MHR6 Conan the Barbarian (Kull the Conqueror)

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by Necromancer

Table of Contents
The Thurian Age 3 Iraina 7
Dominant Kingdoms 3 Kull the Conqueror 8
Commoria 3 Sekhmet Tharn 8
Grondar 3 Teyanoga 9
Kamelia 3 Wolf-Men of Valusia 10
Thule 3 Zhered-Na 10
Valusia 3 Zugthuu the Slitherer 11
Verulia 3
Barbarian Societies 3
Atlantis 3
Lemuria 3
Pictish Islands 4
Other Kingdoms 4
Pre-Human Societies 5
Heroes & Villains 6
Aa-Thak 6
Brule the Spear-Slayer 6

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The Thurian Age Commoria Barbarian Societies

The Thurian Age is the pre-cataclysmic Commoria is a nation which is always There were three mainland barbarian
time of Kull of Atlantis. It came into at war with Valusia. societies in the Thurian Age. These
existence sometime around 100,000 u s u a l l y s u p p l i e d t h e g e n e ra l s,
years ago and ended around 18,000 Grondar statesmen and kings of other barbarian
BC with the Great Cataclysm. The era tribes and often served the civilized
was marked by the rise of many The kingdom furthest to the east of the citizens as mercenaries.
civilizations of modern men, tens of Thurian continent, bordering the
millennia before the Neolithic Age; by eastern desert. It’s peoples are less Atlantis
Kull, the Atlantean barbarian who cultured than those of the other
became King of Valusia and fought the kingdoms. A small continent to the west of Thuria
Elder God’s spawns, such as the and east of the Pictish Islands. They
Serpent Men and the Wolf Men; by the Kamelia have colonies on Thuria itself. Atlantis
Inhumans and the foundation of Attilan; is an “old enemy” of the Seven Empires
by the creation of the Vampires; by the There is no information available about of Thuria and have an even greater
Human-Deviant Wars and The Second the nation of Kamelia. indemnity of the Picts. Following the
Host, both events resulting in the Great cataclysm which ends the Thurian Age,
Cataclysm and the destruction of Mu, Thule Atlantis sinks beneath the sea but
Lemuria and Atlantis. many escape the destruction aboard
Thule is a mysterious land to the north ships and join their continental colonies
The time of King Kull takes place of which very little is known. in Thuria.
around 18,500 BC. When the Great
Cataclysm takes place, several Valusia The sur vivors on the Atlantian
countries sink into the sea and several continent are forced back into the
new land masses arise. The land that The kingdom furthest to the west of the Stone Age by a lack of resources but
is left is ravaged by great earthquakes Thurian continent. It was originally become but become skilled in this
and volcanoes. Civilization is created by the Serpent Men until they medium and develop an artistic culture.
destroyed, but the survivors attempt to were overthrown by humanity. The They soon enter into a war with the
rebuild a new culture but warfare and a Serpent Men attempted to control the surviving Picts and lose to their
lesser cataclysm strike, creating the new human kingdom of Valusia from superior numbers and stone age
Vilayet Sea and destroying the final behind the scenes, using illusionary military technology. The survivors of
remnants of the Thurian Age. magic when mankind’s memories of the war devolve back into apes. They
the past war had faded but they were eventually re-evolve back into humans
Dominant Kingdoms again defeated in a secret war. Finally, to become the Cimmerians.
they created a religion, the Snake Cult,
Seven empires dominate the main to do the same thing again and they Lemuria
continent of Thuria. At least six of them almost succeeded.
share a common language and Lemuria is a chain of large islands east
possibly a common origin. East of Their power was however, eventually of Thuria. Following the cataclysm
these kingdoms is a vast desert. The destroyed by Kull, an Atlantean which ends the Thurian Age, these
seventh member is never named. barbarian who had gained the crown of islands sink into the sea. The surviving
Following the cataclysm, one of the Valusia by force. Lemurians escape to the east coast of
kingdoms (not Valusia) became the Thurian Continent but were enslaved
Zhemri peoples who eventually form Verulia by an unnamed non-Thurian race.
the land of Zamora (the people which in After enduring more than a thousand
turn eventually become the Romani Verulia is a unknown nation, next to years of brutal slavery, the Lemurians
people.) nothing is known about it or it’s were reduced to a state of savagery.
inhabitants. They eventually rose up and destroyed
their masters, the survivors of whom,
escape to the south of Thuria to form

the nation of Stygia. The Lemurians
eventually became the Hyrkanians of
the Hyborian Age and formed the
country of Turan on the edge of the
Vilayet Sea. The Hyrkanians played a
par t in destroying the Hyborian
civilizations some unspecified time
after Conan’s time.

Pictish Islands

A chain of islands far to the west of

Thuria and Atlantis. Due to raiding
expeditions, they have colonies on the
Thurian Continent itself. There were
Pictish settlements among the
mountains south of Valusia, guarding
the kingdom against invaders. They
carried an ancient feud with the
Atlanteans. After the cataclysm, the
Pictish Islands rose to form the
mountains of what would one day
become the Americas, although the
inhabitants were destroyed.

The Picts of the islands would become

the Native Americans. The Picts of
Thuria fell further into barbarism but
remained stable, neither evolving or
devolving as other societies had. At
first their society held, despite reverting
to the Stone Age, but a war with the
sur viving Atlanteans halted any
progress that they would have made.
They would become the savage Picts
of the Pictish Wilderness on the west
coast of the Hyborian realms.

Other Kingdoms

Another mysterious island lies on the

east coast of Thuria continent. They
have some contact with Lemuria but
come from another continent entirely to
the east of the Lemurian Islands.

The chronicles of Kull refer to two other

kingdoms in passing, Mu and Kaa-u.
Mu sinks during the cataclysms and it’s
mountains become the islands of the
South Sea.

The chronicles of Kull mention three The Celts are a seafaring race who
other nations: Farsun (enemy of raids the Isles of Sunset.
Thurania, described as west of
Valusia), Zarfhaana (east of Valusia,
the Camoonian Desert separates the
two and there is a sea to the north of
Zarfhaana), and Thurania (south of
Zarfhaana and enemy to Farsun).

Pre-Human Societies

There are other equally civilized but

non-human kingdoms. The citizens
were of one or more older pre-human
races. One such mysterious pre-
human civilization exists at the south of
Thuria, this country is at first untouched
by the cataclysm. When the
oppressors of the Lemurians are
overthrown, the survivors escape to
this region and destroy it, in turn,
creating the new nation of Stygia.

Mu was a continent sized land mass

lying in what is now called the South
Seas. There are twenty cities and
millions of people on the continent.
The capitol of Mu is called Karath, the
Shining City and it is surrounded with
crimson colored walls. The people of
Mu are connected to the people of
Lemuria as they share the same
alphabet and presumably the same

Their history tells of a religious war,

where the nation’s god Poseidon, is
cast down and worship of the First God
Xultha is reinstated. High up in the
mountains of Valla a new capital city is
built named Na-hor, the City of the
Crescent Moon. From this city, priests
of Xultha were sent to the Seven
Empires, Atlantis and a place called
“The Islands of the Sea”. After a time,
t h e g o d Po s e i d o n r e t u r n s a n d
submerges the continent, so that only
the tops of the mountains of Valla
remain above the sea. The city of Na-
hor flourishes for several ages, at last
falling into ruins near the coming end of
the Hyborian Age.

Heroes & Villains become the most powerful shaman of
the Pictish clans. During a conclave,
where Nial, the Pictish Over-King and
the Pict tribes of Tathel were present.
Aa-Thak challenged Gonar as to the in
fluent shaman. There magic fight was
interrupted by a report of a raid by the
Atlanteans and the warriors ran to stop
their enemies. A second group of
Atlanteans attacked the camp to
kidnap Dinaldo, a Valusian emissary,
Aa-Thak summoned Jaggta-Noga
Demon Lord of the Lost Land. The
demon slew almost all of the

Gonar’s powers had given him insight

and he learned that one of the Brule the Spear-Slayer
A t l a n t e a n s ( Ku l l ) w o u l d b e a n
F GD (10)
important man for the future of the F IN (40)
A GD (10) Valusians and Picts so he intervened. A RM (30)
S TY (6) With his staff, he injured Aa-Thak and S EX (20)
E EX (20) banished the demon back to it’s own E RM (30)
R GD (10) realm. Aa-Thak managed to recover R TY (6)
I EX (20) and he became the most powerful I AM (50)
P IN (40) shaman among the Picts of Sungara. P EX (20)
The Sungara tribe and the Borni tribe
Health: 46 came into conflict with one another Health: 120
Karma: 70 over hunting rights in a nearby valley. Karma: 76
Popularity: -15 Nial of Tatheli, war chief of the tribes did Popularity: 15
Resources: TY (6) not make any decision over the valley Resources: PR (4)/RM (30) as King
and the clans erupted into war. Kull’s right hand man.
Known Powers:
Aa-Thak decided to use his sorcery to Known Powers:
Chaos Magic: Aa-Thak is a shaman stop the Borni tribe. Alone, Aa-Thak
who wields chaos magic, most of his waited for his enemies, A single Pict, a
Broadsword (Equipment): This
powers remain unseen. He performs youth named Brule appeared before
weapon inflicts 10 points of Edged
most of his charms with IN (40) ability. him. Aa-Thak spelled a single word of
He is know to be able to: power and paralyzed his enemy. The
Ÿ Paralyze a man Pict warrior was numb, his feet frozen.
Spear (Equipment): This weapon
Ÿ Summon demons Aa-Thak kept casting his sorcery but
inflicts 10 points of Edged damage and
the Pict would not be paralyzed. The
may be thrown.
Ebon Staff (Equipment): Aa-Thak Pict swung his sword, cutting Aa-
wields a great rune covered ebony Thak’s staff in twain and striking him in
Talents: Edged Weapons, Thrown
staff. This weapon inflicts +1CS Blunt the chest, killing him. The Sungara
damage. tribe abandoned their rights to the
Talents: Occult Lore.
Brule was a chieftain of the Picts but
would later serve as emissary to King
Kull of Valusia. When the City of
Aa-Thak was a sorcerer who aspired to

Wonders was shaken by an later, Iraina arrived at Kull’s capital and F IN (40)
earthquake, he helped Kull rescue the arrogantly dismissed Brule. Brule A RM (30)
sur vivors. During the war with followed the shaman Ram-Os as he S EX (20)
Zharfaana, Brule slew the traitorous slipped away, and discovered the old E RM (30)
soldier Ermandax. Brule was against shaman leading a orgiastic ceremony R TY (6)
Kull’s decision to marry Sareena, as he among the warrior women outside of I AM (50)
feared the wedding with the daughter the city, beseeching Ja-Quari the Tiger P EX (20)
of the Atlantean Chieftain might be God for victory in battle. Brule
interpreted as a hostile act by the Picts. captured Ram-Os as he returned to the Health: 120
He didn’t attend the ceremony and so city and interrogated him, learning the Karma: 76
was unable to protect Sareena from tale of Iraina’s birth. He then rushed to Popularity: -15
being stabbed to death by a Wolf Man, help his king against the Tigress, and to Resources: TY (6)
disguised as an Atlantean. help him kill Iraina’s mate, the royal
tiger Kel-Jar. Known Powers:
As both Atlantis and the Picts waged
war against Valusia, he strenuously When Tu was critically injured, Brule Spear (Equipment): This weapon
fought to push the invaders back from was charged by Kull to seek out the inflicts 10 points of Edged damage and
the City of Wonders. When Kull, Lhok- Amulet of Ka in the jungles of southern may be thrown.
Nor, and Taku defeated the Wolf Man Verulia. He mistrusted Akreon and
and returned from the catacombs, realized his treacherous intent but he Talents: Edged Weapons, Thrown
ceasing every hostility, Brule was was fatally injured by the Valusian Weapons.
ordered to bring five men with axes to traitor. After having killed Akreon, Kull
free the real Tu, who had been used the Amulet of Ka to fully heal
kidnapped by the Demonolater. During Brule. He attended a tragedy at the
the wedding ceremony held by King open air theater in Ostium and joined
When Ram-Os was a tribal wizard of
Governi of Thule for the marriage of his his friend Kull to save the kidnapped
the Atlanteans, he warned his tribe’s
daughter Elise with Rashver, son of the senators and exact vengeance against
leader about the coming of a child who
King of Verulia, Kull picked Brule to Roc of Lemuria.
would rule of the entire Thurian
c h a l l e n g e I ra i n a fo r a f r i e n d l y
continent. He was ordered to kill the
tournament and sent him to face her, When Sedrick told Kull that beast men
child’s mother when she was about to
but Brule refused to cross spears with a had stormed the gate, Brule went off to
give him life, However, she had twins, a
woman. s e t t l e t h e m a t t e r, a f t e r h e
boy and a girl. Ram-Os tried to save
acknowledged Sedrick’s betrayal, he
them both, but in the end could only
Enraged, Iraina subjected him to a came back to kill him. Kull stayed the
save the girl. He trained her hard
flurry of lightning quick strikes and the Pict’s hand knowing that Thulsa
because he thought much of her
Pict’s blood flowed. Still Brule refused Doom’s punishment would be far
u n i q u e p r o s p e c t s a n d d e s t i ny.
to fight her, so she knocked him to the worse.
However, one day he discovered the
ground and prepared to spear him
other child who had grown up among a
through the heart. Beseeched by the
pack of tigers. He trained him also, but
crowd that the tournament was for
without letting him learn of his sister’s
amusement only, she spared his life.
fate. That man would become Kull and
Iraina made a gift of Brule’s life to Kull
his sister Iraina.
because they were of the same
Atlantean tribe. Brule stalked off
Many years later, Kull met Iraina for the
humiliated, and after the festival ended
first time at a wedding ceremony held
the Pict turned irritable, impatient and
by King Governi of Thule, for the
brooding. Kull confronted him, asking
marriage of his daughter, Elise with
if the battle with the tiger wench still
Rashver, son of the King of Verulia. At
weighed upon his mind. Brule
that time, Iraina was the chief guard to
asserted that Iraina was no mere
Ku-Var and had gained the tyrant’s
wench, that there was something dark
favor. The absolute rule picked her to
and inhuman about her. Some days Iraina

fight Brule in a friendly challenge of Race sorcerers Thulsa Doom and
champions. The Pict hesitated in Tuzun Thune, the Serpent Men, Ohris
fighting a woman, Iraina’s taunts Dehjmal and his followers, among
frustrated him and he lost. Some days many others. To serve and assist him
later, Iraina killed Ku-Var who sexually was his court: Brule the Spear Slayer
offended her and made an army out of (the Pictish ambassador to the court),
women, leading them into battle with th elderly councilor Tu, the minstrel
devastating effects. These women Ridondo, Count Muram Bora Ballin, the
warriors who were apparently under philosopher slave Kutholos, the Pictish
I r a i n a ’s s p e l l c o u l d t r a n s fo r m ancient Ka-Nu, as well as his friend
themselves into mighty tigresses who from his slave years Bakas, but he had
could beat any army that opposed other allies such as his fellow
them. tribesman Om-Ra. He would become
a legendary king during the Hyborian
While her female army invaded the Age and well into the 2nd Century AD.
Thurian continent, conquering the Kull the Conqueror
kingdoms of Thule, Kamelia, Verulia,
and Zharfaana, Iraina visited Kull in his F AM (50)
dreams and caused him terrible A RM (30)
nightmares. In Valusia she was visited S EX (20)
by the Valusian traitor Kaanub who E RM (30)
helped her meet King Kull. Once R GD (10)
arrived in the City of Wonders, Kull I MN (75)
promised her a formal meeting within P EX (20)
an hour, without knowing about her true
origins, he was however, attracted to Health: 130
Iraina, but she ordered her royal tiger, Karma: 105
Kel-Jar to attack him. Popularity: 10/50 as King
Resources: PR (4)/AM (50) as King
Brule then entered the scene, helping
to kill the tiger and telling Kull of Iraina’s Known Powers:
true nature. She tried to kill him and Sekhmet Tharn
thanks to the powers given her by Ja-
Battle Axe (Equipment): This weapon
Quari the Tiger God, transformed F RM (30)
inflicts 15 points of Edged damage.
herself into a tigress but Kull prevailed A EX (20)
by breaking her neck. The magic S RM (30)
Broadsword (Equipment): This weapon
affecting her warriors faded and they E EX (20)
inflicts 10 points of Edged damage.
returned to human form ending the R GD (10)
battle. I EX (20)
Talents: Edged Weapons, Thrown
Weapons, Weapon Specialist: Battle P AM (50)
Axe, Weapon Specialist: Broadsword.
Health: 100
Background: Karma: 80
Popularity: -20
Kull of Valusia was the greatest king of Resources: GD (10)
the Pre-Cataclysmic Age, much like
Conan the Cimmerian some 8,000 Known Powers:
years later. He lived circa 18,500 BC
and was originated from barbaric Alchemy: Tharn is a practitioner of
Atlantis. He would face many enemies alchemy and can create various
including the Commorians, the Elder potions and poisons.

Necromancy: Sekhmet Tharn is a necessary man power to conquer the
necromancer of no small means. He city so he decided to destroy it form Known Powers:
can perform most magical feats with within.
AM (50) ability. He is known to be able Chaos Magic: Teyanoga had a number
to: Tharn began by reanimating the of magical abilities, only a few of which
Ÿ Raises the dead as zombies corpses of the former kings of Valusia were glimpses. He performs most
Ÿ Entrap a persons soul within a and he sent a Serpent Man disguised feats of magic at the AM (50) ability. He
mirror causing it to become corrupt as Jeesala to seduce Kull. Enthralled is known to be capable of:
and decrepit, the changes of which by the dancing Jeesala outside his Ÿ He could merge a serpent with a
are reflected on the person window, Kull invited her to his man creating a hybrid warrior under
themself chambers. As he is about to go for the his control
“gusto” he sees a reflection of himself in Ÿ Teyanoga possessed superhuman
Shape Shift: The Serpent Men are the mirror which appears to bestial in resistance to injuries, he emerged
capable of taking on human form with appearance. Confused, Kull sends from a raging fire and took an arrow
EX (20) ability. This gift from Set allows Jeesala away. Investigating rumors of to the chest only to show up a
the Serpent Men to infiltrate human undead killing a pair of young lovers couple days later nearly unharmed
cities and hide amongst humanity. Ÿ He had used his magic to sustain
Anytime a Serpent Man is killed he will his life, he was 8,000 - 9,000 years
automatically revert to his normal form. of age when he was encountered

Weakness: A curious limitation of the Talents: Occult Lore.

Serpent Men is that they cannot speak
or withstand the phrase “Ka Nama Kaa Background:
Lajerama”. This mystic phrase referred
to by the Serpent Men as “The Words Teyanoga’s origins are unknown but
that Unweave” causes them pain and legend maintains that he traded his
universally forces a disguised Serpent soul to hellish demons to acquire the
Man to reveal his true nature. In some power he wields. Kull and Brule came
cases, it has prove capable of driving to the island of Kumonn to recruit
off an entire squad of Serpent Men. Brule’s tribe to assist in taking Kull’s
Apparently it only effects the Serpent throne back from Thulsa Doom.
Men who actually hear the words on at However upon their arrival, they were
least one occasion a group of Serpent ambushed and taken prisoner by the
Men were able to resist the words by Picts who now served Teyanoga.
plugging their ears with wax. Serpent
Men also despise the cross, but this Teyanoga showed his power to Kull by
has to do with Mitra and not merging a man and a serpent then he
Christianity. Teyanoga beheaded the poor creature and it still
sur vived. Teyanoga planned to
Talents: Mystic Origin, Occult Lore. F GD (10) sacrifice Kull next, but Kull managed to
A EX (20) break free of his bonds. Kull attacked
Background: S TY (6) and scattered the tribesmen and then
E EX (20) freed Brule. Teyanoga had the snake
Sekhmet Tharn took on human form R GD (10) man reanimate and it began to crush
and lived on the outskirts of Valusia, for I IN (40) Kull in it’s coils, Brule realized
many years he did not perform any P AM (50) Teyanoga was feeding the snake man
suspicious acts to draw attention to power and so he shoved him into a
himself. Finally, Sekhmet Tharn Health: 56 raging fire. Teyanoga screamed and
planned to conquer Valusia so that the Karma: 100 the snake man faltered, allowing Kull to
Serpent Men would once again have a Popularity: -15 finish it off by stabbing it. However,
stronghold to rule over mankind. Tharn Resources: TY (6) Teyanoga was not defeated and he
realized that he did not have the

rose from the fire covered in burnt and hearing which they can use to track
blistered skin. He sent the tribe after their prey or detect others in the vicinity.
Brule and Kull who had decided to flee.
Kull went to gather more allies to Night Vision: The wolf men can see in
recover his throne and Brule stayed in the dark up to 5 Areas away.
Kurmonn, intending to free his people Shapechange: The wolf men can
from Teyanoga’s power. assume other forms, presumably
Cthon granted them this ability so that
they could blend in with humanity.

Talents: None.


The Wolf-Men of Valusia were a feral

shape changing race, created by Zhered-Na
Cthon, or more precisely Cthon’s
spawn Varcolac at the dawn of F TY (6)
mankind. They are considered as A EX (20)
Cthon’s most infamous success of the S TY (6)
races he created. The Wolf Men were E EX (20)
among the masters of the world in R GD (10)
ancient times, they did battle with the I AM (50)
Wolf-Men of Valusia Serpent Men of Set for supremacy. P MN (75)
T h e Wo l f M e n we r e eve n t u a l l y
F RM (30) defeated by true humans. They had Health: 52
A RM (30) nearly gone extinct in the youth of Kull. Karma: 135
S EX (20) Popularity: 30
E RM (30) The Wolf Men planned to usurp Kull’s Resources: GD (10)
R TY (6) rule and sow confusion and discontent
I IN (40) among the people of the world. The Known Powers:
P EX (20) Demonolater impersonated councilor
Tu and upon Kull’s wedding day to Atlantean Magic: Zhered-Na is a
Health: 110 Sareena, they abducted her and slew sorcerer supreme. She performs most
Karma: 66 her. Kull lost the support of the Picts magic feats at the MN (75) ability. She
Popularity: -30 who considered the wedding a bad is known to be capable of:
Resources: TY (6) omen. Atlanteans and Picts attacked Ÿ Precognition at UN (100) rank
the City of Wonders. Kull eventually Ÿ Astral projection
Known Powers: defeated the Wolf Men only to discover Ÿ Dimensional teleportation
that the Demonolater had revived Ÿ Bolts of Bedevilment (Energy)
Claws & Fangs: The wolf men can Sareena as a Wolf Man. After Ÿ Blessings of Zhered-Na (a magical
inflicts EX (20) Edged damage with defeating the Demonolater, Kull united blessing she rarely bestows on her
these attacks. the people of Thuria in peace. fo l l o w e r s g r a n t i n g t h e m a n
extended life span of over 20,000
Immune to normal weapons: The wolf years
men have a RM (30) resistance against Ÿ Entreaty to Valka
damage from normal weapons, often Ÿ Entreaty to Agamotto
they must by silver or fire.
Tome of Zhered-Na (Equipment): This
Heightened Senses: The wolf men tome contains the sum total of all of
have IN (40) senses of smell and mankind’s occult knowledge up to the

time that the tome was created. visited the city of Kamula which was
Anyone in possession of the book known for it’s pursuits of pleasure.
gains a +2CS to Reason when However, after a dancing ceremony,
conducting occult knowledge checks. one of the Picts, Grogar fell through a
At some point the tome had a demon trap door and was taken by the
bound to it by an unnamed god. The Kamulaans for sacrifice to Zugthuu.
Hellphyr tries to prevent anyone from Brule and Monartho observed this and
obtaining the secrets of the tome. were able to prevent the door from fully
Brule fetched Kull and upon their return
F AM (50) to the trap door they found Monartho
A RM (30) slain, however his sword still held the
S RM (30) door ajar. Kull forced open the door
E AM (50) and followed after Grogar’s screams,
R EX (20) arriving just as Zugthuu began to drop
I AM (50) from the ceiling. Kull slew the
P MN (75) Zugthuu the Slitherer sacrificers and then attacked Zugthuu
with his sword to little effect. Kull
Health: 160 F RM (30) doused the creature in fire and it burnt
Karma: 145 A EX (20) away, leaving behind only a trail of
S IN (40) slime. Ω.
Known Powers: E AM (50)
R TY (6)
I AM (50) Note from the creator: There is very
Drain Life: The Hellphyr can drain the
P TY (6) little information available on Kull and
life force of others, it does this with AM
the Thurian Age. I have included what I
(50) ability and the range is touch. could gather together, as it is part of the
Health: 140
Conan Universe.
Talents: Occult Lore. Karma: 62 -Necromancer.
Popularity: -15
Background: Resources: Shift 0

Zhered-Na was a sorceress from Known Powers:

Atlantis, After twice refusing to stop
prophesying the coming Great Body Resistance: The slug like body of
Cataclysm, she was exiled from Zugthuu provides RM (30) resistance
Atlantis by Kamuu and Zatra. She once against physical attacks.
assisted a time traveling Daimon
Hellstrom in defeating the demon Talents: Occult Lore.
snake Kometes. She was killed by a
cultist manipulated by D’spayre as Background:
revenge for her having defeated his
master, the Dweller in Darkness. It has been speculated that the
creature who became Zugthuua was at
one time a god who was punished into
this form by the highest god of his order
for unimaginable offenses. By 18,500
BC Zugthuu had become worshiped as
a god by the people of Kamula, who
regularly sacrificed humans to it. Kull,
along with Brule and several other Picts


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