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Year Rural Urban Combined

Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total

1951 4.87 19.02 12.1 22.33 45.6 34.59 8.86 27.15 18.32
1961 10.1 34.3 22.5 40.5 66 54.4 15.35 40.4 28.31
1971 15.5 48.6 27.9 48.8 69.8 60.2 21.97 45.96 34.45
1981 21.7 49.6 36 56.3 67.2 29.76 56.38 43.57
1991 30.17 56.96 36 64.05 81.09 67.2 39.29 64.13 52.21
2001 46.7 71.4 59.4 73.2 86.7 80.3 53.67 75.26 64.83
2011 58.75 78.57 67.8 79.92 89.67 84.1 65.46 82.14 74.04
% Increase in 2011
over 2001 26% 10% 14% 9% 3% 5% 22% 9% 14%

1. How many cells are there that containing numbers in tha table
2. how many cells are there that contains any value in the table
3. how many blank cells are ther in coulmn urban male.
4. how many cells are there inrural femal coulmn that less than 20
5. how many cless are there in urban femal coulmn that grater than 50
6. Name the range B1 to D9 as "rural data".
7. Name the range E1 to G9 as "urban data".
8. Name the three total column as Total 1, Total 2, Total 3 respectivly.
9. In cell K10 Calculate the sum of Total 1, Total 2, Total 3
10. Set the range A10 to J10 to be printed.
11. change the page size in to A4and Margins in to Narrow.
12. Give two decimal places to the range B3 to J9.
13. insert a a coulmn chart of years and combained total. And place the chart below the table.
14. give the chart title as " Literacy Rate"
15. Give layout three for the chart.

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