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Learning new words and how to activate them!

Bolaga – 20-30 ta new word ni tarjima bilan berish

Do the same thing in the next lesson
Pre-teaching – 20-30 new words -
Text / Listening – new words
Source – new word – learn xohish
1. Source – text+audio – a bit difficult – 100 – 20 new
2. Listen to the audio recording and write the difficult
parts –
Yangi so’z – lakadayizikal – 20 new words
3. Read the text and listen to the recording – follow!
Finding new words
4. Learning – tarjimaga yopishmang
• Audiosini qo’ying – 2-3 marta
• Read the definition – in which situation
• Usage – how to use this word
- Preposition
- Word form
- Punctuation
• Example
5. Learn the text by heart
6. speak it to yourself
7. Record your speech
8. Analyze – how many new words that you learn have
been used
Aware –
I know – analyze – urshashiz
Record –
1 – 20 – 7
2 – 20 – 10
3 – 20 – 15
5-6 – 20!

AI -
Familie ist mir sehr wichtig. Ich wohne mit meinen Eltern und meiner jüngeren Schwester in
einem kleinen Haus. Meine Eltern heißen Anna und Peter. Meine Mutter Anna hat kurze, blonde
Haare und blaue Augen. Sie ist Ärztin und hilft den Menschen. Mein Vater Peter ist groß und hat
dunkle Haare. Er ist Lehrer und bringt Kindern etwas bei. Meine Schwester heißt Luisa und ist
10 Jahre alt. Sie hat lange, braune Haare und liebt es zu singen. Wir unternehmen oft zusammen
etwas, zum Beispiel gehen wir am Wochenende in den Park oder spielen Brettspiele.
1. Association – miyadagi bog’lamlar
Let me tell you, keeping fit isn't rocket science, but it
does take some dedication. For me, it's all about building
healthy habits into my routine. Breakfast is a must – I
can't function without scrambling some eggs and
veggies. It fuels me for the morning grind. Lunch is
usually a salad with grilled chicken or fish – gotta keep
my protein levels up! Sure, I might cave and grab a slice
of pizza with friends sometimes, but moderation is key.
1. Something isn't rocket science – something that is
easy to do or understand
2. Dedication – hard work
Something takes dedication
3. A must – something that you must see,read,visit
If you go to New-York, visiting Statue of liberty is a
4. Function – do or perform properly
I cannot function without breakfast
Exercise is another big piece of the puzzle. I try to hit the
gym three times a week to sweat it out. It helps me blow
off steam and keeps my energy levels buzzing. During
those gym sessions, I mix things up – some days it's
pounding the pavement on the treadmill for cardio, other
days I'm lifting weights to build muscle and torch some
calories. But I don't want to get stuck in a rut, so I might
shake things up with a weekend swim or a fun dance class
with friends. Finding activities you enjoy makes exercise
feel less like a chore, you know?
Sleep is also a game-changer. Aiming for at least seven or
eight hours a night makes a world of difference in how I
feel. I try to wind down at least an hour before bed by
ditching the screens. Curling up with a good book helps
me de-stress and drift off to sleep faster.
In the end, it's about making small, sustainable changes. I
don't completely cut out treats, but I focus on making
healthy choices most of the time. It's all about finding a
balance that works for you and keeps you feeling on top
of your game!

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