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Lesson 1 – What is the importance of ‘Connectedness’.

Explain the importance of active listening in establishing and maintaining connections.
Differentiate between ‘social presence’ and ‘connectedness’.
Connectedness: an emotional connection or sense of belonging to a person, group,
community, or culture whether in the real world or a digital environment. It is our sense of
connectedness, our capacity to interact and bond with someone or something that has a strong
influence on our own perceptions.
Social presence: The perceived notion of social awareness between two communicators in an
encounter using a communication medium.
Social awareness: The acknowledgement or recognition of the existence of another person or
Communication: The way in which we pass on information or establish first contact is
through communication.
Conversation: It can lead to the sharing of dialogue or conversation with another person or
group. The most important element of conversation is being a good listener.
Collaboration: It is a process in which two or more individuals explore or examine concepts
collectively, at the same time, honouring the contributions and ideas of each member of the
group. Individuals co-creating together with one another.
social connectedness – the way individuals come together and interact with one another in a
social setting whether in person or online. It provides us with a sense of belonging as well as
improved well-being and emotional support. It is the sharing of information and knowledge
for self-betterment.
Social isolation – The actual or imagined disconnect from others through an absence of
meaningful interactions, relationships, or contact.
Oral traditions – The social customs, historical events, folklore, personal narratives, or other
information that are shared and passed down the generations through verbal communication.
oral history – the narratives of memories, of living people, about specific events or a social
life which they experienced during their lives, which are recorded and preserved as historical
School connectedness – The notion held by students that school staff and classmates have a
genuine interest in them as individuals.

Lesson – 2 – What is ‘Peer Pressure’?

Define adulthood “Peer pressure” and identify five factors in effectively dealing with
Peer pressure as an adult.
Peer pressure: Influence from members of one’s peer group.
Peer: A person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person.
Negative peer pressure: Influence from peers that results in unhealthy or harmful behaviour.
Positive peer pressure: Influence from peers that results in positive outcomes.
Peer pressure cycle: Expectations and actions due to pressure to keep up with changing norms
of a peer network or group.
Six ways to handle peer pressure and breaks the cycle:
Understand who you are.
Be cautious with whom you spend time with.
Stay away from those who pressure you.
Set boundaries.
Be prepared.
Have a way out.

Lesson – 3 - What is meant by ‘National Consciousness’?

LO - Explain how multiculturalism and globalization affect national consciousness.
Social consciousness: A consciousness or an awareness shared by individuals within a group,
community, or society.
Camaraderie: A mutual trust and or friendship among individuals who spend a lot of time
Collective consciousness: A shared awareness or common understanding amongst a group or
community; group consciousness; community consciousness.
Cultural consciousness: Shared values, thoughts, or ethical behaviours which unite various
people with a society or culture; cultural awareness.
Social constructs: Thoughts or perceptions of concepts that are rooted in shared observations
that are recognised and upheld within a collective group, community, or society.
National consciousness: The level of awareness of the issues and events within a nation in
which we are either a resident or citizen, and an awareness of how these affects not just us but
everyone within that society or community.
Nationalism: A sense of national consciousness that is meant to inspire loyalty and devotion
to a nation; to validate or defend narrow and extreme ideologies and beliefs about a
community, race, or nation.
National identity: The act of belonging and identifying with a state or nation.
Nationalism: It is often confused and used interchangeably with both national identity and
patriotism. It is a sense of belonging to a society or nation and to be united through a shared
language, heritage, customs etc.
Patriotism: It is the devotion and support for a nation, whether your own or one that you are a
resident in. Someone who is patriotic has adoration for a nation and celebrates its values,
heritage, and customs while at the same time accepting criticism of their patriotic beliefs as
learning experiences.

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