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A. Real or Make-Believe.

Identify the images below whether it is real or make-

believe. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. ________________ 2. _________________ 3. __________________

4. _________________ 5. ___________________

B. Verb Tenses. Read the sentences below and decide which answer (a, b, c or
d) best fits each gap.

6. Last week, our teacher ______ us a difficult spelling test. I hope we don't have
another one this week.
a. was give c. was giving
b. gave d. has given
7. Ray ________ to drive a car when he was only twleve years old.
a. learns c. has learnt
b. learnt d. learning
8. Our teacher, Charlie ______________ France three times but he doesn't
speak French very well.
a. is visiting c. visited
b. has visited d. visits
9. When he goes to London next month, Sultan wants to __________
Buckingham Palace and meet the Queen.
a. going c. went
b. to go d. go
10. At nine o'clock in every English lesson, our teacher __________ us about an
interesting part of English culture.
a. is telling c. tell
b. has told d. tells
11. This morning, Mohamed _________ at seven o'clock because he used two
different alarm clocks.
a. woke up c. wakes up
b. has woken up d. is waking up
12. Every year, the people of Bristol ___________ a harbour festival in the centre
of the city.
a. hold c. are holding
b. held d. have held
13. Thomas can't play football with us next week because he ___________ his
a. has broken c. breaks
b. broke d. is breaking
14. Please be very quiet. Mary _______________. We don't want her to wake
a. is sleeping c. slept
b. sleeps d. is sleep
15. I don't want to go to the cinema with you to see Harry Potter 6. I ______ this
film twice already on the Internet.
a. have seen c. am seeing
b. seeing d. see
C. Context Clues. Choose the word with the same meaning as the capitalized
word. Use context clues to help you.
16. Some people hunt for lost coins on beaches using an apparatus called a
metal detector. It has a long stem that ends in a circular part called a search
head, which hovers just over the ground. When it passes over metal, it makes a

Using context clues, what does the word APPARATUS mean?

a. process
b. machine
c. service
d. shovel

17. Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an intruder
gets in the house.

An intruder is someone who intrudes. To INTRUDE is to

a. paint or repair old building.
b. wear your shoes on the wrong feet.
c. go where you are not wanted or don't belong
d. make a lot of noise to disrupt the quiet in an area

18. The next sequence of events will give us an idea of what to expect tomorrow.
Define sequence.
a. order
b. time
c. beneath
d. full of meaning

19. When they heard the good news about the court's decision, the angry crowd
cheered and then began to disperse. "It looks like everyone is going home," one
reporter stated.

Which would be the opposite of "disperse"?

a. come together
b. grow apart
c. protest
d. laugh

20. The TRANQUILITY of the park soothed Sara. It was so quiet that she fell
a. excitement
b. sleepiness
c. fondness
d. peacefulness
D. Reading Comprehension. Read the passage below then answer the questions that
follow. Encircle the letter of your answer.

The Life Cycle of Frogs Amphibians are animals that

spend their lives in two distinct places. They begin their lives in
the water, then move on to land where they make their homes.
The frog is an amphibian. The female frog lays hundreds of
eggs in fresh shallow water. The eggs are covered and
protected by a gelatin-like coating. In a few days, the eggs hatch
into larvae. The larvae breathe by means of gills like the fish.
They live on the yolk of the egg from which they come from. Soon the larvae
become tadpoles. The tadpole breathes through gills and lives in the water, and its long
tail gives it a fish-like appearance. As the tadpole grows, the tail gradually disappears,
and its hind legs appear. The gills are replaced by lungs, and short front legs take
shape. With two pairs of legs and with lungs finally developed, the tadpole becomes an
adult frog. It moves into land. The frog may live near the water but, will not and cannot
make its home in the water.

21. What is the title of the paragraph base on the selection?

a. Frog is amphibians that can live on land and water.
b. The tadpole breathes through gills and lives in the water.
c. They begin their lives in the water.
d. The Life Cycle of Frogs.

22. What are the special characteristics of the tadpole?

a. They live on the yolk of the egg from which they come from
b. They spend their lives in two distinct places.
c. They breathe by means of gills like the fish.
d. The tadpole breathes through gills and lives in the water and its long tail gives
it a fish-like appearance.

23. Select the correct order for a frog's life cycle.

a. Eggs, tadpole, froglet, frog
b. Froglet, eggs, frog, tadpole
c. Eggs, froglet, tadpole, frog
d. Tadpole, froglet, eggs, frog

24. There are _____ stages of the life cycle of a frog.

a. 4 c. 3
b. 5 d. 2

25. Where thus the adult Frogs live?

a. They lives in the water, where they can swim.
b. They lives near the water but, will not and cannot make its home.
c. They lives on the land, where they can find their food.
d. All of the above.
Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of
your answer.
A certain man traveling down from Jerusalem to Jericho fell
among thieves on the way. They took his clothes away and
wounded him, leaving him half-dead. By chance, a Jewish
priest passed by and saw the man but did not stop. A Levite
passed by him and he too, did not stop.
A certain Samaritan journeyed and stopped when he
saw the half-dead man. He went down and treated his
wounds, pouring on it oil and wine. Then he brought him to an inn and took care of him.
When the Samaritan left, he gave some money to the inn keeper and asked him to take
care of the wounded man and if there are still expenses to be paid, the Samaritan would
pay him when he gets back.

26. Where did the story happen?

a. at the Jerusalem way to Jericho
b. at the Judea to Egypt
c. at the Romania to Palestine
d. all of the above

27. Who do you think is the hero in the story?

a. The Levite c. Jewish
b. Samaritan d. all of the above

28. What did the thieves do to the man, who is traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho?
a. They ask the man to joined him to his way.
b. They took his clothes away and leave him wounded.
c. They ask for help to find the Jewish we’re they ask miracle.
d. All of the above

29. What characteristics of the good Samaritan from the story?

a. The Samaritan has a bad intention to the man.
b. He asked for exchange for his help.
c. The Samaritan has a good heart and help the people in needs.
d. none of the above

30. What moral lesson did you get from the parables.
a. They taught us to be wiser.
b. They taught us to be cruel to all things that we have.
c. They taught us to be nice people that can help the person in needs.
d. all of the Above.

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