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Jefferson Richard Djaya
Entrepreneurship Hatchery
Week 1

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

We were given a task to create a group to make an Entreprenuer Hatchery project. After
making the group, we are told to decide the topic or business that we want to make. Lastly,
every member of the group has to assign their roles individually.

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.

I can easily understand this week's learning materials as we had learned in the past
semester, such as the five phases of design thinking and this is only the introduction week
of the course.

Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today

This introduction week helped me to review several things that I learned on Project
Hatchery and some new materials. For example, we are told to list down things that
become everyday problems. In addition, we discussed our own problems and wishes to be
presented in front of the class.

Provide action plan for your next meeting

My action plan for the next meeting will be started by discussing with my selected
groupmmates on what kind of business that we want to make and determine every
member's role so that they can perform at their best.
Week 2

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

We were given a task to design a test by making several questions and deciding our target
customer. Lastly, we also need to find the customer's sweet post.

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.

I feel very excited to make the assignment as we are able to share my thoughts to my
groupmmates and doing a project with other students is the fun part.

Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today

In today's session, we reviewed some of last semester materials that I had grasped and
feltl familiar with the learning materials. However, the lecturer brought many new materials
in this learning session. I am able to understand most of the time. Today is our very first
meeting for this class so the session is still relaxing and not much going on for now.

Provide action plan for your next meeting

I am planning to discuss with my groupmmates , such as completing the task given to us
this week so that we can take the lead and make faster progress than other groups.
Moreover, I am preparing myself for the next meeting by looking up the upcoming study
materials for the next meeting.
Week 3

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

We were given a task to create a business model canvas for our business model that may
help to understand the customer wants, value propositions, revenue streams and most
importantly the competitors of our business

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.

This forum week feels very engaging as we always need to discuss and share our opinion
with the group members. Being in a group makes me motivated to do better and be active
as part of the team.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today
There are some points that I find dfficult to grasp when doing the business model canvas,
so I had to ask my groupmates about their opinions and to discuss the points so that all of
us could understand the points properly, such as the key propositions. Furthermore, I think
we finish this week forum assingment at best as we can as a group
Provide action plan for your next meeting
We are preparing the business model canvas and refining our application prototype this
whole week so that we can present both the business model canvas and the prototype to
our lecture and other students in the best possible manner.
Week 4

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

Our lecture has given us a chance to review our business prototype and business model
canvas where we need to present them in front of the class.

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.

This is our first time showing our business model canvas and prototype to our classmates
as well as our lecture itself. We definitely feel confident about our work however, I also felt
terrified at the same time since this is our first presentation of the business.I am worried
that there are flaws in our project and complaints from the lecture regarding the quality of
our work in this process.

Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today

Since this week is an evaluation day, I felt a bit scared while presenting our business idea
and prototype but, it is a normal feeling for everyone. The lecture told us that we have to
review some key points in the Business Model Canvas. In addition, our prototype got good
feedback and appreciation from the lecture including our classmates. Furthermore, I think
this week's presentation went well and according to our plan. The lecturer's insight will be
taken in for us to improve the Business Model Canvas and refine our business idea. Lastly,
we are told to make a financial projection about our business.

Provide action plan for your next meeting

My action plan for this week is fixing the problems and mistakes that our lecture told us
which is in Business Model Canvas. This will be our main priority for this week until the
flaws are solved. In addition, we will add more important and meaningful features to our
application prototype. Also, I will do research about electric charging station to create a
suitable financial projection for our business
Week 5

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

This week’s task is similar to last week’s task, we are basically required to present ouor
refined prototype and business model canvas with the addition of the business financial

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.

In today’s presentation, I feel more prepared and confident for presenting our business
model canvas as we already taught the proper way to explain the business model canvas.
We are able to present it according to the correct order. Furthermore, we had no issues in
presenting our application prototype as well as the financial projection of the business.

Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today

In my opinion, the presentation went very well and met our expectations. There are no
issues regarding the business model canvas and application prototype. However, we made
a few mistakes in projecting the demand or potential customers that can be generated per
day since it is our first time making the financial projections. Moreover, we are told by the
lecture to do some research about the issues and do a revision on the financial projection.

Provide action plan for your next meeting

Firstly, we will try our best to make corrections for the mistakes that we made this week,
such as the financial projections. Since next week is a week, I think there will not be much
to do, we will be waiting for the instructions that the lecture gives on the forum. Once the
instructions are given, we certainly do the task and instructions right away.
Week 6

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today
Provide action plan for your next meeting
Week _________

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today
Provide action plan for your next meeting
Week _________

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today
Provide action plan for your next meeting
Week _________

Describe your task given by your lecturer this week.

Explain your feeling whenever you did the task.
Evaluate your learning journey and feeling today
Provide action plan for your next meeting

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