?

I am… years old.

Does he want to work here?

I work He works I don´t work He doesn’t work

I study He studies You don´t work She doesn’t work
I speak He speaks We don´t work It doesn’t work
They don´t work
You work
She works He doesn’t study
You study I don´t study
She studies She doesn’t study
You speak You don´t study
She speaks It doesn’t study
We don’t study
We work
They don’t study
We study It works He doesn’t speak
We speak It studies I don’t speak She doesn’t speak
It speaks You don’t speak It doesn’t speak
They work
We don’t speak
They study
They don’t speak
They speak

Do I work? Does he work? I speak English

Do I study? Does he study? I speak Portuguese
Do I speak? Does he speak? She speaks Portuguese
They speak Portuguese
Do you work? Does she work?
I study here
Do you study? Does she study?
He studies at home
Do you speak? Does she speak?
She studies alone
Do we work? Does it work? We study with the teacher
Do we study? Does it study? I study English
Do we speak? Does it speak? You work at the store
I don’t speak
Do they work?
I don’t speak Spanish
Do they study?
Do they speak?
I don’t work at the store
He doesn’t work at school
We don’t study at home
You don’t speak English
She doesn’t speak Spanish with me
We don’t speak Portuguese at the restaurant
They don’t work with me

Do you study?
Do you study English?
Do you study alone?
Does she study at home?
Does he speak English with the teacher?
Do they work at the restaurant?
Do you speak English at home?
Does he speak Portuguese with you at home?
Do they speak Spanish?
Do they speak Spanish at the store?
Does she work at the office?
Do you study the lesson?
Do study the lesson at the office?
She studies English at the office
I don’t work here
You don’t work alone
They don’t study with me at school

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