IIM Executive Education CSR Brochure

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PG Certificate Programme in

Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)
6 Months | Blended |INR 1,45,000 + GST
IIM Nagpur Director’s Message

Dr. Bhimaraya Metri

Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur

I take pleasure in welcoming you to IIM Nagpur (IIMN). IIMN was established in 2015 as the first of
the third generation IIMs, by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. Its location in Nagpur, the
Orange City, makes IIMN equidistant from the major metropolises – Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, and
Mumbai – in terms of travel time by air. Since its inception, IIMN has attracted talented faculty
members with commendable experience in research and teaching.

Faculty members at IIMN are engaged in management consultancy, research, training, and industry
collaboration for creating and disseminating cutting-edge knowledge. Its location at the very centre
of industrial activity offers IIMN a natural advantage, enabling greater connections and
partnerships with businesses across sectors in SEZ and MIDC-designated zones. IIMN’s unwavering
focus on pioneering exceptional industry partnerships to lead the way in providing real-world
experiences, prepares our programme participants for life — bringing ‘corporate into classrooms’
to hone relevantly skilled talent for the ever-evolving corporate world.

One of the first premier institutions in the country to seamlessly make the shift from physical to
online over the past year, IIMN is well-equipped to conduct Executive Education Programmes
(EEPs) for executives from public and private sector undertakings. Keeping the New Education
Policy(NEP) 2020, digitalisation, and lifelong learning in mind, IIMN has launched online certificate
programmes for skilling-reskilling-upskilling the executives in highly specialised areas of

We anticipate that these programmes would enable executives to fully realise the opportunities
ahead in a digitally disruptive world. With its unique advantages, IIMN is an exciting place to learn,
grow, and be the ‘champions of change’. We welcome you to join our IIMN community of faculty,
staff, students, and alumni who are shaping the future of work.
Being in a role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) decision
- maker, contributor, influencer or enabler is a privileged
position in your career, enabling you to extend your influence
from the organisation’s commercial success to societal
contribution. As a CSR leader, contributor, enabler or
influencer, you should focus on understanding the unique
priorities of the society, such as Health, Education,
Employability, Environmental Sustainability or Social equity,
and develop robust frameworks for implementing initiatives
effectively. Collaborative partnerships with NGOs,
governmental bodies, or other businesses can amplify your
impact, while establishing a clear governance structure to
ensure transparency and accountability. Engaging employees
in these efforts not only boosts their morale but also fosters a
culture of camaraderie and community involvement.
Key roles and responsibilities of an effective CSR
professional are as below:

Vision and CSR strategy

Policy development
Programs and Projects implementation
Advocacy and awareness
Partnerships and collaborations
Monitoring and evaluation
Transparency and reporting

Strategy Development and Leadership
Stakeholders Management
Resource Allocation
Compliance and Ethics
Communication and awareness
Implementation and innovation
Capacity building
Volunteering policy and Employee engagement
Programme Overview:
PG Certificate Programme in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is meticulously crafted to cultivate a
deep understanding of CSR function and sustainability imperatives. Intensive curriculum is aimed at
equipping participants with the expertise needed to navigate the complex challenges faced by CSR
managers and their teams.

Learners will delve into the nuances of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a focus on the Indian
context, exploring how these global objectives translate into local strategies and actions. Engaging with
stakeholders forms the bedrock of any successful CSR initiative, and as such, participants will learn the
art of stakeholder engagement and how to align business objectives with societal needs.

The programme places significant emphasis on the development and execution of a robust CSR strategy
and policy framework. Learners will be trained to establish and run an efficient CSR organization, ensuring
that the CSR efforts are not just strategic but also operational and sustainable.
Capacity building is another critical area, enabling participants to strengthen the infrastructure that
supports CSR activities, from enhancing human resources to leveraging technology. Volunteering and
employee engagement are explored as vital components that not only contribute to the
organization's CSR goals but also enrich the corporate culture.

A strong CSR framework demands meticulous impact creation and measurement. Participants will acquire
skills in constructing measurable and impactful CSR programs and projects, along with conducting
thorough due diligence of implementation partners to ensure transparency and effectiveness.

The programme includes case studies and best practices in CSR, enabling participants to benchmark
their initiatives against industry standards. Collaboration and partnerships for scaling up CSR efforts
will also be explored, recognizing the power of collective impact over individual action.
Technology's role in amplifying CSR efforts will be examined, encouraging participants to
leverage digital solutions for greater reach and efficiency. Additionally, the concept of social
entrepreneurship will be dissected, helping participants understand how business principles
can be harmoniously integrated with social impact.
Programme Highlights:

6-Month Conceptually Designed Programme: Carefully structured six-month

programme balances theoretical knowledge with practical application. It is crafted to
provide a comprehensive understanding of CSR and sustainability within a condensed
timeframe, ensuring participants can apply what they learn in real-time.
4-Day Campus Immersion: The programme features an intensive on-campus
experience. Over four days ( 2 days each at the beginning and end of the course) ,
participants will immerse themselves in the learning environment, engage in
interactive sessions, and network with faculty and peers.
IIM Nagpur Alumni Status: Upon completion, participants will join the prestigious
network of IIM Nagpur alumni, gaining access to a wealth of resources, connections,
and opportunities that come with being part of this elite group.
Project Work: A cornerstone of the curriculum is the hands-on project work,
enabling participants to apply classroom theories to real-world CSR challenges. This
practical experience is critical for deepening understanding and enhancing problem-
solving skills.
Chamber Consulting by the Faculty: Participants will benefit from the expertise of
IIM Nagpur's distinguished faculty through chamber consulting sessions. These
sessions provide personalized guidance, allowing participants to discuss specific
challenges and receive expert advice on their projects and ideas.
This PG certificate programme in CSR, by IIM Nagpur is not just an educational course but an
opportunity for professionals to transform into socially responsible leaders who can make a
tangible impact on the world.

Course Fee : INR 1,45,000 + GST

Note :
1. Vide General circular no 14/2021, E-file no. CSR-05/01/2021 -CSR-MCA, Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, Govt of India has clarified that “ Salary and training for the employees
working in the CSR division of a company, stationery cost, travelling expenses etc may be
categorised as administrative overheads…”

2. According to current CSR regulations, administrative expenses related to CSR activities are
capped at 5% of a company's annual CSR budget.
Programme Curriculum

Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR Rules
Role of Key Functionaries like BoD, CSR Committee, Company
Secretary,Dept Head (CSR), Other team members and enablers
Selecting focus areas – SDGs and the Indian Context
CSR landscape in India
Developing CSR Strategy and CSR Policy
Engaging Stakeholders

People and Processes

Setting up effective CSR organisation
Capacity building of the team
Volunteering and Employee engagement
Implementation process – Inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impact
Baseline and end line surveys
Purchase Processes, monitoring and continuous assessment

Capacity Building of Implementation Partners

Selecting the right implementation partners.
Due Diligence
Training and Development

Creating multipliers - Partnerships and Collaborations

Industry academia collaboration
Aligning with and Leveraging on Govt Schemes
Use of technology in CSR, MIS and Dashboards etc
Social entrepreneurship
Impact Assessment and Reporting
Environmental, Social and Economic assessments
Assessment of stakeholders engagement and their feedback
Compliance, reporting and Communication

PG Certificate Programme in Corporate Social Responsibility is delivered through

a blended learning mode, combining the rigour of in-class instruction with the
flexibility of online learning. Participants will engage with a variety of pedagogical
techniques including expert-led lectures, interactive case discussions, and role-
plays during the in-class sessions. These are supplemented by group projects and
experiential exercises that foster practical understanding and application of CSR
concepts. The online component is delivered through an advanced interactive
platform that supports synchronous learning with multimedia content such as
case studies, audio, and video, allowing for a dynamic and immersive educational

Program delivery

Sessions will be conducted through a state-of-the-art Interactive Learning (IL)

platform, utilizing Direct-to-Device (D2D) mode, ensuring that participants can
access the coursework on their preferred devices, be it a desktop, laptop, or
tablet. To enhance the learning experience and provide tailored guidance,
Chamber Consulting is offered by the faculty members , allowing for personalised
interaction and deeper understanding of the course material.

Saturdays: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Total 50 Hours, spread over 6 Months

Online : 30 Hrs
On-campus : 20 Hrs

Campus Immersion

The campus immersion component of the programme consists of four days on-site
( two days each, twice during the course). This immersive experience is designed
to provide participants with direct interaction with faculty and peers, facilitate
intensive learning, and offer a taste of the IIM Nagpur campus life. It also serves as
a valuable opportunity for networking and participating in a variety of interactive
sessions that complement the online learning modules.
Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent or 2 years Master's degree or
equivalent from a recognised university (UGC/AICTE/DEC/AIU/ State Government) in any
• Minimum 5 years of work experience* after completion of qualifying education and
preferably engaged in the company’s or institute’s Social Responsibility activities (directly or
indirectly, teaching/training or implementing, fully or partially, including as volunteers)
• Participants who fulfil the above criteria and are currently not working are also eligible to
apply for the programme.
• Final selection will be done by IIM Nagpur and the selected participants will be informed by

*Internship and training experiences are not considered as full-time work experience. Doctoral students will be
exempted from the requirement of work experience.

Who Should Attend?

1. CSR Professionals : This includes leaders and team members involved in CSR at multiple
types of organisations such as multinational corporations (MNCs), private corporations, public
sector undertakings (PSUs), government departments, and family-owned businesses. The
inclusion of influencers ( like, CSR committee members, senior persons working in charitable
or corporate philanthropy foundations, Company Secretaries who can help drive the adoption
and implementation of effective CSR strategies and ensure compliance to the current rules.

2. Senior Academic Leaders: Principals, deans, and directors of academic institutions should
attend. Their participation is crucial for fostering industry-academia collaborations through
CSR initiatives. This group can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical
application, enhancing the impact of CSR activities on societal challenges. There are clear
untapped opportunities for academia to productively engage in the CDSR activities, like
training, social research and impact assessment.

3. Academics in Social Work and Related Fields: Heads of departments and senior faculty
members from the departments of Social Work and related academic fields play a pivotal role
in shaping the curriculum to meet industry needs. Their participation is crucial for integrating
real-world CSR challenges and solutions into educational programs through curriculum
updation, thereby preparing students to effectively contribute to CSR and sustainability in
their future careers.

4. Government Officials: Central and state government officials who work with industry on
CSR-related matters are essential attendees. Their involvement can ensure that CSR initiatives
align with governmental policies and regulations, enhancing the cooperation between the
corporate sector and government in addressing social, environmental, and economic
5. Philanthropy Foundations & NGO Leaders: Leaders of non-governmental organisations are
pivotal in translating CSR initiatives into actionable community benefits. Their insights and on-the-
ground experiences can provide valuable feedback and direction to CSR programs, ensuring these
initiatives are effectively addressing real-world issues.

6. Impact Assessment Professionals: This group includes individuals or organisations responsible

for conducting or overseeing impact assessments, baseline surveys, and end-line surveys. Their
role is critical in measuring and analysing the effectiveness of CSR initiatives. As the impact
assessment has become mandatory for certain organisation, as per emended CSR rules, their
insights can help in refining strategies and ensuring that CSR activities are achieving the intended
social, environmental, and economic impacts.

7. Researchers and Doctoral Students: Researchers and doctoral students who are focusing their
studies on CSR or sustainability should attend. The course will provide them with an opportunity
to engage with current practices in the field, share their research findings, and gain insights from
experienced professionals. It can also serve as a platform for academic exchange and potentially
foster collaborations that enhance the quality and impact of their research.

Admission Criteria
Participants would be selected from self-sponsored individuals or nominations from the above
organisations, based on their overall profile and credentials.


A minimum of 75% attendance is a prerequisite for the successful completion of this programme.

Assessment & Evaluation

Evaluation methodology is at the discretion of the faculty. The methodology may include online
exams, written tests, assignments, case analysis, projects, quizzes, class contribution, and any
other component as decided by the faculty. The programme may require participants to work on
individual or group assignments/projects. The main objective of such assignments/projects will
be to help the participants apply their conceptual learning in the programme to actual
organisational decision scenarios. Giving feedback is an integral part of the completion
requirements of the programme.

Certification & Alumni Status

Participants who successfully meet the evaluation criteria and satisfy the requisite attendance
criteria will be awarded a ‘Certificate of Completion’. Successful participants will also be
accorded IIM Nagpur’s Alumni status.
Programme Director

Dr O P Goel
Dr. O. P. Goel is a distinguished expert in the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and skill
development. He previously served as the head of the Bosch India Foundation and a consultant for the
National Skill Development Corporation under the Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship, Government of India.

Dr. Goel holds an Executive General Management Program certificate from IIM Bangalore and earned
his doctoral degree in Training and Development. Over his 40-year career in the corporate sector, he
has held various senior leadership positions.

At Bosch, Dr. Goel led the Bosch Vocational Centre in Bangalore, which has implemented the German
apprenticeship training model for many decades. The Centre has been recognised as the Best
Apprenticeship Centre by the President of India, 54 times and has produced 245 gold medalist
apprentices. He has also chaired numerous Skill committees established by the Confederation of
Indian Industry (CII) and other industry associations.

Dr. Goel set-up and headed the Bosch Training Academy for the Asia Pacific region ( at Singapore), and
trained sales managers from Japan, Australia, Korea, China, India, Singapore, Malaysia and other
ASEAN countries. He is passionate about training of trainers and enhancing youth employability
through skill development programs. Bosch's skilling programs, under his leadership, have won several
national awards, including the FICCI CSR Award for Skill Development and the NHRD Award for CSR
Best Practices.

Dr. Goel had the privilege of briefing Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Dr
Angela Merkel about Bosch’s skilling initiatives and future plans during their visit to the Bosch
Vocational Centre. He is a member of the PMKVY Steering Committee for the Ministry of Skill
Development & Entrepreneurship, Government of India, and serves on the Governing Board of the
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), nominated by the Government of India.
Programme Timelines: Contact:
Application Closure Date : 1st July’ 2024 Ms. Triveni Rao
Programme Start Date. : 18th July’2024 Programme Coordinator, IIM Nagpur
Programme End Date. : 31st Jan’ 2025 Email : exed03@iimnagpur.ac.in
Ph : 07122870359

Application Process:
A separate application form is available, which should be duly filled in and submitted along-
with required documents at the above Email ID ( without any payment). Selected candidates
will be informed by email.

Fee Payment:
Selected candidates will be sent a link for online payment, which can be paid either in Lump sum i.e.
INR 1,45,000 + 18% GST = Total INR 1,71,100 before 1st July 2024
Or in two instalments as below:

1st Instalment INR 72,500 +18% GST = INR 85,550 Due Date : before 1st July’ 2024
2nd Instalment INR 72,500 +18% GST= INR 85,550 Due Date : before 1st Nov’ 2024

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