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Important Questions

Module 1

1. What do you mean by web?

2. What are major services provided by Internet?
3. Describe IP addresses
4. Define and differentiate between: Protocols, Domain names and URL
5. EDI
6. E-commerce

Module 2

1. Describe the structure of an HTML document.

2. Tables in HTML with suitable example.
3. Various types of lists in HTML.
4. What are heading tags?
5. How will you insert an image in an HTML document.
6. How will you link a web page to an HTML document.
7. What do you mean by Block and Inline elements.
8. What are HTML forms?
9. Describe form elements: textbox, option buttons, check box, button, select.

Module 3

1. What is CSS? Describe various types of CSS.

2. What do you mean by selector? Describe various types of selectors in CSS.
3. What is the BOX model? Give a suitable example.
4. What are pseudo-classes?
5. Describe float and position CSS properties.
6. How will you set the background color and border of an HTML element using CSS.
7. Describe the significance of DIV and SPAN tags in defining CSS.

Module 4

1. What is JavaScript?
2. What is a variable? Describe various data types in Java Script with suitable examples.
3. What is an operator? How many types of operators are there in Java script?
4. Describe various conditional statements in JavaScript.
5. Describe if-else and switch case statements.
6. Describe and distinguish between various loops in JavaScript with suitable examples.
7. Differentiate between break and continue statements.
8. What do you mean by array? How will you define arrays in JavaScript?
9. What is associative array?
10. What is a function? How functions are defined in JavaScript.
11. Describe typecasting in JavaScript.

Module 5

1. What do you mean by Document Object Model (DOM)?

2. How can you validate data entered in HTML form by a user?
3. What is Event? Describe onclick and onsubmit events.
4. How can you manipulate an image object through JavaScript?
5. Explain Browser object and document object.

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