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Academic Words and Structures 1

Delve: (Verb) - To carry on intensive and thorough research

for information, Investigate.
Synonyms: Research, inquire, investigate, explore, examine,
A thought – provoking reasons why yahoo used to be one of the irresistible social media was that social media still

kerbed at that time.

A. This essay delves into the issue, examine the arguments
from both perspectives and reach a logical conclusion at the
B. To delve into the issue of child labour laws, we have to
ensure a sustainable economic formation for underdeveloped
countries like Nepal.
2. In order to: With the purpose of.
Synonyms: To, for.

A. In order to reduce the population in the city areas, new
employment opportunities must be created in rural areas.
B. The government should not waste any time in order to
show our allies that we have taken plenty of initiations to
tackle corruption.
3. Concur: (Verb) - To agree, to accord in opinion, be with
the same opinion.
Synonyms: Agree, be in accordance.

A. I concur with the view that the government should invest
in this sector.
B. They concur that smoking should be banned in all public
4. Curb/ Kerb: (Curb - American | Kerb - British) (Verb) -
To control, check, restrain, limit, a check or restraint on
Synonyms: Contain, hamper, restrain, control, tame.

A. To kerb the number of road accidents, the government has
to strictly impose the traffic rules and regulations.
B. This is due to kerb the number of accidents that happens
each year.
5. To put it another way: (Phrase) - To explain something
in a different way, put another way.
Synonyms: , put in other words, In other words.

A. To put it another way, whether we like it or not, the
authority is going to impose a heavy tax on the citizens.
B. To put it another way, this is one of the major causes of
the greenhouse effect.
6. Furthermore: (Adverb) - In addition, additionally.
Synonyms: Moreover, besides, also, further, what's more, on
top of that.

A. Furthermore, advancement in technology has reduced the
time required to prepare our food.
B. Furthermore, women have a natural quality of being kind
and helpful to the children.
7. Another key thing to remember: (Phrase) - another
key point, also, another key point to remember.
Synonyms: Furthermore, Besides, Again.
A. Another key thing to remember is that space research
costs a huge amount of money which could be utilised to
enhance the living standards of citizens.
B. Another key point to remember here is the environmental
damages these cheap flights cause.
8. Not to mention: (Adverb) - What's more, furthermore,
besides, as well.
Synonyms: Moreover, plus, in addition to.

A. Not to mention, the devastating accidents drunk driving
causes every day alone in the USA.
B. Not to mention, second-hand smoking is often more
dangerous than first-hand smoking.
9. Having said that: (Phrase) - Despite what has been said,
however, on the contrary.
Synonyms: Nonetheless, oppositely, on the other side.

A. Having said that, technology also has a dark side and this
is why we should be wary of its use in our daily life.
B. The government, in my opinion, has a vital role to play to
fight the crime, but having said that, mass people also have
to come forward and contribute to fighting the crime and
10. Provided that: (Idiom) - If only, on the condition that.
Synonyms: If, supposing that, granted that, assuming that.

A. The community people would agree to the establishment
of a new factory provided that it would reserve 20% jobs for
B. Fathers should take responsibility for the upbringing of
children. Provided that, they often stay outside, the mother
would then take control.
11. Nonetheless/ Nevertheless: (Adverb) In spite of that,
Synonyms: However, but, still, yet, though, regardless,
anyway, anyhow.

A. Nevertheless, the real essence of university education is
not the books we read or assignments we complete, but the
methodology of learning which finally help create enlightened
B. Nonetheless, many people would not follow the rule
spontaneously and for them to abide by the rules, monetary
fines are essential.
12. Notwithstanding: (Preposition) - Despite/ in spite of,
regardless of. | (adverb) - however,
Synonyms: However, despite, anyway, even so, anyway,
having said that.
A. Notwithstanding the evidence, the police failed to make
any arrest regarding the incidents.
B. I do not completely agree with the proposition.
Notwithstanding, I would like to say that I realise why so
many people support that view.
13. Venerate: (Verb) - Revere, regard with respect.

Synonyms: Respect, worship, revere, idolise, honour,


A. The young generation venerates those sports stars and
often mimic their playing style, fashion and lifestyle.
B. Our veneration for our politicians and leaders are declining
faster and this is quite alarming.
14. Invoke: (Verb) - Pray to, appeal to, call on someone as
a witness for inspiration, solicit, cite, refer to.
Synonyms: Conjure, adjure, summon, implore.

A. The announcement might invoke both positive and
negative impressions on the mass people.
B. This action invokes negative consequences that we must
not forget.
15. To give an illustration: For example, to give an
Synonyms: For instance, to cite an example, as an example,
as evidence, to give an example., “take,…N., for example”

A. To give an illustration, elementary education in Finland
primarily focuses on playing and learning.
B. To illustrate, urban citizens often deliberately dump their
wastes into the nearby creeks and drainage canals causing
them to become clogged.
16. Notably: (Adverb) - Especially, particularly.

Synonyms: Primarily, principally, in particular, remarkably.

A. The amount of rubbish we produce every day is notably
higher than at any time in history.
B. The establishment of the university in our area would make
it notably crowded.
17. Incisive: (Adjective) - An action which is quick and
direct, a person who is intelligently analytical and sharp.
Synonyms: Acute, keen, sharp-witted, astute, intelligent,
smart, penetrating.

A. Though it took the government some time to take
appropriate measures, the incisive decision proved to be very
B. The authority, in the past, was not as comprehensive and
incisive as it should have been, but they are our only hope at
this time of desperation.
18. Compelling: (Adjective) - Captivating, Spellbinding.

Synonyms: Enthralling, gripping, absorbing, fascinating,


A. Their arguments might be compelling to a certain extent
but that lacks the touch of practicality or reality.
B. the compelling cricket tournaments attract thousands of
fans and they spend money to enjoy these competitions.
19. All things considered: (Idiom) - making a judgment
after taking all the facts into account.
Synonyms: Considering everything, weighing of all

A. It is not the best policy, but, all things considered, it is not
too bad either.
B. We can safely assume, all things considered, the damages
caused to the environment is irreversible.
20. Myriad: (Noun/Adjective) - A large, a great number of.

Synonyms: Multitude, innumerable, countless, numerous, a

lot, mass, army, horde, a large number quantity.

A. There is a myriad of people who have excellent
communication skills in English even though they have never
been to an English-speaking country.
B. There are myriad of sectors which can be greatly
benefitted y the use of nuclear technology.
21. Assert: (Verb) - Claim, declare, state.
Synonyms: Argue, stand up for, establish.

A. A group of people assert that rich nations should provide
monetary help to poor nations.
B. Though many assert that we should focus on rapid
development and industrialisation, others, however, advocate
prioritising education and traditional lifestyle.
22. Erroneous: (Adjective) - Incorrect, wrong, inaccurate.
Synonyms: Invalid, mistaken, misleading, false, fallacious,
faulty, imprecise.

A. It's pretty easy to have an erroneous impression of the
severity of environmental degradation, but it is a problem for
B. There is no more evidence to warrant the wholly erroneous
statement sometimes made that emancipation was an
economic setback for the Asian region during this century.
23. Engender: (Verb) - Cause, give rise to.
Synonyms: Produce, create, promote, rouse, provoke, incite,
trigger, instigate, lead to.

A. Many people hope that recent events in our country, as
well as a few neighbouring countries, will engender our
authority to take necessary actions on gun safety.
B. It is hoped that the protest from students of this university
will engender a widespread awareness about the environment
and finally the authority will deter from cutting those trees.
24. Salient: (adjective) - Most noticeable and important,
major, main.
Synonyms: Important, principal, chief, primary, notable,
striking, arresting, prominent, remarkable, pivotal, vital.
A. It may be worthy to point out that the salient feature in
pursuing higher education in a foreign country is the skills and
knowledge gathered by the students and not to mention, how
their degrees are valued in the future.
B. One of the salient and positive features in letting
employees work from home is that it ensures employee
25. Craft: (Nour, verb) - Activity, pursuit, exercise skill in
making an object.
Synonyms: Work, skill, occupation, guile.

A. The human has crafted its own fate by bringing
innovations and by discovering tools throughout history.
B. We should, therefore, employ the best available art and
skill in improving the craft of gift-making.
26. Substantiate: (Verb) - Prove, support, give proof of,
Synonyms: Affirm, justify, validate, verify, prove something,
authenticate, endorse, establish, support.

A. The evidence simply substantiates why the gap between
the rich and poor is not healthy for a sustainable economy.
B. An attempt to substantiate this point will be explained in
the following example from an internal management
27. Elucidate: (Verb) - Explain, illustrate, resolve.
Synonyms: Clarify, annotate, clear up, exemplify, explicate,
enlighten, illuminate, throw/shed light on.

A. The above examples elucidate why we need a collaborative
approach to fight crimes on the street and why should we do
it immediately.
B. Further discoveries and more research work may elucidate
the problem from different perspectives.
28. Oppose: (Verb) - disagree, be against, argue, debate,
Synonyms: Defy, deny, dispute, resist, contradict, counter,
confront, challenge.

A. I wholeheartedly oppose the proposition and believe that
we should focus on more pressing issues at hand than to
prepare for something that might or might not bring any
benefits in the future.
B. While I oppose the idea of taking away personal freedom, I
firmly agree that public smoking should be banned
considering public health and the environment.
29. Articulate: (Adjective | verb) - speak fluently and
coherently, persuasive.
Synonyms: Utter, enunciate, express, effective, coherent,
intelligible, understandable.
A. The advocates of the issue were very articulate with their
presentation and argument, which gave them a competitive
B. It is the responsibility of the teachers to articulate the
course requirements to the students at the beginning of the
30. Vocalise: (Verb | noun) - Utter, express in words,
Synonyms: Convey, enunciate, verbalize, speak firmly.
A. Many children, in schools, do not vocalize their distress and
teachers should be friendly with such students so that they
express themselves without hesitation and fear.
B. Showing children pictures or illustrations in the classroom
sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas.
31. Sheer: (Adjective | Adverb) - Utter, total, perfect,
Synonyms: Precipitous, absolute, very steep, vertical,
complete, surpassing, stark.
A. This may lead to a sheer number of problems and that is
why I would suggest not to stay at the college hostel for
young students.
B. Experts have already stated that its completeness, setting,
size and sheer magnificence make it the finest citadel on
32. Predominant: (Adjective) - Main, leading, strongest.

Synonyms: Chief, uppermost, foremost, cardinal, paramount,

dominant, potent, prevalent.
A. There are primarily three reasons why increasing fuel price
is not a good idea, and the predominant of them is the effects
it will have on the price of daily commodities.
B. In my judgement, admittedly from a very narrow
perspective, it is anger which is the predominant emotion that
is evoked when we face such adversity.
33. Formidable: (Adjective) - Intimidating, daunting,
Synonyms: Terrifying, horrifying, dreadful, frightening,
dangerous, ominous, fearsome.
A. Among a formidable list of adversity for economic
progress, corruption may be the most dangerous.
B. Interestingly he still has a formidable presence in the
sports world, still charismatic and respected after seven years
of fame.
34. Phenomenal: (Adjective) - Exceptional, Outstanding,

Synonyms: Extraordinary, remarkable, stunning, marvellous,

magnificent, astounding, staggering, incredible, wonderful,
A. The euphoria reached phenomenal levels when the
scientist announced his findings.
B. The phenomenal evidence that supports this point is not
only overwhelming but also very scientific and methodical.
35. Stipulate: (Verb) - Specify, set forth, demand.

Synonyms: State clearly, to require, prescribe, provide,

impose, impose.
A. There has been much confusion over the process and all
the figures are stipulated.
B. Let's stipulate that the fate of the poor population does not
rely on the mercy of the state and politicians.
36. Dubious: (Adjective) - Uncertain, doubtful.

Synonyms: In doubt, unsure, wavering, skeptical, unreliable,

questionable, dodgy, arguable, equivocal, improbable,
A. I am increasingly dubious about the luxury projects the
authority is spending money on as the money could have
been better spent on more important sectors.
B. That is why computer experts warn ordinary citizens over
and over again not to open dubious emails and whose
senders are not known to them.
37. Manifest: (Adjective | Verb) - Clear and obvious,
definite, visible, perceptible, display, exhibit.
Synonyms: Embody, illustrate, prove, signify, reveal.
A. I agree that the very idea of manifest destiny encouraged
men and women to dream big dreams and then work hard to
make them come true.
B. Among the young participants, a number of them
manifested the idea to the authority but nothing was done
about it.
38. Exhibit: (Verb | Noun) - Display, show to the public.

Synonyms: Show, reveal, manifest, put on display, unveil,

item, piece.
A. It is important for teachers to understand that identifying
the talent of their pupils and then providing an opportunity to
exhibit it is of immense importance.
B. Due to this, a safe place to exhibit and store such
important artefacts were necessary.
39. Constitute: (Verb) - Compose, make something up,
account for, create.
Synonyms: Form, establish, comprise, organize, construct,
integrate, make.
A. Consequently, increasing car ownership constitute a
significant problem for cities.
B. The world is, surprisingly, made up of basically, two classes
of people - lifters and leaners, and the leaners constitute by
far the larger class.
40. Portray: (Verb) - Depict, characterise, describe.

Synonyms: Represent, Show, render, personate, sketch,

draw, present, illustrate.
A. Most adverts, these days, especially on TV, portray their
products to be supreme while others are just banal.
B. It is surprising that they falsely pretend to be impartial and
independent, but when you judge them thoroughly, they
portray themselves to be the same as other politically biased
41. Exemplify: (Verb) - illustrate by giving an example,
Synonyms: Show, demonstrate, depict, elucidate, embody,
represent, instantiate.
A. All these possibilities exemplify the phenomenon of
technology and its widespread use in our modern world.
B. Both of these points exemplify the rapaciousness that is
the norm in our society when it comes to amassing wealth.
42. Paramount: (Adjective) - prime, highest, supreme.
Synonyms: Uppermost, central, topmost, major, predominant,
foremost, primary, cardinal, leading.
A. There is no denying that women's role as mothers is of
paramount importance to society.
B. A further example where performance reliability is
paramount is in aviation and air traffic control.
43. Adept: (Adjective | noun) - Expert, skilled and proficient
at something, someone who is proficient at something.
Synonyms: Skilled, gifted, talented, expert at something,
A. We need adept and honest politicians who would not lie to
the nation.
B. More adept teachers are required in our elementary level
education to build a truly powerful nation and the
policymakers have to agree with that.
44. Sublime: (Adjective) - Excellent quality or extreme
beauty, awesome, magnificent.
Synonyms: Novel, lofty, awe-inspiring, majestic, glorious,
superb, grand, outstanding, delightful, marvellous, fantastic,
A. The country has ample picturesque and sublime scenery
that attracts a large number of tourists every year.
B. The hypothesis is that all old and modern inventions, even
the simplest, most complex, abstract and sublime, ultimately
depend upon the dedication of some people.
45. Explicitly: (Adverb) - In a clear and detailed manner,
leaving no room for confusion, clearly.
Synonyms: Definitively, precisely and clearly, accurately,
unequivocally, bluntly, unambiguously.
A. The Babylonian calendars contain explicit directions for the
observance of abstention from certain secular acts on certain
B. In this essay, we will explicitly consider sociological factors,
namely social custom, and the notion of individual
commitment for the arguments.
46. Proclaim: (Verb) - Reveal, indicate, announce something

Synonyms: Show, demonstrate, manifest, declare, enunciate,

A. The government had to proclaim the necessary measures
by imperial warrant and there had been a much easier way
than this, according to many.
B. A wealthy person can proclaim himself, well, "wealthy", but
he does not dare to announce that it has made him absolutely
47. Evoke: (Verb) - Recalling a feeling or memory.

Synonyms: Call up, bring to mind, conjure up, educe, inspire.

A. It is so surprising that a modern city can still evoke that
kind of emotions and magic to the tourists and that's simply
B. It can evoke a false sense of security, but the reality is
different and we should be prep[ared for that.
48. Idolize: (Verb) - Revere, worship, venerate, to highly
love or admire.
Synonyms: Adore, highly admire, exalt, love, deify, lionize,
A. People, especially youths, idolize those sportsmen and that
is why such famous personalities have a natural obligation to
lead exemplary life to motivate people.
B. A large section of our society simply idolized him, even his
opponents acknowledged his achievements.
49. Aver: (Verb) - State or assert to be the case, allege as a
fact, claim, to assert something in a convincing way. [past &
past participle - averred]
Synonyms: Assert, attest, affirm, avow.

A. Many people in my country aver their neutrality on this
issue and yet it deserves a thorough investigation.
B. Even though the country is in crisis, its leader will aver the
nation that it is doing well either to motivate them or to hide
the fact.
50. Profound: (Adjective) - Deep, extensive, a person or
statement having great knowledge or insight.
Synonyms: Deep-rooted, intense, radical, ardent, extreme,
great, far-reaching, sincere, overwhelming, learned,

A. These modern inventions have profound impacts on the
way we socialise, work, think or even live our lives.
B. The experience we gather while studying in a college or
university is so profound that it changes our life to a great

Useful expressions for writing your Essay for

a higher band score:
A) As we have seen, there are no easy answers to this
question. On balance, however, I tend to believe that

B) Not agreeing with this proposition is tough and, I tend to

believe that ……………..

C) I am a strong advocate of this approach, and the benefits

of it will be covered in this essay.

D) A fundamental reason for this is that ……………..

E) The two primary reasons for this are ……………..

F) It is often argued that it is more advantageous to

…………….., even if it doesn't ……………...

G) Despite being a supporter of this …………….. approach, I

strongly recommend incorporating ……………..

H) I completely disagree with this opinion and think that

I) Whether or not ……………... is a contentious issue. On the
bright side, ……………... On the flip side, ……………...

J) One of the most controversial issues today regarding

……………. In this essay, I am going to examine this question
from both points of view.

K) On one side of the argument, there are people who argue

that the benefits of ............... considerably outweigh its
disadvantages. The main reason for believing this is that
…………………. It is also possible to say that ……....... One
good illustration of this is ………….

L) On the other hand, it is also possible to make the

opposing case. It is often argued that ……….. People often
have this opinion because …………… A second point is that
……….. A particularly good example here is…………..

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