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TRUE WAVAICIDSIs Introduction In this week's lesson we will learn about Solomon. Our main Bible passages will focus on 1 Kings 3-7. Some of the ‘main points we will learn are: © Solomon asked for wisdom Video playlist * David prepared Solomon to build the temple Solomon gave his best to God © Gods bigger than any building Lesson Guide ‘Ask your child about what they might like for their birthday, Christmas or another special event? Think together about what might be the best gift in the whole world. Ask them, if they could ask for anything, what would they ask for? Explain that Solomon was David's son and took over as King. Read 1 Kings 3:5-14, with your child and explain how God told Solomon, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Remind them that Solomon didn’t ask for money, health, fame but for wisdom. Solomon did not ask for selfish things, but instead, he asked for wisdom so he could be a good king for the people. God granted his request and blessed him in many other ways. Learn and repeat Matthew 6:33 from your family Bible. “The thing you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what God wants. Then all these other things you need will be given to you.” (ICB). Tryand explain the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Give examples of how we can know something but still do the wrong thing, Remind your child about the Tabernacle. (You can use the lesson on our site). Check to see what they remember about it. Remind them it was a tent God told Moses to make so that He could be close to His People as they wandered in the wilderness. Share how David wanted to build a temple for God, but God told him ‘No’ but that his son, Solomon, would build it. Explain how David helped Solomon and gave him plans for the temple (1 Chronicles 28). Give some examples of how parents try to help their children be ready for the future. Look at some photos of different churches. Compare them to your church, do they look the same? What is different about them? Give some details of the splendor of the temple Solomon built. There are models and pictures online you could use. Explain how David stored up treasure that Solomon could use and that they both gave their best to God. Give examples of how we should give our best to God. Collect some different size containers and try to fit objects into them. Pick some really big objects and some that fit comfortably. Speak about how big God is and how He is bigger than any building. Think about Solomon's words in 1 Kings 8:27, “But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple | have built! Share how God blessed Solomon and the people by making His presence special in the temple. Remind your child that God doesn’t live in brick temples but wants to live in our hearts. Read 1 Corinthians 3:9-17. Pray and ask God to live in and through you. ‘diay sp09 qnouwm bury poob © aq jou PINOD ay yOUI MaUy UOWO|OS “WUO|PSIM JOJ POD PSE SO UOWO|OS “‘BuiuyRuo soy wiy 4so P|NOD aU UOWOIOS PIO7 POD “WWOBI/P © Ul UOWO|OS 07 ayOds PON ‘yUuGIU BUC “WIL Rago 04 vaquiawes SRomo pinous ay 4o0uU qNng ‘ajduwiaq auy YM Addou SOM BH UOWOIOS P07 POD ‘a00|d joinads SIU 4 apoW poo ‘aiduiay BUY BAO ald pNojD ebny ¥ POD 03 ajdwaq 3uy anob puo pahosd UOWO|OS = SS "POD 07 4SAaq SI SACL UOCWOJOS ‘INJIgNeag puo Big Ruan som ajdway ay "POD YM aL pinoo ajdoad auy asaym advjd jolpads Ruan 0 aq pinom 4| ‘aida © pIng 07 Uobagq UOWUOJOS 4a] ‘Suoah sno c *suua|qoud JIB} YUM WAY] djay 07 Bd!ApO ASIM WAU) dAIb PINOM UOWO|OS “UOWOIOS Bury BSIM OF 4107 07 BBUMAZBAS WOAy BUIOD ajdoad “snows pUO Udld Asad OSjO SOM aH “Bul aSIM Asad © BWIA UOLUO|OS uafiioud S,UOWUOJOS PeLBMSUS POO Games and Activities Wise choices Place two pieces of paper on either side of the room. 1 smiley face (Wise choice) and 1 sad face (foolish choice). Give some examples of choices and your child must decide if it’s a wise or foolish choice by walking to the correct paper. For example: Take a cookie without asking. (Foolish choice). Pray to say thank you (wise choice). Leave rubbish on the floor (foolish choice) and so on. Make it fit Collect as many different size containers as you can find along with different size objects. Have your child guess if an object will fit into a container before letting them try. Make some silly choice like trying to fit a pillow into a small box. You could even have your child try to fit into a box. Remind your child that God is so big, it’s impossible to put him in a box and that He is everywhere, all of the time. Building Blocks Use whichever building blocks you have around to allow your child to have some free play. Sit down and talk with them as you play together. Review some points from the lesson. Explain how long it took Solomon to build his temple and how he wanted to do the very best that he could to build a house for God. Try making a temple or a house together out of the BE building blocks. Talk about the different parts that a house has and why each part is important. be £ Remind your child that they are an important part of the church and have a special role. Match the Patterns Temple Jigsaw © 2021 fo Draw a circle around the homes Solomon's Temple What you need: * Template on white card * Cardboard tube * Coloring crayons or pencils + Paint * Paint brush * Glue https: // Whot tr d: === Paint the cardboard tubes Color in the template tomake abronze color. _picture of Solomon and his temple. Cut out the template. Allow to dry, Fold along floor line to When cardboard tubes are make the temple stand. completely dry, giue onto the temple to make pillars. Allow glue to dry to fix pillar into place. Do'spryiomansy 1Z0Z @ Treasure Chest craft (@ bites:Zyoutubestfuzutvorn Glue inside How much better to get wisdom than gold, | to choose understanding rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16 © 2021 91°91 Squanoig &S jAOnys UeYY 104421 Bulpueysiopun asooyp of ‘prob ueys wopsim jab of J0440q Yanu MoH Worship Time Recommended worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube Videos to be used for personal use only. Wisdom Song Make Me Wise https:/ Welcome to God's House https:/ Prayer Time Ask God to help you make wise choices. Ask God to live in you and help you to live for Him. IF you haven't already done so, sign up to receive future lessons by email.

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