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############### 6.9.

1 CHANGELOG ################

- AI, SCAR and the files needed for Objective Mod have been extracted from their
SGAs. That way they won't be overwritten by adding semi-supported mods in the
module file like for example the Renegade Guard.
- SCAR errors for the Eldar, Chaos and Tau Strongholds have been fixed. They should
run now without issues.
- Campaign Dark Eldar Warriors(marked as prisoners in the code) can now use the new
weapons added in the mod.
- Black Templar survival scar error related to the enemy outposts has been
- Assault Space Marines in the Space Marines now display their Lighting Claws
properly when upgraded. In addition the upgrade has had its requirements properly
- All Chaos recruitable Squad Leaders now display their missing requirements
- Survival Colonel Brom is no longer a pink box.
- The Campaign Configurator has been updated and now loads properly its win
conditions. The exe itself is now included inside this patch and is no longer
encessary to download from ModDB.
- The SCAR error with the Persistent Campaign Bases has been fixed.
- The Heavy Stubber SFX has had its volume decreased.
- New SFX for all Heavy Bolters. Should be much easier to the ears and no longer
- The DKoK Warlord had problematic armour penetrations and engagement range. It has
been updated to be more in line with otehr Tier II Titans.
- The DKoK ''Load Gas and Smoke Shells'' for Mortar Teams have had their duration
cut from 16 secs to 5 secs. Their damage and effect have been left as is to
- Due to a hardcoded UI bug, the Ragged Knight can not be direct spawned by
Iskanador when he has at least one sqaud member. To circumvent this, we have
changed its spawning system to be ability based. The Ragged Knight costs the same
to be deployed and does not share any relic cap just like ebfore but to compensate
for the easier deployment, his HP has been reduced from 24000 to 8000. Melee
potential remains the same.
- Iskandor's abilities now correctly play the corresponding VO lines when
- World Eaters Global Ability Infernal Contempt has been adjusted to offer +15 Keen
Sight, filter out vehicles and have show an FX on affected units.
- Eldar Survival wave profile has been adjusted not to have multiple Eldrads during
the last wave.
- Numerous rebalance changes in the Last Stand waves courtesy of Lemon Tree.
- SM Vanguards and Sternguards in the campaign lacked some icons which now have
been added.
- DKoK Airship had an issue with being constantly promoted in heroes which has been
- Fixed an issue where the Afterflood map was mistakenly trying to load Survival
Code resulting in a SCAR error.
- Fixed a typo in the Last Stand waves which could result in a SCAR error when
facing the Chaos Daemons.
- Due to a limitation with Advanced Map Editor's aircraft fix coding, rectangual
maps would leave behind the building entity selection volumes even if said
buildings are destroyed, blocking the pathfinding for vehicles. The solution for
now is to rollback to the aircraft ability jump for these maps. Mapping guides
updated on our wikia courtesy of Swanky.
- DKoK Vendetta and Airship have received the jump ability for maps that do not
have the flyer fix applied.
- DKoK HQ and Bunker addons no longer reduce the squad members of the Soldiers but
also do not increase. This was a leftover of an old system that is no longer in
use. Localisation updated accordingly.
- World Eaters Khornate Lords(normal and terminator) now correctly display their
weapons when the corresponding addons are purchased.
- Death Guard Plague Marines (regular and assault) could have two champions. Now
they get one only as normal.
- Fixed an issue where with the ''No Vehicles'' Win Condition Ork players could
still make Looted Tanks.
- Death Guard Plasma Cannons were not using the correct projectile. Now they shoot
a proper green one with the correct hit FX.
- Death Guard Desecrator now has the correct projectile origins for its Havok
Missile Launcher.
- Black Templar Deep Striking now displays the correct requirements.
- Ynnari Storm Guardian flamer FX fires properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Ork Colour Scheme ''Bad Moons'' showed up two times.
- Fixed an issue with the IG Shadowsword hit FX not displaying properly.
- BT Bladeguards should now have no problems with their heads.
- Tau Stealth Warriors now keep their updated icon when upgraded to Fusion
- Chaos Helldrake Baleflamer had the wrong stats. Now should be more accurate to
the tier it is unlocked at.
- Chaos Decimator Superheavy Tank Volkite has improved enemy priority lists,
engagement and arcs.
- DKoK Macharius Omega Plasma Cannon has fixed enemy priority lists, armour
penetrations and also leave behind the correct hit FX. Likewise for the Macharious
Vanquisher Cannon.
- DKoK Survival turrets now display the correct visual addons when upgraded, much
like the regular versions.
- DKoK Minotaur has been updated to be a more viable relic choice and accurate to
its namesake(a double Earthshaker).
- DKoK Grenadier Hellgun ranges normalised. In addition, Grenadier Sgt now starts
with a Bolt Pistol instead of a Hellgun and upgrades to the Plasma Pistol, like the
rest of the Squad Leaders.
- Trench Raiders and Krieg Ogryns had faulty caps. Now should be proper(all share
the same with the Grenadiers). In addition, they have updated healthpoints,
corresponding to their vanilla analogues(this means that having two Trench Raider
Squad or one Greandier Squad and one Trench Raider Squad is more viable now).
- DKoK Kettenhunde's model has no synckills, so the corresponding code has been
removed to avoid T-Poses.
- DKoK Vendetta can now be repaired both in flight and when landed as was intended.
- LoTD Hell Knight displays its Right Arm upgrades properly.
- SM Land Raider Helios mistakenly could transport Dreadnoughts. This has been
resolved. In addition, to stay closer to the lore(and to give to the LR Phobos more
use over the rest), the Helios can transport only one squad while the Phobos two.
- Both Primaris and Terminator Force Commanders upgrade their combi-plasmas and
combi-meltas properly now.
- SM Assault Marines, SM Vanguards and CSM Raptors now play a spawning animation
when trained.
- EC and CSM Predator Sonic Blaster Sponsors had wrong ranges. Now both sides have
the correct 30 max range.
- SM Accurancy and Health reseacrhes now also affect the Sternguards, Vanguards and
Intercessor Squads, albeit at a small margine than the regular squads.
- SM LR Phobos now comes with a Storm Bolter Gunner.
- Just to avoid potential conflicts with maps inside DXP2(especially if using
DOWOnline), the maps now are also extracted from the SGA archives.
- The fixes from the Music Pack(missing WH flag texture and soundscripts) are now
part of this patch, so the Music Addon is now truly optional(and required for PVP-
still highly recommended to install it).
- The Camera files are now extracted to help with the no fog function of the Mod
- The VO of the SM Intercessors got a volume boost as was too quiet.
- Tau's favourite Gue'vesa, Libra, has now calmed down(new VO) and can fire her
missiles without an issue. A rewrite was also made to explain how came to be. For
the ones who do not know how to get her, play around with the Win Conditions and
requirements. You asked for Gue'Vesas and we answered. You never asked how
though. ;)
- Leeman Russ' Leeman Russ Exterminator now has the same cost as a regular IG
Leeman Russ. Firepower and caps remain the same.
- Storm Claws reinforce cost was made cheaper and closer to analogues of other
- Updated DKoK Quortermaster VO(the one showcased on the Quortermaster video) has
been added, courtesy of Tracer_Krieg.
- Various UCS(Localisation) fixes all across the board.
- Many new building icons for the Eldar, Chaos, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Tau,
Orks and Dark Eldar courtesy of Corncobman.
- Finished the 13th Company VO project. Now all 13th Comp units have their custom
- Auto-Reinforce SCAR has been recoded and added back. The BT version is now its
own independent variant.
- Added 4 new win conditions for faster building times at the game start each with
an increasing duration in minutes. Like with Cap icnreasing WCs, please only use
one at a time.
- Until the Krieg Music Addon is uploaded, they now have the generic IG songs to
play so as is not quiet.
- The optional conditions for Survival and Last Stand, as well as Fortress WC are
no longer enabled by default.
- Lotara Sarrin has received a new, more accurate and modest model. Courtesy of
Kekoulis and Ma_theos33. She is available in the Heroes Portal and requires Kharn
the Betrayer to be deployed first. The old model is gone, do not ask for it.
- Alpharious' and Lion's shadows have been changed to type 2(blob) from type 3.
While rare, some system reported the shadow bug the engine has that may lead to a
CTD, so better be safe than sorry.
- Eldrad's Astra Projection now has a more transparent texture, courtesy of
- Tau Hover Vehicles have received a more accurate resizing, courtesy of Latko
- The long requested Tempestus Scions have been added as a buildable unit in the
mod. However, we won't make it easy for you. You will have to find them yourselves.
>;) (Although Scions in 40k are all kinds of Stormtroopers, like the Kasrkins and
the Grenadiers, so techinically already were in the mod.)

Special thanks go to in particular General Sheppard and FightMeWaffles for

assisting us on some important bug fixing cases.

Since this patch includes a number of new VOs, please check our updated main
credits list on the main page of the mod.

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