B.ed first Semester English notes

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Introducing yourself in a professional setting.

You have to be confident and charming, present the most important information
about yourself, and appear as someone others would want to work with.
It’s not an easy task, whether you’re:
 Meeting your coworkers for the first time.

 Trying to ace a job interview.

Key points of effective introduction.
 No pressure, but leaving a good first impression is a big deal.

Moreover, a Hreverd study cited in Forbes revealed that after a bad first
impression, it takes 8 subsequent positive encounters to change someone’s
negative opinion of us.
This means that the first impression has a significant effect on how others
perceive you — so, the way you introduce yourself matters.
 Body language.
What body language cues are important to have, to improve that first impression
and “rating”?
Here are some of them:
 Smile

 Clear voice

 A firm handshake (but not too firm — crushing someone’s hand doesn’t
leave a good impression, I’ll tell you that)

 Good posture

 Looking people in the eyes (but not too intensely, as it can come off as
intimidating or even scary)
Moreover, along with having open body language, make sure you dress the part.
Your clothes should be:
 Appropriate for the occasion,

 Clean, and

 Ironed.
But, your outfit doesn’t have to be boring it’s a great way to show your
Appearing confident and well-groomed can go a long way.

Prepare what you’re going to say

As Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail”.
Before you introduce yourself to someone, prepare what you’re going to say.
Phrases to use when introducing yourself professionally
 “Hi, my name is __, and I’m a [job title] at [company]”

 “Let me introduce myself, I’m…”

 “Nice to meet you, my name is…”

 “I don’t think we’ve met before — I’m…”

Show interest in the person you’re talking to

To be interesting, be interested.”
In other words, the best way to spark the interest of others is to be interested in
what they have to say.
Introducing yourself to others.
 Mr.
 Miss
 Mrs.
 Ms.
 Dr
We use these titles in the given names. Given name shows your
identity e.g William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth.
 Hi, I’ am Ali.
 Hello, my name is Alina.
 Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ali.
 Good morning, allow me to introduce myself my name is Alina.

 Introducing others.

 This is my brother, Asim.
 May I introduce my colleague Mr. Muhammad Ahmed?
 Allow me to introduce my colleague Mr. Muhammad Ahmed.
 I’ d like you to meet my Boss Mr. Saleem Raza.
Replying to Introductions.
 Hi, Asim nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too Alina.
 Hello, Ali I am happy to meet you. Lovely to meet you too.
 How do you do, Mr. Muhammad Ahmed.
 Its pleasure to meet you. I am please to meet you.
Greeting someone you already know.
 Hi, Asim how are you? Fine thanks, and you?
 Hello, Ali how are you doing? Great, thanks. How about you?
 Good morning Mr. Ahmed. How are you today. I am very well, thank you.
And what about you?
 Hello, Mr. Ahmed its nice to see you again.
Saying Goodbye
 I must go. Catch you later. Ok, see you later. Bye.
 I’ll be off now speak to you later. Sure. Take care.
 Goodbye, it has been a pleasure to meeting you. The pleasure is mine. I
hope to see you again soon.
 I must be on my way. It was nice seeing you again. Likewise, I look forward
to seeing you again.

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