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I, Isaac, Chris Abasi with the Registration Number AK19/MGT/BUS/034 hereby declare that

this project titled "Occupational Health and Employee Performance in Selected Manufacturing

Firms in Akwa Ibom State” was written by me and that, it is the record of my own research work

which has not been presented in any previous application for any degree. All sources of

information are specifically acknowledged using references.

……………………….….. ………………………..
Isaac, Chris Abasi Date


We certify that this project titled “Occupational Health And Employee Performance in Selected

Manufacturing Firms in Akwa Ibom State” was carried out by Isaac, Chris Abasi with the

registration number: AK19/MGT/BUS/034 of the Department of Business Administration,

Akwa Ibom State University, under the supervision of Dr. Kingsley Uwah. We have examined

and found it acceptable for the award of Bachelor in Science (B.Sc) Degree in Business


Dr. Kingsley Uwah ……………………… ….………………..

(Project Supervisor) Signature Date

Dr. Kingsley Uwah ……………………… ….……………………

(Head of Department) Signature Date

……………………… ……………………… ….……………………

(External Examiner) Signature Date


This research project is dedicated to God Almighty for seeing me through my academic pursuit

and my loving mother Evang. Emem Abasi Isaac for her unwavering support.


My profound gratitude goes to God Almighty, the author and finisher, who has never

deserted me throughout the way of life, for granting me favour and grace which made this

research work a success.

Deepest gratitude goes to my project supervisor Dr. Kingsley Uwah for his trust, patience

and support during this project work.

Also, my regards goes to the Head of Department, Dr. Kingsley Uwah. My lecturers, Dr.

Samuel Okurebia, Dr. Ikpa Etukafia, Dr. Akpan Aaron, Dr. Usoro Malachi, Mr. Ubong

Akpaetor and Mrs. Etimfon Lawrence.

I am also immensely grateful to my mother Mrs Emem Abasi Isaac for her prayers,

encouragement, emotional and financial support during the course of my programme. And also

my sisters; Idorenyin Isaac and AnietienteAbasi Isaac, my uncle Rev. Mfon Duke, my best friend

Oyoho 'Seyi Martins for their supports and advices during my academic pursuit.

My appreciation will not be complete without acknowledging the contribution and

support of my God Father Pastor Tony Mfon, my friends in Methodist Church and DWIGOM for

their love and support towards my academic career. God bless you all.May you all live long to

reap the fruit of your labour in Jesus name. Amen



One of the biggest problems in the world today is the amount of pain, misery, injury and
death caused by occupational accidents and diseases. The health and safety of today’s workforce
is vital part of every business’ strategy. Employee safety and health programmes occupy a
pivotal position in Human Resource Management. At some factories, attention is mainly on
negative outcomes as long as there are no serious accidents, occupational health and safety
policies and practices are not carried out fully. This study investigated the effect of occupational
health on employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.
Specifically, The study sought to examine the relationship between Physical health and
employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State; examine the
relationship between emotional health and employees performance of selected manufacturing
firms in Akwa Ibom State; examine the relationship between mental health and employees
performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. The study employed survey
research technique to collect data from 64 respondents gotten from the population of the study
which was 64. The instrument for data gathering was a structure questionnaire designed in line
with the objective of the study. The data collected were analyzed using frequency tables, simple
percentages, and Pearson product moment correlation was used in testing the hypotheses.
Findings from data collected revealed that; there is a significant relationship between physical
health and employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State; also,
that there is a significant relationship between emotional health and employees performance of
selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State; the findings also revealed that there is a
significant relationship between mental health and employees performance of selected
manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. The study recommended among others; the
management of the selected manufacturing firms should encourage employees to take regular
breaks to rest their eyes, stretch, and move around. This can prevent fatigue and improve focus.
Finally, the study recommended that tThe management of the selected manufacturing firms
should offer access to mental health resources such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs),
counseling services, and a list of external mental health professionals.


Title page - - - - - - - - - - i

Declaration - - - - - - - - - - ii

Certification - - - - - - - - - - iii

Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iv

Acknowledgements - - - - - - - - - v

Abstract - - - - - - - - - - vi


1.1 Background to the Study - - - - - - - 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - 4

1.3 Objective of the Study - - - - - - - 5

1.4 Research Questions - - - - - - - - - 5

1.5 Research Hypothesis - - - - - - - - 5

1.6 Significance of the Study - - - - - - - - 6

1.7 Scope of the Study - - - - - - - - - 6

1.8 Limitation of the study - - - - - - - 7

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms - - - - - - 7


2.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 9

2.2 Conceptual Framework - - - - - - - 9

2.2.1 Concept of Occupational Health - - - - - - 9

2.2.2 Dimensions of Occupational Health - - - - - - 12

2.2.3 Concept of Employees’ Performance - - - - - 14

2.2.4 Occupational Health and Employees Performance - - - - 17

2.2.5 Physical health and Employees’ Performance - - - - 18

2.2.6 Mental Health and Employees’ Performance - - - - 19

2.2.7 Emotional Health and Employees’ Performance - - - - 20

2.3 Theoretical Framework - - - - - - - 21

2.3.1 Maslow’s hierarchical of Needs theory (Abram Maslow, 1968) - - 21

2.3.2 Theory of Social Conflict (Karl Marx 1848 and 1867) - - - 23

2.4 Empirical Review - - - - - - - - - 23

2.4.1 Summary of Research Gap - - - - - - - 31

2.5 Summary of Literature Review - - - - - - 31


3.1 Research Design - - - - - - - - 32

3.2 Population of the Study - - - - - - - 32

3.3 Sampling/ Sampling Technique - - - - - - 32

3.4 Sources of Data - - - - - - - - 33

3.5 Method of Data Collection - - - - - - - 34

3.6 Research Instrument - - - - - - - - 34

3.7 Validity of the Research Instrument - - - - - - 35

3.8 Reliability of Research Instrument - - - - - - 35

3.9 Scoring of Research Instrument - - - - - - 36

3.10 Operational measures of the variables - - - - - 36

3.11 Method of Data Analysis - - - - - - - 37


4.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 38

4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data - - - - - - 38

4.3 Testing of Hypothesis - - - - - - - - 44

4.4 Discussion of Findings - - - - - - - 46


5.1 Summary of Findings - - - - - - - - 49

5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - 49

5.3 Recommendations- - - - - - - - - 50

5.4 Suggestion for Further Research - - - - - - - 50

References- - - - - - - - - - 51

Appendix - - - - - - - - - - 53



1.2 Background to the Study

The interdependence between working conditions and productivity is increasingly

recognized all over the world (Armstrong 2010). The provision of any health program will vary

according to the location and size of the organization, the kind of work performed whether

employees include women as well as men and their proportion in various age brackets. Health

and safety go hand in hand safety is the protection of employees from injuries due to work

related accidents. These accidents are unplanned and controlled events which can result in

damage-both human and property.

Occupational health aims at promoting and maintaining highest degree of physical,

mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of

departures from health caused by their working conditions. Occupational health and safety risks

that must be considered by the employer arise from normal functions and operations and during

unusual circumstances such as accidents and incidents. The employer is responsible for

implementing appropriate national and internationally recognized OHS standards, codes and

guidelines. Maximum effectiveness of OHS systems requires the inclusion and meaningful

participation of employees in implementation and maintenance of procedures and processes. To

achieve meaningful and effective participation, the employer may have to implement a program

to change employee culture and attitudes regarding health and safety.

The first move in this direction are when people began to realize that occupational health

and safety had economic as well as physical consequences although the first only direct costs of

medical care and compensation were perceived subsequently, attention was paid to occupational

diseases as well. The most effective way is to obtain good results in the prevention of the

occupational hazards include to recognize the importance of the employers responsibilities for

ensuring that work place is safe and without risk to workers’ health, to adopt an exceptional

safety and healthy practices that provide for the establishment of good occupational safety and

health organization within the enterprise and to encourage strong participation of workers

insafety and health practices at the work place include safety committees, inspection and

accident investigation and the appointment of specialists. Occupational health and safety

practices is a science of designing, implementing and evaluating comprehensive health and

safety programs that maintain and enhance employee health, improve safety and increase


Occupational health is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety,

health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goal of all occupational

health and safety programs is to foster a safe work environment. As a secondary effect, it may

also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities,

and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment. It may

involve interactions among many subject areas, including occupational (or industrial) hygiene,

public health, safety engineering, health physics, environmental health, industrial relations,

public policy, industrial sociology, occupational diseases, social law, labour law and

occupational health psychology (Armstrong, 2010).

Healthy and safety practices are concerned with protecting employees and other people

affected by what the company produces and does against the hazards arising from the

employment or their links with the company. Occupations health practices deal with the

prevention of ill health arising from working conditions. This consists of occupational medicine

which is concerned with diagnosis and prevention of health hazards at work and occupational

hygiene which is the providence of the chemist and the engineer or agro- chemist engaged in the

measurement and control of environmental hazards. (Armstrong 2010).

Organizations have both the legal and moral obligations to provide health and safety

working environments as well as ensuring the total wellbeing of their employees. Organizations

should be concerned with the employees’ general health, both physical and mental for both

economic and humanitarian reasons. Employees are the most important resources any

organization can have. The employees total wellbeing is not only important to themselves but

equally so to the employer (Bohle, and Quinlan. 2015). Organizations are currently operating in

a complex and competitive business environment hence the need for an efficient and effective

work force. Healthy workforce is one of the most indispensable assets in an employee’s

performance. Ideally appropriate measures to ensure their wellbeing should be observed. This

always calls for health and safety awareness among employers and employees to enable the

organization to achieve the set objective. This is quite evident in most government policies

requirements. However the concept occupational health and safety practice seems to be only

valid in most organizational policy statements while none exists in practice (Akani, 2015).

Employee performance is a critical aspect of organizational success, encompassing the

effectiveness, efficiency, and overall contribution of individuals to the goals and objectives of

the company. High-performing employees are the driving force behind innovation, productivity,

and the achievement of strategic milestones (Odunayo, 2018).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the biggest problems in the world today is the amount of pain, misery, injury and

death caused by occupational accidents and diseases. The health and safety of today’s workforce

is vital part of every business’ strategy. Employee safety and health programmes occupy a

pivotal position in Human Resource Management. At some factories, attention is mainly on

negative outcomes as long as there are no serious accidents, occupational health and safety

policies and practices are not carried out fully.

Organizations are currently operating in a complex and competitive business environment

hence the need for an efficient and effective work force. Healthy workforce is one of the most

indispensable assets in an organization. Ideally appropriate measures to ensure their wellbeing

should be observed. This always calls for health and safety awareness among employers and

employees to enable the organization to achieve the set objective. This is quite evident in most

government policy requirements. However the concept occupational health and safety practice

seems to be only valid in most organizational policy statements while none exists in practice.

Often accidents occur to employees who are vulnerable because there is no precaution taken by

the employer. As a result, threats to employees' safety are not eliminated in time because

accident-prone areas are not recognized and taken care of before accidents occur. Therefore there

was need to examine this practice and that is why the current study sought to investigate

occupational health and employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom


1.3 Objective of the Study

The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of occupational health on

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. The specific

objectives of the study were;

i. To examine the relationship between Physical health and employees performance of

selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State..

ii. To examine the relationship between emotional health and employees performance of

selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State..

iii. To examine the relationship between mental health and employees performance of

selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

1.4 Research Questions

i. What is the relationship between Physical health and employees performance of selected

manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State?

ii. What is the relationship between emotional health and employees performance of

selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State?

iii. What is the relationship between mental health employees performance of selected

manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

H01: There is no significance relationship between Physical health and employee’s

performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

H02: There is no significance relationship between emotional health and employees

performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State..

H03: There is no significance relationship between mental health employees performance of

selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

1.6 Significance of the Study

By exploring occupational health on employee’s performance, this study will contribute

to a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms limiting employees performance, It will

validate or extend the existing knowledge on the effect of physical health on employee

performance. The findings will provide valuable insights for selected manufacturing firms in

Akwa Ibom State.and other organizations seeking to implement similar programs and contribute

to the broader field of workplace health and management.

Also, it would be an invaluable tool for students, academics and Nigerian public as it

explores the effect of occupational health on employee’s performance and in the survival of the

education sector of Nigerian economy as a whole.

More so, this work will provide accessible data for future research, as it will add value to

existing body of knowledge.

1.7 Scope of the Study

In terms of content scope, the study was carried out to investigate occupational health and

employee’s performance. Geographically, the study choose six selected manufacturing firms in

Akwa Ibom State which were Semek group of company, Pristol Product, Jubilee Syringe

Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Life Resources Nig Ltd, Victradeam manufacturing ventures and

Champion Breweries. because it is one of the organizations that has experienced occupational

health. In terms of unit/analytical scope, the unit scope of the study were the employees.

1.8 Limitation of the study

The researcher encounters some constraints which limited the scope of the study; they


i. Sources of Information: The attitudes of respondents were uncooperative as they were

reluctant to provide needed information for the study.

ii. Inadequate Record Keeping: Although the subject matter under research has a

contemporary issue but due to poor record keeping, vital information and data were

difficult to obtain from the company, thus making the exercise very tedious.

iii. The participants not being open or sincere in responding to the questionnaires, most of

them answered questionnaires after asking the researcher several questions. The

researcher had to use simple random sampling to acquire the required information.

iv. Time: Time was really not enough given the start period of the semester, coupled with

other academic demands.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Emotional Health: This refers to the state of an individual's emotional and psychological


Employees’ performance: This refers to the assessment and evaluation of how well an

individual employee performs their job tasks and responsibilities within an organization.

Mental Health: This refers to an individual's overall psychological well-being and the state of

their cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.

Occupational Health: This is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and

welfare of people at work. Occupational health is concerned with preserving and protecting

human and facility resources in the work place.

Physical Health: This refers to the overall well-being and functionality of an individual's body.



2.1 Introduction

This section of the study centrers on the review of related literatures as used in the study

as well theoretical framework. Thus, this aspect of the study was considered under the following

sub-headings: conceptual framework, empirical framework and theoretical framework. The

conceptual framework of the study examined the concepts-both major and minor- that constitutes

the integral part of the study.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Model Theory



Physical health
Employees’ Performance
Emotional Health

Mental Health

Source: Researcher’s model (2023)

2.2.1 Concept of Occupational Health

Occupational health is concerned with preserving and protecting human and facility

resources in the work place. Occupational health involves helping people by preventing them

from being injured or becoming ill due to hazards in their workplaces. Occupational health is

also a field where in professionals attempt to prevent catastrophic losses. In practice occupational

health includes moral and economic issues (Friend and kohn, 2017).

Occupational health is a multidisciplinary activity aimed at: the protection and promotion

of the health of workers by preventing and controlling occupational diseases and accidents and

by eliminating occupational factors and conditions hazardous to health and safety at work; the

development and promotion of healthy and safe work, work environments and work

organizations; the enhancement of the physical, mental and social well-being of workers and

support for the development and maintenance of their working capacity, as well as professional

and social development at work; Enabling workers to conduct socially and economically

productive lives and to contribute positively to sustainable development. Singh (2015) conducted

survey study on the prevalence and socioeconomic correlates of different health problems at

textile industry in ludhinana city, Punjab, India concluded that the textile industry workers

exposed to dyes, solvents and fibre dusts are more prone to different health related problems.

The main focus in occupational health is on three different objectives: the maintenance

and promotion of workers’ health and working capacity; the improvement of working

environment and work to become conducive to safety and health and development of work

organizations and working cultures in a direction which supports health and safety at work and in

doing so also promotes a positive social climate and smooth operation and may enhance

productivity of the undertakings. The concept of working culture is intended in this context to

mean a reflection of the essential value systems adopted by the undertaking concerned. Such a

culture is reflected in practice in the managerial systems, personnel policy, principles for

participation, training policies and quality management of the undertaking, (Rajkuar 2014).

Occupational health programmes deal with the prevention of ill-health arising from

working conditions. They consist of two elements: 1) occupational medicine, which is a

specialized branch of preventive medicine concerned with the diagnosis and prevention of health

hazards at work and dealing with any ill health or stress which has occurred in spite of

preventive actions, and 2) occupational hygiene, which is the province of the chemist and the

engineer or ergonomist engaged in the measurement and control of environmental hazards.

Safety programmes deal with the prevention of accidents and with minimizing the resulting loss

and damage to people and property. They relate more to systems of work than the working

environment, but both health and safety programmes are concerned with protection against

hazards, and their aims and methods are clearly interlinked (Armstrong, 2009).

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) have been defined by

Gallagher (2001) as “a combination of the planning and review, the management organizational

arrangements, the consultative arrangements, and the specific program elements that work

together in an integrated way to improve health and safety performance.” Efficient use of

communication and information networks in enterprises both helps with reducing number of

accidents and improves the perception of workers as regards management’s commitment for

OHS (Gyekye, 2012).

2.2.2 Dimensions of Occupational Health

Physical health

Physical health can be defined as normal functioning of the body at all levels; a normal

course of biological processes that ensures individual survival and reproduction; a dynamic

balance between the body's functions and the environment; participation in social activities and

socially useful work; performance of basic social functions; the absence of diseases, painful

conditions, and changes; and the body's ability to adjust to the constantly changing conditions of

the external environment. physical health is "initial genetically determined human motor

capacity (physical fitness), undergoing marked changes in the process of morph functional

adaptation (physical development) to changing environmental conditions and standards of

living" . Lebedinsky (2017). Therefore, for the prevention and correction of existing diseases of

students, first of all, it is extremely important to evaluate this two-component health system.

Lebedinsky (2017) offer a new definition of physical health: it is “genetically determined motor

capacity of a person (physical preparedness), which during his\her life undergoes sound changes

in the process of morph functional adaptation (physical development) to the changing conditions

of the external environment and life activity”.

Emotional Health

Emotions, according to Goleman, (2004) are guiding forces that help humans in facing

predicaments and tasks that one’s intelligence alone cannot handle Goleman, (2004) went further

to say that, for better or for worse, intelligence can come to nothing when emotions holds sway;

that is, when employees’ emotional states such as anger, anxiety, excitement and so on, control

or determine the employees’ performance.

Emotional health is a state of positive psychological functioning, it can be thought of as

an extension of mental health; it's the "optimal functioning" end of the thoughts, feelings, and

behaviours that make up both our inner and outer worlds.Emotional health is the ability to

understand, accept and recognize our own emotions and feelings, including their impact on

ourselves and other people and to use this knowledge to improve our own behaviours as well as

to manage and improve our relationship with others (Goleman, 2004). It is basically the capacity

for recognising our own feelings and those in others, for motivating ourselves, for managing

emotions well in us and in our relationships.

Mental Health

Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma and discrimination for too long.

It is time to bring it out into the open. The magnitude, suffering and burden in terms of disability

and costs for individuals, families and societies are staggering. In the last few years, the world

has become more aware of this enormous burden and the potential for mental health gains.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is "a state of well-

being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses

of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her

community" (Bhugra , 2013). Mental health can be defined as the absence of mental disease or it

can be defined as a state of being that also includes the biological, psychological or social factors

which contribute to an individual’s mental state and ability to function within the environment.

Mental health is more than the mere lack of mental disorders. The positive dimension of

mental health is stressed in WHO’s definition of health as contained in its constitution: “Health

is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of

disease or infirmity.” Concepts of mental health include subjective well-being, perceived self-

efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence and recognition of the ability to

realize one’s intellectual and emotional potential. It has also been defined as a state of well-being

whereby individuals recognize their abilities, are able to cope with the normal stresses of life,

work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to their communities. Mental health is

about enhancing competencies of individuals and communities and enabling them to achieve

their self-determined goals. Mental health should be a concern for all of us, rather than only for

those who suffer from a mental disorder. Mental health problems affect society as a whole, and

not just a small, isolated segment.

2.2.3 Concept of Employees’ Performance

The output-to-input ratio is used to measure productivity. It is a metric for determining

how an individual, company, or industry converts input resources into goods and services. The

amount of output produced per unit of resources used is measured by this metric (Armour, 2019).

Quality is a feature of products or services that demonstrates their capacity to meet expressed or

implicit needs (Kinicki, & Kreitner, 2007). It is achieving increasingly better products and

services at increasingly lower prices. Employee performance is higher among happy and

satisfied workers, according to Koufieros and Peng (2012), and management finds it easy to

motivate high performers to meet company targets. One of the most significant factors in

management research, and possibly the most important indicator of organizational performance,

is organizational performance. The idea of organizational performance is widely used in

academic literature; nevertheless, due to its multiple definitions, defining it is problematic. As a

result, no commonly agreed definition of this idea exists (Gavrea, Ilies, and Stegerean, 2021).

The concept of organizational performance is founded on the premise that an

organization is a voluntary alliance of productive assets, such as human, physical, and financial

resources, with the goal of achieving a common goal (Barney, 2001). Employee performance is

usually measured in terms of results. It can, however, be viewed in terms of conduct (Thompson,

and Lawrence, 2010). Employee performance is judged against the organization's performance

standards (Tolbert and Hall (2019). When evaluating performance, a variety of factors can be

considered, including productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and profitability (Wood, &

Sangster, 2002). Efficiency and effectiveness are two different concepts. Efficiency is the ability

to generate desirable outcomes with the least amount of resources necessary, whereas

effectiveness is the ability of personnel to fulfill the intended objectives.

Employees’ performance is one of the most important constructs in management research

Trade (2020). Continuous performance is the objective of any organization because only through

this, can organizations grow and progress. There are many rising trends in employee

performance. However, this study sought to establish whether GTbank bank Plc, Uyo, Akwa

Ibom State had embraced leadership style and the influence this has on employees’ performance.

Armstrong (2012) defines Employees’ performance in output terms as the achievement of

objectives and how these objectives are achieved. High performance results from appropriate

behavior, especially discretionary, and the effective use of the required knowledge, skills and

competencies. Employees’ performance is critical for every organization's success and

profitability in today fast-paced climate (Chien, 2004). Employees’ performance, according to

Nwachukwu (2009), is defined as the amount to which an organization's resources are pooled

and efficiently used to achieve a certain purpose by the workforce of the organization.

This study adopted the definition according to Trade (2011), that most performance

measures could be grouped into six general categories effectiveness, efficiency, quality,

timeliness and productivity. Therefore employees’ performance is measured using the four


Quality: is the degree to which a product or service meets customer requirements and

expectations (Robbins, 2019).

Timeliness: measures whether or not a unit of work is done correctly and on time. Criteria must

be established to define what constitutes timeliness for a given unit of work. (Norreklit, 2013).

Conflict management may prevent wasted time and help an organization achieve its goals (Hitt,


Effectiveness: is a process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process output (work

product) conforms to the requirements. (Robbins, 2019) Effectiveness of teams can be hindered

by leadership style within the group. An individual in the group may encounter some frustration

when a certain obstacle is in the way of him/her achieving his/her goal, thereby creating what is

called frustration (Luthans, 2013). This, in turn, may create a kind of defense such as

justification, withdrawal, aggressive behavior, inertia or the acceptance of a compromise or an

alternative (Elmagri, 2015).

Efficiency: is a process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process produces the

required output at minimum resource cost (Robbins, 2019). Efficiency may be hampered if one

department delays in meeting deadlines which in turn affects all the departments that rely on it.

2.2.4 Occupational Health and Employees Performance

Occupational health is concerned with preserving and protecting human and facility

resources in the work place. Occupational health involves helping people by preventing them

from being injured or becoming ill due to hazards in their workplaces. Occupational health is

also a field where in professionals attempt to prevent catastrophic losses. In practice occupational

health includes moral and economic issues. Physical health can be defined as normal functioning

of the body at all levels; a normal course of biological processes that ensures individual survival

and reproduction; a dynamic balance between the body's functions and the environment;

participation in social activities and socially useful work; performance of basic social functions;

the absence of diseases, painful conditions, and changes; and the body's ability to adjust to the

constantly changing conditions of the external environment. Emotional health is a state of

positive psychological functioning. It can be thought of as an extension of mental health; it's the

"optimal functioning" end of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that make up both our inner

and outer worlds.Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma and discrimination

for too long. It is time to bring it out into the open. The magnitude, suffering and burden in terms

of disability and costs for individuals, families and societies are staggering. In the last few years,

the world has become more aware of this enormous burden and the potential for mental health

gains. However, physical health, emotional health and mental health are interwoven. They both

influence each other.

Occupational health which concerned with preserving and protecting human and facility

resources in the work place influence employees performance in terms of productivity,

effectiveness and sustainability. Etemadi and Hassan (2020) illustrate and investigate the

importance of physical fitness to employees performance and productivity, by comparing

previous researches on this area. This study focuses on the importance of physical fitness and its

effect on employee health, performance and productivity in organizations. The number of health

promotion programs in workplace settings has continued to grow. Although employers’

rationales vary, health promotion programs may yield economic benefits such as reduced

absenteeism, presentism, employee health care costs and employee turnover. The data for the

study is collected from various sources namely articles from 1969 to 1999 and 2000 to 2015.

This research recommends improvements and further studies on physical fitness on employee’s

performance and offers some suggestions for further research.

2.2.5 Physical health and Employees’ Performance

According to Hudson (2010), physical hazards are caused by the way work tasks are

designed and carried out. The injuries that result from physical hazards always affect the muscles

and the skeleton, and are the most common type of workplace injury in Nova Scotia. These

injuries may happen suddenly, but are more likely to form over very long periods of time.

physical hazards can be seen in work that involves awkward body postures (working in the same

body posture for long periods), high body force (lifting or carrying heavy or awkward loads), and

high task repetition (same movements over long periods). Improper or poorly designed work

stations, tools and equipment are also a part of ergonomic hazards. Psycho-social hazards can

arise out of the many different ways that people interact with each other. This type of hazard may

show up as negative workplace conditions like bullying, violence or sexual harassment. It can be

due to stress outside or inside the workplace, the type of work being done or because of the

attitudes and behaviors that different people bring to their jobs.

Psycho-social hazards have the potential to harm our physical and mental health and

safety, and the health and safety of the workplace. Nova Scotia’s Workplace Violence

Regulation is one example of safety law that guides employers and workers to recognize and

deal with psycho-social hazards as seriously they would any other class of hazard ( Matthwman


Etemadi and Hassan (2020) illustrate and investigate the importance of physical fitness to

employees performance and productivity, by comparing previous researches on this area. This

study focuses on the importance of physical fitness and its effect on employee health,

performance and productivity in organizations. The number of health promotion programs in

workplace settings has continued to grow. Although employers’ rationales vary, health

promotion programs may yield economic benefits such as reduced absenteeism, presentism,

employee health care costs and employee turnover. The data for the study is collected from

various sources namely articles from 1969 to 1999 and 2000 to 2015. The methodology adopted

is qualitative and the findings are based on reliable data with respect to the economic impact of

worksite physical fitness activity programs. Most, if not all, researches in this field have been

performed in developed and high-income countries. This research recommends improvements

and further studies on physical fitness on company performance and offers some suggestions for

further research.

2.2.6 Mental Health and Employees’ Performance

The World Health Organization (WHO) in its 2014 report defined mental health as a state

of well-being when every individual realizes its potentials and manages normal stresses well, can

be productive, and fruitfully contribute to the community. Psychological well-being means being

happy and life going well Huppert, (2019) Mental health is now the center of focus of social

scientists, economists, and policymakers a like. Mental Health and employees’ performance: A

study further determined that higher PWB leads to higher job performance-enhanced potential

and better productivity. Subjective PWB is the strongest determinant of job performance.

Although few studies have established the associative linkages of psychological wellbeing and

workplace performance, studies did not establish the extent to which the job performance varies

with the level of psychological well- being at its dimensional level. Akintayo, (2012) pointed out

that occupational stressors altogether affect the physical, psychological, and social well-being of

employees and its impact is felt at home and in the community. High stressors correlate with the

risk of recurrence of mental illness that negatively impacts the personal and professional lives of

individuals. Employee performance increases significantly in a friendly, stress-free, and

physically safe environment if he is psychologically and physically well. In a study by Wright,

andBonett, (2018) they discovered that the employees who had better PWB secured higher

performance ratings. The psychological well-being is positively related to job performance

(r=0.48, p<.01, 95% CI = 0.33- 0.62).

2.2.7 Emotional Health and Employees’ Performance

Emotional health is a continuum that everyone experiences and is affected by. Having

good psychological health is crucial to achieving overall health and well-being. The work

environment is one of many settings that have an impact on emotional health. Some causes of

poor emotional health are directly attributable to factors in the workplace, including, for instance,

harassment or excessive workload. A wide body of evidence suggests that poor workplace

psychological health negatively affects performance at both the individual and organizational

level. Among other outcomes, improving workplace emotional health can boost employee

satisfaction, engagement, and productivity; it can also reduce health costs, employee turnover,

and lost work time (Sarah and Eva, 2016).

Sarwat, Rehman, and Khosa (2018) examined the impact of emotional intelligence on

employee’s performance in Public and Private Higher Educational Institutions of Pakistan. This

research paper sheds light to comprehend the performance level of employees in educational

institutions of Dera Ghazi Khan, Multan and Bahawalpur, Pakistan. This research study focuses

on recognizing emotional intelligence factors and employees of the educational institute and its

relation to their job performance level. Research data (N= 235) for the present study were

collected by floating questionnaires that respondents were employees of higher educational

institutions. The limitations for this research study were resources and time limitations, which

bond the current study to only three cities of Pakistan. Correlation and regression analysis was

used to find the results and found a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and

employee’s job performance. To examine emotional intelligence in detail, this study will

examine the factors of emotional intelligence, its drawback and propose some strategies on how

educational institutions can increase their employee’s performance.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

2.3.1 Maslow’s hierarchical of Needs theory (Abram Maslow, 1968)

The study adopted the Maslow’s hierarchical of needs theory by Abram Maslow (1968)

which states that individuals’ needs are arranged in a hierarchy whereby when one needs has

been fulfilled another need emerges and seeks satisfaction. Maslow's theory of motivation has

frequently been applied within the industrial and organizational context (Maslow, 1965). Yet

empirical research conducted to assess its validity and utility in industry does not adequately

support such an application (Wahba and Bridwell, 1976). It is important to point out that the

application of Maslow's theory to the industrial situation makes a basic, but implicit assumption,

namely that individuals necessarily believe that they can satisfy their needs both at their work

and through their work. Blackler and Williams (1971) state that Maslow's theory was first

presented to the business world by Douglas McGregor in 1960. Consequently, it is essential to

note that when Maslow originally conceived of the major part of his theory of motivation, he did

not have its specific application to organizational settings as a major aim. Hill's (1974) statement

that: "His writings on this theme remain a drop in the ocean of his total output in psychological

and other learned journals" further indicates that Maslow was essentially a thinker rather than a

businessman or a manager. Maslow theory (1970) of motivation suggests a hierarchy of safety

needs. These have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world. These

needs are mostly psychological in nature. We need the security of a home, family and job.

However, if a job is dysfunction, i.e., an abused employee - cannot move to the next level as she

is continuously fearful for her safety. Love and a sense of belonging are postponed until she feels


Maslow theory of motivation proposes that people who have all their "lower order" needs

met progress towards the fulfillment their potential. Typically this can include the pursuit of

knowledge, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, and oneness with God, enlightenment

etc. So ultimately this is all to do with the desire for self-transcendence. During the study on the

occupational health and safety practices on organizational survival, the study basically dealt with

the psychological and safety needs. Maslow realized that people need to deal with the survival

needs before they move on to any other levels of need. If they do not have the necessary food,

clothing, water, shelter, and other crucial elements to survive, they are not likely to be concerned

about learning new skills to qualify them for future jobs. Employers typically address basic

needs by providing food and water throughout a workingsession, allowing regular restroom, and

providing an adequate lunch period. They can also build training programs and class content that

add value and that will help employees maintain their current jobs and ultimately move on to

higher paying ones that will increase the amount of money they have available to satisfy basic

needs which in turn influence the survival of the organization.

2.3.2 Theory of Social Conflict (Karl Marx 1848 and 1867)

This study is anchored on social conflict theory as popularized by Karl Marx. This theory

views the organisation as a system which is characterized by social inequalities. Thus employees

and groups within the organization have different valuable interest or resources and, one party

(the subject class), is exploited by the other (the ruling class). The ruling class exploits and

oppresses the subject class and this lead to grievance or conflict of interest between the two

classes. Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in

social interaction, health and safety in an attempt to attain scarce or incompatible goals thereby

preventing the opponent from attaining them. Marxist theories argue that these unequal

economic relations would lead to grievance or organizational conflict and in as much as the

oppression of the proletariat continue, there is likely-hood that grievance will persist.

In applying the theory to this study, occupational health are essential to employee and

lack of provision give rise to informal strikes, sabotage, high degree of absenteeism, low morale,

quarrels, suspicion, lack of commitment and accidents at the workplace with its serious

consequences on productivity survival.

2.4 Empirical Review

Ekpenyong, Akpan and Usoro (2015) examined how Emotional intelligence relates to

employees’ performance in the Nigerian banking industry. Emotional intelligence competencies

studied were self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skills. Data was

collected from a convenient sample size of 376 employees in the Nigerian banking industry

using an adapted questionnaire which was earlier developed. Descriptive and inferential statistics

provided the basis for the analysis. The result agrees with earlier studies reinforcing the opinion

that emotional intelligence relates to employees’ performance.

Okumu (2016), examined the effect of Occupational Health and Safety Practices

onorganizational productivity a case of Mumias Sugar Company in Kenya. Mumias Sugar

Company has experienced health and safety problems reporting 1260 malaria cases and 26 road

accidents in 2011. Studies on occupational health and safety practices have focused on

production. The objective of this study was to investigatethe effect of Occupational Health and

Safety Practices on organizational productivity in Mumias Sugar Company. The study was

undertaken at Mumias Sugar Company of Kakamega County in Kenya. The study was

underpinned on the systems theory of accident causation and a conceptual framework.

Descriptive survey design was used. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and

secondary data got from the sugar company employees, internet and libraries. Reliability and

validity tests were done through test-retest to test the instruments. The collected data was

analyzed and presented in forms of graphs and tables. The study established that Organizations

in general need to ensure that their workers are working in a safe environment so as to realize

optimum productivity. These measures will in the end minimize accidents and loss of man hours

thereby increasing organizational productivity. The study may be beneficial to scholars, sugar

industry and other stakeholders in both policy and practice.

Sawe, (2018), examined occupational health safety activities in the organization,

determine effects of Occupational Health and Safety on employee productivity, ascertain

challenges faced in implementing occupational health and safety practices and explore

appropriate techniques of implementing Occupational Health and Safety practices. This study

was based on Maslows hierarchy of needs theory. The researcher sought to examine one

organization in the sugar industry in detail and therefore adopted a case study design. The target

population of the study was 1603 employees in Mumias Sugar Company Limited. Stratified and

purposive sampling technique were used to sample 185 respondents, which include; top

management, middle level management, supervisors and sub-ordinate. In addition simple

random sampling was applied in selecting representative sample of the middle level

management, supervisors and subordinates. Observation, Questionnaires and interviews were the

instruments used to collect data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential

statistics and the results presented using tables, charts and graphs. The Multiple Regression

showed that the R2 = .812 indicated that all the occupational health and safety practices in the

model account for 81.2% variation in the employee productivity in Mumias Sugar Company.

The Occupational Health and Safety practices which had positive relationship with

productivity of employees include; fire prevention and protection, lighting and ventilation,

personal protective equipments and good house keeping, while chairs/tables and facilities for

sitting, first aid kit and medical facility and drinking water and sanitary facilities had negative

relationship. The study concludes that when an organization fully implements occupational

health and safety practices employees’ productivity improves. It was also realized that absence of

Occupational Health and Safety practices could easily result in absenteeism, high employee

turnover, increased medical bill and insurance claim, injuries and frequent accidents. The study

recommends continuous improvements of occupational health and safety practices as it greatly

influences employee satisfaction, commitment, performance and productivity.

Ayalew and Demissie (2018), the effect of occupational health program on

Organizational Productivity: In Case Of Bahirdar Tannery Factory. The study aimed to evaluate

the effect of occupational health and safety program on organizational productivity in Bahir Dar

tannery factory. To achieve the objectives of this study, data were collected through

questionnaire from a sample of 112 employees of the factory. These respondents were selected

using stratified sampling method from different departments. The data collected from the

questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics, for instance frequency, percentage,

mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics which are correlation and multiple

regression analysis using SPSS version 20. The results of this study indicated that, except

biological hazard control program the three occupational hazard control programs (chemical

hazard control program, psychological hazard control program, and accidental hazard control

program) have positive and significant effect on organizational productivity.

The finding of this study also indicates that organizational productivity was mostly

affected by chemical hazard control program. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher

recommended different recommendations to the management of the factory to design different

mechanisms and practice in a good manner in each occupational hazard control programs to

increase the factory productivity. And also the researcher recommended that the management

should concentrate more on chemical hazard control program because this hazard control

program has the most significant effect on the factory productivity and should avoid or minimize

the cost of biological hazard control program because this hazard control program had not

significant effect on the factory productivity. And finally the researcher recommended that the

management of the factory should follow up every activity related to occupational health and

safety program and implement effectively occupational hazard control programs, especially on

three occupational hazards namely chemical, accidental and psychological hazard control

programs and continuously improve occupational safety and health programs to increase the

factory productivity.

Ramazan, Tuygun and Tamer (2018) examined the effects of occupational health and

safety practices on organizational commitment, work alienation, and job performance: Using the

PLS-SEM Approach. Recent occupational accidents urged enterprises to put more importance on

occupational health and safety practices. The pressure by both the public authority and the

business and social milieu has played an important role in it. The present study investigated

occupational health and safety (OHS) practices in five dimensions, i.e. safety procedures and risk

management, safety and health rules, first aid support and training, occupational accident

prevention, and organizational safety support. A survey form was developed in order to

investigate the effect of OHS practices on work alienation, organizational commitment, and job

performance as a throughput of such practices. The data set obtained from private sector

enterprises was analyzed by structural equation modeling using least squares method. The

findings of the analysis suggested that such OHS practices as safety procedures and risk

management, safety and health rules, first aid support and training, and organizational safety

support had a positive effect on organizational commitment. Moreover, it was seen that safety

and health rules and organizational safety support decreased alienation, where first aid support

and training played a role in increasing work alienation. Finally, safety procedures and risk

management, safety and health rules, and organizational safety support had indirect effects on

job performance of the employees.

Sarwat, Rehman, and Khosa (2018) examined the impact of emotional intelligence on

employee’s performance in Public and Private Higher Educational Institutions of Pakistan. This

research paper sheds light to comprehend the performance level of employees in educational

institutions of Dera Ghazi Khan, Multan and Bahawalpur, Pakistan. This research study focuses

on recognizing emotional intelligence factors and employees of the educational institute and its

relation to their job performance level. Research data (N= 235) for the present study were

collected by floating questionnaires that respondents were employees of higher educational

institutions. The limitations for this research study were resources and time limitations, which

bond the current study to only three cities of Pakistan. Correlation and regression analysis was

used to find the results and found a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and

employee’s job performance. To examine emotional intelligence in detail, this study will

examine the factors of emotional intelligence, its drawback and propose some strategies on how

educational institutions can increase their employee’s performance.

Wambulwa, Makokha, and Namusonge (2018) Effect of Occupational Safety and Health

on Organizational Performance: A Case of Nzoia Water in Trans-Nzoia County. The purpose of

the study was to investigate how occupation safety and health could be properly observed to

improve performance at Nzoia Water Company in Trans-Nzoia County. The specific objectives

of the study were; to determine the effect of accident reduction on organizational performance in

Nzoia water company Trans-Nzoia County. The study was guided by the following theories;

traditional cost theory, accident causation theory, two factor theory and public relation theory.

The company has a total of 138 employees. The targeted the entire population of 138 employees.

The research tools used for data collection was questionnaires. There was a pilot study to test the

validity of the instrument. Reliability of the instrument was determined by use of Cronbach

Alpha test of 0.7. Data was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Regression model was

used for data processing and analysis. The following were the key findings; The studyrevealed

that the organization against health and safety hazards. According to the study, the organization

conducts regular reviews and audits based on the accident reduction scheme. It also revealed that

accident reduction enhances organizational growth, survival as well as performance. Based on

the findings, the organization should provide a health and safety programme to the employees

yearly to reduce cost. It should help employees acquire knowledge and skills on how to deal with

health and safety issues to reduce accidents. Top management should support health and safety

issue awareness. The organization should conduct regular reviews and audits. They should also

have a provision of good people management and supervision.

Oakman, Kinsman and Weale (2020) examined the review of mental and physical health

effects of working at home: how do we optimise health. A search was undertaken in three

databases, PsychInfo, ProQuest, and Web of Science, from 2007 to May 2020. Selection criteria

included studies which involved employees who regularly worked at home, and specifically

reported on physical or mental health-related outcomes. Two review authors independently

screened studies for inclusion, one author extracted data and conducted risk of bias assessments

with review by a second author. Twenty-three papers meet the selection criteria for this review.

Ten health outcomes were reported: pain, self-reported health, safety, well-being, stress,

depression, fatigue, quality of life, strain and happiness. The impact on health outcomes was

strongly influenced by the degree of organisational support available to employees, colleague

support, social connectedness (outside of work), and levels of work to family conflict. Overall,

women were less likely to experience improved health outcomes when WAH. This review

identified several health outcomes affected by WAH. The health/work relationship is complex

and requires consideration of broader system factors to optimise the effects of WAH on workers’

health. It is likely mandated WAH will continue to some degree for the foreseeable future;

organisations will need to implement formalised WAH policies that consider work-home

boundary management support, role clarity, workload, performance indicators, technical support,

facilitation of co-worker networking, and training for managers.

Aquino and Revenio (2020) examined Employees’ Mental Health and Productivity and

its Impact on Contextual and Task Performance in Organizations. The companies investing in

people's development and creating a conducive work environment to increase productivity.

Harvard Employee Mental Health Letter highlights that employee mental health at the workplace

impacts the employee as well as the productivity of the organization. However, due to the stigma

attached, mental health issues are neither reported nor treated and reduce output. This study

examines the influence of the psychological well-being of the employees on their task and

contextual performance in the context of public and private sector organizations. The

comparative analysis of public and private companies aims to investigate the employees'

psychological well-being, corresponding institutional factors, and their impact on performance.

The study findings support workplace realism that in the private sector organizations, jobs are

highly demanding and stressful, which negatively impacts employee mental health; when the

stress level crosses the threshold, the performance starts declining. However, in public sector

organizations, the internal environment is relaxed and less stressful so the psychological well-

being of the employees does not pose any threat to the employee as well as his performance.

Thus performance of “happy” workers is superior to that of “less happy” ones. The adequate

physical and mental health of human capital for retention and superior performance is important.

The study results suggest regular interventions to assess the mental health issues of the

employees and develop strategies creating a balance between high-performance expectations,

stretched organizational goals, and other institutional stressors.

2.4.1 Summary of Research Gap

The above empirical studies on occupational health and employees’ performance were

characterized with mixed reactions from different researchers, some are of opinion that there is a

positive significant relationship between occupational health and employees’ performance while

some had a contrary view to it. However, lack of consensus on the empirical literature calls for

further studies on study of this nature.

2.5 Summary of Literature Review

The study concerned with occupational health and employees’ performance. Dimension

of occupational health in the study are physical health, emotional health and mental health.

Physical health can be defined as normal functioning of the body at all levels; a normal

course of biological processes that ensures individual survival and reproduction; a dynamic

balance between the body's functions and the environment; participation in social activities and

socially useful work; performance of basic social functions; the absence of diseases, painful

conditions, and changes; and the body's ability to adjust to the constantly changing conditions of

the external environment. Emotional health is a state of positive psychological functioning. It can

be thought of as an extension of mental health; it's the "optimal functioning" end of the thoughts,

feelings, and behaviours that make up both our inner and outer worlds.

Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma and discrimination for too long.

It is time to bring it out into the open. The magnitude, suffering and burden in terms of disability

and costs for individuals, families and societies are staggering. In the last few years, the world

has become more aware of this enormous burden and the potential for mental health gains.



3.1 Research Design

The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the methodology. This is because

the design permits the examination of independent variables with respect for their relationship

with the dependent variables and also the choice of this design is in line with the nature of the

research problem and the objectives of the study.

3.2 Population of the Study

The population of the study comprises of all the employees in six (6) selected manufacturing

firms in akwa Ibom state which were Semek group of company with 64 workers, Pristol Product

with 58 workers, Jubilee Syringe Manufacturing Co. Ltd with 72 workers, Life Resources Nig Ltd

with 108 workers, Victradeam manufacturing ventures with 93 workers and Champion Breweries

with 248 workers. The population was deemed to be known, as it was drawn from their Human

Resource Department of the organizations.

Table 2.1 Population

S/N Organization Population Percentages %
1 Semek group of company 64 10
2 Pristol Product 58 9.1
3 Jubilee Syringe Manufacturing Co. Ltd 72 11.2
4 Life Resources Nig Ltd 108 16.8
5 Victradeam manufacturing ventures 93 14.5
6 Champion Breweries 246 38.4
Total 641 100

3.3 Sampling/ Sampling Technique

For the purpose of this study, the sample size was determined using Taro Yamani


n= N


n= Sample size

N= Population size = 641

e= Margin of errors = 5% = 0.05



= 641

= 641
2.6025 = 246.32

n = 246

Therefore, 246 was the sample size,

The simple random sampling technique was adopted for the study. The choice of the

technique is to allow for equal opportunity for the respondents. Also, simple random sampling

technique avoids bias in the selection of respondents.

3.4 Sources of Data

Data for this research were obtained from primary and secondary sources. The primary

source comprises of information relevant to this study that were obtained through the use of

questionnaires and personal observation. The secondary source refers to information obtained

from existing materials. This include historical materials collected from organizations, textbooks,

journal, articles internet and other publications related to the subject matter of study.

3.5 Method of Data Collection

The study relied on the primary source of data from the questionnaire and secondary data

from records and other published materials of the institute in obtaining data for its analysis.

However, a questionnaire was used to collect the data involve in this study.

Questionnaire: The questionnaire is a list of questions designed to elicit information from

respondents by filling in the answer in spaces provided for the purpose (Elikwu, 2018). The

questions in the questionnaire were close-ended and drafted in a simple, explicit and

understandable language. Also, the questionnaire will be a structured one with questions drafted

in an anonymous form to avoid revelation of respondents’ personal information and to enhance

the data collection

Published materials: This includes online materials such as; published articles and journals

related to this study as well as printed textbook materials needed for this study.

3.6 Research Instrument

The major instrument used for this study was questionnaire . This was sub-divided into

three section A, and C was for demographic data of respondents while section B and C for

question relating to research questions and hypothesis. Close ended question were mainly used.

However, open cases question were asked to seek opinions of the respondents. This was

followed up by interviews with some farmers and Farm workers to cross check the information

contained in the questionnaire .

Questions in the instrument were adapted from Steinman (2019) and also the researchers

self developed personal life and performance rating questions questions were based on self

assessment of respondents .

3.7 Validity of the Research Instrument

The instrument used was developed by the researcher in accordance with the research

topic. The content validity of the instrument was determined by the supervisor who matched the

variables of the instruments with the research questions in order to determine whether or not the

instruments measured what they were supposed to measure. The questionnaire was presented to

my supervisor and another lecturer in the department since this type of validity cannot be put into

statistical test. They successfully assessed the instrument and made suggestions.

The suggestions were taken care of and changes made where necessary. This idea was to

make sure that questionnaire covered what it is supposed to cover. This makes the questionnaires

to be deemed valid to be employed to collect data in the main study.

3.8 Reliability of Research Instrument

The reliability is determined through the test-re-test reliability technique. In doing this,

the research questionnaires were administered to twenty respondents who were randomly

selected. After a period of two weeks, the same questionnaires were re-administered to the same

respondents. The Cronbach (Alpha) model was employed to test the reliability of the instrument

used in the survey.

Table 3.1

Case Processing Summary
N %

Cases Valid 20 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 20 100.0

1 Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.784 20

3.9 Scoring of Research Instrument

Emeka (2014) studied succession planning and corporate survival: A Study of Selected

Nigeria Firms utilising a five-point Likert scale in deriving answers from the questions on the

questionnaire administered to his respondents. Similarly, a five-point Likert scale will be adopted

for this study in scoring the items in the questionnaire in other to derive answers for each of the

questions on the questionnaire. This is shown below:

SA = Strongly Agreed (5 points)

A = Agree (4 points)

UD = Undecided (3 points)

D = Disagree (2 points)

SD = Strongly Disagree (1 point)

3.10 Operational measures of the variables

In this study, only measuring instruments with confirmed validity and reliability were

used to measure the different variables included in this study. These variables are operationalized

as follows:

Physical Health: Physical Health to organizational survival was assessed using Smith's (1993)

Eight- item scale. Responses on a five point Likert scale. Responses ranged from 1 strongly

disagree to 5 strongly agree. Examples if items measuring competitors are “Physical health of

employees is given maximum priority in our organization”,.

Emotional Health: The variables was measured using Zimmerman, R.E and Steinman F. (2019)

43 item customer questionnaire, the questionnaire was designed using five point Likert scale.

Responses ranged from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. An example of an item is, “The

work environment is one of many settings that have an impact on emotional health”. The

Cronbach's alpha value for this scale was 74.

Mental Health: Mental Health was assessed using Meyer, (1993) six item scale. Responses on a

five point Likert scale. Responses ranged from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. Samples

of item included in the normative commitment sub- scale, ‘Poor workplace mental health

negatively affects performance at both the individual and organizational level in our company’.

3.11 Method of Data Analysis

These sections specified the statistical tools used for data analysis. The description

statistic such as percentages are used in analyzing research questions, below is the formular for


Percentages (%) = F x 100

N 1

F = Total numbers of frequencies

N = Total number of respondents

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis were used to test the extent and effect of

relationship using the Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS version 21).



4.1 Introduction

Data gathered from the questionnaires administered were presented and analyzed below;

the percentage formula was used in presenting the result of the data while Pearson Product

Moment Correlation was used to test the hypotheses.

4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data

To facilitate a successful presentation and analysis, 246 questionnaires were distributed to

employees of the six selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State, which, 240 was properly

completed and retrieved. This represented 83.3% of the total questionnaire completed and


Table 4.2.1: Analysis of questionnaires administered

Respondents Frequency Percentage (%)
Returns 240 97.6
Unreturned 6 2.4
Total 246 100
Source: Field work (2023)

Table 4.2.1 indicated that out of 246 questionnaires that were administered to respondents, 240

(87.3%) were returned while 6(2.4%) were not returned.

Table 4.2.2: Distribution of Respondents by Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage (%)
Male 180 75
Female 60 25
Total 240 100
Source: Field work (2023)

Table 4.2.2 shows that 180 respondents representing (75%) were males while 60(25%) were


Table 4.2.3: Age Distribution of the Respondents
Age Bracket Frequency Percentage (%)
20-30 60 25
31-40 96 40
41-50 68 28.3
51and above 16 6.7
Total 240 100
Source: Field work (2023)

Table 4.2.3 shows that 60(25%) of the respondents were between the age bracket of 20-

30, 96(40%) of the respondents were within 31-40 years, meanwhile 68(28.3) of the respondents

fall between the age bracket of 41-50 years. Lastly, 16(6.7) of the respondents falls between the

age bracket of 51 and above.

Table 4.2.4: Distribution of Respondents by Educational Qualification

Age Bracket Frequency Percentage (%)
SSCE/NECO 35 14.6
OND/HND 82 34.1
B.Sc 76 31.7
M.Sc 35 14.6
Others 12 5
Total 240 100

Source: Field work (2023)

Table 4.2.4 shows that 35(14.6) respondents were with SSCE/NECO, 82(34.1)

respondents were those with OND/HND, 76(31.7) respondents were those with B.Sc. 35(14.6)

respondents were those with M.Sc holders, while 12 respondents representing (5%) were others.

Table 4.2.5 Distribution of Respondents by Job Experience

Experience Frequency Percentage (%)
1-3 46 19.2
4-6 85 35.4
7-above 109 45.4
Total 240 100
Source: Field work (2023)

Table 4.2.5 shows that 46 of the respondents representing (19.2%) had 1-3 years working

experience, 85% of the respondents representing (35.4%) falls between the job experience of 4-6

years; while 109 respondents representing (45.4) falls between the job experience of 7 years and


Table 4.2.6: Percentage analysis of the Responses on Physical Health

Physical Health
SA A UN D SD Total
Physical health of
employees is given 107 38 16 44 35 240
maximum priority in our (44.6%) (15.8%) (6.7%) (18.3%) (14.6%) (100%)
Healthy employees tend to
107 62 16 35 20 240
be more productive in our
(44.6%) (25.8%) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)
Maintaining physical
health in our organization 107 38 16 44 35 240
lowers the risk of chronic (44.6%) (15.8%) (6.7%) (18.3%) (14.6%) (100%)
Total 321 138 48 123 90 720
Proportion of N 107 46 16 41 30 240
Percentage of Proportion (44.6%) (19.1%) (6.7%) (17.1%) (12.5%) (100%)
Source: Field survey 2023

Table 4.2.6 shows the frequency of responses and their percentages on physical health of

a proportion of 240 respondents, 107 (44.6%) of the respondents strongly agreed that physical

health of employees is given maximum priority in our organization; 38(15.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%)

were undecided; 44(18.3%) disagree; while 35(14.6%) strongly disagreed. Also, 107(44.6%)

strongly agreed that healthy employees tend to be more productive in our organization;

62(25.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided to the claim; 35(14.6%) disagreed; while 20(8.3%)

strongly disagreed. Equally, 107 (44.6%) of the respondents strongly agreed that maintaining

physical health in our organization lowers the risk of chronic diseases; 38(15.8%) agreed;

16(6.7%) were undecided; 44(18.3%) disagreed; while 35(14.6%) strongly disagreed.

Table 4.2.7: Percentage analysis of the Responses on Emotional Health
Emotional Health
SA A UN D SD Total
Employees experiencing
emotional health issues
struggle to concentrate or 107 62 16 35 20 240
complete tasks effectively (44.6%) (25.8%) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)
which leading to reduced
job performance
The work environment is
one of many settings that 107 38 16 35 20 240
have an impact on (44.6%) (15.8) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)
emotional health
Employees with
compromised emotional
health are at a higher risk
107 62 16 35 20 240
of burnout due to increased
(44.6%) (25.8%) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)
stress and a reduced ability
to cope with workplace
Total 321 138 48 123 90 720
Proportion of N 107 46 16 41 30 240
Percentage of Proportion (44.6%) (19.1%) (6.7%) (17.1%) (12.5%) (100%)
Source: Field survey 2023

Table 4.2.7 shows the frequency of responses and their percentages on the emotional

health dimension of a proportion of 240 respondents, 107(44.6%) strongly agreed that employees

experiencing emotional health issues struggle to concentrate or complete tasks effectively which

leading to reduced job performance; 62(25.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided to the claim;

35(14.6%) disagreed; while 20(8.3%) strongly disagreed. Also 107 (44.6%) of the respondents

strongly agreed that the work environment is one of many settings that have an impact on

emotional health; 38(15.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided; 44(18.3%) disagree; while

35(14.6%) strongly disagreed. Also, Equally, 107(44.6%) strongly agreed that Employees with

compromised emotional health are at a higher risk of burnout due to increased stress and a

reduced ability to cope with workplace demands; 62(25.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided to

the claim; 35(14.6%) disagreed; while 20(8.3%) strongly disagreed.

Table 4.2.8: Percentage analysis of the Responses on Mental Health
Mental Health
SA A UN D SD Total
Poor workplace mental
health negatively affects
performance at both the 107 38 16 44 35 240
individual and (44.6%) (15.8%) (6.7%) (18.3%) (14.6%) (100%)
organizational level in our
Our organization has legal
and ethical obligations to 107 62 16 35 20 240
ensure the mental well- (44.6%) (25.8%) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)
being of their employees.
Mentally healthy
employees tend to be more
107 38 16 44 35 240
engaged in their work and
(44.6%) (15.8%) (6.7%) (18.3%) (14.6%) (100%)
more committed to our
Total 321 138 48 123 90 720
Proportion of N 107 46 16 41 30 240
Percentage of Proportion (44.6%) (19.1%) (6.7%) (17.1%) (12.5%) (100%)
Source: Field survey 2023

Table 4.2.8 shows the frequency of responses and their percentages on mental health of a

proportion of 240 respondents, 107 (44.6%) of the respondents strongly agreed that poor

workplace mental health negatively affects performance at both the individual and organizational

level in their company; 38(15.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided; 44(18.3%) disagree; while

35(14.6%) strongly disagreed. Also, 107(44.6%) strongly agreed that their organization has legal

and ethical obligations to ensure the mental well-being of their employees; 62(25.8%) agreed;

16(6.7%) were undecided to the claim; 35(14.6%) disagreed; while 20(8.3%) strongly disagreed.

Equally, 107 (44.6%) of the respondents strongly agreed that mentally healthy employees tend to

be more engaged in their work and more committed to their organization; 38(15.8%) agreed;

16(6.7%) were undecided; 44(18.3%) disagreed; while 35(14.6%) strongly disagreed.

Table 4.2.8: Percentage analysis of the Responses on Employees Performance
Employees Performance
SA A UN D SD Total
Effective employee
performance directly
contributes to the 107 62 16 35 20 240
achievement of an (44.6%) (25.8%) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)
organization's goals and
employees are more 107 38 16 35 20 240
productive and efficient in (44.6%) (15.8) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)
their roles.
Employee performance
significantly impact our 107 62 16 35 20 240
company's reputation (44.6%) (25.8%) (6.7%) (14.6%) (8.3%) (100%)

Total 321 138 48 123 90 720

Proportion of N 107 46 16 41 30 240
Percentage of Proportion (44.6%) (19.1%) (6.7%) (17.1%) (12.5%) (100%)
Source: Field survey 2023

Table 4.2.8 shows the frequency of responses and their percentages on the employees

performance dimension of a proportion of 240 respondents, 107(44.6%) strongly agreed that

Effective employee performance directly contributes to the achievement of an organization's

goals and objectives; 62(25.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided to the claim; 35(14.6%)

disagreed; while 20(8.3%) strongly disagreed. Also 107 (44.6%) of the respondents strongly

agreed that high-performing employees are more productive and efficient in their roles;

38(15.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided; 44(18.3%) disagree; while 35(14.6%) strongly

disagreed. Also, Equally, 107(44.6%) strongly agreed that Employee performance significantly

impact our company's reputation; 62(25.8%) agreed; 16(6.7%) were undecided to the claim;

35(14.6%) disagreed; while 20(8.3%) strongly disagreed.

4.3 Testing of Hypothesis

Hypothesis One

Ho: There is no significance relationship between Physical health and employee’s

performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

Independent Variable: Physical Health

Dependent Variable: Employee’s Performance

Table 4.3.1: Correlation between Physical Health and Employee’s Performance

Phys_Heal. Emplo_Perf.
Phys_Heal. Pearson Correlation 1 .877**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 240 240
Pearson Correlation .877** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Emplo_Perf. N 240 240
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.00 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS Analysis

From Table 4.3.1, the correlation(r) value of 0.877 indicates that there is a positive

relationship between Physical health and employee’s performance. Also, since the p-value (0.000) is

less than the level of significance of 0.00 (2 tailed). Therefore, the null hypothesis rejected. This

means that there is a significant relationship between Physical health and employee’s performance

of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

Hypothesis Two

Ho: There is no significance relationship between emotional health and employees

performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

Independent Variable: Emotional Health

Dependent Variable: Employees Performance

Table 4.3.2: Correlation between Emotional Health and Employees Performance

Emot_Heal. Emplo_Perf.
Emot_Heal. Pearson Correlation 1 .652**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 240 240
Pearson Correlation .652 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Emplo_Perf. N 240 240
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.00 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS Analysis

From Table 4.3.2, the correlation(r) value of 0.652 indicates that there is a positive

relationship between emotional health and employee’s performance. Also, since the p-value

(0.000) is less than the level of significance of 0.00 (2 tailed). Therefore, the null hypothesis

rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between emotional health and

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom.

Hypothesis Three

Ho: There is no significance relationship between mental health employees performance of

selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

Independent Variable: Mental Health

Dependent Variable: Employees Performance

Table 4.3.3: Correlation between Mental Health Employees Performance

Ment_Heal. Emplo_Perf.
Ment_Heal. Pearson Correlation 1 .877**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 240 240
Pearson Correlation .877** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Emplo_Perf. N 240 240
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.00 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS Analysis

From Table 4.3.3, the correlation(r) value of 0.877 indicates that there is a positive

relationship between mental health employees performance of selected manufacturing firms. Also,

since the p-value (0.000) is less than the level of significance of 0.00 (2 tailed). Therefore, the null

hypothesis rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between mental health

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

4.4 Discussion of Findings

From the findings and analyses above, the results are hereby discussed based on the

objectives of the study:

The first objective was to examine the relationship between Physical health and

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. The result of the

study shows that there is a positive and strong significant relationship between the variables

under study with correction (r) =.877. This implies that; physical health of employees is given

maximum priority in an organization; maintaining physical health in an organization lowers the

risk of chronic diseases. The findings supports Hudson (2010) that the injuries that result from

physical hazards always affect the muscles and the skeleton, and are the most common type of

workplace injury in Nova Scotia. These injuries may happen suddenly, but are more likely to

form over very long periods of time.

The second objective was to examine the relationship between emotional health and

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. The result of the

study shows that there is a positive and strong significant relationship between the variables under

study with correction (r) =.652. This implies that: Employees experiencing emotional health issues

struggle to concentrate or complete tasks effectively which leading to reduced job performance; The

work environment is one of many settings that have an impact on emotional health The finding

supports Akintayo, (2012) that occupational stressors altogether affect the physical, psychological,

and social well-being of employees and its impact is felt at home and in the community. High

stressors correlate with the risk of recurrence of mental illness that negatively impacts the personal

and professional lives of individuals. Employee performance increases significantly in a friendly,

stress-free, and physically safe environment if he is psychologically and physically well

The third objective was to examine the relationship between mental health and employees

performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. The result of the study shows

that there is a positive and strong significant relationship between the variables under study with

correction (r) =.877. This implies that; Poor workplace mental health negatively affects performance

at both the individual and organizational level in our company; Mentally healthy employees tend to

be more engaged in their work and more committed to our organization. The finding supports Sarah

and Eva , 2016) that emotional health is a continuum that everyone experiences and is affected by.

Having good psychological health is crucial to achieving overall health and well-being. The work

environment is one of many settings that have an impact on emotional health. Some causes of poor

emotional health are directly attributable to factors in the workplace, including, for instance,

harassment or excessive workload.



5.1 Summary of Findings

From Table 4.3.1, the correlation(r) value of 0.877 indicates that there is a positive

relationship between Physical health and employee’s performance. Also, since the p-value (0.000) is

less than the level of significance of 0.00 (2 tailed). Therefore, the null hypothesis rejected. This

means that there is a significant relationship between Physical health and employee’s performance

of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

From Table 4.3.2, the correlation(r) value of 0.652 indicates that there is a positive

relationship between emotional health and employee’s performance. Also, since the p-value

(0.000) is less than the level of significance of 0.00 (2 tailed). Therefore, the null hypothesis

rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between emotional health and

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom.

From Table 4.3.3, the correlation(r) value of 0.877 indicates that there is a positive

relationship between mental health employees performance of selected manufacturing firms. Also,

since the p-value (0.000) is less than the level of significance of 0.00 (2 tailed). Therefore, the null

hypothesis rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between mental health

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

5.2 Conclusion

Base on the findings of this study the study concluded that; there is a significant

relationship between physical health and employees performance of selected manufacturing

firms in Akwa Ibom State; that there is a significant relationship between emotional health and

employees performance of selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State; also that there is a

significant relationship between mental health and employees performance of selected

manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the finding of the study, Semek group of company, Pristol Product, Jubilee Syringe

Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Life Resources Nig Ltd, Victradeam manufacturing ventures and

Champion Breweries should implement the following recommendations:

1. The management of the selected manufacturing firms should encourage employees to

take regular breaks to rest their eyes, stretch, and move around. This can prevent fatigue

and improve focus.

2. The management of the selected manufacturing firms should allow flexible work

schedules, remote work options, and time-off policies that support work-life balance.

3. The management of the selected manufacturing firms should offer access to mental

health resources such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), counseling services, and

a list of external mental health professionals.

5.5 Suggestion for Further Research

i. This study was limited to the fact that the sample size was small and few constructs,

future research should explore other variables using a larger data to enhance


ii. Using the same social norms variables, this same study should be carried out among

different individuals, say individuals in corporate organizations, to see the results


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Akwa Ibom State University,

Faculty of Social Science,
Department of Business Administration
P.M.B 1167,
Obio Akpa Campus,
Oruk Anam L.G.A,
Akwa Ibom State,
13th September, 2023.
Dear Respondent,
Please kindly fill in this questionnaire by responding to the questions to the best of your
knowledge by ticking the appropriate boxes in section “A” and indicating the degree of your
response in section “B” in the space provided.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to elicit data on the study topic: Occupational health
and employees performance of Semek Group of Companies, Essien Udim, Akwa Ibom State, a
project for the award of Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc) in Business Administration.

Please be rest assured that any information given by you in this regard that is strictly for
academic purposed and will be treated with utmost secret.

Thanks in anticipating.

Isaac, Chris Abasi




Please tick (√) the appropriate options.

1. Gender: Male
2. Age: 20-30 years
31-40 years
41 – 50 years
Above 50 years
3. Educational Qualification


Please respond to the following research related questions by ticking in the appropriate box for
each question. Select only one response per question.
SA = Strongly Agree,

A = Agree

UD = Undecided

D = Disagree

SD = Strongly Disagree

S/N Variables SA A UD D SD
Physical Health
1 Physical health of employees is given maximum priority
in our organization
2 Healthy employees tend to be more productive in our
3 Maintaining physical health in our organization lowers
the risk of chronic diseases
Emotional Health

4 Employees experiencing emotional health issues struggle

to concentrate or complete tasks effectively which
leading to reduced job performance
5 The work environment is one of many settings that have
an impact on emotional health
6 Employees with compromised emotional health are at a
higher risk of burnout due to increased stress and a
reduced ability to cope with workplace demands.
Mental Health

7 Poor workplace mental health negatively affects

performance at both the individual and organizational
level in our company
8 our organization has legal and ethical obligations to
ensure the mental well-being of their employees.
9 Mentally healthy employees tend to be more engaged in
their work and more committed to our organization
Employees Performance
10 Effective employee performance directly contributes to

the achievement of an organization's goals and

11 High-performing employees are more productive and

efficient in their roles.
12 Employee performance significantly impact our
company's reputation


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