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EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E] ② they try to give a complete picture of who they are,

When you face a severe source of stress, you may where they’ve come from, and what they want to do—

fight back, reacting immediately. While this served all in a few hundred words! While any admissions

your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild committee would like to have the flexibility and time to

animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked read complete histories of each and every student, the

physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen simple truth is, any admissions committee doesn't

a situation with a quick response. I know I have been have enough time to read ③ them. Students must

guilty of , on email in particular, in a harsh understand that the college essay is the best way for

tone that only made things worse. The more ④ it to know something about them, but ⑤ it cannot

something causes your heart to race, the more be the vehicle to know everything about them.

important it is to step back before speaking or typing a

single word. This will give you time to think things
through and find a way to deal with the other person in 4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
a healthier manner. 곳은? [2-1]

This choice could affect your health and happiness for

① reacting against the other the rest of the morning.
② taking a defensive attitude
③ being away from the point Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. ( ① )
④ responding too quickly to people
Most of the choices we make every day are the result
⑤ evading answering a question of our beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. ( ②
) When you choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem
from the belief that a bagel is better for you, or the
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적 belief that you’ll like the taste better. ( ③ ) If you
절한 것은? [1-3] choose to take earth science instead of oceanography,

A series of studies conducted at the University of it might stem from the belief that you’ll enjoy the

Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that subject more, or maybe from the belief that it will be
is, those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the easier. ( ④ ) This choice could affect your ability to

here and now and keenly (A) [unaware / aware] of stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even

their surroundings. It turns out that such individuals your choice of college. ( ⑤ )
are models of flourishing and positive mental health.
Relative to the average person, they are more likely to
be happy, (B) [optimistic / pessimistic], self-
confident, and satisfied with their lives and less likely 5. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2-E]
to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile, self- It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore, people and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high­-
who are habitually mindful of their current experiences energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
are more likely to experience frequent and intense much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
competent, and to have (C) [negative / positive] cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
social relationships, while those who are not usually dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly, you
mindful report more illness and physical symptoms. cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the
time―they are, by nature, loud and emotional
① aware - pessimistic - negative creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment
doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest.
② unaware - pessimistic - positive
③ unaware - optimistic - positive
④ unaware - optimistic - negative
⑤ aware - optimistic - positive

3. 다음 중 가리키는 대상이 다른 하나는? [1-2]

Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about
the college application essay is that ① it is not their life
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,

너른터 -1-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

① 운동을 좋아하는 애완견은 밖에서 공을 쫓아다니게 하면 실내 8. Michael Phelps에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것

에서 다루기가 더 쉬어질 것이다. 은? [1-4]

② 에너지가 넘치는 개는 특별한 보살핌이 필요하지 않다. Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
③ 수줍음을 타는 고양이는 의상을 차려입고 품평회 쇼에 나가는
것을 원하지 않을 것이다. Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
④ 마코 앵무새는 천성적으로 시끄럽다.
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
⑤ 마코 앵무새는 감성에 사로잡히기 쉬운 동물이다. a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
6. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-E] because he had a specific goal to become the best in
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
As you all know from seeing the pictures on television
neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
and in the newspaper, Central America has been hit
commitment. “I think that everything is possible as
hard by a series of hurricanes. Tens of thousands of
long as you put your mind to it and you put the work
people are homeless and without basic necessities like
and time into it,” Phelps said.
food and clothing. I feel that we need to do something
to help. So, we are asking you to donate canned
① 열다섯 살 때 시드니 올림픽에서 세계 최고의 선수들과 경쟁했
goods, warm clothes, blankets, and money. Please
bring all donations to the community center between
10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. Thank ② 뛰어난 선수가 되기 위해 매일 두 시간 반 동안 수영장에서 훈
you for helping your fellow human beings in their time
of desperate need. ③ 세계 최고의 선수가 되려는 구체적인 목표가 있었다.
④ 아테네 올림픽에서 획득한 여덟 개의 메달 중 여섯 개가 금메달
① to build a new volunteer center 이었다.

② to inform residents to help those in need ⑤ 마음을 쏟고 노력과 시간을 쏟기만 하면 모든 것이 가능 하다고
③ to commemorate victims of the hurricanes
④ to warn residents of the upcoming hurricanes
⑤ to distribute donated necessities for the homeless 9. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 모두 고른 것은? [2-3]

7. 다음 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-1]

My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
Apartment Complex.

(A) We are asking if the route for bus 15 could be

changed slightly to come up the hill to the complex. I
can promise you several very grateful riders each day
in each direction. I look forward to hearing from you
(B) We have been asked by some of the residents here
to see if we can help improve their ability to get
around town independently.
(C) The closest bus stop is half a mile below the
apartment complex, down a steep hill. Very few of the
residents here feel comfortable walking all the way to
(and especially from) the bus stop.

① (C) - (B) - (A) ② (A) - (C) - (B)

③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (B) - (A) - (C)

너른터 -2-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by ③ need - what - safe
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human ④ needs - what - safely
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
⑤ need - that - safe
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many 11. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals 적절한 것은? [3-4]
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
Evan, Barbara, and Emily, I am sending this letter to
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
all three of you. Your mother and I agreed to pay for
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
your cell phones. We are covered by a family plan and
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
share a single pool of minutes. When we gave you the
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
cell phone we agreed to pay for it, and you had to (A)
of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
[break / obey] the guidelines of a certain number of
diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
the world.
month for each of you. We just received the bill for
May, and we find that each of you went significantly
over that amount. The added cost to the family was
a. If more crops we grew fed people indirectly, it would
nearly $100. If this happens again we will have to (B)
be far more likely to feed nine billion people in the
[expand / restrict] your usage or ask that you pay
near future.
for your own phone. We are not interested in
b. Slightly more than a half of the world's crop calories
controlling or (C) [invading / guaranteeing] in your
are supplied to people directly.
lives, but since we are paying the bills, we get to set
c. Meat and milk we consume are the products from
the rules. Love, Dad
only a portion of the calories in feed given to livestock.
d. The least efficient product for every 100 calories of
① obey - restrict - invading
grain fed to animals is beef while the most efficient
one is milk. ② obey - expand - guaranteeing
e. Substantial amounts of food could be available for ③ break - restrict - guaranteeing
human by changing to less meat-intensive diets.
④ break - restrict - invading

① a, b ② a, c, e ⑤ break - expand - invading

③ b, c, d, e ④ c, d
⑤ d, e 12. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장
적절한 것은? [1-1]
A reporter’s job is to present a (A) [balanced / one-
10. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가 sided] story. As you read, listen to and watch the
장 적절한 것은? [2-2] news, you may notice stories that you think are
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is biased. One of the forms in which bias occurs is
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a leaving one side out of an article, or a series of articles
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A over a period of time; (B) [ignoring / valuing] facts
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world that tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to that support liberal or conservative beliefs. Bias by (C)
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter, (A) [omission / addition] can occur either within a
[need / needs] at this difficult time is anything that story, or over the long term as a particular news outlet
is going to get in the way of you giving your best reports one set of events, but not another.
performance. You don’t really want any distractions
right now. You want to remove from your environment ① balanced - valuing - omission
(B) [that / what] are not strictly needed. With this in
② one-sided - ignoring - addition
mind, this is a list of things which you can(C) [safe /
safely] leave behind on your desk or in your bag when ③ balanced - ignoring - addition
you are called to the podium: your mobile phone, ④ one-sided - valuing - addition
watch, pens, keys, and coins.
⑤ balanced - ignoring - omission

① needs - that - safe

② need - that - safely

너른터 -3-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

13. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? [2- Dear Ms. Duddon,
4] Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of
When completing math problems, it is important to your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons. ① was destroyed, while hanging in your office, when
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work
students to produce careless errors. (A) , site. ② As the Customer Service Department at Foster
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement for
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a you, will you please purchase another Chinese paper
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out kite and send us the receipt? We will ③ promptly pay
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. ④ has been improved
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is work-site ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor occurrences. Thank you for your understanding and
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may your ⑤ continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
have negative consequences when taking tests. Sincerely,
(B) , homework and in-class math assignments Mark Hamilton
should always include both procedures and answers Customer Service Department
when answering questions.

① For example - However 16. (주관식) 다음 우리말을 주어진 조건에 맞게 바르게 영작하
② In other words - In short 시오. [1-E]
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
③ By contrast - Otherwise
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
④ Similarly - In contrast
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
⑤ In addition - Nevertheless animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. 기술은 성급한 반응으로 상황을 악화시키는 것을
훨씬 더 쉽게 만든다. I know I have been guilty of

14. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), responding too quickly to people, on email in
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-2] particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
the more important it is to step back before speaking
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
things through and find a way to deal with the other
credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from
person in a healthier manner.
your teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting
you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now
① 주어진 단어를 모두 이용하되 한 단어를 추가할 것
you are saying that you want to go to England for two
② 필요시 어형 변화할 것
months. That means you won’t be around for
[to / easy / make / a situation / much / worse]
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I
답: Technology ____________________ with a quick
understand that this is a very good opportunity for
your educational career. So, your father and I have
decided to give you permission to go to England. We
think it’ll be a great opportunity for you. With lots of
love, Mom
Silvia's parents (A) Silvia to take extra
classes in England because they think that it is
(B) for her study.

① refuse - significant
② allow - helpful
③ advise - inefficient
④ forbid - grateful
⑤ encourage - useless

15. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-3]

너른터 -4-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

17. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), ④ 대학 지원 에세이 작성시 지원자의 모든 인생사를 담으려하지
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-3] 마라.

A series of studies conducted at the University of ⑤ 입학심사위원회는 지원자의 에세이를 충분히 검토할 시간이 필
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that 요하다.

is, those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the

here and now and keenly aware of their surroundings.
19. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-1]
It turns out that such individuals are models of
flourishing and positive mental health. Relative to the Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings

average person, they are more likely to be happy, and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of

optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with their lives the choices we make every day are the result of our
and less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile, beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you

self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore, choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the

people who are habitually mindful of their current belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that
experiences are more likely to experience frequent and you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your

intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If

competent, and to have positive social relationships, you choose to take earth science instead of
while those who are not usually mindful report more oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll

illness and physical symptoms. enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
People with a high degree of mindfulness tend to be your choice of college.
more (A) , both mentally and physically,
because they focus more on the (B) and ① You Have to Believe in Yourself
have a close look at their surroundings.
② Beliefs Make Your Life Easy to Live
③ Always Check Whether Your Choice Is Right
① advantageous - present ④ Anything Is Possible Only If You Have Strong Beliefs
② advantageous - past ⑤ Beliefs : The Powerful Tool That Influences on Your Life
③ neutral - present
④ unfavorable - past
20. (주관식) 다음 글의 주제문을 본문에서 찾아 한 문장으로 쓰
⑤ unfavorable - future 시오. [2-E]
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high­-
18. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [1- energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
2] much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
the college application essay is that it is not their life cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience, dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly, you
students try to give a complete picture of who they cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the
are, where they’ve come from, and what they want to time―they are, by nature, loud and emotional
do— all in a few hundred words! While any admissions creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment
committee would like to have the flexibility and time to doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest.
read complete histories of each and every student, the
simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students
must understand that the college essay is the best way
for an admissions committee to know something about
them, but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything
about them.

① 에세이 작성시 글자 수 제한이 있는 경우 이를 위반하면 안된


② 지나치게 개인적인 주제에 몰입하여 에세이를 작성하면 안된


③ 대학지원 에세이를 통해 지원자의 장단점을 모두 표현해야 한


너른터 -5-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

21. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
[3-E] Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
As you all know from seeing the pictures on television
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
and in the newspaper, Central America has been hit
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
hard by a series of hurricanes.
neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
commitment. “I think that everything is possible as
(A) Please bring all donations to the community center long as you put your mind to it and you put the work
between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. and time into it,” Phelps said.
Thank you for helping your fellow human beings in
their time of desperate need. ① 4년 후 아테네 올림픽에서 세계 최고 수영 선수들과 함께 경쟁
(B) So, we are asking you to donate canned goods,
warm clothes, blankets, and money. ② 최고의 만능 수영 선수가 되기 위해 매일 수영장에서 연습했다.
(C) Tens of thousands of people are homeless and ③ 월, 수, 금요일에는 평소 연습량의 두 배로 연습했다.
without basic necessities like food and clothing. I feel
④ 그것이 아주 훌륭한 연습이었기 때문에 그렇게 한 것이었다.
that we need to do something to help.
⑤ 아테네에서 그의 목에 걸어 준 여섯 개의 금메달은 그의 헌신을
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 24. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-3]
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human

22. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
적절한 것은? [3-1] calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
To Whom It May Concern:
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
the residents here to see if we can help improve their
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
ability to get around town (A) [independently /
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
dependently]. The closest bus stop is half a mile
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
below the apartment complex, down a steep hill. Very
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
few of the residents here feel (B) [comfortable /
of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting
uncomfortable] walking all the way to (and especially
could free up substantial amounts of food across the
from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for bus
15 could be changed slightly to come up the hill to the
complex. I can promise you several very (C) [grateful
① more meat-intensive diets
/ ungrateful] riders each day in each direction. I look
forward to hearing from you soon. ② more eggs-intensive diets
③ more dairy-intensive diets
Ron Miller
④ to less meat-intensive diets

① independently - comfortable - grateful ⑤ less vegetable-intensive diets

② independently - uncomfortable - grateful

③ dependently - uncomfortable - grateful
④ dependently - comfortable - ungrateful
⑤ independently - comfortable - ungrateful

23. Michael Phelps 대해서 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는

것은? [1-4]
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and

너른터 -6-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

25. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [2- A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. ① As
2] you read, listen to and watch the news, you may
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is notice stories that you think is biased. ② One of the
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a forms in which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A article, or a series of articles over a period of time;
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to conservative claims, or that support liberal or
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter, conservative beliefs. ③ Bias by omission can occur
need at this difficult time is anything that is going to either within a story, or over the long term as a
get in the way of you giving your best performance. particular news outlet reports one set of events, but
You don’t really want any distractions right now. You not another. ④To find instances of bias by omission, be
want to remove from your environment any obstacles aware of the conservative and liberal perspectives on
or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in current issues. ⑤ Seeing if both the conservative and
mind, this is a list of things which you can safely leave liberal perspectives are included in stories on a
behind on your desk or in your bag when you are particular event or policy.
called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
keys, and coins.

28. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고 글쓴이의 주장을 요약한 마지막 문

① Practice your presentation in advance. 장을 아래 <조건>에 맞춰 영어로 완성하시오. [2-4]
② Reveal yourself completely to the audience. When completing math problems, it is important to

③ Check the list of things you require for the avoid "answer-only" completions for several reasons.
presentation. First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
④ Put the things away that might disturb your
presentation. students to produce careless errors. In other words,
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
⑤ Take a deep breath before your presentation to relieve
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
your stress.
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
26. 다음 글의 상황에 나타난 필자의 어조로 가장 적절한 것은? derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your have negative consequences when taking tests. In
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We short, homework and in-class math assignments
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of should always include
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed ______________________________________________
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines *sloppiness 부주의함, 엉성함
of a certain number of minutes each month, no more [조건]
than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just ① 뜻: 요약하면, 숙제와 수업에서의 수학 과제는 질문에 답을
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you 할 때 항상 절차와 답을 모두 포함해야 한다.
went significantly over that amount. The added cost to ② 필수어휘: both A and B / when (중복사용 불가)
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the 29. (주관식) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)를 다음 조건에 맞게 영작하
bills, we get to set the rules. 시오. [3-2]

① strict and serious

② grateful and hopeful
③ aggressive and hostile
④ admiring and respectful
⑤ subjective and suspicious

27. 다음 중 어법상 오류가 있는 문장을 모두 고르시오 [1-1]

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EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in things through and find a way to deal with the other
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting person in a healthier manner.
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional ① A Soft World Deserves Another
credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from
② Physical Attack : No Need to Respond
your teachers regarding these extra classes. (A) 네가
공부하기 위해 뉴욕에 머무르도록 허락하는 것은 현재 상황에 ③ Sense of Guilt Caused by Harsh Tongue
서도 (있는 그대로) 힘들다, and now you are saying that ④ How Did Our Ancestors React to Stress?
you want to go to England for two months. That means
⑤ Wait a Minute Before Striking a Blow against Stress
you won’t be around for Christmas this year, which
makes me very sad, but I understand that this is a
very good opportunity for your educational career. So,
32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-3]
your father and I have decided to give you permission
A series of studies conducted at the University of
to go to England. We think it’ll be a great opportunity
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that
for you. With lots of love, Mom
is, those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the
here and now and keenly aware of their surroundings.
According to the studies, . Relative to the
① 'let'에 이어지는 구조를 활용할 것
average person, they are more likely to be happy,
② '현재 상황에서도(있는 그대로)'의 뜻을 갖는 어구의 사용에
optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with their lives
유의할 것
and less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile,
③ 1, 2의 조건을 따라 총 13단어로 영작할 것
self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore,
people who are habitually mindful of their current
experiences are more likely to experience frequent and
intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and
30. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [3-3]
competent, and to have positive social relationships,
Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear
while those who are not usually mindful report more
about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite.
illness and physical symptoms.
We understand it was destroyed, while hanging in your
office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due
① the results show those people are more sensitive and
to an overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s sensible in education benefits
work site. ① As the Customer Service Department at
② highly mindful people tend to have nothing to do with
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement
their positive mindselts on well-being
for you, will you please purchase another Chinese
paper kite and send us the receipt? ② We will promptly
③ such individuals have more psychological risks when
dealing with emotions
pay you back. ③ There is a strong possibility for
Chinese paper kite to tear easily because paper kite is ④ such people have prospering and affirmative attitudes
in their lives
made by hand. ④ Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved
work-site ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate ⑤ nobody say people high in mindfulness are better than
occurrences. ⑤ Thank you for your understanding and ones low in mindfulness
your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
Sincerely, Mark Hamilton Customer Service

31. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E]

When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more important it is to step back before speaking
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think

너른터 -8-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-2] you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the

Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about time—they are, by nature, loud and ④ emotional

the college application essay is that it is not their life creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment

story in five hundred words or less. In my experience, doesn’t ⑤ emit sound as well as a rain forest.

students try to give a complete picture of who they

are, where they’ve come from, and what they want to
do— all in a few hundred words! While any admissions 36. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장
committee would like to have the flexibility and time to 적절한 것은? [3-E]
read complete histories of each and every student, the Dear citizens, As you all know from seeing the pictures
simple truth is . Students must understand on television and in the newspaper, Central America
that the college essay is the best way for an has been hit hard by a series of hurricanes. Tens of
admissions committee to know something about them, thousands of people are homeless and without (A)
but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything about [vital / trivial] necessities like food and clothing. I
them. feel that we need to do something to help. So, we are
asking you to donate (B) [extravagant / canned]
① to use perfect sentences goods, warm clothes, blankets, and money. Please

② not to have enough time bring all donations to the community center between
10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. Thank
③ to show a slice of his life you for helping your fellow human beings in their time
④ to show his own frankness of (C) [diminishing / desperate] need. Sincerely,

⑤ to make an article that can arouse interest George Anderson

① trivial - extravagant - desperate

34. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-1] ② vital - canned - desperate

Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings ③ trivial - canned - diminishing
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of ④ vital - extravagant - diminishing
the choices we make every day are the result of our
⑤ trivial - canned - desperate
beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you
choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the
belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that
you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your 37. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-1]
health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If Dear General Manager, My wife and I are residents of
you choose to take earth science instead of the Lakeview Senior Apartment Complex. We have
oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll been asked by some of the residents here to see if we
enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that can help improve their ability to get around town
it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to independently. The closest bus stop is half a mile
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even below the apartment complex, down a steep hill. Very
your choice of college. few of the residents here feel comfortable walking all
the way to (and especially from) the bus stop. We are
① Life consists of various momentary choices. asking if the route for Bus 16 could be altered slightly
to come up the hill to the complex. I can promise you
② Choices are rrely connected to your beliefs.
several very grateful riders each day in each direction.
③ Being responsible for your choices s essential.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Ron
④ Choices based on beliefs have impacts on your life. Miller

⑤ It's important to make choices considering your ability.

35. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2-E]

It is important to ① recognize your pet’s particular
needs and respect them. If your pet is an athletic,
high-energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
much more ② manageable indoors if you take him or
her outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If
your cat is shy and ③ timid, he or she won’t want to
be dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly,

너른터 -9-

EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

① 글쓴이 부부는 노년층을 위한 아파트 단지에 거주하고 있다. ④ Developing eco-friendly farming techniques

② 다른 주민들은 마을을 독립적으로 다닐 능력을 향상시키는 것 ⑤ Expanding the business of meat processed food
과 관련하여 그에게 문의해왔다.

③ 가장 가까운 버스 정류장은 아파트 단지 아래로 반 마일 떨여져

있고 완만한 언덕 밑에 있다.
40. 다음 글을 보기와 같이 요약하고자 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 가장
적절한 것은? [2-2]
④ 버스 정류장을 오가는 길에 걸어다니는 것을 편하게 여길 주민
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
들은 거의 없다.
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a
⑤ 특정 버스 노선을 언덕 위까지 연장시키면 탑승자들이 매우 고 presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
마워할 것을 약속할 수 있다.
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
38. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-4] need at this difficult time is anything that is going to
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best get in the way of you giving your best performance.
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney You don’t really want any distractions right now. You
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest want to remove from your environment any obstacles
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and mind, this is a list of things which you can safely leave
a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays, behind on your desk or in your bag when you are
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it keys, and coins.
because he to become the best in the world.
And the eight medals they hung around his neck in In giving a presentation, try to (A)
Athens, six of them gold, reflect that commitment. “I yourself from (B) belongings.
think that everything is possible as long as you put
your mind to it and you put the work and time into it,”
Phelps said. ① separate - indispensible
② protect - unidentified
① had a special talent
③ judge - valuable
② had a specific goal ④ keep - profitable
③ had a courage to help others ⑤ free - unnecessary
④ wanted to raise donation
⑤ wanted others to follow him
41. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3-4]
Evan, Barbara, and Emily, I am sending this letter to
39. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-3] all three of you. Your mother and I agreed to pay for
your cell phones. We are covered by a family plan and
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human share a single pool of minutes. When we gave you the
cell phone we agreed to pay for it, but you were to
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
stay within the guidelines of a certain number of
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
month for each of you. We just received the bill for
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
May, and we find that each of you went significantly
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in over that amount. The added cost to the family was
nearly $100. If this happens again we will have to limit
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
your usage or ask that you pay for your own phone.
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new We are not interested in controlling or interfering in
your lives, but since we are paying the bills, we get to
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
set the rules. Love, Dad
of pork, or 3 of beef. could free up
substantial amounts of food across the world.

① Increasing agricultural subsides

② Reducing the consumption of meat
③ Turning crops into industrial products

너른터 - 10 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

① 엄마가 자녀들에게 보내는 메일이다. My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
② 세 명의 자녀들 모두 각자의 핸드폰 계정이 있다. school. Yesterday, I (A) [received / have received]
your letter about wanting to take extra classes at
③ 자녀들 중 한 명만 핸드폰 사용량 지침을 어겼다.
Oxford University for additional credit. I also saw the
④ 핸드폰 사용량 지침을 다시 어길 경우, 자녀들이 각자 요금을 recommendation letters from your teachers regarding
내야 한다. these extra classes. Letting you (B) [stay / to stay]
⑤ 아버지와 어머니는 자녀들의 삶을 통제할 권리가 있기 때문에 in New York to study is hard as it is, and now you are
규칙을 정하게 되었다. saying that you want to go to England for two months.
(C) [That / What] means you won’t be around for
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I
42. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-1] understand that this is a very good opportunity for
your educational career. So, your father and I have
A reporter’s job is . As you read, listen to and
decided to give you permission to go to England. We
watch the news, you may notice stories that you think
think it’ll be a great opportunity for you. With lots of
are biased. One of the forms in which bias occurs is
love, Mom
leaving one side out of an article, or a series of articles
over a period of time; ignoring facts that tend to ① have received - stay - What
disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that support
② have received - to stay - That
liberal or conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can
occur either within a story, or over the long term as a ③ received - to stay - What
particular news outlet reports one set of events, but ④ received - stay - What
not another. To find instances of bias by omission, be
⑤ received - stay - That
aware of the conservative and liberal perspectives on
current issues. See if both the conservative and liberal
perspectives are included in stories on a particular 45. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-3]
event or policy.
Dear Ms. Duddon,
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of
① writing an article without bias
your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it
② to tell you how to run your life was destroyed, while hanging in your office, when

③ to form a negative opinion about current issues ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an
overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work
④ to analyze news of many complex policy questions
site. As the Customer Service Department at Foster
⑤ disproving or supporting liberal or conservative claims WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement for
you, will you please purchase another Chinese paper
kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly pay you
43. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [2-4] back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site
ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences.
When completing math problems, it is important ① to
Thank you for your understanding and your continued
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark
First, simply ② writing the answer to a problem
Hamilton Customer Service Department
without the procedure that precedes it negatively ③
encourage students to produce careless errors. In
① 고객 상담실의 Mark Hamilton이 Ms. Doddon에게 보낸 글이
other words, the written-out procedure ④ supports the
answer; if the procedure is not shown, it is much
easier to make a computation error. Second, lack of a ② 작업의 여파로 망가진 연에 대한 배상의 뜻을 전하려는 목적이
written-out procedure does not allow students to
identify the origin of an answer or how an answer to a ③ 용접할 때 발생한 연기로 스프링클러가 작동하였다.
problem is ⑤ derived. Third, lack of procedure ④ Foster WeldRite 주식회사는 대체 연을 직접 구입한 후 영수
contributes to poor study habits in note-taking and 증을 보내주기로 했다.
sloppiness, which may have negative consequences
⑤ 사건 발생 이후로 Foster WeldRite 주식회사는 작업장의 환기
when taking tests. In short, homework and in-class 시설을 개선하였다.
math assignments should always include both
procedures and answers when answering questions.

44. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가

장 적절한 것은? [3-2]

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EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

46. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [1-E] ⑤ It → the college essay

When you face a severe source of stress, you may

fight back, reacting immediately. While this ① served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild 49. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-1]
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
physically. Technology makes it much ② easier to and behaviors, and so, . Most of the choices
worsen a situation with a quick response. I know I we make every day are the result of our beliefs,
have been ③ proud of responding too quickly to whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you choose
people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the belief
made things worse. The more something causes your that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that you’ll
heart to race, the more important it is to step ④ back like the taste better. This choice could affect your
before speaking or typing a single word. This will give health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If
you time to think things through and find a way to deal you choose to take earth science instead of
with the other person in a ⑤ healthier manner. oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
47. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [1-3] your choice of college.
A series of studies ① conducted at the University of
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that ① the taste of food for breakfast
is, those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the ② he god we believe in
here and now and ② keenly aware of their
③ the path of our lives
surroundings. It turns out that such individuals are
models of flourishing and positive mental health. ③ ④ the number of subjects we take
Relative to the average person, they are more likely to ⑤ the amount of money a bakery earns
be happy, optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with
their lives and less likely to be depressed, angry,
anxious, hostile, self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic.
Furthermore, people who are habitually mindful of
their current experiences are more likely to experience
frequent and intense positive emotions, to feel self-
sufficient and competent, and ④ to have positive social
relationships, while those who are not usually mindful
⑤ reports more illness and physical symptoms.

48. 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about
the college application essay is that ① it is not their life
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,
② they try to give a complete picture of who they are,
where they’ve come from, and what they want to do—
all in a few hundred words! While any admissions
committee would like to have the flexibility and time to
read complete histories of each and every student, the
simple truth is, any admission committee doesn't have
enough time to read ③ them. Students must
understand that the college essay is the best way for
④ it to know something about them, but ⑤ it cannot
be the vehicle to know everything about them.

① it → the college application essay

② they → students
③ them → complete histories
④ it → the college essay

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50. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-E] up the hill to the complex. I can promise you several

It is important to recognize . If your very grateful riders each day in each direction. I look

pet is an athletic, high-energy dog, for example, he or forward ⑤ to hear from you soon.

she is going to be much more manageable indoors if Sincerely,

you take him or her outside to chase a ball for an hour Ron Miller

every day. If your cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t

want to be dressed up and displayed in cat shows.
Similarly, you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and 53. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-4]
still all the time—they are, by nature, loud and Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
emotional creatures, and it is not their fault that your swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
forest. to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
① your pet can feel various emotions by the situations a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,

② your pet can need appropriate exercise Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
③ your pet’s particular needs and respect them
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
④ you need to select pets for your situation the world. And the eight medals they hung around his

⑤ you can change the behavior of pets by training neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
commitment. “I think that everything is possible as
long as you put your mind to it and you put the work
and time into it,” Phelps said.
51. (주관식) 다음 영단어를 의미에 맞게 바르게 배열하시오.
① the need for early education
Dear citizens,
As you all know from seeing the pictures on television ② requirements for a famous player
and in the newspaper, Central America has been hit ③ the importance of schedule management
hard by a series of hurricanes. 수만 명의 사람들이 집을
④ setting goals and commitment as a condition of success
잃었으며 먹을 것과 옷과 같은 기본적인 생필품이 없습니다. [
necessities / food / of / and / like / basic / are /
⑤ the necessary conditions for participation in the
without / tens / thousands / people / clothing / and /
homeless / of ]. I feel that we need to do something to
help. So, we are asking you to donate canned goods,
warm clothes, blankets, and money. Please bring all 54. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [2-3]
donations to the community center between 10 a.m. Shifting to less meat-intensive diets could free up
and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. Thank you for substantial amounts of food across the world.
helping your fellow human beings in their time of
desperate need.
George Anderson

주어진 단어를 모두 한 번씩 사용해서 문장을 완성하세요.

52. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-1]

To Whom It May Concern:
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
Apartment Complex. We ① have been asked by some
of the residents here to see if we can help ② improve
their ability to get around town independently. The
closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment
complex, down a steep hill. Very few of the residents
here feel comfortable ③ walking all the way to (and
especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if the
route for bus 15 could ④ be changed slightly to come

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It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human bills, we get to set the rules.
stomachs. ( ① ) Today, only 55 percent of the world’s Love,

crop calories feed people directly; ( ② ) the rest are Dad

fed to livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into ① 3명의 자녀에게 보내는 편지이다.
biofuels and industrial products (roughly 9 percent). (
② 모든 가족은 핸드폰 가족 결합에 묶여 있다.
③ ) Though many of us consume meat, dairy, and
eggs from animals raised on feedlots, only a fraction of ③ 자녀들은 각각 매달 250분을 넘겨서 사용해서는 안 된다.
the calories in feed given to livestock make their way ④ 5월분 핸드폰 요금은 사용량을 상당히 넘겨 거의 $100가 청구
into the meat and milk that we consume. ( ④ ) For 됐다.
every 1100 calories of grain we feed animals, we get
⑤ 앞으로 지침을 어긴다면 사용을 제한하거나 요금을 직접 내도
only about 40 new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 록 할 예정이다.
12 of chicken, 10 of pork, or 3 of beef. ( ⑤ )

57. <보기> (a)~(e)의 영영풀이 중 해당하는 단어가 다음 글

에 없는 것은? [1-1]
55. (주관식) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 의미가 되도록 <보기>
의 표현을 활용하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오. [2-2]
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
need at this difficult time is (A) 당신이 최고의 공연을 하
는 것을 방해할 모든 것. You don’t really want any
distractions right now. You want to remove from your
environment any obstacles or dangers that are not
strictly needed. With this in mind, this is a list of things
which you can safely leave behind on your desk or in
your bag when you are called to the podium: your
mobile phone, watch, pens, keys, and coins.

the way / giving / is going to / of / in / your best
performance / that / get / you
1. <보기>의 표현을 변형 없이, 모두 한 번씩만 사용하여 완
2. 주어진 anything으로 시작하는 구문을 완성하시오.

56. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-4]

Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
of a certain number of minutes each month, no more
than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you
went significantly over that amount. The added cost to
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or

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A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice have negative consequences when taking tests.
stories that you think are biased. One of the forms in
Homework and in-class math assignments should
which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an article,
always include both (A) and
or a series of articles over a period of time; ignoring
(B) when answering questions.
facts that tend to disprove liberal or conservative
claims, or that support liberal or conservative beliefs.
① procedures - computations
Bias by omission can occur either within a story, or
over the long term as a particular news outlet reports ② completions - errors
one set of events, but not another. To find instances of ③ consequences - mistakes
bias by omission, be aware of the conservative and
④ consequences - efforts
liberal perspectives on current issues. See if both the
conservative and liberal perspectives are included in ⑤ procedures - answers
stories on a particular event or policy.

59. 편지를 받은 Silvia의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-2]

<보기> My dear Silvia,
(a) the act of failing to include something that should I hope you are fine and doing well in school. Yesterday,
have been included or done whether intentionally or I received your letter about wanting to take extra
unintentionally classes at Oxford University for additional credit. I also
saw the recommendation letters from your teachers
(b) the suppression or restriction of any form of regarding these extra classes. Letting you stay in New
expression that is considered unacceptable by an York to study is hard as it is, and now you are saying
authority that you want to go to England for two months. That
means you won’t be around for Christmas this year,
(c) an unfair tendency to influence or manipulate which makes me very sad, but I understand that this is
something or someone in favor of or against a a very good opportunity for your educational career.
particular outcome or opinion So, your father and I have decided to give you
permission to go to England. We think it’ll be a great
(d) opposed to great or sudden social change and opportunity for you. With lots of love,
showing that you prefer traditional systems and Mom
① doubtful ② delighted
(e) to provide evidence or argument that shows that a ③ indifferent ④ sorrowful
statement or belief is false or incorrect.
⑤ disappointed

① (a) ② (b)
③ (c) ④ (d)
⑤ (e)

58. 다음 글을 보기와 같이 요약하고자 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 가장

적절한 것은? [2-4]
When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
students to produce careless errors. In other words,
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor

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60. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore, people
않은 것은? [3-3] who are habitually mindful of their current experiences
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is ① sorry to hear about the loss are more likely to experience frequent and intense
of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and
it was ②destroyed, while hanging in your office, when competent, and to have (C) [positive / negative]
ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an social relationships, while those who are not usually
③ overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s mindful report more illness and physical symptoms.
work site. As the Customer Service Department at ① high - more - negative
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is ④able to locate a replacement
② low - less - positive
for you, will you please purchase another Chinese
paper kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly ③ high - less - positive
pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has ④ high - more - positive
⑤ improved work-site ventilation to prevent similar
⑤ low - more - negative
unfortunate occurrences. Thank you for your
understanding and your continued patronage of Foster
WeldRite, Inc.
63. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 (A)에 학생들이 넣고 싶어
하는 내용을 아래 <조건>에 맞춰 영어로 쓰시오. [1-2]
Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about
the college application essay is that it is not their life
61. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,
적절한 것은? [1-E]
students try to give (A)a complete picture of (B)who
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
they are, (1)_______________ and
fight back, (A) [reacting / react] immediately. While
(2)_______________—all in a few hundred words!
this served your ancestors well when they were
While any admissions committee would like to have the
attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today
flexibility and time to read complete histories of each
unless you are attacked physically. Technology makes
and every student, the simple truth is, there is not
it much easier (B) [worsen / to worsen] a situation
enough time. Students must understand that the
with a quick response. I know I have been guilty of
college essay is the best way for an admissions
responding too quickly to people, on email in
committee to know something about them, but it
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
cannot be the vehicle to know everything about them.
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more(C) [important / importantly] it is to step
back before speaking or typing a single word. This will
give you time to think things through and find a way to
① (B)와 같은 구조로 작성
deal with the other person in a healthier manner.
② 필수어휘: where / what (문항별로 하나씩만 사용 / 중복
사용 불가)
① reacting - to worsen - important
② reacting - worsen - importantly (1) _____________________
(2) _____________________
③ reacting - worsen - important
④ react - to worsen - important
⑤ react - to worsen - important

62. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장

적절한 것은? [1-3]
A series of studies conducted at the University of
Rochester focused on people (A) [low / high] in
mindfulness—that is, those who are prone to be
mindfully attentive to the here and now and keenly
aware of their surroundings. It turns out that such
individuals are models of flourishing and positive
mental health. Relative to the average person, they
are more likely to be happy, optimistic, self-confident,
and satisfied with their lives and (B) [less / more]
likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile, self-

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64. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오 [2-1] America has been hit hard by a series of hurricanes.

Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings Tens of thousands of people are homeless and without

and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of basic necessities like food and clothing. I feel (B)

the choices we make every day are the result of our [which / that] we need to do something to help. So,

beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you we are asking you to donate canned goods, warm

choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the clothes, blankets, and money. Please (C) [bringing /

belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that bring] all donations to the community center between

you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. Thank

health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If you for helping your fellow human beings in their time

you choose to take earth science instead of of desperate need.

oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll Sincerely,

enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that George Anderson

it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to

stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even 66. 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-E]
your choice of college. ① 중앙아메리카가 일련의 허리케인에 의해 심하게 피해를 당했
1. 위 글에서 보여준 두 가지 사례를 통해 알 수 있는 작가의 다.
주장을 빈칸에 적절한 영단어를 채워 완성하시오 ② 수만 명의 사람들이 집을 잃었으며 먹을 것과 옷과 같은 기본적
인 생필품이 없다.
Most of the _____________ we make every day are
③ 돈을 제외한 통조림 제품, 따뜻한 옷, 담요등을 필요로 하고있
the results of our _______________. 다.

④ 9월 10일 토요일 오전 10시에서 오후 4시 사이에 커뮤니티 센

터 로 모든 기부 물품을 가져가야 한다.
2. Write about any choice you make on a daily basis
that directly affects your feelings and behaviors ⑤ 동료인 사람들이 도움을 절실하게 필요로 할 때에 그들을 도와
주는 것에 감사한다.
I choose over
. 67. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가
장 적절한 것은? [3-E]
① seeing - that - bring
② seeing - which - bring
③ to see - which - bring
65. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-E]
④ to see - that - bringing
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high­- ⑤ seeing - that - bringing
energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your [68-69] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly, you
cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the
time―they are, by nature, loud and emotional
creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment
doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest.

① Pets can also feel various emotions.

② Pets need regular and proper exercise.
③ Training can correct the behavior of pets.
④ You should choose a pet that fits your situation.
⑤ Individual characteristics of pets should be respected.

[66-67] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Dear citizens,
As you all know from (A) [seeing / to see] the
pictures on television and in the newspaper, Central

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To Whom It May Concern: ⑤ possible as long as you put your mind to it and you
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior put the work and time into it,” Phelps said.
Apartment Complex. We have (a) asked by some of
the residents here to see if we can help improve their
ability to get around town independently. The closest 71. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-3]
bus stop is half a mile below the apartment complex, It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
down a steep hill. Very (b) little of the residents here 2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
feel (c) comfortably walking all the way to (and stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if the calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
route for bus 15 could (d) change slightly to come up livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
the hill to the complex. I can promise you several very industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
grateful riders each day in each direction. I look of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
forward to hearing from you soon. raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
Sincerely, feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
Ron Miller and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
[조건] calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
① 우리말 의미가 통하도록 보기의 영단어를 모두 포함하여 영 of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
작할 것 diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
② 필요시 어형 변화 및 단어 추가할 것 the world.
③ [보기]
*feedlot 가축 사육장
68. 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-1]
① Ron Miller and his wife live in Lakeview Senior ① criticism of excessive dependence on grain
Apartment Complex.
② confidence in food supply in the near future
② Some of the residents in Lakeview Senior Apartment
Complex would like to improve their ability to get
③ necessity of expanding eco-friendly livestock farms
around town independently. ④ claim for the development of new varieties of grain for
③ A lot of the residents in Lakeview Senior Apartment
Complex feel comfortable walking all the way to the bus ⑤ justification for reducing meat consumption for
stop. securing food.
④ If the route for Bus 15 could be shifted to come up the
hill to the complex, several residents of the Lakeview
Senior Apartment Complex feel very grateful.

⑤ Ron Miller is looking forward to hearing from General

Manager soon.

69. (주관식) 윗글의 (a)~(d)를 어법에 맞게 각각 수정하시오.


70. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

않은 것은? [1-4]
① Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
a half hours every day—and ② double that on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become
good. He didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He
did it because he had a ③ vague goal to become the
best in the world. And the eight medals they hung
around his neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect
that ④ commitment. “I think that everything is

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72. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [2-2] current issues. See ⑤ whether both the conservative
and liberal perspectives are included in stories on a
The last thing you, as the presenter, need at this
particular event or policy.
difficult time is anything that is going to get in the way
of you giving your best performance

75. (주관식) 다음 영영 뜻풀이 1, 2, 3번을 모두 만족시키는 한

Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
단어를 아랫글에서 찾아 적으시오. [2-4]
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a
When completing math problems, it is important to
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
drama. ( ① ) The presenter is on display to the whole
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
world as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
to the audience. ( ② )You don’t really want any
students to produce careless errors. In other words,
distractions right now. ( ③ ) You want to remove from
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
your environment any obstacles or dangers that are
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
not strictly needed. ( ④ ) With this in mind, this is a
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
list of things which you can safely leave behind on your
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
desk or in your bag when you are called to the
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens, keys, and
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
coins. ( ⑤ )
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
have negative consequences when taking tests. In
short, homework and in-class math assignments
should always include both procedures and answers
73. (주관식) 밑줄 친 부분중 틀린 부분이 있다면 어법에 맞게
when answering questions.
고치시오. [3-4]
Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
[영영 풀이]
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
① to give money, goods, or your time and effort in
mother and I agreed ①to pay for your cell phones. We
order to achieve something, especially when other
are covered by a family plan and ②are shared a single
people are also helping
pool of minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we
② to play a significant part in making something
agreed to pay for it, but you were to stay within the
guidelines of a certain number of ③ minute each
③ to be a part of a group or an activity and help it to
month, ④ not more than 250 minutes per month for
be successful
each of you. We just received the bill for May, and we
find that each of you went ⑤ significantly over that
amount. The added cost to the family was nearly $100.
If this happens again we will have to limit your usage
or ask that you pay for your own phone. We are not
interested in controlling or interfering in your lives, but
since we are paying the bills, we get to set the rules.

74. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [1-1]

A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice
stories ① that you think are biased. One of the forms
② where bias occurs is leaving one side out of an
article, or a series of articles over a period of time;
ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or
conservative claims, or that ③ supports liberal or
conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur either
within a story, or over the long term as a particular
news outlet ④ reports one set of events, but not
another. To find instances of bias by omission, be
aware of the conservative and liberal perspectives on

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76. Silvia에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3- physically. Technology makes it much easier (A)
2] [worsen / to worsen] a situation with a quick
My dear Silvia, response. I know I have been guilty of responding too
I hope you are fine and doing well in school. Yesterday, (B) [quick / quickly] to people, on email in
I received your letter about wanting to take extra particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
classes at Oxford University for additional credit. I also worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
saw the recommendation letters from your teachers the more important it is to step back before speaking
regarding these extra classes. Letting you stay in New or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
York to study is hard as it is, and now you are saying things through and find a way (C) [deal / to deal]
that you want to go to England for two months. That with the other person in a healthier manner.
means you won’t be around for Christmas this year, ① worsen - quick - to deal
which makes me very sad, but I understand that this is
② worsen - quickly - to deal
a very good opportunity for your educational career.
So, your father and I have decided to give you ③ to worsen - quickly - to deal
permission to go to England. We think it’ll be a great ④ to worsen - quick - deal
opportunity for you.
⑤ worsen - quickly - deal
With lots of love,

79. 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

① 옥스퍼드 대학교에서 추가 수업을 받으려고 한다. [1-3]
② 학업 때문에 지금 뉴욕에 머무르고 있다. A series of studies conducted at the University of
③ 두 달 동안 잉글랜드에 가고 싶어 한다. Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness
— (A) , those who are prone to be mindfully
④ 올해 크리스마스는 집에서 가족과 함께 보내지 않을 것이다.
attentive to the here and now and keenly aware of
⑤ 부모는 딸이 잉글랜드에 가는 것을 반대한다. their surroundings. It turns out that such individuals
are models of flourishing and positive mental health.
Relative to the average person, they are more likely to
77. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-3] be happy, optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with
their lives and less likely to be depressed, angry,
Dear Ms. Duddon,
anxious, hostile, self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic.
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of
(B) , people who are habitually mindful of
your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it
their current experiences are more likely to experience
was destroyed, while hanging in your office, when
frequent and intense positive emotions, to feel self-
ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an
sufficient and competent, and to have positive social
overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work
relationships, while those who are not usually mindful
site. As the Customer Service Department at Foster
report more illness and physical symptoms.
WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement for
you, will you please purchase another Chinese paper
kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly pay you ① however - In contrast
back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site ② that is - In addition
ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences.
③ however - Nevertheless
Thank you for your understanding and your continued
patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark ④ that is - However
Hamilton Customer Service Department ⑤ in conclusion - Therefore

① to refund ② to promote
③ to advertise ④ to patronize
⑤ to compensate

78. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가

장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked

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80. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [1-2] ③ however - However

① Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize ④ for example - Similarly
about the college application essay is that it is not their
⑤ first of all - To begin with
life story in five hundred words or less. ② In my
experience, students try to give a complete picture of
who they are, where they’ve come from, and what 83. (주관식) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 본문의 단어
they want to do— all in a few hundred words! ③While 를 활용하여 주어진 철자로 시작하는 한 단어로 쓰시오. [3-E]
any admissions committee would like to have the
Dear citizens,
flexibility and time to read complete histories of each
As you all know from seeing the pictures on television
and every student, the simple truth is, there is not
and in the newspaper, Central America has been hit
enough time. ④ Therefore, more universities are
hard by a series of hurricanes. Tens of thousands of
asking students to be self-directed and creative with
people are homeless and without basic necessities like
their college applications. ⑤Students must understand
food and clothing. I feel that we need to do something
that the college essay is the best way for an
to help. So, we are asking you to d canned
admissions committee to know something about them,
goods, warm clothes, blankets, and money. Please
but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything about
bring all donations to the community center between
10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. Thank
you for helping your fellow human beings in their time
of desperate need.
81. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [2-1] George Anderson
Most of the choices we make every day are the result
of our beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not.

84. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-1]

Beliefs are powerful. ( ① ) They directly affect our
feelings and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. To Whom It May Concern:
( ② ) When you choose a bagel over a donut, it might My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
stem from the belief that a bagel is better for you, or Apartment Complex. We ① have been asked by some
the belief that you’ll like the taste better. ( ③ ) This of the residents here to see if we can help improve
choice could affect your health and happiness for the their ability to get around town independently. ② The
rest of the morning. ( ④ ) If you choose to take earth closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment
science instead of oceanography, it might stem from complex, down a steep hill. Very few of the ③
the belief that you’ll enjoy the subject more, or maybe residents here feel comfortable walking all the way to
from the belief that it will be easier. ( ⑤ ) This choice (and especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if
could affect your ability to stay awake in class, your the route for bus 15 ④ could be altered slightly to
grade point average, or even your choice of college. come up the hill to the complex. I can promise you
several very grateful riders each day in each direction.
I look forward to ⑤ hear from you soon.
82. 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. Ron Miller
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high-
energy dog, (A) , he or she is going to be
much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
dressed up and displayed in cat shows.
(B) , you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and
still all the time—they are, by nature, loud and
emotional creatures, and it is not their fault that your
apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain

① in effect - Likewise
② above all - Above all

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85. Michael Phelps에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 87. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
[1-4] 않은 것은? [2-2]
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney going to be a stressful experience. Giving a
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and as he or she bares all to ① conceal himself or herself
a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays, to the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He need at this difficult time is anything that is going to
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it ② disturb you giving your best performance. You don’t
because he had a specific goal to become the best in really want any ③ distractions right now. You want to
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his ④ eliminate from your environment any obstacles or
neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in mind,
commitment. “I think that everything is possible as this is a list of things which you can safely ⑤ leave
long as you put your mind to it and you put the work behind on your desk or in your bag when you are
and time into it,” Phelps said. called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
keys, and coins.
① 열다섯 살의 소년으로 아테네 올림픽에 출전했다.
② 월요일, 수요일, 금요일에는 2시간 반 동안 수영장에서 연습했
88. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [3-4]
③ 세계 최고의 선수들에게 영감을 받아 성공에 대한 막연한 목표
를 세웠다. Evan, Barbara, and Emily, I am sending this letter to
all three of you. Your mother and I agreed to pay for
④ 아테네 올림픽에서 8개의 금메달을 목에 걸었다.
your cell phones. ① We are covered by a family plan
⑤ 마음을 쏟고 노력과 시간을 쏟기만 하면 모든 것이 가능하다고 and share a single pool of minutes. ② When we gave
you the cell phone we agreed to pay for it, but you
were to stay within the guidelines of a certain number
of minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
86. 다음 글을 보기와 같이 요약하고자 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 month for each of you. ③ We just received the bill for
적절한 것은? [2-3] May, and we find that each of you went significantly
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by over that amount. ④ I feel the need to make more
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human phone calls between family members. The added cost
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop to the family was nearly $100. ⑤ If this happens again
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to we will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals bills, we get to set the rules. Love, Dad
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new 89. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [1-1]
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
the world.

In order to solve the food problem across the world,

we should try to avoid (A) focused diets
because of its (B) energy efficiency.

① meat - high ② crop - low

③ crop - high ④ animal - proper
⑤ meat - low

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A reporter’s job is to present an ① unbiased story. As to England. We think it’ll be a great opportunity for
you read, listen to and watch the news, you may you. With lots of love, Mom
notice stories that you think are ② partial. One of the
forms in which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an
article, or a series of articles over a period of time; ③ 92. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-3]
ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear
conservative claims, or that support liberal or about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite.
conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur either We understand it was destroyed, while ① hang in your
within a story, or over the long term as a particular office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due
news outlet reports one set of events, but not another. to an overabundance of ② welding smoke from our
To find instances of bias by omission, ④ disregard the crew’s work site. As the Customer Service Department
conservative and liberal perspectives on current issues. at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a
See if both the conservative and liberal perspectives replacement for you, will you please purchase another
are ⑤ included in stories on a particular event or Chinese paper kite and send us the receipt? We will ③
policy. promptly pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has
improved work-site ventilation ④ to prevent similar
unfortunate occurrences. Thank you for your
understanding and your ⑤ continued patronage of
90. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-4] Foster WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark Hamilton
When completing math problems, it is important to Customer Service Department
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
students to produce careless errors. In other words, 93. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the 장 적절한 곳은? [1-E]
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
This will give you time to think things through and find
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
a way to deal with the other person in a healthier
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
fight back, reacting immediately. ( ① ) While this
have negative consequences when taking tests. In
served your ancestors well when they were attacked
short, students should .
by a wild animal, it is less helpful today unless you are
attacked physically. ( ② ) Technology makes it much
① get rid of fear about making mistakes
easier to worsen a situation with a quick response. ( ③
② write out both procedures and answers ) I know I have been guilty of responding too quickly
③ remember not to commit a computation error to people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that
only made things worse. ( ④ ) The more something
④ confirm wrong parts of the answering process
causes your heart to race, the more important
⑤ focus on learning basic mathematical principles

91. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [3-2]

My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
credit. ① I also saw the recommendation letters from
your teachers regarding these extra classes. ② Letting
you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now
you are saying that you want to go to England for two
months. ③ But your father and I have spent too much
money on your tuition. ④ That means you won’t be
around for Christmas this year, which makes me very
sad, but I understand that this is a very good
opportunity for your educational career. ⑤ So, your
father and I have decided to give you permission to go

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it is to step back before speaking or typing a single 96. 다음 글의 어법상 알맞은 것은? [2-1]
word. ( ⑤ ) Beliefs are powerful. They ① direct affect our feelings
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of
the choices we make every day ② is the result of our
beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you
94. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the
적절한 것은? [1-3] belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief ③
A series of studies conducted at the University of that you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that your health and happiness for the rest of the morning.
is, those who are (A) [likely / unlikely] to be If you choose to take earth science ④ instead
mindfully attentive to the here and now and keenly oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
aware of their surroundings. It turns out that such enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
individuals are models of flourishing and (B) it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
[negative / positive] mental health. Relative to the stay ⑤ awaken in class, your grade point average, or
average person, they are more likely to be happy, even your choice of college.
optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with their lives
and less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile,
self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore,
people who are habitually mindful of their current 97. 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. [2-E]
experiences are more likely to experience frequent and It is important ① to recognize your pet’s particular
intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and needs and respect them. If your pet is an athletic,
competent, and to have positive social relationships, high-energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
while those who are not usually mindful report (C) much more manageable indoors if you ② take him or
[more / less] illness and physical symptoms. her outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If
your cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to ③be
① likely - negative - less dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly, you
② likely - positive - more cannot expect macaws ④ be quiet and still all the
time — they are, by nature, loud and emotional
③ unlikely - negative - less
creatures, and it is not their fault ⑤ that your
④ unlikely - positive - less apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain
⑤ unlikely - positive - more forest.

95. 다음 글의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-2]

98. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가
Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about 장 적절한 것은? [3-E]
the college application essay is that it is not their life
As you all know from seeing the pictures on television
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,
and in the newspaper, Central America has (A) [been
students try to give a complete picture of who they
hit / hit] hard by a series of hurricanes. Tens of
are, where they’ve come from, and what they want to
thousands of people are homeless and without basic
do— all in a few hundred words! While any admissions
necessities like food and clothing. I feel (B) [what /
committee would like to have the flexibility and time to
that] we need to do something to help. So, we are
read complete histories of each and every student, the
asking you (C) [donating / to donate] canned
simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students
goods, warm clothes, blankets, and money. Please
must understand that the college essay is the best way
bring all donations to the community center between
for an admissions committee to know something about
10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. Thank
them, but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything
you for helping your fellow human beings in their time
about them.
of desperate need. Sincerely, George Anderson

① 반드시 단어 수 제한을 지켜라.

② 자신에 대한 완벽한 묘사를 제공하라.
③ 자신의 인생 전부가 아니라 단면을 제시하라.
④ 지원 학생을 아는 객관적인 방법이 되어야한다.
⑤ 입학 심사 위원에게 다 읽을 시간적 여유를 주어야 한다.

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① been hit - that - to donate

② hit - what - to donate
101. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2-3]
③ hit - that - donating It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
④ been hit - what - to donate 2050 if more of the crops we grew ① ended up in
human stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s
⑤ been hit - that - donating
crop calories feed people directly; the rest are ② fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
99. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고 아래 질문에 알맞게 답하시오. [3-
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals ③
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior feed given to livestock ④ make their way into the meat
Apartment Complex. (a) We have been asked by some and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
of the residents here to see if we can help improving grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
their ability to get around town independent. The calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to ⑤ more meat-
complex, down a steep hill. Very few of the residents intensive diets could free up substantial amounts of
here feel comfortable walking all the way to (and food across the world.
especially from) the bus stop.(b) 우리는 15번 버스 노선
이 언덕을 따라 단지로 올라오도록 약간 변경될 수 있을지 문
의합니다.We are asking if the route for bus 15 could be
changed slightly to come up the hill to the complex. I 102. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [2-2]
can promise you several very grateful riders each day
in each direction. I look forward to hearing from you The last thing you, as the presenter, need at this
difficult time is anything that is going to get in the way
of you giving your best performance.

1. (a)에서 어법상, 문맥상 어색한 부분을 2군데 수정하여 올

바른 문장으로 쓰시오. Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
going to be a stressful experience. ( ① ) Giving a
2. (b)의 우리말과 조건에 알맞게 보기의 단어를 활용하여 답 presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
을 쓰시오. drama. ( ② ) The presenter is on display to the whole
<조건> 한 단어 추가와 어형 변형 필요 world as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself
to the audience. ( ③ ) You don’t really want any
<보기> slightly / to / the route / could / we / be / distractions right now. ( ④ ) You want to remove from
come / up / bus / the hill / to / 15 / for / the your environment any obstacles or dangers that are
complex / change / asking / if not strictly needed. ( ⑤ ) With this in mind, this is a
list of things which you can safely leave behind on your
desk or in your bag when you are called to the
podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens, keys, and
100. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [1-4]
To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and a half
hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good.

Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best

swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. ( ① ) He didn’t do it because it was great
exercise. ( ② ) He did it because he had a specific goal
to become the best in the world. ( ③ ) And the eight
medals they hung around his neck in Athens, six of
them gold, reflect that commitment. ( ④ ) “I think that
everything is possible as long as you put your mind to
it and you put the work and time into it,” Phelps said. (

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103. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-4] the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages

Evan, Barbara, and Emily, students to produce careless errors. (A) ,

I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the

mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a

are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of computation error. Second, lack of a written-out

minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed procedure does not allow students to identify the origin

to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines of an answer or how an answer to a problem is

of a certain number of minutes each month, no more derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor

than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may

received the bill for May, and we find that each of you have negative consequences when taking tests.

went significantly over that amount. The added cost to (B) , homework and in-class math assignments

the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we should always include both procedures and answers

will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for when answering questions.

your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or ① However - In conclusion

interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
② However - For example
bills, we get to set the rules.
Love, ③ However - Therefore
Dad ④ In other words - For instance
⑤ In other words - In short
① 아버지가 자녀들에게 편지를 쓰고 있는 글이다.
② 가족 요금 할인제에 가입되어 있고 사용할 수 있는 분량의 단일
한 공동 계정을 공유하고 있다. 106. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절
③ 자녀각 자가 한 달에 250분을 넘지 않는 매달 일정한 사용 분 한 곳은? [3-2]
량의 지침을 지켰어야 했다.
But I understand that this is a very good opportunity
④ 자녀들의 휴대전화 요금은 다음달부터 자녀들이 지불해야 한 for your educational career.

⑤ 부모님은 자녀들의 생활을 통제하거나 간섭하려는 의도가 아니 My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
라고 말하고 있다.
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
credit. ( ① ) I also saw the recommendation letters
104. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [1-1] from your teachers regarding these extra classes. ( ②
Reporter’s job is to present a story that has a ① ) Letting you stay in New York to study is hard as it is,
neutral point of view. They should not report biased and now you are saying that you want to go to
stories. As you read, listen to and watch the news, you England for two months. ( ③ ) That means you won’t
may notice stories that you think are biased. One of be around for Christmas this year, which makes me
the forms in which bias ② occurs is leaving one side very sad. ( ④ ) So, your father and I have decided to
out of an article, or a series of articles over a period of give you permission to go to England. We think it’ll be
time; ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or a great opportunity for you. ( ⑤ ) With lots of love,
conservative claims, or that support liberal or Mom
conservative beliefs. Bias by ③ omission can occur
either within a story, or over the long term as a
particular news outlet reports one set of events, but
not another. To find instances of bias by omission, be
aware of the conservative and liberal ④ perspectives
on current issues. See if both the conservative and
liberal perspectives are included in stories on a
particular event or policy. If both perspectives are
included in a story, the story is not ⑤ impartial.

105. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?

When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without

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EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

107. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 It turns out that such individuals are models of
지 않은 것은? [3-3] flourishing and positive mental health. Relative to the
Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear average person, they are more likely to be happy,
about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with their lives
We understand it was ① destroyed, while hanging in and less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile,
your office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were ② self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore,
activated due to an overabundance of welding smoke people who are habitually mindful of their current
from our crew’s work site. As the Customer Service experiences are more likely to experience frequent and
Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is ③ unable to intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and
locate a replacement for you, will you please purchase competent, and to have positive social relationships,
another Chinese paper kite and send us the receipt? while those who are not usually mindful report more
We will ④ promptly pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. illness and physical symptoms.
has improved work-site ventilation to prevent similar ① They are intensely aware of their surroundings and
⑤ fortunate occurrences. Thank you for your present moment experiences.
understanding and your continued patronage of Foster
② They are more likely to experience positive emotions
WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark Hamilton Customer and have a positive outlook on life.
Service Department
③ They have a high level of self-confidence and a sense
of fulfillment in their lives.

④ They enjoy positive and satisfying social bonds with the

people around them.
108. (주관식) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말과 의미가 같도록, [조
건]에 맞게 바르게 배열하시오. [1-E] ⑤ They tend to experience more instances of illness and
physical symptoms than the average perosn.
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild 110. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked 장 적절한 것은? [1-2]
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
the college application essay is that it is not their life
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
students try to give a (A) [partial / whole] picture
worse. 무언가가 당신의 심장을 고동치게 할수록, 말을 하거
of who they are, where they’ve come from, and what
나 한 단어를 타이핑하기 전에 뒤로 물러서는 것이 더 중요하
they want to do— all in a few hundred words! While
다. This will give you time to think things through and
any admissions committee would like to have the
find a way to deal with the other person in a healthier
flexibility and time to (B) [examine / distort]
complete histories of each and every student, the
simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students
must understand that the college essay is the best way
for an admissions committee to (C) [comprehend /
■ 'the 비교급 ~, the 비교급 ---' 구문을 이용할 것
misunderstand] something about them, but it cannot
■ [보기]의 주어진 단어 외에 추가는 할 수 없음
be the vehicle to know everything about them.
■ [보기]의 주어진 단어의 변형은 필요시 동사만 가능함

① partial - examine - comprehend

the / heart / important / speak / single / race, /
② partial - distort - comprehend
more / something / back / word / before / more / it ③ whole - examine - comprehend
/ to / or / to / cause / step / type / is / a / your /
④ whole - distort - misunderstand
⑤ whole - examine - misunderstand

109. 밑줄 친 people high in mindfulness에 관한 내용과

일치하지 않는 것은? [1-3]
A series of studies conducted at the University of
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that
is, those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the
here and now and keenly aware of their surroundings.

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111. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-1] 114. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-1]

Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings Dear General Manager, My wife and I are residents of
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of the Lakeview Senior Apartment Complex. We ① have
the choices we make every day are the result of our been asked by some of the residents here to see ② if
beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you or not we can help improve their ability to get around
choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the town independently. The closest bus stop is ③ half a
belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that mile below the apartment complex, down a steep hill.
you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your Very few of the residents here feel comfortable walking
health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If all the way to (and especially from) the bus stop. We
you choose to take earth science instead of are asking if the route for Bus 16 could be altered
oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll slightly ④ to come up the hill to the complex. I can ⑤
enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that promise you several very grateful riders each day in
it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to each direction. I look forward to hearing from you
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even soon. Sincerely, Ron Miller
your choice of college.

① importance of positive attitude toward lives

115. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [1-4]
② feelings as a motivator of people's behaviors
① Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
③ influence of choices based on beliefs on lives
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
④ decisive factors in selecting a course of science Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
⑤ effects of one's own choice on eagerness to learn to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. ② To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two
and a half hours every day—and double that on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become
112. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하
good. He didn’t do it ③ because it was great exercise.
지 않은 것은? [2-E]
He did it because he had a specific goal to ④ become
It is important to recognize your pet’s ① specific needs
the best in the world. And the eight medals they hung
and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high-
around his neck in Athens, six of them gold,
energy dog, ② for instance, he or she is going to be
⑤reflecting that commitment. “I think that everything
much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you
outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
put the work and time into it,” Phelps said.
cat is shy and ③ confident, he or she won’t want to be
dressed up and displayed in cat shows. ④ Likewise,
you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the
time — they are, ⑤ by nature, loud and emotional
116. (주관식) 다음 글의 밑줄친 (A)-(E) 중 어법상 어색한 것
creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment
을 찾아 제시된 조건에 맞게 바르게 고쳐 밑줄 친 부분 전체를 다
doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest.
시 쓰시오. [2-3]

113. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-E]

Dear citizens, As you all know from seeing the pictures
on television and in the newspaper, a series of
hurricanes ①have been hit hard Central America. Tens
of thousands of people ② are homeless and without
basic necessities like food and clothing. I feel that we
need to do something ③to help. So, we are asking you
④ to donate canned goods, warm clothes, blankets,
and money. Please bring all donations to the
community center between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Saturday, September 10. Thank you for ⑤helping your
fellow human beings in their time of desperate need.
Sincerely, George Anderson

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(A) It would be easier to feed nine billion people by May, and we find that each of you went significantly
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human over that amount. The added cost to the family was
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop nearly $100. If this happens again we will have to limit

calories feed people directly; (B) the rest are fed to your usage or ask that you pay for your own phone.
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and We are not interested in controlling or interfering in
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many your lives, but since we are paying the bills, we get to

of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs (C) from animals set the rules. Love, Dad
raising on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
feed given to livestock (D) make their way into the
(a) 아버지 : 우리 가족이 가족요금할인제에 가입되어 있
meat and milk that we consume. For every 100
고, 각자의 계정을 가지고 있는 거 알지?
calories of grain we feed animals, we get only about 40
(b) 에반 : 네, 그런데, 아빠랑 엄마가 핸드폰 사주실 때 우
new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken,
리 핸드폰 비용 내주시기로 했던 것도 기억하시죠?
10 of pork, or 3 of beef. (E) Shifting to less meat-
(c) 어머니 : 그래. 그러기로 했다만, 너희 세 명 각자가 한
intensive diets could frees up substantial amounts of
달에 250분을 넘지 않는 지침을 지켰어야 했는데.
food across the world.
(d) 에밀리 : 저는 5월 청구서에서 250분 훨씬 넘게 썼어
요. 죄송해요.
(e) 바바라 : 저랑 에반은 사용 분량 250분 넘게 쓰지 않았
1. 해당 구문을 유지하시오.
2. 몇 문장이 틀렸는지는 스스로 판단해서 고치시오.
(f) 아버지 : 어쨌든 5월 청구서 보니까 화가 난다. 총 거의
100달러를 내야 하더구나.

(g) 어머니 : 앞으로 이런 일이 또 있으면 핸드폰 사용을
제한하거나 너네들이 직접 너희들 핸드폰 비용 내거라.

① (a), (b), (f) ② (b), (d), (e), (g)

117. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-2]
③ (a), (e), (f) ④ (c), (d), (e)
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a ⑤ (a), (d), (e), (f)
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to 119. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-1]
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
A reporter’s job is to present . As you read,
need at this difficult time is anything that is going to
listen to and watch the news, you may notice stories
get in the way of you giving your best performance.
that you think are biased. One of the forms in which
You don’t really want any right now. You
bias occurs is leaving one side out of an article, or a
want to remove from your environment any obstacles
series of articles over a period of time; ignoring facts
or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in
that tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or
mind, this is a list of things which you can safely leave
that support liberal or conservative beliefs. Bias by
behind on your desk or in your bag when you are
omission can occur either within a story, or over the
called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
long term as a particular news outlet reports one set of
keys, and coins.
events, but not another. To find instances of bias by
omission, be aware of the conservative and liberal
① distractions ② tolerance
perspectives on current issues. See if both the
③ evaluations ④ competition conservative and liberal perspectives are included in

⑤ nervousness stories on a particular event or policy.

118. 다음 글을 대화문으로 바꾸었을 때, 내용상 일치하지 않는

것을 모두 고른 것은? [3-4]
Evan, Barbara, and Emily, I am sending this letter to
all three of you. Your mother and I agreed to pay for
your cell phones. We are covered by a family plan and
share a single pool of minutes. When we gave you the
cell phone we agreed to pay for it, but you were to
stay within the guidelines of a certain number of
minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
month for each of you. We just received the bill for

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① a hidden story ② a prompt news 122. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하

지 않은 것은? [3-3]
③ a cautionary tale ④ celebrities news
Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is ① sorry to
⑤ a balanced story
hear about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper
kite. We understand it was ② undestroyed, while
hanging in your office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were
120. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-4] activated due to an ③ overabundance of welding
When completing math problems, it is important to smoke from our crew’s work site. As the Customer
for several reasons. First, simply writing the Service Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is ④
answer to a problem without the procedure that unable to locate a replacement for you, will you please
precedes it negatively encourages students to produce purchase another Chinese paper kite and send us the
careless errors. In other words, the written-out receipt? We will promptly pay you back. Foster
procedure supports the answer; if the procedure is not WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site ventilation to
shown, it is much easier to make a computation error. prevent similar ⑤ unfortunate occurrences. Thank you
Second, lack of a written-out procedure does not allow for your understanding and your continued patronage
students to identify the origin of an answer or how an of Foster WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark Hamilton
answer to a problem is derived. Third, lack of Customer Service Department
procedure contributes to poor study habits in note-
taking and sloppiness, which may have negative
consequences when taking tests. In short, homework
and in-class math assignments should always include 123. 다음 글의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
both procedures and answers when answering When you face a severe source of stress, you may
questions. fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
① produce accurate answers animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked

② have good note―taking habits physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
③ foster answer―only completions
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
④ prevent yourself from making calculation errors particular, in a harsh tone that only made things

⑤ involve written-out procedures worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more important it is to step back before speaking
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
things through and find a way to deal with the other
121. 다음 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-2]
person in a healthier manner.
""My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting ① 상대방을 설득할 땐 분명하고 강한 어조를 사용해야 한다.
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
② 스트레스를 유발할 수 있는 일은 피해야 한다.
credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from
your teachers regarding these extra classes."" ③ 감정적 피로를 줄이기 위해서는 육체적인 활동을 해야 한다.
④ 잘못된 행동을 인정하고 교정하려는 태도를 가져야 한다.
(A) That means you won’t be around for Christmas ⑤ 즉각적인 반응하기 전에 생각할 시간을 가져야 한다.
this year, which makes me very sad, but I understand
that this is a very good opportunity for your
educational career.
(B) So, your father and I have decided to give you
permission to go to England. We think it’ll be a great
opportunity for you.
(C) Letting you stay in New York to study is hard as it
is, and now you are saying that you want to go to
England for two months.

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (C) - (A)

③ (B) - (A) - (C) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

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124. (주관식) 다음 글에서 보통사람과 비교하여 마음을 열심히 ⑤ 입학 심사 위원회가 에세이 심사를 할 때 충분한 시간과 융통성
챙기는 사람들의 가능성이 높은 특징 두 가지와, 마음을 챙기지 않 이 필요하다.
는 사람들의 특징 한 가지를 우리말로 적으시오.. [1-3]
A series of studies conducted at the University of
126. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that
한 곳은? [2-1]
is, those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the
here and now and keenly aware of their surroundings. This choice could affect your health and happiness for
It turns out that such individuals are models of the rest of the morning.
flourishing and positive mental health. Relative to the
average person, they are more likely to be happy, Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with their lives and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. ( ① )
and less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile, Most of the choices we make every day are the result
self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore, of our beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. ( ②
people who are habitually mindful of their current ) When you choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem
experiences are more likely to experience frequent and from the belief that a bagel is better for you, or the
intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and belief that you’ll like the taste better. ( ③ ) If you
competent, and to have positive social relationships, choose to take earth science instead of oceanography,
while those who are not usually mindful report more it might stem from the belief that you’ll enjoy the
illness and physical symptoms. subject more, or maybe from the belief that it will be
easier. ( ④ ) This choice could affect your ability to
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
[1] → your choice of college. ( ⑤ )
마음을 열심히 챙기
는 사람들의 →
가능성이 높은 특징
두 가지: 127. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-E]
It is important to . If your pet is
마음을 챙기지 않는 an athletic, high­energy dog, for example, he or she is
→ going to be much more manageable indoors if you take
him or her outside to chase a ball for an hour every
특징 한 가지:
day. If your cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want
to be dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly,
you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the
time―they are, by nature, loud and emotional
125. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-2] creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment
doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest.
Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about
the college application essay is that it is not their life
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,
① hide pet's won special quality.
students try to give a complete picture of who they ② know that a pet needs proper exercises
are, where they’ve come from, and what they want to ③ correct the pet's behaviour through training
do— all in a few hundred words! While any admissions
committee would like to have the flexibility and time to
④ recognize pet’s particular needs and respect them
read complete histories of each and every student, the ⑤ choose the pet that is suitable to oyur environment
simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students
must understand that the college essay is the best way
for an admissions committee to know something about
them, but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything
about them.

① 대학 지원 에세이는 500자 이내로 작성해야 한다.

② 대학 지원 에세이에 인생의 모든 이야기를 담아내야 한다.
③ 대학 지원 에세이가 자신에 대한 전부를 보여줄 수 있는 것은

④ 학생들은 많은 시간과 노력을 들여 대학 지원 에세이를 작성해

야 한다.

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128. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3-1]

131. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 주어진 조건
To Whom It May Concern:
에 맞게 영작하시오. [2-2]
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
the residents here to see if we can help improve their going to be a stressful experience. Giving a
ability to get around town independently. The ① presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
complex, down a steep hill. Very ② few of the as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to
residents here feel ③ uncomfortable walking all the the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
way to (and especially from) the bus stop. We are need at this difficult time is .
asking if the route for bus 15 could be ④ changed You don’t really want any distractions right now. You
slightly to come up the hill to the complex. I can want to remove from your environment any obstacles
promise you several very ⑤ grateful riders each day in or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in
each direction. I look forward to hearing from you mind, this is a list of things which you can safely leave
soon. behind on your desk or in your bag when you are
Sincerely, called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,

Ron Miller keys, and coins.

1. 빈칸에 들어갈 표현을 문맥과 어법에 맞도록 완성할 것.

129. (주관식) 다음 중 어법적으로 틀린 두 개의 문장을 찾아서 2. 주어진 단어들을 모두 사용할 것.

그 번호를 쓰고 틀린 것을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. [1-4] [ be going to / anything / give your best performance /
that / get in the way of / you ]
① Inspiring after competing alongside the world’s best
3. 필요시 어형 변화 가능
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
4. 문장 부호 및 대소문자 구분은 채점 기준에서 제외
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
→ The last thing, as the presenter, you need at this
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
difficult time is .
Athens. ② To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two
and a half hours every day—and double that on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become
good. ③ He didn’t do it because it was great exercise.
132. 다음 글에 드러난 글쓴이의 심경과 어조로 가장 적절한 것
④ He did it because he had a specific goal to become
은? [3-4]
the best in the world. ⑤ And the eight medals they
hung around his neck in Athens, six of them gold, Evan, Barbara, and Emily,

reflecting that commitment. “I think that everything is I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
possible as long as you put your mind to it and you put mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We
the work and time into it,” Phelps said. are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
of a certain number of minutes each month, no more

130. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2-3] than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you
It would be ① far easier to feed nine billion people by
went significantly over that amount. The added cost to
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
calories feed people directly; the rest are ② fed to
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). ③ Despite
bills, we get to set the rules.
many of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from
animals raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the
calories in feed given to livestock make their way into
the meat and milk that we consume. ④ For every 100
calories of grain we feed animals, we get only about 40
new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken,
10 of pork, or 3 of beef. ⑤ Shifting to less meat-
intensive diets could free up substantial amounts of
food across the world.

너른터 - 32 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

① angry and sarcastic you are saying that you want to go to England for two
months. That means you won’t be around for
② resentful and complimentary
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I
③ upset and resolute understand that this is a very good opportunity for
④ confused and imperative your educational career. So, your father and I have
decided to give you permission to go to England. We
⑤ ashamed and apologetic
think it’ll be a great opportunity for you. With lots of
love, Mom

133. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [1-1] ① I received your letter regarding taking classes for extra
credit at Oxford University
A reporter’s job is ① to present a balanced story. As
② I also saw letters from several professors
you read, listen to and watch the news, you may
recommending taking classes abroad.
notice stories that you think are biased. One of the
forms ② where bias occurs is leaving one side out of ③ I'm sorry you won't be with us at Christmas because
you'll be in England.
an article, or a series of articles over a period of time;
ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or ④ I understand that this short course is essential to
conservative claims, or that ③ support liberal or getting a promising job.

conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur ④ ⑤ You are allowed to go to England since it will be a great
either within a story, or over the long term as a chance for you.
particular news outlet reports one set of events, but
not another. To find instances of bias by omission, be
aware of the conservative and liberal perspectives on
136. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하
지 않은 것은? [3-3]
current issues. See if both the conservative and liberal
perspectives ⑤ including in stories on a particular Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear
event or policy. about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite.
We understand it was destroyed, while hanging in your
office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were ①
operated due to an overabundance of welding smoke
134. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 from our crew’s work site. As the Customer Service
지 않은 것은? [2-4] Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to ②
locate a replacement for you, will you please purchase
When completing math problems, it is important to
another Chinese paper kite and send us the ③ receipt?
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
We will promptly pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
has improved work-site ventilation to ④ present similar
the procedure that precedes it negatively ①
unfortunate occurrences. Thank you for your
encourages students to produce careless errors. In
understanding and your continued ⑤ patronage of
other words, the written-out procedure supports the
Foster WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark Hamilton
answer; if the procedure is not shown, students are ②
Customer Service Department
less prone to make a computation error. Second, lack
of a written-out procedure hardly ③ allows students to
identify the origin of an answer or how an answer to a
problem is derived. Third, lack of procedure
contributes to ④ improper study habits in note-taking
and sloppiness, which may have negative
consequences when taking tests. In short, homework
and in-class math assignments should always ⑤
contain both procedures and answers when answering

135. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-2]

My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from
your teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting
you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now

너른터 - 33 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

137. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가 Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about
장 적절한 것은? [1-E] the college application essay is that it is not their life
When you face a severe source of stress, you may story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,
fight back, reacting (A) [instantly / reluctantly]. students try to give a complete picture of who they
While this served your ancestors well when they were are, where they’ve come from, and what they want to
attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today do— all in a few hundred words! While any admissions
unless you are attacked physically. Technology makes committee would like to have the flexibility and time to
it much easier to (B) [relieve / aggravate] a read complete histories of each and every student, the
situation with a quick response. I know I have been simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in must understand that the college essay is the best way
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things for an admissions committee to know something about
worse. The more something causes your heart to race, them, but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything
the more important it is to (C) [express / about them.
suppress] your feelings before speaking or typing a
① The limited functions of a college essay
single word. This will give you time to think things
through and find a way to deal with the other person in ② Strategies for crafting an effective college essay
a healthier manner. ③ The role of the college committee in admission tasks
④ The importance of brevity and focus in a college paper
① instantly - aggravate - suppress
⑤ What admissions committees do for selecting
② reluctantly - aggravate - express applicants
③ reluctantly - aggravate - suppress
④ instantly - relieve - suppress
140. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-1]
⑤ instantly - relieve - express are powerful. They directly affect our
feelings and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives.
Most of the choices we make every day are the result
138. 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. of our beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not.
[1-3] When you choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem
A series of studies conducted at the University of from the belief that a bagel is better for you, or the
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness belief that you’ll like the taste better. This choice could
— (A) , those who are prone to be mindfully affect your health and happiness for the rest of the
attentive to the here and now and keenly aware of morning. If you choose to take earth science instead of
their surroundings. It turns out that such individuals oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
are models of flourishing and positive mental health. enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
Relative to the average person, they are more likely to it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
be happy, optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
their lives and less likely to be depressed, angry, your choice of college.
anxious, hostile, self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic.
(B) , people who are habitually mindful of ① Beliefs ② Distrusts
their current experiences are more likely to experience ③ Experiments ④ Evidences
frequent and intense positive emotions, to feel self-
⑤ Sufferings
sufficient and competent, and to have positive social
relationships, while those who are not usually mindful
report more illness and physical symptoms.

① that is to say - Nevertheless

② instead - Furthermore
③ that is to say - Nevertheless
④ instead - However
⑤ that is to say - Furthermore

139. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-2]

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141. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-E] . “I think that everything is possible as long

It is important to recognize your pet’s as you put your mind to it and you put the work and

and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high- time into it,” Phelps said.

energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be ① dedication ② consolation

much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
③ service ④ negligence
outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be ⑤ mistake
dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly, you
cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the time
— they are, by nature, loud and emotional creatures, 144. 다음 글을 보기와 같이 요약하고자 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 가
and it is not their fault that your apartment doesn’t 장 적절한 것은? [2-3]
absorb sound as well as a rain forest.
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
① bad behaviors ② particular needs stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
③ good habits ④ curiosity calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
⑤ surroundings
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
142. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-1] feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
To Whom It May Concern: and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
the residents here to see if we can help improve their of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
ability to get around town independently. The closest diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
bus stop is half a mile below the apartment complex, the world.
down a steep hill. Very few of the residents here feel
comfortable walking all the way to (and especially
from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for bus In short, eating (A) meat and
15 could be changed slightly to come up the hill to the (B) livestock breeding could be the solution to
complex. I can promise you several very grateful riders the food problem.
each day in each direction. I look forward to hearing
from you soon. ① more - increasing
② less - reducing
Ron Miller
③ slight - raising
① a reason for changing the bus route ④ proper - maintaining
② advantages of using public transportation ⑤ substantial - eliminating
③ importance of the apartment complex location
④ things to be considered when finding a new house
⑤ how to find the closest bus stop using a smartphone

143. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-4]

Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that

너른터 - 35 -
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145. (주관식) 다음 밑줄 친 (A)부분에 해당되는 것을 모두 찾 the conservative and liberal perspectives on current
아 정확히 적으시오. [2-2] issues. See if both the conservative and liberal
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is perspectives are ⑤ included in stories on a particular
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a event or policy.
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to 148. 다음 글을 보기와 같이 요약하고자 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 가
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter, 장 적절한 것은? [2-4]
need at this difficult time is anything that is going to When completing math problems, it is important to
get in the way of you giving your best performance. avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
You don’t really want any distractions right now. You First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
want to remove from your environment any obstacles the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in students to produce careless errors. In other words,
mind, this is (A) a list of things which you can safely the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
leave behind on your desk or in your bag when you are procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens, computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
keys, and coins. procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
have negative consequences when taking tests. In
short, homework and in-class math assignments
should always include both procedures and answers
when answering questions.
146. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-4]
Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your In short, homework and in-class math assignments
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We ① should always include both (A) and
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of (B) when answering questions.
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
of a certain number of minutes each month, ② no ① confidence - process
more than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We ② problem - answer
just received the bill for May, and we find③ that each
③ procedure - standard
of you went significantly over that amount. The added
cost to the family was nearly $100. If this happens ④ solution - procedure
again we will have to limit your usage or ask ④ what ⑤ answer - behavior
you pay for your own phone. We are not ⑤ interested
in controlling or interfering in your lives, but since we
are paying the bills, we get to set the rules.

147. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [1-1]

A reporter’s job is to present a ① balancing story. As
you read, listen to and watch the news, you may
notice stories that you think are biased. One of the
forms in which bias occurs ② is leaving one side out of
an article, or a series of articles over a period of time;
ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or
conservative claims, or that support liberal or
conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur either
within a story, ③ or over the long term as a particular
news outlet reports one set of events, but not another.
To find instances of bias by omission, ④ be aware of

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149. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-2] 151. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가
My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in 장 적절한 곳은? [1-E]

school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting While this served your ancestors well when they were
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today
credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from unless you are attacked physically.
your teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting
you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
you are saying that you want to go to England for two
fight back, reacting immediately. ( ① ) Technology
months. That means you won’t be around for
makes it much easier to worsen a situation with a
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I
quick response. ( ② ) I know I have been guilty of
understand that this is a very good opportunity for
responding too quickly to people, on email in
your educational career. So, your father and I have
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
decided to give you permission to go to England. We
worse. ( ③ ) The more something causes your heart to
think it’ll be a great opportunity for you. With lots of
race, the more important it is to step back before
love, Mom
speaking or typing a single word. ( ④ ) This will give
you time to think things through and find a way to deal
① She already wrote a letter about her studying abroad
with the other person in a healthier manner. ( ⑤ )
for two months.

② Some teachers recommended her to take classes in


③ She has been apart from her parents for studying. 152. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가
④ She will be in London after spending Christmas with 장 적절한 것은? [1-3]
her parents. A series of studies (A) [conducting / conducted] at
⑤ Her parents understood taking classes at Oxford would the University of Rochester focused on people high in
be a great chance for her. mindfulness—that is, those who are prone to be
mindfully attentive to the here and now and keenly
aware of their surroundings. It turns out that such

150. 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 없는 것은? [3-3] individuals are models of flourishing and positive

mental health. Relative to the average person, they
Dear Ms. Duddon,
are more likely to be happy, optimistic, self-confident,
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of
and (B) [satisfied / satisfying] with their lives and
your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it
less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile,
was destroyed, while hanging in your office, when
self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore,
ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an
people who are habitually mindful of their current
overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work
experiences are more likely to experience frequent and
site. As the Customer Service Department at Foster
intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and
WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement for
competent, and (C) [have / to have] positive social
you, will you please purchase another Chinese paper
relationships, while those who are not usually mindful
kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly pay you
report more illness and physical symptoms.
back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site
ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences.
① conducting - satisfying - have
Thank you for your understanding and your continued
patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. ② conducted - satisfying - have
Sincerely, ③ conducting - satisfying - to have
Mark Hamilton
④ conducting - satisfied - have
Customer Service Department
⑤ conducted - satisfied - to have
① How was the Chinese paper kite destroyed?
② Which department does Mark Hamilton work in?
③ Why did Foster WeldRite, Inc. improve the ventilation?
④ What made the ceiling fire sprinklers activate?
⑤ Where can the Ms. Duddon's Chinese paper kite be

너른터 - 37 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

153. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [1-2] nature, loud and emotional creatures, and it is not

Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about their fault that your apartment doesn’t (C) [adopt /

the college application essay is that it is not their life absorb] sound as well as a rain forest.

story in five hundred words or less. ① In my ① manageable - displayed - absorb

experience, students try to give a complete picture of
② reliable - distributed - absorb
who they are, where they’ve come from, and what
they want to do— all in a few hundred words! ② ③ manageable - distributed - absorb
Students should not spend so much time on the essay. ④ manageable - displayed - adopt
③ While any admissions committee would like to have
⑤ reliable - displayed - adopt
the flexibility and time to read complete histories of
each and every student, the simple truth is, there is
not enough time. ④ Students must understand that
157. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [3-1]
the college essay is the best way for an admissions
committee to know something about them. ⑤ But it "We are asking if the route for Bus 16 could be altered
cannot be the vehicle to know everything about them. slightly to come up the hill to the complex."

Dear General Manager,

My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
[154-155] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Apartment Complex. ( ① ) We have been asked by
Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings some of the residents here to see if we can help
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of improve their ability to get around town independently.
the choices we make every day are the result of our ( ② ) The closest bus stop is half a mile below the
beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you apartment complex, down a steep hill. ( ③ ) Very few
choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the of the residents here feel comfortable walking all the
belief that (A) it is better for you, or the belief that way to (and especially from) the bus stop. ( ④ ) I can
you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your promise you several very grateful riders each day in
health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If each direction. ( ⑤ ) It would be appreciated if you
you choose to take earth science instead of would reply at your earliest convenience.
oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
(B) it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability
to stay awake in class, your grade point average, or 158. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-4]
even your choice of college. Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
(A) Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
(B) to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
154. (주관식) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B)의 it이 각각 가리키는 a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
내용을 본문에서 찾아 영어로 쓰시오. [2-1] Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
155. (주관식) 윗글에서 여러분이 도넛보다 베이글을 선택할 때 the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
어떤 신념으로 선택했는지 이유 두가지를 본문에서 찾아 우리말로 neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
쓰시오. [2-1] commitment. “I think that everything

156. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가

장 적절한 것은? [2-E]
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high­-
energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
much more (A) [manageable / reliable] indoors if
you take him or her outside to chase a ball for an hour
every day. If your cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t
want to be dressed up and (B) [distributed /
displayed] in cat shows. Similarly, you cannot expect
macaws to be quiet and still all the time―they are, by

너른터 - 38 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you ④ lists of things which you need during presentation
put the work and time into it,” Phelps said. ⑤ hindrances you have to remove before presentation

① Overcome Psychological Problems

161. 다음 글에 드러난 'I'의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-
② Set up Your Concrete Goal: A Key to Success
③ Control You Mind and Emotion in Any Situation Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
④ Do Not Be Anxious About Tomorrow: Give Thanks I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We
⑤ Put up with All Sorts of Hardship: Obey Your Coach
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
159. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-3] of a certain number of minutes each month, no more
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human received the bill for May, and we find that each of you
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop went significantly over that amount. The added cost to
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in bills, we get to set the rules.
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat Love,
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of Dad
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10 ① ashamed ② solemn
of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
③ confident ④ humiliated
diets could .
⑤ zealous
① help Africans get out of poverty
② cause the risk of malnutrition worldwide
162. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [1-1]
③ be the best way to reduce global warming
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you
④ free up substantial amounts of food across the world. read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice
⑤ encourage healty eating and diet around the world stories that you think are biased. One of the forms in
which bias occurs ① is leaving one side out of an
article, or a series of articles over a period of time;

160. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-2] ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or
conservative claims, or that ② supports liberal or
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur either
going to be a stressful experience. Giving a
within a story, or over the long term as a particular
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
news outlet reports one set of events, but not ③
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
another. To find instances of bias by omission, be
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to
aware of the conservative and liberal perspectives on
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
current issues. See ④ if both the conservative ⑤ and
need at this difficult time is anything that is going to
liberal perspectives are included in stories on a
get in the way of you giving your best performance.
particular event or policy.
You don’t really want any distractions right now. You
want to remove from your environment any obstacles
or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in
mind, this is a list of things which you can safely leave
behind on your desk or in your bag when you are
called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
keys, and coins.

① how to improve your presentation skills

② requirements of becoming the best presenter
③ what you can do to remove stress of presentation

너른터 - 39 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

163. math problems에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않 165. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가
는 것은? [2-4] 장 적절한 것은? [3-3]
When completing math problems, it is important to Dear Ms. Duddon,
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons. Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages was destroyed, while hanging in your office, when
students to produce careless errors. In other words, ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the overabundance of (A) [withering / welding] smoke
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a from our crew’s work site. As the Customer Service
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin a replacement for you, will you please purchase
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is another Chinese paper kite and send us the receipt?
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor We will (B) [promptly / impromptly] pay you back.
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site
have negative consequences when taking tests. In ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences.
short, homework and in-class math assignments Thank you for your understanding and your continued
should always include both procedures and answers (C) [patronage / pilgrimage] of Foster WeldRite,
when answering questions. Inc.
① 답변만 하는 것을 피하는 것이 중요하다. Mark Hamilton
Customer Service Department
② 답만 쓰면 사소한 계산 실수를 하기가 쉽다.
③ 풀이 과정이 없으면 노트 필기 할 공간이 넓어진다. ① withering - promptly - pilgrimage
④ 과정을 쓰지 않으면 답이 도출되는 과정을 확인할 수 없다. ② withering - promptly - patronage
⑤ 수학 과제를 할 때는 항상 과정과 답이 포함하도록 해야 한다.
③ welding - promptly - patronage
④ withering - impromptly - patronage

164. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가 ⑤ welding - impromptly - pilgrimage
장 적절한 것은? [3-2]
My dear Silvia,
I hope you are fine and doing well in school. Yesterday, 166. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [1-E]
I received your letter about wanting to take extra When you face a severe source of stress, you may
classes at Oxford University for (A) [exceptional / fight back, reacting ① immediately. While this served
additional] credit. I also saw the recommendation your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
letters from your teachers regarding these extra animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
classes. (B) [Allowing / Forcing] you to stay in New physically. Technology makes it much ② easier to
York to study is hard as it is, and now you are saying worsen a situation with a quick response. I know I
that you want to go to England for two months. That have been guilty of responding too ③ quickly to
means you won’t be around for Christmas this year, people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only
which makes me very sad, but I understand that this is made things worse. The more something causes your
a very good opportunity for your educational career. heart to race, the more important it is to step back ④
So, your father and I have decided to give you after speaking or typing a single word. This will give
permission to go to England. We think it’ll be a great you time to think things through and find a way to deal
(C) [opportunity / loss] for you. with the other person in a ⑤ healthier manner.
With lots of love,

① additional - Allowing - loss

② additional - Allowing - opportunity
③ exceptional - Forcing - loss
④ additional - Forcing - opportunity
⑤ exceptional - Allowing - loss

너른터 - 40 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

167. (주관식) 다음을 보기와 같이 요약하고자 할 때 빈칸에 들 choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the
어갈 영단어를 주어진 철자로 시작하는 한 단어로 쓰시오. [1-3] belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that
A series of studies conducted at the University of you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If
is, those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the you choose to take earth science instead of
here and now and keenly aware of their surroundings. oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
It turns out that such individuals are models of enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
flourishing and positive mental health. Relative to the it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
average person, they are more likely to be happy, stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with their lives your choice of college.
and less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile, ① The Effects of Choices Made by Our Beliefs
self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore,
② The Best Way to Make a Good Decision
people who are habitually mindful of their current
experiences are more likely to experience frequent and ③ What Is Well-being? : Beliefs and Human Being
intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and ④ Powerful Emotions Made by Choices
competent, and to have positive social relationships,
⑤ Feeling and Behaviors in Our Lives
while those who are not usually mindful report more
illness and physical symptoms.

170. 다음 중 밑줄 친 (A) much와 문맥상 바꿔쓸 수 없는 것

The more (A)m people are of their
은? [2-E]
current experiences, the more likely they are to be
socially (B)p and (C) p It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs

healthier. and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high-

energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
168. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-2] dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly, you
cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the time
Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about
—they are, by nature, loud and emotional creatures,
the college application essay is that it is not their life
and it is not their fault that your apartment doesn’t
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience,
absorb sound as well as a rain forest.
students try to give a complete picture of who they
are, where they’ve come from, and what they want to
do— all in a few hundred words! While any admissions
① Far ② A lot
committee would like to have the flexibility and time to ③ Very ④ Still
read complete histories of each and every student, the
⑤ Even
simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students
must understand that the college essay is the best way
for an admissions committee to know something about
them, but . This means that students have to
171. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로
가장 적절한 것은? [3-1]
focus on their strengths instead of showing their whole
life story when writing the college application essay.

① it cannot be the best way to show career aptitude

② it cannot be the vehicle to know everything about them
③ it cannot help being evaluated by personal bias
④ it has to be the vehicle to assess students' writing skills
⑤ it is impossible to get a good score in a school test

169. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-1]

Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of
the choices we make every day are the result of our
beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you

너른터 - 41 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

Dear General Manager, livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
Apartment Complex. We have (A) [been asked / of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals

asked] by some of the residents here to see if we can raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
help improve their ability to get around town feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
independently. The closest bus stop is half a mile and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of

below the apartment complex, down a steep hill. Very grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
few of the residents here feel (B) [comfortably / calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
comfortable] walking all the way to (and especially of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive

from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for Bus diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
16 could be altered slightly to come up the hill to the the world.
complex. I can promise you several very grateful riders
each day in each direction. I look forward to (C) [조건]
[hearing / hear] from you soon. * 비교급을 사용할 것.
Sincerely, * 각각 2단어로 쓸것

Ron Miller
→ we rely on meat for food,
we can prepare plenty of food for people
① asked - comfortable - hearing
across the word.
② been asked - comfortable - hearing
③ been asked - comfortably - hear
④ been asked - comfortable - hear 174. (주관식) 야래 우리말에 맞도록 주어진 단어들을 배열하시
오. [2-2]
⑤ asked - comfortably - hear

This is a list of things which you can safely leave

behind on your desk or in your bag [ to the podium
172. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-4] / you / called / when / are ]
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
우리말 : 당신이 강단으로 이름이 불릴 때
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He 175. 다음 글의 상황에 나타난 필자의 어조로 가장 적절한 것
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it 은? [3-4]
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We
neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
commitment. “I think that everything is possible as
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
long as you put your mind to it and you put the work
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
and time into it,” Phelps said.
of a certain number of minutes each month, no more
than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just
① 구체적인 목표 수립이 성공의 필수 요건이다.
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you
② 수영선수가 되기 위해서는 올림픽에 참가해야 한다. went significantly over that amount. The added cost to
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
③ 15살까지 재능이 발견되지 않으면 발전가능성이 없다.
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
④ 자신의 감정에 충실할수록 다른 사람의 감정에 소홀해진다.
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
⑤ 주위의 다른 사람들의 도움이 있으면 모든 것이 가능하다. interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
bills, we get to set the rules.

173. (주관식) 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 할때

밑줄에 들어갈 말을 알맞게 작성하시오. [2-3]
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to

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① strict and serious ⑤ How to Improve Your Study Habits through Math
② pleasant and grateful
③ confused and embarrassed
178. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
④ respectful and relieved [3-2]
⑤ suspicious and ambiguous
My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
176. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [1-1] credit.
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice (A) So, your father and I have decided to give you
stories that you think are biased. ① One of the forms permission to go to England. We think it’ll be a great
in which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an opportunity for you. With lots of love, Mom
article, or a series of articles over a period of time. ② (B) I also saw the recommendation letters from your
That is, it is to ignore facts that tend to disprove liberal teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting you
or conservative claims, or that support liberal or stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now you
conservative beliefs. ③ Bias by omission can occur are saying that you want to go to England for two
either within a story, or over the long term as a months.
particular news outlet reports one set of events, but (C) That means you won’t be around for Christmas
not another. ④ Although reporters have their own this year, which makes me very sad, but I understand
political stances, they try to exclude their own and that this is a very good opportunity for your
maintain a balanced view to prevent themselves from educational career.
omitting one side of the issues. ⑤ Therefore, To find
instances of bias by omission, be aware of the
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
conservative and liberal perspectives on current issues.
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
See if both the conservative and liberal perspectives
are included in stories on a particular event or policy. ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

179. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하

177. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-4] 지 않은 것은? [3-3]
When completing math problems, it is important to Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons. about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without We understand it was ① destroyed, while hanging in
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages your office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated
students to produce careless errors. In other words, due to an ② overabundance of welding smoke from
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the our crew’s work site. As the Customer Service
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is ③ capable of
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out locating a replacement for you, will you please ④ pay
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin for another Chinese paper kite and send us the
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is receipt? We will promptly pay you back. Foster
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site ventilation to
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may prevent similar ⑤ unfortunate occurrences. Thank you
have negative consequences when taking tests. In for your understanding and your continued patronage
short, homework and in-class math assignments of Foster WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark Hamilton
should always include both procedures and answers Customer Service Department
when answering questions.

① How to Get a Good Grade in Math in a Month

② The Necessity of Writing Procedures When Solving Math

③ Why Do Students Thing Math Is Difficult?

④ The Most Frequent Mistakes When Doing Your

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EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

180. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가 Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
장 적절한 것은? [1-E] and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of
When you face a severe source of stress, you may the choices we make every day are the result of our
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served beliefs, whether we’re aware of it or not. ① When you
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the
animal, it is (A) [less / more] helpful today unless belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that
you are attacked physically. Technology makes it much you’ll like the taste better. ② This choice could affect
easier to worsen a situation with a (B) [slow / your health and happiness for the rest of the morning.
quick] response. I know I have been guilty of ③ If you choose to take earth science lecture instead
responding too quickly to people, on email in of oceanography, it might derive from the belief that
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things (C) you’ll enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief
[worse / better]. The more something causes your that it will be easier. ④ This choice could affect your
heart to race, the more important it is to step back ability to stay alert in class, your grade point average,
before speaking or typing a single word. This will give or even your choice of college. ⑤ Testing what you
you time to think things through and find a way to deal believe can only be accomplished in relation to
with the other person in a healthier manner. another, preferably another with whom you have a
trusting relationship.
① more - slow - worse
② more - quick - better
183. 다음 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-E]
③ more - quick - worse
"It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
④ less - slow - better
and respect them."
⑤ less - quick - worse

(A) If your cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want

181. 다음 글을 보기와 같이 요약하고자 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 가 to be dressed up and displayed in cat shows.
장 적절한 것은? [1-2]
(B) If your pet is an athletic, high-energy dog, for
Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about example, he or she is going to be much more
the college application essay is that it is not their life manageable indoors if you take him or her outside to
story in five hundred words or less. In my experience, chase a ball for an hour every day.
students try to give a complete picture of who they (C) Similarly, you cannot expect macaws to be quiet
are, where they’ve come from, and what they want to and still all the time — they are, by nature, loud and
do— all in a few hundred words! While any admissions emotional creatures, and it is not their fault that your
committee would like to have the flexibility and time to apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain
read complete histories of each and every student, the forest.
simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students
must understand that the college essay is the best way ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (C) - (A)
for an admissions committee to know something about
③ (B) - (A) - (C) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
them, but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything
about them. ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
In order to get an admission committee
(A) your college application essay, try to
(B) telling your entire life. Rather, show
something that describes you best.

① engaged in - consider
② interested in - avoid
③ annoyed at - mind
④ curious about - enjoy
⑤ embarrassed at - keep

182. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [지문변형] [2-1]

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184. 다음 글에서 제시되지 않는 내용은? [3-1] It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
Dear General Manager, My wife and I are residents of 2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
the Lakeview Senior Apartment Complex. We have stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
been asked by some of the residents here to see if we calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
can help improve their ability to get around town livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
independently. The closest bus stop is half a mile industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
below the apartment complex, down a steep hill. Very of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
few of the residents here feel comfortable walking all raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
the way to (and especially from) the bus stop. We are feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
asking if the route for Bus 16 could be altered slightly and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
to come up the hill to the complex. I can promise you grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
several very grateful riders each day in each direction. calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Ron of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
Miller diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
the world.
① What type of residential facility is it?
① Why Eat Less Meat
② Current occupation of the inquirer
② Necessity of Consuming Meat
③ Approximate distance from the apartment complex to
③ Useful Advice for Balanced Diet
the stop
④ Vegetarianism for the Environment
④ What makes it inconvenient for residents to get around
town? ⑤ Modern Men; History of Eating Meat
⑤ What is the suggested solution to improve the current
187. (주관식) 다음 각 밑줄친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오
Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
185. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가
장 적절한 것은? [1-4] going to be a ① stress experience. Giving a
presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
as he or she bares all ② reveal himself or herself to
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
to be the best all-around swimmer four years (A)
need at this difficult time ③ be anything that is going
[latter/later] in Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay
to get in the way of you ④ give your best performance.
in the pool two and a half hours every day—and double
You don’t really want any distractions right now. You
that on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to
want to remove from your environment any obstacles
become good. He didn’t do it because it was great
or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this in
exercise. He did it because he had a (B)
mind, this is a list of things which you can safely leave
[common/specific] goal to become the best in the
behind on your desk or in your bag when you ⑤ are
world. And the eight medals they hung around his neck
calling to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
in Athens, six of them gold, (C) [reflect/respect]
keys, and coins.
that commitment. “I think that everything is possible
as long as you put your mind to it and you put the
work and time into it,” Phelps said.

188. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-4]

① latter - specific - reflect

② later - specific - respect
③ latter - common - respect
④ later - specific - reflect
⑤ later - common - reflect

186. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-3]

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I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of students to produce careless errors. In other words,

minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
of a certain number of minutes each month, no more computation error. Second, lack of a written-out

than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
went significantly over that amount. The added cost to derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor

the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for have negative consequences when taking tests. In
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or short, homework and in-class math assignments

interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the .

bills, we get to set the rules. Love, Dad ① should be suitable for the students' levels
② are given to students to make them practice more
① 세 자녀들의 휴대전화 요금은 부모님이 지불하고 있다.
③ should always include both procedures and answers
② 가족들은 사용 시간에 대해 하나의 공동 계정을 공유한다. when answering questions
③ 자녀들 휴대전화 사용 시간은 합하여 250분을 넘어서는 안된 ④ are important in improving students' ability in math
⑤ can be always hard for students to solve themselves
④ 5월 사용량에 대해 지불해야 할 추가 요금은 100달러에 이른

⑤ 사용 지침을 다시 어길시 휴대폰 사용에 제약을 받을 수도 있 191. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절
다. 한 곳은? [3-2]

Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting to take

extra classes at Oxford University for additional credit.
189. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로
가장 적절한 것은? [1-1]
My dear Silvia,
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you
I hope you are fine and doing well in school. ( ① ) I
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice
also saw the recommendation letters from your
stories (A) [what / that] you think are biased. One
teachers regarding these extra classes. ( ② ) Letting
of the forms in which bias occurs is leaving one side
you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now
out of an article, or a series of articles over a period of
you are saying that you want to go to England for two
time; ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or
months. ( ③ ) That means you won’t be around for
conservative claims, or that support liberal or
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I
conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur either
understand that this is a very good opportunity for
within a story, or over the long term as a particular
your educational career. ( ④ ) So, your father and I
news outlet reports one set of events, but not another.
have decided to give you permission to go to England.
To find instances of bias by omission, (B) [be /
( ⑤ ) We think it’ll be a great opportunity for you. With
being] aware of the conservative and liberal
lots of love, Mom
perspectives on current issues. See if both the
conservative and liberal perspectives are (C)
[including / included] in stories on a particular
event or policy.

① what - be - including
② what - be - included
③ what - being - included
④ that - being - including
⑤ that - be - included

190. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-4]

When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.

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192. 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? = A series of studies carried out at the University of
[3-3] Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness.
Ms. Duddon, I am Mark Hamilton in the Customer ④Relative to the average person, they are more likely
Service Department of Foster WeldRite,Inc. We are to be happy.
sorry to hear about your seven-foot Chinese paper = In comparison with the average person, they are
kite. We understand you were hanging ① it in your more likely to be happy.
office when our crew worked. However, ② it was ⑤ His choice could affect your ability to stay awake in
destroyed when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated class.
due to an overabundance of welding smoke from our = His choice could have an influence on your ability to
crew’s work site. We sincerely apologize to you for stay awake in class.
losing ③ it. We want to pay for your loss, but we are
unable to locate a replacement of ④ it. So, will you
please purchase another Chinese paper kite and send 195. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2-E]
us the receipt of buying ⑤ it? We will promptly pay you It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high-
ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences. energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
Thank you for your understanding and your continued much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
dressed up and displayed in cat shows. Similarly, you
cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still all the time
193. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E] —they are, by nature, loud and emotional creatures,
When you face a severe source of stress, you may and it is not their fault that your apartment doesn’t
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served absorb sound as well as a rain forest.
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked ① 애완동물의 특별한 필요를 알고 이를 존중하는 것이 중요하다.
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
② 애완동물이 에너지가 넘치면 매일 밖으로 데리고 나가는게 좋
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been 다.
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
③ 고양이는 의상을 차려 입히고 품평회에 내보내도록 한다.
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race, ④ 마코 앵무새는 천성적으로 시끄럽고 감정적인 동물이다.
the more important it is to step back before speaking ⑤ 마코 앵무새의 소리를 아파트보다는 열대우림이 잘 흡수한다.
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
things through and find a way to deal with the other
person in a healthier manner.

① side effects of social media technology

② the origin of human's violent behavior
③ the relationship between stress levels and heart beats
④ the significance of taking time to respond to extreme

⑤ difficulties dealing with emotional stress

194. 다음 중 그 의미가 다른 하나는? [2-1]

① It might stem from the belief that a bagel is better
for you.
= It might lead to the belief that a bagel is better for
② They are prone to be attractive to the here and now.
= They are apt to pay close attention to the here and
③ A series of studies conducted at the University of
Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness.

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196. (주관식) 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 문장이 되도록 of grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
빈칸에 들어갈 영어를 본문에서 찾아 3단어로 어법에 맞게 쓰시 calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
오. [3-1] of pork, or 3 of beef. ⑤ Shifting to less meat-intensive
To Whom It May Concern: diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior the world.
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of
the residents here to see if we can help improve their
ability to get around town independently. The closest 199. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [2-2]
bus stop is half a mile below the apartment complex, Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is
down a steep hill. Very few of the residents here feel going to be a stressful experience. Giving a
comfortable walking all the way to (and especially presentation is a performance. A show. An act. A
from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for bus drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
15 could be changed slightly to come up the hill to the as he or she bares all to reveal ① himself or herself to
complex. I can promise you several very grateful riders the audience. The last thing you, as the presenter,
each day in each direction. I look forward to hearing need at this difficult time ② is anything that is going to
from you soon. get in the way of you ③ giving your best performance.
Sincerely, You don’t really want any distractions right now. You
Ron Miller want to remove from your environment any obstacles
or dangers ④ that are not strictly needed. With this in
[목적] mind, this is a list of things which you can safely leave
Requesting a change behind on your desk or in your bag when you ⑤ are
calling to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
keys, and coins.

197. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-4]

Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney 200. (주관식) 다음 글의 내용을 [보기]와 같이 정리할 때, 빈
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest 칸 (A)~(C)에 알맞은 말을 글에서 찾아 각각 한 단어로 쓰시오.
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in [3-4]
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
. “I think that everything is possible as long
as you put your mind to it and you put the work and
time into it,” Phelps said.

① pride ② encouragement
③ specialty ④ commitment
⑤ instruction

198. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2-3]

It would be ① even easier to feed nine billion people
by 2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in
human stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s
crop calories feed people directly; the rest ② is fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals ③
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
and milk ④ which we consume. For every 100 calories

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Evan, Barbara, and Emily, I am sending this letter to study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
all three of you. Your mother and I agreed to pay for have negative consequences when taking tests. In
your cell phones. We are covered by a family plan and short, homework and in-class math assignments

share a single pool of minutes. When we gave you the should always .
cell phone we agreed to pay for it, but you were to ① be enjoyed by all levels of students
stay within the guidelines of a certain number of
② include both procedures and answers when answering
minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
month for each of you. We just received the bill for
May, and we find that each of you went significantly ③ be authentic and meaningful to all students
over that amount. The added cost to the family was ④ be cooperated with others for mutual satisfaction
nearly $100. If this happens again we will have to limit
⑤ be close correlation between the teacher and students
your usage or ask that you pay for your own phone.
We are not interested in controlling or interfering in
your lives, but since we are paying the bills, we get to 203. (주관식) 아래 문장의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ중 어법상 어색한 두
set the rules. Love, Dad 곳을 찾아 기호를 쓰고 올바르게 고쳐 쓰시오. [3-2]
My dear Silvia,
I hope you are fine and doing well in school. Yesterday,
Mr. Duddon's seven-foot Chinese paper kite was
I received your letter about wanting ① to take extra
broken because of the (A) of the fire
classes at Oxford University for additional credit. I also
sprinklers. The department asks Mr. Duddon to send
saw the recommendation letters from your teachers
the (B) to the company. Also, the
② regarding these extra classes. Letting you stay in
company has enhanced the (C) system
New York to study ③ are hard as it is, and now you are
to avoid similar accidents.
saying that you want to go to England for two months.
That means you won’t be around for Christmas this
year, ④ what makes me very sad, but I understand
that this is a very good opportunity for your
201. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [1-1] educational career. So, your father and I have decided
A reporter’s job is to present a ① unprejudiced story. ⑤ to allow you to go to England. We think it’ll be a
As you read, listen to and watch the news, you may great opportunity for you.
notice stories that you think are biased. One of the With lots of love,
forms in which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an Mom
article, or a series of articles over a period of time; ②
monitoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or
conservative claims, or that support liberal or 기호 틀린 곳 바른표현
conservative beliefs. Bias by ③ exclusion can occur
either within a story, or over the long term as a
particular news outlet reports one set of events, but
not another. To find instances of bias by omission, ④
notice the conservative and liberal perspectives on
current issues. See if both the conservative and liberal
perspectives are ⑤ covered in stories on a particular
event or policy.

202. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-4]

When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
students to produce careless errors. In other words,
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor

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204. 다음 글의 내용을 읽고 유추할 수 없는 것은? [3-3]

Beliefs are powerful.
Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear
about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite.
(A) When you choose a bagel over a donut, it might
We understand it was destroyed, while hanging in your
stem from the belief that a bagel is better for you, or
office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due
the belief that you’ll like the taste better. This choice
to an overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s
could affect your health and happiness for the rest of
work site. As the Customer Service Department at
the morning.
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement
(B) If you choose to take earth science instead of
for you, will you please purchase another Chinese
oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
paper kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly
enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved
it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
work-site ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
occurrences. Thank you for your understanding and
your choice of college.
your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
(C) They directly affect our feelings and behaviors, and
Sincerely, Mark Hamilton Customer Service
so, the course of our lives. Most of the choices we
make every day are the result of our beliefs, whether
we’re conscious of it or not.
① Ms. Duddon lost her Chinese kite from getting wet.
① (C) - (A) - (B) ② (C) - (B) - (A)
② The ruined kite was supposed to be displayed in a
showcase in her office. ③ (A) - (B) - (C) ④ (B) - (C) - (A)
③ Ms. Duddon has to show evidential document after ⑤ (B) - (A) - (C)
buying a new kite in person.

④ Upon confirming the receipt, Foster WeldRite will cover

her purchase.
207. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고 주어진 제시어를 반드시 사용하
⑤ Foster WeldRite has completed a renovation to prevent 여 요약문을 완성하시오 [2-E]
similar occurrences.
When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
205. 다음 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E] the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
students to produce careless errors. In other words,
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
(A) This will give you time to think things through and
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
find a way to deal with the other person in a healthier
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
(B) While this served your ancestors well when they
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
were attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today
have negative consequences when taking tests. In
unless you are attacked physically. Technology makes
short, homework and in-class math assignments
it much easier to worsen a situation with a quick
should always include both procedures and answers
when answering questions.
(C) I know I have been guilty of responding too
quickly to people, on email in particular, in a harsh [제시어] : both A and B, should, include, when
tone that only made things worse. The more 수학과제는 질문에 답을 할 때 항상 절차와 답을 모두 포함
something causes your heart to race, the more 해야 한다.
important it is to step back before speaking or typing a Math assignments
single word.

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

206. 다음 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-1]

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208. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3- 211. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [1-4]
To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and a half
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good.
the residents here to see if we can help improve their
ability to get around town independently. The closest
bus stop is half a mile below the apartment complex,
down a steep hill. Very few of the residents here feel 212. (주관식) 다음 밑줄 친 단어 ⓐ~ⓓ에서 어법상 틀린 두 곳
comfortable walking all the way to (and especially 을 찾고 아래 예시와 같이 기호를 쓰고 알맞게 고쳐 쓰시오. [2-
from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for Bus 3]
16 could be altered slightly to come up the hill to the
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
complex. I can promise you several very grateful riders 2050 if more of the crops we grew ⓐ ending up in
each day in each direction. I look forward to hearing human stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s
from you soon.
crop calories feed people directly; the rest ⓑare fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
① 버스 정류소를 오가는 길을 평지로 바꿔야 한다. industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
② 버스 기사에 대해 감사하는 마음을 표현해야 한다. of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
ⓒ raising on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
③ 단지의 아이들을 위해 버스 정류소를 증설해야 한다.
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
④ 버스 노선을 아파트 단지까지 오도록 변경해야 한다. and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
⑤ 안전을 이해 버스 정류소를 아파트 밖으로 배치해야 한다. grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
of pork, or 3 of beef. ⓓShifting to less meat-intensive
diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
[209-211] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
the world.
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest Example: ⓔ to be → being
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. ( ① ) He didn’t do it because it was great
exercise. ( ② )He did it because he had a specific goal
to become the best in the world. ( ③ )And the eight Answer: (1) → ___
medals they hung around his neck in Athens, six of
them gold, reflect that commitment. ( ④ )“I think that (2) → _ ___
everything is possible as long as you put your mind to
it and you put the work and time into it,” Phelps said.

209. 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-4] 213. 1. Evan, Barbara, Emily 가족의 휴대폰 사용에 대한
다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3-4]
① 구체적인 목표에 헌신하라
② 열정을 가져야한다
③ 결과보다 과정이 중요하다
④ 규칙적인 운동이 무엇보다 중요하다
⑤ 운동의 계획은 변화가 있어야 한다

210. 윗글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-4]

① Slow and steady wins the race.
② Two heads are better than one
③ Too mant cooks spoil the broth.
④ Practice makes perfect.
⑤ Step by step one goes far.

너른터 - 51 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

Evan, Barbara, and Emily, of an answer or how an answer to a problem is

I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may

are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of have negative consequences when taking tests. In
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed short, homework and in-class math assignments
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines should always include both ㅤㅤ(A)ㅤㅤ and ㅤㅤ(B)ㅤㅤ

of a certain number of minutes each month, no more when answering questions.

than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just ① causes - effects
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you
② questions - answers
went significantly over that amount. The added cost to
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we ③ completion - assignment
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for ④ computation - consequence
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
⑤ procedures - answers
interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
bills, we get to set the rules.
216. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하
지 않은 것은? [3-2]
My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
① 가족 요금제에 가입되어 있다.
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
② 각자가 휴대폰 사용료를 지불하고 있다. to take ① supplementary classes at Oxford University
③ 각자의 두 달 사용분량은 250분이어야 한다. for additional credit. I also saw the ② recommendation
letters from your teachers regarding these extra
④ 5월에 추가된 요금이 100달러를 훨씬 넘었다.
classes. Letting you stay in New York to study is ③
⑤ 부모는 자녀들의 휴대폰 사용량에 항상 간섭한다. hard as it is, and now you are saying that you want to
go to England for two months. That means you won’t
be around for Christmas this year, which makes me
214. 다음 글의 어법상 올바른 것을 모두 고르시오. [1-1] very sad, but I understand that this is a very good
opportunity for your educational career. So, your father
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you
and I have decided to give you ④ rejection to go to
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice
England. We think it’ll be a great ⑤ opportunity for
stories that you think ① is biased. One of the forms ②
you. With lots of love, Mom
which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an article,
or a series of articles over a period of time; ignoring
facts that tend to disprove liberal or conservative
claims, or that ③ support liberal or conservative
beliefs. Bias by omission can occur either within a
217. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-3]
story, or over the long term as a particular news outlet
④ report one set of events, but not another. To find
instances of bias by omission, be aware of the
conservative and liberal perspectives on current issues.
See if both the conservative and liberal perspectives
are ⑤ included in stories on a particular event or

215. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?

When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
students to produce careless errors. In other words,
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin

너른터 - 52 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

① Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss

of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. ② We
understand it was destroyed, while hanged in your
office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activating due
to an overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s 219. (주관식) 위 밑줄 친 This choice 부분이 의미하는 것을
work site. ③ As the Customer Service Department at 찾아 우리말로 정확히 적으시오. [2-1]
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement
for you, will you please purchase another Chinese
paper kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly 220. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로
pay you back. ④ Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved 가장 적절한 것은? [2-1]
work-site ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate ① are - that - instead
occurrences. ⑤ Thank you for your understanding and
② are - that - instead of
your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
③ is - what - instead
④ are - what - instead of
⑤ is - that - instead of

218. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E]

When you face a severe source of stress, you may
221. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
한 곳은? [2-E]
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked Similarly, you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen still all the time.
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things and respect them. ( ① ) If your pet is an athletic, high­-
worse. The more something causes your heart to race, energy dog, for example, he or she is going to be
the more important it is before speaking or much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
typing a single word. This will give you time to think outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. ( ② ) If
things through and find a way to deal with the other your cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
person in a healthier manner. dressed up and displayed in cat shows. ( ③ ) They are,
by nature, loud and emotional creatures. ( ④ ) And it
① to worsen a situation is not their fault that your apartment doesn’t absorb

② to move backwards sound as well as a rain forest. ( ⑤ )

③ to give up your dream

④ to show a quick reaction
⑤ to execute a physical attack

[219-220] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of
the choices we make every day (A) [is / are] the
result of our beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or
not. When you choose a bagel over a donut, it might
stem from the belief (B) [what / that] a bagel is
better for you, or the belief that you’ll like the taste
better. This choice could affect your health and
happiness for the rest of the morning. If you choose to
take earth science (C) [instead of / instead]
oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
your choice of college.

너른터 - 53 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

222. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [3-1] calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
I can promise you several very grateful riders each day
diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
in each direction.
the world.

My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior ① 세계 식량의 55%가 직접 동물에게 먹여진다.
Apartment Complex. ( ① ) We have been asked by ② 대략 농작물 열량의 36%가 바이오 연료와 공산품으로 바뀐다.
some of the residents here to see if we can help
③ 사료 열량의 일부만이 우리가 먹는 고기와 우유 속으로 들어간
improve their ability to get around town independently. 다.
( ② ) The closest bus stop is half a mile below the
④ 100칼로리의 곡물 당 소고기에서 10칼로리를 얻는다.
apartment complex, down a steep hill. ( ③ ) Very few
of the residents here feel comfortable walking all the ⑤ 육류 위주의 식사는 상당량의 식량을 이용하게 해 줄 것이다.
way to (and especially from) the bus stop. ( ④ ) We
are asking if the route for bus 15 could be changed
slightly to come up the hill to the complex. ( ⑤ ) I look
225. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-4]
forward to hearing from you soon. Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
223. 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 있는 사실 중 틀린 것은? [1-4] minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
of a certain number of minutes each month, no more
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
went significantly over that amount. The added cost to
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
bills, we get to set the rules.
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
commitment. “I think that everything is possible as
long as you put your mind to it and you put the work
and time into it,” Phelps said. ① 지급된 휴대전화를 반납할 것을 통보하기 위해
② 약속했던 휴대전화 사용량을 지킬 것을 경고하기 위해
① He won the first prize six times in Athens. ③ 가족들 간에 안부 전화를 자주 할 것을 부탁하기 위해
② He had his ambition of winning Olympic medals. ④ 휴대전화 요금을 본인 스스로 지불할 것을 지시하기 위해
③ He used to stay in the pool five hours on Wednesday. ⑤ 새로운 가족 요금 할인제에 가입한 사실을 알려주기 위해
④ He was eighteen years old when Olympics were held in

⑤ He thought everything is possible if you commit

yourself to it.

224. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [2-3]

It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new

너른터 - 54 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

226. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? and now you are saying that you want to go to
[1-1] England for two months. That means you won’t be
around for Christmas this year, which makes me very
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you
sad, but I understand that this is a very good
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice
opportunity for your educational career. So, your father
stories that you think are biased.
and I have decided to give you permission to go to
England. We think it’ll be a great opportunity for you.
(A)To find instances of bias by omission, be aware of With lots of love, Mom
the conservative and liberal perspectives on current
issues. See if both the conservative and liberal
228. (주관식) What did Silvia's mom write this letter
perspectives are included in stories on a particular
to her daughter for? Express mom's decision in one
event or policy.
word of the above passage. [3-2]
(B)Bias by omission can occur either within a story, or
over the long term as a particular news outlet reports
one set of events, but not another. 229. (주관식) 윗글의 빈칸에 다섯 단어를 사용하여 '현 상황으
(C)One of the forms in which bias occurs is leaving one 로는 힘들다'라는 내용으로 자연스럽게 이어질 수 있도록 어법에
side out of an article, or a series of articles over a 맞게 영작하시오. [3-2]
period of time; ignoring facts that tend to disprove
liberal or conservative claims, or that support liberal or
conservative beliefs. 230. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3-3]
Dear Ms. Duddon,
① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the ① loss
③ (B)-(A)-(C) ④ (B)-(C)-(A) of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand
it was ② spared, while hanging in your office, when
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
ceiling fire sprinklers were ③ activated due to an
overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work
site. As the Customer Service Department at Foster
227. (주관식) 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바를 20자 이내의 WeldRite, Inc. is ④ unable to locate a replacement for
우리말로 적으시오. [2-4]
you, will you please purchase another Chinese paper
When completing math problems, it is important to kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly pay you
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons. back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without ventilation to ⑤ prevent similar unfortunate
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages occurrences. Thank you for your understanding and
students to produce careless errors. In other words, your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the Sincerely,
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a Mark Hamilton
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out Customer Service Department
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
have negative consequences when taking tests. In
short, homework and in-class math assignments
should always include both procedures and answers
when answering questions.

Answer :

[228-229] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from
your teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting
you stay in New York to study ,

너른터 - 55 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

231. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain
지 않은 것은? [1-E] forest.
When you face a severe source of stress, you may ① that is - For example
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
② however - In other words
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less ① effective today unless you are ③ nevertheless - As a result
attacked physically. Technology makes ④ therefore - However
it ② more difficult to worsen a situation with a quick
⑤ for instance - Similarly
response. I know I have felt ③ uncomfortable of
responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
234. 다음 중 글의 목적이 가장 잘 나타나 있는 문장은? [3-1]
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
To Whom It May Concern:
the more ④ beneficial it is to step back before
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
speaking or typing a single word. This will give you
Apartment Complex. ① We have been asked by some
time to think things through and find a way to deal
of the residents here to see if we can help improve
with the other person in a ⑤ advantageous manner.
their ability to get around town independently. ② The
closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment
complex, down a steep hill. ③ Very few of the
residents here feel comfortable walking all the way to
232. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-1]
(and especially from) the bus stop. ④ We are asking if
Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
the route for bus 15 could be changed slightly to come
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of
up the hill to the complex. ⑤ I can promise you several
the choices we make every day are the result of our
very grateful riders each day in each direction. I look
beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you
forward to hearing from you soon.
choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the
belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that
Ron Miller
you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your
health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If
you choose to take earth science instead of
oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
235. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1-4]
enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that
Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best
it will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney
stay awake in class, your grade point average, or even
Olympics, American Michael Phelps set out in earnest
your choice of college.
to be the best all-around swimmer four years later in
Athens. To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and
① The Last Choice of Your Life
a half hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
② Life: The Sum of Intelligence and Sensibility Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good. He
③ The Difference of Personal and Social Choices didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it
because he had a specific goal to become the best in
④ Feeling and Belief: Which Is More Important?
the world. And the eight medals they hung around his
⑤ What We Believe: The Strongest Determinant of Our neck in Athens, six of them gold, reflect that
commitment. “I think that everything

233. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것

은? [2-E]
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
and respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high-
energy dog, (A) , he or she is going to be
much more manageable indoors if you take him or her
outside to chase a ball for an hour every day. If your
cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to be
dressed up and displayed in cat shows.
(B) , you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and
still all the time—they are, by nature, loud and
emotional creatures, and it is not their fault that your

너른터 - 56 -
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is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you bills, we get to set the rules.
put the work and time into it,” Phelps said. Love,

① Michael Phelps는 아테네 올림픽에서 최고가 되기를 원했다

② 매일 두 시간 반 동안 연습했다
238. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [1-1]
③ Michael Phelps는 구체적인 목표가 있어서 열심히 연습했다
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you
④ 6개의 금메달을 아테네에서 땄다. read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice
⑤ 이글의 적절한 교훈은 "Practice makes perfect."이다. stories that you think are biased. ① The reporter's
responsibility begins with projecting his belief into the
article activity. ② One of the forms in which bias
occurs is leaving one side out of an article, or a series
236. (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로
of articles over a period of time; ignoring facts that
가장 적절한 것은? [2-3]
tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
support liberal or conservative beliefs. ③ Bias by
2050 (A) [if / whether] more of the crops we grew
omission can occur either within a story, or over the
ended up in human stomachs. Today, only 55 percent
long term as a particular news outlet reports one set of
of the world’s crop calories feed people directly; the
events, but not another. ④ To find instances of bias by
rest are fed to livestock (about 36 percent) or turned
omission, be aware of the conservative and liberal
into biofuels and industrial products (roughly 9
perspectives on current issues. ⑤ See if both the
percent). (B) [Though / Since] many of us consume
conservative and liberal perspectives are included in
meat, dairy, and eggs from animals raised on feedlots,
stories on a particular event or policy.
only a fraction of the calories in feed given to livestock
make their way into the meat and milk that we
consume. For every 100 calories of grain we feed
animals, we get only about 40 new calories of milk, 22
239. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2-4]
calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10 of pork, or 3 of
beef. Shifting to (C) [less / more] meat-intensive
diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
the world.

① whether - Though - more

② if - Since - more
③ whether - Since - less
④ if - Though - less
⑤ whether - Though - less

237. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [3-4]

Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. ① We
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
minutes. ② When we gave you the cell phone we
agreed to pay for it, but you were to stay within the
guidelines of a certain number of minutes each month,
no more than 250 minutes per month for each of you.
③ Extra cellphone charges like data blocking and
activation fees are under fire. ④ We just received the
bill for May, and we find that each of you went
significantly over that amount. ⑤ The added cost to
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the

너른터 - 57 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

When completing math problems, it is important to Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons. for you, will you please purchase another Chinese
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without paper kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly

the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved
students to produce careless errors. In other words, work-site ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the occurrences. Thank you for your understanding and

procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out Sincerely, Mark Hamilton Customer Service
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin Department

of an answer or how an answer to a problem is ① Ms. Duddon은 종이로 된 중국연을 잃었다.

derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
② Ms. Duddon은 작업장에서 용접하는 인부들을 관리하고 있다.
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
have negative consequences when taking tests. In ③ Foster WeldRite.Inc의 고객센터는 Ms.Duddon을 위한 대체
short, homework and in-class math assignments 품의 판매 위치를 알 수 없다.

should always include both procedures and answers ④ Mark Hamilton은 Ms. Duddon에게 다른 중국 연을 구입한
when answering questions. 후 영수증을 보내달라고 한다.

⑤ Foster WeldRite.Inc는 비슷한 문제를 방지하기 위해 작업장

① Why Students Find Math Difficult 의 환기 시설을 개선해오고 있다.

② Write Math Procedures – Not Just the Answer

③ How to Improve Math Grades in a Short Period 242. 다음 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
④ How to Reduce Errors in Doing Math Assignments When you face a severe source of stress, you may
⑤ Various Examples Related to Solving Math Problems fight back, reacting immediately.

(A) The more something causes your heart to race, the

240. (주관식) 다음 글의 목적을 찾아 쓰시오. [3-2] more important it is to step back before speaking or
typing a single word.
My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
(B) Technology makes it much easier to worsen a
school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
situation with a quick response. I know I have been
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
your teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting
you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now
(C) While this served your ancestors well when they
you are saying that you want to go to England for two
were attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today
months. That means you won’t be around for
unless you are attacked physically.
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I
understand that this is a very good opportunity for
your educational career. So, your father and I have ① (C) - (B) - (A) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
decided to give you permission to go to England. We ③ (C) - (A) - (B) ④ (B) - (C) - (A)
think it’ll be a great opportunity for you. With lots of
⑤ (A) - (C) - (B)
love, Mom

① 다음 표현을 반드시 포함할 것 : allow
② 주어진 어휘 외에는 지문 속 표현만을 사용할 것
③ [목적] The purpose of the writing above is to

241. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-3]

Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear
about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite.
We understand it was destroyed, while hanging in your
office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due
to an overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s
work site. As the Customer Service Department at

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243. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [2-1]

246. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
은? [2-3]
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. ① Most
of the choices we make every day are the result of our It would be far easier to(A) [be fed / feed] nine

beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. ② The billion people by 2050 if more of the crops we grew

choice involves decision making which can include ended up in human stomachs. Today, only 55 percent

judging the merits of multiple options and selecting of the world’s crop calories feed people directly; the

one or more of them. ③ When you choose a bagel over rest are fed to livestock (about 36 percent) or turned

a donut, it might stem from the belief that a bagel is into biofuels and industrial products (roughly 9

better for you, or the belief that you’ll like the taste percent). Though many of us consume meat, dairy,

better. ④ This choice could affect your health and and eggs from animals (B) [are raised / raised] on

happiness for the rest of the morning. ⑤ If you choose feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in feed given to

to take earth science instead of oceanography, it might livestock make their way into the meat and milk (C)

stem from the belief that you’ll enjoy the subject more, [that / what] we consume. For every 100 calories of

or maybe from the belief that it will be easier. This grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new

choice could affect your ability to stay awake in class, calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
your grade point average, or even your choice of
college. diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
the world.

① feed - are raised - what

244. (주관식) 다음 글의 내용을 보기에 주어진 단어들을 모두 ② feed - raised - that
한 번만 사용하여 한 문장으로 요약하여 쓰시오. [2-E]
③ feed - raised - what
If your pet is an athletic, high­energy dog, for example,
④ be fed - are raised - that
he or she is going to be much more manageable
indoors if you take him or her outside to chase a ball ⑤ be fed - raised - what
for an hour every day. If your cat is shy and timid, he
or she won’t want to be dressed up and displayed in
cat shows. Similarly, you cannot expect macaws to be 247. (주관식) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분을 [보기]의 어휘들을 활
quiet and still all the time―they are, by nature, loud 용하여 영작하시오. [3-4]
and emotional creatures, and it is not their fault that
your apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain

[보기] our pet's / recognize / particular needs / and /

them / respect
We have to

245. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하

지 않은 것은? [3-1]
Dear General Manager, My wife and I are residents of
the Lakeview Senior Apartment Complex. We have
been asked by some of the ① residents here to see if
we can help improve their ability ② to get around town
independently. The closest bus stop is half a mile
below the apartment complex, down a ③ steep hill.
Very few of the residents here feel ④ comfortable
walking all the way to (and especially from) the bus
stop. We are asking if the route for Bus 16 could be
altered slightly to come up the hill to the complex. I
can promise you several very ⑤ impersonal riders each
day in each direction. I look forward to hearing from
you soon. Sincerely, Ron Miller

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EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

Evan, Barbara, and Emily, I am sending this letter to written-out procedure does not ③ allow students to
all three of you. Your mother and I agreed to pay for identify the origin of an answer or how an answer to a
your cell phones. We are covered by a family plan and problem is derived. Third, lack of procedure

share a single pool of minutes. When we gave you the contributes to ④ poor study habits in note-taking and
cell phone we agreed to pay for it, but 너희들은 매달 일 sloppiness, which may have negative consequences
정 사용 분량의 지침을 지켰어야 했다, no more than 250 when taking tests. In short, homework and in-class

minutes per month for each of you. We just received math assignments should always ⑤ include both
the bill for May, and we find that each of you went procedures and answers when answering questions.
significantly over that amount. The added cost to the
family was nearly $100. If this happens again we will
have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for your 250. 다음 글에 드러난 'Mom'의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
own phone. We are not interested in controlling or [3-2]
interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
bills, we get to set the rules. Love, Dad school. Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting
to take extra classes at Oxford University for additional
[보기] credit. I also saw the recommendation letters from
you / stay / within / the guidelines / each month / a your teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting
certain number of / were / of / to / minutes you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now
you are saying that you want to go to England for two
months. That means you won’t be around for
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I
248. 다음 빈칸 (A), (B) 에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것 understand that this is a very good opportunity for
은? [1-1] your educational career. So, your father and I have
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you decided to give you permission to go to England. We
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice think it’ll be a great opportunity for you. With lots of
stories that you think are biased. One of the forms in love, Mom
which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an article,
or a series of articles over a period of time; ignoring ① indifferent ② sorrowful
facts that tend to disprove liberal or conservative
③ boring ④ satisfied
claims, or that support liberal or conservative
beliefs. can occur either within a story, or
⑤ peaceful
over the long term as a particular news outlet reports
one set of events, but not another. To find instances of
, be aware of the conservative and liberal 251. 다음 글에서 회사 측에서 소비자에게 요구한 것은? [3-3]
perspectives on current issues. See if both the
conservative and liberal perspectives are included in
stories on a particular event or policy.

① readers' belief
② ways to avoid bias
③ reporters' responsibilities
④ bias by omission
⑤ two directly-opposed ideas

249. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [지문변형]

When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
the procedure that precedes it ① positively encourages
students to produce careless errors. In other words,
the answer is ② backed up by the written-out
procedure; if the procedure is not shown, it is much
easier to make a computation error. Second, lack of a

너른터 - 60 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

Dear Ms. Duddon, that you’ll enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of belief that it will be easier. ⑤ This choice could affect
your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it your ability to stay awake in class, your grade point

was destroyed, while hanging in your office, when average, or even your choice of college.
ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an
overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work
site. As the Customer Service Department at Foster 254. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법상 문맥상 맞는 표
WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement for 현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-1]
you, will you please purchase another Chinese paper To Whom It May Concern:
kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly pay you My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of
ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences. the residents here to see (A) [if / that] we can help
Thank you for your understanding and your continued improve their ability to get around town independently.
patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. The closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment
Sincerely, complex, down a steep hill. Very (B) [few / a few] of
Mark Hamilton the residents here feel comfortable walking all the way
Customer Service Department to (and especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if
the route for bus 15 could be changed slightly to come
① 중국 연 제작 장소 ② 파손된 연의 크기 up the hill to the complex. I can promise you several

③ 소비자 사무실의 위치 ④ 물품 구매 영수증 very grateful riders each day in each direction. I look
forward to (C) [hearing / hear] from you soon.
⑤ 후원할 수 있는 계좌
Ron Miller

252. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고 본문의 표현들을 활용하여 필자 ① that - few - hear

의 견해를 담은 문장을 완성하시오. (필요시 변형해서 사용할 것)
② if - a few - hear
When you face a severe source of stress, you may ③ if - few - hearing
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served ④ that - few - hearing
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
⑤ that - a few - hearing
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in 255. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [2-3]
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more important it is to step back before speaking
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
things through and find a way to deal with the other
person in a healthier manner.
When responding to stress, it is better to A
instead of B

253. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [2-1]

Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. ① Most
of the choices we make every day are the result of our
beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. ② The
choice involves decision making which can include
judging the merits of multiple options and selecting
one or more of them. ③ When you choose a bagel
over a donut, it might stem from the belief that a
bagel is better for you, or the belief that you’ll like the
taste better. ④ If you choose to take earth science
instead of oceanography, it might stem from the belief

너른터 - 61 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop have negative consequences when taking tests. In

calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to short, homework and in-class math assignments
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and should always include both procedures and answers
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many when answering questions.

of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals ① “Answer-only completions“ refer to “lack of written out
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in procedures.“
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
② It is strictly needed to present answers without
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of procedures for good study habits.
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
③ Writing procedures helps students to be conscious of
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
how to get an answer to a problem.
of pork, or 3 of beef. could free up
substantial amounts of food across the world.
④ Completing math problems without procedures may
lead to unintended results.

① Increased use of biofuels ⑤ In completing math problems, a computation error is a

kind of careless errors.
② An increase in food supply
③ Reducing meat consumption
258. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절
④ The deterioration of the food problem 한 곳은? [3-2]
⑤ Construction of an environmentally friendly feedlot
That means you won’t be around for Christmas this
year, which makes me very sad, but I understand that
this is a very good opportunity for your educational
256. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-4] career.
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We My dear Silvia, I hope you are fine and doing well in
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of school. ( ① ) Yesterday, I received your letter about
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed wanting to take extra classes at Oxford University for
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines additional credit. ( ② ) I also saw the recommendation
of a certain number of minutes each month, no more letters from your teachers regarding these extra
than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just classes. ( ③ ) Letting you stay in New York to study is
received the bill for May, and we find that each of you hard as it is, and now you are saying that you want to
went significantly over that amount. The added cost to go to England for two months. ( ④ ) So, your father
the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we and I have decided to give you permission to go to
will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for England. ( ⑤ ) We think it’ll be a great opportunity for
your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or you. With lots of love, Mom
interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
bills, we get to set the rules. Love, Dad

① to appreciate ② to refuse
③ to praise ④ to permit
⑤ to warn

257. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2-4]

When completing math problems, it is important to
avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons.
First, simply writing the answer to a problem without
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
students to produce careless errors. In other words,
the written-out procedure supports the answer; if the
procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make a
computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
of an answer or how an answer to a problem is

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259. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-3] ① It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear 2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. stomachs. Today, ②only 55 percent of the world’s crop
We understand it was destroyed, ① while hanging in calories feed people directly; ③ the rest are fed to
your office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
② due to an overabundance of welding smoke from industrial products (roughly 9 percent). ④ Though
our crew’s work site. As the Customer Service many of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from
Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate animals raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the
a replacement for you, will you please purchase calories in feed given to livestock makes their way into
another Chinese paper kite and ③ sending us the the meat and milk that we consume. For every 100
receipt? We will promptly pay you back. Foster calories of grain we feed animals, we get only about 40
WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site ventilation ④ to new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken,
prevent similar unfortunate occurrences. Thank you for 10 of pork, or 3 of beef. ⑤ Shifting to less meat-
your understanding and your ⑤ continued patronage intensive diets could free up substantial amounts of
of Foster WeldRite, Inc. Sincerely, Mark Hamilton food across the world.
Customer Service Department

263. 다음 글의 "I"의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3-4]

I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
260. 다음 글의 밑줄친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [1-E]
mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We
When you face a severe source of stress, you may are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
fight back, ① reacting immediately. While this served minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
animal, it is less helpful today unless you ② are of a certain number of minutes each month, no more
attacked physically. Technology makes ③ that much than 250 minutes per month for each of you. We just
easier to worsen a situation with a quick response. I received the bill for May, and we find that each of you
know I have been guilty of responding too quickly to went significantly over that amount. The added cost to
people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only the family was nearly $100. If this happens again we
made things worse. The more something causes your will have to limit your usage or ask that you pay for
heart to race, the more important it is ④ to step back your own phone. We are not interested in controlling or
before speaking or typing a single word. This will give interfering in your lives, but since we are paying the
you time ⑤ to think things through and find a way to bills, we get to set the rules.
deal with the other person in a healthier manner.
① proud and confident
② sorry and sorrowful

261. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 문맥상 어색한 것은? ③ disappointed and determined

[3-1] ④ jealous and annoyed
To Whom It May Concern:
⑤ embarrassed and regretful
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
Apartment Complex. We ① have been asked by some
of the residents here to see ② what we can help
improve their ability to get around town independently.
The closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment
complex, down a steep hill. Very ③ few of the
residents here feel comfortable walking all the way to
(and especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if
the route for bus 15 could ④ be changed slightly to
come up the hill to the complex. I can promise you
several very grateful riders each day in each direction.
I look forward to ⑤ hearing from you soon.
Ron Miller

262. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2-3]

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264. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2-4] (B) While this served your ancestors well when they

When completing math problems, it is important to were attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today

avoid “answer-only” completions for several reasons. unless you are attacked physically.

First, simply writing the answer to a problem without (C) Technology makes it much easier to worsen a

the procedure that precedes it ① negatively situation with a quick response. I know I have been

encourages students to produce careless errors. In guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in

other words, the written-out procedure ② supports the particular, in a harsh tone that only made things

answer; if the procedure is not shown, it is much worse.

easier to make a computation error. Second, lack of a

written-out procedure does not ③ allow students to 266. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-
identify the origin of an answer or how an answer to a E]
problem is derived. Third, lack of procedure When you face a severe source of stress, you may
contributes to ④ poor study habits in note-taking and
fight back, reacting immediately.
sloppiness, which may have negative consequences
when taking tests. In short, homework and in-class ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
math assignments should always ⑤ exclude both
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
procedures and answers when answering questions.
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

265. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3-3] 267. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
Dear Ms. Duddon, ① A Soft World Deserves Another
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of ② Physical Attack: No Need to Respond
your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it
③ Sense of Guilt Caused by Harsh Tongue
was destroyed, while hanging in your office, when
ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an ④ How Did Our Ancestors React to Stress?
overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work ⑤ Wait a Minute Before Striking a Blow against Stress
site. As the Customer Service Department at Foster
WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement for
you, will you please purchase another Chinese paper
268. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 2개 고르면?
kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly pay you
back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site
To Whom It May Concern:
ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences.
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
Thank you for your understanding and your continued
Apartment Complex. We ① have been asking by some
patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
of the residents here to see if we can ② help improve
their ability to get around town independently. The
Mark Hamilton
closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment
Customer Service Department
complex, down a steep hill. Very ③ few of the
residents here feel comfortable ④ walking all the way
① Ms. Duddon의 종이로 된 중국연이 화재로 불타버렸다.
to (and especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if
② WeldRite 주식회사 직원이 용접하다가 화재를 일으켰다. the route for bus 15 could be changed slightly to come
③ WeldRite 주식회사가 파손된 연의 대체품 구입처를 알려 왔 up the hill to the complex. I can promise you several
다. very grateful riders each day in each direction. I look

④ 파손된 연의 배상을 위해 새 연을 구입할 것과 그 영수증을 요 forward ⑤ to hear from you soon.

청하고 있다. Sincerely,
Ron Miller
⑤ 유사한 불행한 사고의 재발을 예방하기 위해 작업장의 환기 시
설의 개선을 약속했다.

[266-267] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

(A) The more something causes your heart to race, the
more important it is to step back before speaking or
typing a single word. This will give you time to think
things through and find a way to deal with the other
person in a healthier manner.

너른터 - 64 -
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269. 다음 글의 (A)에 들어갈 글쓴이의 주장으로 가장 적절한 supports the answer; if the procedure is not shown, it
것은? [2-3] is much (B) [harder / easier] to make a
It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by computation error. Second, lack of a written-out
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop of an answer or how an answer to a problem is
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to derived. Third, lack of procedure (C) [contributes /
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and distributes] to poor study habits in note-taking and
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many sloppiness, which may have negative consequences
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals when taking tests. In short, homework and in-class
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in math assignments should always include both
feed given to livestock make their way into the meat procedures and answers when answering questions.
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of ① allow - easier - distributes
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
② allow - harder - contributes
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10
of pork, or 3 of beef. ③ avoid - easier - distributes
(A) . ④ avoid - harder - contributes
⑤ avoid - easier - contributes
① Shifting to less grain-intensive diets will free up lots of
food all over the world.

② Shifting to less meat-intensive diets would not free up 272. (주관식) 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 대한 답을 조건에 맞게
substantial amounts of food all over the world.
쓰시오. [3-3]
③ Focusing on more meat-intensive diets must free up Dear Ms. Duddon, Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear
substantial amounts of food across the world.
about the loss of your seven-foot Chinese paper kite.
④ Shifting to less meat-intensive diets could free up lots We understand it was destroyed, while hanging in your
of food across the world. office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due
⑤ Shifting to grain-intensive diets will not free up lots of to an overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s
food across the world. work site. As the Customer Service Department at
Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a replacement
for you, will you please purchase another Chinese
270. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-4] paper kite and send us the receipt? We will promptly
pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved
Evan, Barbara, and Emily, I am sending this letter to
work-site ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate
all three of you. Your mother and I agreed to pay for
occurrences. Thank you for your understanding and
your cell phones. We ① are covered by a family plan
your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc.
and share a single pool of minutes. When we gave you
Sincerely, Mark Hamilton Customer Service
the cell phone we agreed ② to pay for it, but you were
to stay within the guidelines of a certain number of
minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
month for each of you. We just received the bill for
① 10~15단어로 작성할 것
May, and we find that each of you went ③ significantly
② 다음 단어를 반드시 포함하고, 필요시 형태 변형 가능
over that amount. The ④ added cost to the family was
③ [보기] smoke / which / it / cause
nearly $100. If this happens again we will have to limit
your usage or ⑤ ask that you pay for your own phone.
We are not interested in controlling or interfering in
Q: What happened to Ms. Duddon's kite?
your lives, but since we are paying the bills, we get to
set the rules. Love, Dad

271. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가

장 적절한 것은? [2-4]
When completing math problems, it is important to
(A) [avoid / allow] “answer-only” completions for
several reasons. First, simply writing the answer to a
problem without the procedure that precedes it
negatively encourages students to produce careless
errors. In other words, the written-out procedure

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A : Fire sprinklers feed given to livestock make their way into the meat
and milk that we consume. For every 100 calories of
grain we feed animals, we get only about 40 new
calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of chicken, 10

273. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E] of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less meat-intensive
diets could free up substantial amounts of food across
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
the world.
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild ① If more crops we grew fed people indirectly, it would be
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked far more likely to feed nine billion people in the near
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been ② Slightly more than a half of the world’s crop calories
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in are supplied to people directly.

particular, in a harsh tone that only made things ③ Meat and milk we consume are the products from only
worse. The more something causes your heart to race, a portion of the calories in feed given to livestock.
the more important it is to step back before speaking ④ The least efficient product for every 100 calories of
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think grain fed to animals is beef, while the most efficient one
things through and find a way to deal with the other is milk.
person in a healthier manner. ⑤ Substantial amounts of food could be available for
human by changing to less meat-intensive diets.
① e-mail을 쓸 때 필요한 올바른 매너를 가르치려고
② e-mail에 너무 일찍 회신하는 사람들을 비판하려고
276. (주관식) 괄호안의 단어를 아래 해석을 활용하여 올바른
③ 스트레스를 받을 경우의 즉각적인 대비책을 준비하려고 순서로 배열하시오. [3-4]

④ 스트레스 요인을 건전한 방식으로 다루는 방법을 알려주려고 Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
⑤ 스트레스 받을 때 야생 동물이 곁에 있을 경우의 위험성을 당부
하려고 mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We
are covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
minutes. When we gave you the cell phone we agreed
to pay for it, but you were to stay within the guidelines
274. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3-1]
of a certain number of minutes each month, [ each /
To Whom It May Concern: for / month / of / than / you. / minutes / no / per /
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior 250 / more ] We just received the bill for May, and we
Apartment Complex. Some of the residents ① have find that each of you went significantly over that
asked us to see if we can help improve their ability to amount. The added cost to the family was nearly $100.
get around town ② independently. The closest bus stop If this happens again we will have to limit your usage
is half a mile below the apartment complex, down a or ask that you pay for your own phone. We are not
steep hill. Very few of the residents here feel ③ interested in controlling or interfering in your lives, but
comfortably walking all the way to (and especially since we are paying the bills, we get to set the rules.
from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for bus Love,
15 ④ could be changed slightly to come up the hill to Dad
the complex. I can promise you several very grateful 우리가 너희에게 휴대전화를 주었을 때 우리는 그것의 요금을 지
riders each day in each direction. I ⑤ look forward to 불하는 것에 동의했으나 너희는 각 자가 한 달에 250분을 넘지 않
hearing from you soon. 는 매달 일정한 사용 분량의 지침을 지켰어야 했다.
Ron Miller

275. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2-3]

It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to
livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and
industrial products (roughly 9 percent). Though many
of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals
raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in

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277. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2-4] route for bus 15 could be changed slightly to come up

When completing math problems, it is important to ① the hill to the complex. I can promise you several very

adopt “answer-only” completions for several reasons. grateful riders each day in each direction. I look

First, simply writing the answer to a problem without forward to ⑤ hear from you soon.

the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages Sincerely,

students to produce careless errors. In other words, Ron Miller

the written-out procedure ② backs up the answer; if

the procedure is not shown, it is much easier to make
a computation error. Second, lack of a written-out 280. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? [1-E]
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin
The more something causes your heart to race, the
of an answer or how an answer to a problem ③ is
more important it is to step back before speaking or
derived. Third, lack of procedure ④ gives rise to poor
typing a single word.
study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may
have negative ⑤ effects when taking tests. In short,
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
homework and in-class math assignments should
fight back, reacting immediately. ( ① ) While this
always include both procedures and answers when
served your ancestors well when they were attacked
answering questions.
by a wild animal, it is less helpful today unless you are
attacked physically. ( ② ) Technology makes it much
easier to worsen a situation with a quick response. ( ③
) I know I have been guilty of responding too quickly
278. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 영단어 ⓐ~ⓔ에 대한 [영영풀이]가 본
to people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that
문에 사용된 의미와 다른 것은? [1-E]
only made things worse. ( ④ ) This will give you time
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
to think things through and find a way to deal with the
fight back, ⓐ reacting immediately. While this
other person in a healthier manner. ( ⑤ )
ⓑserved your ancestors well when they were attacked
by a wild animal, it is less helpful today unless you are
attacked physically. Technology makes it much easier
to worsen a situation with a quick response. I know I
281. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 올바른 것은? [3-1]
have been guilty of ⓒ responding too quickly to
people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only To Whom It May Concern:

made things worse. The more something causes your My wife and I ① am residents of the Lakeview Senior

heart to ⓓrace, the more important it is to step back Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of

before speaking or typing a single word. This will give the residents here to see if we can help improve their

you time to think things through and find a way to ability to get around town ② independent. The closest

ⓔdeal with the other person in a healthier manner. bus stop is ③ half a mile below the apartment
complex, down a steep hill. Very few of the residents
here ④ feels comfortable walking all the way to (and
① ⓐ: to act in a particular way as a direct result of
something else especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if the
route for bus 15 could be changed slightly to come up
② ⓑ: to do your duty to
the hill to the complex. I can promise you several very
③ ⓒ: to say or do something as a reaction to something grateful riders each day in each direction. I look
that has been said or done
forward to ⑤ hear from you soon.
④ ⓓ: to move or go fast Sincerely,

⑤ ⓔ: to behave towards and talk to someone in an Ron Miller

effective way

279. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 올바른 것은? [3-1]

To Whom It May Concern:
My wife and I ① am residents of the Lakeview Senior
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of
the residents here to see if we can help improve their
ability to get around town ② independent. The closest
bus stop is ③ half a mile below the apartment
complex, down a steep hill. Very few of the residents
here ④ feels comfortable walking all the way to (and
especially from) the bus stop. We are asking if the

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282. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [1-E] 록, (B) 한 걸음 물러나는 것이 더욱더 중요하다 before

When you face a severe source of stress, you may speaking or typing a single word. This will give you

fight back, reacting immediately. ① While this served time to think things through and find a way to deal

your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild with the other person in a healthier manner.

animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked

physically. ② Instead, today you had better not take
[조건] -주어진 단어를 모두 사용하고 필요시 어형을 변형
time in responding when you communicate with others in
this fast growing world. ③ Technology makes it much
(A) heart / cause / your / more / something / to /
easier to worsen a situation with a quick response. ④ I
the / race
know I have been guilty of responding too quickly to

people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only
(B) more / important / the / be / step / it / to /
made things worse. ⑤ The more something causes
your heart to race, the more important it is to step

back before speaking or typing a single word. This will
give you time to think things through and find a way to
deal with the other person in a healthier manner.

285. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가

장 적절한 것은? [3-1]
To Whom It May Concern:
283. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of
Dear General Manager, My wife and I are residents of the residents here to see if we can help (A) [disprove
the Lakeview Senior Apartment Complex. / improve] their ability to get around town
independently. The closest bus stop is half a mile

(A) We are asking if the route for Bus 16 could be below the apartment complex, down a steep hill. Very
few of the residents here feel (B) [comfortable /
altered slightly to come up the hill to the complex. I
can promise you several very grateful riders each day uncomfortable] walking all the way to (and especially

in each direction. from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for bus
15 could be changed slightly to come up the hill to the
(B) The closest bus stop is half a mile below the
apartment complex, down a steep hill. Very few of the complex. I can (C) [promise / process] you several

residents here feel comfortable walking all the way to very grateful riders each day in each direction. I look
forward to hearing from you soon.
(and especially from) the bus stop.
(C) We have been asked by some of the residents here Sincerely,

to see if we can help improve their ability to get Ron Miller

around town independently.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. ① disprove - uncomfortable - promise
② disprove - comfortable - promise
Sincerely, Ron Miller
③ improve - uncomfortable - process

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ④ disprove - comfortable - process

③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ improve - comfortable - promise

⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

284. (주관식) 다음 영단어를 우리말 의미와 [조건]에 맞게 바

르게 배열하시오. [1-E]
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. (A) 어떤 일 때문에 여러분의 심장이 빨리 뛰면 뛸수

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286. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
가장 적절한 것은? [1-E] physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
When you face a severe source of stress, you may a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
physically. Technology makes it much easier (A) [to 말을 한 마디 하거나 타자로 치기 전에 한 걸음 물러나는 것이
worsen / worsen] a situation with a quick response. 더욱 더 중요하다. This will give you time to think things
I know I have been guilty of responding too (B) through and find a way to deal with the other person in
[quick / quickly] to people, on email in particular, in a healthier manner.
a harsh tone that only made things worse. The more
something causes your heart to race, the more [조건]
important it is to step back before speaking or typing a ① 주어진 해석을 참고로 <보기>에 주어진 단어만 모두 한 번
single word. This will give you time to think things 씩 사용하시오.
through and find a way (C) [dealt / to deal] with the ② The + 비교급 S+V, the 비교급 S+V 구문을 사용하시오.
other person in a healthier manner. ③ 어법에 맞게 영작하시오.

① worsen - quickly - to deal to step, or typing, back, important, word, is, before, a
single, it, the more, speaking
② worsen - quick - to deal
③ to worsen - quick - dealt
④ to worsen - quickly - to deal 289. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E]
⑤ to worsen - quickly - dealt When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
287. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3-1]
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
To Whom It May Concern:
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
the residents here to see if we can help improve their
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
ability to get around town independently. The closest
the more important it is to before speaking
bus stop is half a mile below the apartment complex, or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
down a steep hill. Very few of the residents here feel
things through and find a way to deal with the other
comfortable walking all the way to (and especially
person in a healthier manner.
from) the bus stop. We are asking if the route for bus
15 could be changed slightly to come up the hill to the
① fight against people
complex. I can promise you several very grateful riders
each day in each direction. I look forward to hearing ② be a good talker
from you soon. ③ step back
④ do physical activities
Ron Miller
⑤ respond emotionally
① 글쓴이는 Lakeview 고령자 아파트의 거주자이다.
② 아파트가 언덕 위에 있고 버스 정류장이 반마일 떨어져 있다.
③ 주민들이 마을을 돌아다니는 불편함을 느끼고 있다.
④ 16번 버스 운행 대수를 늘리기를 촉구하고 있다.
⑤ 버스 노선표 변경 후 승객들의 만족도가 높아질 것으로 예상하
고 있다.

288. (주관식) 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말을 주어진 조건에

맞게 바르게 영작하시오. [1-E]
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild

너른터 - 69 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

290. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가 guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
장 적절한 것은? [1-E] particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
Faced with a severe source of stress, you may react worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
immediately and fight back. Although this served our the more important . This will give you
ancestors well when wild animals attacked, it is not time to think things through and find a way to deal
particularly helpful in today's modern world. with the other person in a healthier manner.
Technology makes it easier to (A) [solve / worsen] ① it is to control emotional reactions
problems with a quick response. I myself have made
② it is to take a regular medical checkup
the mistake of replying to emails too quickly, using a
harsh tone that only made things worse. When a ③ it is to rely on the social media technology
situation causes your heart to race, it's important to ④ it is to try to control your violent behaviors
(B) [hurry up / step back] before responding. Doing
⑤ it is to step back before speaking or typing a single
so will give you time to think again and find a way to
deal with the situation in a (C) [faster / more
respectful] way.
293. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가
① worsen - step back - more respectful 장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
② worsen - step back - faster When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting (A) [immediately /
③ worsen - hurry up - more respectful
deliberately]. While this served your ancestors well
④ solve - step back - more respectful when they were attacked by a wild animal, it is less
⑤ solve - hurry up - faster helpful today unless you are attacked physically.
Technology makes it much easier to (B) [worsen /
improve] a situation with a quick response. I know I
have been guilty of responding too quickly to people,
291. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 This 부분이 의미하는 바로 가장 적
절한 것은? [1-E] on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only made
things worse. The more something causes your heart
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
to race, the more important it is to step (C) [back /
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
forward] before speaking or typing a single word.
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
This will give you time to think things through and find
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
a way to deal with the other person in a healthier
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
① deliberately - worsen - stback
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race, ② deliberately - worsen - forward
the more important it is to step back before speaking ③ deliberately - improve - back
or typing a single word. This will give you time to
④ immediately - improve - forward
think things through and find a way to deal with the
other person in a healthier manner. ⑤ immediately - worsen - back

① Causing your heart to race

② Confronting stressful situation
③ Avoiding responding too quickly
④ Speaking words after stepping back
⑤ Dealing with people in a healthier manner

292. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E]

When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been

너른터 - 70 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

294. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E] guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in

When you face a severe source of stress, you may particular, in a harsh tone that only made things

fight back, reacting immediately. While this served worse. The more something causes your heart to race,

your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild [ single / back / step / to / more / word / important /

animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked before / typing / speaking / or / a / it / is / the ]. This

physically. Technology makes it much easier . will give you time to think things through and find a

I know I have been guilty of responding too quickly to way to deal with the other person in a healthier

people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only manner.

made things worse. The more something causes your

heart to race, the more important it is to step back
before speaking or typing a single word. This will give 297. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로
you time to think things through and find a way to deal 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
with the other person in a healthier manner. When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
① to increase the rate of cyber bullying your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you (A) [are
② to allow people to satisfy their curiosity
attacked / attack] physically. Technology makes (B)
③ to communicate with colleagues
[them / it] much easier to worsen a situation with a
④ to create more opportunities for self-discovery quick response. I know I have been guilty of

⑤ to worsen a situation with a quick response responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
(C) [the most important / the more important] it
295. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가
is to step back before speaking or typing a single word.
장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
This will give you time to think things through and find
When you face a severe source of stress, you may a way to deal with the other person in a healthier
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served manner.
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today (A) [if / unless] you
① attack - it - the most important
are attacked physically. Technology makes it much
easier to worsen a situation with a quick response. I
② are attacked - them - the most important
know I have been guilty of responding too(B) ③ are attacked - them - the more important
[quickly / slow] to people, on email in particular, in a ④ attack - them - the more important
harsh tone that only made things worse. The more
something causes your heart to race, the more
⑤ are attacked - it - the more important
important it is to (C) [step back / fight back] before
speaking or typing a single word. This will give you
time to think things through and find a way to deal 298. 다음 문장의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것은? [1-E]
with the other person in a healthier manner.

① unless - slow - step back

② if - slow - step back
③ if - quickly - fight back
④ unless - quickly - fight back
⑤ unless - quickly - step back

296. (주관식) 다음 [ ]안의 단어를 문맥의 흐름에 맞도록 알맞

은 순서로 배열하시오 [1-E]
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been

너른터 - 71 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

When you face a severe source of stress, you may

fight back, reacting immediately. ① While this served 301. 다음 중 어휘의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [1-E]
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
When you face a ① severe source of stress, you may
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
physically. ② Technology makes it much easier to
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
worsen a situation with a quick response. ③ I know I
animal, it is ② more helpful today unless you are
have been guilty of responding too quickly to people,
attacked physically. Technology makes it much ③
on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only made
easier to worsen a situation with a quick response. I
things worse. ④ In other words, email operates across
know I have been guilty of responding too ④ quickly to
computer networks, now primarily the Internet. ⑤ The
people, on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only
more something causes your heart to race, the more
made things worse. The more something causes your
important it is to step back before speaking or typing a
heart to race, the more important it is to step back
single word. This will give you time to think things
before speaking or typing a single word. This will give
through and find a way to deal with the other person in
you time to think things through and find a way to deal
a healthier manner.
with the other person in a ⑤ healthier manner.

299. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 문장 ①~⑤ 중, 어법상 옳지 않은 것

302. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 문장 ①~⑤ 중, 어법상 옳지 않은 것
은? [1-E]
은? [1-E]
① When you face a severe source of stress, you may
① When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, react immediately. While this served your
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. ② Technology makes it much easier to
physically. ② Technology makes much easier to worsen
worsen a situation with a quick response. ③ I know I
a situation with a quick response. ③ I know I have
have been guilty of responding too quickly to people,
been guilty of responding too quickly to people, on
on email in particular, in a harsh tone that only made
email in particular, in a harsh tone that only made
things worse. ④The more something causes your heart
things worse. ④ The more something causes your
to race, the more important it is to step back before
heart to race, the more important it is to step back
speaking or typing a single word. ⑤ This will give you
before speaking or typing a single word. ⑤ This will
time to think things through and find a way to deal
give you time to think things through and find a way to
with the other person in a healthier manner.
deal with the other person in a healthier manner.

300. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E]

303. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E]
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more important it is to . This will give
the more important it is . This will give you
you time to think things through and find a way to deal
time to think things through and find a way to deal
with the other person in a healthier manner.
with the other person in a healthier manner.

① take your time when you make an answer to it

② understand the source of your stress
③ utilize modern technology and science
④ control your heartbeat and blood pressure
⑤ spend more time helping other people in need

너른터 - 72 -
EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

① to slow down prior to sending a single word When you face a severe source of stress, you may
② to make close relationships between others by fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
contacting frequently your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
③ to quickly reacting to the requests from others
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
④ to make decisions rapidly by following your heart a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
⑤ to take a deep rest to improve your physical health guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more important it is to step back before speaking
304. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E]
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
things through and find a way to deal with the other
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
person in a healthier manner.
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen = While this your ancestors well when
a situation with a(n) . I know I have been
they were attacked by a wild animal
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more important it is to step back before speaking
307. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1-E]
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
things through and find a way to deal with the other
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
person in a healthier manner.
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
① calm response ② quick response
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
③ rational judgement ④ emotional outburst a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
⑤ cynical attitude guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more important it is to step back before speaking
305. (주관식) 다음 글의 빈칸을 [조건]에 맞게 완성하시오.
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think
things through and find a way to deal with the other
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
person in a healthier manner.
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
① How to Achieve Peace of Mind
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen ② A Lesson From Our Ancestors
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been ③ Various Side Effects of Technology
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
④ Harsh Tone As a Communication Barrier
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race, ⑤ Reacting Slowly Sometimes Does Wonders
the more important it is
. This will give you time to think things through and
find a way to deal with the other person in a healthier
① <보기>의 주어진 단어만을 모두 사용할 것
② 필요한 경우 어휘의 형태를 변형시킬 것
before / a single word / speak / or type / to step back

306. (주관식) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분을 아래와 같이 분사구문

으로 고칠 때, 빈칸을 어법에 맞게 알맞게 채우시오. [1-E]

너른터 - 73 -
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308. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? [1-E] the more important it is to . This will give

When you ① face severe source of stress, you may you time to think things through and find a way to deal

fight back, reacting immediately. While this with the other person in a healthier manner.

②having served your ancestors well when they were ① admit that you reacted in a wrong way
attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today
② check that your heart is pounding regularly
unless you are attacked physically. Technology makes
it much easier to worsen a situation with a quick ③ find out a way to fight against stress
response. I know I have been guilty ④ deal with the situation immediately
of ③ responding too quickly to people, on email in
⑤ step back before speaking or typing a single word
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,
the more ④ importantly it is to step back before
311. (주관식) 다음 글의 (A),(B)의 우리말을 주어진 조건에
speaking or typing a single word. This will give you 맞는 문장으로 쓰시오. [1-E]
time to think things through and find a way ⑤to deal
When you face a severe source of stress, you may
with the other person in a healthier manner.
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. (A) 기술은 빠른 대응으로 상황을 악화시키는 것
309. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1-E]
을 훨씬 쉽게 만든다. [ quick / situation / worsen / with /
When you face a severe source of stress, you may easier / much / it / Technology / response / to / makes
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served / a / a ]. I know I have been guilty of responding too
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild quickly to people, on email in particular, in a harsh
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked tone that only made things worse. (B) 어떤 것이 당신의
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen 심장을 뛰게 할수록, 말하거나 한 단어를 입력하기 전에 한 걸
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been 음 뒤로 물러나는 것이 더 중요하다. [ your / something /
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in the / to / causes / more / race / heart ], [ typing /
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things step / back / is / a / important / it / single / to / or /
worse. The more something causes your heart to race, before / speaking / more / the / word ]. This will give
the more important it is to step back before speaking you time to think things through and find a way to
or typing a single word. This will give you time to think deal with the other person in a healthier manner.
things through and find a way to deal with the other
person in a healthier manner. <조건>:주어진 단어를 이용
1. (A)는 가주어 진주어를 사용하는 문장으로 쓸 것
① 극심한 스트레스 요인과 직면할 때 당신은 즉각 반응하며 반격
할지도 모른다. 2. (B)는 the 비교급~, the 비교급~ 문장으로 쓸 것
② 스트레스 요인에 즉각 반응하는 것은 조상들의 시대처럼 오는
날도 도움이 된다.

③ 기술은 성급한 반응으로 상황을 악화시키는 것을 훨씬 더 쉽게


④ 어떤 일이 당신의 심장을 빨리 뛰게 하면 할수록 말을 한마디

하거나 타자로 치기 전에 한걸음 뒤로 물러 서는것이 더 중요하

⑤ 상황을 충분히 생각할 시간을 가지면 건강한 방식으로 상대방

을 대하는 방법을 찾을 수 있다.

310. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? [1-E]

When you face a severe source of stress, you may
fight back, reacting immediately. While this served
your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen
a situation with a quick response. I know I have been
guilty of responding too quickly to people, on email in
particular, in a harsh tone that only made things
worse. The more something causes your heart to race,

너른터 - 74 -
(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

1번- ④ 나는, 특히 이메일에서, 상황을 악화시키기만 했던 거 어'의 문장형태로 ‘ ~를 …하게 만들다’라 는 뜻이다. 그러므로 to
친 어조로 사람들에게 "너무 성급하게 반응한 것에 대해" 죄책감 부정사구를 진목적어로 사용하고 가목적어 it을 추가하여 문장을
을 느껴 왔음을 알고 있다. 완성해야 한다. 또한 easy의 비교급형태를 사용하고 much는 비
교급을 강조하고 있다.
2번- ⑤ (A)는 깨달은, (B)는 낙관적인, (C)는 긍정적인 이 글
의 흐름에 적합하기에 정답은 ⑤번이다. 17 번 - ① 이 글은 마음 챙김 정도가 높은 사람은 현재에 더 집
중하고 주변을 자세히 보기 때문에 그렇지 않은 사람보다 정신적
3번- ④ 나머지는 essay(s)를 지칭하고 4번은 admissions
으로나 육체적으로 더 유리한 경향이 있다는 내용이므로, 요약문
committee(입학 심사 위원회)를 지칭한다. 원문의 an
의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로는 ①이 가장 적절하다.
admissions committee를 it로 변형하였다.

4번- ③ 이러한 선택이 남은 아침 시간에 영향을 준다는 의미

18 번 - ④ 대학지원을 위해 에세이 작성시 지원자는 자신의 인
생 모든 내용을 담으려하지 말아야 한다는 내용의 글이므로 윗 글
이기 때문에, 선택과 아침과 가장 관련이 있는 내용인 베이글과 도
의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④번이다.
넛 사례를 봐야 된다. 나머지 우리 삶의 길, 지구 과학, 수업 교실
은 이와 덜 관련적이다. 19 번 - ⑤ 이 글은 우리가 내리는 선택은 우리의 신념에 기반
하고 있으며, 추후의 삶에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 글이다.
5번- ② 에너지가 넘치는 개라면 매일 밖으로 데리고 나가서
한 시간 동안 공을 쫓아다니게 하면 실내에서 다루기가 훨씬 더 쉬 20 번 - It is important to recognize your pet’s
울 것이라고 했으므로, ②는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다. particular needs and respect them. 애완동물의 특별한
욕구를 인식하고 그 욕구를 존중하는 것이 중요하다는 것이 글의
6번- ② 허리케인으로 피해입은 사람들에게 도움이 필요하다
주제, 요지, 주장이다.
고 하였으므로, 글의 목적으로 ②가 가장 적절하다.
21 번 - ⑤
22 번 - ① A: 우리는 여기의 몇몇 주민들로부터 [혼자 힘으로]
8번-② 월, 수, 금에는 두 배로 연습했다고 하였으므로 ②는
마을을 다닐 수 있는 능력을 향상시키도록 우리가 도울 수 있을지
글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
알아봐 달라는 요청을 받았습니다. B: 여기의 주민들 중 정류장까
9번- ③ a. 우리가 재배했던 보다 많은 농작물들이 간접적으 지 걸어 내려가는 데 (그리고 특히 정류장으로부터 걸어 올라오는
로 사람들에게 공급되어진다면, 가까운 미래에는 90억의 사람들 데) [편안하게] 느끼는 사람은 거의 없습니다. C:나는 매일 올라
을 먹일 가능성이 훨씬 더 높을 것이다. b. 세계 농작물 칼로리의 가고 내려가며 매우 [감사해하는] 여러 승객을 당신에게 기약(보
절반 이상이 사람들에게 직접 공급되고 있다. c. 우리가 소비하는 장)할 수 있습니다.
고기와 우유는 가축에게 주는 사료에 들어있는 칼로리의 오직 일
23 번 - ④ He didn’t do it because it was great exercise.
부분에서 나오는 제품이다. d. 동물에게 먹이는 곡물 100칼로리
그것이 훌륭한 연습이기 때문에 그렇게 한 것이 '아니었다' 고 하
당 가장 효율이 낮은 제품은 쇠고기인 반면 가장 효율적인 제품은
우유다. e. 상당한 양의 음식이 덜 육류 집약적인 식단으로 변화함
으로써 인간에게 이용될 수 있을 것이다. 24 번 - ④ 세계 농작물의 많은 부분이 가축을 사육하는 데 이
용되고 있으나, 육류에서 얻는 칼로리는 작물에서 얻을 수 있는 칼
10 번 - ② (A) , 앞에 you가 주어이므로 needㅡyou앞에 관계
로리에 훨씬 미치지 못하므로, 육류를 덜 먹어 가축 사육을 줄이는
대명사 that이 생략되어 있다. / (B) 명사 environment뒤에서 수
것이 식량 문제에 대한 해결책이 될 수 있다. ㅡ 육류 집약적인 식
식하는 관계 대명사 that 필요 /(C) 동사 can leave사이에서 동
사를 덜 하는것으로ㅡ
사 leave를수식하는 부사 safely필요
25 번 - ④ 당신의 발표를 방해할 수 있는 것들을 치워라.
11 번 - ① (A) 지침을 따라야 한다는 흐름이 적절하므로,
obey(따르다)가 적절하다. (B) 사용을 규제한다는 흐름이 적절하 26 번 - ① 자녀들에게 지침을 따르라고 엄하고 진지하게 말하
므로, restrict가 적절하다. (C) 삶을 침범하는 것에는 관심이 없 고 있다.
다는 흐름이 적절하므로, invading이 적절하다. 27 번 - ①, ⑤ 1번은 stories가 선행사이므로 you think are
12 번 - ⑤ (A)기자의 일은 '균형 잡힌' 기사를 제공하는 것이 biased, 5번은 if절을 목적어절로 취하는 명령문 See if~ 가 적절
다. (B) 편향이 발생하는 형태 중 한 가지는 한쪽 편을 하나의 기 하다.
사 또는 일정 기간 동안의 일련의 기사에서 제외하는 것이다. 즉 28 번 - both procedure and answer when answering
진보적 혹은 보수적 주장을 논박하는 경향이 있거나, 진보적 혹은 the question 빈칸에 들어갈 말은 both ~and 구문을 사용하
보수적 신념을 지지하는 사실을 '무시하는' 것이다 (C) '생략'에 의 여 영작하는 것이 적절하다.
한 편향은, 한 편의 기사 안에서나, 혹은 특정 뉴스 매체가 한가지 29 번 - Letting you stay in New York to study is hard
경향의 사건은 보도하지만 다른 경향의 사건은 보도하지 않을 때 as it is as it is 있는 그대로를 활용한다.
장기간에 걸쳐 발생할 수 있다.
30 번 - ③ 연의 파손에 대해 사죄하는 내용의 글이므로, 연이
13 번 - ② for example ; 예를 들어서 / however ; 그러나 / 찢어지기 쉽다고 하는 ③은 글의 전체 흐름과 관계가 없다.
in other words ; 다시 말해서 / in short ; 요약하자면 / by
contrast ; 대조적으로 / otherwise ; 그렇지 않으면 / similarly
31 번 - ⑤ 이 글은 극심한 스트레스 요인에 직면할 때 즉각적
인 반응을 보이며 반격는 대신에 한 걸음 물러서라는 대안을 설명
; 마찬가지로 / in contrast ; 그에 반해서 / in addition ; 게다가
한 글이므로 제목으로는 '일격을 가하기 전에 잠시 기다려라'가 적
/ nevertheless ; 그럼에도 불구하고
14 번 - ② (B) 유익하다고 생각하여 (A) 허락해주었다로 요약
하는 것이 적절하다.
32 번 - ④ 연구에 따르면, "그러한 사람들은 그들의 삶에서 번
영하고 긍정적인 태도를 가지고 있다."
15 번 - ④ 주어와 improve가 능동관계이므로 ④ has
improved로 고쳐야 한다.
16 번 - makes it much easier to worsen a
situation 'make+가목적어+목적격 보어(형용사) + 진목적

너른터 -1-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

33 번 - ② 어느 입학 심사 위원회도 대학 지원 에세이를 다 읽 52 번 - ⑤ look forward to ~ing : ~에 기대가 크다. ~를 고

어볼 시간은 없으므로, 인생의 모든 이야기를 다 적으려 하지 말라 대하다 = anticipate ~ing.
는 점을 강조하고 있다. / 원문: the simple truth is, there is
53 번 - ④ 수영선수 펠프스의 사례를 들어, 구체적인 목표에
not enough time
헌신하는 것이 성공으로 이끈다는 점을 설명하는 글이다.
34 번 - ④ 신념에 근거한 선택은 당신의 삶에 영향을 미친다.
54 번 - ⑤ 5번 앞에서 육류 식사의 비효율성에 대해 언급했고,
35 번 - ⑤ absorb 가 적절하다 [그것들은 천성적으로 시끄럽 제시문을 해결책으로 제시하고 있다. '육류 집약적인 식사를 덜 하
고 감정에 사로잡히기 쉬운 동물이며 아파트가 열대 우림만큼 소 는 것으로 바꾸는 것은 전 세계적으로 상당한양의 식량을 이용하
리를 잘 (방출하지 ->) '흡수하지' 않는 것은 그것들의 잘못이 아 게 해 줄 수 있을 것이다.'
니다.] 55 번 - anything that is going to get in the way of
36 번 - ② (A) 원문에서의 '기본적인(basic) 필수품이 없다'는 you giving your best performance. <get in the way
내용은 '필수적인' 필수품으로 바꿔쓸 수 있다. (B) 긴급한 상황에 of; ~을 방해하다.>
필요한 것은 '통조림(canned goods)'이 더 적절하다. (C) '도움 56 번 - ④ We just received the bill for May, and we find
이 절실한(desperate) 때'라는 것 더 적절하다. <오답노트> that each of you went significantly over that amount. The
trivial 사소한, extravagant 사치스러운, diminishing 줄어드는 added cost to the family was nearly $100. 라는 두 문장을 통
37 번 - ③ ③ 경사가 가파른 언덕(a steep hill) 아래에 있다고 해 ④번 선지에서 $100이 청구된 것이 아니고 $100이 추가로 청
하였으므로 다음과 같이 바꿔야 한다. 완만한 → 가파른 구됨을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 정답은 ④번이다.

38 번 - ② 전반적인 글의 흐름이 펠프스가 메달을 딸 수 있었 57 번 - ② (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) disprove
던 것은 올림픽 메달에 대한 구체적인 목표가 있었다는 흐름으로 58 번 - ⑤ 숙제와 수업에서의 수학 과제는 질문에 답을 할 때
전개되어야 함 항상 (A) '절차'와 (B) '답'을 모두 포함해야 한다.
39 번 - ② 육류 소비를 줄이는 것 [원문] Shifting to less 59 번 - ② Oxford University으로부터 답신을 받고 영국으로
meat-intensive diets 가서 공부에 집중할 수 있는 좋은 기회를 얻었다고 엄마께서 긍정
40 번 - ⑤ 발표를 할 때, (B) '불필요한' 소지품으로부터 (A) 적으로 말하고 계시다. 이에 따라 행복할 Silvia를 예상할 수 있다.
'자유로워지도록'노력하라. 따라서 정답은 ②번이다.

41 번 - ④ 만약 지침을 또 어길 경우, 너희의 사용을 제한하거 60 번 - ④ will you please purchase another Chinese
나, 자신의 휴대전화 요금은 자신이 지불하라고 할 수 밖에 없다고 paper kite and send us the receipt? 라고 질문하는 부분에서
하였으므로, ④은 글의 내용과 일치한다. ④번 선지가 able이라면 하지 않았을 질문이다. 따라서 able 대신
unable이 와야 적절하다. 따라서 정답은 ④번이다.
42 번 - ① 1번 "편견없이 기사를 쓰다" (원문변형 : to
present a balanced story) 61 번 - ① (A) 분사구문 (B) 형식상의 주어(it) (C) it is 뒤에
보어로 사용되는 형용사가 문장 앞으로 이동한 the 비교급 ~ the
43 번 - ③ ① 가주어 진주어의 구문/ ② 동명사로서 주어의 기
비교급 구문
능을 한다. => 따라서 ③의 동사에 s필요 / ④ 주어가 procedure
로 3인칭 단수 /⑤ 간접의문문의 형태로 how an answer to a 62 번 - ③ (A) Rochester 대학교에서 행해진 일련의 연구는
problem is derived가 identify의 목적어 기능을 함 마음 챙김을 "열심히" 하는 사람들, 즉 현시점에 유념하여 주의를
기울이고 자신의 환경을 아주 강하게 인식하는 경향이 있는 사람
44 번 - ⑤ (A) 어제 편지를 받았기 때문에 현재와 상관이 없으
들에 초점을 맞추었다. (B) 보통 사람과 비교하여, 그들은 행복하
므로 단순과거 시제를 사용하고 현재완료시제를 사용하지 않는다.
고, 낙관적이고, 자신감이 있고, 자신의 삶에 만족할 가능성이 더
(B) 사역동사 let다음에 나오는 목적격보어로는 동사원형이 적절
높으며, 우울하거나, 분노하거나, 불안하거나, 적대적이거나, 자의
하다. (C) 앞 문장의 내용을 대신 받는 지시대명사 That이 적절하
식적이거나, 충동적이거나, 신경과민일 가능성이 "더 적다". (C)
더욱이, 자신의 현재 경험에 습관적으로 더 마음을 챙기는 사람들
45 번 - ④ 귀하가 직접 연을 구입하고 영수증을 보내 달라고 은 빈번하고 강렬한 긍정적인 감정을 경험하고, 자족적이고 유능
요청하였으므로, ④은 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다. 하다고 느끼며, "긍정적인" 사교 관계를 가질 가능성이 더 높은 반
46 번 - ③ 상황을 악화시키기만 하는 거친 어조로 사람들에게 면에 보통 때 마음을 챙기지 ‘않는’ 사람들은 더 많은 질병과 신체
너무 성급하게 반응한 것에 대해 죄책감을 느꼈다는 것이 문맥상 적 증상을 보고한다.
자연스러우므로 ④의 proud(자랑스러운)는 guilty(죄책감이 드 63 번 - (1) where they came from (2) what they
는)등으로 고쳐야 한다. want to do 의문사 주어 동사 순으로 영작을 하면 된다.
47 번 - ⑤ report 선행사가 those(복수)이므로 복수동사를 써 64 번 - 1. Most of the 'choices' we make every day
야 한다. are the results of our 'beliefs'. 2. I choose 'coffee'
over 'tea', because 'I believe (that) it's better for
48 번 - ④ it는 college essay가 아니라 college admission
me'. 1. 우리가 매일 내리는 '선택'의 대부분은 우리의 '신념'의
committe를 가리킨다.
49 번 - ③ 신념은 강력하다. 그것은 우리의 감정과 행동, 그리
고 결과적으로 '삶의 과정'에 직접 영향을 미친다.
65 번 - ⑤ It is important to recognize your pet’s
particular needs and respect them.
50 번 - ③ '여러분의 애완동물의 특별한 욕구를' 인식하고 '그
욕구를 존중하는 것이' 중요하다.
66 번 - ③ 통조림 제품, 옷, 담요, 그리고 돈을 기부해 줄 것을
부탁하고 있으므로 ③번은 본문 내용과 불일치 한다.
51 번 - Tens of thousands of people are homeless
and without basic necessities like food and
clothing Tens of thousands of people 수만 명의 사람들
basic necessities 기본 생필품

너른터 -2-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

67 번 - ① (A) 전치사 from의 목적어로 동명사 seeing (B) 동 85 번 - ⑤ 마지막 문장에서 Phelps가 말한 것과 같으므로 ⑤
사 feel 의 목적어 역할을 하는 절을 이끄는 접속사 that (C) 가져 가 글의 내용과 일치한다.
오라는 명령문이므로 동사원형 bring
86 번 - ⑤ 전 세계적으로 식량 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 에너
68 번 - ③ 걸어가야 하는 것에 불편함을 느끼고 있다고 하였으 지 효율이 (B) '낮기' 때문에 (A) '육류' 위주의 식단을 피하도록
므로, ③은 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다. 노력해야 한다.
69 번 - (a) been asked (b) few (c) comfortable (d) 87 번 - ① 발표자가 온 세상에 전시되는 것은 청중에게 자신을
be changed (a) been asked (b) few (c) comfortable (d) 알리기 위해 모든 것을 감추지 않고 드러낼 때 가능하므로, ①의
be changed conceal은 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않다.
70 번 - ③ 매일 2시간 반 동안 수영장에서 연습하고 월요일, 88 번 - ④ 자녀들의 과도한 휴대전화 사용량에 대해 이야기하
수요일, 금요일에는 4시간 동안 연습을 한 것은 구체적인 목표가 는 내용의 글이므로, 가족 간 통화의 필요성에 대해 말하는 ④는
있었기 때문이므로, ③의 vague는 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 글의 흐름과 관련이 없다.
지 않다.
89 번 - ④ 기사에서 생략을 통한 편견이 발생하는 사례를 찾기
71 번 - ⑤ 이 글은 전 세계의 사람들을 먹여 살리기 위해서는 위해서는, 보수와 진보의 관점을 둘다 알아야 한다는 흐름이 자연
우리가 재배하는 농작물을 더 많이 소비하는 것이 필요하므로 육 스러우므로, ④ disregard(무시하다)를 learn(배우다) 등으로 고
류 집약적인 식사를 줄여야 한다는 내용이다. 따라서 이 글의 주제 쳐야 한다.
로는 ⑤ '식량 확보를 위한 육류 소비 감소의 정당성'이 가장 적절
90 번 - ② 수학 문제를 풀 때, 답과 함께 풀이 절차를 함께 서
야 부주의한 실수를 피할 수 있고, 답의 기원을 확인할 수 있으며,
72 번 - ② 제시문의 'at this difficult time'은 2번 앞에 나오 노트 필기를 할 때도 나쁜 공부 습관이나 부주의도 하지 않게 된다
는 '청중에게 자신을 알리기 위해 모든 것을 드러낼 때'를 받고 있 는 글을 요약한 결론이므로, [요약하면, 학생들은 '절차와 정답을
다. 모두 써야 한다']가 적절하다.
73 번 - ② share ③ minutes ④ no ② 주어와 능동 관계이 91 번 - ③ 옥스퍼드 대학에서 추가 학점을 받고 싶어서 크리스
므로 share로 고쳐야 한다. ③ 복수이므로 minutes로 고쳐야 한 마스에 엄마와 함께 할 수 없지만 이해하고 응원한다는 엄마의 편
다. ④ no more than(~보다 많지 않은; ~를 넘지 않는) 지글로, '③ 너의 아빠와 내가 너의 학비에 돈을 너무 많이 썼다'는
74 번 - ③ ③ 선행사가 ignoring facts이므로 복수동사가 와야 글의 흐름상 적절하지 않다.
하므로 support가 어법상 옳다. 92 번 - ① 부사절에서 주어 be동사가 생략된 경우로 hanging
75 번 - contribute 1번은 다른 사람들도 도울 때, 무언가를 으로 고쳐야 한다.
성취하기 위해 돈, 상품, 또는 당신의 시간과 노력을 주는 것 2번 93 번 - ⑤
은 어떤 일이 일어나도록 하는 데 중요한 역할을 하는 것 3번은 그
94 번 - ② (A)원문: be prone to=be likely to; ~하기 쉽다,
룹이나 활동의 일부가 되어 그것이 성공할 수 있도록 돕는 것 따라
~경향이 있다, (B)flourishing과 어울리는 긍정적인 어휘가 알맞
서 이에 맞는 단어는 contribute라는 단어이다.
다. (C)마음을 챙기는 사람들의 긍정적인 영향에 이어, 대조의 접
76 번 - ⑤ Sylvia의 부모는 Sylvia가 잉글랜드로 가는 것을 허 속사인 while(반면에) 이 쓰였으므로 마음을 챙기지 않는 사람들
락("give you permission")하였으므로 ⑤는 글의 내용과 일치하 의 부정적인 영향을 설명함을 알 수 있다.
지 않는다.
95 번 - ③ 이 글은 제한된 글자 수 내에서 대학 지원 에세이를
77 번 - ⑤ 작업으로 망가진 연에 대한 보상을 하겠다는 편지 쓸 때, 자신의 전기를 담으려 하는 대신 자신에 대한 중요한 내용
글이므로, ⑤ '보상하기 위해'가 적절하다. 을 적어야 한다는 요지의 글이다.
78 번 - ③ (A) 가목적어 it으로 보아 진목적어 to worsen이 적 96 번 - ③ ① 동사 앞에서 수식하는 부사 directly가 적절함 ②
절하다. (B) 너무 성급하게 반응한 것이므로 부사 quickly가 적절 주어 most of choices의 choices와 수일치 ; are ③ belief와 동
하다. (C) 명사 a way를 수식하는 to 부정사의 형용사적 용법 to 격을 이루는 완벽한 절을 갖춘 접속사 that ④ oceanography명
deal이 적절하다. 사 앞에 전치사 of필요 ⑤ 상태동사 stay뒤에 형용사 awake필요
79 번 - ② 97 번 - ④ to be quiet 5형식 구문 expect + 목적어 + to 부
80 번 - ④ 이 글은 제한된 글자 수 내에서 대학 지원 에세이를 정사 목적보어
쓸 때, 자신의 전기를 담으려 하는 대신 자신에 대한 중요한 내용 98 번 - ① (A) 허리케인에 의해 당한 수동 구문으로, been hit
을 적어야 한다는 내용이므로 4번 '따라서, 더 많은 대학들이 학생 이 적절하다. (B) 명사절 접속사 구문으로, that이 적절하다. (C)
들에게 그들의 대학 지원서를 가지고 자기주도적이고 창의적이 되 ask A to B 구문으로, to donate가 적절하다.
라고 요구하고 있다.'는 것은 전체적인 글의 흐름과 무관하다.
99 번 - 1. We have been asked by some of the
81 번 - ② 제시문 '매일 하는 선택의 대부분은, 의식하든 의식 residents here to see if we can help improve their
하지 않든, 우리의 신념의 결과이다.'의 예가 2번 뒤에 이어지고 ability to get around town independently. 2. We are
있다. asking if the route for bus 15 could be changed
82 번 - ④ (A) 애완동물 욕구 인식과 존중의 예로서 애완견과 slightly to come up the hill to the complex. 1:
고양이를 뒤에 설명하고 있다. (B) 첨가의 연결사를 사용해서 마 improving => improve, independent => independently 2.
코 앵무새를 추가적인 예로 설명하고 있다. 수동형 could be changed이다.

83 번 - donate 그래서 여러분께 통조림 제품, 따뜻한 옷, 담

요, 그리고 돈을 "기부하도록" 부탁드립니다.

84 번 - ⑤ look forward to 구문으로, hearing으로 고


너른터 -3-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

100 번 - ① to get there(그 목표에 도달하기 위해)는 1번 앞 115 번 - ⑤ 주어가 the eight medals이고 동사가 필요.
문장에 나오는 "4년 후 아테네에서 최고의 만능 수영 선수가 되는 reflecting이 reflect로 바뀌어야 함
것" 을 나타낸다. 116 번 - (C) from animals raised on feedlots (E)
101 번 - ⑤ less 가 적절하다 [육류 집약적인 식사를 "덜" 하 Shifting to less meat-intensive diets could free
는 것으로 바꾸는 것은 전 세계적으로 상당한양의 식량을 이용하 up (C) 현재 분사 raising뒤에 목적어가 없으므로 raised, (E)
게 해 줄 수 있을 것이다.] 조동사 could뒤에 동사원형을 사용 해야 하므로 free

102 번 - ③ [이 어려운 때에 발표자로서 가장 필요하지 않은 117 번 - ① ① 주의 산만하게 하는 것들 ② 관용 ③ 평가 ④ 경

것은 최상의 공연을 하는 데 방해가 될 모든 것이다.] 쟁 ⑤ 신경과민

103 번 - ④ 이런 일이 한번 더 발생할 경우라는 조건을 달고 118 번 - ③ (a) 계정을 공유하고 있으며, (e) 다른 두 남매도
있으므로, ④는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다. 250분 이상 사용했고, (f) 100달러를 추가로 내는 것이다

104 번 - ⑤ ⑤impartial ---> partial (첫문장 원문 : A 119 번 - ⑤ 생략에 의해 편향된 뉴스가 발생할 수 있으므로 기
reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. 마지막 문장 추 자들의 일은 균형잡힌 기사를 제공하는 것임을 설명한다. / 보기해
가되었음: If the perspectives are included in a story, this 석: ①숨겨진 이야기, ②신속한 뉴스, ③교훈적인 이야기, ④유명
story is not impartial.) 인사 소식, ⑤균형잡힌 기사

105 번 - ⑤ 빈칸 A앞에 나오는 답만 적었을때 발생할 수 있는 120 번 - ⑤ 수학 문제를 풀 때, 몇 가지 이유로 '필기 절차를
실수에 대해 빈칸 뒤에서 다시한번 언급하고 있으므로 in other 포함하는 것'이 중요하다. 원문의 avoid “answer-only”
words[다시말해서]가 적절함. 전체 내용에 대해 빈칸B 뒤에서 간 completions for several reasons를 변형하였다.
단히 정리하고 있으므로 in short[간단히 말해서]가 적절함. 121 번 - ④
106 번 - ④ 122 번 - ② 파괴되었다는 것을 알았다는 흐름이 자연스러우므
107 번 - ⑤ 유감스러운 일을 예방하기 위해서 작업장의 환기 로, destroyed로 고쳐야한다.
시설을 개선했다고 하는 것이 문맥상 적절하므로, unfortunate로 123 번 - ⑤ 스트레스를 불러 일으키는 상황에서 즉각적으로
고쳐야 한다. 반응하지 말고 생각할 시간을 가진 후 반응하는 것이 중요하다는
108 번 - The more something causes your heart to 내용의 글이므로, 글의 주장을 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
race, the more important it is to step back before 124 번 - [1] 1. 보통 사람과 비교하여, 그들은 행복하고, 낙관적
speaking or typing a single word. something 무언가 이고, 자신감이 있고, 자신의 삶에 만족할 가능성이 더 높으며, 우
cause+목적어+to 동사원형: 목적어가 동사원형 하게 하다 울하거나, 분노하거나, 불안하거나, 적대적이거나, 자의식적이거
heart:심장 race: 고동치게 하다 step back:뒤로 물러서다 나, 충동적이거나, 신경과민일 가능성이 더 적다. 2.자신의 현재
type:타이핑하다 경험에 습관적으로 더 마음을 챙기는 사람들은 빈번하고 강렬한
109 번 - ⑤ people who are habitually mindful of their 긍정적인 감정을 경험하고, 자족적이고 유능하다고 느끼며, 긍정
current experiences are more likely to experience frequent 적인 사교 관계를 가질 가능성이 더 높다. // [2] 1.더 많은 질병
and intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and 과 신체적 증상을 보고한다. 본문 참조
competent, and to have positive social relationships, while 125 번 - ③ 이 글은 제한된 글자 수 내에서 대학 지원 에세이
those who are not usually mindful report more illness and 를 쓸 때, 자신의 전기를 담으려 하는 대신 자신에 대한 중요한 내
physical symptoms. 문장을 보게 되면 mindfulness가 높지 않 용을 적어야 한다는 요지의 글이다.
은 사람들이 더 illness와 physical symptoms을 많이 경험한다
고 나와있다.
126 번 - ③ 제시문에서 This 라는 대명사를 받을 만한 명사가
앞에 있을 것을 예상할 수 있다. 지문에서 When you choose a
110 번 - ③ (A) whole 전체의(원문은 complete) partial 부 bagel over a donut을 통해 이 상황에서의 Choice임을 알 수 있
분적인 (B) examine 검토하다(원문은 read) distort 왜곡하다 다. 뒷 2문장의 구조 또한 일치함으로 앞 문장에서 ③번에 제시문
(C) comprehend 이해하다(원문은 know) misunderstand 오해 이 생략되었음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 정답은 ③번이다.
127 번 - ④ '애완동물의 특별한 욕구를 인식하고 그 욕구를 존
111 번 - ③ 우리가 하는 선택은 우리가 가지고 있는 신념에 기 중하는 것'이 중요하다.
반을 둔 것이며, 이후의 삶에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 내용으로, 글
의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ③'믿음에 근거한 선택이 삶에 미치는
128 번 - ③ uncomfortable => comfortable [여기의 주민
들 중 정류장까지 걸어 내려가는 데 (그리고 특히 정류장으로부터
걸어 올라오는 데) 편안하게 느끼는 사람은 거의 없습니다.] 정류
112 번 - ③ 고양이가 수줍음을 타고 겁이 많다면 의상을 차려 장이 가파른 언덕 밑에 위치해서 불편하기 때문에 버스 노선의 변
입고 고양이 품평회 쇼에 나가서 자신의 모습을 보여 주는 것을 원 경을 요청하고 있다.
치 않을 것이라는 것이 문맥상 자연스러우므로, ③ confident를
129 번 - ① Inspiring -> Inspired ⑤ reflecting ->
timid 등으로 고쳐야 한다. <변형 포인트> ① specific :
reflect ① Being이 생략된 분사구문 (As he was inspired ->
particular ④ Likewise : Similarly
Being inspired) ⑤ 주어 the eight medals 뒤에 관계사절 they
113 번 - ① ①번을 포함한 문장을 해석해보면 허리케인이 hung around his neck in Athens 와 삽입된 분사구문, six of
Central America를 친 것으로 해석이 된다. 따라서 Central them gold,가 나오고 reflect가 동사이다.
America has been hit hard by a series of hurricanes. 이라
는 문장 또는 A series of hurricanes have hit hard Central
America. 가 적절한 문장이다. 따라서 정답은 ①번이다.

114 번 - ② if or not → if: '~인지 (아닌지)'라는 의미의 명사

절을 이끄는 접속사 'if'는 'or not'과 연달아 사용되지 않는다.

너른터 -4-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

130 번 - ③ Despite -> Though (절이 따라나오므로 전치사 148 번 - ④ 수학 문제를 풀 땐 과정과 답을 모두 써야한다는
인 despite는 쓰일 수 없다. 따라서 같은 의미의 접속사로 바꿔야 지문. solution(해결)= 유의어 answer, key
149 번 - ④ 옥스포드 대학에서 추가 수업을 듣기 위해 크리스
131 번 - anything that is going to get in the way of 마스에 함께 할 수 없다고 하였으므로, ④ '그녀는 부모님과 크리
you giving your best performance. → 이 어려운 때에 스마스를 보낸 후 런던에 있게 될 것이다.'는 글의 내용과 일치하
발표자로서 가장 필요하지 않은 것은 [최상의 공연을 하는 데 방해 지 않는다.
가 될 모든 것이다.] (get in the way of ; ~을 방해하다.)
150 번 - ⑤ ⑤ Ms. Duddon의 중국식 연을 어디서 구매할 수
132 번 - ③ 약속을 지키지 않은 자녀들을 훈계하며 경고하는 있는지에 대한 정보는 글에 언급되지 않았다.
내용이므로 어조로 가장 적절한 것은 ③ '기분이 좋지 않고 단호
151 번 - ①
152 번 - ⑤ (A) 수식을 받는 명사가 행해지는 수동의 관계이
133 번 - ⑤ if절 안에 정형동사가 필요하므로 including을 are
므로 과거분사 (B) satisfied: 만족한(형) [satisfy(만족시키다)에
included로 고쳐야 한다. [변형] ② in which를 where로 변형출
서 파생된 형용사] (C) likely 다음에 나오는 세 개의 to부정사구
가 등위접속사 and에 뒤에서 병렬구조를 이룸
134 번 - ② more → less, [변형] ② 원문: it is much
153 번 - ② 제한된 글자 수 내에서 대학 지원 에세이를 쓸 때,
easier to make a computation error, ③ hardly allows의 원
자신의 전기를 담으려 하는 대신 자신에 대한 중요한 내용을 적어
문: does not allow, ④ 원문 poor, ⑤ 원문: include
야 한다는 내용이므로 학생들이 에세이에 너무 많은 시간을 쓰면
135 번 - ④ essential to getting a promising job → good 안 된다는 2번 문장은 흐름에 맞지 않다.
opportunity for your educational career: '전망이 밝은 직업을
154 번 - (A) a bagel (B) earth science (A) When you
얻기 위한 것에 필수적인'이라는 내용은 언급되지 않았다.
choose a bagel over a donut [도넛 보다는 베이글을 선택할때]
136 번 - ④ 예방하기 위해서라는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 ㅡ그것(=베이글) / (B) If you choose to take earth science
prevent로 고쳐야 한다. instead of oceanography [해양과학 대신에 지구과학을 수강하
기로 선택한다면]ㅡ 그것(= 지구 과학)이 더 쉬울거라는 신념에
137 번 - ① (A) 심한 스트레스에 직면하면 즉각적으로 반응한
서 기한 것일지 모른다.
다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 instantly(즉각적으로)가 적절하다.
reluctantly는 ‘마지 못해’라는 뜻이다. (B) 기술은 빠른 대응이 155 번 - 베이글이 건강에 더 좋다는 신념이나 그 맛을 더 좋아하
상황을 악화시키는 것을 훨씬 쉽게 만든다는 흐름이 자연스러우므 게 될 것이라는 신념. When you choose a bagel over a
로 aggravate(악화하다)가 적절하다. relieve는 ‘완화하다’라는 donut, it might stem from the belief that it is better for
뜻이다. (C) 말하거나 글을 쓸 때 감정을 억누르는 것이 중요하다 you, or the belief that you’ll like the taste better.
는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 suppress(억누르다)가 적절하다. 156 번 - ① reliable(신뢰할 수 있는) distributed(나누어주
express 는 ‘표현하다’라는 뜻이다. <변형 포인트; (변형:원문)> 다, 분배하다) adopt(채택하다, 입양하다)
(A) instantly : immediately (B) aggravate : worsen (C)
suppress : step back
157 번 - ④ 가파른 언덕 아래에 있는 버스 정류장으로 인한 주
민들의 불편함을 이야기한 뒤 정류장이 아파트 위까지 오도록 노
138 번 - ⑤ (A) 앞 문장의 '마음 챙김을 열심히 하는 사람들'과 선 변경을 요청하는 내용이 이어지는 것이 자연스럽다.
뒤에 이어지는 '현시점에 유념하여 주의를 기울이고 자신의 환경
을 아주 강하게 인식하는 경향이 있는 사람들'은 같은 내용을 달리
158 번 - ② 구체적인 목표를 세우고 노력하면 성공할 수 있다
는 지문.
표현한 환언(말바꾸기)이다. (B) 마음 챙김을 열심히 하는 사람들
의 긍정적인 특징을 첨가하고 있다. 159 번 - ④ 세계 농작물의 많은 부분이 가축을 사육하는 데 이
용되고 있으나, 육류에서 얻는 칼로리는 작물에서 얻을 수 있는 칼
139 번 - ② 효과적인 대학지원 에세이를 작성하는 전략, 즉,
로리에 훨씬 미치지 못하므로, 육류를 덜 먹어 가축 사육을 줄이는
모든 것을 담으려하지 말라는 내용이므로 위 글의 주제로 가장 적
것이 식량 문제에 대한 해결책이 될 수 있다. ㅡ전 세계적으로 상
절한 것은 ②번이다.
당한 양의 식량을 이용하게 해 줄 수 있을 것이다.
140 번 - ① 본문참조
160 번 - ⑤ 발표할때 휴대전화, 시계, 펜, 열쇠, 동전 등 최상
141 번 - ② 애완동물의 '특별한 욕구'를 인식하고 그 욕구를 의 발표를 하는 데 방해가 될 물건들은 책상이나 가방에 두고 발표
존중하는 것이 중요하다. 하라 는 내용임. ㅡ⑤ 발표하기 전에 제거해야 할 방해요인 들
142 번 - ① 버스 경로를 바꿔야 하는 것에 대한 내용의 글이므 161 번 - ② 휴대폰 사용에 대한 제한을 아이들에게 설명하는
로, 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ①이다. 글로 ② 엄격한 톤의 글이라고 보는 것이 적절하다
143 번 - ① 원문 commitment 그리고 아테네에서 그의 목에 162 번 - ② supports -> support (앞서 facts를 선행사로 수
걸어 준 여덟 개의 메달(그 중여섯 개가 금메달이었다)은 그런 "헌 식하는 주격관계대명사절 that tend to~ 와 병렬관계를 이루므로
신"을 반영한다. support로 바꿔야 한다.)
144 번 - ② 간단히 말해서, 고기를 (A) '적게' 먹고 가축 (B) 163 번 - ③ [응용] 풀이 과정을 적는 것이 도움이 된다는 내용
'사육'을 줄이는 것이 식량 문제의 해결책이 될 수 있다. 으로, ③은 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
145 번 - mobile phone, watch, pens, keys, and
164 번 - ② (A) 추가적인(additional) 점수를 위한 수업을 듣
coins 해당문장 참고
는 다는 흐름이 자연스럽다. (B) 뉴욕에 머물도록 허락하는 것
146 번 - ④ ask 뒤에 완전한 문장이 이어지고 있으므로 ④ (Allowing)도 힘든데, 잉글랜드까지 간다는 소식에 더 아쉬워하는
that으로 고쳐야 한다. 내용이 자연스럽다. (3) 이것이 좋은 기회가(opportunity)될 것
이므로, 허락한다는 흐름이 자연스럽다.
147 번 - ① [응용] 균형잡힌 이야기라는 뜻으로 수동형
balanced으로 고쳐야 한다.

너른터 -5-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

165 번 - ③ (A) '용접할 때의'의 의미인 welding이 적절하다. 182 번 - ⑤ 이 글은 우리가 내리는 선택은 우리의 신념에 기반
(B) '신속히'라는 의미의 promptly가 적절하다. (C) 지속적인 '후 하고 있으며, 추후의 삶에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 글이다. 5번 '여
원'에 감사하다는 내용이므로 patronage가 적절하다. <오답노트 러분이 믿는 것을 테스트하는 것은, 이왕이면 여러분이 신뢰하는
> withering 시들어가는, pilgrimage 순례 관계를 가지고 있는 다른 상대와 관련하여만 이루어질 수 있다.'는
것은 전체적인 글의 흐름과 무관하다.
166 번 - ④ 말을 한마디 하거나 타자로 치기 '전에' 한 걸음 뒤
로 물러서는 것이 더욱 더 중요하다는 것이 문맥상 자연스러우므 183 번 - ③ 애완동물의 특별한 욕구를 인식하고 그 욕구를 존
로, ④의 after를 before로 고쳐야 한다. 중하는 것의 중요성 -> (B) 애완동물 욕구 인식과 존중의 예로서
167 번 - A) mindful B) positive C) physically 사람들이 애완견을 설명 -> (A) 또 다른 예로 고양이를 설명 -> (C) 첨가의
현재의 경험에 대해 더 많은 (A) '관심을 가질수록', 그들은 사회 연결사를 사용해서 마코 앵무새를 추가적인 예로 설명
적으로 (B) '긍정적이고' (C) '신체적으로' 건강해질 가능성이 더 184 번 - ② 문의자의 현재 직업: 편지 수신자의 직업은
욱 더 크다. general manager이지만 문의자는 주민이라는 내용이외에 제시
168 번 - ② 밑줄 변형없이 마지막 문장(This means that 된 것이 없다. <오답노트> ① 어떤 유형의 거주 시설인가?: 노년
students have to focus on their strengths instead of 층을 위한 아파트 단지 ③ 아파트 단지에서 버스 정류장까지의 대
showing their whole life story when writing the college 략적인 거리: 반 마일 ④ 주민들이 마을을 다니는 것을 불편하게
application essay.) 추가됨 만드는 요소: 가장 가까운 버스 정류장이 가파른 언덕 밑에 있고
반 마일이나 떨어져 있다. ⑤ 현재의 문제를 개선하기 위한 대안은
169 번 - ① 주제문; Beliefs are powerful. They directly
무엇인가? : 16번 버스 노선을 언덕 위까지로 연장해주는 것.
affect our feelings and behaviors, and so, the course of
our lives.[신념은 강력하다. 그것은 우리의 감정과 행동, 그리고 185 번 - ④ (A)latter-순서/later-시간, (B)specific-구체적
결과적으로 삶의 과정에 직접 영향을 미친다. ]로 보아 1번 '우리 인/common-공통의, (C)reflect-반영(반사)하다, respect-존경
의 신념에 의해 만들어진 선택의 효과'가 적절하다. 하다

170 번 - ③ <비교급 강조의 much ㅡ very는 비교급 강조에 186 번 - ① 1. 육류를 적게 먹어야 하는 이유 2. 육류 소비의
사용하지 못한다> 필요성 3. 균형잡힌 식단을 위한 유용한 조언 4. 환경을 위한 채식
주의 5. 현대의 인간; 육류소비의 역사
171 번 - ② (A)부탁을 받아왔다는 의미이며, 'by+행위자' 가
187 번 - ① stressful, ② to reveal, ③ is, ④ giving, ⑤
따라나오므로 수동태, (B)감각동사 feel의 주격보어 자리이므로
are called ① 명사를 수식하는 형용사 ② 부사적 용법(목적)
형용사가 알맞다. (C)동명사 관용표현인, look forward to ~ing;
③ 주어 The last thing의 동사 자리 ④ 전치사 of 의 목적어 자리
~하기를 고대하다
⑤ 이름이 불릴 때를 의미하는 수동태
172 번 - ① 펠프스의 성공은 메달을 향한 구체적인 계획과 노
력 때문이므로, 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ①이다.
188 번 - ③ 각각 250분이라고 하였으므로, ③은 글의 내용과
일치하지 않는다.
173 번 - The, less, the, more 우리가 음식을 위해 육류의
의존을 적게 할 수록, 전 세계의 사람들을 위해 더 많은 식량을 준 189 번 - ⑤ (A) 주격관계대명사 that (B) 명령문이므로 동사
비할 수 있다. 원형으로 시작한다 (C) 수동태 구문이다(진보적 견해가 포함되어
174 번 - when you are called to the podium when(접
속사) you are called(수동태) to the podium 190 번 - ③ 전체 글의 내용은 '수학 문제를 풀 때는 답만 쓰는
것이 아니라 답을 쓰는 과정을 써야 학생들이 부주의한 실수를 하
175 번 - ① 엄하고 진지하게 말하고 있다.
지 않고, 답의 기원을 확인 할 수 있고, 노트 필기를 할 때 나쁜 공
176 번 - ④ 이 글은 뉴스에서 발생하는 생략에 의한 편향에 대 부 습관을 가지지 않고 부주의하지도 않게 된다.' 이므로 In
해 설명하는 글이므로 4번 '기자들은 나름대로 정치적 입장을 갖 short[요약하면], homework and in-class math assignments
고 있지만, 자기 입장을 배제하고 균형 잡힌 시각을 유지하여 사안 should always include both procedures and answers when
의 한쪽을 빠뜨리는 일이 없도록 노력한다.'는 것은 전체적인 글의 answering questions.[숙제와 수업에서의 수학 과제는 질문에
흐름과 무관하다. 답을 할 때 항상 절차와 답을 모두 포함해야 한다.]가 적절함
177 번 - ② <요약; 수학 문제를 풀 때는 답만 쓰는 것이 아니 191 번 - ①
라 답을 쓰는 과정을 써야 학생들이 부주의한 실수를 하지 않고,
192 번 - ⑤ ⑤는 another Chinese paper kite를 가리킨다.
답의 기원을 확인 할 수 있고, 노트 필기를 할 때 나쁜 공부 습관을
가지지 않고 부주의하지도 않게 된다. >ㅡ제목으로는 '수학문제를 193 번 - ④ 극심한 스트레스에 반응할 때 시간을 가지는 것의
풀때 쓰기 절차(과정)의 필요성"이 적절하다. 중요성에 관한 글이다.

178 번 - ③ 194 번 - ① stem from ~에서(원인) 기인하다 lead to ~으로

(결과) 이어지다
179 번 - ③ 고객 상담실은 귀하께 드릴 대체품의 판매 위치를
알 수 없으므로 귀하가 구매하고 영수증을 보내 달라는 것이므로, 195 번 - ③ [응용] 만약 고양이가 수줍음이 많고 소심하다면,
③ incapable로 고쳐야 한다. 옷을 입고 고양이 쇼에 출연하는 것을 원하지 않을 것이라 하였으
므로, ③은 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
180 번 - ⑤ (A) 극심한 스트레스 요인과 직면할 때 즉각적인
반응을 보이며 반격하는 것은 도움이 되지 않는다는 흐름이 자연 196 번 - of bus stop 버스 정류소 이동을 요청하기위해
스러우므로 less가 적절하다. (B) 빠른 반응으로 상황이 악회되기 197 번 - ④ pride-자신감, encouragement-격려, specialty-
쉽다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 quick이 적절하다. (C) 상황을 더 전공, commitment-헌신, instruction-지시
악화시킨다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 worsen이 적절하다.

181 번 - ② 입학 위원회가 당신의 대학 지원 에세이에 (A) '관

심을 갖게' 하기 위해서는 평생에 대해 말하는 것을 (B) '피하도록'
노력하라. 오히려 자신을 가장 잘 묘사하는 것을 보여줘라.

너른터 -6-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

198 번 - ② [응용] the world’s crop calories의 나머지를 뜻 215 번 - ⑤ 이 글은, 수학숙제를 할 때 과정없이 답만 채워 넣
하고 있으므로, 복수형 are로 고쳐야 한다. 은 것을 피해야 하는 이유 3가지를 들면서, 항상 절차
(procedures)와 답(answers)을 모두 적을 것을 강조한다. 마지
199 번 - ⑤ are calling -> are called 내용상 이름이 불릴 때
막 문장이 이 글의 결론이자 주제임을 알 수 있다.
이고, calling의 목적어가 없으므로 수동태가 되어야 한다.
200 번 - (A) activation (B) receipt (C) 216 번 - ④ 추가 학점을 위해 크리스마스에 못 오는 것은 아쉽
ventilation (A) 스프링쿨러의 작동으로 인해 (B) 영수증을 보 지만, 너의 교육 경력에 좋은 기회라는 것을 이해한다고 하였으므
내줄 것을 (C) 환기 시스템 로, ④ permission(허가)한다로 고쳐야 한다.

201 번 - ② monitoring -> ignoring 편향이 발생하는 형태 217 번 - ② ② 다음과 같이 수정되어야 한다. We
중 한 가지는 한쪽 편을 하나의 기사 또는 일정 기간 동안의 일련 understand it was destroyed, while 'hanging' in your
의 기사에서 제외하는 것이다. 즉 진보적 혹은 보수적 주장을 논박 office, when ceiling fire sprinklers were 'activated' due to
하는 경향이 있거나, 진보적 혹은 보수적 신념을 지지하는 사실을 an overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work
(감시하는->)무시하는 것이다. site.

202 번 - ② 요약하면, 숙제와 수업에서의 수학 과제는 "질문에 218 번 - ② 좀 더 건강한 방식으로 상황을 처리할 수 있도록
답을 할 때 항상 절차와 답을 모두 포함해야 한다". 시간을 가질 수 있다는 빈칸 뒤의 내용에 비추어 볼 때, 빈칸에 들
어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ② 뒤로 물러나는 것이다.
203 번 - ③ are → is ④ what → which 혹은 and it ③주
어가 Letting으로서 동명사이므로 동사는 단수로 적어야 한다. ④ 219 번 - 해양학 대신에 지구과학(과목)을 수강하기로 한 선
That means ... this year까지 완벽한 문장이 마무리되었기 때문 택 바로 앞 문장의 'choose to take earth science instead of
에, 추가적인 문장은 계속적 용법의 관계대명사 which를 이용하 oceanography' 이 부분을 가리킨다.
여 연결하거나 접속사로 이어준다. 220 번 - ② (A)주어는 'Most of the choices' 이므로 복수동
204 번 - ② '손상된 연이 사무실에 있는 진열장에 전시되게 되 사이다. 부분사인 most는 함께 나오는 명사(choices)의 수에 따
어있었다'는 것은 유추할 수 없다. 연은 손상되는 동안 매달려 있 라 동사의 수가 결정된다. (B)the belief와 동격인 명사절 접속사,
었다. <오답노트> ① 물에 젖어서 중국연을 잃었다: 과도한 연기 (C)명사만 따라나오므로 전치사인 instead of가 알맞다.
로 인해 스프링쿨러가 작동했으므로 물에 젖었다고 유추할 수 있 221 번 - ③
다. ③ 직접 새로운 연을 산 후에 증빙 서류를 보여줘야 한다: 고
222 번 - ⑤
객 상담실이 대체연을 살 위치를 알 수 없으므로 직접 사서 영수증
을 보내라고 했다. ④ 영수증을 확인하자마자, 회사는 그녀의 구입 223 번 - ④ 시드니 올림픽 때 15세였고 4년 후 아테네 올림에
을 부담할 것이다: 신속히 지불할 것이라는 내용이 있다. ⑤ 비슷 서 메달을 땄음.
한 발생을 막기 위해 개조를 완료했다: 작업장의 환기 시설을 개선 224 번 - ③ ① ~ 사람들에게 먹여진다. ② 36%가 바이오 연
했다는 내용이 언급되어 있다. 료, 9%가 공산품으로 바뀐다. ④ ~3칼로리를 얻는다. ⑤ 육류 위
205 번 - ③ 주의 식사를 덜 하는 것은~

206 번 - ① 제시문의 Beliefs를 (C)의 They로 받고 있다. -> 225 번 - ② 약속된 휴대폰 사용량 제한이 지켜지지 않아 경고
(B) 앞에서 언급한 신념의 결과를 도넛보다는 베이글을 선택하는 하는 글이므로 ②가 가장 적절하다.
것을 예로 들어 설명하고 있다. -> (A) 해양학 대신에 지구과학을 226 번 - ⑤ 제시문에는 기자가 균형 잡힌, 편향되지 않는 이야
수강하기로 선택하는 예를 추가로 설명하고 있다. 기를 말해야 된다고 말한다. 그리고 마지막에 편향성 있는 이야기
207 번 - should always include both procedures and 들을 볼 수 있다고 했는데, B&A는 생략에 대해 말하고 있음으로C
answers when answering questions. 빈도부사 always 가 먼저이다. 그리고 A가 예시들을 말함으로써 그와 관련된 주 이
는 조동사 should 뒤에 와야 하고, when answering은 when 야기가 먼저 나와야 하기에 ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)가 정답이다.
people(you, we, they) answer로 써도 가능하다. 227 번 - 수학 문제를 풀 때는 답과 과정을 다 쓰도록 하라. 지
208 번 - ④ ④We have been asked by some of the 문을 보면 마지막 문장에서 In short, homework and in-class
residents here to see if we can help improve their ability math assignments should always include both procedures
to get around town independently. 라는 주제문을 통해 버스 and answers when answering questions. 수학 문제를 풀 때
노선 확충을 요구하는 지문임을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 정답은 ④ 는 답과 과정을 다 써야 한다고 주장하고 있다.
번이다. 228 번 - permission 허락해주기 위해 편지를 쓰고 있다.
209 번 - ① 펠프스의 성공은 메달을 향한 구체적인 계획과 노 229 번 - is hard as it is 있는 그대로 라는 의미의 as it is를
력 때문 활용한다.

210 번 - ④ 4. 연습이 완벽함을 만든다-펠프스의 성공의 비결 230 번 - ② (2) destroyed

은 노력 2-백짓장도 맏들면 낫다, 3-사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 231 번 - ② 지문은 과학기술로 인해 빠르게 응답하는 것의 안
간다, 5-천리길도 한 걸음부터 좋은 측면과 대답하기 전에 한 발짝 물러서 생각해보는 것이 도움
211 번 - ① 1번 문장 다음의 대명사 it이 가리키는 내용이 주 이 될 거라고 얘기하고 있으므로 기술이 빠른 응답으로 상황을 악
어진 문장 화시키는 것을 더 어렵게 한다는 것은 문맥상 부적절하므로 more
212 번 - ⓐending -> ended / ⓒraising -> difficult를 much easier(원문) 등으로 고쳐야 한다.
ⓒraised ⓐ 동사자리 ⓒ 수동 관계 232 번 - ⑤ 우리가 믿는 것: 우리 삶의 가장 강력한 결정요인
213 번 - ① "We are covered by a family plan"에서 가족
요금제에 가입되어 있음을 알 수 있다.

214 번 - ③, ⑤ 1) are 2) in which 4) reports 가 적절하다

너른터 -7-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

233 번 - ⑤ A가 포함된 문장 앞 문장에서 사실, 주장인 문장을 250 번 - ② 추가 수업으로 인해 크리스마스에 함께 하지 못해

말하고 뒷 문장에서 가정을 하며 이에 대한 예사를 들고 있다. 따 서 속상할 것이므로, ②이 적절하다.
라서 for instance가 적절하다. B가 포함된 문장과 그 앞 문장은
251 번 - ④ 대체품의 판매 위치를 알 수 없으므로, 다른 연을
유사한 흐름이 계속됨을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 정답은 ⑤번이다.
구매하여 영수증을 보내주면 비용을 돌려주겠다고 했다. / 근거:
234 번 - ④ 버스 노선의 변경을 요청하는 글이므로 글의 목적 will you please purchase another Chinese paper kite and
이 가장 잘 나타나 있는 문장은 ④ '우리는 15번 버스 노선이 언덕 send us the receipt?
을 따라 단지로 올라오도록 약간 변경될 수 있을지 문의합니다.'이 252 번 - (A) step back (B) a quick response /
다. reacting immediately / responding quickly 주제문 :
235 번 - ② 월, 수, 금마다 두 배로 연습했다 The more something causes your heart to race, the more
important it is to step back before speaking or typing a
236 번 - ④ (A) 가정법과거 이므로 if / (B) 양보를 나타내는
single word. 스트레스에 직면했을때 즉시 반응하지 말고 한걸음
부사절 이므로 though /(C) 육류에 대한 의존도를 낮춰야 한다는
물러서는게 더 좋다
얘기가 이어지므로 less

237 번 - ③ 가족 핸드폰 사용 요금에 대해 얘기하고 있으므로

253 번 - ② 우리가 하는 선택은 신념에 기반을 둔 것이며, 그
러한 선택은 우리의 삶에 영향을 미친다는 글의 전체 내용과 The
③ 데이터 차단과 활성화 요금과 같은 추가 휴대폰 요금이 비판받
choice involves decision making which can include judging
고 있다는 내용은 전체 흐름과 관련이 없다
the merits of multiple options and selecting one or more
238 번 - ① 이 글에서 다루고 있는 내용은 기자는 균형 잡힌 of them.[선택은 여러 옵션의 장점을 판단하고 그 중 하나 이상을
기사를 제공해야 한다는 기자의 업무와 관련되므로, 기자가 자신 선택하는 것을 포함할 수 있는 의사결정을 포함한다.]는 문장은 무
의 신념을 투사하는 것에서 기자의 책임이 시작된다는 ①은 글 전 관함
체의 흐름과 관계없는 문장이다.
254 번 - ③ (A) 문맥상 if (~인지)가 적절하다. (B) 편안하게
239 번 - ④ 수학 문제를 풀 때 답을 쓰는 과정을 써야 학생들 느끼는 사람이 거의 없다는 문맥이므로 few가 적절하다. (C) look
이 부주의한 실수를 하지 않는 다는 내용으로, 글의 제목으로는 forward to + -ing (~하기를 몹시 기대하다)이므로 hearing이
④'수학 과제를 하는데 있어 실수를 줄이는 방법"이 적절하다. 적절하다.
240 번 - allow their daughter to take extra classes at 255 번 - ③ 변형문제 원문: Shifting to less meat-intensive
Oxford University 딸이 추가 수업을 받도록 허락해주었다가 diets
256 번 - ⑤ 자녀들에게 휴대전화 사용량 지침을 지키라고 말
241 번 - ② 글에서 용접 인부를 관리하고 있는지는 알 수 없 하는 내용의 글이므로, 글의 목적으로는 ⑤가 가장 적절하다.
257 번 - ② 2번 좋은 공부습관을 위해 (절차 없이->) '절차를
242 번 - ① (C)의 this가 제시문의 내용을 받으므로 (C)가 가 포함해서' 답을 제시하는 것이 엄격히 필요하다.
장 먼저오고 (C)의 마지막 오늘날에서 육체적인 공격을 받지 않는
다면 도움이 되지 않는 이유를 설명하는 (B)이 그 다음에 오고 마
258 번 - ④ 제시문의 의 That은 Silviar가 두 달동안 영국으로
가기를 원한다는 말을 한 것을 받고 있고, 그로 인해 크리스마스에
지막으로 글쓴이의 주장이 오는 (A)가 오는 것이 가장 적절하다.
옆에 없을 것이라 슬프다는 말이 이어지고 있다.
243 번 - ② 이 글은 우리가 내리는 선택은 우리의 신념에 기반
하고 있으며, 추후의 삶에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 글이다. 2번 '선
259 번 - ③ purchase와 같으므로 send로 고쳐야한다.

택은 여러 옵션의 장점을 판단하고 그 중 하나 이상을 선택하는 것 260 번 - ③ 동사 makes의 진목적어는 'to worsen a
을 포함할 수 있는 의사결정을 포함한다.'는 것은 전체적인 글의 situation with a quick response'이며 ③의 that은 가목적어의
흐름과 무관하다. 역할을 해야하므로 it으로 고쳐야 한다.
244 번 - recognize out pet's particular needs and 261 번 - ② 우리가 도울 수 있을지 알아봐 달라는 요청을 받았
respect them 애완동물의 특별한 욕구를 인식하고 그 욕구를 다는 문맥이므로 what을 접속사 if (~인지)로 고쳐야 한다.
존중하는 것이 중요하다는 내용의 글이다. <변형 포인트> 첫문장
262 번 - ④ 주어가 a fraction of the calories in feed given
'It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs
to livestock(가축에게 제공되는 사료에 들어있는 열량의 일부분)
and respect them.'을 삭제한 변형문제.
으로 주어가 복수이므로, 동사 makes를 make로 고쳐야 한다.
245 번 - ⑤ ⑤ 요청대로 노선변경이 이뤄질 경우 매일 각 방향
263 번 - ③ 자녀들이 약속을 어긴 것에 실망하고, 단호하게 결
의 탑승자를 약속한다는 내용이므로, 다음과 같이 바꾸어야 한다.
정사항을 전달하고 있으므로 ③이 적절하다.
impersonal 인간미 없는 → grateful 감사하는
264 번 - ⑤ exclude -> include 요약하면, 숙제와 수업에서
246 번 - ② (A) to 부정사의 목적어 nine billion people가 뒤
의 수학 과제는 질문에 답을 할 때 항상 절차와 답을 모두 (제외해
에 있으므로 수동태는 사용 불가 (B) 동사 consume이 앞에 나와
야->) '포함해야' 한다
있으므로 과거분사 raised 필요 (C) 선행사 meat and milk가 있
으므로 관계대명사 that 필요 265 번 - ④ will you please purchase another Chinese
paper kite and send us the receipt? (중국제 종이 연을 하나
247 번 - you were to stay within the guidelines of a
더 사서 그 영수증을 보내주시겠습니까?)
certain number of minutes each month 보기의 단어들
로 변형없이 영작한다. 266 번 - ③
248 번 - ④ '생략에 의한 편향'의 사례를찾아보려면, 현재의
문제들에 대한 보수적 혹은 진보적인 견해에 유의하라.

249 번 - ① (1) negatively 첫째, 답 쓰기에 선행하는 절차 없

이 그저 어떤 문제에 대한 답만 쓰는 것은 학생들이 부주의한 실수
를 하도록 (긍정적을로->) '부정적으로' 부추긴다.

너른터 -8-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

267 번 - ⑤ 스트레스에 맞서기 싸우기 전에 잠시 기다려라 ㅡ 제 제기: 현재 버스 이용이 불편한 이유 → (A) 대안 제시: 16번
한 걸음 뒤로 물러서는 것이 중요하다. 노선을 언덕 위까지 연장시켜주기를 희망 → 답변받기를 희망하며
인사로 마무리
268 번 - ①, ⑤ ① 수동 구문으로 have been asked로 고쳐
야한다. ⑤ look forward to 구문으로 to hearing으로 고쳐 284 번 - (A) The more something causes your heart
야한다. to race / (B) the more important it is to step
back (A) 어떤 일 때문에 여러분의 심장이 빨리 뛰면 뛸수록,
269 번 - ④ 덜 육류집약적인 식단으로 전환하는 것은 전 세계
말을 한마디 하거나 타자로 치기 전에 한 걸음 물러나는 것이 더욱
에 걸쳐 많은 식량을 해결해 줄 수 있다.
더 중요하다. 「the +비교급 ~, the +비교급 ...」 ‘~할수록 더욱
270 번 - ⑤ limit와 병렬을 이루는 asking으로 고쳐야 한다. 더 …하다’구문이 사용되었다. (B) it은 형식상의 주어이고 [to
271 번 - ⑤ [A] 답만 채워 넣는 것을 "피해야"한다. [B] 과정 step~word ]가 내용상의 주어이다.
이 없으면 계산 실수를 하는 것이 "더 쉽다". [C] 과정의 부족은 285 번 - ⑤ (A) 능력을 향상시킨다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로
필기의 나쁜 공부 습관과 부주의에 "기여한다" improve(향상시키다)가 적절하다. disprove는 '아님을 증명하
272 번 - which were activated due to an 다'라는 뜻이다. (B) 편안함을 느낀다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로
overabundance of welding smoke caused it to be comfortable이 적절하다. (C) 확신하고 있다는 흐름이 자연스러
destoyed Fire sprinklers를 수식하는 주격관계대명사절이 이 우므로 promise가 적절하다.
어지되, 작동 되었던 것이므로 과거 수동 were activated, 과도한 286 번 - ④ (A) 가목적어 진목적어 구문 (B) 동명사
연기가 원인이므로 due to an overabundance of welding responding의 동사적 성질을 수식하는 부사 (C) a way를 수식하
smoke, 결국 스프링쿨러가 연을 망치게 하는 것으로 cause A to 는 형용사적 용법
V 구문을 이용하되, 연의 입장에서는 파괴 되는 to be destroyed
287 번 - ④ 16번 버스 노선을 아파트가 있는 언덕 위까지 변
가 되어야 한다.
경할 수 있기를 바라는 내용의 글이므로, ④는 글의 내용과 일치하
273 번 - ④ 모든 것이 힘든 상황에서 반사적으로 즉각적인 대 지 않는다.
응 대신 한층 차분한 태도를 취하는 중요성에 대한 조언으로, 글의
288 번 - the more important it is to step back before
목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④이다.
speaking or typing a single word. 밑줄 친 한글말 앞에
274 번 - ③ 감각동사 feel + 형용사이므로 ③ comfortably를 이미 The more ~ 로 문장이 시작되었음을 볼 수 있다. 이에 따라
comfortable로 고쳐야 한다. <변형> ① We have been asked 우리가 영작해야 하는 문장도 the more로 시작해야 됨을 알 수
by some of the residents here to see : Some of the 있고 the more로 강조하고 싶은 "중요한"이라는 단어,
residents ① have asked us to see important를 쓰고 이어서 주어 동사로 시작하는 문장을 영작하면
275 번 - ① 1번 만약 우리가 재배한 더 많은 농작물이 간접적 되므로 따라서 정답은 "the more important it is to step back
으로 사람들을 먹인다면, 가까운 미래에 90억 명의 사람들을 먹일 before speaking or typing a single word."이다.
가능성이 훨씬 더 높을 것이다. -> 만약 우리가 재배하는 농작물 289 번 - ③ 어떤 일 때문에 여러분의 심장이 빨리 뛰면 뛸수
의 더 많은 부분이 사람의 위장으로 들어가게 된다면, 2050년쯤 록, 말을 한마디 하거나 타자로 치기 전에 "한 걸음 물러나는
에는 90억 명의 사람들을 먹여 살리는 것은 훨씬 더 쉬울 것이다. 것"이 더욱더 중요하다.
276 번 - no more than 250 minutes per month for 290 번 - ① (A)는 기술은 신속한 대응으로 문제를 더 쉽게 악
each of you. no more than (~를 넘지 않는), 250 minutes 화시킨다는 내용이므로 worsen(solve 해결하다), (B)는 반응하
per month(한달에 250분), for each of you(너희 각각에게 있 기 전에 뒤로 물러나는 것이 중요하다는 내용이므로 step
어) back(hurry up 서두르다), (C)는 다시 생각할 시간을 줄 것이고
277 번 - ① avoid가 문맥상 적절하다 상황을 더 존중하는 방식으로 대처할 방법을 찾을 것이라는 내용
이므로 more respectful(faster 더 빠른)이 적절하다.
278 번 - ② 본문에 사용된 serve는 '근무[복무] 하다'라는 의
미로 사용된 것이 아니고 '~에게 도움이 되다'라는 의미로 사용되 291 번 - ④ 말을 하거나 단어를 타이핑하기 전에 뒤로 물러서
었다. 는 것을 의미하고 있으므로, ④가 가장 적절하다.

279 번 - ③ ① am을 are로 고쳐야 한다. 혼자힘으로라는 부 292 번 - ⑤ 극심한 스트레스 요인과 직면할 때 한 걸음 뒤로
사가 문맥상 자연스러우므로 ② independent를 independently 물러서는 것이 더욱 더 중요하다고 했으므로, 빈칸에 들어갈 말로
로 고쳐야 한다. few + 복수명사 + 복수동사이므로 ④ feels를 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.
feel로 고쳐야 한다. look forward to(전치사) + 면사, 대명사이 293 번 - ⑤ (A) 심한 스트레스의 원인에 직면했을 때 당신은
므로 ⑤ hear를 hearing으로 고쳐야 한다. 즉각 반격하고 반응할 수 있다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로
280 번 - ④ immediately(즉각적으로)가 적절하다. (B) 기술은 신속한 대응
으로 상황을 훨씬 더 쉽게 악화 시킨다는 내용이 자연스러우므로
281 번 - ③ ① 주어가 My wife and I이므로 are가 적절하다.
worsen(악화 시키다)이 적절하다. (C) 말하거나 타이핑을 할 때
② '혼자 힘으로'라는 부사가 적절하므로, independent를
한 발 뒤로 물러서는 것이 중요하다는 내용이 자연스러우므로
independently로 고쳐야 한다. ④ 주어가 few of the residents
(step) back(뒤로 물러서다)이 적절하다.
이므로 feel이 적절하다. ⑤ look forward to ~ing (~를 고대하
다)이므로 hear를 hearing으로 고쳐야 한다. 294 번 - ⑤ 빈칸 뒤에서 너무 빨리 반응해서 죄책감을 가진 적
있다고 했으므로, 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤ ‘빠른
282 번 - ② 어떤 일이든 한 걸음 뒤로 물러서는 것이 더욱 더
반응으로 상황을 악화시키는 것’이다.
중요하다는 것에 대해 설명하는 내용의 글이므로, 다른 사람들과
소통할 때 응답하는 데 시간을 들이지 않는 것이 좋다는 것에 대해
서술하는 ②는 글의 전체 흐름과 관계가 없다.

283 번 - ⑤ 제시문에서 자신들을 소개 → (C) 자신들이 다른

주민들의 요청에 의해 문의하고 있음을 밝힘 → (B) 구체적인 문

너른터 -9-

(정답지) EBS 리딩파워 유형편 기본(2024)

295 번 - ⑤ (A) 물리적으로 공격받지 않는 한 반격하는 것은 311 번 - Technology makes it much easier to worsen
도움이 되지 않는다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 unless(~하지 않으 a situation with a quick response / The more
면)이 적절하다. (B) 너무 성급하게 반응한 것에 죄책감을 느낀적 something causes your heart to race, the more
있다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 quickly(빠르게)가 적절하다. (C) important it is to step back before speaking or
한 걸음 뒤로 물러서는 것이 중요하다는 흐름이 자연스러우므로 typing a single word 1: 가목적어 it과 진목적어 to worsen
step back이 적절하다. fight back은 '반격하다'라는 뜻이다. a situation with a quick response를 사용해야 하고 비교급을
강조하는 much를 쓴다. 2: the 비교급~, the 비교급~: ~하면
296 번 - the more important it is to step back before
할수록 더 ~하다.
speaking or typing a single word 어떤 일 때문에 여러분
의 심장이 빨리 뛰면 뛸수록, 말을 한마디 하거나 타자로 치기 전
에 한 걸음 물러나는 것이 더욱더 중요하다. 「the +비교급 ~,
the +비교급 ...」 ‘~할수록 더욱더 …하다’구문이 사용되었다. it
은 형식상의 주어이고 [to step~word ]가 내용상의 주어이다.

297 번 - ⑤ 공격을 받다(수동태), 가목적어(it), the 비교급

~the 비교급~

298 번 - ④ 어떤 일이든 한 걸음 뒤로 물러서는 것이 더욱 더

중요하다는 것에 대해 설명하는 내용의 글이므로, ④ 이메일에 대
해 서술하는 ④는 글의 전체 흐름과 관계가 없다.

299 번 - ① 하나의 절에는 2개 이상의 동사가 사용될 수 없고

반드시 접속사를 사용하거나 분사구문의 형태로 나타내야 하므로
동사 react를 현재분사 reacting으로 고쳐야 한다.

300 번 - ① 어떤 일 때문에 여러분의 심장이 빨리 뛰면 뛸수

록, "그것에 대답할 때 천천히 하는 것"이 더욱더 중요하다. 빈 칸
의 원문 'to step back before speaking or typing a single
word'을 변형하였다.

301 번 - ② <more => less (오늘날에는 당신이 물리적으로

공격받지 않는 한 '그다지' 도움이 되지 않는다.)

302 번 - ② 동사 make는 타동사인데 목적어가 없으므로 진목

적어를 to worsen a situation with a quick response로 받는
가목적어 it을 써서 make를 make it으로 고쳐야 한다.

303 번 - ① 어떤 일 때문에 여러분의 심장이 빨리 뛰면 뛸수

록, "단 한 마디도 보내기 전에 속도를 늦추는 것"이 더욱더 중요
하다. 빈 칸의 원문 'to step back before speaking or typing a
single word'을 변형하였다.

304 번 - ② 즉각 반응한다고 하였으므로 >> 성급한 반응

305 번 - to step back before speaking or typing a
single word 어떤 일이 당신의 심장을 빨리 뛰게 하면 할수록,
'말을 한마디 하거나 타자로 치기 전에 한 걸음 뒤로 물러서는
것'이 더욱 더 중요하다는 뜻이고, speaking과 typing의 어형에
유의해야 한다.
306 번 - having served 종속절의 시제(served)가 주절의
시제(is)보다 빠르므로 분사구문으로 바꿀 때 완료분사구문이 되
어야 한다.

307 번 - ⑤ 스트레스를 일으키는 상황에서 즉각 반응해서 상

황을 악화시키기보다는 한 걸음 뒤로 물러서서 시간을 가진 후 반
응하는 것이 더욱 더 중요하다는 내용의 글이므로, 글의 제목으로
가장 적절한 것은 ⑤이다.

308 번 - ④ is는 불완전 자동사이기 때문에 보어가 필요한데,

보어로 사용할 수 있는 것은 부사가 아니라 형용사이므로
importantly를 important로 고쳐야 한다. * ①facing은 동사인
face로 고쳐야 올바른 문장이 된다.

309 번 - ② 당신의 조상들이 야생동물로부터 공격을 받을 때

는 도움이 되었지만 오늘날에는 당신이 물리적으로 공격받지 않는
한 그다지 도움이 되지 않는다.

310 번 - ⑤ 빈칸 뒤에서 이것은 너에게 생각할 시간을 준다고

했으므로, 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ① ‘한마디 말을
하거나 타자로 치기 전에 한 걸음 뒤로 물러서는 것'이다.

너른터 - 10 -

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