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Skills for Life Entry 3 Reading: Multiple-matching Questions

Teacher’s Notes

In this activity students are introduced to multiple-matching questions which require them to match headings
with different sections of a text. The activity looks at what students need to think about when choosing the

Teacher’s Notes

Aims of the lesson • to familiarise students with multiple-matching questions of a type

that is common in the Entry 3 Reading exam
• to look at what students need to think about when they match
headings with sections of a text

Time needed 40 minutes

Materials required • Student’s Worksheet 1 – one copy to share between every two
• Student’s Worksheet 2 – one copy for each student; (text
slightly adapted from Part 3 of Entry 3 Reading Sample Paper 2
(0787) available at:
• Student’s Worksheet 3 – one copy for each student; (questions
slightly adapted from Past Paper, as above)
• Student’s Worksheet 4 – one copy for each student

1. Hand out one copy of Student’s Worksheet 1 to each pair of students. Explain that this is the first
paragraph in a text about dentists in the UK. Ask students, in their pairs, to discuss which would be the
best heading for the paragraph. Take feedback from the whole class and make sure they understand
why the correct answer is right. (See Key to step 1.)
2. Hand out Student’s Worksheet 2 (one copy per student). Ask students, in pairs, to read the text and to
write headings for paragraphs 2–5. Each heading should take the form of a ‘wh’ question and should
reflect the main point or the overall theme of each paragraph. Monitor students working on the activity.
3. Group pairs of students to compare the headings they have written. Monitor students comparing their

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Information is correct as of January 2015
4. Explain that in the Entry 3 Reading exam students are given a list of possible headings to choose from.
Hand out Student’s Worksheet 3 and ask students to complete the task. Check answers. (See Keys
to step 4 and Worksheet 3.)
5. Ask students, in small groups, to discuss what they think would be the best way to approach a task like
this in an exam, then take feedback. Students are likely to want to know the teacher’s view of this. Your
response could be as follows:
The way people prefer to do reading comprehension tasks varies. Some read the first question and
look for the answer in the text, then the second question and look for the answer in the text, etc.; others
read the whole text carefully first and then answer the questions; and so on. However, for tasks which
involve matching headings with paragraphs, it is essential to know what the main point or general
theme of each paragraph is. This will usually require a careful reading of the whole of each paragraph –
it does not involve scanning the whole text for specific pieces of information. One possible approach is:
• Read the text quickly for a general idea. Perhaps read the first and last paragraphs quickly. What kind
of text is it? What’s the overall subject?
• Read the paragraph headings. Underline or highlight the important words in the headings. Check how
many headings the text needs.
• Match any headings and paragraphs that you immediately think are obvious.
• Read the first paragraph carefully.
• Choose the best heading for the first paragraph.
• Read the next paragraph and choose the best heading.
• Do the same thing for the following paragraphs.
• If you can’t decide on the best heading for one paragraph, try the next one.
• Don’t be afraid to change your mind about your choices.
• Check that you’ve chosen a heading for every paragraph, and that they’re all different.
6. Hand out Student’s Worksheet 4. Ask students to complete this, then check answers. (See Key to
Worksheet 4.)

Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers)

1. In the Skills for Life Reading exam, multiple-matching questions also involve multiple-choice questions.
These will often require students to scan read multiple texts to look for specific information. See the
activity on Skills for Life Entry 3 Multiple-choice questions for an introduction to answering multiple-
choice questions.
2. See also multiple-matching activities for Entry 2 for ideas on approaching questions on multiple texts
3. For more multiple-matching questions, see Past Papers at:

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Information is correct as of January 2015
Skills for Life Entry 3 Reading: Multiple-matching Questions Answer Keys
Key to Procedure steps

Step 1
C (What services do dentists offer?) is the best heading because it reflects the overall theme of the
A (How often should I see a dentist?) refers to one aspect of the first sentence.
B (What can dentists do about broken teeth?) refers to the third sentence only.
D (What advice will dentists give you?) refers to one aspect of the second sentence only.

Step 4:
Reasons for the answers in Student’s Worksheet 3:
• Paragraph 1 – already covered in Step 1 (What services do dentists offer?) Option G on this
• Paragraph 2 – this paragraph is all about registering with a dentist. The only heading which reflects
this is E – How can I see a dentist?
• Paragraph 3 – refers to an information leaflet and prices which makes headings C and A tempting.
However, the paragraph includes other points in addition to those two, so the overall point is more
general – What do NHS patients get? (F)
• Paragraph 4 – this paragraph is all about ‘prices’. So, A How much do you pay? fits best.
• Paragraph 5 – this paragraph refers to the latest dentist charges and a full list of dentists in your area
which makes A and E tempting. However, the paragraph begins with The best way to find out more
about NHS dentists is … and the subject throughout is getting further information, which makes C the
best heading.

Key to Student’s Worksheet 3

Part 1 G
Part 2 E
Part 3 F
Part 4 A
Part 5 C

Key to Student’s Worksheet 4

1. general; last 6. next
2. highlight 7. thing
3. obvious 8. can’t
4. carefully 9. mind
5. best

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Information is correct as of January 2015
Skills for Life Entry 3 Reading: Multiple-matching Questions Student’s
Worksheet 1

Read this paragraph from a text about dentists in the UK. Choose the best heading (A–D) for
the paragraph.

Dentists provide regular check-ups on your teeth. Part of their work involves teaching people to look
after their teeth in order to prevent problems. It also includes work on damaged teeth using a wide
variety of techniques and materials.

A. How often should I see a dentist?

B. What can dentists do about broken teeth?
C. What services do dentists offer?
D. What advice will dentists give you?

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Information is correct as of January 2015
Skills for Life Entry 3 Reading: Multiple-matching Questions Student’s
Worksheet 2

Read this text about dentists in the UK then write headings for Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5

Dentists in the UK
Part 1 __________________________________________________________
Dentists provide regular check-ups on your teeth. Part of their work involves teaching people to look
after their teeth in order to prevent problems. It also includes work on damaged teeth using a wide
variety of techniques and materials.
Part 2 __________________________________________________________
You will need to register with your local dentist. Registration usually lasts for 15 months. If you see your
dentist for an examination at least every 15 months your registration will continue, provided you and
your dentist agree.
Some dentists have a waiting list for new patients. For a list of dentists in your area who do not have a
waiting list call 0845 46 47.
Part 3 __________________________________________________________
Registered NHS patients are entitled to receive an information leaflet about their dentist. This will
include information about the services they offer, opening times and contact details. NHS patients can
have free repair of some treatments that fail within a year. Also they can have treatment in an
emergency. NHS patients are given a national set of prices – these are the same for all UK dentists.
Part 4 __________________________________________________________
Prices depend on how much work the dentist needs to do. The government sets the cost of NHS dental
treatment and the price is the same whichever dental practice you go to.
Free or reduced price treatment is available for some patients (e.g. pregnant women). After an
examination, your dentist can provide you with a written treatment plan and estimated costs.
Part 5 __________________________________________________________
The best way to find out more about NHS dentists is to log on to the NHS website: The
website provides details of the latest dentist charges. It can also give you a full list of dentists in your
area. The website offers advice about what to do if you have a serious problem and need to see a
dentist urgently. There is information about how to train to become a dentist.

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Information is correct as of January 2015
Skills for Life Entry 3 Reading: Multiple-matching Questions Student’s
Worksheet 3

Question 1

Look at Parts 1–5. Choose a heading for each paragraph from the list below. Write the correct letter
on the line.

Part 1 ……………. A How much do you pay?

Part 2 ……………. B How can I complain about a dentist?

Part 3 ……………. C How can I get more information?

Part 4 ……………. D How should I look after my teeth?

Part 5 ……………. E How can I see a dentist?

F What do NHS patients get?

G What services do dentists offer?

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Information is correct as of January 2015
Skills for Life Entry 3 Reading: Multiple-matching Questions Student’s
Worksheet 4

Here is some advice about matching headings with paragraphs. Complete the sentences with words
from the box.

obvious mind carefully thing last

next general can’t highlight best

1. Read the text quickly for a …………… idea. Perhaps read the first and ……………
paragraphs quickly. What kind of text is it? What’s the overall subject?

2. Read the paragraph headings. Underline or …………… the important words in the
headings. Check how many headings the text needs.

3. Match any headings and paragraphs that you immediately think are ……………. .

4. Read the first paragraph ……………. .

5. Choose the …………… heading for the first paragraph.

6. Read the …………… paragraph and choose the best heading.

7. Do the same …………… for the following paragraphs.

8. If you …………… decide on the best heading for one paragraph, try the next one.

9. Don’t be afraid to change your …………… about your choices.

10. Check that you’ve chosen a heading for every paragraph.

© UCLES 2014. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
Information is correct as of January 2015

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