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Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

ESL 1 Choose the appropriate options to complete the short passage below. Questions 1 through 5
In 2002, the EU promised (1) _______________1 billion euro available in reconstruction aid (2) _______________Afghanistan
over a five-year period. Among the results of this support are new health clinics, road (3) _______________, the successful
elections in 2004 and 2005, and better policing (4) _______________customs and border management. And they will continue
their support with a focus (5) _______________public health, administrative reform and rural development.

1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
to make for delays in spite of at
to be made onto failures in order to in
making between mistakes so mush as on
being made by improvements so as to by
for making with rejections as well as to

ESL 2 Choose the appropriate options to complete the reading passage. Questions 1 through 5
Friendships are so important (1) _______________an eight year old child. The lucky eight-year-old will live in a neighborhood (2)
_______________group play is readily available. He also will have a best friend (3) _______________they may have frequent
disagreements and fights. He gets along especially well with older children, but parents (4) _______________sure that any older
playmates are a positive influence (5) _______________negative.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
on which though used to make instead
at when therefore should make despite
to that despite would rather make owing to
from of which since could have made rather than
through where because ought to be made because of

ESL 3 Fill in the blanks with correct options to complete the passages Questions 1 through 5
In 1907, James Murray Spangler, a janitor in a Canton, Ohio department store, (1) _______________that the carpet sweeper he
used was the source of his cough. He tinkered with an old fan motor and attached it to a soap box (2) _______________to a
broom handle. Using a pillowcase (3) _______________a dust collector on the contraption, Spangler invented a portable electric
vacuum cleaner. He then improved his basic model the first to use (4) _______________a cloth filter bag and cleaning
attachments, and received a patent in 1908, and (5) _______________the Electric Suction Sweeper Company.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
found out had stapled too all established
took after stapled such much forsaken
came by have stapled as both acquitted
run out of was stapled so either inflated
got away was stapling very neither investigated

Questions 6 through 10
Mary Queen of Scots, had (6) _______________claim to the throne of England after the children of Henry VIII through her
grandmother Margaret Tudor. This claim made Mary a (7) _______________ to Elizabeth I of England, who finally had her (8)
_______________ ,(9) _______________ , Mary's son, James VI of Scotland, succeeded Elizabeth to the English throne as James
I. Mary's reported beauty and charm and her undoubted courage (10) _______________her a particularly romantic figure in
history. She is the subject of Schiller's great drama Maria Stuart, of an opera by Donizetti.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
strongest threat execute However make
much stronger execution to execute Much as will make
the strongest validity executing In spite of was made
the stronger requirement executed Even though have made
stronger reflection being executed Hence had made

Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

ESL 4 Read through the short ESL passages and fill in the blanks without making grammatical mistakes.
Questions 1-5
Before 1900, very few people died of heart disease. Since then, heart disease (1) _______________the number one killer in the
United States. The age of technology has made life easier and made people more (2) _______________to heart disease. Before
the Industrial Revolution, (3) _______________ people made their living through some sort of manual labor. Walking was the
major means (4) _______________ transportation. Laundry was scrubbed and wrung by hand. Stairs were (5)
_______________, carpets were beat, and butter was churned.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
has become willing a lot from applied
became stapled a few by climbed
had become reluctant some of of violated
becomes relevant most through inflated
will become susceptible little with evacuated
Questions 6-10
Born in the small all-black town of Eatonville, Florida, Zora Neale Hurston became, for 30 years, the most (6)
_______________African American female author in the United States. (7) _______________Hurston and her work drifted into
obscurity until her rediscovery in the 1970s. (8) _______________of this neglect can be attributed (9) _______________the
controversy that always seemed to surround this independent and free-spirited woman. Her career produced seven books and
more than fifty shorter works from autobiography to folklore to music and mythology. After World War II, her fortunes (10)
_______________and she died in 1960 as a penniless inmate at the Saint Lucie County Welfare Home.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
prolific although each from have declined
compulsory on account of a few by declined
illegible despite whole to had declined
delicious furthermore much through will decline
reluctant however little with will have declined

ESL 5 Questions 1-5

Superstition is a(n) (1) _______________ belief or practice resulting from ignorance or fear of the unknown. The validity of
superstitions is based (2) _______________belief in the power of magic and witchcraft and in (3) _______________ invisible
forces as spirits and demons. A common superstition in the Middle Ages was that the devil (4) _______________a person during
that unguarded moment when that person was sneezing; this could be avoided if anyone present immediately (5)
_______________ the name of God. The tradition of saying “God bless you” when someone sneezes still remains today.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
irrational by so must have entered would call
compulsory of very may enter called
illiterate with too was to enter had called
delicious from such could enter will be called
arrogant on enough can't have entered was called

Questions 6-10
George Westinghouse was a(n) (6) _______________inventor who influenced the course of history by enabling the growth of
the railroads through his inventions.(7) _______________an industrial manager, George Westinghouse's influence (8)
_______________industrial history is considerable, (9) _______________and directed more than 60 companies to market his
and others' inventions during his lifetime. His electric company became one of the greatest electric manufacturing organizations
in the United States, and his influence abroad was evident by the many companies he founded in (10)

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
prolific Like of to have formed the other
invisible Both at having formed one another
ordinary Such as by formed other
illiterate So on to be formed others
timid As in having been formed another

Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

ESL 6 Questions 1-5

Moby Dick is the (1) _______________ white whale (2) _______________ torments Captain Ahab in the novel “Moby Dick” by
Herman Melville. (3) _______________ a leg in a previous encounter with the whale, Ahab is obsessed (4) _______________
finding and killing Moby-Dick and his burning desire for revenge really is the centre of the story. At novel's end, Ahab finds and
attacks Moby Dick, but the terrible whale takes Ahab, his ship Pequod, and nearly (5) _______________ its crew down to a
watery grave with him.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
reluctant whom To have lost of all
consistent whose To lose with whole
edible that Being lost at few
enormous where Having been lost from much
persuasive in which Having lost to many
Questions 6-10
A glacier is a large mass of ice (6) _______________ its genesis on land and (7) _______________ a multiyear surplus of snowfall
over snowmelt. At the present time, perennial ice (8) _______________ about 10 percent of the land areas of the Earth. (9)
_______________ glaciers are generally thought of as polar entities, they also (10) _______________ in mountainous areas
throughout the world, on all continents except Australia, and even at or near the Equator on high mountains in Africa and South

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
having qualifies has been covered Although are found
have represents covered In case have found
to have simulates will have covered However found
to have been conveys covers But for find
having been estimates covering Due to were found

ESL 7 Questions 1-5

California (1) _______________ on the west coast of the United States is by far (2) _______________ populous state in the
U.S., as well as the most physically diverse, with the highest and the lowest points. The state has (3) _______________ beautiful
natural features, (4) _______________ an expansive central valley, tall mountains, hot deserts, and hundreds of miles of scenic
coastline. If California were an independent nation, it (5) _______________ the sixth largest economy in the world after the
U.S., Japan, Germany, Britain and France.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
having located more vaguely as well would have
located most steeply moreover should have
locating the more strikingly including could have had
to have located the most intentionally in addition used to have
to have been located mostly objectively but for may have

Questions 6-10
Edison was the genius inventor of the electrical age, a man (6) _______________ hundreds of inventions made him a public
giant in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among Edison's most famous inventions are the light bulb, and the phonograph;
he also helped refine and develop (7) _______________ inventions like motion pictures and the typewriter. By the end of his
life Edison (8) _______________ 1093 patents. He is (9) _______________ known for his work with electricity and credited (10)
--- his statement, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration."

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
who another was registered artificially by
whose the other has registered subsequently with
that the others had registered particularly for
of which other is registered reluctantly on
where others will have registered crucially at

Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

Read the dialogues and choose the most appropriate options to ESL Reading completion exercises #1
complete the dialogues. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate options.
1. 1. Even though the two parties appear united in negotiations, ___.
Doctor: Take this medicine for a week and you'll start to feel better. A) the level of trust between them will always remain, at best,
Patient : ____ tenuous
Doctor: Are you sure? It's the best on the market. B) they weren’t able to agree on the subject
Patient : Yes I am. Can you please prescribe another one? C) they will eventually reach an agreement
D) it is impossible for him to succeed
A) What shall i do if unexpected side effects arise? E) the president unexpectedly rejected it
B) What is the ideal dosage for my weight?
C) No, it's too early to prescribe another medicine. 2. The moment I saw the sad face of my girl friend, _____.
D) But I've used it before and it did not help at all. A) I begin to feel depressed
E) It looks as if the illness has already been cured. B) I have realized that we will have a discussion about our
2. C) I had decided to leave the house
Jake: How did you like the movie you saw last night? D) I found out that something was wrong
Karen: I can't say it was the best I've ever seen. E) she has gone out to have a walk
Jake: ____
Karen: Certainly not. Do not waste your time. 3. You had better take your mobile phone with you _____.
A) so that you can lose it
A) Did you go alone or with a friend from work? B) or I couldn’t have called you
B) Hadn't you read the reviews before you went to see it? C) because I will not be at home during the whole day
C) What do you mean by saying it depends? D) If you had wanted to go abroad
D) I knew I could always count on you. E) in case you may not find one when you are in need of it
E) Then you wouldn't recommend it, would you?
4. _____ when they learned that the chairman would not be able to
3. join the meeting.
Father: What? You crashed the car again? A) Hardly had the committee learned the reason of the meeting
Son: ____ B) When they realized why they were all there in that early time of
Father: I'm sure it wasn't. This is the third accident you have had this the day
year. C) It wasn’t until they got a phone call about an urgent meeting the
Son: You're very angry now, dad. We had better talk about this later next day
on. D) However professional they tried to be seen
E) They will have already discussed the most important subjects
A) I do apologize. I promise it won't happen again.
B) Was the car in good condition? 5. ____, the Grammys are the highest rated.
C) But it wasn't my fault. You've got to believe me. A) There are many music awards shows in the US
D) Was it worth the money and time you had wasted? B) Although Grammys are considered to be highly prestigious
E) Why do you ask? Don't you know it's too late now? C) Because there is only one big music awards show in the US
D) Much as people are looking forward to next Grammy awards
4. show
Chuck: ____ E) Of the "big three" music awards shows
Sue: Why do you think so?
Chuck: Whenever we meet, she pretends not to see me. ESL Reading completion exercises #2
Sue: I don't think it's because she hasn't got over her anger. She's 1. Since flu viruses have been shown to be one of the major causes
having a bad time at work nowadays. of bronchitis, _____.
A) acute and chronic bronchitis were both thought to be
A) It seems that Martha is still angry with me. inflammations of the air passages
B) Martha will never make a good manager. B) infants, young children, and the elderly are more likely to get the
C) I have never seen a smarter woman than Martha. disease
D) One thing that I especially like about Martha is her sincerity. C) The American Lung Association estimates that about 14 million
E) Martha has finally managed to get over her resentment. Americans suffer from the disease
D) getting a flu vaccine may also help prevent acute bronchitis
5. E) the fever and most other symptoms, except the cough, disappear
Tom: __________________________ after three to five days
Mary: Are you kidding? We are in June.
Tom: So what? What's wrong with June? 2. _________ who hides his powers beneath the persona of Clark
Mary: The right time to trim your roses is the beginning of winter, Kent, a mild-mannered newspaper reporter
when they lose their flowers. A) Superman was played in the movies most famously by
actor Christopher Reeve
A) Are you going to plant those roses in your garden in June or July? B) One of the most beloved characters in comic book history
B) Can you help me prune the roses in the garden at the weekend? C) Created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster for National
C) I didn't know your brother knew so much about gardening. Comics
D) Have you got any idea what the right time is to shorten rose D) Superman came to Earth as a baby from the planet Krypton
plants? E) Superman is a seemingly immortal, superhuman comic-strip
E) Are we supposed to do anything special to keep the roses fresh? character created in the late 1930s

Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

3. _________, but the installation of its primary cargo, a European 4. When he was threatened _________.
science laboratory, will be delayed for a day Due to the health A) the owner of the company had informed the police about it
problem of an astronaut. B) the businessman has receded from the auction
C) the prosecutor withdrew his charge
A) Space agency officials would not disclose who D) the young boy was imprisoned
was ill or what the problem was E) the landlady took her tenants to court
B) U.S. space shuttle Atlantis arrived at the International Space
Station on Saturday 5. _________ before the plane took off.
C) NASA rules prevent much disclosure about astronaut health A) You should eat something
problems B) please don’t forget to fasten your seat belt
D) Schlegel flew on a shuttle in 1993 and was scheduled to take part C) You never remember to phone me
in two of the three spacewalks planned for this mission D) I am sure you haven’t seen the pilot
E) A similar tear occurred on a shuttle flight in June, and NASA sent E) I hope you didn’t forget to switch off your mobile phone
out a spacewalking astronaut
ESL Reading completion exercises #4
4. Guitar Hero is a rhythm-based game _________. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate options.

A) that it is one of the most favorite games today 1. I had to postpone my trip to Australia last week _________.
B) to whom we are really grateful since we have great time playing it A) as I have lost my passport
C) but you had to be very good at playing guitar in order to B) since the airline employees are on strike
participate C) due to hospitable weather conditions
D) you could have played even if you didn’t have a guitar D) for my wife had a traffic accident which she was injured in
E) where you have to play a "guitar" in time with many well known E) if I had known that you lost your mother
2. I almost lost my cafeteria assignment _________.
5. _________, the debate over the best plan of attack to solve the A) when I had insulted my boss
problem is far from settled. B) although I hated them
A) Much as there are many good sides of using bio fuels C) when the supervisor caught me throwing planes made from paper
B) Because global warming is the biggest problem of our era to my friends
C) Though the existence of global warming is indisputable at this D) as I have failed to welcome costumers enthusiastically
point E) since I am not punctual
D) Despite of the fact that the authorities tried best ways to solve the
pollution problem 3. Students who have missed exams _________.
E) No matter what we have done so far about the problems reflected A) although they had studied for them a lot
to us B) will have to take it again unfortunately
C) were allowed to take a comprehensive makeup
ESL Reading completion exercises #3 D) due to weather conditions had to contact the Registrar's Office
Complete the sentences with the most appropriate options. within 48 hours
E) have to hand in a document confirming their excuses
1. Above all his many talents, Ray Charles had the ability to
interpret and sing songs in such a way _________. 4. By the time the Doctor: came in to examine my daughter,
A) that he was a man with numerous talents _________.
B) as to fill the words from the depths of his own heart, carrying this A) she has been suffering from headache for three hours
emotion to the listener. B) I will try to keep her calm as she is afraid of dentists
C) so went on to become one of the most successful African- C) the nurse has already injected her the vaccine
American artists of the 20th century D) her temperature had risen to 40 centigrade
D) in fact he was the musician most responsible for developing soul E) I will have to wait outside
E) he put it to good use on early -'60s hits 5. The earlier one gets the treatment, _________.
A) the sooner he recovered from his illness
2. Having received five harpoons, _________. B) since he or she may be in need of it
A) the shark was able to get rid of the nets. C) the more effective it is likely to be
B) the men were finally able to catch the whale D) as I forgot to take the pills my Doctor: recommended
C) It was virtually impossible for the ant to survive E) he gets rid of his problems
D) which were made of iron
E) the whale couldn’t withstand any longer and submerged into the ESL Reading completion exercises # 5
deep Complete the sentences with the most appropriate options.

3. The old woman sitting in front of me asked me _________. 1. The Committee wanted to know _________.
A) if I can open the window A) if there was a detailed study to see the cost of the project
B) that I looked like her grand daughter B) that the administrators were not good at dealing with problems
C) what was my name C) why did the costumers start to complain
D) to read the address in the paper as she couldn’t see the letters D) when the proposed plan will be executed
clearly E) whether the sales manager is to be dismissed
E) if I recognized him or not

Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

2. _________ that nobody wanted to purchase it. 3. Ultraviolet ray

A) Although most of the costumers were interested in the painting _________. And they are certainly right. Sunscreen protects your skin
B) It was such a well-designed car from ultraviolet light rays. Too much ultraviolet is bad for your skin. If
C) The necklace at the auction was so enchanting you spend a long time outside without any sunscreen on, you might
D) The exam that I took yesterday was very difficult get a sunburn because of the ultraviolet rays.
E) The house was so deteriorated from lack of maintenance
A) Ultraviolet light can get rid of bacteria in eggs and apple and make
3. _________ but it causes to premature aging as well. them safer to eat
A) Wearing make up all the time can make you seem pleasant B) Your parents tell you to wear sunscreen when you're outside in
B) Drinking large amounts of alcohol or taking excessive drugs may the summer
take you to death C) When we are outdoors, we are exposed to pollens and dust, and
C) High blood pressure may cause hair loss in some people other irritants
D) Overexposure to the sun while sunbathing not only results in D) However, they can also trigger asthma attacks, which are more
sunburns serious
E) Having aesthetic surgery may at first sound good E) It seems to be the safest way to make food safer before we buy it

4. The government wanted to know _________. ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 2

A) that some officials had apparently taken bribes from arms dealers 1. Prey Birds
B) who is leaking their plans to a reporter illegally Among the best-known birds are the birds of prey, such as hawks,
C) as much as it could about its people so it could effectively control eagles, ospreys, falcons, and owls. They have hooked beaks, strong
them talons or claws on their feet, and keen eyesight and hearing.
D) what can be done to improve standards in universities _________. Ospreys and many eagles eat fish, falcons eat mostly
E) how and why did farmers adopt new farming techniques insects, and owls eat everything from insects to fish and mammals.

5. Despite the fact that the Constitution guarantees citizens the A) Birds are warm-blooded animals, with feathers and wings
right to practice the religion of their choice, _________. B) Unlike mammals, except for the duck-billed platypus, birds lay
A) police often are too slow to save members of religious minorities C) Their long wing feathers also help them to get the lift necessary
who are victims of crimes for flight
B) that the government is not good at dealing with problems D) The larger hawks and eagles prey on small mammals, such as
C) In some countries, governments have laws or policies to rodents
discourage religious discrimination E) Feathers provide insulation 'for birds, allowing them to maintain a
D) most of the members of ethnic minorities are grateful for it high body temperature
E) the President had notified all religious groups that they should
register or cease all religious activities
2. The Jaguar
The jaguar is sometimes called Americans El Tigre by South and
ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 1 Central Americans. _________. Both names convey the awe and
Complete the paragraphs with the most appropriate sentences so reverence this largest New World cat inspires. Their gold coat
that the paragraph flow is not broken. spangled with black rosettes was said to be the stars of night. In the
Mayan religion, the sun took the form of a jaguar when traveling
1. Animal care through the underworld at night.
I was only 4 years old when my dad was working with elephants,
lions and tigers. _________. When I was 14, I was already taking care A) Jaguars are closely related to lions, tigers, and leopards
of and raising baboons and lion cubs, leopard cats and other animals. B) Jaguars live in the rain forests and more open countryside in South
At 17, I began working professionally with elephants. I did that for and Central America
about 8 years and then gave it up. I have been working in the C) They are known to be the largest members of the cat family there
construction business since then. D) Jaguars are strong swimmers and climbers, and they often prefer
to live by rivers
A) Elephants and many other animals are just like people E) Long ago, they called it Yaguara, the "cat that kills with a single
B) Therefore, I always had animals around me spring"
C) You have to love them unconditionally
D) But nothing would happen to elephants 3. Monarch Butterflies
E) They are the type of animal that demands food all the time Monarch butterflies travel long distances to stay warm. They fly up to
3,000 miles to the same winter roosts, sometimes to the exact same
2. Physical activity trees. However, their life span is only a few months. _________.
You need a total of about 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Here Their great-great-grandchildren return south the following fall.
is the good news. _________. Five or ten minute sessions of physical
activities throughout the day are just as good for you. These may A) Baby swallows and their parents learn each other's voices
include walking, jogging, running, and riding a bike. B) Most of the bird species migrate south for the winter
C) Other butterflies also fly thousands of miles in search of warmth
A) It will give you lots of ideas for staying fit and healthy D) So individual monarchs only make the round-trip once
B) He regularly takes physical education classes at school E) The regular movement of animals during the year is called
C) You should turn off that television and get moving instead migration
D) A program called "The Fitness Fighters" was started
E) This does not have to be done all at one time

Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 3 A) Food can transmit disease from person to person
Choose the best option to go with the paragraph flow to complete B) First of all, wear clean clothes and protective apron
the exercises. C) The bacteria in food can cause food poisoning
D) Among the modern processes for food preservation are
1. Squirrels refrigeration and canning
Squirrels live mostly in the forests of Europe and north America. E) Freezing is one of the most commonly used processes for
_________. That is the size of two of your hands. Behind them and preserving a very wide range of food stuffs
often suspended over their backs are their tails, wide, upright and
furry, and almost the same size as their length. Thanks to this long 2. Food Expiration Date
tail, a squirrel can jump from one tree to another without losing its Best before is sometimes indicated on food and drink wrappers,
balance. followed by a date, and is intended to indicate the date before which
the food should be consumed. _________. In this case, a term like
A) It can readily run along branches best before see bottom or best before see lid might be printed on
B) They are about 25 centimeters long the label and the date marked in a different location as indicated.
C) It's an interesting method of communication
D) Some squirrel species can also fly A) Sometimes the packaging process involves using pre-printed
E) Sleeping is a great threat to squirrels labels, making it impractical to write the best before date in a clearly
visible location
2. Atlantis Island B) The term "use by" is similarly used to indicate the date by which
Atlantis is an island whose existence and location have never been the item will have outlived its shell life
confirmed. The first references to Atlantis are from the classical C) With this term, it is intended to ensure that customers will
Greek philosopher Plato, who said it was engulfed by the ocean as not unwittingly purchase or eat stale food
the result of an earthquake 9,000 years before his own time. D) Generally, food that has a use by date written on the
_________. They also added that Plato made up the story using packaging must not be eaten after it has expired
elements that may have been drawn from real events. E) This is because such foods usually go off quickly and may be
injurious to health if spoiled
A) Plato described Atlantis as an ideal state, and the name is
considered synonymous with Utopia 3. Food Labels
B) Plato's accounts of Atlantis are in his As a food label is often nothing more than an advert to tempt you to
works Timaeus and Critias and these philosophical dialogues are the buy the product, you should pay particular attention to the choice of
earliest known references to Atlantis words used. _________. Chocolate flavor topping, for example, will
C) The legend of Atlantis is frequently featured in many books, not contain chocolate, so read carefully.
movies, television series, and other creative works
D) While there are many hypotheses about Atlantis, the vast majority A) Certain ingredients must be identified by a specific name, such as
of scientists conclude that Atlantis never existed preservatives
E) According to the legend, an island called Atlantis in the Atlantic B) Other words such as 'farm fresh' and 'country fresh' also
Ocean was swallowed by an earthquake intentionally blur the true nature of a product's source
C) They should take particular care over low-fat and low-sugar
3. Tsunami products
________. However, the most common cause is an undersea D) Indeed, it could refer to texture, fat content or sugar content
earthquake. An earthquake which is too small to create a tsunami by E) Always watch out for the word 'flavor', as this may mean that
itself may trigger an undersea landslide quite capable of generating a the product contains synthetic ingredients
ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 5
A) Tsunamis have been historically referred to as tidal waves because Find the best sentences to complete each short paragraph about
as they approach land, they take on the characteristics of a violent electronics.
onrushing tide 1. Fax Machine
B) Since tsunamis aren't actually related to tides, the term is A fax machine works by scanning each outgoing page, turning the
considered misleading image into a series of light and dark dots. This pattern is then
C) The term tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning translated into audio tones, and sent over regular phone lines. The
"harbor' and "wave" receiving fax "hears" the tones, pieces the grid together, and prints
D) A tsunami can travel hundreds of miles over the open sea and the total number of dots. _________.
cause extensive damage when it encounters land
E) A tsunami can be generated by any disturbance that rapidly moves A) He invented a machine capable of receiving signals from a
a large mass of water such as volcanic eruption telegraph wire
B) The idea of fax machines has been around for a long time
ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 4 C) They were an easy way to send documents to any phone number
Complete the missing parts of the following three short ESL D) The resulting document is a black and white copy of the original
paragraphs about food and its hygiene. page
1. Food and Cooking E) Then he finally managed to translate these symbols into images on
Food and cooking hygiene includes a number of routines which paper
should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards.
_________. Besides, wash hands with warm soapy water before
preparing food. Also, wash meat, fruit, and vegetables thoroughly
before use.

Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

2. Broadband 3. Influenza
The term "broadband" refers to telecommunication in which a wide Influenza develops after the virus enters a person's nose or mouth. It
band of frequencies is ready to send information. _________. It causes muscle pain, sudden high body temperature, breathing
allows users to access the Internet at higher speeds than traditional problems and weakness. _________. But it can be very dangerous. It
modems. High-speed Internet allows users access to advance data is especially dangerous to the very young, the very old and those
processing and high-speed transmission technologies. with weakened defences against disease.

A) They include cable modem, wireless access, satellite access, and A) The virus stopped spreading completely after the treatment
power line access B) Generally, most people feel better after a week or two
B) It is frequently used as another term for high-speed Internet C) Then, they changed the temperature and humidity levels
access D) But they did not really know why until recently
C) However, there are also many advantages of using broadband E) They say it is because the virus remains in the air longer
D) There was obviously no need to dial-up your Internet provider
E) The information was downloaded into his computer at a higher ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 7
speed Complete the given paragraphs about exercising and fitness with
the most appropriate sentences.
3. Cellphones 1. Exercise Ball / Pilates
People believe that cell phones cause cancer, especially brain cancer. _________. It improves circulation and body alignment. It engages
A few studies suggested a link with certain rare types of brain the powerhouse of the lower abs, hips,and lower back in almost
tumours. _________o These studies didn't receive front-page every movement. Throughout the workout, practitioners try to stay
coverage. Therefore, most consumers could not notice them. united from shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip, making sure the
neck and limbs are used in long, graceful movements.
A) Electronic devices, like cell phones, can cause cancer in the people
who use them A) Joseph Pilates was a weak youth who invented some exercises to
B) Using a cell phone while driving increases the risk of having a car strengthen his body
accident B) Anyone in a top-level position has got there because of their
C) Keeping your hands free and your eyes on the road is a ability to learn and grow
more significant issue C) With as few as two sessions a week, you can maintain these
D) Lower frequency radiation has not been proven to cause these results
DNA changes D) Soon you'll be admiring the profile you see in the mirror
E) But most studies show that there is no link between cell phone use E) Pilates is a unique combination of stretching, strengthening
and brain cancer and breathing

ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 6 2. Running / Swift Walking

Short ESL paragraphs on general human health with missing parts. Running, or swift walking, uses the major muscle groups, making it
1. Stress the most efficient form of cardiovascular exercise. _________. It also
If you are under stress, your eating habits are making the problem lowers blood pressure and helps diabetics by improving glucose
worse. _________. First, cut down on coffee, tea and cola drinks. tolerance and reducing insulin resistance.
They all contain caffeine, which makes you feel better for a few
minutes, but which also destroys the vitamins in our bodies. Try not A) It has been shown to have a positive effect on blood fats by
to eat sweets, biscuits and cakes as well. reducing cholesterol levels
B) During running, the speed at which the runner moves can be
A) In the long term, alcohol causes depression calculated by multiplying the steps per second by the stride length
B) The effects of stress can be lessened by following some simple C) Running is a complex, coordinated process which involves the
advice related to your diet entire body
C) They consume sweets, biscuits and cakes frequently D) Every human being runs differently, but certain general features
D) Remember to eat a good breakfast to start the day well of running motion are common
E) If you eat too quickly, you can have problems with your stomach in E) Since only one foot at a time is on the ground in running, one leg is
the long term always in recovery

2. Snoring 3. Holistic Health

Snoring cures usually involve clearing the blockage in the breathing Holistic health is a non-medical philosophy of well-being that
passage. This is the reason snorers are advised to lose weight. considers the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life as closely
_________ They are also advised to stop smoking (smoking weakens interconnected and balanced. _________. The most common of
and clogs the throat), and to sleep on their side (to prevent the them include acupuncture, yoga and aromatherapy
tongue from blocking the throat). But for many snorers those pieces
of advice are not enough. A) We have to control such illness-related factors as poor diet,
smoking, alcohol intake, and stress
A) This stops fat from pressing on the throat B) Surgery and prescription drugs are generally avoided in holistic
B) Surgery is the only option to cure snoring medicine
C) Snoring is usually an involuntary act, but may also be produced C) Holistic medicine does not ignore mainstream Western medical
voluntarily practices but does not see them as the only effective therapies
D) Most of the time snoring is not a health risk to the snorer D) Advocates of the holistic health philosophy typically seek or use a
E) Snoring is known to ruin the lives of many people wide variety of alternative practices
E) It is an approach to medical care that emphasizes the study of all
aspects of a person's health
Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 8 to their owners. In the face of a threat, they put their lives in danger
1. The Pyramids to save their owners.
Herodotus, a Greek who wrote about the building of the pyramids A) There are hundreds of dog species of different colors and sizes
long after they had been built, claimed that the Great Pyramid took B) A watchdog can stop a creature that is five to six times bigger
tens of thousands of men and twenty years to make. _________. The C) Dogs have 42 teeth, that is, 10 more than human beings
Egyptians hadn't learned to use the wheel or the pulley so lifted all of D) They were able to perceive moving objects from farther away
the stones using ramps and the cut stone was edged along the ramps E) This extraordinary sense of smell itself is a miracle
on rollers, lubricated by milk or water. We don't know how many
people died for the pyramids, but we know that most Egyptians ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 10
would have been eager to participate in the building because the Complete the readings on biology on this page with the correct
king would become a god who could bless or curse their lives. options.
A) The ancient Egyptians believed in many different gods and 1. Flora and Fauna
goddesses Nature has millions of interwoven interrelationships among the
B) However, even if those figures are not accurate, the construction numerous flora and fauna. _________. These food webs and
of the pyramids was an amazing achievement pyramids can give scientists a broad idea that organisms interact with
C) Daily life in Ancient Egypt revolved around the Nile and its fertile each other for their food, shelter and mating. Each specific
land along its banks interrelationship if studied in depth can be very interesting and
D) Each of the gods the ancient Egyptians believed in had their own brings to light significant facts of our surroundings and the
roles to play in maintaining peace across the land importance of every living being on this earth.
E) The dry air and drifting desert have preserved many records of
Ancient Egypt including pyramids until modern times A) But, we have been destroying such interrelationships in the path
of development
2. Ottoman Empire B) If the entire nature is considered one machine every living being
The Ottoman Empire collapsed on October 30, 1918, when the has its own role in running of this machine
Mondros Armistice was signed, after the Ottoman state and its allies C) Such relationships are the basis for the food webs and food
had lost the Great War. _________. For example, the Straits of the pyramids
Bosphorus and the Dardanelles would be open to the ships of the D) Hence, scientists must educate public opinion for implementing
Entente Powers. Also Turkish warships would be surrendered to the the conservation programs
Entente Powers. E) The scientific community has not been able to keep pace with the
A) The treaty had very severe terms complexity of ecological relationships
B) Then they visited various parts of Anatolia
C) England was no longer a huge empire 2. Brain Linguistic Systems
D) No one is happy with the new situation Neurocognitive Linguistics is an attempt to understand the linguistic
E) Istanbul was the capital city at the time system of the human brain. The object of investigation is the mental
system that supports our language processing. _________. That is
3. Dinosaurs the basic challenge facing neurocognitive linguistics. But since our
Dinosaurs died out around 65 million years ago. _________. The linguistic systems are housed in our brains, we have no choice but to
most accepted one is that a giant asteroid crashed into earth around treat language as a mental phenomenon.
this time and caused catastrophic changes to the climate. It was
probably freezing coId and the dinosaurs could not adapt to the new A) Man has always been fascinated by amazing facts about his own
weather conditions. brain
A) There are several theories about why this happened B) Of course, this mental system is not directly observable
B) There were more than 700 different types of dinosaurs C) There have been numerous kinds of research done on the brain
C) Dinosaurs were reptiles which lived millions of years ago structure
D) They lived in the Mesozoic period - known as the "age of reptiles" D) There was one single professor famous for his ideas about the
E) Special scientists called palaeontologists study fossils function of the brain
E) The structure of a human brain is totally different from that of an
ESL Reading/ Fill in exercises # 9 animal
Find out the correct option which suits well to the missing part.
1. Human's Best Friend 3. Hearing, Taste and Smell
We know that dogs are a human's best friend. They love us and we We hear only by means of the ears. If we are born deaf, or if injury
love them._________. Many scientists think they came from wolves destroys some important part of the hearing mechanism, then we
15,000 years ago. Although wolves are wild and dogs are tame, cannot hear. Similarly, we taste only by means of the taste organs in
they're still a lot alike. Both wag their tails when happy and put their the mouth, and smell only with the organs of smell in the nose.
tails between their legs when scared. _________.

A) However, we're not so sure where they came from A) The dependence of mind upon body in a general way was evident
B) Some were trained to do more than keep us company to everyone
C) Working dogs guide blind and wheel chair-bound people B) Light from the picture is refracted within the eyes, forming an
D) So they're good at finding things using their keen senses image on each retina
E) Handlers teach the dog how to find specific things C) Thus, injuries to the eyes or the optic nerve make it impossible for
us to see
2. Educating Dogs D) In a word, our primary knowledge of the world comes only
through the sense organs
Dogs are easy to educate. Well-educated dogs are sometimes used as
E) The intermediate frequencies give us the intermediate colors of
watchdogs. _________. It is interesting, though, that these dogs,
blue-green and orange
which can become terrifyingly wild in times of danger, pose no harm
Intermediate Tests for Grammar/Reading/Dialogs

Answer Keys


1. to make 1. to 1. found out 1. has become 1. irrational 1. enormous 1. located
2. for 2. where 2. stapled 2. susceptible 2. on 2. that 2. the most
3. improvements 3. though 3. as 3. most 3. such 3. Having lost 3. objectively
4. as well as 4. should make 4. both 4. of 4. could enter 4. with 4. including
5. on 5. rather than 5. established 5. climbed 5. called 5. all 5. would have
6. the strongest 6. prolific 6. prolific 6. having 6. whose
7. threat 7. However 7. As 7. represents 7. other
8. executed 8. Much 8. on 8. covers 8. had registered
9. However 9. to 9. having formed 9. Although 9. particularly
10. have made 10. declined 10. other 10. are found 10. with

Answer of Answers of Reading Answers of Reading Answers of Reading Answers of Reading Answers of Reading
dialogues completion completion completion completion completion
1. D exercises #1 exercises # 2 exercises #3 exercises # 4 exercises # 5
2. E 1. A 1. D 1. B 1. D 1. A
3. C 2. D 2. E 2. E 2. C 2. E
4. A 3. E 3. B 3. D 3. E 3. D
5. B 4. A 4. E 4. C 4. D 4. C
5. E 5. C 5. E 5. C 5. A

ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
1. Animal care - B 1. Prey Birds - D 1. Squirrels - B 1. Food and Cooking - B 1. Fax Machine - D
2. Physical activity - E 2. The Jaguar - E 2. Atlantis Island - D 2. Food Expiration Date - A 2. Broadband - A
3. Ultrviolet ray - B 3. Monarch Butterflies - D 3. Tsunami -E 3. Food Labels - E 3. Cellphones - E

ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises ESL Reading/Fill in exercises
#6 #7 #8 #9 #10
1. Stress - A 1. Ball / Pilates -E 1. The Pyramids -B 1. Human's Best Friend - A 1. Flora and Fauna - C
2. Snoring - B 2. Running/Swift Walking -A 2. Ottoman Empire -A 2. Educating Dogs - B 2. Brain Linguistic Systems - B
3. Influenza - B 3. Holistic Health -D 3. Dinosaurs -A 3. Flora and Fauna -C 3. Hearing, Taste and Smell - D


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