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Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498

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Thermal stratication and mixing in a suppression pool induced by

direct steam injection
Hua Li a, Walter Villanueva a,⇑, Markku Puustinen b, Jani Laine b, Pavel Kudinov a
Division of Nuclear Power Safety, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Roslagstullsbacken 21, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Nuclear Engineering, LUT School of Energy Systems, Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), FIN-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An experimental and numerical investigation of thermal stratication and mixing in a suppression pool is
Received 25 February 2017 presented. Steam injected into a drywell ows through a blowdown pipe and then down to the pressure
Received in revised form 6 September 2017 suppression pool where direct contact condensation occurs. The steam venting and condensation is a
Accepted 10 September 2017
source of heat and momentum. A complex interplay between the two leads either to thermal stratica-
Available online 23 September 2017
tion or mixing of the pool. The experiments are conducted in a scaled down PPOOLEX facility at
Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). The corresponding numerical simulations are performed
using GOTHIC with the Effective Heat Source (EHS) and Effective Momentum Source (EMS) models.
Pressure suppression pool
Direct steam injection
The EHS/EMS models, that have been previously proposed, predict the development of thermal strati-
Thermal stratication and mixing cation and mixing during a steam injection into a large pool of water. The experiments exhibit the devel-
opment of thermal stratication in the pool at relatively low mass ow rates and then pool mixing when
the mass ow rates are increased but later thermal stratication can re-develop even at the same rela-
tively high mass ow rates, which is due to the increasing pool temperature that shifts the condensation
to a different regime. The numerical simulations quantitatively capture this complex transient pool
behavior and are in excellent agreement with the transient averaged pool temperature and water level
in the pool.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and mixing phenomena is necessary for safety analysis of pressure

suppression pool operations.
Heat exchange systems that involve direct steam injection into There have been numerous experimental studies on stratica-
a pressure suppression pool can be found in different industrial tion and mixing in a pool (see Kataoka et al., 1991; Fox, 1992;
applications. In a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), an important com- Smith et al., 1992; Norman et al., 2006; Song et al., 2014; Cheng
ponent of its passive safety system is the pressure suppression pool et al., 2006; Laine and Puustinen, 2006; Laine et al., 2013, 2014
(PSP) that serves primarily as a heat sink in case of a loss of coolant and references therein). Most experimental tests with steam injec-
accident (LOCA) and station blackout (SBO) such as during the tion have been carried out with small diameter pipes and not all
Fukushima Daiichi accident. The suppression pool is also a source experimental data is readily available for model development
of water for the reactor’s cooling systems and for possible severe and code validation. On the other hand, computational studies on
accident mitigation measures. The steam injection is a source of stratication and mixing phenomena have been performed widely
heat and momentum in the pool that directly affects its thermal using lumped parameter codes and 1 D codes (Peterson, 1994;
behavior and as a result the pool is either thermally mixed or strat- Zhao, 2003; Zhao and Peterson, 2007), since the use of ne resolu-
ied. The corresponding top surface temperature of the pool deter- tion CFD methods (e.g., RANS, LES, DNS) in modeling 3D high Ray-
mines partial pressure of steam and thus pressure in the leigh number natural convection ows in a large pool, and most
containment. The thermal state and water inventory of the pool importantly, direct contact condensation on the steam-water
has a signicant inuence on the possibility of containment failure interface is not practical.
(Gamble et al., 2000). Hence a reliable prediction of stratication Previously, we have proposed two effective models, namely,
Effective Heat Source (EHS) and Effective Momentum Source
(EMS) models (Li et al., 2013, 2014a). These validated models (Li
⇑ Corresponding author. et al., 2014b) can be utilized to predict thermal stratication or
E-mail address: (W. Villanueva). mixing during steam injection into a large pool of water.
0306-4549/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
488 H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498

The EHS model provides thermal effect of steam injection in the used in this study. We will demonstrate the connection of the
form of a distributed heat source with the purpose to conserve steam-water interface oscillations to the condensation regimes
mass and thermal energy of the injected steam. In Fig. 1 a sche- and consequently the pool’s thermal behavior. At low steam mass
matic diagram of the EHS model is shown. It is assumed that only uxes, most of the steam condenses inside the blowdown pipe. The
hot saturated water ows out of the blowdown pipe, i.e. all steam steam-water interface stays close to the pipe’s exit and the oscilla-
is condensed inside the blowdown pipe. Such approach correctly tions are negligible. Given the EMS model, the effective momen-
preserves the mass balance in the system even if some fraction tum due to the oscillations is then zero. However, condensed hot
of injected steam is condensed outside the pipe outlet. water is also injected into the pool and is a source of momentum
The EMS model (Fig. 1) provides time averaged momentum but its magnitude is relatively small. Hence, in this regime, the
source induced by steam injection. This momentum creates large steam injection into the pool will likely result in thermal stratica-
scale circulation in the pool which can lead to erosion of thermally tion of the pool. At relatively high steam mass uxes, the steam-
stratied layer and mixing of the pool. Different regimes of steam water interface can oscillate that can generate enough momentum
condensation in the pool (Li et al., 2014c) result in different to mix the pool provided that the frequency and amplitude of oscil-
dynamics of the free surface oscillations. It was proposed (Li lations are large and frequent enough. However, it will be shown
et al., 2013, 2014a) to use ‘‘synthetic jet” model (Smith and here that even if the steam mass uxes are kept relatively high,
Swift, 2003) in order to predict effective momentum generated the steam-water interface oscillations can die down and the effec-
by the oscillations of steam-water interface. Specically, for a sin- tive momentum decreases signicantly thereby resulting in re-
gle harmonic oscillation, the velocity scale based on the momen- stratication of the pool. In connection to the condensation regime
tum ux (Smith and Swift, 2001; Krishnan and Mohseni, 2009) is map, the pool’s bulk temperature increases and the steam conden-
given as sation regime goes to ‘transition’ which is exhibited by a reduction
p in frequency and amplitude of oscillations.
U0 ¼ 2fL ð1Þ In the succeeding section, some details of the PPOOLEX facility
are presented. Next, details of the implementation of EHS/EMS in
where f is the frequency of oscillation and L is the amplitude of Ò
GOTHIC 8.0 are provided. Then it is followed by discussions of
oscillation. In (Villanueva et al., 2015), we have proposed a scaling
approach to determine the amplitude and frequency of oscillations the validation of EHS/EMS against the PPOOLEX experimental tests.
given the Froude number (which relates the inertial forces to grav- First, validation of EHS/EMS against PPOOLEX tests that involve the
itational forces). The momentum rate is then given as, development of thermal stratication and then mixing is pre-
sented. Second, validation of the EHS/EMS models against PPOO-
M ¼ pqU 20 d =4 ð2Þ LEX tests that also include re-stratication is discussed. Finally,
conclusions are provided.
where q is the liquid density and d is the diameter of blowdown
In the current paper, the EHS/EMS models are implemented and 2. PPOOLEX-MIX experiments
validated against PPOOLEX-MIX experiments (Laine and Puustinen,
2006; Laine et al., 2013). Six tests from the PPOOLEX-MIX series are A series of experiments on steam condensation, thermal strati-
cation, and mixing in a large water pool have been performed at
Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) with POOLEX
(POOL EXperiment) and later modied PPOOLEX (Pressurized POO-
LEX) facility (Laine and Puustinen, 2006; Laine et al., 2013). In
Laine and Puustinen (2006) and Laine et al. (2013, 2014) details
on the scaling of the facility in comparison to Olkiluoto 1 and 2
have been provided. The POOLEX/PPOOLEX series are among the
few experiments on water pool mixing/stratication at such large
scales, and the availability of data was very instrumental for the
validation of the EHS/EMS models (Li et al., 2014a,b).
The PPOOLEX facility is a closed cylindrical stainless steel tank
with an outer diameter of 2.4 m (see Fig. 2a). It has both a drywell
(3.2 m height) and a wetwell (4.2 m height) and is considered
to be realistically closer to a containment of BWRs than POOLEX.
The bottom is close to hemispherical and the drywell wall was
insulated while the wetwell was not insulated during the tests.
First, steam is injected through a horizontal inlet plenum, then into
the drywell, and nally it discharges into the wetwell through a
vertical blowdown pipe which is installed close to the central axis
of the tank, with a length of about 3.1 m. A vacuum valve is
installed between the drywell and the wetwell in order to balance
the pressure between the compartments once the steam discharge
is stopped. A single train of 16 TCs was installed in the wetwell at
different elevations to measure the temperature distribution in the
There are 12 experimental tests performed in the PPOOLEX-MIX
series (Laine et al., 2013, 2014). The rst subseries, MIX-01 to 06,
was done with a 0.209 m diameter of the blowdown pipe while
the second, MIX-07 to 12, was done with a smaller 0.109 m diam-
Fig. 1. Schematic of proposed Effective Heat Source (EHS) and Effective Momentum eter of the blowdown pipe. The second subseries covers a wider
Source (EMS) models. region in the chugging regime map than the rst subseries. A total
H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498 489

Fig. 2. Schematics of the PPOOLEX experimental facility (Laine and Puustinen, 2006; Laine et al., 2013) (not to scale). The initial water pool depth is about 2.1 m.

of 17 TCs were installed inside the blowdown pipe with 20 Hz blowdown pipe during chugging in the PPOOLEX MIX-06 test. The
measurement frequency, and the temperature readings were used corresponding water level positions inside the pipe are shown in
to estimate the level of water inside the pipe especially during the Fig. 3b. Given the TC measurements inside the blowdown pipe,
chugging regime. the effective momentum can be calculated with the following steps.
For the rst subseries MIX-01 to 06 (see Table 1), a clearing
phase is done at relatively high steam ow rate (about 200 g/s) 1. Convert the TC measurements to water level positions (see
at the beginning of each test in order to (i) heat-up the drywell Fig. 3 as an example).
structures to the level of 130 °C so that steam condensation is min- 2. Calculate the velocities u ¼ dz
, where z is the water level
imized in the drywell compartment during the stratication and position.
mixing stages, and (ii) ‘clear’ the spaces/compartments between 3. Calculate the moving time-averaged velocities
the steam source and the exit of the blowdown pipe of non- s
condensable gases. The clearing phase lasted about 500 s in every 1
Z t
experiment and resulted in an increased pool bulk temperature UðtÞ ¼ u2 ðsÞds ð3Þ
Dt tDt
of about 2 °C. The clearing phase is followed by a low steam ow
rate (about 100 g/s) with the aim to develop thermal stratication with an averaging time scale Dt ¼ 100 s.
in the pool. After several thousand seconds, the ow rate is 4. Calculate the effective (jet) velocity U 0 ðtÞ ¼ p2  UðtÞ. This relation
increased up to 300–425 g/s with the aim to mix the pool. In all can be shown simply by taking a single harmonic signal
tests, pool mixing has been observed after 150–500 s. In MIX-05 zðtÞ ¼ L  sinð2pftÞ where f ¼ 1=T and use Eqs. (1) and (3).
to 06, re-stratication has been observed. 5. Calculate the effective momentum rate M eff given by Eq. (2).

3. Implementation of the EHS-EMS models using the GOTHIC For the 5 s time window given in Fig. 3b, the time-averaged
code velocities are around 0.55 m/s and the momentum rates are
around 11 kgm/s2.
The amplitude and frequency of the water-level oscillations in The start of the mixing phases in the simulation of the MIX 03
the pipe can be obtained experimentally, e.g. by temperature mea- and MIX-06 tests are t = 1288 s and 2045 s, respectively. Fig. 4
surements on the pipe’s inner surface or by a level meter. Fig. 3a shows the effective momentum rates based on the water level
shows a sample 5 s time window of TC measurements inside the oscillations in the pipe during the mixing phases in the MIX-03

Table 1
Test conditions in the MIX-01 to MIX-06 experiments.

Experiment Initial water level [m] Initial water temperature [°C] Steam source pressure [MPa] Steam ow rate* [g/s]
MIX-01 2.09 13 0.55–0.6 50–350
MIX-02 2.09 13 0.53–0.6 10–430
MIX-03 2.09 13 0.5–0.6 80–440
MIX-04 2.10 16 0.58–0.65 50–320
MIX-05 2.10 15 0.57–0.63 80–365
MIX-06 2.10 15 0.55–0.64 90–475
These values were measured by the ow meter. At low steam ow rates, there was a considerable uncertainty in ow meter readings, thus a correction is implemented based
on the water level in the pool (see Li et al., 2014b for more details and the next section for the actual values).
490 H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498

Fig. 3. A sample of (a) temperature measurements inside the blowdown pipe and corresponding (b) water level positions, and (c) momentum rates and time-averaged
velocities during the chugging regime in the MIX-06 test. The outlet of the pipe is at 0 m.
H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498 491

Fig. 4. Effective momentum rates based on the water level oscillations in the pipe during the chugging (mixing) phase in the (a) MIX-03, and mixing and re-stratication
phases in the (b) MIX-06 tests.

Fig. 5. (a) GOTHIC model schematic of MIX-06 and (b) corresponding 2D mesh with 48  75 cells for the wetwell.

and MIX-06 tests. For the MIX-03 test (Fig. 4a), the non-constant gas space. The oor surface temperature of the drywell is measured
momentum rates are between 16.5–25 kgm/s2 which are based during the experiment and this is used as a boundary condition at
on effective jet velocities between 0.71–0.85 m/s. For the MIX-06 the top of the wetwell. Two external thermal conductors are used
test (Fig. 4b), the maximum momentum rate in the mixing phase to simulate the heat loss from the wetwell to the lab. In GOTHIC, a
is around 24 kgm/s2 while the momentum rate during the pump is a component that can be used to drive the ow between
re-stratication stage is nearly zero. two cells by providing the corresponding ow rate and ow path
The GOTHIC 8.0 model schematic is shown in Fig. 5a while the area. The effective momentum source (EMS) is implemented with
4875 mesh of the wetwell is shown in Fig. 5b. Mesh indepen- a pump. In GOTHIC, the use of pump is more convenient and prac-
dence is established and is reported elsewhere (Li et al., 2014a,c; tical than using a boundary condition. The EHS-EMS calculation
Gallego-Marcos et al., 2017). Since GOTHIC supports only a Carte- only includes part of the thermal stratication and mixing phases
sian coordinate system, the porosities of volume and surface area and excludes the clearing phase. It should be noted that direct
of all cells are adjusted to represent a cylindrical symmetry. The steam injection using GOTHIC cannot predict accurately the ther-
drywell is not modelled. However, an internal thermal conductor mal stratication and mixing in the pool (Gallego-Marcos et al.,
is used to provide heat transfer through the bottom wall of the dry- 2017). A typical calculation time is about 3 h on 4 processors of
well and is used in boundary conditions at the top of the wetwell an i7 3.4 GHz processors.
492 H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498

Fig. 6. Steam condensation regime map by Lahey and Moody (1993).

4. Thermal stratication phase to mixing phase During the clearing phase, steam pushes all the non-condensable
gases from the drywell to the wetwell rst while steam condenses
The MIX-01 to MIX-06 tests cover three regimes in the conden- on the drywell walls and heats up the drywell compartment. For
sation regime map (Li et al., 2014c) as shown in Fig. 6: condensa- example, at 200 g/s steam mass ow rate, a transient time of
tion within the blowdown pipe (regime 1), chugging (regime 2), 500 s (which is the time period that is set for the clearing phase)
and transition (regime 5). The chugging regime is characterized is more than enough to push all the gas to the wetwell. After the
by periodic overexpansion of steam in the blowdown pipe followed clearing phase, it is expected that the steam ow rate in the steam
by implosion of the void that causes a cyclic suction of water inside line is almost the same as the steam ow rate to the wetwell and
the pipe. Chugging results in the oscillatory motion of the steam- this is found to be true in GOTHIC lumped simulations taking into
water interface (see Fig. 2b) with downward direction during the account the insulated drywell.
injection phase and upward direction during the suction phase. A GOTHIC lumped calculation has also conrmed that at low
The chugging oscillations are relatively of lower frequency and steam mass ow rates, about 100 g/s and below (typically during
higher amplitude compared to the condensation oscillations. All the stratication phase), there is considerable uncertainty in the
tests start from regime 1 followed by regime 2 and then go to ow meter readings in the PPOOLEX facility. This can be corrobo-
regime 5. In this work we present analysis and validation of the rated also with estimation of the water level in the pool. Using
EHS-EMS models against the MIX-02 to MIX-06 tests. Validation the measured steam mass ow rates during the stratication
of the models against other tests is a subject for the future work. phase, the predicted average temperature as well as the water level
Validation of the EHS-EMS models against the MIX-01 test can be in the pool increases much faster in the lumped simulation than in
found in Li et al. (2014). the experiment. To resolve this issue, the steam mass ow rates are
During the tests, the steam mass ow rates are measured in the estimated based on the collapsed water level in the pool (which
steam line and not in the inlet of the blowdown pipe. Thus, the mea- takes into account the variable water level in the blowdown pipe
sured steam ow rate is not necessarily the same as the steam ow and dependence of the densities on the increasing temperature
rate from the drywell to the wetwell through the blowdown pipe. in the pool), see Fig. 7. The clearing phase has resulted in complete
This is especially true during the clearing phase as the drywell is ini- mixing in the pool and has also generated a strong circulation ow
tially cold (about 28 °C) and lled with non-condensable gases. that took time to stagnate, about 600 s after the steam ow rate

Fig. 7. Measured steam mass ow rates with (i) ow meter and (ii) based on the water level in the pool in (a) MIX-02 and (b) MIX-03 tests. The timelines are adjusted to
reect the initial time t = 0 s in the simulations.
H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498 493

Fig. 8. MIX-03 test (a) averaged pool temperature and (b) water level: Comparison between experiment and EHS-EMS simulation.

Fig. 9. Comparison of pool temperature between (a) MIX-02 measured data and (b) EHS-EMS simulation.

has been decreased. It should be noted that the initial time t = 0 s MIX-03 data. At time t = 0 s, the averaged liquid temperature is
correspond to the actual start of the thermal stratication phase. about 16 °C. At the end of the development of stratication, it
The estimated ow rates during the stratication phase and the increases to 18.5 °C in the test, and 19 °C in the simulation. It
measured steam ow rates during the mixing phase are then used reaches 34.5 °C at the end of the mixing in the test and the simu-
as input for the EHS-EMS simulation (see Li et al., 2014a,b for more lation follows the same trend and rate of increase. An excellent
details). agreement in the water level in the pool between the test and sim-
In Fig. 8a, the averaged liquid temperature in the pool predicted ulation is shown in Fig. 8b. The water level increases from 2.112 m
by the EHS-EMS simulation shows an excellent agreement with the to only 2.12 m for stratication phase. And during the mixing

Fig. 10. Comparison of pool temperature between (a) MIX-03 measured data and (b) EHS-EMS simulation.
494 H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498

phase, the water level increases to 2.175 m. This also conrms that ow rates during the stratication phase is due to the uncertainty
the heat losses through the wetwell walls are modeled properly. in the ow meter measurements when used around 100 g/s and
The comparison in pool temperature between the MIX-02 mea- below. It is important to note that the ow rates after the rst
sured data and EHS-EMS simulation is shown in Fig. 9. In general, stratication phase remains high until the end of the transient
the predicted pool temperature agrees very well with the mea- while the pool thermal behavior changes from mixing to
sured data. The development of thermal stratication in different re-stratication.
layers is well captured in the simulation except for the small region Fig. 13 shows the agreement in the averaged liquid temperature
in the vicinity of the pipe outlet (at 1.027 m) which may be attrib- and water level in the pool predicted by the EHS-EMS simulation
uted to the assumption of uniform heat ux distribution in the and measured in the MIX-06 test. At time t = 0 s, the averaged liq-
simulation. There is a strong circulation ow in the pool during uid temperature is about 18 °C and it increases to 26 °C during the
the chugging with high steam ow rate, and it leads to complete stratication phase matching both experiment and simulation. The
mixing. In the simulation, the time scale for mixing is about increase in temperature is more pronounced at the end of the tran-
100 s while in the MIX-02 experiment it is about 150 s. The exper- sient as it reaches 73 °C while the predicted temperature is 75 °C,
imental data shows oscillating temperature at the free surface of since large steam mass ow rate is used for injection. The predicted
the pool, which is not reproduced in the simulations. increase in water level in the pool (see Fig. 13b) shows an excellent
Fig. 10 shows the good agreement in pool temperature between match before 2800 s. The initial water level is at 2.12 m and during
the MIX-03 measured data and EHS-EMS simulation. The uniform the stratication phase it increases to 2.15 m. During the mixing
heat ux distribution assumed in the simulation may cause the dif- phase the water level shows an abrupt increase to 2.37 m both in
ference on the temperature at the top layer (at 1.969 m) of the wet- the experiment and simulation.
well pool. At the end of the stratication phase, the predicted Fig. 14 shows the comparison of pool temperature between the
temperature at the top layer (at 1.969 m) is about 25.5 °C while MIX-05 measured data and the corresponding EHS-EMS simula-
the measured temperature is about 27 °C. For mixing phase with tion. The development of the rst thermal stratication in different
high steam ow rate, the time scale for mixing is about 80 s in layers is well captured in the simulation except for the small region
the simulation while in the MIX-03 experiment it is about 130 s. in the vicinity of the pipe outlet. A ne grid resolution around the
Part of the reason is the slight (1.5 degree) under-prediction of pipe exit can be used to improve the accuracy. In the simulation,
temperature difference between the top (at 1.969 m) and bottom the time scale for mixing is about 250 s while in the MIX-05 exper-
layers (at 0.34 m) at the end of the stratication phase. iment it is about 400 s. The discrepancy can be attributed to the
In Fig. 11, good agreement in pool temperature between the fact that the temperature measured at the top layer is not stable
MIX-04 measured data and the EHS-EMS simulation is shown. during this transition and such instability is not predicted by the
Again the development of thermal stratication is well captured simulation. The continuous mixing and escalation of temperature
in the simulation as well as the erosion of the layers when the in the pool is also well captured except that the re-stratication
steam mass ow rate has been increased. These observations con- starts earlier in the simulation than in the experiment. This early
rm that EMS provides an accurate estimation of the momentum re-stratication leads to different top and bottom layer tempera-
rates for each regime of steam injection and GOTHIC can represent tures, although the general behavior of the re-stratication is cap-
the various ow patterns. tured in the simulation. The main possible reason is that with
increasing pool bulk temperature the condensation regime
5. Re-stratication in the pool changes from chugging to transition regime (see Fig. 6). More
steam owing outside of the pipe can be expected as it takes a
We have shown in the previous section that an increase in longer distance to condense in the pool. The additional momentum
steam mass ow rate resulted in thermal mixing. However, in generated due to the buoyancy effects and possible entrainment
MIX 05 and MIX-06 tests, there is a redevelopment of thermal should be considered in this regime of condensation for more accu-
stratication at the same high steam mass ow rate due to a rate analysis.
change in condensation regime, which occurs at an increasing pool For the MIX-06 test, the comparison of the experimental and
bulk temperature. predicted pool temperature is shown in Fig. 15. The development
Fig. 12 shows the steam mass ow rates in MIX-05 and MIX-06 of the rst thermal stratication in different layers is well captured
tests that are measured with the ow meter and based on the col- in simulations. The predicted time scale for mixing is about 200 s
lapsed water level in the pool. As stated earlier, the discrepancy in while in the MIX-06 test it is about 250 s. The redevelopment of

Fig. 11. Comparison of pool temperature between (a) MIX-04 measured data and (b) EHS-EMS simulation.
H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498 495

Fig. 12. Measured steam mass ow rates with (i) ow meter and (ii) based on the water level in the pool in the (a) MIX-05 and (b) MIX-06 tests. The timelines are adjusted to
reect the initial time t = 0 s in the simulations.

Fig. 13. MIX-05 test (a) averaged pool temperature and (b) water level: Comparison between experiment and EHS-EMS simulation.

Fig. 14. Comparison of pool temperature between (a) MIX-05 measured data and (b) EHS-EMS simulation. The level of the pipe outlet is at 1.045 m.

thermal stratication starts earlier in the simulation than in the GOTHIC version, although it is possible to represent the nearly
experiment. Similar to MIX-05 test, the re-stratication leads to hemispherical shape of the bottom by blocking cells, it requires,
different top and bottom layer temperatures but the general however, to use one thermal conductor for each blocked cell and
behavior of the re-stratication is captured in the simulation. there are 48 blocked cells in the given mesh. For the comparison,
A more detailed comparison of the temperature behavior in the the corresponding locations of the bottom and middle layers are
pool is shown in Fig. 16. In Fig. 16a, the temperature proles of the then adjusted accordingly. In the experiment, the pool bottom is
middle (about 0.48 m from the bottom) and bottom layers both in at 0 m and the location of the rst TC is at 0.07 m. In the
the EHS-EMS simulation and MIX-06 experiment are shown. In simulation, the pool bottom is at 0.27 m and the corresponding
GOTHIC 8.0, we model the bottom of the vessel as at to simplify location of the rst TC for comparison is at 0.34 m. As can be seen
the heat transfer at the bottom with one thermal conductor. In this in Fig. 16c, the temperatures of the bottom layers both in the
496 H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498

Fig. 15. Comparison of pool temperature between (a) MIX-06 measured data and (b) EHS-EMS simulation. The level of the pipe outlet is at 1.045 m.

Fig. 16. MIX-06 test: Comparison of pool temperature (a) snapshot of vertical temperature prole at time t = 500 s, (b) snapshot of vertical temperature prole at time
t = 2000 s, (c) snapshot of vertical temperature prole at time t = 2500 s, (d) snapshot of vertical temperature prole at time t = 3500 s.

simulation and experiment are higher than the middle layers. This Fig. 17 shows snapshots of the predicted temperature and
is caused by the downward ow of heated water from the blow- velocity proles in the pool at different times t = 500 s (early strat-
down pipe outlet (and can be clearly seen in Fig. 17c). The temper- ication phase), t = 2000 s (end of stratication phase), t = 2500 s
ature at the bottom layer though is 2–3 degrees higher in the (mixing phase), and t = 3500 s (re-stratication phase). At
simulation than in the experiment. In Fig. 16b, a snapshot of the t = 2000 s, a thermally stratied layer develops at the top while
vertical temperature prole near the end of the thermal stratica- the lower layer remains cold. The magnitude of the maximum
tion phase (at time t = 2000 s) is shown. Both the experiment and velocity at this time is just 0.09 m/s. During the mixing phase at
simulation shows that the layer below the pipe outlet remains cold t = 2500 s, the ow circulation changes to counter-clockwise
(about 16 °C, same as initial) while in the upper layer thermal manner due to the dominant effect of the jet from the pipe outlet.
stratication develops. The jet directed downwards transports hot water to the bottom
H. Li et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 487–498 497

Fig. 17. MIX-06 test: EHS-EMS simulation snapshots of temperature proles in the pool with superimposed velocity elds at different times (a) t = 500 s, during early stage of
stratication phase, (b) t = 2000 s, during end of stratication, (c) t = 2500 s, during mixing phase, and (d) t = 3500 s, during re-stratication phase.

layer which is also observed in the experiment. The magnitude of relatively low mass ow rates. Pool mixing is observed when
the maximum velocity at this time is about 0.56 m/s. During the steam mass ow rates are increased. However, thermal stratica-
re-stratication phase at t = 3500 s, the ow circulation changes tion can re-develop later on, even at the same relatively high mass
to clockwise manner again due to weak momentum downward ow rates, which is due to the increasing pool temperature that
and high buoyancy force produced by heat uxes from the pipe. shifts the condensation regime from chugging to transition regime.
In MIX-05 and 06 tests, the threshold when re-stratication The previously proposed Effective Heat Source (EHS) and Effec-
occurs seems to be about 12 kgm/s2. This is consistent with the tive Momentum Source (EMS) models are implemented in GOTHIC
MIX-01 and 04 tests where the momentum rate is a bit higher than and validated against the experiments. We found an excellent
the threshold and the pool is completely mixed. It should be noted agreement between the experiment and simulation in terms of
that such threshold is specic to the facility, test conditions and averaged pool temperature and water level. More importantly,
respective momentum injected in the pool. In the estimation of the numerical simulations quantitatively capture the stratication
the frequency and amplitude of oscillations, we rely on the TC sig- and mixing phenomena in the pool, including re-development of
nal inside the pipe as mentioned above. The TC signal at the start of stratication. Furthermore, we also observed different ow pat-
the mixing stage can be divided into three phases: the rst phase is terns from the simulations which can result in either development
nearly harmonic, then followed by a saw-type signal with lower of thermal stratication or mixing.
frequency and amplitude of oscillation and nally almost no oscil- Further improvement of the EHS/EMS models in order to reduce
lation. In the current model, our estimation of the frequency and uncertainties in predictions is a subject of the future work. Speci-
amplitude assumes a harmonic signal and is applied on all phases. cally, the EHS/EMS models should be extended for other compo-
There is an underestimation of the momentum rate in the phase nents in the suppression pool, which can inuence the thermal
with the saw-type signal, hence the re-stratication occurred ear- behavior of the pool, i.e. spargers (see, for example Gallego-Marcos
lier. Further improvement is necessary. Nevertheless, the model et al., 2016), injection nozzles, sprays, and strainers.
still correctly represents the physics. The early stratication is cap-
tured where condensation happens inside the pipe and the effec- Acknowledgments
tive momentum due to the oscillation of the steam-water
interface is negligible. The mixing phase is also captured where The authors thank Ignacio Gallego-Marcos for fruitful discus-
the steam-water interface starts to oscillate at high frequency sions and the referees for their valuable comments and sugges-
and amplitude generating an effective momentum high enough tions. This work was performed within the RM3 project funded
to mix the pool. As the oscillation dies down while the steam mass by NORTHNET, Sweden, and the ENPOOL project funded by the
ow rate remains constant, the effective momentum decreases Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS). GOTHIC is developed and
which results in a re-stratication of the pool. maintained by the Numerical Applications Division of Zachry
Nuclear Engineering under EPRI sponsorship. The authors would
like to acknowledge NAI for providing access to the program for
6. Conclusions educational and research purposes.

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