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Student Assessment


Student Details

Student ID MEL16808 Group 9

Student Name Nicomar A. Sabiano

Conditions of  The student will have access to the relevant learning resources, listed under
Assessment the learning resource of this document, for this assessment.
 Assessment task may be completed at student’s own time.
 Responses to the questions must be typed.

Student  This task requires you to read the case studies provided. You must answer
Instructions for all questions correctly to complete this assessment with the satisfactory
completion result and you may utilise the relevant learning resources related to this
 The questions within this assessment relate directly to the integrated
knowledge contained within the unit of competencies and are fundamental to
the student’s knowledge and performance evidence. Use of correct grammar
and spelling is required to demonstrate foundation skills, so please ensure to
proofread your answers prior to submission.
 You may have up to three (3) attempts to be deemed Satisfactory outcome
with this assessment.
 Failure to receive the Satisfactory outcome after the three (3) attempts, the
result for the unit will be deemed Not Yet Satisfactory, and you must re-
enroll and repeat the unit to be eligible to be assessed again.
 APA referencing must be used where original sources have been used. Do
not copy and paste text from any of the online sources. SCEI has a strict
plagiarism policy and students who are found guilty of plagiarism, will be
 The written assessment standards (8.2) outlined in the PP77 Assessment
policy and procedure apply to this assessment task.

Explanation of the  List/identify/state/give/provide = present in brief form

common command  Outline= give the main facts about something, more than naming, but not a
words used in the  detailed description
Assessment Task  Describe = Give full details of characteristics and/or features, more needed
 than an outline or than a list
 Explain/Discuss = Give reasonable argument to discuss cause and effect
 and/or make links between things clear in your own words
 Analyse = Identify parts, the relationship between them, and their
relationships with the whole. Draw out and relate implications
 Demonstrate = Present, show or illustrate through example or action

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
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CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0
Student Assessment

Assessment  You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity
Procedure to seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment.
 You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment task. If
you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must
negotiate the time needed with the assessor prior to the assessment due
 Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked
as appropriate. Where responses have been assessed in one (1) or more
questions as unsatisfactory, students will be required to resubmit these
questions. For more information, detailed information can be found in PP77
Assessment Policy and Procedure
Due Date  14 days after the unit completion date as outlined in the PP77 Assessment
Policy and Procedure.

Case Study 1

You are sitting on the lounge reading a story to two 4-year-olds, Alex and Sam. The story is about an
Aboriginal boy and his dog called ‘Rabbit’. The boy tells the story of how the dog got his unusual name.
The illustrations show the boy living in a large country town. The book shows pictures of many Aboriginal
people within the country town. The book also depicts the people cooking on open fires, sleeping under
the stars and hunting.

At the conclusion of the story the following conversation takes place:

Alex: “Aboriginals have spears and eat snakes. They cook them in a fire.”

Sam: “Yeah, I know. They live in camps on the river. I don’t like Aboriginals ’cause they got brown

Educator: “just because people have different coloured skin, is no reason not to like them”. “Why
else don’t you like them”?

Sam: “Cause I heard my dad talking about them and saying they are trouble”

Educator: “Oh, ok”.

Question: Identify three (3) strategies educators can use to address the bias in this scenario.

The educator used these three (3) strategies to address the bias in the scenario:

1. The educator was able to use/cite other culture, not merely focusing on children's
cultures and traditions.
2. The educator was able to provide reason why we shouldn't like people who have
different skin color by asking convergent question to the Alex and Sam.
3. The educator showed respect to Alex and Sam, he was not upset in the scenario.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
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CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0
Student Assessment

Case Study 2

Arya (3 years) is lying on the cushions in the reading area, looking quite upset. The Educator sits next to

Educator: “Why are you not playing with your friends”?

Arya: “Pia and Milo say I can’t be their friend cause I talk funny.”

Arya speaks with a strong accent but is easily understood.

Educator: “How about I come with you and we go and talk to your friends”?

Arya: Nods, but doesn’t move from where she is lying on the cushions.

Question: Select three (3) strategies educators can use to address the bias in this scenario.

The educator used these three (3) strategies to address the bias in the scenario:
1. The educator found out the main concern of Arya why she is not playing with her
friends by asking direct question.
2. The educator offered herself that she can accompany Arya to talk to her friends.
3. The educator showed respect to Arya's feeling because she did not force Arya to talk
to her friends.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
Page 27 of 38 RTO Number 121952
CHC30121 Certification III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Student Assessment - Version 2.0

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