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- Root cause analysis (RCA) is the process of discovering

the root causes of problems in order to identify

appropriate solutions. RCA assumes that it is much more
effective to systematically prevent and solve for
underlying issues rather than just treating ad hoc
symptoms and putting out fires.
If dissicult to find RC in RCA, apply temp. Fix with
minimal impact to business and SLA meeting. Apply
temp.resolution for online problems.Once batch is thru,
analyse for RC.
What are the 7 steps of root cause analysis?

Most experts agree to the following steps:

• Define the Problem. It seems really simple, but defining the problem
might not be as obvious as it looks. ...
• Gather Data. ...
• Find the Cause(s) ...
• Find Solutions. ...
• Develop Strategies to Correct/Prevent.(PERM/TEMP FIX) ...
• Report Out. ...
• Monitor the Solutions and Close the Loop. ...
• Revisit Over Time. (You might have a handbook for P.S where you
can mention that you will revisit (analysis on how your fix works)
all the problem on a weekly, for a month, then quarterly)

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