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Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 6.
An independent learner is one who can take responsibility for their own learning. These are students who can
take initiative and make good decisions (1) ______. Developing independent learners is important to help
students advance in their academic performance and stay motivated.
(2) ______, they often have more control over their time. They can decide when and where (3)______ their time
and, with the right nurturing, they will decide on their own to spend it efficiently. Becoming an independent
learner comes alongside an increased feeling of (4) ______ for personal success and failure. This can be
especially motivating as students may feel a strong sense of pride when they see positive progress in (5) ______.
Therefore, encourage them to self-reflect and set challenging yet realistic goals. Once students reach this stage of
independence, they (6) ______ key skills necessary to succeed in their academics, and beyond.
(Adapted from:
Question 1. A. and the need help from teachers B. with help from teachers
C. on helping from teachers D. without needing help from teachers
Question 2. A. Shifted to independent learning B. That students shift to independent learning
C. When students shift to independent learning D. Students shift to independent learning
Question 3. A. spent B. spend C. spending D. to spend
Question 4. A. responsibility and accountability B. responsible and accountable
C. responsibility and accountable D. responsibly and accountably
Question 5. A. their academics B. its academics C. our academics D. his academics
Question 6. A. are developing B. have developed
C. will have developed D. had developed

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 7 to 11.
Social issues are problems that affect people in a society. They can be found in different areas such as education,
health, poverty, and crime. These issues are important because they can have a significant impact on individuals
and communities.
One social issue that is prevalent in many societies is poverty. Poverty occurs when people do not have enough
money or resources to meet their basic needs. It can lead to hunger, homelessness, and limited access to
education and healthcare. Governments and organizations often work together to address poverty through
initiatives like providing financial assistance and creating job opportunities.
Another social issue is education. Access to quality education is essential for personal development and future
success. However, many people, especially in developing countries, face barriers to education such as limited
resources and cultural norms that prioritize boys' education over girls'. Efforts are being made to improve access
to education for all, including building schools, providing scholarships, and promoting gender equality.
Social issues also include health concerns. Access to healthcare services and information is crucial for
maintaining good health. In many places, there is a lack of healthcare infrastructure and resources, leading to
inadequate medical care. Governments and organizations are working to improve healthcare systems and
increase awareness about preventive measures such as vaccinations and hygiene practices.
In conclusion, social issues are challenges that affect societies worldwide. Poverty, education, and health are just
a few examples of the many social issues that exist. It is important for governments, organizations, and
individuals to work together to address these issues and create a better and more equitable society for all.
(Adapted from

Question 7. What is the best title for the text?

A. Causes and effects of social issues B. Personal development and future success
C. Governments and organizations' efforts to address social issues D. Social issues
Question 8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Poverty can result in hunger and homelessness
B. Poverty can be reduced by both governments and organizations
C. People who live in poverty cannot get good job opportunities
D. People who live in poverty can have limited access to education
Question 9. The word “barriers” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. difficulties B. fences C. complaint D. walls
Question 10. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to _________.
A. money B. basic needs C. poverty D. resources
Question 11. What is one example of a preventive health measure mentioned in the text?
A. Increasing awareness about vaccinations B. Providing scholarships
C. Addressing cultural norms D. Improving access to education
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 12. Many of our favorite foods such as chocolate and coffee come from ________.
A. nature reserves B. wildlife C. tropical forests D. natural parks
Question 13. It was ________ taught me essential life skills when I was at university.
A. Ms. Hue which B. Ms. Hue who C. Ms. Hue whose D. Ms. Hue whom
Question 14. ________ the heavy police presence, there is an increase in crime in the city.
A. Although B. Despite C. Besides D. Because of
Question 15. What are the most interesting things for a tourist ________ in your city?
A. can see and do B. see and do C. to see and do D. seeing and doing
Question 16. ___ all her options, Lan decided to go to a vocational school instead of applying to university.
A. Considered B. Being considered C. Consider D. Having considered

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a
meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 17. a. Firstly, peer pressure often leads young people to engage in risky behaviors which are smoking,
trying drugs, drinking alcohol, even involving in criminal activities.
b. Furthermore, peer pressure can also cause stress and anxiety for young people who feel pressured to fit in with
their friends, which can negatively impact teenagers' self-esteem and confidence.
c. Dear Editor, I am writing to express my concerns about the negative effects of peer pressure on teenagers.
d. In conclusion, it is important for parents, teachers and society to educate young people about making
responsible choices and standing up for themselves.
e. Yours faithfully, Thomas.
f. Secondly, peer pressure can cause teenagers to make poor decisions, such as dropping out of school or
cheating on tests, to fit in with their friends.
A. a – f – b – d – e – c B. e – c – a – d – b – f C. c – a – b – f – d – e D. c – a – f – b – d – e
Question 18. a. Without healthy ecosystems, we will face numerous problems such as air and water pollution,
food scarcity, and natural disasters.
b. Besides, we should invest in restoring local ecosystems because human activities such as deforestation and
pollution have caused serious harm to our planet.
c. The most important reason why we should restore local ecosystems is that they provide numerous benefits to
both humans and animals.
d. Last but not least, neglecting the restoration of local ecosystems has led to the extinction of many species and
the loss of habitats for others.
e. People should prioritize restoring local ecosystems as it is crucial for the survival of our planet.
A. e – a – c – b – d B. c – a – b – d – e C. e – c – a – b – d D. e – d – a – c – b

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 19. A. social B. control C. crime D. confident
Question 20. A. pressure B. review C. apprentice D. identify

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 21 to 25
An ecosystem is a collection of living species (plants, animals, and bacteria) in a specific location.
The term 'eco' refers to a region of the planet, while 'system' refers to the coordinating components. An
ecosystem is a population of creatures (21) _____ interact with their physical surroundings. The environment
includes both living organisms and non-living physical factors. These two are inseparable but interconnected.
The living and physical components (22) _____ via nutrition cycles and energy fluxes.
The creatures in an ecosystem are often well-balanced with one another (23) _____ with their surroundings. An
ecosystem might be natural or manufactured, terrestrial or water-based. Croplands, gardens, parks, and
aquariums are all examples of artificial systems. The introduction of new (24) _____ conditions or species can
have serious consequences, ultimately leading to the collapse of an ecosystem and the (25) _____ of many of its
original species. Some of the main non-living components of an ecosystem are sunlight, water, temperature,
oxygen, soil, and air.
(Adapted from
Question 21. A. when B. where C. thatD. who
Question 22. A. had been connected B. will be connected
C. are connected D. were connected
Question 23. A. so B. but C. and D. or
Question 24. A. environmentalist B. environment C. environmental D. environmentally
Question 25. A. increase B. extinction C. gender D. difference

Read the following advertisement/school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 28.
Come experience the awesome night sky over Fort Churchill State Historic Park. Enjoy a tour of our celestial
neighborhood while talking about the night sky. Participants (26) ______ to bring a red light and chairs or
blankets. The program is intended for adults and children ten years of age and older.
WHEN: Friday, April 5, 2024, 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
WHERE: Meet at the Fort Churchill Museum.
WHO: The program is open to the public (27) ______ hosted by Fort Churchill State Historic Park.
COST: Park entrance fees apply, $5.00 per vehicle. There is no additional cost to participate in the program.
If you need further (28) ______, please contact Kristin Sanderson, 775-577-2345,
Question 26. A. encourage B. were encouraged C. encouraged D. are encouraged
Question 27. A. so B. and C. but D. or
Question 28. A. inform B. informant C. information D. informal

Read the following advertisement/school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 29 to 31.
The Centre for Vocational Education and Training under the Trade Union of Ba Ria-Vung Tau would like
(29) ______ a project on making access to vocational skills easier for out-of-school children and youth in Viet
Key occupations (30) ______ training programmes include basic cooking techniques, civil electricity, basic
spa care techniques, and restaurant service skills.
After completing the programmes, trainees with vocational skills acquired can get (31) ______ stable jobs
with better income.
The project is expected to be a driving force for boosting economic growth of the local people and the region.
Question 29. A. launching B. launched C. to launch D. launch
Question 30. A. from B. for C. with D. on
Question 31. A. an B. the C. Ø (no article) D. a
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 32 to 38.
Angkor Wat is a huge temple complex and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built in the first half of the
12th century, Angkor Wat is the world's largest religious structure: a Hindu temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu,
and then progressed entirely onto becoming a major temple of Buddhism.
Its highest tower is 21 meters tall. The temple's walls are covered in thousands of images of important people
and events from the Hindu and Buddhist religions. It's said that the temple was ordered to be built by god Indra,
and that the work was completed in one night. However, it's estimated that it probably actually took about
300,000 people 30 years.
The heart of the temple was the central tower with a statue of Vishnu at top, entered by way of a steep staircase.
This tower was at once the symbolic center of the nation. Beneath it was a tunnel that led to a chamber where, in
1934, archaeologists found two pieces of crystal and two gold leaves far beneath where the Vishnu statue must
have been. Hidden paintings have also been discovered in the central tower. One chamber in the tower has a
scene showing a traditional Khmer ensemble of musical instruments, the pinpeat. In the same chamber, there's
also an intricate scene featuring people riding horses between two temples. These two paintings are among 200
that have been discovered in Angkor Wat since 2010.
Today, Angkor Wat is a popular tourist destination for people visiting Southeast Asia. The best time to visit is
between November and February when the weather is drier and less hot. It can take between three hours to half a
day to explore the whole site. Angkor Wat is open from early in the morning for tourists who want to see the
amazing sight of the sun rising over the temple.
Question 32. What is the best title of the passage?
A. History of Angkor Wat B. Heart of the temple: Lord Vishnu.
C. The Hindu and Buddhist religions. D. Angkor Wat: City of Temples
Question 33. According to passage 1, Angkor Wat is a_______ temple
A. Only Buddhism B. Every religion C. Hindu and Buddhism D. Only Hindu
Question 34. According to passage 2, what is true about the temple’s walls?
A. It was destroyed by the people in the image. B. It took about 300,000 people to finish it.
C. It was built in one night by God Indra. D. Its highest tower is over 21 meters tall.
Question 35. The word "heart" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. Wall B. Center C. Top D. Nation
Question 36. The word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to __________.
A. Steep staircase B. Central tower C. Tunnel D. Nation
Question 37. All of the scenes were shown in the paintings EXCEPT_________.
A. The image of two temples and the pinpeat. B. A traditional Khmer ensemble of musical instruments.
C. An intricate scene of people riding horses. D. Two pieces of crystals and gold leaves
Question 38. What is the longest time a tourist might take to explore Angkor Wat?
A. Entire morning B. 30 years C. Half a day D. Three hours
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary
stress in each of the following questions.
Question 39. A. fauna B. destroy C. flora D. mammal
Question 40. A. alternative B. expectancy C. conservation D. diversity

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