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From Financial Times, UK, 2023

Data Points

Smartphones and social media

are destroying children’s
mental health
Evidence of the catastrophic effects of increased screen-time is now

John Burn-Murdoch

March 10, 2023

Something is going very wrong for teenagers. Between 1994 and 2010,
the share of British teens who do not consider themselves likeable fell slightly
from 6 per cent to 4 per cent; since 2010 it has more than doubled. The share
who think of themselves as a failure, who worry a lot and who are dissatisfied
with their lives also kicked up sharply.

The same trends are visible across the Atlantic. The number of US high school
students who say their life often feels meaningless has rocketed in the past 12
years. And it’s not just the anglosphere. In France, rates of depression among
15- to 24-year-olds have quadrupled in the past decade.

Wherever you look, youth mental health is collapsing, and the inflection point is
ominously consistent: 2010 give or take a year or two — when smartphones
went from luxury to ubiquity.

The theory that having social media and other digital delights within arm’s reach
24/7 may be having a harmful effect on mental health is not new. Its leading
advocate is Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University
and author of dozens of pioneering studies on the topic.

But it is still far from universally accepted. The work of Twenge and her regular
co-author Jonathan Haidt has at times been criticised for simply surfing the wave
of popular opposition to big tech. Yet as evidence for their arguments mounts,
many are now wondering why it has taken us so long to accept what was right in
front of us.

The signs are everywhere. First, digital socialising has displaced in-person
gatherings. The share of US teens who meet up in-person with friends less than
once a month stood at 3 per cent between 1990 and 2010, but reached 10 per
cent by 2019, meanwhile the share who say they are “constantly online” has
now reached 46 per cent.

Some counter that it can’t just be that apps are crowding out real life — after all,
the people who are busiest on Instagram are often the busiest in the real world,
too. But that misses a key dynamic: these trends operate at the generational
level, not the individual. As screen-time has surged, everyone hangs out less.

But the individual-level dynamics are striking, too. Studies show that the more
time teens spend on social media, the worse their mental health is. The gradient
is steepest for girls, who also spend much more time on social media than boys,
explaining the sharper deterioration among girls’ mental health than boys’.

It’s a similar story with the higher rates of depression among liberal teens than
conservatives. If you suspect liberal kids are more depressed due to growing up
in a culture that valorises concern for injustice, I would advise caution. First,
Twenge’s research points to a likelier explanation: liberal youths simply spend
more time online than conservatives. Second, we see the same rising trend
among conservatives — it’s just lagging.

Some suggest that modern society is more open about discussing mental health,
so what we’re seeing is just a rise in reporting, not prevalence. But British teens
who spend five or more hours a day on social media are at two to three times
greater risk of self-harm than their less-online peers. It’s a similar story in the
US with suicidal ideation. Grimmest of all, the now-familiar hockey stick trend is
also clear in rates of suicide deaths among British and American teens.

Others point out that correlation is not causation. Indeed. But we now have a
growing body of research showing that reducing time on social media improves
mental health.

So, what can we do? The most common response is “educate kids and parents”.
But as the cases of obesity and smoking show, public information campaigns are
notoriously ineffective in the face of addiction.

Another option would be to build on the evidence that when people are
encouraged to take an extended break from social media, some disconnect for

good. And then there’s regulation — why not increase the age limit for social
apps and punish companies that don’t enforce them?

Ultimately, though, I’m not optimistic. Combating obesity has been so hard
because you can’t stop people eating food. And fighting social media addiction is
hard because you can’t stop people using smartphones and apps. Until someone
invents the equivalent of a weight-loss drug for Instagram, the future looks
ominous., @jburnmurdoch

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