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Worksheet- 1

1. The mode of nutrition found in fungi is:

(a) Parasitic nutrition
(b) Holozoic nutrition
(c) Autotrophic nutrition
(d) Saprotrophic nutrition

2. Lack of oxygen in muscles often leads to cramps among

cricketers. This results due to

(a) conversion of pyruvate to ethanol

(b) conversion of pyruvate to glucose
(c) non conversion of glucose to pyruvate
(d) conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid

3. Roots of the plants absorb water from the soil through the
process of:
(a) diffusion
(b) transpiration
(c) osmosis
(d) None of these

4. The exit of unabsorbed food material is regulated by

(a) liver
(b) anus
(c) small intestine
(d) anal sphincter

5. The site of photosynthesis in the cells of a leaf is

(a) chloroplast
(b) mitochondria
(c) cytoplasm
(d) protoplasm

6. The blood leaving the tissues becomes richer in

(a) carbon dioxide (b) water
(c) heamoglobin (d) oxygen

7. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? (a)

Organisms grow with time
(b) Organisms must repair and maintain their structure
(c) Movement of molecules does not take place among cells
(d) Energy is essential for life processes

8. The internal (cellular) energy reserve in autotrophs is

(a) glycogen (b) protein (c) starch (d) fatty acid

9. In amoeba, food is digested in the:

(a) food vacuole
(b) mitochondria
(c) pseudopodia
(d) chloroplast

10. Which of the following events in the mouth cavity will be

affected if salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva?
(a) Starch breaking down into sugars.
(b) Proteins breaking down into amino acids.
(c) Absorption of vitamins.
(d) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol.
11. “All plants give out oxygen during day and carbon dioxide
during night”. Do you agree with this statement? Give

12. How does aerobic respiration differ from anaerobic


13. Name the correct substrates for the following enzymes

(a) Trypsin (b) Amylase (c) Pepsin (d) Lipase

14. Why and how does water enter continuously into the root

15. Explain the process of breathing in man.

16. What is the significance of emulsification of fats?

17. Give reason, Why?

a. Veins have valves.
b. Rings of cartilage are present in trachea.
c. Ventricles have thicker walls than atrium.
d. Mucus is released from gastric glands in the stomach.

18. Describe the flow of blood through the heart of human


19. Draw a well labelled diagram of human excretory system.

20. What is mass flow hypothesis?

1. The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon
(a) oxygen
(b) temperature
(c) water in guard cells
(d) concentration of CO2 in stomata

2. Oxygenated blood reaches heart by

(a) Pulmonary artery
(b) Pulmonary vein
(c) Aorta
(d) Vena cava

3. Veins have valves to

(a) Prevent back flow of blood
(b) Prevent the collapse of the vein
(c) Maintain its position in the body
(d) None of these

4. Which is the correct sequence of air passage during inhalation? (a)

Nostrils → larynx → pharynx → trachea → lungs
(b) Nasal passage → trachea → pharynx → larynx → alveoli
(c) larynx → nostrils → pharynx → lungs
(d) Nostrils → pharynx → larynx → trachea → alveoli

5. What is normal blood pressure in humans?

(a) 120/80 mm of Hg
(b) 130/60 mm of Hg
(c) 140/70 mm of Hg
(d) 140/ 90 mm of Hg
6. Choose the forms in which most plants absorb nitrogen
(i) Proteins (ii) Nitrates and Nitrites
(iii) Urea (iv) Atmospheric nitrogen
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)

7. Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive

(a) Pepsin (b) Cellulase
(c) Amylase (d) Trypsin

8. The filtration units of kidneys are called

(a) ureter (b) urethra
(c) neurons (d) nephrons

9. During respiration exchange of gases take place in (a)

trachea and larynx (b) alveoli of lungs
(c) alveoli and throat (d) throat and larynx

10. When a few drops of iodine solution are added to rice water,
the solution turns blue- black in colour. This indicates that
rice water contains:
(a) fats
(b) complex proteins
(c) starch
(d) simple proteins

11. How do the guard cells regulate opening and closing of

stomatal pores?
12. If a plant is releasing carbon dioxide and taking in oxygen
during the day, does it mean that there is no photosynthesis
occurring? Justify your answer.

13. Explain holozoic nutrition in amoeba. Differentiate between

nutrition in amoeba and paramecium.

14. Why do herbivores have a larger small intestine than


15. What is villi? How do villi help in absorption?

16. How do leaves of plants help in excretion?

17. How does gaseous exchange take place in human being?

18. What is the advantage of having four chambered heart?

19. Describe the process of urine formation in kidneys.

20. Explain the mechanism of blood clotting.

1. Olfactory reception is related to sense of

A. Smelling
B. Tasting
C. Hearing
D. Visions
2. A patient of diabetes is not producing
A. Insulin
B. Thyroxin
C. Oestrogen
D. Adrenaline

3. Axon are
A. Impulse
B. Cytoplasmic extension
C. Part of muscles
D. All are correct

4. The movement of shoot towards light is

(a) geotropism (b) hydrotropism
(c) chemotropism (d) phototropism
5. Deficiency of ______cause dwarfism.

6. Receptor for stimulus are present in

A. Stomach
B. Response
C. Sense organ
D. Hot objects

7. The main function of abscisic acid in plants is to

(a) increase the length of cells (b) promote cell division
(c) inhibit growth (d) promote growth of stem

8. CNS consists of
A. Brain
B. Spinal Cord
C. Both (i) and (ii)
D. None of these

9. The growth of pollen tubes towards ovules is due to

(a) hydrotropism (b) chemotropism
(c) geotropism (d) phototropism

10. The structural and functional unit of nervous system is

A. Nephorn
B. Neuron
C. Cyton
D. Axon

11. Which hormone is responsible for the changes noticed in

females at puberty?

12. Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of which hormone?

13. Name the endocrine gland associated with brain?

14. Which gland secretes digestive enzymes as well as


15. Name the endocrine gland associated with kidneys?

16. Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its function.

17. What are the major parts of the brain? Mention the functions
of different parts.
18. Explain the role of auxin in phototropism.

19. What is a reflex action? Mention the role of brain in reflex


20. Name various plant hormones. Also give their physiological

effects on plant growth and development.

1. Which among them is a reflex arc

(a) Sensory neuron – Motor neuron – Relay neuron
(b) Motor neuron – relay – Motor neuron
(c) Sensory – relay – motor neuron
(d) Relay – Motor –Sensory neuron

2. While touching a hot plate, a reflex action is seen what is the

effect in it
(a) Skin
(b) Spinal cord
(c) Muscles
(d) Brain

3. Which of the following statements is correct about

receptors? (a) Gustatory receptors detect taste while
olfactory receptors detect smell
(b) Both gustatory and olfactory receptors detect smell
(c) Auditory receptors detect smell and olfactory receptors detect
(d) Olfactory receptors detect taste and gustatory receptors smell

4. Posture and balance of the body is controlled by

(a) cerebrum (b) cerebellum
(c) medulla (d) pons

5. Electrical impulse travels in a neuron from

(a) Dendrite → axon → axonal end → cell body
(b) Cell body → dendrite → axon → axonal end
(c) Dendrite → cell body → axon → axonal end
(d) Axonal end → axon → cell body → dendrite

6. The main function of abscisic acid in plants is to

(a) increase the length of cells
(b) promote cell division
(c) inhibit growth
(d) promote growth of stem

7. Which of the following is not an involuntary action?

(a) Vomiting (b) Salivation
(c) Heart beat (d) Chewing

8. In a neuron, conversion of electrical signal to a chemical

signal occurs at/in
(a) cell body (b) axonal end
(c) dendritic end (d) axon

9. Junction between two neurons is called

(a) cell junction (b) neuro muscular junction
(c) neural joint (d) synapse

10. In humans, the life processes are controlled and regulated by

(a) reproductive and endocrine systems
(b) respiratory and nervous systems
(c) endocrine and digestive systems
(d) nervous and endocrine systems

11. Name the plant hormones responsible for the following

(a) elongation of cells
(b) growth of stem
(c) promotion of cell division
(d) falling of senescent leaves.

12. Mention one function for each of these hormones:

(a) Thyroxin
(b) Insulin
(c) Adrenaline
(d) Growth hormone (e) Testosterone.

13. “Nervous and hormonal systems together perform the

function of control and coordination in human beings.”
Justify the statement.

14. Where are gustatory receptors present?

15. What is synapse? Mention the role of neurotransmitter.

16. Draw a labeled diagram of reflex arc.

17. Draw a well labeled diagram of human brain.

18. Explain thigmotrophic movement in tendrils of pea plant.

19. Explain thigmonasty in touch me not plant.

20. Explain feedback mechanism.

1. The spinal cord is protected by the ………… or the

2. Directional movement in seedling is a ………… dependent


3. Breathing is controlled by which part of the brain?

(a) Cerebrum
(b) Cerebellum
(c) Hypothalamus
(d) Medulla oblongata

4. Roots of plants are:

(a) positively geotropic
(b) negatively geotropic
(c) positively phototropic
(d) None of these

5. In a neuron, the conversion of electrical signal to a

chemical signal occurs at/in: (a) dendrite end
(b) cell body
(c)axon end
(d) myelin sheath

6. Response of plant roots towards water is called:

(a) Chemotropism
(b) Phototropism
(c) Hydrotropism
(d) Geotropism
7. Fall of mature leaves and fruits from plants is triggered by
which of the following substance?
(a) Auxin
(b) Cytokinin
(c) Gibberellin
(d) Abscisic acid

8. What is the correct direction of flow of electrical impulses?

9. Any change in the environment to which an organism
responds is called (a) stimulus
(b) coordination
(c) response
(d) hormone

10. Which of the following does not act as an endocrine gland

as well as an exocrine gland?
(a) testis
(b) ovary
(c) pituatary (d) pancreas

11. Match the terms of Column (A) with those of Column (B)
Column (A) Column (B)
(a) Olfactory receptors (i) Tongue
(b) Thermo receptors (temperature receptors) (ii) Eye
(c) Gustatoreceptors (iii) Nose
(d) Photoreceptors (iv) Skin

12. Mention the part of the brain which controls the

involuntary actions like blood pressure, salivation etc.

13. While watering a rose plant, a thorn pricked rinku’s hand.

How would she respond to this situation?

14. Name the hormones responsible for regulation of:

(i) Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
(ii) Water and electrolyte balance.

15. Name the hormones responsible for the:

(i) Phototropic movement of plant
(ii) Promoting cell division in plants

16. Write two differences between the response of the plants

and response of the animals to stimuli.

17. What are hormones? Where are they produced?

18. What is the importance of hypothalamus?

19. Draw a well labeled diagram of neuro muscular junction.

20. What is a stimulus. How are impulses carried in neuron?

1. When an individual is having both the alleles of a contrasting

character, it is said to be:
(a) homozygous
(b) heterozygous (c) dioecious (d) monoecious.

2. Father of genetics is:

(a) Newton
(b) Mendel
(c) Khurana (d) Darwin.

3. The pairs of characters used by Mendel during his experiments

were: (a) ten
(b) six
(c) seven
(d) two
4. Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly but birds
have feathers that help them to fly. In the context of evolution this
means that
(a) reptiles have evolved from birds
(b) there is no evolutionary connection between reptiles and birds
(c) feathers are homologous structures in both the organisms
(d) birds have evolved from reptiles

5. Mendel performed his famous hybridization experiments on:

(a) garden pea
(b) Hibiscus
(c) rose
(d) cucurbita

6. Round and yellow seed colour is:

(a) incomplete dominance
(b) recessive
(c) hybrid
(d) dominant

7. The theory of evolution of species by natural selection was given

(a) Mendel (b) Darwin (c) Morgan (d) Lamarck

8. A basket of vegetables contains carrot, potato, radish and tomato.

Which of them represent the correct homologous structures?
(a) Carrot and potato (b) Carrot and tomato
(c) Radish and carrot (d) Radish and potato
9. Select the correct statement
(a) Tendril of a pea plant and phylloclade of Opuntia are
(b) Tendril of a pea plant and phylloclade of Opuntia are analogous
(c) Wings of birds and limbs of lizards are analogous
(d) Wings of birds and wings of bat are homologous

10. Assertion(A): Variations are seen in offspring produced by

asexual reproduction.
Reason (R): DNA molecule generated by replication is not exactly
identical to original DNA.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

11. Name any five vegetables generated from a common ancestor

through artificial selection rather than natural selection. Also
mention the features for which each vegetable is selected.

12. A man with blood group A marries a woman with blood group O
and their daughter has blood group O. Is this information enough
to tell you which of the traits- bold A or O is dominant? Why or
why not?

13. How do Mendel’s experiments show that the (a)traits may be

dominant or recessive?
(b)traits are inherited independently?
14. What are fossils? How are they formed? Describe in brief two
methods of determining the age of fossils. State any one role of
fossils in the study of the process of evolution.

15. Do genetic combinations of mother play a significant role in

determining the sex of new born?

16. What is genetic drift?

17. What is the contribution of Mendel to genetics?

18. What is speciation? List four factors responsible for speciation.

19. List two differences between acquired traits and inherited traits
by giving an example of each.

20. “Two areas of study namely ‘evolution’ and ‘classification’ are

interlinked”. Justify this statement.
Chapter- 4
1. The process by which new species develop from existing ones is

2. DNA segment in a chromosome performing specific function is


3. In the following pairs identify the homologous organs.

(a) Tendrils of Pisum spines of Opuntia
(b) Wings of insects and wings of birds
(c) Spines of cactus and thorns of euphorbia
(d) All the above

4. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage etc. are produced by:

(a) Reproductive isolation
(b) Artificial selection
(c) Survival of the fittest
(d) Natural selection

5. According to the evolutionary theory, formation of a new

species is generally due to
(a) sudden creation by nature
(b) accumulation of variations over several generations
(c) clones formed during asexual reproduction
(d) movement of individuals from one habitat to another

6. Analogous organs show similarity in:

(a) size
(b) origin
(c) appearance
(d) function

7. Miller synthesized simple amino-acid from: (a) methane,

ammonia, oxygen, nitrogen
(b) hydrogen, methane, ammonia, water
(c) ammonia, methane, water, carbon-di-oxide
(d) hydrogen, oxygen, water, nitrogen

8. The two versions of a trait (character) which are brought in by

the male and female gametes are situated on
(a) copies of the same chromosome
(b) two different chromosomes
(c) sex chromosomes
(d) any chromosome

9. The pair having opposite characteristics is called:

(a) allelomorph
(b) dominant
(c) homozygous
(d) similar

10. All dissimilarities of characteristics between members of the

same species are called:
(a) mutation
(b) variations
(c) heredity
(d) crossing over

11. How do variations affect the evolution of those organisms that

reproduce sexually?

12. “Variation is beneficial to the species, but not necessarily for the
individual”. Give reason. Evolutionary relationship can be
traced by study of homologous organ. Explain.

13. How is the sex of the child determined in human beings?

14. What is speciation? List four factors that could lead to

speciation, which of these cannot be a major factor in the
speciation of a self – pollinating plant species explain?
15. Explain the terms analogous and homologous organs with

16. How gene is responsible for controlling a trait? Explain by

giving an example.

17. “Natural selection and speciation leads to evolution.” Justify

this statement.

18. Fossils are related to evolution”, justify this statement. Give the
two ways by which age of the fossils can be estimated?

19. What is meant by characteristics?

Give an example of the characteristics being used to determine how
close two species are in evolutionary terms.

20. How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits are inherited

Chapter- 4 Worksheet-
1. What is Genetics?
a. Study of life
b. Study of life forms
c. Study of fertility
d. Study of heredity & variation
2. A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding of tall pea plants
bearing violet flowers with short pea plants bearing white flowers.
The progeny all bore violet flowers but almost half of it were short.
This suggests that the genetic make up of tall parent can be
depicted as :
b. TTww
c. TtWW
d. TtWw

3. Which is the causes of variation?

a. Vegetative propagation
b. Contraception
c. Different combination of genetic material, gene mutation
d. Fertility

4. In evolutionary terms , we have more in common with

_____________. a. A chinese boy
b. A chimpanzee
c. A spider
d. A bacteria

5. Which of the following is pure or homozygous condition?

a. Abcc
b. Tt
c. gG
d. tt
6. Which section of DNA provides information for one protein
a. Nucleus
b. Chromosomes
c. Trait
d. Gene
7. Parental (P) generation: RRYY cross with rryy gives in F1
Generation is?
a. Round,yellow seeds
b. Round, green seeds
c. wrinkled, yellow seeds
d. wrinkled, green seeds
8. What is the probability that the male progeny will be a boy?
a. 50%
b. 56%
c. 47.43%
d. It varies

9. Assertion(A): The sex of a child is determined by the mother.

Reason (R): Humans have two types of sex chromosomes.
XX and XY.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
10. Define the term variation.

11. Define F1 and F2 generation.

12. Define the term offspring.

13. What is genotype and phenotype.

14. Explain the terms:

(i) monohybrid cross

(ii) dihybrid cross
(iii) monohybrid ratio (iv) dihybrid ratio.

15. State Mendel’s (a) law of segregation (b) law of independent


16. Explain how did life originate on earth?

17. Define heredity and evolution.

18. Comment on the various evidences of evolution.

19. The human beings who look so different from each other in
terms of colour, size and looks are said to belong to the same
species. Why? Justify your answer.
20. In pea plant found seed is dominant over the wrinkled. If a
cross is carried between these two plants, give answer to the
following questions.
a. Mention the genes for the traits of parents.
b. State the trait of F1 hybrids.
c. Write the ratio of F2 progeny obtained from this cross. What is
the name of the cross?

1. The hierarchies within a food web are called ………….

2. The contamination of air by adding gases, smoke and ash is
3. Decrease in ozone in stratosphere is linked to release of
synthetic chemicals like.……
4. Improvement in life style often results in increased
generation of
…………… material.
5. The ………. make the energy from sunlight available to the
rest of the ecosystem.

6. In an ecosystem, the 10% of energy is transferred from one

trophic level to the next in the form of
(a) Heat energy
(b) light energy
(c) Chemical energy
(d) Mechanical energy

7. What will happen if deer is missing in the food chain given

Grass ⟶ Deer ⟶ Tiger
(a) The population of tiger increase
(b) The population of grass decreases
(c) Tiger will start eating grass
(d) The population of tiger decreases and the population of grass

8. Environment consists of
(a) Land, air, water
(b) Light, temperature and rainfall
(c) Plants, animals and microbes
(d) All the above

9. Rag pickers remove

(a) Plastic, polythene, paper and metal wastes
(b)rags, cardboard, glass articles
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) Food articles

10. Ozone hole means

(a) Hole in the stratosphere
(b) Same concentration of ozone
(c) Decrease in concentration
(d) Increase in the concentration of ozone.

11. Write the names of aquatic organisms in order to form a

food chain of at least three steps.

12. Expand UNEP and CFCs.

13. What is the harm of kulhads (clay cups)?

14. Describe the various categories of consumers.

15. Describe the importance of decomposers.

16. What is food web? Depict it graphically?

17. How can you help in reducing the problem of waste

disposal? Give any two methods.

18. (i) Name the radiations absorbed by ozone layer.

(ii) What would happen to living ones on earth if ozone layer
around us disappears?

19. i) Why do food chains in an ecosystem not have more than 4

to 5 trophic levels?
(ii) How much energy flows from one trophic level to next in a
food chain?

20. Match the column

Column I Column II
(A) Grass (p) Primary carnivore
(B) Grasshopper (q) Secondary carnivores
(C) Frog (r) Producer
(D) Hawk (s) Primary consumer

1. Substances that are not broken –down by biological processes

are said to be ………………

2. Organisms can be groups as producers, consumers and …….

according to the manner in which they obtain their substance from
the environment.

3. The decomposers comprising micro-organisms like

…………… and………
4. The materials which are locked up in dead complex organic
substance is made available to plants in the form of simple
inorganic substance by the ………….

5. Every food chain starts from………….

6. In an ecosystem the function of the producers is to

(a) Convert organic compounds into inorganic compounds
(b) Trap solar energy and convert it into chemical energy
(c) Utilize chemical energy
(d) Release energy

7. Pyramid of energy in a forest ecosystem is

(a) Always inverted
(b) Always upright
(c) Both upright and inverted depending on ecosystem
(d) First upright then inverted

8. The biotic and abiotic components interacting with each other

in a pond form (a) a community
(b) a population
(c) an ecosystem
(d) a biome

9. Ozone layer is essential because it absorbs most of the

(a) Infrared radiations
(b) heat
(c)solar radiation
(d)ultraviolet – radiation
10. Which of the following is a biodegradable waste?
(a) Radioactive wastes
(b) Aluminum cans
(c) DDT
(d) Cattle dung

11. Write the main objective of conservation of biodiversity.

12. State in brief ways in which non – biodegradable substances

would affect the environment. List two methods of safe
disposal of the non – biodegradable waste.

13. Define trophic levels?

14. In a food chain, if 10,000 joules of energy are available to

producer, how much energy will be available to the secondary
consumer to transfer it to the tertiary consumer?

15. Why are non – biodegradable substances not broken down by


16. List two artificial ecosystems.

17. Consider a food chain consisting of –

Wheat, rat, snakes, peacock
What will happen if all the snakes are killed?

18. Pesticides added to a field is seen in increased amounts in the

crop and in the birds that feed on them. What is this
phenomenon called?

19. Differentiate between a food-chain and a food-web.

20. Why ozone is deadly poisonous; still it performs an essential
function. How?

1. _________ is a duct coming from the urinary bladder which carries


2. Budding takes place in ____ and _______.

3. The number of chromosomes in parents and offsprings of a

particular species remains constant due to
(a) doubling of chromosomes after zygote formation
(b) halving of chromosomes during gamete formation
(c) doubling of chromosomes after gamete formation
(d) halving of chromosomes after gamete formation

4. Assertion(A): Pollen grains from the carpel stick to the stigma of

Reason (R): The fertilised egg cells grow inside the ovules and
become seeds.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

5. In Rhizopus, tubular, thread-like structures bearing sporangia at

their tips are called
(a) filaments
(b) hyphae
(c) rhizoids
(d) roots
6. In a flower, the parts that produce male and female gametes (germ
cells) are
(a) stamen and anther
(b) filament and stigma
(c) anther and ovary
(d) stamen and style

7. During favourable conditions, Amoeba reproduces by

(a) multiple fission
(b) binary fission
(c) budding
(d) fragmentation

8. Bryophyllum can be propagated vegetatively by the

(a) stem
(b) leaf
(c) root
(d) flower

9. The future plant present in the seed is called the

(a) cotyledons
(b) seed coat
(c) germ cells
(d) embryo

10. The embryo in humans gets nutrition from the mother’s blood
with the help of a special tissue called
(a) Placenta
(b) Villi
(c) Uterus
(d) Womb

11. Differentiate between pollination and fertilisation.

12. Why are offsprings similar but not identical to each other.

13. What are propagules? List some advantages of vegetative


14. How is gamete formation and meiosis interlinked?

15. Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction.

16. Reproduction in lower plants like spirogyra takes place by which


17. Why are testes located in scrotal sac?

18. Name 2 bacterial and 2 viral STDs. Write their symptoms.

19. Draw a well labelled diagram of –

a. unisexual flower
b. bisexual flower.

20. Explain in brief what happens when the egg is not fertilized.
1. __________ is the ability of an organism to replace its lost body

2. __________ is called the production of new plants from stems,

roots or leaves.

3. __________ is the term used to refer to the commencement of

menstruation at puberty.

4. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of

sexual reproduction in a flower?
(a) pollination, fertilisation, seedling, embryo
(b) seedling, embryo, fertilisation, pollination (c) pollination,
fertilisation, embryo, seedling
(d) embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilisation

5. Offsprings formed by asexual method of reproduction have

greater similarity among themselves because
(i) asexual reproduction involves only one parent
(ii) asexual reproduction does not involve gametes
(iii) asexual reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction
(iv) asexual reproduction occurs after sexual reproduction
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (iv)

6. Which among the following diseases is not sexually transmitted?

(a) Syphyllis
(b) Typhoid
(d) Gonorrhea

7. Fertilisation in human beings takes place in

(a) uterus
(b) vagina
(c) fallopian tube
(d) vas deferens

8. Which of the following method of contraception protects from

acquiring sexually transmitted diseases?
(a) Surgery
(b) Condoms (c) Copper-T (d) Oral-pills

9. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system

for transport of sperms is
(a) testis ⟶ vas deferens ⟶ urenthra
(b) testis ⟶ ureter ⟶ urethra
(c) testis ⟶ urethra ⟶ ureter
(d) testis ⟶ vas deferens ⟶ ureter

10. Assertion(A): Clones are offspring of an organism formed by

asexual reproduction.
Reason (R): Clones have exact copies of DNA as their parent.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
11. Name 2 unisexual flowers.

12. Draw and explain the various parts of female reproductive organ
of flower.

13. What is placenta? How is it formed? Mention the role of placenta.

14. Explain the secondary sexual changes in boys and girls. Why do
they happen?

15. What is fission? Diagrammatically explain binary fission in


16. Which mode of reproduction is better and why? Asexual or


17. Explain Isogametes and anisogametes.

18. Explain in detail double fertilisation in plants.

19. Draw a well labelled diagram of male reproductive system.

20. Differentiate between fragmentation and regeneration.

1. Hydra usually reproduces by:

(a) fragmentation and budding
(b) regeneration and budding
(c) multiple fission and fragmentation
(d) regeneration

2. Tubectomy is carried out by blocking the

(a) oviduct
(b) uterus (c) cervix
(d) vagina

3. Variations occur as a result of

(a) asexual reproduction
(b) vegetative propagation
(c) sexual reproduction
(d) regeneration

4. Characters transmitted from parents to offspring are present in

(a) cytoplasm (b) ribosome
(c) golgi bodies (d) genes

5. Characters that are transmitted from parents to offspring during

reproduction show
(a) only similarities with parents
(b) only variations with parents
(c) both similarities and variations with parents
(d) neither similarities nor variations

6. Fertilisation occurs in human female when the sperms and

ovum reach simultaneously at
(a) fallopian tube
(b) uterus
(c) vagina
(d) cervix

7. AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease caused due to an

infection by a (a) bacteria
(b) protozoa
(c) virus
(d) Plasmodium

8. In the list of organisms given below, those that reproduce by

the asexual method are
{i) banana
(ii) dog
(iii) yeast
(iv) Amoeba
(a) (ii) and (iv)
(b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

9. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive

system for transport of sperms is

(a) testis → vas deferens → urethra

(b) testis → ureter → urethra
(c) testis → urethra → ureter
(d) testis → vas deferens → ureter

10. Assertion(A): Spores are unicellular bodies.

Reason (R): The parent body simply breaks up into smaller pieces
on maturation.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

11. Draw a well labelled diagram of human sperm.

12. What do you mean by tissue culture?

13. Explain in brief budding in hydra.

14. Can you consider cell division as a type of reproduction in

unicellular organism? Give one reason.

15. What is a clone? Why do offspring formed by asexual

reproduction exhibit remarkable similarity?

16. What is pollination? What are the various agents of


17. Explain in brief vasectomy and tubectomy.

18. Explain how, offspring and parents of organisms reproducing

sexually have the same number of chromosomes?
19. Distinguish between a gamete and zygote. Explain their roles
in sexual reproduction.

20. Label the parts and mention their functions

(a) Production of egg
(b) Site of fertilisation
(c) Site of implantation
(d) Entry of the sperms

Life Processes
( Assertion and Reasoning Questions )

Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A)

and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Q.1. Assertion (A) : Plants lack excretory organs.

Reason (R) : Plants usually absorb essential nutrients.

Q.2. Assertion (A) : In anaerobic respiration, one of the end

product is alcohol.
Reason (R) : There is an incomplete breakdown of glucose.

Q.3. Assertion (A) : In plants there is no need of specialised

respiratory organs.
Reason (R) : Plants do not have great demands of gaseous exchange.

Q.4. Assertion (A) : Bile is essential for digestion of lipids.

Reason (R) : Bile juice contains enzymes.

Q.5. Assertion (A) : Carbohydrate digestion mainly takes place in

small intestine.
Reason (R) : Pancreatic juice contains the enzyme lactase.

Q.6. Assertion (A) : Aerobic respiration requires less energy as

compared to anaerobic respiration.
Reason (R) : Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

Q.7. Assertion (A): Arteries are thick-walled and elastic in

Reason (R) : Arteries have to transport blood away from the heart.
Q.8. Assertion (A) : Human heart is four-chambered.
Reason (R) : Vena cava is the only artery that supplies deoxygenated
blood to the heart.

Q.9. Assertion (A): Energy is required to carry out different life

Reason (R) : Energy is obtained in the form of ATP in the

Q.10. Assertion (A): Rings of cartilage are present in the throat,

Reason (R) : These ensure that the air-passage does not collapse

Q.11. Assertion (A): Pyruvate is a six-carbon molecule

Reason (R) : It is prepared in the cytoplasm as the first step to cellular

Q.12. Assertion (A): Molecular movements are needed for life.

Reason (R): Body structures made up of these molecules need
continuous repair and maintenance

Q.13. Assertion (A): Diffusion does not meet high energy

requirements of multicellular organisms
Reason (R) : Diffusion is a fast process but occurs at the surface of the

Q.14. Assertion (A): The opening and closing of the pore is a

function of the guard cells.
Reason (R) : Stomatal pores are the site for exchange of gases by
Q.15. Assertion (A): The purpose of making urine is to filter out
undigested food from intestine
Reason (R): Kidneys filter the waste and produce urine,

Q.16. Assertion (A): The inner lining of the small intestine has
numerous finger-like projections called villi.
Reason (R) : The villi increase the surface area for absorption.

Q.17. Assertion (A): In human beings, the respiratory pigment is

haemoglobin Reason (R) : It is a type of protein which has
high-affinity carbon dioxide.

Q.18. Assertion (A): The plants store some of the waste products
in their body parts.
Reason (R) : Raphides are the solid waste products of plants.

Q.19. Assertion (A): The movement of water and dissolved salts

in xylem is always upwards.
Reason (R) : ‘The upward movement of water is due to low pressure
created by transpiration.

Q.20. Assertion (A): Photosynthesis takes place in green parts of

the plants.
Reason (R) : Photosynthesis always takes place in leaves.

Q.21. Assertion: The average number of heart beat of a person at

rest is about 80 per minute.
Reason (R) : One contraction and relaxation of the heart constitutes a
complete heart beat.

Q.22. Assertion (A): Ureters are the tubes which carry urine from
kidneys to the bladder.
Reason (R) : Urine is stored in the urethra.

Q.23. Assertion (A): Ventricles have thicker walls than auricles.

Reason (R) : Ventricles have to pump blood into various organs with
great pressure

Q.24. Assertion (A): Capillaries are the thinnest blood vessels.

Reason (R) : Capillaries connect the branches of arteries and veins.

Q.25. Assertion (A): Blood takes up oxygen from the alveolar air
and release CO2 during exchange.
Reason (R) : ‘The concentration of O, is more in alveolar air.

Q.26. Assertion:The large intestine is the largest part of the

alimentary canal.
Reason (R) : Tiger has a shorter small intestine, than herbivores.

Q.27. Assertion (A): Most of the living organisms carry out

aerobic respiration.
Reason (R) : Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration in the cell.

Q.28. Assertion (A): The Bowman’s capsule and the tubule

together make a nephron.
Reason (R) : The function of tubule is to allow the selective
reabsorption of substances like glucose, amino acids, urea, salts and
water into the blood capillaries.

Q.29. Assertion (A): Pancreatic juice digests starch, proteins and

Reason (R) : Pancreatic juice contains digestive enzymes like
pancreatic amylase, trypsin and lipase.

Q.30. Assertion (A): The accumulation of lactic acid in the

muscles causes muscle cramps.
Reason (R) : During vigorous physical exercise leg muscles respire

Q.31. Assertion (A): Phloem helps in translocation of food from

the leaves.
Reason (R) : Phloem provides mechanical support to plant.

Q.32. Assertion (A): Trachea does not collapse, when there is no

air in it.

Reason : Trachea is supported by cartilage.-x-x-x-

Q.1 : (b) Q.2 : (a) Q.3 : (a) Q.4 : (c)
Q.5 : (c) Q.6 : (d) Q.7 : (b) Q.8 : (c)
Q.11 : (d)
Q.9 : (a) Q.10 : (a)
Q.12 : (a)
Q.13 : (c) Q.15 : (d) Q.16 :
Q.14 : (b) (a)
Q.19 : (a) Q.20
Q.17 : (c) Q.18 : (b) : (c)
Q.21 : (d) Q.22 : (c) Q.23 : (a)
Q.24 : (b)
Q.25 : (b) Q.26 : (d) Q.27 : (b)
Q.28 : (c)
Q.29 : (a) Q.30 : (a) Q.31 : (c)
Q.32 : (a)

Chapter - 8
How Do Organisms Reproduce
( Assertion and Reasoning Questions )

Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A)

and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Q.1. Assertion(A) : Asexual reproduction is a primitive type of

Reason (R) : Asexual reproduction involves only mitotic cell division.

Q.2. Assertion(A) : Spores are unicellular bodies.

Reason (R) : The parent body simply breaks up into smaller pieces on

Q.3. Assertion(A) : Clones are offspring of an organism formed

by asexual reproduction.
Reason (R) : Clones have exact copies of DNA as their parent.

Q.4. Assertion(A) : Colonies of yeast multiply in sugar solution.

Reason (R) : Sugar is made of sucrose which provides energy for
sustaining all life activities.

Q.5. Assertion(A) : Pollen grains from the carpel stick to the

stigma of stamen.
Reason (R) : The fertilised egg cells grow inside the ovules and become
Q.6. Assertion(A) : The offspring produced by sexual
reproduction is likely to adjust better in environmental
Reason (R) : During the fusion of gametes there is mixing of genetic
material from two parents.

Q.7. Assertion(A) : Growth hormone stimulates the growth of

different body parts.
Reason (R) : Gonadotropins stimulate the production of sex hormones.

Q.8. Assertion(A) : Testes lie in penis outside the body.

Reason (R) : Sperms require temperature lower than the body
temperature for development-x-x-x-

Q.1 : (a) Q.2 : (c) Q.3 : (b) Q.4 :
Q.8 :
Q.5 : (d) Q.6 : (a) Q.7 : (b) (d)

Chapter - 9
Heredity and Evolution
( Assertion and Reasoning Questions )

Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A)

and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Q.1. Assertion(A) : A geneticist crossed two pea plants and got

50% tall and 50% dwarf in the progeny.
Reason (R) : One plant was heterozygous tall and the other was dwarf.
Q.2. Assertion(A) : Variations are seen in offspring produced by
sexual reproduction.
Reason (R) : DNA molecule generated by replication is not exactly
identical to original DNA.

Q.3. Assertion(A) : Mutation is sudden change in the genetic

Reason (R) : Variation is useful for the survival of species over time.

Q.4. Assertion(A) : Mendel selected the pea plant for his

Reason (R) : Pea plant is cross-pollinating and has unisexual flowers.

Q.5. Assertion(A) : The sex of a child is determined by the

Reason (R) : Humans have two types of sex chromosomes: XX and
Q.6. Assertion(A) : Evolution is an extremely slow process.

Reason (R) : New characters are accumulated in an organism during its


Q.7. Assertion(A) : According to Darwin, all organisms compete

with each other for existence.
Reason (R) : During the struggle for existence there is survival of the

Q.8. Assertion(A) : Geographical isolation cannot be a major

factor in speciation of an asexually reproducing organism.
Reason (R) : Asexually reproducing organisms do not require any other
organism for reproduction.

Q.9. Assertion(A) : In humans, height is a trait which shows

Reason (R) : Some humans are very tall, some have medium height
whereas others are short heighted.

Q.10. Assertion(A) : Accumulation of variation in a species

increases the chances of its survival in changing environment.
Reason (R) : Accumulation of heat resistance in some bacteria ensure
their survival even when temperature in environment rises too much.

Q.11. Assertion(A) : Traits like tallness and dwarfness in pea plant

are inherited independently.
Reason (R) : When a homozygous tall pea plant is crossed with dwarf
pea plant, medium sized pea plant is obtained in F, generation.

Q.12. Assertion(A) : Pea plant is considered ideal for

hybridisation experiments.
Reason (R) : Pea is self pollinating plant with short life cycle and bears
visible contrasting traits.

Q.13. Assertion(A) : Monohybrid cross deals with inheritance of

one pair of contrasting characters.
Reason (R) : Dihybrid cross deals with inheritance of two pairs of
contrasting characters.
Q.14. Assertion(A) : When pea plants (pureline) having round
yellow seeds are crossed with pureline plants having wrinkled
green seeds, then all pea plants obtained in F, generation bear
wrinkled green seeds.
Reason (R) : Round and yellow seeds are dominant to wrinkled and
green seeds.

Q.15. Assertion(A) : If blood group of both mother and father is O

then the blood group of children will also be O.
Reason (R) : Blood group in humans is determined by many alleles of a
gene viz. IA,
IB, I0.

Q.16. Assertion(A) : In some reptiles, the temperature at which

fertilised egg is incubated before hatching plays a role in
determining sex of offspring.
Reason (R) : In turtle, high incubation temperature above 33°C leads to
development of female offspring whereas in lizards high incubation
temperature results in male offspring.

Q.17. Assertion(A) : In humans, male (or father) is responsible for

sex of the baby which is born.
Reason (R) : Y chromosomes are present in only male gametes or

Q.18. Assertion(A) : If mother is homozygous for black hair and

father has red hair then their child can inherit black hair.
Reason (R) : Gene for black hair is recessive to gene for red hair in
Q.19. Assertion(A) : Selfing of a plant for several generations
helps plant breeders to obtain pure breeding varieties.
Reason (R) : Pure breeding plants are heterozygous for many traits.

Q.20. Assertion(A) : A tall plant which always produces tall

offsprings is considered heterozygous for height and is
represented by genotype (Tt).
Reason (R) : A tall plant which always produces tall offspring is
homozygous dominant and will always produce only one type of gamete

Q.21. Assertion(A) : A geneticist crossed two plants and got 50%

tall and 50% dwarf progenies.
Reason (R) : This cross follows Mendelian law as one of the parent
plant might be heterozygous.

Q.22. Assertion(A) : A heterozygous tall plant when crossed with

homozygous dwarf plant will produce tall and dwarf plants in
the ratio of 3:1.
Reason (R) : A heterozygous tall plant will produce two types of
gametes, i.e., one with T and other with t whereas homozygous dwarf
plant produce all gametes with t only.

Q.23. Assertion(A) : In human males all the chromosomes are

perfectly paired except X and Y chromosomes.
Reason (R) : X and Y are sex chromosomes.

Q.24. Assertion(A) : A child which has inherited X chromosome

from father will develop into a girl child.
Reason (R) : Girl child inherits X chromosome from father and Y
chromosome from mother.

Q.25. Assertion(A) : Genes present in every cell of an organism

control the traits of the organisms.
Reason (R) : Gene is specific segment of DNA occupying specific
position on a chromosome.

Q.26. Assertion(A) : Ingrasshoppers, females are heterogametic

and males are homogametic.
Reason (R) : In grasshoppers, male has only one sex chromosome (XO)
whereas the female has sex chromosome (XX).

Q.27. Assertion(A) : Round green seeds in pea can be represented

by RRyy of Rryy.
Reason (R) : Round yellow seeds and green wrinkled seeds are parental
combinations whereas round green and wrinkled yellow are

Q.28. Assertion(A) : If mother has two dominant alleles for black

hair and father has two recessive alleles for blonde hair then
their child will inherit one dominant allele from mother and
one recessive allele from father and will have black hair.
Reason (R) : Progeny inherits one genes for each trait from its parents
but the trait shown by progeny depends on inherited alleles

Q.1 : (a) Q.2 : (a) Q.3 : (b) Q.4 : (a)
Q.5 : (d) Q.6 : (c) Q.7 : (b) Q.8 : (a)
Q.9 : (b) Q.10 : (b)
Q.11 : (c) Traits like tallness and dwarfness in pea plant are inherited
independently and when a homozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a
dwarf pea plant, only tall pea plants are obtained in F1 generation.
Q.12 : (a) Mendel chose pea plants for studying inheritance because of
number of reasons. Pea plants are self pollinating which enables them to
produce next generation of plants easily, also purelines could be easily
obtained. Due to short life cycle, many generations of pea plants can be
produced in a comparatively short span of time. Also pea plants shows a
number of clear cut visible contrasting traits like tall and dwarf height,
round and winkled seeds, etc.
Q.13 : (b) Q.14 : (d) Q.15 : (b) Q.16 : (b)
Q.17 : (a) Q.18 : (c) Q.19 : (c) Q.20 : (d)
Q.21 : (b) Q.22 : (d) Q.23 : (a) Q.24 : (c)
Q.25 : (b) Q.26 : (d) Q.27 : (b) Q.28 : (a)

Chapter - 7
Control and Coordination
( Assertion and Reasoning Questions )

Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A)

and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Q.1. Assertion(A) : Insulin regulates blood sugar level.

Reason (R) : Insufficient secretion of insulin will cause diabetes.

Q.2. Assertion(A) : Animals can react to stimuli in different ways.

Reason (R) : All animals have a nervous system and an endocrine
system involving hormones.

Q.3. Assertion(A) : The effect of auxin hormone on the growth of

root is exactly opposite to that on a stem.
Reason (R) : Auxin hormone increases the rate of growth in root and
decreases the rate of growth in stem.

Q.4. Assertion(A) : A receptor is a specialized group of cells in a

sense organ that perceive a particular type of stimulus.
Reason (R) : Different sense organs have different receptors for
detecting stimuli.

Q.5. Assertion(A) : Cyton region of nerve fibre collects

information for the brain.
Reason (R) : Nerve fibres can either have or lack myelin sheath.

Q.6. Assertion(A) : A nerve impulse is an electrochemical event.

Reason (R) : In a nerve impulse there are changes in the resting
potential which spreads down the nerve fibre.
Q.7. Assertion(A) : The brain is also known as the central nervous
Reason (R) : Central nervous system controls and regulates the
voluntary actions.

Q.8. Assertion(A) : The spinal nerves are 31 in number.

Reason (R) : Spinal nerves only have sensory neurons in
them -x-x-x-

Q.1 : (a) Q.2 : (a) Q.3 : (c) Q.4 :
Q.8 :
Q.5 : (d) Q.6 : (a) Q.7 : (d) (c)

Chapter - 15
Our Environment
( Assertion and Reasoning Questions )

Each of these questions contains an assertion followed by

reason. Read them carefully and answer the question on the
basis of following options. You have to select the one that best
describes the two statements.
(a) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the
correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

Q.1. Assertion (A) : In an ecosystem, the function of producers is

to convert organic compounds into inorganic compounds.
Reason (R) : Green plants, the producers, transduce solar energy.

Q.2. Assertion (A) : Ecology is study of relationship between

living organisms and their environment.
Reason (R) : The biotic community and non-living environment of an
area function together to form an ecosystem.

Q.3. Assertion (A) : Animals adopt different strategies to survive

in hostile environment.
Reason (R) : Praying mantis is green in colour which merges with plant

Q.4. Assertion (A) : Abiotic component of an ecosystem involves

cycling of material and flow of energy.
Reason (R) : This is essential to keep biotic factors alive.

Q.5. Assertion (A) : The crown fires are most destructive as they
burn the tree top.
Reason (R) : Due to crown fire, the temperature of that areamay rise
upto 700°C.
Q.6. Assertion (A) : Trophic levels are formed by only plants.
Reason (R) : Food chains and webs are formed due to linked organisms
on the basis of their nutrition.

Q.7. Assertion (A) : A network of food chains existing together in

an ecosystem is known as food web.
Reason (R) : An animal like kite cannot be a part of a food web.

Q.8. Assertion (A) : Supersonic jets cause pollution as they thin

out ozone.
Reason (R) : Depletion of ozone cause green house effect.

Q.9. Assertion (A) : Tropical rain forests are disappearing fast

from developing countries such as India.
Reason (R) : No value is attached to these forests because these are
poor in biodiversity.


Q.1. (a) Q.2. (a)
Q.3. (a) Animals blend with the surroundings or background to remain
unnoticed for protection and aggression.
Q.4. (a) Q.5. (a) Q.6. (d)
Q.7. (c) In the food web, different food chains are interconnected. Each
chain consists of different trophic levels i.e., producers, consumers and
detrivores. So, kite can also be a part of food web.
Q.8. (a)
Q.9. (c) Tropical rain forests have disappeared mainly due to man’s
activities. Due to over population in countries like India, rain forests are
cut to make place available for man to live and build houses. To build
buildings and factories man has incessantly cut down trees. This has
caused the depletion of rain forests.

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