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HomeWork III

Name: Anas DARWISH Id:2020424061

1 ) What is the MARPOL Annex III?

Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form. Roughly 15%
of goods carried as cargo are dangerous goods. Annex III contains requirements for safe
handling of packaged substances that represent a serious risk to the environment, as well as
guidelines for identification of harmful substances.

2 ) What is the MARPOL Annex IV?

Annex IV regarding the discharge of sewage into the sea from ships, including regulations
regarding the ships' equipment and systems for the control of sewage discharge, the provision
of port reception facilities for sewage, and requirements for survey and certification.

3 ) What is swage means according to Marpol Annex IV?

1 drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets and urinals.

2 drainages from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay, etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs and
scuppers located in such premises.

3 drainages from spaces containing living animals.

4 other waste waters when mixed with the drainages defined above

4) What are the Special Areas according to Marpol Annex IV?

Currently, the Baltic Sea area is the only Special Area under Annex IV

5) Define the below terms according to Marpol Annex IV:

Dilution (Qd) – is dilution water, grey water, process water, and/or seawater introduced to the
sewage treatment plant after the influent sample point and after the influent flow measurement

Effluent (Qe) – treated wastewater produced by the sewage treatment plant.

Flush water – transport medium used to carry sewage or other wastes from toilets or urinals to
the treatment system.
Grey water – is drainage from dishwater, galley sink, shower, laundry, bath and

washbasin drains and does not include drainage from toilets, urinals, hospitals, and animal
spaces, as defined in regulation 1.3 of MARPOL Annex IV and does not include drainage from
cargo spaces.

Influent (Qi) – Liquid containing sewage, grey water, or other liquid streams, to be processed by
the treatment plant.

Thermotolerant coliforms – the group of coliform bacteria which produce gas from lactose in 48
hours at 44.5°C. These organisms are sometimes referred to as "faecal coliforms"; however, the
term "thermotolerant coliforms" is now accepted as more appropriate, since not all these
organisms are of faecal origin.

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