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Environment as a Necessity:

Our environment is the foundation of our existence. It provides us with the air we breathe, the water we drink,
and the food we eat. The environment supports life in countless ways, from regulating temperature and
climate to fostering biodiversity. Clean air and water are essential for our health, and fertile soil is crucial for
agriculture. Without a healthy environment, human survival would be at risk.

Beyond the basic necessities, the environment also plays a vital role in our mental well-being. Nature has a
profound impact on our mood and overall mental health. Access to green spaces and natural surroundings has
been linked to reduced stress, improved cognitive function, and increased overall happiness.

Environment as a Luxury:
In some ways, we've come to view a pristine, untouched environment as a luxury. Think of exotic landscapes,
untouched wilderness, and rare species. The ability to experience these environments has become a privilege
for those who can afford to travel or live in areas with preserved natural beauty.

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