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Echinodermata : Characters,
Classification and Types
Echinoderms are one of the mnost beautiful and
creatures. Forms such as the sea stars have becomemost familiar sea
a symbol of sea
life. Other forms such as brittle stars,
sea urchins, sea cucumbers
and sea lilies are als0 quite well
known to the visitors on the
sea-shore. There are 7,550 sps known in Echinodermata.

Echinoderms are known since very ancient times. Name of this phylum
was introduced by Klein in 1734 for sea
urchins. For many years
echinoderms and coelenterates were included as a class among Radiata,
largely because of the radial symmetry of the adults.
were first recognized as a group distinct from the Radiata
in 1847. by Leukart


Echinodermata literally means "spiny prickly skinned'

(Gr., echinos, hedgehog; derma, skin) and refers to the conspicuOUs
spines possessed by their test or skin. Jacob Klein (1734) first used
this name for echinoids. The Greeks applied the name echinos to the
hedgehog as well as the sea urchin, both having a prickly appearaIce.
Term echinus has been used for a certain sea urchin. Possession
spines is not diagnostic of the phylum because only better knOWn
members, such as sea urchin, brittle stars and starfishes, have
Echinodernata : Characters, Classification and Types

DEFINITION 10. Respiratory organs include dermal branchiae.

tube feet, respiratory tree and
11. Nervous system without a brain bursae.
and with a
Echinoderms are exclusively marine and largely circumoral ring and radial nerves.
bottom dwellers enterocoelous coelomate, 12. Poorly developed sense organs include tactile
uiploblastic animals. They have a pentamerous organs, chemoreceptors, terminal tentacles,
adial symmetry derived from an original bilateral photoreceptors and statocysts.
13. No excretory organs.
symmetry. They possess an endoskeleton of
14. Usually dioecious, gonads large and single
alcareous plates or spicules embedded in the skin: multiple; fertilization external;
. neculiar water-vascular system of coelomic
development indirect through free-swimming
origin; numerous podia or tube feet; an ectodermal larval forms.
nervous system; no definite head or brain; no 15. Regeneration of lost parts, a peculiarity.
nephridia; gonads open directly to the exterior by 16. Exclusively marine.
special ducts.


Phylum Echinodermata contains some 5300 known Subphylum I. Eleutherozoa

species and constitutes the only major group of (Gr., eleutheros, free + zoios = zoon, animal)
deuterostome invertebrates. Bather (1900) stated
the phylum as one of the best characterised and Free-living echinoderms.
most distinct phyla of the animal kingdom".
CLASS 1. Asteroidea
Echinoderms are distinguished from all animals
(Gr., aster, star + eidos, form)
by a number of characteristics.
1. Starfishes or sea stars.
1. Organ-system grade of body organization. 2 Arms 5 or more and not sharply marked off
2. Triploblastic, coelomate and radially from the central disc.
symmetrical; often pentamerous. placed ambulacral
star-like, 3. Tube feet in orally
3. Body unsegmented with globular, grooves; with suckers.
spherical, discoidal or elongated shape. 4. Anus and madreporite aboral.
4. Head absent: body surface is marked by five 5. Pedicellariae present.
symmetrically radiating areas (ambulacra)
and five alternating interTadii (inter 6. Free-living, slow-creeping, predaceous and
J. Endoskeleton of dermal calcareous Subclass 1. Somasteroidea
with spines, covered by the epidermis. Fossil Palaeozoic sea stars. Platasterias latiradiata
0. Water-vascular system of coelomic origin, is the only living species.
Including podia or tube feet for locomotion Subclass 2. Euasteroidea
and usually with a madreporite. Living sea stars.
I Coelom of enterocoelous type constitute the
the water
perivisceral cavity and cavity offluid Order 1. Phanerozonia
vascular system; coelomic plates and usually with
1. Body with marginalsurface.
8 coelomocytes. papulae, on aboral
Alimentary canal straight or coiled. 2. Pedicellariae sessile, not
9. Vascular system and haemal system, enclosed
3. Tube feet without suckers.
ln coelomic perihaemal channels. 58. (Z-1)
928 Echinodermata : Characters,
4. Mostly burrowers in soft bottom.
Classification and Types
3. Skeleton or test
Examples : Astropecten, Luidia, Goniaster,
Oreaster ( = Pentaceros). 4.
spines and three-jawed bearing movable
Chewing apparatus or pedicellariae.
with teeth. Aristotle's
Order 2. Spinulosa
1. Usually without conspicuous marginal plates
5. Ambulacral grooves covered by lanters
and with papulae on both surfaces.
feet with suckers.
6. Gonads usually five or less.
Ossicles, tube
2. Pedicellariae rare.
3 Tube feet with suckers. Subclass 1. Bothriocidaroida
4. Aboral surface with low spines. 1. A single roW of
plates in each inte
Examples Asterina, Solaster, Pteraster, ambulacral area.
Echinaster. 2. Without typical lantern.
Order 3. Forcipulata 3. Madreporite radial.
1. No conspicuous marginal plates. Example: Single extinct Ordovician en
2. Pedicellariae pedunculate and straight or
crossed type. Subclass 2. Regularia
3. Four rows of tube feet. 1. Body globular, pentamerous, with two rowS
Examples: Asterias, Heliaster. of inter-amnbulacral plates in
CLASS 2. Ophiuroidea 2. Mouth central.
(Gr., ophis, snake + oura, tail + eidos, form) 3. Aristotle's lantern well developed.
1. Brittle-stars and allies.
4 Anus central on aboral surface with
2. Body star-like with arms sharply marked off
from the central disc. well-developed apical plates.
3. Pedicellariae absent. 5. Madreporite oral.
4. Stomach sac-like; no anus. Order 1. Lepidocentroida
5 Ambulacral grooves absent or covered by 1 Test flexible with overlapping plates.
ossicles; tube feet without suckers. 2. Ambulacral plates extend up to mouth lip.
6. Madreporite oral. 3. Inter-ambulacral plates in more than two rows
in extinct forms.
Order 1. Ophiurae
1. Brittle and serpent stars. Example: Palaeodiscus.
2. Small and five-armed. Order 2. Melonechinoida 6
3. Arms move transversely. 1. Test spherical and rigid.
4. Disc and arms usually covered with plates. 2. Ambulacral plates continue to mouth lip.
Examples Ophiura, Ophiothrix, 3. Inter-ambulacral plates in four or more rowS.
Ophiodermna, Ophiopholis. 4. Wholly extinct, carboniferous. 1
Example: Melonechinus.
Order 2. Euryalae
1. Arms simple or branched. Order 3. Cidaroida
2. Arms move vertically. 1. Test globular and rigid.
3. Disc and arms covered by soft skin. ambulacral plates
2 Two rows of long narrow
inter-ambulacral plates.
Examples : Gorgonocephalus (basket star), and twO rows of
Asteronyx. 3 No peristomial gills.
4 Anus aboral and central.
CLASS 3. Echinoidea Goniocidaris.
Examples : Histocidaris,
(Gr., echinos, hedgehog + eidos, form)
Sea urchins and dollars. Order 4. Diadematoida compound
1. with
semi-spherical and 1. Test globular usually
2. Body discoid, oval or
without arms. ambulacral plates.
58. (Z-1)
Fchinodermata Characters, Classification and Types 929
Peristomial gills present.
3. Body elongate on oral-aboral axis; body wall
Anus aboral and central.
Exarmples Diadema, Echinus, Arbacia. leathery.
4. Mouth anterior, surrounded by tentacles.
Subclass 3. Irregularia 5. Ambulacral grooves concealed; tube feet with
1. Body oval or circular, flattened oral-aborally. suckers.
6. Usually with respiratory tree for respiration.
Mouth central or displaced anteriorly on oral
surface. Order 1. Dendrochirota
Anus marginal, outside the apical system of 1. Tentacles irregularly branched.
plates. 2. Tube feet numerous, on the sole or all
A Tube feet generally not locomotor. ambulacral or entire surface.
3. Respiratory tree present.
Order 1. Holectypoida
Examples : Cucumaria, Thyone.
1. Test regular with simple ambulacral and
centrally located peristome and apical system. Order 2. Aspidochirota
2. Lantern present. 1. Tentacles peltate or leaf-like.
3. Mostly extinct. 2. Tube feet numerous, sometimes forming a
Examples : Holectypus, Echinoneus. well-developed sole.
3. Respiratory tree present.
Order 2. Cassiduloida
Examples : Holothuria, Actinopyga.
1. Aboral ambulacral areas petaloid, forming a Order 3. Elasipoda
five-armed figure like petals of flower.
1. Tentacles leaf-like.
2. Lantern absent.
2. No respiratory tree.
3. Mostly extinct.
3. Tube feet webbed together to form fins.
Example:Cassidulus. 4. Deep-sea dwellers.
Order 3. Clypeastroida Example : Pelagothuria.
1. Test flattened with oval or rounded shape. Order 4. Molpadonia
2. Mouth central, anus excentric. 1. 15 digitate tentacles.
3. Aboral ambulacral areas petaloid. 2. No tube feet.
4. Aristotle's lantern present. 3. Posterior end tail-like.
5. Gills absent. 4. Respiratory tree present.
6. Bottom dwellers.
Examples: Molpadia, Caudina.
Examples : Sand dollars Clypeaster,
Echinarachinus, Echinocyamus. Order 5. Apoda
1. Worm-like sea cucumbers.
Order 4. Spatangoida 2.. No tube feet and respiratory tree.
I. Test oval or heart-shaped with excentric 3. Burrowing.
mouth and anus. Examples : Leptosynapta, Synapta.
Z. Four aboral ambulacral areas pataloid.
3. Lantern absent. Subphylum II. Pelmatozoa
4. Gills absent.
(Gr., pelmatos, stalk + zooios, anima)
5. Burrowing.
Examples Heart urchins; SpatanguS,
Echinocardium lovenia, Hemipneustes.
Stalked, sedentary echinoderms.
CLASS 5. Crinoidea
CLASS 4, Holothuroidea (Gr., erinon, lily + eidos, form)
1, Sea cucumbers.sea
2. No
+ eidos, form) 1 Sea lillies.
2. Body attached during part or whole of life
arms, no
spines. by an aboral stalk. 59. (Z-1)
Echinodermata : Characters,
Classification arnd Types
Order : Articulata
oral surface.
Mouth and anus on 1. Living sea lillies and
3. Arms with pinnules. fcather stars.
4 suckers; no madreporite. 2. Feather stars non-sessile and
Tube feet without
5 spines and pedicellariae.
grooves on oral surface.
Examples : Antedon
(feather star).
(sca lily, swiNenormeingtra
6. Ciliated ambulacral

marginal spine. marginal plate marginal spine
central disk

spines madreporite

tube feet arms


Fig. 1. Pentaceros. A. Oral view. B. Aboral view.

bottom to lead a burrowing life. It comes out

A FEW OTHER ECHINODERMS once in the morning and once in the evening in

marginal spines
1. Pentaceros ( = Oreaster), Pentaceros is
referred to as 'sea pentagon' of Indian seas -marginal plates
because of its resemblance to a pentagon. Central
-paxillae ossicles
disc is large and the five arms are short and
tapering. Two are not clearly demarcated. Aboral
surface is convex and bears rows of definitely
arranged spines. Aboral skeleton is reticulate,
enclosing popular areas in its meshes. Upper
-central disc
marginal plates are smaller than the ventral ones
and often concealed from view. Aboral surface bivium arms

bears immovable tubercles, a madreporite and

anus. Oral surface is concave, having a central
mouth, communicating with five ambulacral
grooves, each bearing two double rows of tube
feet. Pedicellariae are small and valvate type. madreporite
-Pentaceros or Oreaster IS very harmful to pearl
industry as it feeds on pcarl oysters.
Aboral view.
2. Astropecten. AstropeCIen is a common Fig. 2. Astropecten.
starfish, occurring in all seas. inhabits the sandy

59. (Z-1)
ofpassto armS. of arealtogether
discthe grooves,
Pedicellariae, Dy Ive Orittle used A.
SurTace There andPedicellariae
tWo the Arms search
the slender auranciacus
without bears

plates, disc a
of star,
plates Ophiothrix.
the to marginal
stone four
of Echinodermata
disc, polian are food.
bears the of ambulacral
grooves a of canal
eachmadreporite shields Water-vascular sessile the :
and Armsarms, small
maturebursal the no is byCentral
five vesicles arms Characters,
arm serving
present absent. and are rounded studies. structurally
Mediterranean and
oral sex slits, arising brachiolaria larva. large are
bears as and fringed
covered is in marginal
th e short
jaw mouth
shields cells. on
fromcentral a eachsystem
through athejaws. aOral common tube and
oral spines
pairlower mouth, and with on complicated. spines large
podialand Oral interradius elongated. Fig.
Tube surface all
the disc is includes feet tapering.
shields -oral
surface spines. 3.
which deep plates with dermal sideslower andspiny often are and andOphiothrix.
feet of and
mbulacral rounded
into or
spines. from
a 'sea tips series in Discradial surface bear Oralspiny, much commonly of Oral
a podial
pores Types
corOna Echinus. 5. of
aandbranchedlarge 4. arm. view. bursal
alternating intertidal
urchin'. margin
continuous whereas It
its of Gorgonocephalus.
tubercles. Visceral interradius. plates. tooth pentagonalcalled Ophiothrix has
areas. arms. the
of between from a
fused body zone Echinus
organs is is One disc papillae the arms. great
Ten fiv e series the
Surface a Basket aboral Oral disc is
to madreporite
benthonic thshows
rowsendoskeletal are with the basket common power
a ofare
depth centre surface and
of known as star
present Gorgonocephalus
very commonly five star. along.
podia corona of
animal, can is to regenerating
and long 5000 usuallyshields the spines. and of
iseach Body
and elongated
or plates, within walk the
five is spoke-like
periphery. annulated.
m. Atlantic
divided movable on bears
present Aboral arm consists 931
a It teeth
feet inter with shell has the is
is its
Echinodermata : Characters,
932 Classi•ication arnd Types
branched centre of the aboral pole. Close o
central mouth
arns madreporite. anus ies
Aristotle's lantern. Five teeth
mouth arc attached to a su
masticatoryr ounding the
called Aristotle's lantern, after its
because of its resemblance to an and
ship-lantern. It is situated within the Greek
projects slightly through the mouth. It test and
five large calcareous plates, consists of
called pyrarmi
alveoli. These are arranged radially by rneans of ds or
transverse muscle fibres. Along the
inner side
jaw cach pyramid is a long calcareous band. Its
end is enclosed within a dental sac and the upper
end projects out as a hard tooth. By means of
special protractor and retractor muscles the Jantern
can be partially protracted and retracted through
spines on Jteminal the mouth. Other muscles control the opening and
arms branches
closing of teeth. Aristotle's lantern is used by the
urchin in feeding.
Fig. 4. Gorgonocephalus. Oral view. 6. Clypeaster. Clypeaster is commonly caled
'cake urchin' because of its flattened body. It is
run from one pole of the animal to another. Oral found in tropical and subtropical seas. It creeps
pole has a mouth with five teeth surrounded by on the bottom or remains partly buried in sand.
the peristome. AMong spines are found stalked Oral surface is covered by short and delicate
pedicellariae, with three jaws. An anus lies in the spines, between which are found stalked
pedicellariae. Mouth is central in position and from
it radiate five ambulacral grooves. These possess
ambulacra locomotor suckered tube feet. Anus also lies on
peristome the oral surface. Slightly convex aboral surface is
covered by minute delicate spines. It bears a
oral central madreporite, from which radiate five
petaloid ambulacral areas, each of which is

oesophagus tooth

tube -alveolus
feet retractor

auricle teeth mouth test


Bio 5. Echinus. A. Oral view. B. Aristotle's

lantern in situ.
Fchinodermata : Characters, Classification and Types 933

apical respiratory interambulacral

tube feet area

crown of
10 dendritic


spines podia of

madreporite plate Ossicles


Fig. 6. Clypeaster: Aboral view.

bordered by two rows of flattened respiratory
fube feet. Aristotle's lantern is present whose teeth
Fig. 7. Cucumaria. Ventral view.
project out of mouth.
7. Cucumaria. Cucumaria is very common
animal sheds almost all or part of its viscera which
among sea cucumbers, found along the sea bottom
regenerate again.
in shallow tropical waters. Body is long and
cylindrical and is covered by a flexible and 8. Thyone. Thyone like Cucumaria, is also a
common sea cucumber. It is free-swimming but
leathery skin. Terminal mouth, at the oral end, is
Surrounded by acircular row of 10 dendritic or generally found buried in muddy and sandy sea
bottom. Body is elongate with 10 dendritic
tree-like tentacles, used for feeding. Anus lies at
tentacles surrounding the terminal mouth. Podia
the posterior aboral end. Animal lies with its
are scattered over the entire body surface. Paired
Ventral side against the substratum. This side
respiratory trees are well represented. These arise
consists of three ambulacral areas (trivium) from the cloaca by way of a common trunk. The
Constituting the sole and possessing locomotory
number of polian vesicles is four. Sexes are
podia. Dorsal surface is composed of two
ambulacral areas (bivium) and three inter
ambulacral areas. Tube feet of this surface are 9. Antedon. Antedon, commonly called
Without suckers. Tube feet. on both the surfaces, feather star', is somewhat plant-like in superficial
ae restricted to the five ambulacral areas. resemblance. It occurs in sea waters of the
on the Atlantic, Western Africa, the Mediterranean and
Cucumaria displays a creeping movement
surface and feeds upon detritus
and West of Tropical America. It is an unstalked but
bottom attached crinoid, possessing a central cup-shaped
plankton. of Gas exchange is accomplished by a disc which is covered by leathery skin. Oral
are two in tubules,
called respiratory tree. These
number, lying on either side of the gut surface is directed upwards, whereas the aboral
and emerge from the upper end of cloaca. Water surface, downwards. From the central disc arise
five long, slender and movable arms that branch
Îlowsthrough its tubules to bring about gaseous dichotomously to form 10 arms and each of
Sexes are Polian vesicle is only one in number.
separate and development is
indirect them bears a row of small and slender branches,
called pinnules, on each side. From the mouth
with an auricularia larva. On being frightened the
Echinodermata : Characters, Classification and

introvert dwarfed
or collar midventral
pair of


surface of
,central disc)

podia ventral
locomotory -mouth
anus podia anus
ambulacral aboral ciri
Fig. 8. Thyone.
Fig. 9. Antedon.

radiate five ambulacral grooves which divide to surface is a central mouth and an anus on a
form 10 grooves, one for each arm. Along the prominent papilla. Aboral surface bears numerous
sides of each ambulacral groove are two rows long, cylindrical appendages, the cirri, meant for
of finger-like podia, without suckers. On the oral gripping the substratum.

>>Long answer type questions
I. Classify Echinodermata giving the main characters and familiar examples.
2. Write short notes on : (i) Astropecten, (i) Britle-star, (ii) Echinus, (iv) Aristotle's lantern, (v) Ccumarn
(vi) Antedon.

>>Short answer type questions

1. Mention an Echinoderm with no spines, and no pedicellariae.
2. Define the term trivium and bivium.
3. Define enterocoelic type of coelom formation.
4 What specific association do holothurians exhibit. Describe in 3 sentences.
5. Give the distinguishing characters and one example of the class Crinoidea.
6. Classify the Ophiothrix, giving two peculiar features in their structure and/or life history.
7. Distinguish between Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea.
8. List the basic features of Echinoderms that have on affinity to early chordates. Mention atleast 4 poMns
9. Classify Phylum Echinodermata, giving distinguishing characters and example of cach class.
10. Give characteristic morphological differences between starfish and sea-urchin.
11. Discuss the problem of symmetry in echinoderms.
and sea ilies ?
12. What are sea urchin ?
13. Define the term
14. Classify Asterias. Echinodermata.
Which basic factors classified the
Rchinodermata: Characters,
Classification and Types 935
in he
Pentaceros generally known as......
1. Ophiothri commonly known as......
2 Zoologcal name of basket star is.....
3. urchin is cominon name oof.....
4 Antedone generally known as.......
In Echinodermata......organs absent.
in the class.
Sea lillies put Holothuria is..
The class of class
belongs to the
0 Sea stars commonly known as.......
Clypeaster is
>fultiple choice questions
a Holothurian with no tube feet, no respiratory 13. The Aristotle's lantern of Echinoid is an apparatus
1., ldentify canals :
trees, cuvierian glands and no radial that functions as :
(b) Synapta (b) excretory
(a) Thyone (a) respiratory
(c) Holothuria (d) Cucumaria (c) masticatory (d) accessory
14. Coelom in starfish is :
larva that Occurs in the development of
2. The (a) schizocoelous (b) enterocoelous
Holothurians is :
(b) Brachiolaria (c) both (d) none
(a) Auricularia
(d) Bipinnaria 15. Excretory products :
(c) Doliolari (b) urea and creatine
found in : (a) urea
3. Aristotle's lantern is (c) ammonia (d) uric acid
(a) Cucumaria (b) Antedon
16. Autotomy is found in :
(c) Echinus (d) Opiothrix (b) Aurelia
free: (a) molluscs
4. Tiedmann bodies produce (c) leech (d) sea stars
(a) amino acids (b) amoebocytes arm devoid of disc regenerates an entire
(d) thesocytes In Linckia
arms at the
(c) haemocytes animal Comets are the small regenerating
absent in :
5. Excretory organs are (b) Echinodermata base of original arm.
(a) Nematoda 17. Respiratory organ in Holothuroidea :
(c) Crustacea (d) Onychophora (a) papulae
6. The word Echinodermata was first used by : (b) dermal branchiae
(a) Linnaeus (b) Aristotle (c) respiratory tree (d) bursae
(d) Grant feather star belong
(c) Jacob Klein 18. Sea lily and
characteristic of the class : (b) Crinoidea
7. Brachiolaria larva is (a) Echinoidea
(d) Asteroidea
(b) Asteroidea (c) Holothuroidea
(a) Crinoidea exclusively :
(d) Echinoidea of animal is
(c) Ophiuroidea 19. Which phylum (b) Coelentrata
(e) Holothuroidea (a) Mollusca
(c) Echinodermata (d) Porifera
8. Brittle star belongs to the class : system is identification of
(a) Asteroidea (b) Ophiuroidea 20. Water vascular
(d) Echinoidea (b) Coelentrata
(c) Crinoidea (a) Porifera
9. Thyone is commonly known as : (c) Arthropoda
(b) sea cucumber (d) Echinodermata
(a) brittle star
(d) cake urchin organs in echinodermata :
(c) sea lily 21. Respiratory (b) tube feet
(a) branchiate
(e) none of these (d) bursae
0. The heart urchins are included in
order (c) respiratory organs
(b) Spatangoida (e) all above
(a) Holosteroidea
(d) Pedinoidea 22. Free moving echinodermata :
(c) Nucleolitoida called : (a) Subphylum-Eleutherozoa
1. The locomotor organs of Echinoderms are (b) Subphylum-Pelmetozoa
(a) parapodia (b) pseudopodia (d) none of them
(c) tube feet (d) setae (c) both of them echinodermata :
but of
12 the exterior 23. Larval forms (b) Branchiolaria
stone canal does nof open to into the body
Theends in a madreporite hanging
down (a) Bipinaria
(c) Auricularia
(d) Doliolaria
Cavity in the case of : (e) all above
(a) Ophiuroidea (b) Echinoidea
(c) Crinoidea (d) Holothuroidea
Echinodermata: Characters, Classification and
24. Ophiopluteus is 25. The animal which commonly
(a) an echinoderm known as
(b) a poriferian dollar
(C) an annelida (a) Antidon (b) Clypeaster
(d) a larva of echinodermata (c) Ophiothrix (d) Echinus

>>Fill in the blanks
I. sea pentagon, 2. spiny brittle star, 3. Gorgonocephalus, 4. echinus, 5. feather star, 6. excretory, 7. crinoidea.
8. holothuroidea, 9. asteroidea, 10. cake urchin.
>>Multiple choice questions
2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b)
1. (b)
11. (c) 12. .(d) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (e) 24. (d) 25. (b)
Echinodermata :
General Account


No other group of animals has such complicated metamorphosis in

the course of development. Development may be direct or indirect.
In direct one, the larval stages are missing while in indirect one,
various types of free-swimming larvae are formed. In each class, a
Tew members, are viviparous, that is, they brood their young in a
Sort of brood pouch on the surface of their body. The development
0T larva takes place in a typical deuterostomous fashion. In most
CaSes the characteristic free swimming larvae develop externally
are of great phylogenetic significance.
Echinoderm larva is strikingly bilaterally symmetrical in marked
swims about by means of a
S tO radially symmetrical adult. It
ciliated band, which may be complicated by a number of short or
body wall. Based upon the
3 Slender projection or arms from the absence, larvae of different
nature and position of the arms or their free-swimming
dlasses of Echinodermata may be distinguished. After a metamorphosis,
undergoes a
planktonic existence, the bilateral larva
In which the radial Symmetry of the adult is developed. In different
Classes of echinoderms, different types of larvae complete
development. Asteroidea
(1) Class I.
Bipinnaria Larva direct type has
Iwo types of development occurs in asteroids. The
stage. The indirect
large, yolky eggs and no free
swimming larval
938 Echinodermata :
median dorsal arm Account
postoral loop preoral arm
antero-dorsal arm
preoral loop
postero-dorsal wat

-stomach. arm bud
- postero
lateral defir
intestine arm

A B F12

Fig. 1. Stages in development of a bipinnaria larva. Achio

type has homolecithal eggs with little yolk and a reduced in metamorphosis, while left axohydrocoel
free swimming larval stage. After hatching the gives rise to water ring and radial canals, Axocoel
larva develops cilia and begins a free-swimming separates from hydrocoel and contributesto
life. The larva feeds on diatoms as an alimentary stonecanal. Madreporite or dorsal sac originates
canal is formed. The presence of powerful ciliary either from rearrangement of mesenchyme cells
or fromn ectodermal invagination or from ight Aat
band on the stomodaeal walls helps in feeding.
Two lateral longitudinal locomotory ciliated bands axohydrocoel. Bipinnaria larva, after fre
develop which connect infront of mouth, forming swimming existence for a few weeks, changes to Me
next larval stage, called brachiolaria larva.
apreoral loop and in front of the anus, to form ect
a preanal loop. Preoral loop later, separates or
in some cases develops independently into an median dorsal brachiolar arms
anterior ciliated ring around the body. Three lateral arm

lobes or projections are also developed on each Sucker

side of the body bordered by ciliary bands. This So
larva is known as bipinnaria and develops in preoral arm
2 to 7 days.
Internal development of bipinnaria. Tip of mouth.
dorsal arm
larval archenteron forms the mesenchyme and later
gives rise to two lateral pouches which connect oesophagus. postero
dorsal arm
arteriorly to form a U-shaped coelom. Posterior
ends of the lateral pouches pinch off to form right stomach
and left somateocoels. Remaining anterior portion
represents the hydrocoel and axocoel, but they postero
never separate. Left hydrocoel connects with the anus
dorsal surface to form the hydropore, without
ectodermal invagination. Ventrally an ectodermal
invagination meets the archenteron and the Jarval postoralarm
gut is differentiated into mouth, oesophagus,
stomach and intestine. Blastopore remains as larval larva.
anus. Right somatocoel and axohydrocoe) get Fig. 2. Brachiolaria
Fchinodermata General Account

fixation disc
brachiolar mouth antero-lateral arm
or sucker.
oesophagus. postoralarm
right left axOcoel
water ring degenerating
portion of
anus postero
lateral arm
podia stomach left hydrocoel
definitive primary podium with lobes
star -(radial canal) right somatocoel left somatocoel

Fie, 3. Metamorphosis of brachiolaria in sea Fig. 4. Ophiopluteus larva of Ophiocomina.

star, Leptasterias hexactis.

Brachiolaria Larva that the former has fewer arms than the later. The
Bininnaria transforms into brachiolaria larva which posterolateral arms are the longest and directed
develops three short arms at preoral lobe, known
forward. After gastrulation the arms develop
aS brachiolar arms (one median and two lateral gradually. Posterolateral arms are formed first.
After 4, 10 and 18 days, anterolateral, postoral
ams). They contain coelomic extensions and
adhesive cells at their tips. An adhesive glandular and posterodorsal arms develop, respectively.
area at their base acts as a sucker. Appearance of Ciliated bands accompany the arms edges.
the sucker marks the beginning of metamorphosis. Internally the larva contains coelomic chambers
and archenteron. Internal development proceeds in
Metamorphosis of brachiolaria. With the the same way as in other classes. While free
help of adhesive structures it attaches to some
object. Anterior region acts as stalk for sometime, swimming metamorphosis of the larva starts, there
being no attachment stage. Tiny serpent star sinks
While posterior part, having gut and coelomic to the bottom to begin its adult existence.
Chambers, converts into a young star. This star
detaches itself and starts leading a free life. Amphiura vivipara, a viviparous form, omits
pluteus stage. In Ophionotus hexactis, development
Some species cut short the development as a takes place in ovary and the aborted pluteus larva
TESult of deletion of some larval
stages. In is devoid of arms and anus.
AStropecten, the brachiolaria stage is missed with
t result bipinnaria directly
ult with in 2-3 months. Inmetamorphoses into
Asterina gibbosa, ciliated band mouth
pinnarive a apparatus,
stage is asomitted, larva develops an
brachiolar arms and sucker, hydrocoel
ylant undergoes metamorphosis. Still in Luidia, a stomach
and peculiar
is formed which is called as
bipinnaria asterigeara.
(2) Class II.
Ophiuroidea right

OphiPluteusoplis uteus freeLarva

pluted rods intestine
which is known swimming larva in brittle stars
as ophiopluteus. It is similar to
Fig 5. Aborted pluteus of Ophionotus hexactis.
of echinoids with the only difference
940 bchinodermata : Gencral
(3) Class III. Echinoidea On the left side. Hydrococl and
the oral side of the adult. Five radial vestibule for
five primary podia are given off by the arms a
Echinopluteus Larva
Larva is formed after gastrulation. Gastrula
Lantern is formed from left hydrocoel.
Echinopluteus is microscopIC, tree swimming
becomes conical, one side of which flattens to water and it develops within 7 to 30 davs
form the oral surface. Stomodaeal invagination
Metamorphosis is extremely rapid, takine
communicates with archenteron and the gut is place in about an hour. There is no
differentiated into mouth, oesophagus, stomach and stage in echinoids. attachment
intestine. Blastopore remains as larval anus. Larva
begins to form projections which develop into (4) Class IV. Holothuroidea
arms. There are six arms namely, preoral,
anterolateral, anterodorsal, postoral, postero-dorsal Auricularia Larva
and posterolateral. Posterolateral arms are very
short and directed outwards or backwards. In some After gastrulation and formation of coelomic sacs
cases, anterodorsal arms may also not develop. and gut, the embryo becomes a free-swimming
Thus a fully developed echinopluteus nmay have 5 Jarva called auricularia larva, within 3 days. It
or even 4 pairs of arms instead of usual six. Tips is transparent, pelagic about 0.5 to 1 mm in length
of the arms are pigmented and are supported by It swims about by a ciliated band which forms
calcareous skeletal rods. Locomotion is by ciliated preoral loop and an anal loop.
bands, which in some case become thickened and Internally, larva has a curved gut with
known as epaulettes. In Arbacia and Cidaris, sacciform stomach, hydrocoel and right and left
larva develops special ciliated lobes, between the somatocoels.
arm bases known as vibratile lobes, auricular lobes Some giant auricularians of unknown adults
or auricles. reported from Bermuda, Japan and Canary islands
Internal development. Archenteron gives off measure about 15 mm in length and possess a
hydro-enterocoels which contribute to axocoels, frilly flagellated band.
hydrocoels and somatocoels. A vestibule is formed
by the enlargement of an ectodermal invagination Doliolaria Larva
It is a transitional stage from
auricularia and appears
oesophagus preoral arm antero-lateral arm
barrel-shaped and alike doliolaria of crinoids.

postoral preoral loop ,mouth


pharynx hydrocoel
anterior dorsal
epaulettes arm anal loop -hydropore

echinus right left
somatocoel somatocoel
intestine rudiment
posterior postero-lateral intestine -ossicle
epaulettes process

Fig. 6. Echinopluteus larva of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus. Fig. 7. Auricularia larva.

Eohinodermata: General Account 941

-preoral apical cilia

loop sensory
plate lobulated
tentacular hydrocoel
lobes of
hydrocoel ciliated
bands definitive

probably pharynx
swimming stomach vesicle

Transitional stage from auricularia to doliolaria. right left

Fig. 8. somatocoel Somatocoel

in 3to 5 flagellated intestine
Continuous ciliated band closed
shifted to anterior and anus to
rings. Mouth is
OSsicle blastopore
posterior pole.
Metamorphosis is gradual during which it Fig, 9. Mature doliolaria larva of Leptosynapta inhaerens.
acquires 5 tentacles and 1 to 2 functional podia.
Ás sch it is sometimes known as pentactula'. apical
After appearence of more podia and tentacles, sea sensory tuft
ucumber settles to the sea bottom and leads an
adult mode of life. adhesive pit
Other forms of this class show marked
peculiarities in larval development. In Cucumaria
planci and C. quinguesenita, etc., there is no
auricularia stage and embryo directly develops into vestibule
doliolaria larva. In others like C. saxiola,
Cfrondosa, both of these, larval stages are
omitted and the larva only swims about having
an oval ciliated shape. In Holothuria floridana,
embryo hatches directly into a young
(5) Class V. Crinoidea ciliary
Doliolaria Larva
It hatches as a free-swimming larva. Body has 4 deltoids
lo 5 ciliated bands with an apical sensory plate at
anterior end provided with a bunch of cilia. Fig. 10. Doliolaria of Antedon bifida.
There is an adhesive pit over the first ciliated
band, near the apical plate in the mid ventral
line. Between second and third ciliated band lies cystidean or pentacrinoid larva which after
ut stomodaeumn
or vestibule. Skeleton also sometime metamorphoses into adult.
dietveelroepsntiation into
this larval stage. After the
prospective organs, larva (6) Significance of Echinoderm Larvae
f 90aches itself and internal organs rotate at an angle
degrees from ventral Jt is seen that different classes of echinoderms
to posterior position.
Larva forms a Stalk and is now referred as have somewhat different larvae which are
Echinodermata :
differently named. Alter their study, General Account
significant points can be drawn. following of determining the phylogenetic
1. Common origin of classes. Except the phylum.
4. Relationship with (
affinities in the
larva of crinoidea which becomes Chordates. Auricular
larvae of rest of the classes sedentary,
the larva of Echinodermata and
Tornaria larvaof
Some some enteropneusts (e.g.,
fundamental resemblances. They are constructed
on the same general
fundamental plan with
very close and striking similarities.
cleavage is indeterminate and
bilateral symmetry. They have somewhat flattened coelom mesoderrn and
body, longitudinally looped ciliated bands, gut and (enterocoel) have similar origin
enterocoelic coelom. With so many common echinoderms and lower chordates. Serology
indicates a relationship between the
characters, one may conclude the origin of their In view of all this two
and other groups.
respective classes (groups) from a common echinoderms evidences
and chordates have been regarded
ancestor which was a coelomate, bilateral and free phylogenetically related groups.
swimming. Dipleurula and pentactula larva are two 5. Aid in dispersal and feeding. Since the
such hypothetical ancestoOrs suggested by adult echinoderms are somewhat sluggish, their
zoologists. It is believed that all modern larvae are the main dispersive phase for them
echinoderms have originated from them. They remain in plankton for sufficient time to be
2. Taxonomic affinities. Closely looking at Swept from the place of their birth to new areas
the classification of the phylum, it is seen that or to restock the original areas. In addition to
the larval similarities do not indicate taxonomic their dispersive function, larvae will aid the species
affinities. Among Eleutherozoa, two well marked in feeding from a different source from their
larval forms occur: (i) Pluteus group is common adults, and thus when food is short larvae and
to ophiuroids and echinoids, bilaterally symmetrical adult will not compete.
with long arms, (ii) Auricularia group, is
common to asteroids and holothurians, has a
winding ciliated band which may be produced into AUTOTOMY AND
lobes. On the basis of larval similarities ophiuroids
should be placed near to echinoids and asteroids
near to holothurians. But this is not in agreement
with the palaeontological and morphological result, Breaking off the injured or unduly stimulated body
according to which asteroids and ophiuroids are
parts, is termed as autotomy or self amputation
closely related to each other while echinoids seem
It serves as a means of protection to the animal.
to have followed an entirely independent evolution.
It is also a method of getting rid of injured b00y
3. Phylogenetic affinities. A survey of larval parts and replacing them with perfect
types throughout echinoderms indicates several Replacement of the lost parts is brought about by
examples of close larval resemblances e.g., regeneration
another process known as
ophiopluteus and echinopluteus. This must be due Echinoderms possess remarkable powers
to convergent larval evolution, Occurrence of autotomy and regeneration.
convergence in development s seen among
unrelated groups such as Asteroidea, [I) Asteroidea
Holothuroidea and Crinoidea. Similarly, larva of off or break oft
closely related forms such as
asteroids and Sea star immediately shed
or attached to SOMe
differences, which must arm whenever it is injured
ophiuroid, exhibit major base. The armis deteched
from its base at knowB
divergent larval evolution. Occurrence process is
be due to of development is seen within Or V ambulacral ossicle. This startish may
of divergent type
(ophiuroidea). Therefore, the larval as autotomy. Whenever caught,
its arms.
related groups
echinoderms, cannot
serve the purpose throw off once or more of
structures in
Fchinodermata General Account
One arm must be
other arms. prescnt for
regeneration of the

[III| Holothuroidea
Sea cucumbers
groove autotomy and regeneration.remarkable
When the
pOwers of
irritated it animal is
contracts muscles of the body wall
with such a great force that the
tube feet through the anus or cloaca orviscera is extruded
mouth. This is called sometimes the
new Common and
Evisceration which is more
more drastic
Respiratory tree, phenomenon.
one or both is extruded
1s of protective importance first. It
because some branches
(cuvierian organ) of it may swell up into an
entangling mass. Parts lost in this process are
radial eventually regenerated.
arms mouth
[IV] Crinoidea
Fig. 11. Linckia. Comet stage.
Crinoids exhibit considerable powers of autotomy
and regeneration like asteroids and ophiuroids. Part
or all of an arm can be cast off if seized or
The starfish has remarkable power of subjected to unfavourable environmental
regeneration. A single arm with small part of conditions. Lost arms, pinnules and cirri are easily
disc or a disc alone can regenerate the whole regenerated. In Antedon, one fifth of the disc with
body. Process of regeneration is slow and may corresponding arm can be regenerated. It can
take even one year. In Asterina vulgaris at least sustain the simultaneous loss of four or five pairs
one fifth of disc must be left attached to the arm, of arms without death. In this animal all of the
tor regeneration. But, in Linckia, regeneration of visceral mass can be regenerated if aboral nervous
Complete animal from a cast off arm without disc system remains intact. Coelomocytes supply food
Tetention has been observed. Such regenerating to the wound and phagocytize tissue debris.
Specimens with small regenerating arms at the base
original arm are called comet forms. A number
asteroids show, the breaking-apart, a normal WATER-VASCULAR SYSTEM
Tather than accidental phenomenon and
spect ofinasexual
g the missing parts leading to a regular
Water-vascular system is a division of the coelom
reproduction. and most distinctive feature of echinoderms. It is a
ij Ophiuroidea system of canals and appendages of body wall. It
Term brittle star is derived from the fact that js also termed as ambulacral system. Since the
these animals break off their arms if they are entire system is derived from coelom, the canals
are lined with a ciliated epithelium and filled
disturbed, seized or injured and they speedily watery fluid. Water-vascular system functions as a
te. Autotomy often allows the animal to
enemies. In a number of species
means of locomotion. It consists of
or sieve plate, stone canal, water
ring or ring
of the disc is normally cast tube feet. In
oft, probablycoveri forngreproductive purposes. In most canal, radial canals and podia or water-vascular
different classes of Echinodermata,
ams. , disc species
have the
entire discpowers
of the
and at least system is variously
59. (Z-1)


944 Echinodermata : General

radial wator Canal to buccal podia
Account rngcaal

madreporite radial canal ambaSe

stone canal polian vesicle S i m r o'



ring cut
Tiedemann's canal

stone canal
of madreporite Small,i n
tube feet
sucker. Tedemann's
Adfes. The
Fig. 12. Water-vascular system of a sea star. Fig. 14. Water-vascular system of an ophiuroid (Schematic passed
ridge is very simple. In Asterias and Asterina, 8. Tub
[) Asteroidea ridge is bifurcated into two rolled vertical lamellae
In Asteropecten, ridge meets the opposite wall orthollo
In asteroids, water-vascular system is based on
certain dividing the interior into tubes provided with cated in
the general echinoderm plan, with pair of scrolls each. The lumen of stone canal is
modifications. odium is
ciliated. tzchment.
1. Madreporite. Internal canals of the system
3. Ring canal. Stone canal opens intoa pierces thE
connect with sea water outside through button
shaped madreporite or seive plate located on circular ring canal or water ring situated just mbulacral
the aboral surface in interradial position. Seive internal to the peristomial ring of ossicles around unded b
plate is calcareous having numerous ridges and the mouth margin. Often the walls of the ring
canal are folded to divide its lumen into a more nto the al
furrows. Furrow have about 200 pores, each of mpulla c
which leads into a pore canal. Pore canals join or less separate channels.
4. Radial canals. From the outer margin of bres wh
to form a common canal to open into an ampulla
ring canal are given out five radial canals. Each Dbres onl
beneath the madreporite. Although a great majority radial canal runs into each radial arm and
of asteroids have but madreporite,
terminates into the terminal tentacle at the tip 0t
multiplication of madreporites is not rare.
2. Stone canal. It is so named because of the arm. The radial canal runs on the oral side of
ambulacral ossicles covering the ambulacral
calcareous deposites located in its walls. A vertical
S-shaped stone canal extends towards oral side.
5. Lateral canals. From each side of the
A longitudinal ridge divides the lumen of the stone radial canal, lateral canals are given ot
canal into two passages. In Henricia, the internal
alternately which pass between the ossicles on
ridge lamellae each side to enter the coelom, Each lateral cana
has a valve and terminates into a bulb or ampula
connected to tube foot.
6. Polian vesicles. The ring canal, tornns tve
polian vesicles on the outerside. They store ou
which is to be utilized when sea sar
B side the water.
A ring canal On
asteroids :A. Henricia. 7. Tiedemann's bodies. The
canals of some interradially five pais
Fig. 13. T.S. stone its inner side also gives off
B. Asterias,

59. (Z-1)
Echinodermata : General Account 945

buccal podia tube foot. Podia are arranged in four rows along
the length of ambulacral groove. As lateral canal
ring canal radial
canal on cach side are alternately long and short, the
arm base -secondary podia look like in four rows instead of two.
Species having only two rows of podia have lateral
appendages canals of equal length.
Water-vascular system helps in Jocomotion.
stomach wall vesicle Animal moves by tube feet. Water after entering
cut bodywall mesenteries the madreporite passes into stone canal, ring canal,
radial canal, podial canal and finally into ampullae
Fig. 15. Ophiactis virens. Sector of disc showing
of podia. As ampulla contracts the water is forced
water-vascular system. into the tube foot which gets elongated. The
sucker-like tip of tube foot touches the substratum
and contracts again. Fluid goes back into ampulla
af small, irregularly shaped bodies, known as and the body is drawn forwards bringing about
Tiedemann bodies. Some forms have only 9such the locomotion of sea star.
hodies. They produce coelomic corpuscles which
are passed into ring canal as such giving the [II]Ophiuroidea
system, the name water-Vascular system.
8. Tube feet. A podium or tube foot, is a Madreporite lies on the oral surface. It bears a
short hollow, elastic, thin walled closed cylinder single pore and a pore canal. Some species have
located in the ambulacral groove. Tip of the more than one madreporite. Stone canal ascends
podium is flattened forming a sucker for to the water ring, which is located in a groove
attachment. Inner or basal end of each podium on the aboral surface of the jaws. Stone canal
pierces the ambulacral ossicle, through a tiny gives off a madreporic ampulla just beneath the
ambulacral pore and expands to form a little madreporic plate. Water ring or ring canal gives
rounded bulb or bladder called ampulla, lying off four polian vesicles in each inter radius except
into the aboral side of the coelom. The walls of one which contains stone canal. Sometimes polian
ampula contain longitudinal and circular muscle vesicle are accompanied by long slender, tubular
fibres where as the tube foot has longitudinal appendages, known as Simroth's appendages.
Ophiuroids lack Tiedeman's bodies. Water ring
fibres only, there being no circular muscles in the

podial branch of inter-vertebral central

ossicle perivisceral brachial
radial water canal muscles Coelom

radial water canal

radial haemal
-hyponeural (perihaemal)

main lateral -Lange's nerve


radial tube foot

epineural sinus

radial nerve Cord ganglion at the base of tube foot

tentacle scale

waier canals.
section of arm showing podial
Fig. 16. Ophiothrix. Partial
60. (Z-)
Echinodermata : General Account
gonopore madreporite intestine
gonoduct terminal tentacle

stone canal tube foot

pedicellaria stomach


water Tiedemann's
vascular body
calcareous spines tooth mouth jaw muscle water canal

Fig. 17. Echinoidea. A section through a sea urchin showing water-vascular system.

gives rise to a radial canal in each radius which it is connected with the body surface nor it is
descend, towards oral side, runs along the whole attached in the coelom. It hangs just below the
arm to terminate into terminal tentacle. Radial base of the pharynx and is connected to the water
canals penetrate through the lower side of vertebral ring by a short stone canal. Pores and pore
ossicles of the arms. In each ossicle, radial canal canals still persist in madreporite but in place of
gives a V-shaped podial canal or lateral canal sea water, coelomic fluid circulates in it.
that enters into a pair of podia. Podia do not Water ring encircling the base of the pharynx
bear ampulla. There is a valve between podium gives rise to elongated polian vesicles which hang
and the lateral canal. Podia are reduced. Entire into the coelom. Their number may be one in
water-vascular system is lined with ciliated cucumaria, 3 or 4 in thyone, or 10 or 11 in
[III] Echinoidea mouth
buccal. water ring canal
Water-vascular system of echinoids is like that of tentacle
sea stars. One of the genital plates around the stone canal
periproct bear pores and pore canal and also polian
serves as madreporite Stone canal descends madreporite
orally to a water ring surrounding the oesophagus water gonoduct
aboral to the lantern. Stone canal is accompanied canal
by axial gland. Five radial canals arise from the intestine gonad
water ring and terminate into the terminal tentacle. coelom
Water ring also gives rise to five sponge like tube feet
bodies called Tiedemann's bodies From either respiratory
side of radial canal alternately come out lateral ampullae
canals to the bases of ampullae Suckers of podia
in sea urchins are highly developed. radial cloacal
nerve opening
[IV) Holothuroidea
holothurial, showving
They have water-vascular system like that of other Fig. 18. L.S. of a
systenn (diagranmatic).
echinoderms but madreporite is peculiar. Neither
60. (Z-1)
Azhinodermata: General Account
-tentacle within the body wall all along the
ambulacral groove where they supply thelength
stone canal ampullae of
radial podia,
Ampullae are found on both podia and tentacles.
mesentery canal In Apoda, which lack podia,
system is confined to oral waterwater-vascular
ring, polian
vesicles and buccal tentacles.
[V] Crinoidea
water Crinojds lack madreporite, Water-vascular system
ring canal
oesophagus is restricted to a ring canal, 5 radial canals and
polian vesicle the podia, Pentagonal ring canal encircles the
mouth and gives off at each inter radius, a large
number (30-50) of short stone canals, that open
Fig. 19. Holothuria. system. into coelom. Each radial canal extends into each
arm, underneath the ambulacral groove and
Apoda. Five radial canals arise from water bifurcates with the arm and gives off alternate
side of the branches into pinnules and podia, Ampullae
ing and pass upward to the inner absent. Peculiar for crinoids is the presence of 500
calcareous ring and then outward through a notch like canals
1500 minute ciliated funnel
# the end of each radial plate. Before leaving to
the calcareous ring, each radial canal gives
off perforating the wall of tegmen to open into
sTmaller branches to the buccal tentacles. After coelomic cavity, called as ciliated funnels. These
perforations or openings compensate for the
leaving the ring, radial canals pass posteriorly
genital sinus oesophagus

haemal ring nervous layer of

water pores

water tubes

nerve pentagon
of deeper
oral system

water ring
radial water canal:

lateral brachial

brachial ambulacral tube

canals of arm nerve of anal
anal tube

Water-vascular and
nervous system
Fig. 20.
bchinodermata : General Accoun

more archaic living cchinoderms

developed at thc time ol metamorphosis,
probable that many of these
organisms, and it is also were sessile
almost probable that
earliest cchinoderms were all fixed. Thus it see
that all echinoderms were at one time fixed and
those now mobile retain the radial
these ancestors. symmctry of
It is suggested by the fact the arya
A B echinoderms are free-swiMMing and bilateral and
Dossess a more centralized nervous system than
adults. In a sense, the adults are more premitive 10
Fig. 21. Radial symmetry. A. Involving five ossicles. than the larvae. Radial symmetry and lack of
B. Involving six ossicles.
definite head or brain are characteristics of lower
phyla such as sponges, coelenterates and
absence of a madreporite by permitting sea water ctenophores. But echinoderms are in no way
to enter the coelom and maintain aproper fluid
related to these three radiate phyla. It is note
pressure in the body and the water-vascular system.
worthy that echinoderms are triploblastic and true
coelomate and with a much higher structural level
than that of other radiate groups. Evolution
SYMMETRY IN involving reversion to primitive characteristics is
ECHINODERMATA called retrogression.
Echinoderms skeleton is in sessile forms,
probably must have evolved as a supportive and
Phylum has almost universally adopted and protective structure. According to Nichols (1966),
retained pentamerous radial symmetry. Their radial pentamerous form of radial symmetry arose in
symmetry is secondarily evolved since echinoderms conjunction with the skeleton. Future planes, i.e.
are supposed to have been derived from bilaterally junction point between two skeletal plates,
symmetrical ancestors. To a great extent, radial represent a weak point in the body wall from a
symmetry with mouth up is functionally useful to structural stand point, and it would have been
sessile animals which have the same relationship advantageous to the animal not to have had two
to their environment on all sides. On the other such suture planes opposite each other. This is
hand bilateral symmetry with a front and rear end, possible only by an odd number of ossicles
upper and lower surfaces, left and right pairs of forming the circumference of the body wall.
effector organs, is functionally suited to the needs Smallest number:, therefore, would be five if the
of a travelling animal. animal were to be truly radial. This stage ot
Apart from the echinoderms, only other group echinoderm symmetry is illustrated by some exinct
of metazoan animals having radial symmetry, is groups, as well as by certain of the living
Coelenterates, many of which are fixed. Now, in Or sea lillies.

>>Long unswer type questions
I. Give an account of larval forms found in
2.. What do you Rhinodermata. What is their s1gnilicane
3. underSland by autotomy and regeneration ? Discuss in reference lo cchinoderns.
Discuss the water-vascular system and its
4. Discuss the pentamerous radial mportance in Echinoderitlia.
5. Write short notes on : (i) syinmetry in echinoderms. Madriporite. (v)
Doliolaria larva, (iv)
feet, (vi) Radial symmetry ofBipinnaria larva, (ii) Echinopleuteus larva, (iii)
Echinodermata : General Account
Short answer type questions
are the different types of Echinoderm larvae studicd by
1. What you ?
What is Aristotle lanterm ?
What are tube feet ?
4 Write two functions for each item given below :
(i) Tube feet (ii) Polian vesicles
(ii) Axial sinus (iv) Spines in sea urchin
Name the echinoderm larvae and the classes to
Or Eorm a list of the echinodern larvae and which they belong.
their classes to which they belong.
Compare the water-vascular system of a starfish with that of a
1 Give an account of water-vascular system in Echinodermata.
Draw and label longitudinal section of an arm of starfish.
o Describe how a holothurian respires ?
10. Describe the water-vascular and respiratory systems in a holothurian.
11. Comments on bipinnaria l¡rva.
12. Discuss the brachiolarea larva.
13. Echinopleuteus larva belongs to which class of phylum Echinodermata.
14. Match A and B
(A) (B)
(i) Brachiolaria (i) crinoidia
(ii) Bipinnaria (ii) holothuroidea
(iii) Ophiopluteus (iii) echinoidea
(iv) Echinopluteus (iv) ophiuroidea
(v) Auricularia (v) asteroidea
(vi) Doliolaria

>>Fill in the blanks

1. is the larva of starfish.
2. In starfish the water-vascular system is derived from ......e.

3. The name 'pen' is given to the internal shell of . . .

4. A stalked but single polian vesicle occurs in ... in contrast to other echinoderms in general.

>Multiple choice questions 7. Water-vascular system contains

1. Madriporite absent in :
(b) crinoidea (a) madreporite
(a) holothuroidea (b) stone canal
(c) echinoidea (d) asteroidea
(c) ring canal
2. Asteroidea contain the larval forms (d) radial canal
(a) bipinnaria (b) branchiolaria
(e) all these
(c) both (d) none 8. Radial symmetry 0ccur in metazoans:
3. Bipinnaria have : (a) Poifera Coelenterata
(a) somateocoel (b) hydrocoel (b) Coelenterata Platyhelminthes
(c) axocoel (d) all (c) Annelida Echinodermata
4. Viviparous Echinodermata is : (d) Coelenterata Echinodermata
(b) Antidoni 9. Sea pantagon is a :
(a) Amphiura
(d) none (a) Porifera (b) Coelenterata
(c) Holothuria
belongs to the class : (d) Echinodermata
S. Doliolaria larva (c) Mollusca
(b) Holothuroidea
(a) Echinoidea 10. Aristotle's lantern present in
(c) Crinoidea (d) none the above (a) sea lilies (b) sea coccumber
in (d) sea pen
6 The power of regeneration occurs (c) sea urchin
(a) Coelenterata (b) Porifera
(c) Echinodermata (b) all

>Fll in the blanks

Bipinnaria, 2. Coelom. 3. Loligo, 4.
8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (c).
>Multiple choice questions 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (e)
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d)

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