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Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

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Experimental investigation of the effect of geometrical and operating

variables on condensation induced water hammer in horizontally
oriented pipes
Anu Dutta a, I. Thangamani a, *, P. Goyal a, V. Verma a, J. Chattopadhyay a, Seik Mansoor Ali b,
L. Raj b
Reactor Safety Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400085, India
Safety Research Institute, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Kalpakkam, India


Keywords: Condensation-Induced Water Hammer (CIWH) phenomenon involves dynamic pressure changes caused by rapid
Condensation condensation of steam in subcooled water. The magnitude of pressure spike is often large and can cause damage
Water hammer to the pipes and components in steam-water systems. Understanding the phenomena is vital for obtaining a safe
Horizontal pipe
and reliable design. This paper describes experimental investigations carried out in a specially designed facility
called Water and Steam Interaction Facility (WASIF-I), that offers control over water and steam flow rates, can
operate in co–, cross-, or counter-current flow mode and contains multiple injection locations. The occurrence of
CIWH in horizontally oriented pipes filled with saturated steam is studied for the case where subcooled water is
injected in cross-flow mode. The effect of geometrical and operating variables on the initiation of CIWH as well as
peak pressure are brought out in this experimental work. A correlation to predict the critical minimum feed water
flowrate necessary for triggering CIWH is developed based on multiple, nonlinear regression analysis of data
from around 150 experiments. A regime map is presented that can be used as a guideline to preclude occurrence
of CIWH.

systems of nuclear plants. The magnitude of pressure spike is often large

1. Introduction and the ensuing fluid–structure interaction can cause severe damage to
pipes and components. CIWH thus induces undesirable hydrodynamic
Condensation induced water hammer involves dynamic pressure and pressure loads that can challenge the structural integrity of safety
changes in a fluid under the influence of sudden and rapid condensation equipment and their operation.
of steam trapped in pockets surrounded by subcooled water. Conden­ Owing to safety implications of CIWH, it has been the focus of
sation of steam causes the surrounding water to accelerate towards the attention for the past several decades. Numerous theoretical and
center of the steam pocket and collide. The ensuing pressure rise pro­ experimental works have appeared in literature explaining the mecha­
gresses through water at the speed of sound in the medium. Direct nisms associated with CIWH, pressure oscillation characteristics, in­
Contact Condensation (DCC) of steam and water in pipes is a common tensity and location of occurrence in a particular system. The effect of
phenomenon in many industries, that includes thermal power plants, pipe size, orientation, system pressure, subcooling, flow rate of water
chemical and process industries, nuclear power plants etc. In a nuclear etc. on the occurrence of CIWH has also been discussed. One of the
power plant, the actuation of emergency core cooling system following a earliest study was carried out by Bjorge (Bjorge), who investigated the
Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) causes injection of sub-cooled water initiating mechanism of steam bubble collapse-induced water hammer
from accumulator tanks into flowing or stagnant steam/steam water when subcooled water was supplied to saturated steam in a horizontal
mixture in the reactor inlet and outlet headers. Rapid energy transfer pipe connected to a steam header. CIWH was reported to occur when the
between steam and water causes violent condensation, leading to local crest wave appearing on the water surface due to Kelvin-Helmholtz
pressure oscillations. Similar condensation process also occurs in instability reached the top, completely blocking the entire cross sec­
sparger feed pipes of steam generators and residual heat removal tion of pipe. Steam entrapped in the cavity condenses rapidly, causing a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I. Thangamani).
Received 18 September 2023; Received in revised form 19 December 2023; Accepted 22 March 2024
Available online 29 March 2024
0029-5493/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Nomenclature ρ Density (kg/m3)

σ Surface tension coefficient (N/m)
A Area (m2) * Non-dimensional variable
D Diameter of test pipe (m)
g Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) Subscripts
h Heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K) c Condensation
hfg Latent heat of enthalpy (J/kg) cr Critical
L Length of test pipe (m) f Feed water
m˙ Mass flow rate (kg/s) p Pipe
P Pressure (N/m2) s Surface
T Temperature (K) sat Saturation
ΔT Degree of subcooling (K) stm Steam
V Velocity (m/s) sub Sub cooling

sudden reduction in pressure that eventually leads to collision of water reservoir is injected by gravity into a horizontal pipe containing steam
slugs. More detailed fundamental studies were carried out later by were reported by Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2017). In these experiments
Bjorge and Griffith (Bjorge and Griffith, 1984). Critical flow rates at although the water flow rate was not controlled, the flow of steam to the
which CIWH occurred were determined by varying the water tempera­ test pipe was controlled using a valve. The characteristic of entrapped
ture. One of the findings of this study was that CIWH continued to occur bubbles during periodic CIWH in horizontal pipes was investigated
as long as the water and steam continued to flow into the test section. A through experiments by Chong et al. (Chong et al., 2020). They also
mathematical model for studying CIWH in horizontal pipes was also developed a theoretical correlation for calculating the intensity of
developed by these authors. The stability criteria of Taitel and Dukler pressure oscillation. Chong et al. (Chong et al., 2019; Chong et al., 2021)
(Taitel and Dukler, 1976) was applied to identify the location where the extended the work of Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2017) and obtained a
water slug would form. The formation of water slug that isolates the CIWH regime map based on experiments. The map demarcates the re­
steam cavity was identified as a criterion for CIWH initiation. Chou and gion of periodic, non-periodic and no-CIWH under different water sub­
Griffith (Chou and Griffith, 1990) performed experiments on vertical as cooling temperatures and steam flow rates. The condensation patterns
well as horizontal pipes and obtained the lower limit of water flow rate were classified into steam chugging, hemispherical and encapsulating
for occurrence of CIWH based on surge wave height analysis. Experi­ bubble oscillation. In the experiments reported by Datta et al. (Datta
ments conducted by Lobo (Lobo and Griffith, 1994) indicated that when et al., 2021) a horizontal test pipe section connected to steam tank on
cold water is injected from bottom into an inclined pipe filled with one end and water tank at the other end was used. Subcooled water at
steam, the likelihood of occurrence of CIWH was low. Experiments high pressure was injected into steam-filled test pipe. Initial steam
conducted by Prasser et al. (Prasser et al., 2008) showed that when cold pressure in the pipe was 2 and 3 bar(g). The differential pressure be­
water is fed into a horizontal pipe filled with steam, a critical pressure tween steam and water was varied from 1 to 3 bar(g). Distinct pressure
exists above which pressure surges did not occur. Experimental and peaks were observed only for cases involving higher differential pres­
analytical studies on CIWH in a horizontal pipe with steam and water sures. More recently, experimental and CFD studies on CIWH in a hor­
flow in countercurrent direction were reported by Chun and Yu (Chun izontal pipe of length 3 m and inner diameter of 64 mm has been
and Yu, 2000). An analytical model was developed to determine the reported by Blinkov et al. (Blinkov et al., 2022) with the objective to
upper and lower bounds of water flow rate for sustaining CIWH in the expand the database of CIWH experimental data. The novel features of
pipe. The effect of key parameters on CIWH was elucidated. Barna et al. their test setup includes the use of a damper cap to stabilize the flow of
(Barna et al., 2010; Barna and Ezsol, 2011; Barna et al., 2015) showed subcooled water at inlet and a discharge vessel with a closed drainage at
the possibility of occurrence of several CIWH pressure pulses through the other end. The main experimental variables were steam pressure,
experiments and numerical simulation using WAHA3 computer code. inlet water temperature and flow rate. Based on 36 experiments, a
They found that an increase in pipe diameter resulted in increase in regime map with Froude number and water subcooling as the key pa­
upper and lower limits of water flow rate necessary to cause CIWH. rameters was prepared to identify the boundaries for occurrence of
Insights into the stochastic nature of CIWH has been provided by Urban CIWH. Experimental and analytical studies on occurrence of flashing
and Schluter (Urban and Schluter, 2014) based on extensive experi­ instability induced CIWH has also been reported in natural circulation
mental work. The full blockage of test pipe by crest wave formed by loops by Hou et al. (Hou et al., 2016; Hou et al., 2017). Characteristics of
development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of water surface was found CIWH in natural circulation systems have been investigated experi­
to be very sensitive to geometrical and process parameters, and is cited mentally by Sun et al. (Sun et al., 2020, 2021).
as the prime reason for the stochastic nature of the phenomena. Around Apart from the extensive experimental work, several analytical and
185 experiments were conducted in a test facility with a slightly inclined numerical studies have also been reported over the years. Notable
(~1.4◦ ) steam-filled horizontal pipe of length 2.5 m and inner diameter among these are the studies by Barna et al. (Barna et al., 2010; Barna and
of 51.3 mm. The probability of occurrence of CIWH, peak pressures and Ezsol, 2011; Barna et al., 2015) using WAHA3 code. The effect of pipe
location of nucleation points of steam implosion were identified. A cri­ diameter on the upper and lower limit of water flow rate required to
terion, based on flow rate (Froude No.) and subcooling level of injected cause CIWH was brought out. Sanja et al. (Sanja et al., 2014) applied the
water, was defined for identifying possible conditions for occurrence homogeneous equilibrium model to simulate the pressure surge process
and exclusion of CIWH. Selivanov et al. (Selivanov et al.) conducted in vertical pipe. Computer code RELAP5 has also been used by Hou et al.
experiments wherein cold water was supplied from a tank into a hori­ (Hou et al., 2017) and a few other authors for capturing CIWH phe­
zontal pipe containing saturated steam under gravity pressure head. nomenon in pipe configuration. One such study was by Datta et al.
With decrease in water level in the tank, the flow rate of injected water (Datta et al., 2016) who brought out the influence of initial pressure
also reduced due to decrease in gravity head. This scenario is similar to differential between steam and injected water and the water tempera­
the one expected when emergency core cooling system operates in a ture on CIWH in horizontal pipes.
nuclear plant. Similar experiments in which water from an overhead Based on the above literature review it is evident that extensive

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to understand steam and feed water supply system (c) compressed air system (d)
the various aspects of CIWH in different types of configurations. The instrumentation, control and data acquisition system. A photograph of
experimental facility described in this paper differs from those already the facility is shown Fig. 1.
reported in literature in a few ways. Firstly, the horizontal pipe is con­ The test section, where the physical phenomenon of CIWH is initi­
nected to headers at either end and secondly, it can be used to conduct ated and investigated, is a seamless SS304L pipe of length 2.5 m. It is
experiments in co–, counter- or cross current flow mode, with control connected to two vertically oriented headers, one at each end. The
over water and steam flow rates. Further, water can be injected into arrangement is such that one of the headers (H-1) can receive steam
stagnant steam in the pipe or vice versa. The present experimental from the steam supply system as well as feed water from the water
configuration is arrived at based on flow conditions expected to be supply system. The other one (H-2) can receive only feed water. H-1 is
encountered in a typical PHWR during actuation of emergency core supported on a rigid column, while H-2 is supported on a flexible column
cooling system following a LOCA. When sub-cooled water is injected to accommodate vibrations caused by reaction forces during CIWH in
into steam or in the steam-water mixture present in the reactor headers, the axial direction.
flow conditions in the headers, coolant channels and feeder pipes can Apart from supplying steam or water to the test pipe and supporting
have any of the above flow modes depending on the break location. it, the headers also prevent propagation of pressure wave beyond the test
These features together with the extensive instrumentation provided region. Test pipe diameters of 40, 65 and 80 mm nominal bore can be
make this facility versatile in many aspects. The present set of experi­ accommodated between the two headers. A schematic diagram of the
ments focus on investigating CIWH when subcooled water is injected in facility is shown in Fig. 2. The test pipe is provided with thermocouples,
cross-flow mode into saturated steam that is initially boxed up within pressure transducers (piezoelectric and strain based), strain gauges and
the test pipe. At the outset, salient features of the experimental facility, accelerometer to measure temperature, pressure, strain and vibrations
instrumentation system, test matrix and experimental procedure are during experiments. Static pressure at various points within the facility
described. This is followed by a description of experimental conditions is measured using strain-based pressure transducers (7 Nos.), which
and systematic analysis of results. The effect of test pipe diameter, initial possess an accuracy of ± 0.5 % of their full-scale output. Whereas, five
boxed-up steam pressure, feed water temperature and water injection high-speed Kistler make piezoelectric pressure sensors are provided to
velocity on the initiation of CIWH as well as peak pressure is brought capture the fast-transients during CIWH events. These sensors, namely
out. Finally, based on rigorous multiple, nonlinear regression analysis of Ptrf-105, Ptrf-107, Ptrf-109, Ptrf-111 and Ptrf-113 (Fig. 2), have a
experimental data from around 150 experiments, a correlation in non- sampling rate of 10,000 Hz and a response time of 5 µs. The linearity of
dimensional form is developed in terms of geometrical and operating fast pressure sensors is within ± 1.0 % of full scale output. The fluid
variables to predict the critical minimum feed water flowrate necessary temperature is measured using five K-type, mineral-insulated, SS
for triggering CIWH in horizontal pipes. sheathed thermocouples of 1 mm outer diameter with accuracy of ±
1.5 ◦ C. Both headers are equipped with pressure gauges and differential
2. Experimental setup pressure transmitters to measure the water level.
The steam supply system consists of a steam boiler, steam accumu­
The Water and Steam Interaction Facility (Phase-I) (WASIF-I) has lator, associated piping and instrumentation systems for control and
been setup by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) at the Safety measurement of various boiler parameters. The steam boiler delivers
Research Institute (SRI), Kalpakkam for conducting comprehensive saturated steam at a maximum pressure of 10.5 bar (abs) and maximum
studies on various aspect of CIWH phenomenon. The facility is equipped flow rate of 400 kg/hr. Steam from the accumulator is fed through a
with instrumentation system for measurement and control of various pressure reducing kit to the header H-1 and from there to the test pipe. A
parameters. The main components of this facility are; (a) test pipe (b) vortex flowmeter with a transmitter having a range of 0–12000 LPM

Fig. 1. WASIF-I facility.

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the facility.

(Litres per Minute) is installed in the steam line approaching the test designed for recording data from high-speed sensors at a sampling rate
pipe to measure the steam flow rate. The accuracy of vortex flowmeter is of 200 kHz. The fast datalogger also features online graphic visualization
± 1.0 % of the full scale range. However, in the present set of experi­ capabilities for sensor data.
ments described in this paper, sub-cooled water is injected into stagnant
steam (boxed up in the test pipe) in nearly saturated conditions at 3. Experimental procedure
various pressures. Therefore, measurement of steam flow rate was not
required. The primary focus was on measuring flow rate of subcooled The experiment is commenced by first filling the feed water tank up
water and pressure and temperature of steam in the test pipe prior to and to desired level (~65 %). Compressed air from the receiver is fed to the
during the experiments. tank and acts on the free surface to pressurize the water to desired value.
The feed water system consists of a tank that is partially filled (2/3rd The band heaters are then put on to raise the water temperature and
of its height). The free surface of the tank can be pressurized up to 7 bar obtain required subcooling temperature. Simultaneously, the steam
(g) using compressed air (provided by compressed air supply system). boiler is also started as per the specified operating procedure and steam
This system consists of an air compressor, reservoir, connecting pipes parameters are brought to rated conditions. Pressure reducing valve is
and fittings. Air from the reservoir is used for pressurizing water in feed adjusted to supply steam at the desired pressure and temperature con­
water tank as well as for the operation of pneumatic control valves ditions. To facilitate degassing of the system, all drain and vent valves
through a separate instrument air header. Three band-type heaters each are kept open initially and steam is introduced to displace the air and
of 5 kW capacity are wrapped around the water tank for heating the warm up the test section and headers. When most of the air is displaced,
water. They are placed at different elevations to minimize stratification. the drain valves are closed. The vent valves are kept open for an addi­
The tank supplies subcooled water at desired temperature to test pipe tional 5 min to ensure complete purging of any remaining air from the
section. Thermocouples are provided at different elevations of feed system. The vent valves are then gradually closed until only a faint
water tank to monitor water temperature. Once the desired temperature stream of steam leaving the test section remains visible. The system is
is achieved, heaters get switched off in auto mode by temperature then boxed up with steam at the desired pressure.
indicating controller. The flow rate of water is controlled by control The experimental procedure then began by injecting subcooled
valve. A magnetic rotameter with a flow transmitter having a range of water into the test pipe section radially (crossflow mode) through the
1–300 LPM (Litres per Minute) is installed in the water line approaching injection nozzle at a given flow rate and temperature. This was done by
the test pipe to measure the flow rate of injected feed water. The accu­ operating the inlet valve manually. It was seen that prior to water in­
racy of flowmeter is ± 0.5 % of full scale range. Additionally, real-time jection, excessive steam condensation can occur in the test pipe and
water level measurements are provided by a Differential Pressure-based headers, leading to pressure reduction. In such cases, the condensate is
Level Transmitter installed in the feedwater tank, with an accuracy of ± drained by intermittently opening the drain valves. This is followed by
0.1 % of full scale range from 0 to 1300 mm. The level data from the opening of main-steam valve to fill the test pipe and bringing the con­
transmitter has been utilized indirectly for the assessment of the injec­ ditions back to desired level. During the water injection process, system
tion feedwater flow rate. As the experimental study primarily focuses on parameters such as pressure, temperature and flow rates are recorded.
water flow rates, the flow measurement data obtained using the flow­ Any CIWH event that occurred during the experiment was detected by
meter has been subjected to thorough cross-verification with variations the readings obtained from fast pressure transducers placed along the
in the water tank level to minimize errors. test section. All key parameters are recorded and displayed on the screen
A dedicated Data Acquisition System (DAS) comprising of two data of the control panel. Finally, the drain valves are opened remotely from
loggers records the experimental data. One of them is a 130-channel 10 the control panel to remove condensate from the system. To ensure the
Hz Yokogawa make datalogger used to acquire experimental data from reliability of the results, the specific experiments that capture CIWH
normal sensors. The other is an 8-channel DEWE make datalogger were repeated at least three times. Although the onset of CIWH was

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

successfully reproduced in most of the cases, the magnitude and location injected water is varied by maintaining the valve opening area at 10 %,
of peak pressure differed each time and was not replicated consistently. 11 %, 12 % and 13 %. The corresponding mass flowrates for these valve
This was expected to a certain extent owing to the stochastic nature of openings are 281, 313, 335, and 392 kg/hr, respectively. Fig. 3 illus­
the CIWH phenomenon. trates the typical patterns of pressure fluctuations observed during
The critical minimum inlet water flow rate necessary to initiate different stages of water injection process. When the flow rate is low,
CIWH in the test pipe for given initial steam pressure, pipe diameter and subcooled water introduced radially into the test pipe gradually fills it. A
feed water temperature was determined as follows: Feed water was stratified layer tends to form, where the lower portion of the pipe is
injected into steam by keeping the valve opening area at around 10 %. occupied by water and the space above it remained filled with steam.
The system was observed for several minutes to determine if a CIWH The injected water initially compresses the steam space as indicated by
would occur. If none occurred, the water flow rate was gradually the flat pressure profile shown in Fig. 3(a). As the flow rate increased
increased by increasing the valve opening area in steps of 1 %. The slightly, the local velocity of the steam-phase also increases. When the
primary objective of the study is to identify the critical flowrate, velocity difference between the two phases became significant, surface
responsive to minute changes in flow rate resulting from the transition of waves started to form. The amplitude of the waves is determined by the
flow patterns. As mentioned earlier, the magnetic rotameter has a range relative velocity of the two phases. The wavy nature of the interface and
of 1–300 LPM with an accuracy of ± 0.5 % of full scale range i.e. ± 1.5 corresponding pressure profile is depicted in Fig. 3(b). Further increase
LPM. It may be noted that increase in valve opening by 1 % leads to an in feed water flow rate leads to further increase in the amplitude of the
average flow rate increase of around 10 %. Therefore, the increase in waves, resulting in transition to plug flow regime. A steep phase
valve opening is meaningful considering the sensor error. It is under­ boundary is formed due to bridging near the water injection point.
stood that measuring flowrates at low opening areas requires a mass Subcooled water then flows beneath the steam layer and steam starts to
flowmeter with a smaller range for lower error and more accurate condense on the water surface. The elongated wavy nature and pressure
measurements. However, this necessitates several mass flowmeters to profile indicating the presence of plug flow inside the pipe is shown in
cover the scattered range of flows. The current setup employs a single Fig. 3(c).
flowmeter that covers a wide range of flows, but it introduces maximum With a further increase in the water flow rate, the amplitude of
error when the flow is minimal. To address this limitation, real-time surface waves becomes even larger. Steam is accelerated towards the
water level measurement using a differential pressure-based level interface due to suction created by the condensation on the interface.
transmitter (installed in feed water tank) is also used to calculate mass This induces continued flow of fresh steam towards the interface to
flow rate. The accuracy of differential pressure-based level transmitter is replenish the lost steam. If the condensation rate is high, then induced
± 0.1 % of full scale i.e. 0 to 1300 mm. Mass flowrate measurement steam velocity will draw up water waves due to Bernoulli effect and seal
using level transmitter gives ± 9 % error when the valve is opened at 10 the pipe. The water slugs will isolate the steam portion and a steam
% and as the valve opening increases, the error reduces to ± 5 %. pocket is formed as shown in Fig. 3(d). The enclosed steam will continue
The conditions at which CIWH occurred were obtained based on the to condense on the available interface area as long as the vapor pressure
pressure profile data from high-speed piezoelectric pressure sensors is higher than the saturated vapor pressure of water at the interface
installed at various locations along the test section. temperature. This will create a local low-pressure region. Due to ensuing
pressure differential, the water slugs will accelerate towards the center
4. Results and discussion of the low pressure region. The inertia forces of the accelerated slugs will
cause any remaining steam to get compressed and collapse rapidly. The
The main objective of this experimental program was to generate collision of slugs causes propagation of pressure a pulse into the sur­
data to understand the mechanisms responsible for initiation of CIWH in rounding water at the speed of sound. It is clear that CIWH is mainly
a horizontal pipe containing stagnant saturated steam when subcooled controlled by the condensation rate at the phase boundary. Analyzing
water is injected radially into the pipe. A series of experiments totaling the phenomena further, the condensation rate is given as follows:
around 150 were conducted under varying initial and boundary condi­
hAs ΔTsub
tions. These include experiments in which CIWH was not observed. The ṁc = (1)
test pipe diameter, initial steam pressure, initial feed water temperature
and feed water injection rate were varied systematically in these ex­
Where, h is condensation heat transfer coefficient, As is interfacial area
periments. The effect of feed water inlet velocity and water temperature
available for condensation, ΔTsub is degree of subcooling and hfg is latent
on CIWH peak pressure were also obtained based on parametric studies.
heat. Eq. (1) is dependent on the heat transfer coefficient, interface area,
The range of parameters considered for experiments is given in Table 1.
and degree of subcooling. Besides, the heat transfer coefficient is sus­
The test pipe diameters were chosen to represent the diameter of feeder
ceptible to variations influenced by factors such as liquid velocity and
pipes in Indian Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). To ensure
hydraulic diameter. However, in this specific scenario, where the water
the occurrence of CIWH events, the length of the test section was chosen
velocity experiences minimal changes for a given inlet diameter, the
so as to maintain an L/D ratio greater than 30 for test pipes of all di­
heat transfer coefficient remains relatively constant. Hence, it can be
ameters (i.e., 40 mm, 65 mm and 80 mm), aligning with recommenda­
inferred that the size of the interfacial area predominantly governs the
tions from referred literatures for occurrence of CIWH (L/D > 24). The
initiation of CIWH and the associated pressure pulse, highlighting the
L/D ratios are maintained in range of 33 to 63 in the present work.
intricate interdependence of these parameters in the dynamics of the
At the outset, the basic processes occurring within the test pipe is
phenomenon. Therefore, under constant steam pressure and subcooling
explained based on one set of experimental data. For illustration pur­
temperature, it becomes apparent that the magnitude of the interfacial
pose, experiments with test pipe size of 40 mm, initial steam pressure of
area dictates both the occurrence of CIWH and the magnitude of the
4 bar(g) and feed water temperature of 30 ◦ C is chosen. The flow rate of
pressure pulse.
To gain further insights into this complex phenomenon, the influence
Table 1 of various parameters that trigger CIWH were studied by conducting a
Range of system parameters considered for experiments. sequence of experiments by systematically altering key process and
System Parameters Values
geometrical parameters. The findings are discussed in subsequent
Test pipe diameter (mm) 40, 65, 80
Steam pressure [bar(g)] 1, 2, 3, 4
Feed water temperature (◦ C) 30, 40, 50, 60

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Fig. 3. Pressure profile indicating stratified to slug flow transition.

4.1. Effect of steam pressure 4.2. Effect of feed water temperature

In this section, we explore the effect of initial steam pressure on Four sets of experiments were conducted in the 40 mm test pipe with
initiation of CIWH in test pipe when feed water is injected. The pressure feed water temperatures at 30, 40, 50, and 60 ◦ C, while keeping initial
in the pipe is varied from 1 to 4 bar (g) in steps of 1 bar (g). Feed water steam pressure in the test pipe as 1 bar (g). For each feed water tem­
temperature is maintained at 30 ◦ C. perature case, the flowrate was varied until CIWH was achieved in the
Fig. 4 presents the critical flow rate of water necessary to trigger test pipe. These experiments were repeated with test pipe diameters of
CIWH within test pipes of diameters 40 mm, 65 mm, and 80 mm. For a 65 and 80 mm NB. From Fig. 5 it is clear that the critical flowrate for the
given pipe diameter and feed water temperature, the critical flow rate occurrence of CIWH increases as the feed water temperature rises.
required to initiate CIWH decreases as the steam pressure increases. This This observation can be attributed to the reduction in the degree of
behavior can be attributed to the fact that the saturation temperature of subcooling, which subsequently decreases the rate of condensation. This
steam is higher at higher pressure. This in turn ensures a greater degree shows that when subcooling is low, a higher flow rate is required for
of subcooling as the injected water temperature remains constant at stratified to slug transition that can initiate CIWH event. It is also seen at
30 ◦ C. Further, when the initial steam pressure is higher, the latent heat a given feed water temperature the critical feed water flow rate reduces
of vaporization is lower. From eq. (1) it is evident that both these factors with increase in L/D ratio.
aid faster condensation of steam on the interface. It is also seen that at a The impact of feed water temperature on the peak pressure of CIWH
given steam pressure the critical feed water flow rate reduces with in­ was also investigated in the 40 mm NB test pipe. The temperature was
crease in L/D ratio. varied from 30 ◦ C to 50 ◦ C in increments of 10 ◦ C, while maintaining
other parameters such as water injection velocity and initial steam
pressure in test pipe as constants. Fig. 6 shows the pressure profile when
initial steam pressure and water flowrate were 1 bar(g) and 3.5 kg/s
It was found that as the feed water temperature increased, the
amplitude of the peak pressure decreased. The observed trend can be
attributed to the decrease in subcooling with increase in feed water
temperature. A lower degree of subcooling leads to a reduced conden­
sation rate. When condensation rates are lower, the transition from
steam to liquid water occurs more gradually. This slower condensation
process results in the generation of smaller water slugs, which, in turn,
displace a reduced volume of steam during the condensation phase.
Consequently, a lower condensation rate leads to the formation of
smaller water slugs due to the decelerated conversion of steam to liquid
water. This, in sequence, contributes to a diminished displacement of
steam and consequently lowers the peak pressures observed during the
water hammer event.

4.3. Effect of pipe diameter

Experiments were conducted using test pipes of diameter 40 mm, 65

mm, and 80 mm. The pressure in the pipes was varied from 1 to 4 bar (g)
in steps of 1 bar(g). Feed water temperature was maintained at 30 ◦ C. In
Fig. 4. Effect of initial steam pressure on the critical feed flowrate for onset each experiment, the test section was initially filled with steam and
of CIWH. subsequently feed water was injected. The flow rate of the feed water

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Fig. 5. Effect of feed water temperature on the critical flowrate for onset of CIWH.

was gradually increased until CIWH was detected by one of the pressure for each inlet velocity condition. While the initiation of the CIWH event
transducers in the pipe. The critical flow rate at which CIWH occurred demonstrated consistent reproducibility, the peak CIWH pressure dis­
was recorded for each experiment. Experiments were repeated 3 times played variability across experiments. Mean values of peak pressure
for each test pipe. Fig. 7 illustrates the relationship between pipe amplitude were determined for inlet feed water velocity conditions of 1
diameter and the critical flow rate. It is evident that the critical flow rate m/s, 2 m/s, 3 m/s, and 4 m/s, resulting in values of 4.175 bar, 5.575 bar,
increases with increase in pipe diameter. This observation suggests that 6.7625 bar, and 9.775 bar, respectively. The associated variations,
larger pipe diameters require higher flow rates to initiate CIWH. The expressed as standard deviation, ranged from 47 % to 80 % around the
reason behind this relationship lies in the increased space available for mean value. This variability can be attributed to uncertainties associated
condensate accumulation before transitioning from the stratified to the with maintaining precise control over experimental conditions,
slug flow regime. The larger diameter provides a higher condensate including the manual operation of the feed water injection valve, po­
hold-up volume within the pipe, thereby prolonging the time required tential variation in the initial quality of steam and feed water temper­
for significant disturbances in the condensate layer to develop and ature, and may also be due to the inherently stochastic nature of the
trigger CIWH. phenomenon itself.

4.4. Effect of feed water inlet velocity 5. Correlation for predicting onset of CIWH

The influence of feed water inlet velocity on peak CIWH pressure was The experiments reveal the dependence of CIWH phenomenon on
investigated in the 40 mm NB test pipe. The temperature of injected several geometrical and operating variables. It is therefore impractical
water was maintained at 30 ◦ C and its flow rate was varied to obtain four to rely only on experimentation for design of pipelines to preclude the
different inlet velocities. The initial pressure of steam in the test pipe occurrence of CIWH. Based on experimental data generated in the pre­
was maintained at 2 bar (g). The effect of feed water velocity on CIWH sent program, a correlation is developed to estimate the critical feed
pressure is shown in Fig. 8. The peak pressure is found to increase with water flowrate necessary to trigger CIWH in a horizontal pipe filled with
increase in velocity. It is also observed that the time of occurrence of steam.
CIWH is earlier for higher feed water velocity. When the liquid velocity In formulating the correlation, emphasis is placed on incorporating
is higher, the water droplets generated during condensation process pipe geometrical data and relevant operating/measurable parameters,
have greater momentum. The resulting impact force caused by collision including steam and feed temperature. Two dimensionless numbers, the
with pipe walls leads to amplified pressure surges. Moreover, the fluid Froude number (Fr) and Bond number (Bo), denoted as (m*f ) and (D*),
velocity influences the rate of condensation due to the higher heat respectively, are integrated into the proposed empirical correlation to
transfer coefficient associated with increased velocity. This, in turn, assess the critical flow rate for the onset of CIWH. The Froude number,
accelerates the condensation process, resulting in a more significant representing the ratio of fluid velocity (V) to the square root of the
release of latent heat and contributing to an overall rise in pressure. product of gravity (g) and characteristic flow depth i.e. pipe diameter
In the current set of experiments, the initiation of the CIWH event (D), plays a crucial role in the CIWH correlation. Traditionally used in
was successfully reproduced, but there was inconsistency in replicating open channel flow analysis, the Froude number contributes significantly
the peak CIWH pressure, leading to varying amplitudes observed in each to understanding the flow regime dynamics, especially concerning water
experiment. To assess repeatability, four experiments were conducted condensation and liquid slug formation in steam pipes during CIWH

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Fig. 6. Effect of feed water temperature on CIWH peak pressure.

events. The Bond number, denoted as (D*), also plays a vital role in the ṁ*f =
√̅̅̅̅ ; D* = D gσρf ;.T* = Tf
empirical correlation. It provides insights into gravitational and surface ρf .Ap gD f

tension forces acting on the liquid slug during CIWH events, influencing The variable “Ap ” in the denominator of the ṁ*f ratio denotes the
slug behavior and contributing to the overall CIWH phenomenon dy­ cross-sectional area of the test pipe section.
namics. The correlation accounts for the influence of various parameters This correlation is applicable to subcooled water injection into a
such as pipe diameter (D), steam pressure (Pstm), feedwater inlet tem­ horizontal pipe filled with saturated steam. It has been obtained based
perature (Tf), and the length-to-diameter ratio of the pipe (L/D), either on experimental data generated in pipes having L/D ratio in the range of
explicitly or implicitly. This correlation offers a method to predict the 33 to 63, with initial steam pressure and feed water temperature ranging
critical feedwater flow rate triggering CIWH without extensive experi­ from 1 to 4 bar (g) and 30–60 ◦ C respectively. This correlation enables
mentation. Based on rigorous multiple nonlinear regression of the the anticipation of the onset of CIWH with a predictive accuracy within a
experimental data, the following correlation in non-dimensional form is ± 15 % deviation from experimental results. The correlation’s uncer­
proposed for estimating the critical feedwater flow rate: tainty, established through multiple nonlinear regression, adheres to the
standard procedure for evaluating the coefficient of determination and
ṁ*f = 0.1328 (T * )9.674 (D* )1.249 (2)
the standard error of the correlation coefficient. A non-dimensional
regime map is provided in Fig. 9 that has been derived from the corre­
ṁ*f ,D* and T * are the dimensionless forms of critical feed water flow rate lation given by eq. (2). This map demarcates the zone of occurrence or
(Froude No.), diameter (Bond No.) and feed water temperature respec­ non-occurrence of CIWH for different L/D ratios. The limiting minimum
tively and can be expressed as follows (Chun and Yu, 2000): critical mass flow rate can be directly obtained from these plots.

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Fig. 7. Effect of pipe diameter on the critical flowrate for onset of CIWH.

Previous research has established an upper limit, commonly referred to injected radially into it. The effect of pipe diameter, initial boxed-up
as the maximum critical flow rate, beyond which CIWH is unlikely to steam pressure, feed water temperature and water injection velocity
occur (Chun and Yu, 2000). This limit is typically associated with a on the initiation of CIWH as well as peak pressure are brought out. The
Froude number of 1. However, in the current experimental study, CIWH main observations from the experiments are summarized as follows:
events were observed at Froude numbers significantly higher than 1,
within the experimental range of subcooling as shown in the Table 2. (a) Steam pressure and feed water temperature are found to have a
This finding is consistent with similar observations reported by Urban significant impact on the critical flow rate. At a given steam
et al. (Urban and Schluter, 2014); who emphasized the crucial role pressure the critical feed water flow rate increases with reduction
played by degree of subcooling and the Froude number in determining in L/D ratio. The increase is more significant at lower initial
the maximum flow rate at which CIWH cannot occur. steam pressure. For a given pipe diameter and feed water tem­
perature, the critical flow rate required to initiate CIWH de­
6. Conclusion creases as the steam pressure increases.
(b) The magnitude of the instantaneous pressure spike reduces with
Extensive experiments are conducted on CIWH phenomenon in a increase in feed water temperature and increases with increase in
horizontal pipe filled with saturated steam when subcooled water is inlet velocity.

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Fig. 8. Effect of feed water inlet velocity on CIWH peak pressure.

(c) The diameter of the pipe also played a role in determining the in horizontal pipes. The regime map is developed based on the
critical flow rate. Larger pipe diameters required higher flow correlation that demarcates the CIWH and non-CIWH zones.
rates for CIWH initiation.
(d) The initiation of CIWH event could be reproduced successfully. CRediT authorship contribution statement
However, the amplitude of peak CIWH pressure varied with each
experiment. This variability can be attributed uncertainties in Anu Dutta: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Writing
experimental conditions and also due to stochastic nature of the – original draft. I. Thangamani: Data curation, Investigation, Method­
phenomena itself. ology. P. Goyal: Formal analysis, Validation, Visualization. V. Verma:
(e) Only the lower limit of critical mass flow rate could be identified. Writing – review & editing. J. Chattopadhyay: Supervision, Writing –
The upper limit could not be identified due to limitations in the review & editing. Seik Mansoor Ali: Resources, Visualization, Writing –
experimental setup. review & editing. L. Raj: Investigation, Validation.
(f) Based on a rigorous multiple nonlinear regression analysis of
experimental data, a correlation is developed in non-dimensional
form, in terms of geometrical and operating variables to predict Declaration of competing interest
the minimum feed water flowrate necessary for triggering CIWH
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

A. Dutta et al. Nuclear Engineering and Design 423 (2024) 113164

Fig. 9. Non-dimensional regime map for onset of CIWH based on experimental data.

Table 2
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