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Sustainable Urban Development in Smart City

Ishan Jain
June 12, 2024

1 Introduction
This report explores the sustainable urban development project implemented in the
Satyanagar neighbourhood of Bhubaneswar, India. The project aims to transform the
area into a green, smart neighbourhood as part of the Smart Cities Mission by the Govern-
ment of India. The focus is on integrating urban planning, environmental sustainability,
smart technologies, and social inclusivity.

2 Project Overview
Location: Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Figure 1: Location of Bhubaneshwar

Background: Satyanagar is a centrally located neighborhood in Bhubaneswar, charac-

terized by a mix of residential, commercial, and institutional buildings. It has a diverse

population and faces typical urban challenges such as traffic congestion, inadequate waste
management, and limited green spaces.

Objective: To redevelop Satyanagar into a sustainable, smart neighborhood enhancing

the quality of life for residents through efficient resource management, smart technologies,
and inclusive urban planning.

Budget: INR 500 crore (approx. USD 60 million)

Figure 2: Budget Distribution

Key components:

• Mixed-use urban design

• Renewable energy solutions

• Waste management systems

• Smart infrastructure

• Community engagement initiatives

3 Key Themes and Implementation

3.1 Urban Planning and Design
Create a balanced, mixed-use neighborhood integrating residential, commercial, and
recreational spaces to promote walkability, reduce traffic congestion, and enhance the
urban experience .

• Residential Units: 1,000 units of mixed-income housing, including affordable

housing for 300 families. Details: High-density housing with integrated commercial
spaces, ensuring easy access to daily necessities and reducing commuting times.

• Commercial Spaces: 100,000 sq. ft. of commercial space for shops, offices, and
co-working spaces. Details: Encourages local entrepreneurship and provides job
opportunities within the community.

• Recreational Areas: 5 parks covering 20 acres, 3 community centers, and pedestrian-

friendly pathways. Details: Green spaces designed to improve air quality, provide
leisure areas, and promote social interaction.

3.2 Environmental Sustainability

Minimize environmental impact through green infrastructure and sustainable resource
management, aiming for a low-carbon footprint and high resource efficiency .

• Solar Panels: Installation on 70% of rooftops, generating 5 MW of power annu-

ally. Details: Reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources, cutting down on
greenhouse gas emissions.

• Rainwater Harvesting: Systems to collect and store 10 million liters of rainwa-

ter annually. Details: Mitigates water scarcity issues and reduces the burden on
municipal water supplies.

• Green Spaces: Development of parks with native plant species to promote bio-
diversity and reduce heat islands. Details: Enhances urban ecology, supports local
wildlife, and provides natural cooling effects.

• Waste Management: Segregation and recycling programs to achieve 80% waste

diversion from landfills. Details: Encourages recycling and composting, significantly
reducing environmental pollution.

3.3 Smart Technologies

Integrate technology to enhance efficiency, security, and convenience in urban manage-
ment and daily life .

• Smart Grids: Efficient energy distribution and management reducing energy loss
by 15%. Details: Ensures stable power supply and efficient energy use, adapting to
consumption patterns.

• Smart Lighting: 500 LED streetlights with motion sensors to optimize energy use,
reducing consumption by 40%. Details: Increases public safety while conserving
energy through adaptive lighting.

• Traffic Management: Systems to reduce congestion and improve safety, cutting

traffic delays by 25%. Details: Uses real-time data to manage traffic flow, reducing
emissions from idling vehicles.

• Mobile App: For residents to access city services, report issues, and receive up-
dates, with 70% adoption rate among residents. Details: Enhances communication
between residents and city officials, improving service delivery.

3.4 Social Inclusivity
Ensure redevelopment benefits all residents, including marginalized groups, by providing
equitable access to resources and opportunities .

• Affordable Housing: 300 units reserved for low-income families. Details: Ad-
dresses housing affordability and prevents displacement of lower-income residents.

• Community Spaces: Development of 3 inclusive public areas to foster social

interaction. Details: Promotes community cohesion and provides venues for cultural
and recreational activities.

• Employment Programs: Vocational training for 500 residents and job opportu-
nities for 200 individuals. Details: Enhances local skills and creates employment,
boosting the local economy.

3.5 Public Participation

Engage residents in planning and implementation to address their needs and preferences,
ensuring transparency and inclusivity .

• Surveys and Consultations: Gather input from over 2,000 residents on project
plans. Details: Ensures that development plans reflect the community’s needs and

• Neighborhood Committee: A committee of 15 residents to oversee project

progress and address concerns. Details: Provides a platform for ongoing resident
involvement and feedback.

• Workshops: Monthly workshops educating residents about the benefits and fea-
tures of redevelopment. Details: Empowers residents with knowledge about sus-
tainable living and smart technologies.

4 Life Cycle Perspective

4.1 Planning Phase
• Feasibility Studies: Assess economic, social, and environmental impacts.

• Stakeholder Collaboration: Engage with urban planners, architects, and tech-

nology experts.

• Resource Allocation: Budgeting and scheduling.

4.2 Implementation Phase

• Funding: Secure government grants, private investments, and public-private part-

• Construction: Begin building infrastructure with minimal disruption to residents.

4.3 Operational Phase
• Monitoring: Continuous assessment of infrastructure performance and resident
• Maintenance: Regular upkeep of green and smart infrastructure.

4.4 Evaluation Phase

• Impact Assessment: Measure the project’s effects on quality of life, sustainability,
and economic development.
• Feedback Loop: Adjust plans based on evaluations and emerging technologies.

5 Project Timeline
2022: Planning Phase
Q1-Q2 : Conduct feasibility studies, engage stakeholders, and develop a comprehensive
project plan.
Q3-Q4 : Secure funding, finalize designs, and begin initial site preparation.

2023: Initial Implementation

Q1-Q2 : Begin construction of key infrastructure including roads, water supply, and
sewage systems.
Q3-Q4 : Start installation of smart technologies such as smart grids and LED street

2024: Mid-Implementation
Q1-Q2 : Construct residential units and commercial spaces, integrate green spaces and
Q3-Q4 : Implement renewable energy solutions, including solar panels and rainwater
harvesting systems.

2025: Advanced Implementation

Q1-Q2 : Focus on waste management systems and final touches on residential and com-
mercial buildings.
Q3-Q4 : Complete community spaces, and set up public participation and engagement

2026: Finalization and Operationalization

Q1-Q2 : Final inspections, testing of smart technologies, and official project completion.
Q3-Q4 : Transition to operational phase, monitoring, and evaluation of project outcomes.

6 Risk Management
6.1 Risk Identification
• Financial Risks: Budget overruns, funding shortages. Operational Risks: Delays
in construction, technology failures.

• Environmental Risks: Natural disasters, unforeseen environmental impacts.

• Social Risks: Resistance from local residents, social inclusivity challenges.

• Regulatory Risks: Changes in government policies, compliance issues.

6.2 Risk Assessment and Mitigation

• Financial Risks: Establish contingency funds (10% of total budget), secure diverse
funding sources (government grants, private investments).

• Environmental Risks: Conduct thorough environmental impact assessments, in-

corporate resilient infrastructure design.

• Social Risks: Engage with community leaders, conduct regular public consulta-
tions, implement inclusive planning processes.

• Regulatory Risks: Maintain close communication with government agencies, en-

sure compliance with all regulations, stay updated on policy changes.

6.3 Monitoring and Review

• Regular Audits: Quarterly financial and operational audits to identify and ad-
dress potential issues.

• Stakeholder Reviews: Monthly meetings with stakeholders to discuss progress

and challenges.

• Feedback Mechanisms: Continuous feedback from residents through surveys and

public forums.

7 Analysis and Recommendations

7.1 Analysis
• The project effectively integrates urban planning, sustainability, and technology.

• Community engagement has been strong, ensuring resident buy-in and support.

• Smart technologies have enhanced efficiency and quality of life.

7.2 Recommendations
• Scalability: Consider expanding similar projects to other neighborhoods in Bhubaneswar
and other cities.

• Continuous Improvement: Regularly update technologies and practices based

on feedback and new developments.

• Policy Advocacy: Advocate for supportive policies at local and national levels to
facilitate similar projects.

8 Conclusion
The sustainable urban development project in Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar, demonstrates
the application of modern project management practices in creating a green, smart neigh-
bourhood. The project’s success highlights the importance of strategic planning, com-
munity involvement, and sustainable practices in urban development. By addressing
financial, operational, environmental, social, and regulatory risks, the project provides a
model for future urban redevelopment initiatives.

9 Appendix

Component Details Amount/Size Allocation
Mixed-income housing 1,000 units 100 crore
Affordable Housing for low-income
300 units 30 crore
Housing Units families
Commercial Shops, offices, co-working
100,000 sq. ft. 50 crore
Spaces spaces
Recreational areas with
Parks 5 parks, 20 acres 30 crore
native plant species
70% coverage, 5 MW
Solar Panels Rooftop installations 50 crore
power annually
Rainwater Collection and storage 10 million liters
20 crore
Harvesting systems annually
Smart LED lights with motion
500 units 10 crore
Streetlights sensors
Efficient energy 15% reduction in
Smart Grids 60 crore
distribution systems energy loss
Real-time data to manage 25% reduction in
Management 20 crore
traffic flow traffic delays
Community Inclusive public areas for
3 centers 20 crore
Centers social interaction
Vocational Job opportunities and skill
500 residents 10 crore
Training development
Resident engagement
activities and feedback 2,000 participants 50 crore

Table 1: Key Numbers and Figures of the Satyanagar Project

[1] Government of India, Smart Cities Mission.

[2] PwC India. (2019). Smart Cities in India: Framework for ICT Infrastructure. Re-
trieved from PwC India

[3] TERI. (2020). Sustainable Urban Development in India: A Review of Smart City
Bhubaneswar. Retrieved from TERI

[4] Planning Commission, Government of India. (2013). Twelfth Five Year Plan
(2012–2017): Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. Retrieved from Plan-
ning Commission

[5] Rao, K. H., & Tewari, V. K. (2018). Smart City Projects in India: Performance and
Potential. International Journal of Urban Development, 14(2), 123-137.

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