assignment_51504_171876344109_dialogue_glossary_66723fb117ec2 (1)

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Dialogue 1 - The interpreting assignment takes place at an airport immigration office where an

officer is interviewing a new arrival, about their current trip to Australia. The interview aims to
understand the details and purpose of their visit. The traveler who previously visited Australia on
a working holiday visa, is asked to confirm their willingness to have the interview recorded and
provide accurate information under the Migration Act.

Term TL Equivalent Notes

Migration Review Tribunal 移民复审法庭

Type of visa 签证种类

intend to do something 打算... 意图是...

officer 官员

working holiday visa 工作度假签证

truthfully 说实话,实事求是地

Migration Act 移民法

false 虚假的

offcnce 违反

criminal 刑事的

the purpose of this trip 来访目的

visa subclass 签证子类

visitor 游客,来访者,访问者

objection 拒绝,异议

under the Act 遵循...法令

the briefest of visit 最短暂的访问

there is no evidence that this is 没有证据表明情况确实如此

the case

itinerary 行程

incidental 偶然的
the first mention of church work 首次提及教会工作

remuneration 报酬

it is all right 没关系/还不错

propose to 建议 提议 提出

ascertain 查明

have any objection 有任何异议

misleading information 误导性地信息

tender false document 投标假证件

state 说出

working holiday 打工度假

against the decision 反驳该决定/抗议这一决定

actively operate 积极运作

satisfactory record 令人满意的记录

argue 争辩

take evidence 获取证据

project our voice

Dialogue - 2: The interpreting assignment takes place in a detention center, where an

immigration lawyer is preparing a detainee for an appeal to the Migration Review Tribunal. The
detainee is contesting the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s decision to cancel his
visa. The lawyer is gathering information about the detainee’s academic and work history since
arriving in Australia. The detainee, a student at TAFE, explains their employment circumstances
leading to their visa breach.
Term TL Equivalent Notes
detention center 拘留中心

detainee 拘留者

appeal 上诉

contest 提出异议

Department of Immigration and 移民和公民事务部


cancel one’s visa 取消某人的签证

gathering information 收集信息

academic and work history 学业和工作历史

employment circumstances 就业情况

visa breach 签证违反情况

student visa 学生签证

intend 打算,意图

complete the course 完成学业

result 结果,成果,效果

transcript 成绩单

work on … 从事...的工作

application 申请

reject/refuse 拒绝

Employer Nomination Scheme 雇主提名计划子类别


meet requirements 满足要求

business sponsor 商业担保人

on the job training 在职培训

clear up some matters 澄清一些事情

criteria 标准

academic studies 学业

food and hospitality 餐饮和酒店

qualified chef 合格的/有资质的厨师

tuition fee 学费

interviewed by 被...采访

sydney compliance from the 移民部悉尼合规部门

department of immigration

massage parlour 按摩院

masseur 按摩师

hour limit 小时数限制

things averaged out 事情平摊下来

herbalist 草药师

medical practitioner 执业医师

cover your absences 弥补你的缺席

attendance is not impressive 出席率并不令人印象深刻

medical check up 体格检查

medical certificate 医疗证明

examination certificates 体检证明

student office 学生办公室

inform someone in writing 书面通知

unacceptable 不被接受的

department’s compliance officer 部门合规官

working under cover 在掩护下工作/秘密工作

before the raid 突击之前/突袭前

compliance 合规

have a certificate in 持有...证书

i just happened to 我只是/刚刚碰巧

people told me 有人告诉我

pay my own way here 我自己支付这里的费用

DIAC 移民与公民事务 部( DIAC)

review the visa 重新审核签证

appeal 上诉 申诉

Dialogue - 3: The interpreting assignment occurs at an immigration lawyer’s office where the
lawyer is advising a person who is a tourist visa holder who received a notice of intent to cancel
their visa. The lawyer explains the potential consequences and options available, seeking
background information to aid in the appeal process. The tourist, visiting relatives and friends in
Australia, unknowingly breached visa conditions by helping at a hairdressing salon. They discuss
the tourist’s actions, intentions, and possible steps forward.
Term TL Equivalent Notes
immigration lawyer’s office

is advising 提供咨询服务

tourist visa holder 旅游签证持有者

cancel visa 取消签证

notice of intent 意向通知

options available 可供的选择

seeking background information 寻求背景资料信息

appeal process 申请过程

visiting relatives and friends 访亲问友

unknowingly 不知情的情况下

breached visa conditions 违反签证条例

hairdressing salon 美发沙龙店

tourist’s actions 游客的行为

possible steps forward 可能采取的措施

comply 遵守

seek a review 寻求审查

beautician 美容师

visit 看望

by trade (I am a beautician by 职业的


handy(got your passport handy) 把,,,准备好

regular worker 长驻的,定期的

pay 薪水,报酬
qualify (beautician's normal work 符合资格(美容师的正常工作不符
would not qualify under that test)

takes a very dim view of 对...持非常负面的看法

be deported 被驱逐出境

provide me with accommodation 提供住宿

make a full disclosure 充分披露

give a little gift of money when 在别人帮助你的时候送点小钱

someone helps you

someone 某人,别人

you don't have a strong case 你的理由不够充分

it’s up to you 取决于你自己

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