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Micro Projects

Electrical Engineering Program

(I Scheme Curriculum)

Group Number: 8



Government Polytechnic Awasari(KH)2023-24

A Micro Project Report On:

Solid Waste Management

Topic: Prepare a chart of solid waste management showing effects

on environment.














This is to certify that the following students of semester IV of Diploma in Electrical

Engineering (EE) of institute, Government Polytechnic Awasari (KH) Institute
(code :1051) have completed the micro project of satisfactorily in course of
ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (22447) for the Academic Year 2023 – 24 as prescribed
in the curriculum.

Sr. No. Roll no. Enrollment Name of team members
1. 22EE243 2210510370 Krishna Ramesh Taskar

2. 22EE244 2210510371 Gaurav Gajanan Ghole

3. 22EE245 2210510373 Aryan Rajendra Dal

4. 22EE246 2210510374 Ramdas Raju Bacche

5. 22EE247 2210510375 Sudarshan Suresh Kaduskar

6. 22EE248 2210510440 Sanika Pandurang Shelar

GUIDED BY: Mrs. T. J. Bhangale

DATE: 15\ 03 \ 2024

Mrs. T. J. Bhangale Dr. S. V. Bhangale Dr. V. S. Bandal

Part – A Micro-Project Proposal

Title of Micro-Project: Prepare a chart of solid waste

management showing effects on environment.

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

Prepare a chart of solid waste management showing effects
on environment.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

1. Note down the topic and then search information about the
assigned topic.
2. Take reference about the topic from the subject teacher.
3. Do discussion among team members and distribute sub-
topics accordingly.
4. Search information using various sources on the particular
sub- topic.
5. Prepare the chart using appropriate components/ apparatus
6. Prepare report on the chart made.
7. Sort the information accordingly and type the required Part-
A, B.
8. Arrange the data of the searched information and report
made and submit the finalized documents to the teacher.
4.0 Action Plan

Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

No. start finish responsible
date date team

1 Group information 15-01- 20-01- All team

and allocation of 2024 2024 members
2 Information search 21-01- 27-01- All team
2024 2024 members

3 Verification of 30-01- 04-02- All team

project 2024 2024 members
4 Confirmation of 15-02- 15-02- All team
project 2024 2024 members
5 Submission of 15-03- 15-03- All team
project 2024 2024 members
5.0 Resources Required

Sr. Name of Specifications Qt Remark

No Resource/materi y s
. al
1 Environmental Writer - Dr. B.L. 1
studies Thareja
Volume I – S. Chand
& EE
2 Internet 1
3 Software Microsoft word l 1
4 Flex --- 1

6.0 Names of team members with Roll Nos.

Sr. Name of students Roll No.

1 Krishna Ramesh Taskar 23EE243
2 Gaurav Gajanan Ghole 23EE244
3 Aryan Rajendra Dal 23EE245
4 Ramdas Raju Bacche 23EE246
5 Sudarshan Suresh Kaduskar 23EE247
6 Sanika Pandurang Shelar 23EE248
Part – B Micro-Project Report

1.0. Title: Prepare the report on solid waste management showing

effect on environment.

2.0. Rational: The term solid waste management mainly refers to

the complete process of collecting, treating and disposing of solid
wastes. In the waste management process, the wastes are collected
from different source sand are disposed of. This process includes
collection, transportation, treatment, analysis and disposal of
waste. It needs to be monitored so that strict regulation sand
guidelines are followed.

3.0. Aim of Micro-Project : Prepare the report of solid waste

management showing effect on environment.

4.0. Course Outcome :

Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.

5.0. Literature review:

Solid-waste management, the collecting, treating, and disposing of
solid material that is discarded because it has served its purpose or
is no longer useful. Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can
create unsanitary conditions, and these conditions in turn can lead
to pollution of the environment and to outbreaks of vector-borne
disease that is, diseases spread by rodents and insects. The tasks
of solid-waste management present complex technical challenges.
They also pose a wide variety of administrative, economic, and
social problems that must be managed and solved.
Historical background

Early waste disposal:

In ancient cities, wastes were thrown onto unpaved streets and
roadways, where they were left to accumulate. It was not until 320
BCE in Athens that the first known law forbidding this practice was
established. At that time a system for waste removal began to
evolve in Greece and in the Greek-dominated cities of the eastern
Mediterranean. In ancient Rome, property owners were responsible
for cleaning the streets fronting their property.
Developments in waste management :
A technological approach to solid-waste management began to
develop in the latter part of the 19th century. Watertight garbage
cans were first introduced in the United States, and sturdier
vehicles were used to collect and transport wastes. A significant
development in solid-waste treatment and disposal practices was
marked by the construction of the first refuse incinerator in England
in 1874. By the beginning of the 20 th century. 15 percent of major
American cities were incinerating solid waste. Even then, however,
most of the largest cities were still using primitive disposal methods
such as open dumping on land or in water.
Solid waste :
Solid waste means any garbage or refuse, sludge from a
wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air
pollution control facility and other discarded material, resulting
from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations,
and from community activities.

Characteristics of solid waste :

1. Physical characteristics
It is expressed as mass per unit volume (kg/m³). This parameter is
required for designing a solid waste management program. A
reduction in volume by 75% is achieved through normal compaction
equipment, so that an initial density of 100kg/m³ may readily be
increased to 400 kg/m³. Significant changes in the density occur as
waste moves from sources to disposal site, as a result of
scavenging, handling, wetting, and drying by the weather and
vibration during transport.
Moisture Content :
Values greater than 40% are also not common. Moisture increases
the weight of the solid wastes and therefore the cost of collection
and transport increases. Consequently waste should be insulated
from rain or other extraneous water source. Moisture content is
critical determinant in the economic feasibility of waste treatment
by incineration. During incineration energy must be supplied for
evaporation of water and raising the temperature of vapour.
2. Chemical characteristics

Lipids :

These are included in the class of fats, oils and grease. The principal
sources of lipids in the garbage are cooking oil and fats. Lipids Have
high heating values about 38,000 Kj/Kg (kilojoules/kilograms),
Which makes the waste with high lipid content suitable for energy
Carbohydrates :
These are primarily originated from the food sources rich in starch
and celluloses. These readily biodegrade into carbon dioxide, water
and methane. Decomposition of carbohydrates attracts the flies and
rats and hence should not be left exposed for long duration.
Proteins :
These are the compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
and oxygen and organic acid with amino groups. They are primarily
found in food and garden wastes, but their partial decomposition
result in the production of amines, which impart unpleasant odors.
Natural Fibers :
These are the natural products contain cellulose and lignins that are
relatively resistant to biodegradation. These are found in paper
products, food and yard wastes. Paper is almost 100% cellulose,
cotton over 95% and wood products over 40-50%. These are highly
combustible products most suitable for incineration.
Solid-waste treatment and disposal:
Once collected, municipal solid waste may be treated in order to
reduce the total volume and weight of material that requires final
disposal. Treatment changes the form of the waste and makes it
easier to handle. It can also serve to recover certain materials, as
well as heat energy, for recycling or reuse.

Collection :
Collection of solid waste in urban areas is difficult and complex
because the generation of residential, commercial and industrial
solid waste is a diffuse process that takes place in every home,
every apartment building and every commercial and industrial
facility as well as in the streets, parks, and even vacant areas of
every community.
Collection Services includes not only the gathering of solid wastes,
but also the Hauling of wastes after collection to the location where
the collection vehicle is Emptied. Collection of solid wastes is one of
the most costly functional elements, Because of high cost of fuel
and labor.
Transportation :
The transportation of waste is the movement of waste over a
specific area by trains, tankers, trucks, barges, or other vehicles.
The types of wastes that may be transported range from municipal
garbage to radioactive or hazardous wastes.
Hazardous wastes may be transported to be treated, stored, or
disposed of. Facilities that generate hazardous waste are required
to prepare a shipping document, or "manifest," to accompany the
waste as it is transported from the site of generation. This manifest
must accompany the waste until its final destination and is used to
track the wastes from cradle-to-grave.

Energy Recovery :
Energy recovery from the combustion of municipal solid waste is a
key part of the non-hazardous waste management hierarchy, which
ranks various management strategies from most to least
environmentally preferred. Energy recovery ranks below source
reduction and recycling/reuse but above treatment and disposal.
Confined and controlled burning, known as combustion, can not
only decrease the volume of solid waste destined for landfills, but
can also recover energy from the waste burning process.

Anaerobic digestion :
Anaerobic digestion is a process through which bacteria break down
organic matter such as animal manure, wastewater bio solids, and
food wastes in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic digestion for
biogas production takes place in a sealed vessel called a reactor,
which is designed and constructed in various shapes and sizes
specific to the site and feedstock conditions. These reactors contain
complex microbial communities that break down (or digest) the
waste and produce resultant biogas and digestate (the solid and
liquid material end-products of the AD process) which is discharged
from the digester.

Composting :
Composting is the natural process of turning organic matter in
waste into a beneficial fertilizer that can benefit both soil and plants.
Composting converts organic waste such as food waste, manure,
leaves, grass trimmings, paper, wood, feathers, agricultural
residue, etc. into beneficial organic fertilizer by using various
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungus. Farmers can use this
to increase their harvests.

Disposal :
Sanitary Landfilling is a waste management method that involves
the disposal of solid waste into specially designed areas known as
the sanitary landfills. It is a process where waste materials, such as
household garbage, construction debris, and industrial waste, are
carefully deposited and compacted in designated locations. Landfills
are engineered sites with measures in place to minimize the impact
on the environment and public health.
The process of landfilling begins with selecting suitable land for the
landfill site, considering factors such as distance from residential
areas, water sources, and geological stability. The waste is then
transported to the landfill and systematically placed in layers or
cells. As the waste accumulates, it is compacted to reduce its
volume and create more space for additional waste.
Reuse is the second preferred waste management option after
waste reduction. Reuse is the practice of using a material over and
over again in its current form. The essence of reuse is that it
preserves some or all of the energy and materials that went into
making an item. Society has long embraced the practice of reuse
by finding alternate uses for an item rather than disposing or
recycling it. Some common examples include donating used
household items like books, magazines, clothing, kitchen wares,
etc. It may also include using empty food containers to store
leftovers or reusing plastic grocery sacks to line trash containers or
pick up after pets.

6.0. Actual Methodology :

1.Note down the topic and then search information about the
assigned topic.
2.Take reference about the topic from the subject teacher.
3.Do discussion among team members and distribute sub- topics
4.Search information using various sources on the particular sub-
5.Prepare the chart using appropriate components/ apparatus
6.Prepare report on the chart made.
7.Sort the information accordingly and type the required Part- A, B.
8.Arrange the data of the searched information and report made
and submit the finalized documents to the teacher.
7.0. Actual Resources Used:

Sr. Name of Specifications Qty Remarks

No. Resources

1 Environmental Writer - Dr. B.L. Theraja 1

Volume I – S. Chand &
2 Internet 1
3 Software flex Microsoft word l 1
4 Flex --- 1

8.0. Output of the Micro-Project:

The output of the micro-project is a structured framework for
understanding and addressing solid waste management.

9.0.Skill developed / learning outcome of this Micro-Project:

These following skills were developed-
1. Demonstrate working as a leader/ a team member.
2. Follow ethical practices.

10.0 Applications :
1. Incineration/ combustion.
2. Recovery and recycling.
3. Composting.

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