acitvitats de ingles

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Once a week: launderette ; trekking

Twice a week: training;

Three times a week: gym

From monday to friday: lessons


Nicholas does the launderette on saturdays; on sundays he goes trekking;

Nicolas goes to the gym three times a week;

Nicolás takes university classes every day, from Monday to Friday.

30.- friendly, serious , honest, reliable, shy, critical


 1-d
 2-e
 3-a
 4-f
 5-b
 6-c
 7-h
 8- g


I like that there is a space where students can meet to socialize and have a coffee or watch TV.

I like that the library is equipped with computers for residents to use 24 hours a day.

46. i watched a movie yesterday with my family - this week I took the bus twice

56. - he was trying

He finally managed

We discussed – didn’t come

He slammed – he left


Was discussing

Were working
Were talking

Was carring

Was reading



Things - stuffs

Put in to practice – implemented

Costs – expenses

Did well - succeeded

Disheartening – daunting

Collect – raise

Give someone a role - appointed

Productive – fruitful


- (blue) we developed a workshop about home organization, finances, and so on

- (green) people of my age used to be idle in their free time

- (Orange) I have been an entrepreneur since I was a child

- (Red) we were working on raising money for a whole course


b.- I used to walk to the work but now I take the bus

c..- I used to share a flat but now live on my own

d.- I didn’t use to eat junk food, I eat healthy

e.- did you use to like coffe? I love it coffe in the mornings.



a.- When june kenton was 16 years old she: joined with you family business even though she
desperately wanted to stay at school

b.- The jamaicans were freezing so she and her husband: so we sold of vets and sweaters. But
she wanted to specialize in lingerie.
c.- They had a shop at heatthrow airport for: for three years

d.- Van de velde approached june and her husband and they accepted: they are still involved

e.- The secret of their success has been to: keep out of each other’s way, in business at least

3.- PAGE 36

a) work
b) Job
c) Job
d) Work
e) Work

4. Propose: offered a work

Be on a leave: been off work

Start: took up

Give up. resigned from

keep: hold the job down

Look for: hunting for a job

Be unemployed: been out of work

In employed : in work

Request: applied for


To work as a driver you must have a driving license

To run a company you need to have leadership skills


PAGE 237.

PAGE 238

EX 1

1) Must
2) Can’t
3) Must
4) Must
5) Can’t
6) Can


1.- certainty

2.- prohibition

3.- certainty

4.- prohibition

5.- prohibition



2.- obligation

3.- necessity

4.- strong advice



1.- had to

2.- must

3.- must

4.- had to



2.- should

3.- shouldn’t

4.- should

5- should

6.- shouldn’t


1.- should have said anything

2.- should organize the office

3.- should have listen to my girlfriend

4.- should the macth on TV

5.- should try to finish the job today



If + present / present

If it rains I get wet


If + present / will + present

If you study hard you will pass the exam


If + past / would + infinitive

If I won the lottery I would buy a bigger house

Pg 49 --- EXE 38

 A.- kate
 B.- kate
 C.- sarha
 D.- sarha
 E.- sarha
 F.- kate

EXE 40

1. will be
2. will change
3. will understand
4. is
5. will discover
6. won’t hire

EXE 41

1. would get
2. Would ask
3. Hurry
4. were
5. would describe
6. would wear

EXE 42

1. i lived in new york,

2. if i won a lot of Money on a lottery, i would be millonarie
3. if i didn’t have a to come to class tomorrow, i would go to the cinema
4. if i lost my identify card, i would report to the police
5. if i met angela merkel,

EXE 48

1. To hire – to engage
2. To fire (USA) – to lay off
3. Opening – vacancy
4. On trial – on probation
5. Role – position
6. Present – current
7. Wages – salary

PAGE 56 – EXE 62

a) Since
b) Since
c) For
d) Since
e) since
f) for
g) For
h) Since

EXE 63

a) since
b) For
c) For
d) Since
e) For
f) For
g) Since
h) Since

EXE 64

I living in Spain since the lasta August with my family

She has a 5 years in prison for kill a men.

EXE 61

1. Has forgeten – have waiting

2. Have – order -hasn’t arrived
3. Have – argued
4. Have – been cooking - have been
5. Has cooks

EXE 212
1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .

a. .has been opening

b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .

PAGE 70 - exe 11

A) When i arrived at the station the train had left

B) when i turned on my mobile, i had received more than 20 whatsapp messages
C) when my girlfriend woke up at the seven oclock, i had done the washing up.
D) when the bell rang i hadn't finished the exam
E) when i passed the typhoon, i had went to the japan

exe 13

1. .D
2. .A
3. .B
4. .C
5. .E

Exe 14

a) . had been playing with the ball

b) They had been jumping
c) they had been cooked for the whole day
d) they had been playing with water


EXE 49

a) mary said (that) she wouldn't do another report like this one

b) she said (that) she had found the report

c) she said (that) she would ask the boss to do something different next time

d) she tought (that) she would have finished it earlier

e) she said (that) she could have ask for help

f) she asked peter if he would a help me with the report next time?
Page 89

EXE 50

a) .

b) he told me to send a email

c) she told me to inform them on our new product

d) she told me to write a summary of their comments

e) she told me a inform my department of the results

EXE 51

a) we agreed to ask a consultant

b) he said that he wouldn’t raise taxes

c) he asked me to call the police

d) he promised to come back soon

e) they told me to wait outside

EXE 52

a) where have you been?

b) Where will yo go this weekend

c) shut up immediately

d) close the door

e) don’t use my computer again

PAGE 224


PAGE 75 exe 20

1) he’s told everyone

2) ask anyone

3) we have visited my grandmother every

4) tell him to come along any

5) she wants to hear anything

6) bring everything

exe 21
contract: contrato

party: parte

entity: entidad

terms: terminos

conditions/stipulations: condiciones/estipulaciones

clausule/article: clausula/articulo

proxy: apoderado

breach of contracto: incumplimiento del contrato


exe 60

1. allowance

2. incentive scheme

3. bonus

4. salary

5. minimum sage

6. overtime

PAGE 79 exe 26


PAGE 80 exe 27

1) he isn't only handsome but also intelligent

2) my mother not only taught us how to play the piano but also to appreciate classical

3) not only could see jack but also to him

4) she isn't only a good workmate but also an excellent friend

5) my secretary not only assists the customers kindly but also helps them with anything
they need

exe 28

exe 29
exe 55

1. .

2. .

3. .

4. .

5. .

6. .

7. .

8. .

exe 56

1) under

2) through

3) .up

4) .across / opposite

5) .on

6) .towards

7) .on top of

8) .down

6 plays

7 past is movement

PAGE 97 - exe 2

asking to me

suggesting a date time

rejecting a date/time

suggesting a diference date/time

agreeing on a date/time
PAGE 101 - exe 11


EXE 12

subject + verb to be + going to + bare infinite + object

i am going to play soccer on monday

EXE 13

EXE 14

a) -am going to give up

b) -is going to do

c) -is going to ask

d) -am going to wait

e) -are going to buy


present – i’m going to watching TV now

future – i’m going to watch the soccer game this weekend

EXE 15

a) -am cooking

b) -is having

c) -am going

d) -are staying

e) is meeting


a) -

b) -

c) -

d) -

PAGE 115 EXE 43

 can i help you

 can i speake to

 may i help you

 i’ll put you throught

 i’m afraid the line’s engaged

 hold on, please

PAGE 116 – EXE 45

a) naswerign the phone

b) saying who you are

c) asking for a person

d) asking people to wait

e) connecting

f) connection is not possible

PAGE 124 – EXE 66




EXE 67


EXE 68


EXE 69

1. .had known

2. had liked.

3. Had read.

4. Had worked.

5. Had asked.

EXE 221


1. 2

2. 4

3. 1
4. 1


1. . will stay

2. .will study

3. .won’t do

4. .will get cross


1. would start

2. would work

3. would go

4. would split up


1. would have gone

2. wouldn’t have had

3. would have passed

4. wouldn’t have asked

Exe 5

1. .woulnd’t have kept

2. would apply

3. .would have asked

4. . will write

5. .put on weigth

6. .thought

7. .had wanted

8. .didn’t have lunch

9. want

10. have remembered

PAGE 103 – EXE 16

living malaysia 1

holidays in malaysia 2

conference news 3

EXE 17

a) .F

b) .T

c) .T

d) .F

e) .F

f) .T

g) .T

h) .F

i) .F

j) .T

k) .T

l) .F

VOCABULARY 63 – 75 – 95 UNIT 3 – 97 – UNIT 4

pag 210

1) offened

2) didn’t consider

3) had

4) didn’t want / thought / was

5) fell / lasted

PAGE 212


exe 1

1) .had seen

2) . hadn’t left

3) .had had
4) .had broken

5) .had moved


1) .had been rainning

2) .had been painting

3) .had been waiting

4) .had been discussing

5) .had been living

PAGE 139


a) subject

b) people

c) things, object, ideas, animals

d) the people who took….

The soil which sorrounds the houseboats

PAGE 140


a) .

b) the book which was presented yesterday is on natural remedies

c) the architect who designes the nes headquarters has moved to london

d) the recepcionist who opened the door was very impolite

e) the bus which goes to the city centre shops in front of my house


a) object

b) object

c) subject

d) subject

e) subject

f) subject
g) object

h) object


PAGE 227


a) wich

b) who

c) which

d) which

e) who


1. -

2. who

3. -

4. which

5. who


1. with whom

2. whose

3. whom

4. who

5. whose


1. the blogger who posted writings criticising islam was sentenced to prison

2. the student who wnated to talk with me wanted to change the date of the exam

3. the customer who phoned this morning wanted to fill out the satisfaction survey

4. the woman who went to the doctor asked him/her prescribe her some drugs

5. the man who spoke on TV this morning was the deputy prime minister

1. whose

2. where

3. when

4. what

PAGE 146

EXE 21

a) innovator

b) entreprenuer

c) business plan

d) franchise

e) profit

f) assets

g) liabilities

h) outsourcing

EXE 16

EXE 17

b) she is giving information

EXE 18

a) .F

b) .T

c) .T

d) .F

e) .F

f) .T

g) .T

h) .F

PAGE 147

EXE 24

a) .260, 516, 970

b) .2650, 3224, 8407

c) .28547, 65293, 44100

d) .250906, 675982, 200200

e) 4250361, 1697301, 12500310

EXE 25

a) .3/4

b) .2/5

c) .0.4

d) .4.5

e) .2000

f) .1900

g) .80%

EXE 26

a) .2+2: 4

b) two from seven is five 7-2: 5

c) .three times six is eighteen 3x6: 18

d) .threes into nine goes three 9:3= 3

e) .4+4: 8

f) ten minus eigth is two 10-8: 2

g) five time four is twenty 5*4: 20

h) .eight divided by two is four 8:2= 4

PAGE 148

EXE 28 +29

go up

go down
EXE 29

a) .drecreased – past simple

b) .drop – past simple

c) .will rise – is going to rise / past simple rised

d) .increased

e) .went down / declined

PAGE 149

EXE 31










EXE 32

a) .surged

b) .decline

c) .cut

d) .growth

e) .lower

f) .fell

g) . grow

h) .increase

i) .growth
PAGE 151

EXE 34

sharp sharply

slight slightly

large largely

rough roughly

near nearly

dramatic dramatically

steady steadily

moderate moderately

EXE 35

a) .slight

b) dramatic.

c) .roughly

d) .nearly

e) .steady

f) .moderate

PAGE 156

EXE 47

1) .consider carefully

2) .investigate

3) .distribuite

4) .rely on

5) .do again
PAGE 157

EXE 64

1) .d

2) .a

3) .b

4) .c

EXE 65

a) .came up short

b) .i am really on a roll

c) .get down to business

d) .get the business of the ground

PAGE 159

EXE 75

1. .b

2. .d

3. .g

4. .a

5. .c

6. .e

7. .f

PAGE 169


a) .speakers
b) Card slot
c) .USB ports
d) .
e) mouse
f) .keyboard

PAGE 171


1) .d
2) .i
3) .a
4) .h
5) .e (b)
6) .j(e)
7) .f
8) .g
9) .b
10) .c

PAGE 172


adjust – dragging – remove – select –

PAGE 173

EXE 10

a. Domain name
b. Streaming
c. Blog
d. .Proy server
e. to fresh
f. Broadband
g. To download
h. Post







PAGE 181

EXE 29

1. ATM
2. Branch
3. Personal loan
4. Account holder
5. Overdrawn – balance – statement

PAGE 184
EXE 35

1. Payee
2. Payer
3. Creditor
4. Debtor
5. Debit card
6. Credit card

PAGE 183

EXE 33

-make some transactions

-pay this check

- increase my credit line

- deposit some money

- check your account balance – bank statement - top up call credit

PAGE 184

EXE 36

EXE 38

A. To borrow money
B. .
C. .
D. .

PAGE 185

EXE 39

a) A proof of identity,such as your National Identity Documento or Pasport.

b) A proof address, which can be any utilily bills or banxk letter.

c) Any purchase contract that you may have entered into wich the vendor.

d) A registry note of the rental, under three months old.

e) If you have any properties to rent out, you need to provide the property contracts.

f) Tax returns for the last year.

g) Three most recent monthly bank stratements.

h) Three most recent monthly payslip if you are employed.

i) An accountant’s income certificate if you are self-employed.


1. K
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. F
6. A
7. D
8. H
9. J
10. L
11. G
12. I

PAGE 189
EX 50
A. .approving
B. .required -
C. .
D. .

PAGE 194
EXE 56
1. .
2. Cancel
3. Help with money
4. Manage
5. .

EXE 57

EXE 58
1) Tighten one’s belt
2) .go broke
3) .was in the red
4) .am in the black

PAGE 196
- be managed
- currency trading
- financial industrial
- mathematical understanding and computer programming
- software developping
- .live trading
- .databases of historical financial data
- Investment strategies
- Profit from then
- Demanding job

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