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TEST 2 Task 1: puppy

Dear Mary,

I am so excited to receive your letter. How are you? I hope you and your family
are well.

In your letter, you asked me about the most popular dishes in Vietnam. Here are
some well-known dishes in Vietnam that I’d like to tell you: Banh hoi chao long,
bread, pho. Bread is everyone’s favorite dish for breakfast because it’s cheap and
convenient. About my cooking skill, cooking is my perennial favorite. I have
learned how to cook since I was 14 years old. My favorite dish to make is bun cha,
which is grilled pork with noodles. It's a traditional Vietnamese dish and a favorite
in my family.

It was delightful to hear about the new addition to your family - a puppy! What
breed is it? Have you chosen a name yet? How’s the training going? Puppies are
such a joy, and I'm sure you’re having a lot of fun.

I have to go now. My mom’s calling me for dinner. Send my regards to your

family. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Task 2: online shopping

The advent of the Internet has revolutionized many aspects of daily life,
including shopping. Online shopping has become increasingly popular,
offering various advantages and disadvantages. This essay will discuss
the positive and negative aspects of online shopping.

One of the main benefits of online shopping is convenience. Busy

individuals can purchase items from home or office, saving time and
reducing stress associated with visiting physical stores. For example,
parents with young children can shop without the hassle of bringing their
kids to stores. Additionally, online shopping provides a wider selection
of products, allowing consumers to access items from international
markets that might not be available locally. This means finding specific
brands or unique items is easier.

However, online shopping also has drawbacks. A significant

disadvantage is the lack of a tactile experience. Shoppers cannot
physically inspect or try on products, leading to potential dissatisfaction
if items do not meet expectations. For instance, buying clothes online
can be risky due to size and material variations. Another concern is the
risk of fraud and security issues. Online transactions can expose
consumers to cyber threats like identity theft and phishing scams, despite
advancements in cybersecurity.

In conclusion, online shopping offers convenience and a broader product

selection but also presents challenges such as the inability to inspect
items physically and security risks. While the benefits are clear,
consumers should carefully consider these factors and the broader
implications of their shopping habits.

TEST 1 Task 1: job

Dear Mary,

I am very happy to receive your letter. How are you and your family?

In your letter, you asked me about my food preferences. I enjoy both restaurant
and home-cooked meals, depending on the occasion. I appreciate the convenience
of dining out, but there's something special about homemade meals too. Regarding
restaurants, I don't go very often, but I do enjoy trying new places occasionally. As
for fast food, I try to keep it to a minimum for health reasons, but I do indulge
every now and then. It's all about balance, right?

Congratulations on your decision to find a part-time job! What kind of job are
you looking for? Have you started searching, or do you have any specific
companies in mind? How do you plan to manage your time between work and your
social life?

I have to go now. My mom’s calling me for dinner. Send my regards to your

family. Hope to hear from you soon.

Task 2: agree (time playing)

The debate over the appropriate age for starting formal education has sparked
discussions worldwide. While some advocate for an early start to schooling, others
emphasize the importance of play during early childhood. In this essay, I think a
balanced approach is the most advantageous for children’s development.

On the one hand, early education can help children grow cognitively and help
parents identify their child's strengths and shortcomings. Furthermore, formal
education fosters routines and a sense of responsibility among kids. However, it is
essential to acknowledge that forcing young children into formal education too
early can have negative consequences on their well-being. Early academic pressure
may lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout, undermining children's mental health and
overall happiness.

On the other hand, play is crucial for the holistic development of young children.
During play, children engage in various activities that promote physical, cognitive,
social, and emotional growth. They learn important skills such as problem-solving,
creativity, and communication through imaginative play and interactions with
peers. For instance, building blocks not only enhance fine motor skills but also
encourage critical thinking and spatial awareness.

In conclusion, by combining a harmonious balance between academic rigor and

unstructured play, we can equip children with the skills and confidence they need
to thrive in all aspects of life.

TEST 3 Task 1: one-week holiday

Dear John,

I am very happy to receive your letter. I'm doing well, thanks for asking! How are
you and your family? I'm thrilled to hear that you're planning to visit my country
this summer. Getting to the city center from the airport is quite easy. You can take a
taxi, which is the fastest option, or use the airport shuttle bus. A train service also
connects the airport to the city center.

Regarding accommodation, there are plenty of options depending on your budget.

You can stay in a hotel, or a guesthouse, or even try out some Airbnb options. I can
help you find a good place if you'd like.

I'd love to take you on a street food tour! Our local cuisine is amazing, and I'd be
happy to show you around and let you try some of the best dishes. We can also
travel around and explore other attractions together.
I have to go now. My mom’s calling me for dinner. Send my regards to your
family. Hope to hear from you soon.

Task 2: video games

While many people claim that playing video games can hurt players, others find
games entertaining or even educational. This essay will argue that the drawbacks
of video games outweigh the benefits, despite their potential for positive uses.

Firstly, video games can be addictive. Many games are designed to be highly
engaging, with reward systems that encourage prolonged play. This can lead to
excessive gaming, which often results in negative consequences such as poor
academic performance, social isolation, and physical health problems. Another
drawback is that games would harm health. According to a report by WHO, people
who devote their time to video games are more likely to suffer from various health
problems such as eyestrain, short-sightedness, or obesity.

On the other hand, video games do have some benefits. They can serve as
educational tools, teaching skills such as problem-solving, strategic thinking, and
hand-eye coordination. Additionally, certain games can be used for therapeutic
purposes, helping to improve cognitive functions in patients with specific medical
conditions. For instance, games designed for rehabilitation can aid stroke patients
in regaining motor skills.

In conclusion, while video games can offer some educational and therapeutic
benefits, their potential to cause addiction, mental health issues, and aggressive
behavior suggests that their drawbacks outweigh their benefits. It is essential for
individuals, parents, and educators to monitor and regulate video game usage to
mitigate these negative effects.

Test 4

Task 1: another city

Dear Evelyn,

I am very happy to receive your letter. How are you and your family?
I’m glad to hear that you’re starting to settle into your new home and enjoying
your new city. Moving is always hectic, so it’s understandable that you still have
some unpacking to do. I’m sure you’ll get everything organized soon. Anyway, you
are also lucky to have such a good decision to live there. I think it’s a good idea for
you to hang out with your new friends whenever you miss something in your old
city. How do you get to school every day? How is your study in the new place? I
feel so excited about your invitation.

I’d love to come and visit you once you’ve settled down a bit more. It sounds like a
wonderful opportunity to catch up and explore your new surroundings together. A
couple of months from now should work perfectly for me. Just let me know when
you’re ready for visitors, and we can plan the trip. I'll check my schedule to see if
we can make it work.

I miss you too, and I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Keep in touch and let
me know how things are going!


Task 2:cohabitation

The trend of cohabitating before marriage has become increasingly prevalent,

particularly among younger generations. This essay will elaborate on the benefits
and drawbacks of this phenomenon.

One significant advantage of cohabitating before marriage is the opportunity for

couples to test compatibility. Living together allows partners to understand each
other's habits, routines, and lifestyles in a way that dating alone does not. This can
lead to a more informed decision about whether to proceed to marriage. For
example, a couple might discover that they have vastly different approaches to
finances or household chores, which could be deal-breakers if not addressed
beforehand. Moreover, cohabitation can provide financial benefits. Sharing living
expenses such as rent, utilities, and groceries can alleviate financial stress and
allow couples to save money. This can be particularly advantageous for young
adults who are often burdened with student loans and other debts.

However, several negative aspects should be taken into consideration. To begin

with, one of the biggest drawbacks is the potential loss of independence. According
to a recent study, more than 85% of people say that they have less personal space
and may need to compromise on some habits and routines. Another downside is
financial entanglement. For example, unclear financial expectations can lead to
arguments in discussing how to handle bills, share expenses, and potential debt
before moving in.

In conclusion, marriage will work out when you have more preparation before it.
Choosing a life partner will not only be crucial and critical to your peaceful life but
also to your children's well-being.

Test 5:

1. A long time
Dear Clare,
I am very happy to receive your letter. Of course, I remember you! How are
you and your family?

It's hard to believe it's been three years since we met in Cambridge. Time
flies! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I've been busy with my studies and
working towards becoming a teacher, just as I always dreamed. It's been
challenging but incredibly rewarding.

That's wonderful to hear you're studying Psychology at Cambridge! It

sounds like you're really enjoying it. I can relate to changing interests; I've
also started reading more history books recently. How funny that Tom is in
your course! I remember him well. It's great that you two have become best

I'd love to catch up in person. Let's try to plan something soon. Good luck
with your exam tomorrow!
2. No children
In many Western countries, an increasing number of couples are opting to
remain childless. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of couples
choosing to have no children.
One of the main advantages of remaining childless is the increased
financial freedom. Raising a child is a significant financial commitment,
involving costs such as childcare, education, healthcare, and daily living
expenses. Moreover, couples without children often enjoy greater personal
freedom and flexibility. They can make spontaneous decisions, travel
frequently, and dedicate more time to hobbies and personal development.
For example, they might invest more in their education or pursue career
opportunities that require relocation without the constraints of a family.
On the other hand, there are notable drawbacks to this choice. One
significant disadvantage is the potential for loneliness in later life. Children
often provide emotional support and companionship as parents age. Without
children, couples might face social isolation and a lack of caregiving support
in their older years. This can lead to an increased reliance on social services
and community support networks. Furthermore, the decision to remain
childless can impact one's legacy and sense of purpose. Many individuals
derive a sense of fulfillment and continuity from raising children and passing
on their values and traditions.

In conclusion, the decision for couples to have no children comes with both
significant advantages and notable disadvantages. Financial freedom and
personal flexibility are key benefits, while potential loneliness and societal
pressures are important drawbacks. Couples must weigh these factors
carefully to make the decision that best suits their lives and aspirations.

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