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1. Write a lesson report (written narrative) for a teaching evaluation in
your Practicum. Your conclusion should include strengths, weaknesses, and
areas for improvement. Remember to attach the lesson plan of that
evaluated lesson.
In that class session, I organized an assessment lesson in Unit 8: Speaking
"New Ways to Learn" of Global Success 10. I began by organizing a small game
of sorting pictures and guessing the object from the picture. From there, it leads
to the lesson topic and gets the students interested before starting the lesson.
Next, I teach some new words that are relevant to the subject. Then I assist
students in developing ideas for structures and instances through exercises such
as stating the benefits and drawbacks, as well as providing evidence for why and
what outcomes they achieve in learning. online.
Following the lesson, I divided the class into two groups to debate and assigned
each group an aspect of online learning to research and present. Students
engaged in collaborative speaking tasks within their groups, brainstorming
ideas, delegating tasks, and discussing their chosen topic in depth.
As students worked together, they practiced their speaking skills by articulating
their thoughts, explaining concepts, and debating the proponents and against
online learning.
During the presentation phase, each group had the opportunity to speak in front
of the class, delivering their findings and insights on their assigned topic.
Students demonstrated their speaking proficiency by confidently presenting
information, using appropriate vocabulary, and engaging their classmates with
their presentations. However, some students had difficulty expressing their
ideas, were afraid to speak in public, and were afraid of making mistakes when
In conclusion, throughout the lesson, several strengths myself an engaging
introduction with interactive activities, effective vocabulary instruction, and
fostering a collaborative learning environment. Students improved their
speaking skills through group debates and presentations. However, I see a few
weaknesses that need to be overcome such as better time management,
providing clearer instructions, ensuring balanced participation, and
incorporating structured feedback. To address these aspects, I need to go around
the classroom more and pay attention to students who are having difficulty to
help them study more effectively, encouraging quieter students and providing
clearer instructions during group tasks.
*Lesson plan:
Date of preparation: 02/03/2024
Total number of periods: 8(from 71 to 78)
Period: 74

By the end of the lesson, Students (Ss) will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain and use more words and phrases related to the topic of Online learning;
- Discover and understand the advantages and disadvantages of online learning;
2. Competences
- Develop language ability, communication, cooperation, and self-learning;
- Develop communication and presentation skills;
- Increase critical thinking and comprehendsion skills;
- Actively join in activities.
3. Personal qualities
- Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of online learning;
- Be proud of the advancement of Viet Nam in education;
- Be able to determine the best method of learning for themselves;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work, and group work.
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 8, Speaking;
- Computer connected to the Internet;
- Projector/TV/pictures and cards.
1. Warm-up: (5 minutes)
a. Objectives: Arouse the classroom’s atmosphere, and attract Ss to the lesson;
Lead in the lesson.
b. Content: Play the game “ JIGSAW PUZZLE?”.
c. Expected outcomes: Picture 1: 1-3-4-2: Laptop
Picture 2: 3-2-1-4: Google Classroom
Picture 3: 1-4-3-2: Mic
Picture 4: 2-4-3-1: Wifi
Picture 5: 4-3-2-1: Brain
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

- T greets the class and introduces the warm-up

- T asks SS to play a game.
- T divides the class into 2 teams: team A and team
B. - Listen to T’s instructions;
- There are 5 pictures, and SS have 5 seconds to
observe the pictures, and 30 seconds to answer.

- Participate in the game.

- Rules of the game:

+ Observe the picture in 10 seconds.
+ Then you raise your hand to answer.
+ Each correct answer will get 1 point.
+ The team which has more correct answers will be
the winner.
- T makes an example to help Ss know how to play
the game
- T controls the activity and gives appropriate
- T has SS review some pictures they have guessed.
- T asks SS to guess the topic of the lesson today.
2. Knowledge formation activities:(5 minutes)
Activity 1: Presentation
a. Objectives:
- Introduce some vocabulary related to the topic;
- Intoduce more ideas for the main speaking task and get SS involved in speaking
b. Content:
- Tell the advantages and disadvantages of online learning when compared to face-
to-face learning
c. Expected outcomes:
- Ss can tell the advantages and disadvantages of online learning when compared to
face-to-face learning
d. Organization:

Teacher’s activities Students’s activities

VOCABULARY: - Listen to T’s instructions;

- T provides some vocabulary by using the

following techniques:
1. technical problem ( context - Work in group;
2. schedule (n) picture
3. short-sightedness (n): real situation
4. backache (n): real situation - Go to the board and write
the answers;
-> checks understanding: shows 2 pictures:
A and B, and lets SS choose the right image. - Raise hand to express
Task 1: Put the advantages and disadvantages
Advantages disadvantages
of online learning from the box into a. We can b. We may
suitable categories. You may add more to learn at our have
each category. own pace. technical
- T asks SS what they have to do in task 2. d. We can c. We sit in
- T calls some SS to read out loud the learn front of a
anytime and computer for
advantages and disadvantages of online anywhere a long time.
learning in the box. with an
- T lets SS do the task in 2 minutes. Internet f. We can't
- T check the answer through the mini-game: connection. discuss and
WHO IS THE FASTER? e. We can talk to each
organise our other face to
- T divides the class into 2 teams: Team A and
own study face.
Team B schedule. by
- T provides a few pieces of paper stating the schedule.
advantages and disadvantages of online
learning. Then ask SS to stick the pieces of
paper on the board in the correct columns.
- T invites 2 SS to go to the board to check the
- T asks the whole class to read out loud the

3. Practice (15 minutes)

a. Objectives: To help SS brainstorm ideas for the speaking activity
b. Content:
- Put the advantages and disadvantages of online learning from the box into suitable
- Work in groups. Each group chooses to be either For or Against online learning.
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can collect materials from the previous lesson for the
following speaking tasks
d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Task 2: Work in groups. - Read the title and point out the requirement;
Each group chooses to be - Listen to the teacher’s instructions;
either For or Against online - Remember the steps and practice;
learning. Discuss and
provide explanations to
support your side. Use the - Answer T’s question;
table below to note your
ideas. Suggested answer:
Online learning Examples/ Evidences Results
Put the following
examples/ evidence and For Learn anytime Don’t go to school Can save time and
result in the right column and anywhere and save time travelling costs
with an Internet
- T asks SS what they have connection

to do in task 2. Learning Can look for Get access to

materials online materials online
- T introduces the table are through various materials
(modified) on the screen. available sources while and
- T provides some at all learning online lectures
times at any
information online time
(example/evidence/ result)
to do the task. Organise Can choose to The
Evidences/ our own
attend the timetable
courses may not
Examples: study that are be fixed
- Don’t have to go to
schedule suitable for
school and save time your
- Can cause short – schedule
sightedness or
backache Against Harm our Can cause Harm our
- Can choose to attend Short- health
the courses that are sightedness or
suitable for your backache
May have Internet Can’t
- Social media and connection,
other sites such as Technical Follow
online game problems micro, lessons
- Internet connection,
broken micro, camera Have a lot Social media Can’t
- Can look for online and other
of focus on
materials through sites such
distractions as online the
various sources while game
learning online lessons

- Harm our health
- The timetable may not
be fixed
- Can’t focus on the
- Get access to online
materials and lectures at
any time
- Can’t follow lessons

4. Production : (15 minutes)

a. Objectives: Provide Ss with useful expressions for the following speaking task.
b. Content: Discuss in groups about online learning.
c. Expected outcomes: Be able to express their personal viewpoints about online
d. Organization:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Task 3: Work with a classmate from the

opposite group. Discuss your opinions
about online learning. Use your notes - Listen to T’s instructions;
in 2:
- T gives SS sample answers:

F: I think online learning has more

advantages than disadvantages. First, we can
learn anytime and anywhere with an Internet - Work in group;
connection. So, we don't have to travel long
distances to school. We can stay at home to
attend lessons - Participate in debating;

- T helps SS analyse the sample answers. Then

provides SS a model to say: Suggested answer:
F: I think online learning has more
Your opinion + Explaination + Result advantages than disadvantages. First,
we can learn anytime and anywhere
- T use the example 2 to check SS’ understanding
with an Internet connection. So, we
A: I don't agree with you. Online learning has don't have to travel long distances to
more disadvantages than advantages. Studying school. We can stay at home to attend
online means we have to sit in front of a lesson.
computer for many hours and this is not healthy
for our eyes and back.
A: I don't agree with you. Online
learning has more disadvantages than
advantages. Studying online means we
- T asks SS to give some ways to express have to sit in front of a computer for
disagreement that they have known. many hours and this is not healthy for
- T gives some useful expressions: our eyes and back.
For example / For To give ………..
instance, …….. Your opinion + Explain + Result (if any)

Therefore / So , …… To give ……….. USEFUL EXPRESSION:

This + V To give ………..

In addition / Moreover, To add the

…. information

 I’m not sure (that) it works like that.

 Yes, but remember that
 In fact, …
 Hmm, possibly, but ...
 I don’t agree with you
 I’m afraid I disagree
 I don’t think so
 I don’t feel the same
 I take a different view
- T organizes the DEABATE SHOW
- T tells SS (from 2 random groups; one
group is the proponent of online learning
and the other is against online learning).
- T asks SS to present.
Online education does more
- T lets the rest of the SS vote for the winner.
good than harm.
- T gives feedback.
Ss’ performance

* Wrap-up: (5 minutes)
- Ask Ss to talk about what they have learned in the lesson.
* Homework:
1. Learn the new words by heart in the text
2. Do exercises in the workbook
3. Prepare the next lesson (LISTENING)

II/ Teaching journal

2. Following the lesson plan in Question 1, write a journal entry of 200 -
250 words.
Tuesday, March 5th, 2024
I recently had the opportunity to journal my writing while teaching
English at Nguyen Thai Hoc High School. Today is the first class of the
course a teaching evaluation in my Practicum. This also is my first time
writing a journal about a class, so there will be strangeness and mistakes. In
this text, I will write a teaching journal about Speaking Unit 8 " New Ways
To Learn" lesson teaching and what I learned from them. After each lesson,
I will spend about 15 minutes writing about my teaching methods and
techniques successful and unsuccessful to better improve.
I noticed that I used a variety of question types, such as factual,
inferential, evaluative, and creative, to elicit different levels of thinking and
engagement from students. For example, I asked, “If you are sitting in front
of a computer screen for too long, the result? but I did not give students
enough wait time to think and respond, so they could not answer the
question. After I also did not encourage and reinforce good behavior to
promote engagement. Besides that, I led the discussion and followed up with
additional information(evidences/examples/results) to support the students'
viewpoints. However, I need to work on her pronunciation, I noticed that my
pronunciation and accent were not clear and accurate. I made some mistakes
when pronouncing some words, such as “result”, “sources” and “discuss”.
This might affect students’ comprehension and learning. Moreover, I think I
should use more visual aids, such as pictures, or videos, to support my
teaching vocabulary and not well pronunciation and make them more
interesting for students.
In conclusion, teaching journal is a helpful technique for professional
growth and raising teaching standards. It helped me to reflect on my own
practice. This is because I learned a lot from writing a journal my lesson. I
learned I need to set more time for students to engage and how to give
feedback on students’ ideas and language use. In addition, it also helped me
to build a trusting relationship with myself and share ideas and expertise
with others.

IV/ Analyzing critical incidents

Describe a critical incident that you encountered during your Practicum 2.
Your reporting should follow these steps: describing what happened,
self-awareness, and self-evaluation.
Critical incident: A teacher has to deal with the situation that students do not
join in the class activity
My Critical Incident: A Failed Debate Show
I was teaching Unit 8: Speaking Lesson on Online Learning. For the production
part, I planned to organize a debate show with two teams. One team would
agree with a statement about online learning and one team would disagree.
Before the debate, I gave them some useful expressions and two minutes to
prepare their ideas.
However, the debate show did not happen because we ran out of time. I felt
disappointed and frustrated. I went home and reflected on what went wrong.
I realized that when I invited two teams to start the debate, none of them
volunteered. This wasted a lot of time. I also noticed that some students
looked confused and nervous.
I texted my students later and asked them why they did not participate in the
debate. They told me they did not know what a debate was or how to do it.
The problem:
− The problem is that many students did not want to join the debate show.
The root causes of problems:
1. Why did none of the teams volunteer to start the debate?
→ Because they did not know what a debate was or how to do it.
2. Why did they not know what a debate was or how to do it?
→ Because I did not explain the concept and the rules of a debate before asking
them to do it.
3. Why did I not explain the concept and the rules of a debate before asking
them to do it?
→ Because I assumed that they already knew it.
The causes or factors that contribute to this problem:
− The lack of clear communication between teacher and students about the
learning objectives and expectations of the lesson.
− It may be a gap in students’ prior knowledge or experience with debates or
online learning.
− Next time, before planning a debate show, I will assess my students
level of familiarity and confidence with debates.
− Next time, before starting a debate show, I will explain the purpose, the
format, and the rules of a debate. By showing them an example of a good
debate or having them watch a video of one
V/ Peer observation
Write a field note for your observation of group 5’s presentation on
“Critical incidents”.
I attended a development class for language teachers at Quy Nhon
University. I had the opportunity to observe the presentation of group 5,
they taught the topic of "Critical Indecent".
Field Note: Observation of Group 5’s Presentation on “Critical Incidents”
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Location: A3.202
Time: 9.45am – 10h40am
Observer: Ngo Kieu Nhi
Group: 5
Members’ group: Minh Hoa, Duc Nguyen, Dieu Minh, Nhat Phu
Topic: Critical Incidents
To observe and evaluate Group 5’s presentation on the topic of “Critical
Incidents,” focusing on content delivery, engagement, visual aids, and
overall effectiveness.
Summary of Presentation:
Group 5 presented a well-structured and informative discussion on critical
incidents, emphasizing their definition, significance of critical incidents,
procedure, implementation, and sharing experiences. The presentation
highlighted the importance of learning from critical incidents to improve
safety and performance.
The presentations:
1. Introduction and definition ( Minh Hoa)
- Bringing problems and finding solutions to those problems leads to critical
- Explanation of why understanding and analyzing these incidents is crucial.
- However, the definition of critical incidents has not been stated and examples
and specific solutions have not been given.
2. The benefits of critical incidents ( Duc Nguyen)
- Presented the advantages of dealing with critical incidents
- Illustrated with examples
3. Procedure and implementing ( Dieu Minh)
- Analyze procedures for analyzing and solving critical incidents and
implementing critical incidents.

4. Sharing experience ( Nhat Phu)

- Share a critical incident you encountered while teaching during the
internship, how you solved it and learn from it.
- The presentation was well-organized, with a clear introduction, body, and
- Presenters maintained eye contact, used appropriate gestures, and varied their
vocal tones to keep the audience engaged.
- Effective use of slides with key points, that enhanced understanding.
- Smooth transitions between presenters, indicating good preparation and
- Limited opportunities for audience questions or interaction. Incorporating a
Q&A session could enhance engagement.
- While the case studies were informative, a deeper analysis with more detailed
examples could strengthen the presentation.
- Minor technical issues with slide transitions that disrupted the flow
- Have not used vivid images on the slide for presentations.
- The oral presentation is still a bit small and not thoroughly prepared.
- Integrate interactive elements, such as polls or Q&A sessions, to foster
audience engagement.
- Provide more in-depth analysis and additional case studies for a
comprehensive understanding.
- Conduct a technical check before the presentation to ensure smooth transitions
and avoid disruptions.
- Use images and diagrams to attract listeners, and at the same time improve
your voice so everyone can listen.
VI/ Teaching portfolios
Making a showcase portfolio containing your CV, teaching philosophy, and
a plan for professional development after graduation in the next two

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