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CIE IGCSE ICT Your notes

3.1 The Effects of Using IT

Microprocessor Controlled Devices
Health Issues

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Microprocessor Controlled Devices

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Microprocessor Controlled Devices
A microprocessor is a small computer chip that can be used to control devices. It is made up of a central
processing unit (CPU), memory, and input/output (I/O) devices. The CPU is responsible for carrying out
instructions, the memory stores data, and the I/O devices allow the microprocessor to communicate with
the outside world.
Microprocessor controlled devices are used in a wide variety of applications, including:
Household appliances, such as washing machines, refrigerators, and ovens
Office equipment, such as printers, scanners, and photocopiers
Industrial machineries, such as robots and assembly lines
Transportation, such as cars, aeroplanes, and trains
Medical devices, such as pacemakers and insulin pumps
Impact of Microprocessors on Home Life
Positive effects on lifestyle, leisure, physical fitness, and data security include:
Devices such as smart thermostats, lights, and appliances can be controlled remotely, saving
time and effort
People have more time to spend on the things they want
Smart fridges automatically order fresh food and therefore reduce food waste
Fitness tracking
Devices like smart watches monitor physical activity and health data, encouraging healthier
Smart security systems provide real-time surveillance, adding an extra layer of protection to
Negative effects include:
Privacy risks
These devices can be vulnerable to hacking, risking the security of personal data
Social interaction

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Over-reliance on these devices can decrease face-to-face interaction, impacting social skills
Physical fitness
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Despite fitness tracking, sedentary behaviour may increase due to the convenience of smart
Impact of Microprocessors on Transport
Positive effects on data security, autonomous vehicles, and transport safety include:
Autonomous vehicles optimise routes, reducing travel time and fuel consumption
Advanced safety features, like automatic braking and lane assist, can reduce accidents
Data security
Real-time tracking and encryption help protect against theft or loss
Negative effects include:
Privacy issues
Data collected by these vehicles could be misused or hacked
Job losses
Autonomous vehicles could replace jobs in transport industries, leading to unemployment
Safety risks
Malfunctions in autonomous vehicle systems could lead to accidents

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Worked example
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Microprocessor-controlled devices in the home have had positive effects on people’s lifestyles. One
of the positive effects of using these devices is that we can now set a cooker to switch on whilst we are
out so that we arrive home to a cooked meal. Describe the positive effects of using other
microprocessor-controlled devices in the home.
Four of:
Microprocessor-controlled devices reduce the need for people to do manual tasks at home [1]
People can use microprocessor-controlled devices for physical fitness tracking in the home [1]
People have more time to spend on leisure activities/shopping/socialising [1]
Increased sense of security as homes are protected with burglar alarms/ smoke alarms/fire alarms [1]
Smart fridges can be used to improve healthy lifestyle//Smart fridges automatically order fresh
food//Smart fridges reduce food waste [1]
Microprocessor-controlled devices can be set remotely using a smartphone [1]
Saves fuel as the heating/air conditioning is not on all day [1]
Reduces injuries by using microprocessor-controlled lights outside [1]

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Health Issues
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Health Issues When Using Computers
Common health issues related to extensive ICT use include:
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
A condition affecting muscles and nerves, often caused by repetitive movements and overuse
Back problems
Poor posture while using devices can lead to back pain and other related issues
Eye problems
Strain and fatigue from staring at screens for long periods can harm vision
Overuse of ICT devices can cause headaches, usually due to eye strain or poor posture

Health Issue Causes Prevention Strategies

Repetitive Repeated physical movements do

Regular breaks, ergonomic equipment, and
Strain Injury damage to tendons, nerves, muscles, and
correct typing techniques.
(RSI) other soft body tissues.

Poor posture, particularly when using Correct posture, ergonomic furniture, and
Back problems
devices for long periods. regular movement.

Prolonged screen time leads to digital eye Regular breaks from the screen, appropriate
Eye problems strain, characterised by dryness, irritation, screen brightness, and maintaining an
and blurred vision. appropriate distance from the screen.

Factors such as poor posture, eye strain, Regular breaks, maintaining good posture,
or stress from overuse of devices. and ensuring proper screen brightness.

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