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Subject : General Science

Class : IX
Semester :1
Teacher :

Start/End time: 07.30/09.30 Topic: Plants Subtopic/s: Mineral salts for plants; Plants and water
Session/Week: 2 x 1 periods/ 1 week

Vocabulary, terminology and phrases : turgid, flaccid, diffusion, minerals, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, deficiency.

Lesson objectives Timings Planned activities

Understand the importance of water and mineral salts to plant growth 2 x 40 min Beginning
- Revise previous learning by asking learners: Define and describe photosynthesis,
and use the word equation.
- Learners observe pictures of Venus Fly Trap
- Learners observe the picture that show plant that are stunted (small) and yellow

- Explain water role in Plants
- Show pictures of plants that are suffering from water deficiency
- Explain the examples of mineral salt and their function
- Show pictures of plants that are suffering from mineral deficiencies. Ask: How do
plants get the minerals they need?
- Explain the function of water for support, transport, cooling and photosynthesis

- Conclude that minerals and water are needed by plants for healthy growth.
Deficiencies can cause characteristic symptoms in plants.
- Investigate “effect of eggshells solution,on plant growth by project at school.

Values integration

Materials/ Media/ Reference/Resources

Cambridge Coursebook and Workbook

Laboratory apparatuses


Write down the page of the assessment if

Attach it

Q&A: question / answer

D: discussion
O: observation
M: marked work

Notes for the next lesson:

To be filled up after the end of the session/week.

Medan, June 2nd 2020

Acknowledged by: Noted: Checked by: Prepared by:

Principal Cambridge Coordinator Science Coordinator Science Teacher

Frederick Leonard S.Pd

Head Master’s Note

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