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CIE IGCSE ICT Your notes

7.1 Audience & Copyright

Target Audience

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Target Audience
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Target Audience
Developing ICT Solutions
To build effective ICT solutions, the first step is to identify and understand the needs of the intended
audience. These needs can be functional, like processing information or aesthetic, like a visually
appealing interface
After identifying the needs, select the appropriate technology and tools to create a solution. This
choice depends on factors like the complexity of the task, the budget available, and the technical
expertise of the users
An essential aspect to remember while designing ICT solutions is to ensure that they are user-friendly.
This means that they should be intuitive to use, require minimal training, and have easy-to-understand
Additionally, ICT solutions should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This could
involve adding features like voice commands, large text options, or compatibility with assistive devices
Once the solution is created, it is crucial to test it to ensure it functions as expected and fulfils the users'
needs effectively
Audience Needs Analysis in ICT
Understanding the audience is crucial in ICT solution design. The analysis should consider factors such
as the age, technical skills, and background of the audience, which can affect their ability to use the
The solution designer should also understand the type of information that the audience needs. This can
guide the design of the information architecture and the data processing features
How the audience accesses and uses the information also impacts the design. For example, if the
audience mostly accesses the solution via mobile devices, the solution should be mobile-friendly
Lastly, the designer should consider any special needs of the audience, like visual or hearing
impairments. The solution should be designed to accommodate these needs, ensuring inclusivity

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Why do we need Copyright?
Copyright legislation is essential to protect the rights of creators and developers
It prevents the unauthorised use, duplication, or distribution of software, known as software piracy
It ensures developers are rewarded for their work, encouraging further innovation and development
Principles of Copyright in Computer Software
Copyright law prohibits the unauthorised copying, distribution, or modification of software
It also includes the End-User Licence Agreement (EULA), which outlines what the software can and
cannot be used for
Violations of these principles, such as software piracy, can lead to legal consequences
Preventing Software Copyright Violations
Software producers use various methods to protect their copyright, such as Digital Rights
Management (DRM)
DRM involves technologies or systems that control the use, modification, and distribution of
copyrighted works
Other methods include product activation, where software requires a unique code to be fully
Automatic updates can also serve as a form of copyright protection, as pirated software often can't
receive these updates, making it less functional or secure over time

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