Offer Letter Talib Ali

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‘CR.No: 2051000635 abet ce tou wee big 19- Dammam Stet ease an ‘Ate ae Ravine Ravtaeeraioa-sa OBEN macs ls) ea 66 a2 eon Re Pe ms 290.6698 ren ne cae OFFER LETTER | sULY 01,2024 t» 2 TALIBALINAVIARMAD Sj 2 HEAVY DRIVER ear Mr. Talib Ali Navi Abad, Weare pee ofr ou te poston of HEAVY DRIVER, onthe allowing tess oioon. The dat of Joining wil sar rom the ate of your jing the company. Tema of Contet Four (yur contact, Vacation (42 aye pid vacate) ater 2-yoars contact comet Monthly Base Slay ‘SAR 1,100 (Sa Riyals One Thousnd One Husted Oly) Normal Woking Hots (6 Days per week, minimum 8 ours pe by) Work ocaton ‘Anywhere lathe Kiagiom After Reviving (Driving License) Basic Slay: SAR 1,600 (Sai Riyal One Thowad Six Hunde Only) Food Allowance SAR 20 (Seu Ries Two Hunde Only) Procssng Lierse Wille is own Expenses + Medial Ct rove bythe cxpany 2 Via Werk emit Provide bythe company 2 Transporation Prove th compar + Acconmodaten Provided by tbe company Vie Beside (Acinsesion) ‘Wel wawajanat/Emali conical aba eyaneacen ee ABAJA CONTRACTING COMPANY tla Warlc a5

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