PRE A2 End of Course Test

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End-of-course Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

GRAMMAR 3 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 Complete the sentences. Example: John and Mary have (have) two children.
Example: Are you from Italy? 1 What _______ the longest river in the world? (be)
2 The longest rivers ________the Amazon and the Nile.
1 We British, we’re American.
3 What _________ in your free time? (do)
2 ‘What’s that?’ ‘It’s identity card.’
4 I _______ anything. I just lie in bed (not do)
3 your teacher live in London?
4 I usually get up late Sundays. 5 Mrs Jolie, I must tell you that your son

5 I sing, but I can play the guitar. _________ in my lessons. (sleep)

6 This bag is . Look! It’s got my name on it. 6 Oh, no. It's a shame. How long
7 _____ you play the guitar ? ______________? (sleep)
8 I _____ swim, unlike my brother. 7 Sir, __________ that your bag over there? (be)
9 I _____ smoke cigarettes. It’s bad for my health. 8 I think it __________mine. (Not be)
10 I hardly watch TV at the weekend. 9 She (not like) writing postcards.

11 John is carla’s _________. they have 3 children 10 How often you

12 What do you _____? I’m a doctor. (use) your mobile?

13 _______ book is that? it’s john’s book. 11 Emma (write) him a letter

14 _______ is she? She is Kate’s best friend every two days.

15 I ___________ now, he is coming to the party. (call) 12 Greg is the best player in our team. He never
16 The garden _______ so big. The kids always play ______________ the goal. (miss)
13 Really? How often ____________________?
8 (score)
2 Underline the correct word or phrase in each 7
sentence. Grammar total 20
Example: My father work / works in a bank.
1 She’s my childrens’ / children’s teacher.
2 I have always / always have breakfast at home.
3 They’re beautiful flowers / flowers beautiful.
4 I started studying at/in university last year.
5 My mom always cook/cooks delicious meals.
6 My friend don’t/doesn’t Mind if you come over.
7 Can we meet on / in Monday evening?
8 My father’s doctor / a doctor.
9 I have a lot of / a lot brothers and sisters.
10 ‘Is that his umbrella?’ ‘No, it’s ours / our.’

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End-of-course Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

VOCABULARY 5 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
4 What are these things? Example: Can I use my credit card, please?
wallet card money
Example: It’s a pencil. 1 My sister works in an office. She’s a .
builder musician receptionist
2 I work for a newspaper. I’m a .
1 .
journalist politician lawyer
3 My mother’s brother is my .
grandfather nephew uncle
2 .
4 The opposite of expensive is .
safe cheap empty
5 We eat in the .
3 .
bathroom garage dining room
6 You can buy food at a .

4 . pharmacy market post office

7 I need some for this letter.
keys stamps coins
5 . 8 My brother’s daughter is my .
granddaughter sister niece
9 My father’s a . He flies all over
the world.
What are they doing? pilot builder nurse
10 The opposite of safe is .
Example: He’s using a computer.
dangerous difficult different
6 What’s the next word?
6 . Example: one, two, three
1 ten, twenty,
2 Monday, Tuesday,
7 . 3 July, August,
4 third, fourth,
5 eight hundred, nine hundred,
6 spring, summer,
8 . 3

9 .

10 .

New English File Elementary photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004 63


End-of-course Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

7 What’s the word? PRONUNCIATION
Example: She walks to work every day. 8 Write the words in the correct place.
1 Do you have a lighter or some Matches ? beautiful breakfast friend how juice leave
2 What’s your m number? people slow phone thought thousand
3 This is my i card. water

4 Do you want to c a taxi?

5 After work she g to the gym.
6 AP is a place where you can buy
how slow 1
2 3 4
7 He s for eight hours a night.
8 The opposite of tall is s .
9 If you break your leg you have to go to
h .
5 6 7
10 I d a Volkswagen.
8 9 10
11 I always w up early.
12 Your father’s Mother is your g .
13 She often t by plane.
14 I h dinner at 8.00 p.m.
Vocabulary total 20

Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

64 New English File Elementary photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004


End-of-course Reading and Writing A

READING 8 There aren’t many roads in Greenland.

1 Read the text and tick (✓) A, B, or C. A True B False C Doesn’t say
9 In Greenland in October it’s light all the time.

The frozen extremes of the earth A True B False C Doesn’t say

The Arctic in the north and the Antarctic in the south

are at opposite ends of the planet, but they are similar in 2 Write the Arctic or the Antarctic.
many ways. Both are lands of ice and snow, where the
temperature in winter can be so low that your skin can Example: It’s at the South Pole. the Antarctic
freeze in seconds – it can be as low as –80°C. Very few 1 There aren’t many roads.
animals are able to survive these conditions, but there
are some both in the north and in the south. The Arctic 2 Some land animals live here.
has more plants and animals than the Antarctic, including 3 Few people live here all the time.
polar bears, the largest bear in the world. In the south
there are no land animals because of the extreme cold, 4 People use dogs to help them travel.
but there are penguins and other sea animals that live on 5 In June it’s light for 24 hours a day.
or near the coast – although both in the north and the
south the sea is frozen for much of the year. 6 There are no towns and villages here.
One difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic is 6
the human population. In parts of the Arctic there are
towns and villages. Greenland, for example, the largest Reading total 15
island in the world, has a population of 55,000 people.
Many of these people work in fishing. They have a
difficult life. There aren’t many roads between towns and Answer these three questions. Write 25–35 words for
villages, so people travel by snowmobile or with dogs. each question.
From November to January it’s dark for 24 hours a day,
but from May to July there are 24 hours of daylight. In 1 What’s your favourite day of the week? Why?
the Antarctic there are no normal towns and villages.
Only scientists live there all year round, in special
buildings called ‘stations’. They study the sea animals and
learn about the history of the world’s climate by
studying the weather and the ice. It’s a hard place to live,
especially in winter, but many of them love it there and
return again and again.
2 Describe a good friend of yours.
Example: The Antarctic is the coldest place in the world.
A True B False C Doesn’t say ✓
1 There aren’t any animals in the Antarctic.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
2 No people live in the Antarctic.
A True B False C Doesn’t say 3 Describe your best holiday.
3 There aren’t any buildings in the Antarctic.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
4 It is usually –80°C in the Antarctic.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
5 The sea in the Antarctic is usually frozen.
A True B False C Doesn’t say 10
6 There aren’t any sea animals in the Arctic. Reading and Writing total 25
A True B False C Doesn’t say
7 In Greenland, people don’t work in winter.
A True B False C Doesn’t say

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