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Personality Tests

Test Author Description

NEO PI-R Robert Mcrae  Measures five domains of personality;
Paul Costa Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Aggreeableness,
Neuroticism (OCEAN)
Sixteen Personality Factor Raymond Catell  Measure personality in 16 factors and 5 dimensions; Anxiety,
16PF Extraversion, Sensitivity, Independence and Impulsivity (AESII)
using factor analysis
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Isabel Myers  Measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the
MBTI Katherine Cook world and making decisions.
Briggs  Determines preference in four areas
Extraverted – Introverted
Sensation – Intuition
Thinking – Feeling
Judging – Perceiving
Social Adjustment Scale Myrna Weissman  Provides an understanding of an individual’s level of
SAS satisfaction with his social situation (family, work, leisure and
Bar-On Emotional Quotient Reuven Bar-On  First measure of emotional intelligence
Inventory  Measures emotionally and socially intelligent behavior
BAR-ON  Components (Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Stress Management,
Adaptability, Adaptability, General Mood)

Intelligence Test

Test Author Description

Weschelr Intelligence Scale for David Weschler  Measures intelligence and cognitive ability in children and
Children and Adults adults
(WIS)  Measures one’s ability to adapt and constructively solve
problems in the environment.
Standford Binet Intelligence Lewis Terman  Measures five factors of cognitive ability (Fluid & Quantitative
Scale Reasoning, Knowledge, Visual-Spatial Processing and Working
(SBIS) Memory)
Ravens Progressive Matrices John Raven  Test of abstract reasoning
(RPM)  Test of observational skills and clear-thinking ability.
Science Research Associate Louis Thurstone  Test of general ability
Verbal Form  Measure overall adaptability in comprehending instructions and
(SRA Verbal Form) problems.
 Types of items: vocabulary and arithmetic
Culture Fair Intelligence Test Raymond Catell  Culturally unbiased test to measure one’s intelligence.
(CFIT)  Measure’s fluid intelligence, analytical and abstract reasoning
Career, Work and Interest Inventories

Test Author Description

RIASEC Holland Codes John Holland  Fast way to explore occupations based on interest
(RIASEC HC)  RIASEC – Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising
and Social
Filipino Work Values Scale Vincentita Cervera  Designed to determine the behavior and work values of a
(FWVS) Filipino.
Strong Interest Inventory Edward Kellog  Gives insight into persons’ interest
(SII) Strong Jr.  Provides general occupational themes (GOT) detailing a person’s
attitude in a specific interest field.
Occupational Aptitude Survey Randall Parker  Measures 12 interest factors directly related to the occupations
and Interest Schedule listed in the guide of occupational exploration
Manchester Personality Alan Cameron  Focuses on traits relevant to creative and innovative behavior.
Questionnaire  Assess occupationally relevant personality factors
Projective Tests

Test Author Description

Rorschach Inkblot Test Hermann  Provides information about process and form of person’s
(RIT) Rorschach thought.
 Scores are based on 10 unique inkblots
Thematic Apperception Test Henry Murray  Subjects responses in narrative they make up about ambigous
(TAT) pictures of people.
 Provides information about important themes in a person’s life.
Sach’s Sentence Completion Joseph Sachs  Ask respondents to complete questions with the first thing that
Test comes to mind across four areas (familty, sex, interpersonal,
(SSCT) relationships and self-concept)
Draw a Person Test Florence  Subject is asked to draw a picture of a man, woman and
(DPT) Goodenough themselves.
 Use to evaluate non-verbal intelligence, screening emotional and
behavioral disorders.
House Tree Person Test John Buck  Measures aspect of personality through interpretation of drawings.

Achievement and Aptitude Test

Test Author Description

Otis-Lennon Ability Test Arthur Otis  Assess a student’s cognitive (verbal, non-verbal, quantitative)
(OLSAT) Roger Lennon abilities that relate to his academic success.
Metropolitan Achievement Test Robert Farr  Evaluates critical thinking and foundation skills.
Wide Range Achievement Test Sidney Bijou  Measure’s individuals’ ability to read words, comprehend
(WRAT) sentences, spell and compute solutions.
Wechsler Individual David Wechsler  Assess the academic achievement of students. (Reading,
Achievement Test Math, Writing and Oral Language)

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