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Looksmaxing: The Ultimate Guide for Men \Whae's the optimal way for a guy to present himsel?? ‘Shagay with some seruf? Clean ° ‘Some combination ofthe two? Are the ladies aetwally going to like this muller? see how trends are Regardless of what path you choose for grooming and deo way todo i, The same goes for behaviors and habits What Is Looksmaxing? Yyourslf, there is an optimal Uap Play co your strengths, work with what you've got, and cover all your bases—these are the principles of Tooksmaxing,’ a relatively newly-coined term for optimizing your physical appearance and leveling up your life through various grooming, styling, and sel. Improvement techniques ‘hae does that mean in practice, though? There are countless blogs, videos, and magazines aiming o help you look your best, but figuring our where to start i the hard part. Follow this guide, and you'l be looking (and being) your best in no time at al The Definitive Looksmaxing Blueprint While looksmaxing may seem trendy and of the moment, none ofthis is new. As men, ‘we've never been held tothe standards thae women have (thank god), but we are constantly hit with ads telling us what to do to become the best we can be—and I'm not talking about ads from the Marines, use yesterday, I saw back-to-back ads for new cologne from Chanel and Prada, one with a smoldering Timothée Chalamet and another with Jake Gyllenhall manning a sailboat all by himself. Talk about ough competition. Looksmaxting doesn't have to be about competition, 1's about taking care of yourself. 1's about living up to your potential 1 those aren't things to aspire to, "m not sure what are. Enough tak, let's get to the action. Stage 1: Perform a Thorough Wardrobe Audit tara wal ye QQ cao oe ion @ i ‘Your wardrobe is by far the easiest thing ro change; how you dress fs 100% your choice! ‘You may not beable to change your skin type or whar kind of hair you have, but you can choose what tes you seach for each morning (Out With the Old (Make Space for The New) Iota oe ine A tao ee die ° a Take a hard look at your underwear drawer. Ifyou see squigaly waistband that look like crispy bacon or even the tiniest hole, trav it out, ‘We're all for fixing your clothes and making them last, but with underwear, just leit go. Do the same with your socks "Next, check for things you just never wear. We all have that tee we never wear that just sits inthe back corner ofthe dresser, Consider donating it—there's probably someone out there who could use i bo wherein eu, pec yo et orm kin fo aro ine oe theo Invest in Quality Pieces ees = se] Instagram ale all Q cag eld @ sus If you're worried about price, think ofthis mantra: spend more, buy less ‘Whar seems like @ pretty penny will be nothing compared to what you spend on crappy, botcom-dollar apparel. These days, cher are hundreds of brands offering high-quality picces at a reasonable pric, For example, this Robere Barakew sweater jacket not only looks excellent, but will last a lifetime. Throw it on over a button-down for your next holiday party, or rock it under your winter coat for a refined, outdoors look Robert Barakett Elko Sweater Jacket Coabies he beste beth wes asut eeu Stats ash orig and hxuous el for day enor Elevate Your Basics ‘You may not want to drop hundreds (or thousands) on a whole new wardrobe, Dut i's easy to pick outa few pieses to focus your wardrobe on. We love a simple tee, hoodie, and pair at jogeen Robert Barakett The Barakett Tee eons gt ore conta a Thi, a it doen ge bee than ‘he Berke Tee! Ao ra the Georgi Cee, oa sgna hee ade with Rober Bash encuve USA Bia Coton wes Sot Water ishing to eete the inate ia como. You can start just about any oui with one of those three items, and they'l definicely keep you looking fresh and refined. f Robert Baraket isnt your jam, we also love Buck Mason, or Tau Classic for basics, ‘There are certainly places to skimp on cash, but buying basics isn't one of them. Think about it—you!l be wearing them every day. ‘Stage 2: Fix Your Bad Habits a cao o is Unfortunately, you cant throw money at this problem. It could help, sure, but a stocked wardrobe cant eliminate those bags under your eyes Fix your bad habits, hough, and youll stare to see afresh, brighteyed, handsome man in the mirror. Focus on Sleep Hygiene If you're not feeling at your best, your sleep routine is the first thing you should audit. 0 Instagram ale ial yas Q cao eels o sini Sorry, but scrolling TkTok ‘tl you drop ists looksmaxing. Even i yostte scrolling through the myriad of videos dedicated tothe subject. Put your phone away, tm off the TV, and leave your laptop in che other room. Ie may seem like torture at frst, but there was atime in your life when you went to sleep without a deviee, you can get there again If you muse have a device in your room, check out Lofies smart alarm clock, which, along ‘with its alarm functions, comes preloaded with white noise and nature sounds. Loftie Smart Alarm Clock vorime ‘ransom sour seep tine en indlge oa pooled bene ial wits afte ena arn dock ad aight igh. joy trenton sound bts, and muided meditation, among other modes ad fare, promote nade anda god ht sep. Kick Bad Behaviors ‘We all have bad habits, whether it's coffe late in the day, that extra nightcap, staring at the social media app du jour, or even just working toe late. Regardless of the excuse you use, youre probably doing something that is more a ‘etriment chan an improvement Stop it. Drink Enough Water Fos] sr © It eal Q cao © = EIGHT GLASSES PER DAY. Beer doesn’t count (Ok, 30 efght glasses per day may be abit of a generalization, but drinking copious amounts cof water is actually good for you and most of us simply aren doing i. you even go near the gym, you shouldbe imbibing mote than eight elasoes end for those of us working out consistently, ou may be looking at a recommended consumpeion of almost cree liters. Get LARO boule and carry it around wherever you go, your body will zhank you. They're self-cleaning and BPA fee, plus the slek design looks more stylish than the sports bottles and gallon jugs you see people carrying around everywhere these days or atthe gym. LARQ Bottle Self-Cleaning, Insulated Stainless Steel Water e Bottle tine ‘alter ay eae! LARO fa caning bode ng water an ous the ater sracs ofthe vee arable in 1708 250 apy and is BPA nad paste et oro tara ue all ye a cao werner o sus You may think that skincare is for the ladies, bur have you ever sen American Peyho? That ‘guy spent hours on his skin each day. (Ok, ok, so Patrick Bateman is the best sole model, bur you can't deny that his skincare routine was on point In fact, you could say that his relentless pursuit of physical perfection and elaborate skincare rituals highligh the deep connection berween personal grooming and heightened productivity. 0, yknow, you could just note how damn good Bateman's skin Tooks in that movie. Further Reading a Howto Build the timate Fae Care Routine for Monin 2025. ‘im intr nc oa ela se gpl hie ic ine Choose Optimal Products for Your Skin Type. =I sonne @ Intra yl al Q gag 9 jus a Don't Know your skin type? Go toa dermatologist, They'l tell you everything you need eo know. Ifyou don’t want to schlep toa doctr, just consider how your skin looks and check online, or—even beter—take a diagnostic test with a skincare brand like Geolosigto determine Your skin ype, You can then adapt your routine specifically to yourself, optimizing your skins health Geologie Custom Skincare eT rages, re Tab cat ue Digit neve ad, wees ep wakes, Create a Personalized Routine (and Stick to It) yout looking for a routine, find a brand specializing in skincare. For men, there are a ton of options we lke, from Geologie to Jack Henry and beyond. (Crafting routine is crucial for achieving long-term results. Over-complicating the process with an abundance of products, oF worse, using ones that are ill-suited for your skin sype, can undermine the effectiveness of the routine and discourage consistency. 1m shor: figure out a routine chat works for vou, and stick ro it Further Reading Howto exfoliate as. aMon and hy You Totally Should Haircare isan important part of looksmaxing. You may not be able to choose your hait ‘ype or the rate at which you'te losing it, but you can decide how to take care of Don't have a 1 hair left? There's still away to maximize your looks, Wash (and Style) Property Please, wash yourhait- But also, please dont wash your hair everyday. Much lke your shin, your hair skeis greasy o dry. Find out what spe of hair you have and pick outa shampoo/eonditioner combo that works well wih Nalin Goeez has worked for me in the past (highly recommend their Benoecmint ‘Shampne) though isa good idea to de some research for your own specific haircare needs, Malin+Goetz Everyday Clarifying Peppermint Shampoo Meredes of sbenpoo I es tnsous Whe aot eg 9 eau, Its ean, cue fe, ed ay fost par—oot made Further Reading ‘The 12 Most atroctve Hairstyles For Men That Women Love Consider Growing a Beard For the bald among us, sawing a bead isan excellen way to make up for a lack of hair wptop. ‘Not only wile shift eyeballs from your shiny dome to your fae, i'l give you something to sam and ake cate of. There are plenty of grooming products out thereto help you keep cn top of it—we recommend Beardbrand for beard ols and beard balms. Consider Cowashing Suck with dry har? Think abour co-svashins, 1 you were bora with coly, mixed-textured, curly, or extremely dry hair, keeping your hair conditioned is essendal, and might even look better if you take the no shampoo route. Co ‘wash isa produt for in-between washes, lke Geologe’s Cooling Hair Go Wash, wich helps lengthen the time between shampooing and keeps you feeling fresh, (eae Geologie Cooling Hair Co-Wash (6: 209 of vt coe T4120) vey tet, Afr one wish Tanne, ong tex yc ht made easier supe ed nk peset Ifyou stand up straight you'll be more successful. 0 Instagram ye ial we tao elds oe a ‘Much has been sald about the power of chasisma, The best patt? Its learnable. Contrary to swat some believe, you can learn how to be confident and charming Plus, afew quick changes like body posture and communication can go a long way Further Reading tow to conmond Respect tout Bing rk: 12 Aconebe ys Enhance Your Confidence All chose things you think people are saying or thinking about you? Yeah, they're not real use be Yourself, be confident, and don't averextend yourself, Make a concerted effort to improve your confidence, Listen to eltmprovement podcasts, ead upliting books, practice maintaining eye contact when you speak to people, and dare ‘ro approach women and ask thom our on a date. You'l be surprised how qui ood starts to improve The Quick Start Guide to Improving Mt Your Dating Life for Men a this 114 page PDF eBook, yout meni youn Ai Mets enioment ous Six cop orc re he wae o aed si ee aru ta he roe: Tbk aoe gh {19 of tev edna en techs you two neme wb sia dimen ges a gu ta dive the Improve Your Posture Your grandmother was always telling you to stand up swaight, and she wasnt wrong. Ci Yyoursetrwitn conndence, and everyone around you wl notice. Don't think you can do it? ‘Seazt working on your core strength with an ab workout or just some planks before bed, and before you know it, youl be standing straight as an arrow. Practice Speaking (and Listening) Another adage from grandma: “Think before you speak Don't blurt our whatever comes into your head, and youll find chat che eyeballs in the room stare to gravitate toward you If you've gor nothing nice to say, just keep your maw shut, Listening is an imporeant skill that most of us men have never developed. (Once you learn how to listen, however, youl be able to retort with a thoughtful ides that ‘will be well considared and, honestly, more worth listening to. Further Reading '5Fasy Ways to Improve Your Publ Speaing 1s no mystery that your physical health improves all areas of your life. Fe people earn more, have better love lives, and have better mental health ‘Adding a few changes to your lifestyle can go a long way for your overall looks. And not jus your abs or biceps. Boost your Cardio Improving your cardio is essential to looking and feeling your best. 1k doesn’t mean you have to run a Sk every day, you just have to get out there and move. You'd be surprised what geting up from your desk and taking a walk can do for both your ‘mood and your body. Slowly build up your cardio each week and youll be breathing easy before you know it Lose Fat, Build Muscle ‘This seems obvious, but seriously, we can’ overstate the importance of getting out and moving your body [Movement alone won't doit though-think about skipping the lunchtime burger and head to your local Sweergreen fo a salad. Sounds boring, but your body willbe thanking you soon enough. Further Reading Howto Bud muscle at Home: Bull up With Minimal Ger in Your Living Room Focus on Full-Body Grooming etanancrrt By arm oe into A cag eee o “ ‘We covered your face and your head, but part of improving your body is maintaining your rooming from rop to bosom, Brush your teeth, swear deodorant, keep your downstairs manicured, Iall sounds trite, but odds are, you're probably not focusing on this enough. Just buy that smanseaper already. MANSCAPED Lawn Mower 4.0 ‘The Lamborn of thang devs. Tis pupy bas 7,000 RFE cf pwer behind which make tthe mest power pai timer ‘acon 1 ma. tht e ood thing? Only os Way to Be Further Reading ‘the manscopng Mona Hon Yo Monscope Your Ete Body Safely ‘Stage 7: Enhance Your Mind Sarat eet Intra oe il se @ = 1m addition to your physical health, your mental well-being affects your whole life Constantly stressed and anxious? That's going o have negative effects in all areas. A few of these simple practices we recommend will drastically change how you fel, and how you relate to others Start Meditating Er Instagram ale ll ae a ma oS Take 10 minutes of your day, whether moming or night, and just relax. Meditation doesn't require shaman-level Sil it just takes discipline Even ifitjust means dispatching your phone and sting quietly fora few minutes each day youll find yourself more relaxed and clear headed once you decide to take a break. Practice Empathy Be kinder, not nicer and you will become more attractive. 0 Ig ae al a dao weeds @ ar Be kind. I sounds lke a quaint, nvee recommendation, but seriously, just consider your neighbor for a moment each day and you'l find that youve become a more sensitive, less controlling, more optimistic person, Educate Yourself EE id Instagram we ally A cao 8 Read of listen to an audioboot, take a class, learn something new. Jus because your mandatory schooling has ended, docsnt mean your education is done \We live on this earth fora long time — there's no point in quitting leaming just because youire no longer in school or college. This can be as easy as doing some online research or picking up a new hobby. Just challenge yourself Further Reading ru ‘est Books on Persucsion an influence Tha very uy Should Read ‘Stage 8: Master Your New Routine and Stay Consistent seston @ Self-discipline entirely determines your ability to reach your full potential. ® SST a wag elim oS [As we said before, this is ulimately up to you. Maximize your routine, and you'l maximize Your potendal. Start with the easiest thing ro action, and then move through each seage ‘once you've mastered the previous one, YYoutl look better to prospective employers, your frends will love being around you, and start noticing postive changes all around Regardless of what you're looking fo, maxing your looks, and yourself, will only yield positive resuls Conclusion Getting others to like you shouldn't be the goal. The goal isto be your bes self. Start with the easiest ching to action, ie. refreshing your wardrobe and updating your look, focusing ‘on building a capsule wardeobe filed with elevated basics. ober: Barakert i a fantastic first stop for updating your look with quality pieces, Robert Barakett The Barakett Tee Sedo gt mor ocean a Tht anit does get te han ‘he Barat Teo Alo kom she Googie, oo gna srs ade win Rober Baht exclu USA-rova Pia Coton, dues Sot Water hing ro crcte the uit in comfo, Next, you can move on to improving your health and personal care, then on to developing healthy (sustainable) habits. ‘Youll become the person you know you can be and the person who you know the bes. [Many men grove up and realize they've lost sight of themselves, Take a look inthe mirror (or your closet), and you just might find something you didn't expect WiltPorter in en aac do al on. tm mana Biter as BREF 0460 To tar Core Routine for en: This Wil Make YouLook Healthier si ‘ . ‘Stncredible Luaury Basics That Will Mae You Look Expensive How to Build a Copsule Wardrobe: The Essential Guide for Men Ez ‘1 Stylish Men's Glasses Trends in 2023: Howto Look Great in Glasses ra ‘1 Simple Things Allen Can Do to Be More attractive tay evi ene ee eee eee ee Oe eae BHovdgd «@

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