Tamarind Care Sheet

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Tamarind Care


Brought to you by
S & S Bonsai of Colorado Springs, Colorado
(Most of the included information is obtained from several
online sources.)

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if

you were to live forever.”
—Mahatma Gandhi—
The Tamarind petaled flowers are yellow with orange streaks duced by defoliation several times during the
and are arranged in small racemes. These growing season. This plant is a strong top
(Tamarindus indica ) blooms are small and resemble orchid blooms. grower, keep the top clipped or lower limbs
The blooms are followed by cinnamon colored will weaken and die back. Tamarinds can take
General Information: Tamarindus indica – an scalloped pods that are edible and used in a severe pruning to both branches and roots
evergreen native of tropical Africa was intro- sauces, chutney, candies, beverages and other if done in the spring or early summer. The
duced to India and Persia, where western food items. Tamarind paste is widely used as Tamarind tree will quickly sprout new
botanists first described Tamarind as Tama- well. You can find many Tamarind recipes. branches from the trunk. Easily trained as
rindus indica, the Arabic derivative of the Per- Normally, trees will produce flowers and fruit bonsai.
sian and Arabic name “tamar al-Hind”. From on new growth after about 8 to 10 years but Insects / Pests: The Tamarind Tree can be
here, the tree was introduced widely Tamarind tree bonsai grown in pots will not susceptible to Scale, Leafspot, Caterpillars
throughout South East Asia, Taiwan and tropi- flower. and Borers although not usually a problem.
cal China. Spanish and Portuguese colonists CARE Propagation: Seeds, cuttings and air-layering
introduced Tamarind to Mexico and South are all successful. The Tamarind is a slow
America to such a degree that it became a Temperature: Tamarinds are tropical and need
grower, so obtaining a larger trunk is desir-
common ingredient in everyday living. It has to be protected when temperatures drop be-
become the most widely distributed fruit tree low 45°F. Zone: 10b-11.
in the world. In Asia its pulp is used as a fla- Repotting: Repotting is preferably done in
Lighting: Full sun even after severe pruning of
voring agent in meal preparations and is also spring after night temperatures stabilize in
the roots and/or branches is best. The tree will
recognized as having many medicinal proper- the low to mid 60's, just as the new buds ap-
respond sooner.
ties. In the Caribbean region the pulp is used pear but can be repotted anytime throughout
to prepare juice and often used in ice cream. Watering: The Tamarind is not drought toler- the summer. Prefers a well draining sandy
ant. If Tamarind wilts, irreversible foliage dam- soil. In nature can be found on sandy
Tamarind is long living and can reach heights age occurs. Regular watering is necessary for beaches, as well as any other kind of soil con-
of 80’ to 100’. Trunk circumference can reach best results especially if it is in a bonsai pot. dition. Root prune carefully and gradually;
25’. The tree is wind and salt resistant and is The Tamarind has a moderate salt tolerance. remove the same percentage of foliage and
widely used as a shade tree. When the wood
Fertilizing: Preferred ph is 5.5. Use an acid fer- roots.
is burned it gives off an intense heat, and the
resultant charcoal is used in the manufacture tilizer weekly during the growing season and Design and Styling: Informal upright
of gun powder. The bark of the Tamarind is once a month during the winter. In early
nicely furrowed. spring add a super phosphate to encourage
blooming. Organic fertilizer is preferred. Over
Foliage: Tamarind has a large umbrella fertilization prevents good ramification and
shaped crown with fine, fern like compound causes long internodes. Cut back on high nitro-
leaves that emerge bright redish orange and gen fertilizer after new growth is established.
change to light green. The compound adult
leaves are bright green, dense, pinnate and Pruning / Training: Use the clip and grow
alternate. They close at night and during method with directional pruning. Drastic
draught conditions. trunk/branch pruning should be done between
May and August. Wiring can be done success-
Flower/ fruit: Blooming in spring, the 1” wide fully on young branches and leaves can be re-

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